Socio-psychological nature of an individual

Elements of the social and psychological basis of individual. The socially determined purpose of activity, social statuses, positions and performance of social roles are determined by the status and expectations of roles, norms and values (culture).

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Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

Socio-psychological nature of an individual

Spytska L.V.


Personality is not only a consequence, but also a cause of social and ethical actions taking place in socium. Its perception of economic, political and social relations depends on historical epoch and type of society. Accordingly, each person in his own way reflects them, which determines his social quality, content and type of practical activity. It is in the process of such activity a person, on the one hand integrates social relations of the environment, and on the other hand, shapes his special attitude to the surrounding. The elements of socio-psychological basis of personality are: socially defined purpose of its activity; social statuses, positions and performing social roles caused by a status and expectations roles; norms and values (culture) which are guided by it in the process of activity; socio-cultural, ethnic- psychological behaviour program; the sign system it uses; socio- psychological reflection of social relations; a set of knowledge; the level of education and special training; communicative potential; personal mechanisms of social process regulation; activity and degree of independence in decision-making.

A person develops in interaction with the environment but his life is an individual heritage and the process of personal development is always deeply unique. His social and psychological individual properties are found in the qualities of temperament, character traits, and specifics of interests, communicative qualities, intellect, needs and abilities.

Presenting main material

The prerequisite for the formation of socio-psychological personality is potentialities. The development of a specific communicative characteristic, the originality of its manifestation that predetermine social and psychological difference between one person from another, originality of his communication and interaction in socium. This shows the individual social and psychological reflection of existing social relations between people and social communities arising under these relationships. It is about stable individual and specific system of social and psychological means, techniques, skills, methods of perception and reflection of social relations by a person. It is known that people with different individual and typological characteristics of the nervous system, different structure of communicative abilities, temperament, and character reach the same efficiency of perceiving and reflecting reality in different ways. At the same time, individual socio-psychological reflection may not be optimal in terms of efficiency of social process regulation.

Socio-psychological nature of personality is realized and carried out in communication and interaction recreating the realities of social life. In holistic system of personal qualities, the communicative properties and abilities are the most important because private life and personal development of a man is comprehensive communication.

Communication (Lat. - I communicate with someone) is a range of connections and interactions that involve direct or indirect contacts, realization of social relationships, regulation of social process, value-based attitude to it, exchange of information, empathy, mutual understanding, perception, reproduction, influence of the group on the person or one person to another.

Socio-psychological approach to the development of personality in society is based on understanding the communicative life of an individual, his communication with himself, other individuals, with the world, in the process of which the communicative potential of the individual is realized through agreement (disagreement), understanding (misunderstanding) reflection (Lat. reflexio - moving backwards, self-cognition), empathy (Greek- empatheia - compassion, empathy), trust, love, attraction (Lat. attractio - pull) etc. Socialization of personality beyond communication, without cooperation and dialogue, interaction and people's perception of each other is impossible. It is about a wide range of communicative knowledge, abilities and skills, social and psychological competence and communicability that individual should possess and which are necessary attributes of activity.

Engagement is a specific type of person's activity aimed at cognition and creative transformation of environment including herself, her conditions and means of sustenance, purposeful mutual influence of participants in the interaction.

Engagement is always connected with activity of participants in the interaction aimed at transforming themselves, their capacities, needs, proficiencies, skills and socio-psychological reality also. Instruments of such an engagement are primarily socio-psychological communication mechanisms, in interpersonal relationships and group processes suggestion, imitation, persuasion, empathy, social perception (Lat. percepcio - perception), causal (Lat. causa - cause) attribution (Lat. attributio - attributing), socio-psychological reflection, mutual understanding, ethnic-psychological peculiarities of individuals, group norms, sanctions, group cohesion, socio-psychological climate etc. valuebased attitude of participants in the interaction to the social relationships is a regulator of social process.

Personality is a hierarchy of various external and internal communication that dynamically create a new quality - communicative core, communicative world of the person. Person's willingness to comprehensive interpersonal communication is a complex multicomponent process which causes simultaneous development of individual's psyche in several interrelated directions. The main thing in it is formation of humanistic core of the personality which presupposes perception of a person as the greatest value. So providing of participants in the interaction a communicative knowledge, formation of communicative proficiencies and skills in them is a necessary component of development and formation of the personality, its life and functioning in micro and macrosystem.

