Features of understanding mental development by Olexandr Mykolaiovych Raievskyi

The role of A.N. Raevsky in the development of psychological science at Kiev University. Theoretical and methodological foundations of predecessors in understanding the human psyche. Biography of the scientist, his scientific and teaching activities.

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Features of understanding mental development by Olexandr Mykolaiovych Raievskyi

Melnyk O.A., Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


raevsky psychological science

A new stage in the development of psychological science at the University of Kyiv is associated with the name of Olexandr Mykolaiovych Raievskyi, where psychological ideas that were formed and temporarily «forgotten» by the founders of the Kyiv school of philosophy of psychology of the late XIX - beg. XX century find their continuation, namely S. S. Hohotskyi, O. M. Hiliarov, H. I. Chelpanov, I. O. Sikorskyi and V. V. Zenkovskyi. Thanks to O. M. Raievskyi, Ukrainian psychology did not lose, did not interrupt the connection with the original and invaluable ideas put into its creation. Scientist preserved and continued the theoretical and methodological foundations of predecessors in understanding the psyche of a person, creating his personality, in which a person was recognized as a value from the desire for improvement and self-development, open to influences on self-creation and self-realization.

The future professor was born on August 21, 1891 in Kyiv. He graduated from the philosophical department of the historical and philological faculty of Kyiv University in 1917 and was left for scientific and teaching activities. He headed the Department of Psychology of the University from 1925 to 1945. The outstanding students of O. M. Raievskyi were H. S. Kostiuk (founder of the Institute of Psychology) and O. M. Tkachenko (outstanding methodologist of psychological science).

Statement of basic materials

Raievskyi's psychological views were formed within the framework of a cultural and humanistic direction. The scientific interests of the scientist included, in particular, questions about the relationship between sensual and rational in the sense of the word, about the ideological in the psychological characteristic of personality and consciousness, about mind and its upbringing, the peculiarities of the development of speech and its relationship with thinking, about sensual and rational in the content of the word, questions of the history of psychology and the development of psychological science at Kyiv University.

Studying the psychology of speech, Raievskyi paid considerable attention to this process in the general mental development of the child, in the formation of his personality. The role of speech in the formation of the child's psyche does not cause any doubt among the scientist and is recognized as an indisputable fact. Raievskyi supports the opinion of his predecessors on the meaning of speech in the formation of the human psyche itself, in the formation of human consciousness, his moral, aesthetic and other properties.

The inclusion of speech in the general course of development of the child's mental life and his growing transformative role, according to Raievskyi, constitute a complex dialectical process of speech interaction with all other aspects of the child's mental life, his personality. For a scientist, the role of speech and the way of its interaction with other aspects of the mental life of the person in this process serve differently. Including in the general course of development of the child's psyche, speech introduces a new principle into the reflecting it activities, turning it. At the same time, in the course of personal development, its practical activities and related mental and other development, speech develops itself.

Studying these complex dialectical relationships of speech and mental development of a person, Raievskyi highlights some patterns, forms and paths of a specific manifestation in his works. In particular, when considering the role of speech in the development of perception, it turns out that during its development, the perception of the child acquires properties specific to human perception. Speech plays a leading role in this process. The relationship between perception, primarily visual, and speech turns out to be complex, dynamic and contradictory. «Both the occurrence of speech and its functioning during the first year and a half, - Raievskyi writes, - are subordinate mainly to the visual perception of the child. The child «generalizes» objects into words, just as he brings them together in his direct visual perception, based on the sensory features of the object. In the process of a child's development, his visual perception and his speech change roles» [2, P. 244]. This means that mastering speech, the child gradually begins to perceive and generalize the world of things in a new way. Speech, the scientist notes, takes precedence in the mental development of the child and in the system of his perception. The child begins to indirectly perceive the object through its name. The word adopted to refer to the subject becomes the leading and in the direct perception of it by the child. The child comes to a generalized subject perception.

