Family upbringing as a factor in the formation of children's emotional maturity

Substantiation of the peculiarities of the influence of family upbringing on the formation of emotional maturity of children. Characterization of the peculiarities of family upbringing styles and determination of the dependence of their influence.

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Дата добавления 20.07.2024
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Family upbringing as a factor in the formation of children's emotional maturity

Barchi Beata, candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Psychology chair Mukachevo State University

The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of issues related to the psychological features of the influence of family upbringing on the formation of children's emotional maturity. The ideas of the scientists related to this phenomenon have been outlined. The features of family upbringing styles have been discussed. The dependence of their influence on the formation of emotionally mature children has been determined. It has been proven that the process of raising a socially active, responsible, creative, capable of self-education, self-realization and self-improvement personality is one of the most relevant social aspects of social life.

Key words: family; education; parenting styles; emotional maturity; personality/individual.


Сімейне виховання як чинник формування емоційної зрілості дітей

Барчі Б.В. кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри психології Мукачівський державний університет

У статті представлено результати теоретичного аналізу проблематики, що стосуються психологічних особливостей впливу сімейного виховання на формування емоційної зрілості дітей. Викладено уявлення зарубіжних та вітчизняних учених дотичні до даного явища. Охарактеризовано особливості стилів сімейного виховання та визначено залежність їх впливу на формування емоційної зрілості у дітей.

Головною метою статті є теоретичне обґрунтування особливостей впливу сімейного виховання на формування емоційної зрілості дітей.

Аналіз наукових джерел. Наукові напрями проблеми виховання дитини в сім'ї відображені в працях класиків педагогіки та психології, зокрема Л. Виготського, Я. Коменського, Г. Костюка, А. Макаренка, І. Песталоцці, В. Сухомлинського, К. Ушинського. Проблеми оптимізації й гуманізації взаємовідносин між батьками, батьками і дитиною розглянуто в дослідженнях Н. Ватутіної, А. Дьяконової, Б. Кобзаря, В. Кравця, О. Савченко, В. Сенько, Н. Шевченко та інших.

Виклад основного матеріалу. Родина, виступаючи первинним інститутом соціалізації, через настанови, особливості виховання та типи відносин регулює особистісний розвиток. Визначено, що особистісна зрілість є передумовою становлення психологічної ресурсності людини. Доведено, що одним з вимірів зрілості особистості є емоційна зрілість, під якою розуміється сукупність таких характеристик: здатність правильно розуміти власні емоції, а також емоції інших людей; здатність використовувати свої емоції для вирішення певних завдань; здатність контролювати свої емоції та впливати на емоції інших людей. Охарактеризовано стилі виховання у сім 'ї та їх вплив на формування емоційної зрілості особистостей. Поведінка зрілих осіб є функціональною, автономною та мотивованою усвідомленими процесами. Незрілість є придушення почуттів індивіда, що може призвести до розщеплення між тілом та почуттями, волею та бажанням, стриманістю і спонтанністю.

Висновки. З'ясовано, що сім'я виступає первинним інститутом соціалізації особистості через установки, особливості виховання та різновиди відносин, що в свою чергу регулює становлення психічного розвитку дитини. Акцентовано увагу на тому, що за умови наповнення психологічного простору відносин між дітьми та їхніми батьками ірраціональними установками, сценаріями з обмеженнями, то серед негативних наслідків процесу соціалізації можна виділити засвоєння помилкових прикладів, порушених патернів взаємодії, негативного емоційно-оцінного та мотиваційного компоненту до різноманітних сторін життя особистості під впливом сімейного виховання.

Охарактеризовано основні чинники сімейного виховання й розвитку підростаючого покоління та стилі виховання у сім'ї як факторів, які відіграють велике значення для формування особистості. Доведено, що процес виховання соціально активної, відповідальної, творчої, здатної до самоосвіти, самореалізації та самовдосконалення особистості є одним із найбільш актуальних соціальних аспектів суспільного життя.

Ключові слова: сім 'я; виховання; стилі виховання; емоційна зрілість; особистість/індивід.