Universal condition of the effectiveness of mutual contacts, the form of revealing potential opportunities of participants in the interaction is a dialogical type of relationships. A person is revealed in a person both for others and for himself only in communication and interaction.

In a broad sense socio-psychological nature of the personality can be characterized as a certain degree of unity of communication and personal properties of an individual. The degree of this unity indicates a certain level of formation of person's communicative opportunities. This situation is specified in the ability of the individual to solve problems of life and activity, in the transmission of his knowledge and experience to the participants of the interaction, in the ways of organizing relationships at different levels, in the system of socio- psychological ensuring the self-development etc. Such interpretation of the communicative (socio-psychological) nature of personality leads to psychological and social basis of its development, the ratio of internal and external, objective and subjective, individual and social in it. So, communication is considered as a social and psychological property, an attributive quality of personality.

The effectiveness of development of communicative properties of a person depends on his interaction with the group and in the group, individual psychological peculiarities of the participants in the communicative process, selectivity of relations, quality of the selection, level of group compatibility etc. Communication in this case is a condition of a reasonable interaction of a person with the social environment and the internal characteristic of mental activity of personality. In the structure of personality communicative properties are integral characteristics of it, by means of which interconnection of personality with society is carried out, his socio-psychological perception and reflection of social relations and realities of life, contacts between people are provided. With the help of communication the individual "enters" into the sphere of ideas, thoughts of an interlocutor, in the circle of his activity. Participants of the communicative process are constantly in socio-cultural and ethno-psychological space of communication which is formed by the culture of individuality, stable characteristics of the interaction style, traditions, norms, rules, positions, roles, etc.

The culture of personality is a combination of social norms and values by which the individual is guided in the process of practical activity, realizing his needs and interests in the interaction with the social environment.

Socio-cultural, ethno-psychological context of development of socio-psychological properties of personality is revealed in a certain position of the individual, his valuable emotional attitude to political, economic, socio-psychological phenomena and processes; in the specifics of the national settings, culture of business interaction, norms, traditions that reflect the volitional activity of a person which belongs to a certain ethnic community, his beliefs, value orientations, views, principles and interests.

At the same time, communication is not only a contact with a specific person or a group of people, their communicative culture but also the set of hidden problems, conflicts, barriers of the communicative process which creates a sense tissue and the perspective of agreement - disagreement, trust - distrust, respect - disrespect etc.

Socio-psychological nature of the individuality presupposes the realization of its formation as communicative livelihoods in the process of which external and internal changes take place, communicability is formed, and the components of communication potential are realized.

Communicative potential of individuality - objective and subjective communicative opportunities common to personality which are realized both consciously and spontaneously and is an internal reserve of the individual.

The communicative potential of the individuality is formed by communicative opportunities, communicative forces of the individual which can be used by a person in a specific form of communication; psychological properties and opportunities acquired in real conditions of communication and interaction with other people; communicative opportunities for further development. It is not static but dynamic (that is developing or vice versa) system of properties and capacities which is formed in joint activities with other people, real communication with them. It is a system of forms, means, ways of integration of your own activity with those of others, your own individuality with other individualities, a specific set of personal qualities and features, a kind of individual "story of personal participation" in the joint activity.

The communicative properties of a person are his potential opportunities which determine the effectiveness of communication, measure the degree of participation power in socio-psychological reflection of social reality, the depth and fullness entering into the process of interaction, full value of the contact. They characterize personality through the prism of his opportunities as a concrete and real participant of the shared activity with other people, determine the effectiveness of this activity. In particular activities and in specific situations of communication which impose high demands to a personality, these properties act as internal personal reserves. It is about especially responsible, public multifaceted work, emotionally intense, conflict circumstances.

In the absence of conditions for realization of communicative potential, we can see decreasing of individual's potentialities, destruction of his status-role actualization in a social group, the loss of a sense of social reality, depersonalization and isolation. Potential communicative possibilities of the individuality formed as the desire of the individual to express and assert himself, to optimize the process of socio-psychological reflection due to his personal psychophysiological, socio-psychological properties.