According to Raievskyi, the process of designating things, objects, giving them a name is an indicator of mental development. In this regard, the scientist notes that the functions of the generalized designation of the surrounding world, the child mainly acquires only through speech; with the development of the child, his speech, which becomes more and more independent, turns into a means of «building» his mental processes and mastering them.

Raievskyi attaches greater importance to speech in the development of ideas, where the latter are considered an important condition for the mental development of the child. Especially important is the transition from an undivided, integrated image that arises as a direct reproduction of perception, to a separated and generalized representation of an entire subject. Also, the scientist notes that the role of speech is also important in creating such representations of objects and phenomena, the essence of which is not clearly perceived: the more successful, more accurately selected word for the essence of the image, the more fully specified its meaning is in the visual image of the object, the longer the created image is preserved and the more fully used by the child in his own creative and everyday activity.

For Raievskyi, the most striking role of speech is in the formation of the child's thinking, in the transition from sensual to rational knowledge, in mastering this latter. The scientist argues that thinking and speech in their development enter into complex dialectical relations, mediating the development of each other. «As a word takes on the broader meaning of «signal of signals» for a child, - the professor writes, - it becomes to him the most important means of generalizing, abstracting activity, analysis and synthesis at the highest level, a means of generalizing knowledge of connections and relations of things. Generalized knowledge of these connections and relationships, abstracting them from specific isolated situations, in fact, are impossible without a word. Even spatial relationships, most clearly perceived, can be comprehended by sensual contemplation, learned only with the help of the word» [2, P. 245]. Raievskyi notes that at every stage of the development of the mental activity of a child, teenager, young man, speech acts as a necessary condition and a leading means of developing this activity, its improvement, enrichment, deepening, and hence the content of the psyche for its development.

Other mental processes are highly dependent on the development of speech in their development, they are mediated by it. Mastery of speech, Raievskyi argues, plays the most significant role in the restructuring of the child's memory, being a necessary condition for the development of arbitrary, semantic forms of it. The development of speech is extremely important in the regulation of the child's actions, because in an arbitrary act, external and internal irritations that cause this act come, on the one hand, to the kinesthetic cells of the motor analyzer, and on the other hand, to the mobile language analyzer, causing a sound or internal reaction. As a result, they are able to cause a number of conditional motor reactions acquired by the child in ontogenesis. Speech chains that arise under the influence of internal irritation cause one or another of these motor reactions, which acquires an arbitrary character [3].

It is possible to trace the development of the psyche and the role of human speech in this process thanks to the volition. From the very early childhood, the scientist notes, «verbal» signals of adults, in particular such as «necessary», «possible», «impossible», gradually supported by actions, their assessment by adults or achieved results, become means that encourage the child to effort, to inhibit or strengthen the action. Therefore, all the development of the child's arbitrary actions is mediated by speech and only through this mediation does the child gradually master the conscious control of his behavior.

For Raeivskyi, the very development of speech of a child has a great influence on the formation of the attitude of the individual to the world around him, his self-awareness, his moral, aesthetic, intellectual and other feelings, motives of activity, such qualities as self-control, discipline, etc. This interaction of speech with other manifestations of the child's mental life not only clarifies the role of speech in it, but also helps to understand the patterns of formation of these manifestations, the scientist notes, in a new, more correct and complete way. «In the study of their formation, - Raievskyi writes, - it is important to study the role of the second signal system and its relationship with the first, which are created in the process of developing the child's psyche in specific conditions of his life and activity, his upbringing [2, P. 246]». It is taking into account this condition that will allow you to correctly understand and explain the formation of the mental activity of the child, his human properties themselves. Thus, the revealing of the leading role of speech in the mental development of a child can be carried out only on the basis of a comprehensive and in-depth study of the development of the child's speech itself, its characteristics, conditions for its occurrence and formation.