Family upbringing is the process of forming a child's personality within the family environment, where parents or guardians transmit values, skills, knowledge and social norms. It includes the ways of interaction, communication, example and educational approaches that shape the character, morality, ethics and behavior of the child.

Family upbringing has a significant impact on a child's development. The main aspects of this process include: parental example, communication, discipline, support and encouragement of independence. Children learn a lot by observing and imitating their parents' behavior. Therefore, it is important that parents demonstrate positive qualities, cultivate empathy, tolerance and mutual respect. High- quality interaction in the family creates a favorable environment for the child's development. It is important to listen, understand and communicate with the child, expressing your feelings and thoughts. Clear rules, established boundaries and consistency in upbringing help children understand the consequences of their actions and establish a harmonious order in the family. It is important to educate children to think independently, solve problems and make decisions. This helps them become independent and self-confident.

The support and emotional security that a child receives from his/her parents is important. This creates a basis for psychological and emotional development.

Each family has its own unique approach to upbringing children. It is important to balance authority with empathy, teach children responsibility and tolerance, promoting their comprehensive development.

Family upbringing is very important in the formation of a child's personality. This is the period when values, skills and attitudes are established that influence the future life and behavior of the child. Problems arising in the process of family upbringing can be reflected in the development of the child's personality.

One of the main problems can be insufficient attention of parents to the child. Busy work or other circumstances can lead to a lack of quality communication and interaction between parents and children. This can lead to feelings of disrespect, lack of support and insufficient attention, which affects the formation of positive self-definition and selfesteem.

Another problem is ineffective communication in the family. The lack of opportunity to openly communicate, to listen to the child's thoughts and feelings, can lead to a feeling of alienation and misunderstanding. This can complicate the process of forming relationships and lead to conflicts.

Also, the lack of an example can be a serious problem. Parents play the main role models for children, and their behavior can influence the perception of what is right or wrong. If the parents do not demonstrate the desired qualities or actions, then this can lead to confusion and ambiguous ideas about the world and its values.

The problem of family upbringing is revealed in the works of famous scientists of the past and present: I. Bekh, O. Bogdanov, V. Levy, O. Savchenko, M. Stelmakhovich, V. Sukhomlynskyi, H. Zukerman and others. As for the importance of the connection between psychology and pedagogy, here it is appropriate to single out the work of K. Ushinsky “Man as an object of education”, in which he wrote: “If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all relationships, then it first of all knows it is also in all relationships”, in order to properly educate both at home and at school, it is necessary to understand the patterns of a child's mental development, primarily moral. To do this, it is necessary to investigate the influence on children of such forms of culture created by the people as language, religion, law and art. K. Ushinsky argued that parents should take an active part in the upbringing of their child, instill in him a love of work and a careful attitude to the material and spiritual benefits of humanity (N.Dychek, & L. Tkachenko, 2023).

The problem of family upbringing and its impact on the child has been studied by scientists in many fields of pedagogy, psychology, social work, psychotherapy, etc. The family as a primary factor of socialization and education was studied by such scientists as: I. Franko, S. Vashchenko, O. Lubenets, B. Grinchenko, M. Stelmakhovich, V. Sukhomlynskyi, L. Vygotskyi, B. Ananiev, Z. Freud, and many other scientists. Scientists note, that the family primarily influences the process of development and formation of a child's personality. It is in the family that the child receives the first socialization.

The purpose of the article is to give theoretical substantiation to the problem of the psychological characteristics of family education as a factor in the formation of emotional maturity.

Methods. A theoretical analysis and discussion of psychological characteristics of family education as a factor in the formation of emotional maturity.


family upbringing emotional maturity

The following scientists paid attention to the problems of the psychology of family education: D. Lashley, who considered the peculiarities of the joint activity of parents and children; A. Kosheleva studied the role of the family in the education of sensitivity; a significant number of studies by Yu. Denisenko are devoted to the problems of the formation of the preschooler's personality under the influence of parents (Denisenko, 2008); S. Yarmolytska devoted many of her works to the problems of realizing the child's personal potential with the help of parents (Yarmolytska. 2014). Separately, the problem of the ratio of value orientations of parents and children has not yet been sufficiently studied.