Basic structure of communicative potential is created by the need in communication which is interpreted and as an independent specific setting of personality to communication with like-minded ones, and as an interpersonal attraction, and as an innate instinct of communication, an innate aspiration to affiliation (Eng. to affiliate - to join; the human effort to be in the company of other people) etc. The communication of personality is directly related to this need - expressing a need to communicate, social relationship building, selective attitude to people and using forms and means of communication.

Human participation in joint interaction and communication is also realized through the expression of his communicative abilities. They are no less important than the subject-cognitive abilities for psychological development, socialization of the individual, acquiring the necessary forms of social behavior.

After all, without the ability to adapt to interpersonal contacts, to the people involved in them, to perceive and assess their actions correctly, interact with them and establish productive relationships in different social situations, normal life and mental development of the individual are impossible.

Communicative abilities are connected with the person's knowing how to use his own communicative properties in communication and the mastery of the communication technique and contact. Both of these groups of abilities combine a complex of qualities (a sort of skills) of personality which ensure a successful communicative process. For example, the ability to manage your behavior in communication, complex of perceptual (Lat. perceptio - perception) abilities related to understanding, taking into account the peculiarities of another person in communication, capacity to model the personality of the other; abilities to establish and maintain contact changing its depth, come into come out of it, transfer and take the initiative in communication; abilities to organize your language optimally in a psychological sense. The abilities that characterize the "technological" preparedness of the person to communication are especially important: to enter the process of interaction psychologically correctly; maintain communication, constantly stimulate both his own activity and activity of the interlocutor; predict possible development of the situation within which communication takes place; be able to overcome psychological barriers; choose adequate gestures, facial expressions, manner of behavior etc.

Perceptual-reflective abilities of the individuality connected with the cognition of human by a human are important in communicative processes and joint activity. It is about socio- psychological observation; the individual's assessment of his own group, interpersonal relationships; subjective knowledge of his own role and the role of others in the informal structure of the group; the individual idea of the goals, values, settings, moods, interests that prevail in the group etc.

Communicative knowledge, abilities and skills belong to the internal personal characteristics of the individuality which show his communicative potential. The originality of their manifestation depends on the particular individual, his typological properties. Socio-psychological qualities reflect the significant aspect of individual's communicative potential, show the communicability of the individual, his communicative behavior program, readiness for interaction, emotionally empathic opportunities, social place (status, position, role) in the group.

Personality can be seen as a potential in general, keeping in mind its natural makings, capabilities, talent, genius, psychophysiological features, social status, and as its cultural, moral, communicative potential.

The dynamic nature of communicative potential promotes development or inhibition of communicative properties and abilities of personality, has high demands on personality for realization of internal communicative reserves, transfer of them from potential to actual ones. This process is the formation of strong communicative relations of a person which facilitate the establishment of the information exchange, mutual influence, perception and reflection of social relations. The awareness of the importance of communicative activity, communicative knowledge and skills in the communicative life of a person; knowing your own communicative capabilities, communicative features of other participants of communication; systematic acquisition of knowledge of theory and practice of communication determine the success in implementation of personality's communicative potential.

The ways of this process implementation are different: it can be progressive and regressive, intensive or extensive, personal or impersonal, it can unfold harmoniously or disharmoniously. Being psychologically and socially determined, it consists in accumulation of new potential communicative opportunities, broadening and deepening of person's relations with the society. Features of the system present in it allow its designing.

There are three main motives that encourage people to apply to social comparison.

1. Need for self-esteem

When the aim of comparison is self-esteem, people are interested in getting the most accurate view of themselves. That is why they choose a person whose characteristics approximately relate to their own ones as a comparison model. If, for example, you want to objectively assess your mathematical abilities, you won't probably compare yourself with great mathematicians. But you won't compare yourself with the consciously untalented people in this sphere also. Most likely, you will compare yourself with someone whose level of abilities is slightly higher than yours.

When people compare themselves with others, they choose those who are identical with them in significant signs as an example. One of these features is gender identity. For example, when the research participants choose partners with whom they will need to compare and compete with, they consistently choose people of the same gender. The choice of an object of the same sex is more possible if a person is convinced that the decision of the future task is somehow related to the gender identity.