The specificity of the child's mastery of speech is that the very nature of speech requires that the word be not just studied, but in the process of use, satisfying the real needs of the speaker, be included in his life and activity, the scientist states. For Raievskyi, the key condition for the development of the psyche is the child's own activity. The real mastery of speech by the child not only turns his activity, being the basis for the transition to arbitrary action, but also this mastery of speech takes place in the process of practical actions of the child with surrounding objects and through these actions. In the earliest appeals of the child to an adult, Raievskyi notes, there are reactions caused by complications arising from the movements or activities of the child. The operation of objects, their change, what the child does to them, an attempt to get an object to work with it is one of the most important reasons for the child's appeal to adults, and therefore a source of motives for speech and an occasion for its exercise. That is why, according to the scientist, initiative appeals of the child to adults about his activities are especially important for the development of speech, then the child's appeal, if desired, to give or transfer the subject, finally, to attract the attention of adults to the surrounding and changes taking place in it.

Initially, the main reasons for the child's appeal to adults are the emotional states of the child associated with his activities. Later, the scientist notes, in the second half of the second year, a child turns to an adult about his activities for more complex reasons. «He has a need, - Raievskyi writes, - to report on activities in the process of performing some complex action. Further, different associative, intellectual-cognitive processes in activity are an incentive for the child to appeal to adults, being at the same time a reason for complicating speech both in content and in form. The development of speech understanding is also inextricably linked with the actions of the child aimed at objects. The sequence of developing an understanding of those actions performed on objects, and then those actions that the child performs on himself, coincide with the time of mastery of these actions» [2, P. 250].

For a scientist undeniable is the fact with which predecessors were considered regarding the importance and need for careful attitude of adults to upbringing a child, communicating with him for the full development of mental. For Raievskyi, a very important point in the development of a child's speech is to attract the attention of an adult to his activities. First, the scientist states, he draws the attention of an adult to the results of his action, then to the very process of carrying out the activity and its individual moments, because the development of the child's speech depends to a large extent on how the child's activity is organized, what the content and structure of this activity is. The activity of the child should be organized in such a way as to stimulate the child to speak as much as possible, so that he has something to talk about with an adult, so that speech awakens the child's need to talk, the need to develop his speech better, to master it better. In the lower and higher school age, the increasingly complicated inextricable connection of this process with practical activity is one of the most important conditions for the development of speech, its complication. Various forms of this activity give rise to the need to improve speech, master its forms, corresponding to the goals and features of the activity in which speech is included.

The process of mastering the lexicon of the language, increasing the vocabulary, expanding the active vocabulary is also connected with the activities of children, its content and structure. First of all, Raievskyi notes, under the influence of the activity that the child is engaged in, he has a need not only to understand and know the word, but also to be able to use it. «Only the word included in the living practical activity of a child, - the scientist writes, - begins to live a living life for him, becomes a real means of communicating with other people, and a means of his thinking» [2, P. 250].

Ontogenesis of functional systems of a complex structure, which is primarily speech, occurs in different ways, the scientist claims, depending on the conditions of upbringing. Modifications are observed not only at the pace of development, but also at its originality. The first of such modifications includes such a development of the child's speech, which simultaneously and comprehensively occurs already in the preparatory period, in the first year of life. Already in the second year of life, the child understands a lot of the language of the surrounding people, when communicating with them, he uses not only the original forms - gestures and facial expressions, but also words. This, the scientist notes, is a normal type of speech development. In contrast to this type of development, under unfavorable conditions of child care and upbringing, as a result of which the neuropsychic development of children lags significantly behind, there is a delay in the development of all aspects of speech. Raievskyi also points out the third modification, the characteristic feature of which is that for children with general good mental development, due to certain mistakes in upbringing, different sides of speech in the preparatory period develop unevenly. In the process of speech development, the initial forms of communication in the home period and their further complication, understanding of speech and the conditions for the emergence of this understanding, organizing the influence of the emerging speech on the behavior of the child, as well as the importance of the appropriate organization of care for the child, the conditions of his communication with adults, the correct methodology for the education of speech are of great importance. According to Raievskyi, the basis and source of the emergence of speech and its further development, and at the same time the development of mental manifestations is the emergence and development under the influence of adults of the child's communication with them, which is emotional in nature. This initial form of communication is extremely important, the scientist states, for the further development of mental life, including the process of speech. First, it is the source of a child's own speech based on adult imitation; secondly, it is one of the sources of understanding speech; thirdly, on its basis, other forms of communication arise, in which a child's appeal to an adult is an appeal to any goal, for example, a request to pick up, because the child wants to get a toy from the table, etc. Thus, emotional communication is not only the basis of the general emotional activity of the child, which positively affects all his behavior in general, but also the main means of speech development. Further, Raievskyi notes, the child's need to contact an adult and for other reasons is based precisely on emotional communication.

Raievskyi expresses the opinion that there is a certain sequence in the development of the child's initiative appeal to adults: «previously indirect appeal arises under the influence of various organic needs and physiological reactions of the child, then it arises as an appeal due to various signal or preparatory moments of the situation, later an appeal appears, which arises as a result of the development of the child himself (his movements, perceptions, actions with subjects), finally, an appeal based on the relationship between the child and adults as a result of learning» [2, P. 252]. The latter, the scientist notes, is a kind of «change of address»: for what reason the adult turned to the child in the first year, for the same reason the child later turned to the adult. In the development of speech, this last form of appeal is of particular importance: on its basis, speech complicates in content, reasons for appeal, which is associated with the development of complex intellectual operations, as well as in the form of speech. Thus, the scientist notes, not primitive biological foundations themselves move speech on the way to its development, but solve the conditions of secondary order - relationships with adults and the upbringing of a child.

The leading role of the child's communication with adults and with other children in the process of his practical activity for Raievskyi is fully justified, because the need for communication that arises in the process of the child's life and is generated by this process of life in human society becomes the main condition and source of the emergence and development of speech as a perfect means of communication. The development of forms of communication, first primary, elementary, and then more and more complex and perfect, up to his own speech, the scientist is sure, leads to the development, complication and change of the need itself. «By emerging and developing in this way, - Raievskyi writes, - speech is moving to higher levels, and this transition is determined by how, depending on living conditions and activities, upbringing and training, the need for more advanced forms of communication becomes urgent» [2, P. 252]

The development of the child's understanding of adult speech before he begins to speak himself, for Raievskyi, acts as a complex process associated with the general development of the child, his perceptions, attention, thinking and action. The child himself does not utter meaningful words yet, but he reacts to the speech of adults by behavior indicating a certain degree of understanding of this speech. The first such manifestations are in the initial reactions of the child to the voice of an adult, the latter itself, is one of the earliest sounds that cause an indicative reaction.

In the process of communicating with a child, adults constantly accompany their actions with him with speech, referring to him by name, call objects, actions, movements of the child, etc. In caring for a child, Raievskyi states, the same situations are repeated from day to day and at the same time the same objects, movements, actions are called many times. The first manifestations of the «understanding» reaction consist in an indicative reaction to the subject. They are based on the formation of a connection between the word-name and the subject. It can be assumed, the scientist notes, that at first there is still no understanding of the content of the question, and the reaction comes rather to the intonation of the question. But already at 8-9 months, the scientist claims, the child not only turns towards the named object, but also searches for it and finds it among others. For about a year, the child learns to understand a number of simple phrases and appeals to him, with a proposal to do something. After a year, a child's understanding of adult speech is growing rapidly. An understanding of the name of not only objects and actions becomes available to him, but also many questions and appeals to him that are different in content. The child's attempts to use voice sounds and their complexes as a means of communication in his communication with adults arise and develop. The more difficult communication with adults becomes, the greater the role of adult speech in it, and the more among other reactions (facial expressions, gestures, etc.) sound reactions are distinguished, with which the child accompanies his answer to adult questions and their actions. This is how, according to Raievskyi, the child has the first attempts to use sounds as a means of influencing an adult, and then attempts to say something to him: indicate the presence of an object by sound, draw the adult's attention to him, ask for something, tell him what he is busy with, ask something, compare objects. «The child has a need, - the scientist writes, - for speech communication itself, the need to «say something». The most important prerequisite for the emergence of this need is, on the one hand, the increasingly developing communication with adults, on the other hand, the steady and rapid process of the child's general mental development, the development of his feelings and perceptions, the accumulation of experience, the ability to focus on different subjects, the development of substantive actions» [2, P. 253-254].