2. Aspiration to self-improvement and self-determination

Purposeful people or people with a heightened sense of rivalry prefer to compare themselves with those whose abilities are much better developed in some particular area: intellectual, sporty, creative etc. And in all the other aspects they are approximately at the same level. Comparing yourself with the one whose abilities in a certain sphere are better developed than ours, gives us the opportunity improve our own abilities. Knowing that someone "like me" achieved success in this sphere, gives a person hope for his own success, serves as a source of confidence in his strength.

3. The need for artificial increase of self-esteem which is an attempt to persuade yourself that you are better than you really are.

In this case, people deliberately choose the undervalued comparison sample. In other words, we compare ourselves with those who are worse than us as we think. Moreover, if a person doesn't have the real one who is "worse than himself within easy reach, then he is simply created. Sometimes with the help of abstract reasoning: "How many bad people are there in the world when you think about it? I am an angel in comparison with them! " For the same purpose, people are willing to use rumors if there is no reliable information about bad luck or actions of another person. For example, the rumor that someone committed a bad deed can rise a person in his own eyes: "After all I didn't do such things as they say about him! "

Since people usually want to increase self-esteem, they use different methods and strategies to do this.

Strategies to raise your self-esteem

1. Comparing yourself with the consciously undervalued comparison sample. Thus, look of a beggar or just fallen man in people with low or unstable self-esteem may cause a burst of joy and a good mood in general: " Because I didn't reach such a result, thank God. "

2. "Desire to bask in reflected glory". The gist of it is that people want to "get attached" to the success, glory and achievements of someone else to rise yourself both in your own eyes and in the eyes of others. This is demonstrated most clearly in "fans" behavior - sporty, theatrical, pop.

3. Demonstration of their relations with those who achieved a lot. It is low self-esteem forces such people to assert themselves not with the help of their own achievements but beyond their own self. The most common is the type of a person constantly informs of his connections with influential people. There is also more hidden type: these are those who do not want to boast of relations with celebrities but try "to bloat" the accomplishments of those people with whom they are truly connected with. For example, the achievements of their close people: wives, husbands, children etc. These are people who are obsessed with the desire to "rise their close people above the crowd." It can be parents who strive to make a "star" from his child at any cost, and the wives who struggle to encourage their husbands to a dizzying career.

4. Identification with "happy failure". People are identified with the loser hero who will inevitably and fatefully overtake deserved luck according to the plot of the film or book. The most revealing such trends are in soap operas. Their huge popularity shows that low self-esteem is very widespread in society.

5. Self-disability. Its essence is that person presents himself as a victim of circumstances being afraid to fail and at the same time trying to keep or even increase self-esteem. The most familiar example: a student who was going to take an exam, prepared the possible explanation of a potential failure in advance: bad feeling (his own or his relatives), impossible living conditions, the snow or rain which fell on the eve, non-rhythmic work of public transport, unhappy love, quarrel with relatives and even difficult childhood. Everything stood against him, in a word. How can he take an exam in such circumstances? It is clear that all these explanations or some of them should forgive or justify his failure ("I have nothing to do with this. ") If he passes the exam, then in this case his success is worthy of the praise even more because he overcame such incredible difficulties ("I didn't blunder even in these conditions.") So, self-disability can be defined as a striving to explain possible failure by external (justified) circumstances or conditions and justify success only by means of your own personal efforts.

If a person did not have time or could not prepare the excuse before the defeat, she would try to find it after that. Because the failure conflicts with his self-esteem. This tactic is used by people not only for self-affirmation but also in order not to look bad in the eyes of others. A person convinces not only himself, but also the others that he failed by chance, that a failure is the result of a unique or fatal coincidence, that this is not his fault. As we can see, references to the fate, occasion, circumstances, difficult childhood etc. are equally suitable both for maintaining self-esteem and for attempt to save your reputation in the eyes of others.


individual social psychological

As a result, having considered the self-esteem, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. A person will always find an opportunity to avoid unpleasant explanations which threaten his self-concept and shift the responsibility for the bad to the others or the circumstances.

2. The numerous research results show that people who resort to self-justification live and feel better than those who do not know how to use it.

3. These tactics are far from harmless for a person. Both the masks that we wear can "grow into" creating a guise and the described ways to maintain self-esteem may become usual. This is more likely if a person constantly uses them. As a result, selfconcept of a person can be changed and as a consequence, personality can be transformed.

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