Raievskyi considers the acquiring of speech to be an active process. The scientist notes that the mastery of speech by the child, although it occurs in the leading role of speech communication with adults and, above all, through imitation, is in no case a process of passive and mechanical imitation. «The acquiring of speech by a child, - writes the scientist, - is an active process that includes elements of creativity and is carried out in lively, active communication with adults, with other children in the game and other forms of practical life connections of the child with others» [2, P. 255]. The child learns the language not as a sum of mechanical skills and conditional sound signals (signs), says Raievskyi, but as a means of semantic communication, a means of exchanging opinions and knowledge of the world around him. Acquiring, the scientist admits, is a complex and peculiar process in which the elementary and still very poor content of a child's primitive words is gradually enriched and expanded as his life experience, his speech practice, general mental development and especially the development of his thinking. A gradual change on this basis of those generalizations that reflect the objective meaning of the word is leading here. «Depending on their developmental level, - Raievskyi writes, - children generalize life phenomena in different ways. Often they can use insignificant signs of objects and phenomena for this. Therefore, their generalizations may be too broad, or too narrow. In accordance with this, the words they use may have a broader or narrower meaning than what really exists. The content of a child's words is usually poorer than those of adults» [2, P. 256].

In the process of speech communication with adults, acquiring their practice of using different words, the child replenishes the content of his words, improves his generalizations. However, mastering the meaning of words, Raievskyi notes, and expanding the vocabulary through remembering the meaning of whole words as semantic units of speech is not the only or even the main way. A much more significant role is played, the scientist is sure, by the path of the child's gradual mastery of the means of word formation and inflection and their active use in his language practice. One of the vivid evidence of this is recognized by scientists as the «wordmaking» of a child, as a result of which peculiar neologisms appear in his vocabulary, words that he could not borrow from adults by simple imitation. «Such are, for example, - Raievskyi writes, - the children's words «spaddle» instead of «spade», «mittens» instead of «gloves», «chipperman» instead of «woodcutter», «thrash» instead of «hammer», etc.» [2, p. 256]. This suggests that the child enriches his vocabulary by using morphological elements of speech to a large extent. This gives him the opportunity, the scientist states, to understand new words and create them himself from their known roots, prefixes and suffixes, that is, to use creatively the wordforming means of the grammatical structure of the language. Awareness of the general principles by which speech is built takes place in stages, due to the language practice of the child.

Raievskyi also does not ignore the importance of mental activity in the process of developing the human psyche. Cognitive activity is recognized by scientist as the core of mental activity. Mental work is defined as the ability to change both one's own inner world and the environment according to one's purpose and objectives. The power of the mind increases simultaneously with the growth of its content [4].

Raievskyi considers cognitive activity to be an indicator of human mental development. This activity manifests itself in sensation and perception, in memory and imagination, thinking and speech, in the creation of ideas and concepts. The psyche of a person is holistic, and mental processes are always provided and manifested in an organic, inextricable unity, on the basis of which a person learns the world and practically masters it. The scientist's opinion that the mind does not exist separately, as an individual ability, along with memory, thinking, imagination, attention, etc., is not attached to them as something different and independent.

For Raievskyi, mind is not only a manifestation, but also a condition for the mental development of the human psyche, and he notes that mind and thinking are connected deeper and closer, more organically than all other mental processes. The mental development manifested in the knowledge of reality, the scientist claims, like his predecessors, begins with sensations and perceptions, but does not come down to them. «Sensation and perception, - the scientist writes, - reflect isolated objects and phenomena of reality in their external properties and connections. However, on their own, they cannot reflect their natural connections. In order to know these significant connections of things, their regularity, you need not only to perceive them in all concreteness, not only to remember them, that is, to form the concept of them, but also to compare them, analyze, find common and excellent, highlight the essential, etc., that is, it is necessary to perform a number of logical operations that make up the essence of thinking» [5, P. 5]. That is, it is thanks to the work of thinking, Raievskyi notes, that a person learns about the internal essence of objects and phenomena. In the views of the scientist, practical activity is noted for the development of manifestations of mental, in particular thinking. Developing through practical activity, thinking becomes a necessary condition for expanding and transforming practice. «By entering into other mental processes, - writes the scientist, - thinking forms their new qualities, they become conscious. For example, thinking makes perception conscious» [5, P. 6]. This role of thinking in human cognitive activity is explained to scientist by its central, leading role in the property of human consciousness - mind. This unity of cognitive abilities of a person is carried out on the basis of the development of thinking. It is in the development of thinking, Raievskyi notes, with its processes of analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction and concretization, the construction of conclusion, first of all, the human mind manifests itself. Therefore, the manifestation of mind for a scientist primarily is how a person possesses his thinking, at what level his thinking is on the strength of his judgment, depth, clarity, etc.

Most often, the properties of the mind are determined by the properties of thinking. However, the scientist notes, they constitute unity, but not identity and thinking does not exhaust all manifestations of mind yet, because these manifestations are determined by the unity of the entire variety of cognitive abilities of a person. For mental development, data from sensory experience are recognized as important. «Wealth, diversity, completeness of sensual experience in their connection with thinking, - Raievskyi writes, - creative fantasy, attention, memory, etc., are both the necessary basis of mind and its manifestation. Only on the basis of a developed, conscious, comprehensive and diverse perception of reality, this only source of knowledge about things, the mind can develop as a cognitive ability of a person. On the other hand, the more the mind is developed, the deeper and fuller the perception becomes» [5, P. 6]. Accordingly, a smart person not onlyjust looks at the world of things and phenomena around him, but also sees what is needed and can be seen in it: «hearing sounds, he not only hears them, but knows how to hear really valuable and important in them, can hear significant» [5, P. 6]. This originality of mind is possible only as a manifestation of the unity of perception and feeling with other cognitive processes and, above all, the scientist states, with memory and thinking.

For Raievskyi, excellent memory is recognized as a necessary condition of mind, because the single sensual experience, as well as single variety of the most important and deep life impressions, will be worthy of anything if they are not fixed in memory, they will not be able to be reproduced accurately at the right time. On the one hand, memory is a necessary condition for development, on the other hand, it is its manifestation. However, this value of memory, the scientist argues, as condition and as the manifestation of mind is determined by the relationship of memory with other mental processes and, above all, thinking. Only consciously memorable, deliberate, logically learned constitutes real wealth and the power of memory. And the mind turns out not to remember and be able to reproduce all that without busting what happened in life, but to remember, preserve and reproduce the essential, using it to develop knowledge, to solve problems.

According to Raievskyi, mental development is recognized as impossible without developed imagination. He argued that with the development of the imagination, a person has the opportunity not only to reflect objective reality in his mind, creating images of representation, the concept of it as it is now, but also to represent it in a transformed form, as it might be or as it would like to see or have it. In the imagination, a person creates new images, representations and changes previous ones. Learning to change reality in practice, a person learns to represent this reality to be transformed, learns to freely manage images, ideas, thoughts about this reality and, modifying them, gets the opportunity to build life in accordance with the new thing that he introduced himself into his images, ideas, thoughts. Imagination brings a special moment of creativity, the moment of creating a new one.

The scientist insists on the relationship of thinking, memory and imagination with feeling. Cognitive activity, Raievskyi is convinced, is impossible without active human actions. It arises and develops in practical activities. The scientist recognizes the the need of a person associated with his interests, desires, feelings and aspirations as the motivating force in this process. Cognitive activity is always motivated, has a direct connection with the emotional-volitional life of the person. That is why, the scientist states, memory, imagination and thinking are imbued with emotional-volitional components in their development.

For Raievskyi, thinking is closely related to feelings and will. The process of thinking is imbued with emotional-volitional motives from beginning to end. «Interest, wondering, outrage, - the scientist writes, - are the feelings with which the very beginning of thought is connected» [5, P. 7]. The unity of thought and affect, Raievskyi notes, makes thinking tense, passionate; thought, exacerbated by feeling, penetrates deeper into its subject than just «objective» thought.

The founders of the Kyiv school of philosophy of psychology also recognized the level of development of will and the ability to manage the attention process as an indicator of mental development. A follower of this position, Raievskyi writes: «Will plays no less role in thinking, as in other cognitive processes. The meaning of will is, first of all, implied in attention, which is one of the main conditions for the implementation of each of these processes. Each of them, in order to be conscious, requires a certain degree of attention, and the more focus, stability, duration of attention, the higher any cognitive process can go through, the more developed attention is necessary for its implementation» [5, P. 8]. According to Raievskyi, the function of will in cognitive processes is manifested in the conscious regulation and directability of these processes. Not an accidental remark of what is in front of a person, and purposeful selective observation is defined by a scientist as the basis for human perception of the world. The memory of a person manifests itself not only as a simple memorization and recall of everything experienced by a person, but as a purposeful conscious memorization and recall of what is needed, and when necessary. In this, the scientist states, is a characteristic feature of human memory. «And it is no coincidence that changing thoughts and their course, - Raievskyi writes, - which is deliberately directed and regulated, constitutes the essence of thinking. No wonder they say that ingenious thinking and ingenious will is the same thing. This connection of thinking with will is manifested in the dependence of thinking on the action, the actions of a person, on the way he conducts everything that he knows into life, that is, how he tests his thinking with his practice» [5, P. 8]. Therefore, the human mind, according to the ideas of the scientist, represents the unity of cognitive processes in their interpenetration in its properties and features, as well as in the relationship of these functions with other properties of the person and especially with its emotional and volitional sphere.

The scientist notes that the human mind is a kind of manifestation of the mental conscious activity of the human person in its totality [1]. A person's mind is always given in a certain form of activity aimed at fulfilling certain life goals. Outside activity, outside practice, mind does not exist and cannot exist. Also, the development of the human psyche, Raievskyi believes, is carried out on the basis of activity and only through activity. Mental activity, as well as the development of the psyche as a whole, depends on the activity of the brain, on its condition and anatomical and physiological features. The mind and brain develop each other.

Creativity, Raievskyi believes, is of great importance in the development of the psyche and mental manifestations. In the midst of general parameters of the mind as a property of the psyche, the scientist notes, «his creative power, insight plays a large role» [5, P. 9]. Creativity is manifested in the ability to capture all the diverse connections of relationships and mutual transition of things, phenomena. To see a general, connection, pattern in a different, separate and vice versa, to see a peculiar difference in a general, regular. Raievskyi argues that creativity in the mind manifests itself in the ability to rise to the highest degrees of abstraction and from it to the greatest concretization. «This is exactly what it turns out, - the scientist writes, - the power of generalization, the breadth of the mental worldview and the originality of thought. The difference between connections and relationships that notice the creative mind lies in their unusual nature. These are not the connections and relationships that are constantly encountered in practice by us and therefore have long been known, discovered. These are connections that, for the most part in experience or in human communication, cannot be immediately distinguished, noticed. This peculiarity of mind is manifested both in a reasonable poetic comparison of the writer and in the original generalization of the scientist, and in the mind of the inventor» [5, P. 9].

For Raievskyi, education and upbringing play a leading role in the development of the mind. The first and main factor in the development of the mind, the scientist claims, is to enrich memory with the knowledge of the entire culture created by humanity, and at an older age, self-education, human work over oneself, over culture and improvement of one's intelligence is important. Helping the development of mental manifestations, namely assistance in this process, scientist recognizes the study of the history of the development of sciences and the history of philosophy.


Firstly, O. M. Raievskyi paid considerable attention to the process of speech development in the general mental development of the child, in the formation of his personality. It is speech that is given a leading role in the formation of the human psyche itself, in the formation of human consciousness, its moral, aesthetic and other properties. The inclusion of speech in the general course of development of the child's mental life and its growing transformative role constitute a complex dialectical process of speech interaction with all other aspects of the child's mental life, his personality. Including in the general course of development of the child's psyche, speech introduces a new principle into the activities reflecting it, turning it. Speech takes precedence in the mental development of the child and in the system of his perception. The most striking role of speech is in the formation of the child's thinking, in the transition from sensual to rational knowledge, in mastering the latter. At each stage of the development of the mental activity of a child, teenager, young man, speech acts as a necessary condition and leading means of the development of this activity, its improvement, enrichment, deepening, and hence the content of the psyche for its development. Other mental processes are highly dependent on the development of speech in their development, they are mediated by it. Secondly, all the development of the child's arbitrary actions is mediated by speech and only through this mediation the child masters the conscious management of his behavior gradually. Initially, the main reasons for the child's appeal to adults are the emotional states of the child associated with his activities, regarding the importance and need for careful attitude of adults to the upbringing of the child, communication with him for the full development of mental. The development of the child's understanding of adult speech before he begins to speak himself, acts as a complex process associated with the general development of the child, his perceptions, attention, thinking and action. Speech acquiring is an active process. Thirdly, cognitive activity is recognized by scientist as the core of mental activity. and is an indicator of human mental development. This activity manifests itself in sensation and perception, in memory and imagination, thinking and speech, in the creation of ideas and concepts. The psyche of a person is holistic, and mental processes are always given and manifested in an organic, inextricable unity, on the basis of which a person learns the world and practically masters it. The mind is not only a manifestation, but also a condition for the mental development of the human psyche. Mind and thinking are connected deeper and closer, more organically than all other mental processes. Fourthly, mental development manifests itself in the knowledge of reality from sensations and perceptions, but it does not come down to them. Mental development manifests itself in the processes of thinking, memory, imagination, will, attention and feelings. It is impossible without active human actions and practical activities. The scientist recognizes the the need of a person associated with his interests, desires, feelings and aspirations as the motivating force in this process. The level of development of the will and the ability to manage the attention process was also recognized as an indicator of mental development. Fifthly, mental activity, as well as the development of the psyche as a whole, depends on the activity of the brain, on its condition and anatomical and physiological features. The mind and brain develop each other. Sixthly, creativity is of great importance for mental development. Creativity is manifested in the ability to capture all the diverse connections of relationships and mutual transition of things, phenomena. To see a general, connection, pattern in a different, separate and vice versa, to see a peculiar difference in a general, regular. Seventhly, education and upbringing play a leading role in the development of the mind. The first and main factor in the development of mind is the enrichment of memory with the knowledge of the entire culture created by humanity, and at an older age, self-education, human work over oneself, over culture and the improvement of one's intellect are important. Eighthly, mental development is recognized as dependent on the development of the abilities of imagination, memory, attention, emotions, will, perception, observation, reasoning and ability to draw conclusions.


1. Раєвський О. М. До питання про ідеологічне в психологічній характеристиці особистості. Наукові записки. Том VI. Праці республіканської психологічної конференції. 1956. С. 63-67

2. Раєвський О. М. Мовлення та його розвиток у дітей. Наукові записки. Том VIII. 1958. С. 226-288.

3. Раєвський О. М. До питання про співвідношення між типологічними і віковими ососбливостями вищої нервової діяльності людини. Наукові записки. Питання психології. Том ХІ. 1959. С. 261-264.

4. Раєвський О. М. Про взаємовідношення чуттєвого і раціонального в змісті слова. Наукові записки. Том. ХІІІ. Питання психології мислення і мови. 1959. С. 100-116.

5. Раєвський О. М. Розум та його виховання. (Стенограма публічної лекції, прочитаної 14 серпня 1946 року в Києві для працівників вищої школи України). Вісник: Соціологія. Психологія. Педагогіка. 1998. С. 4- 11.

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