The multidimensionality of family upbringing forms a philosophical concept as an appropriate understanding of its uniqueness and intimacy in the context of co-existence of family members as a group of different ages, freedom of self-expression, emotional closeness, dialogic communication, creativity; close relationship between natural and social needs, opportunities and interests of children and parents. It gives an understanding of the fact that it is carried out daily, in various family situations, in the process of communication, activity and interpersonal interaction of parents and children and thanks to the special organization of the family environment. Success is impossible without acceptance, love, respect, tolerance, sincerity, understanding of the age-specific features of the child's development and the tasks of family upbringing, parents' awareness of their own motives and needs in parenting, their own responsibility for the child and the extent of upbringing, as well as without love, understanding and support parents with children. It reflects the impossibility of an exhaustive understanding of family education, as it reveals the multifacetedness of childhood, parenthood, as well as the “I-social” and “I- individual”.

Family is important and one of main agents of personality development and socialization. It is in family interaction that the basic rules of behavior, norms and values are being learned, and everyday life practices are shown. The family is the main institution of education; everything that an individual acquires in the family is preserved throughout adulthood.

The peculiarity of the family is that a person spends most of own life in the family. The peculiarities of the child's worldview are formed from the first days of his life. The foundations of personality are formed in the family.

The family is defined as a socio- pedagogical group of people, which is designed to meet the needs of self-preservation and selfaffirmation of each of its members. The main role in the formation of moral, life principles and principles of a child belongs to the family. Family creates a personality or can destroy it. The family can strengthen and undermine the mental health of its members.

The family, encouraging some individual tendencies, hinders others, forms the image of its “I” in the individual. The family is such an entity that “embraces” a person as a whole in all its manifestations. The important role of the family lies in its profound influence on the entire complex of the physical and spiritual life of a growing individual.

The influence of family upbringing on various spheres of mental life functioning has been the object of research by a considerable number of scientists.

N. Barinova (2005) devoted her research to the study of the father's attitude as a factor in the formation of the gender-role self-concept of the individual. S. Yarmolytska (2014) investigated the influence of parental family factors on the psychosexual development of girls. Scientists studied the influence of parental attitudes on the peculiarities of the cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren (S. Kondratyuk, & I. Linkevich, 2016).

The main personality traits are formed in early childhood. Over time, the psyche loses plasticity and the ability to change decreases. Depending on how the mental characteristics of the child are formed, its future fate depends. A person who experienced contempt, insults, cruelty in childhood, did not receive parental emotional warmth, has a tendency to grow up as a mistrustful and emotionally immature person (Berehova, & Fedorchuk, 2020).

In order to investigate possible relationships between adults and children in families, it is necessary to be aware of the existing styles of parents' attitude towards children. Parental style is a generalized, non- situationally specific way of communicating between a father and a child. One or another style characterizes the education system, which will be characterized by the purposeful application of education methods and techniques (Mavroveli S., Petrides K.V., & Sangareau Y., 2009).

The psychologist (Chebykin, 2009) singles out four styles/tactics of parenting in the family. The authoritarian style of upbringing is considered a tactic of dictation, authoritarian hypersocialization and means suppression of a sense of dignity, initiative, independence by some family members in others. Harsh orders or coercion, arbitrariness of adults leads to significant violations in the formation of the child's personality. If parents break the child's resistance, then at the same time they break those important personality qualities, the development of which becomes impossible, namely independence, faith in one's own strength, sense of dignity, initiative, etc.

The democratic style of family relations, which is characterized by the tactics of cooperation and cooperation, involves parental support and assistance to children in their 20 individual affairs, mutual understanding and mutual respect of children and parents. In such families, partnership relations are established, based on sympathy, empathy, responsibility for the consequences of one's own activity.

Tactics of non-interference and nonacceptance are characteristic of the liberal style. The system of interpersonal relations in the family is based on the recognition of the independent existence of adults and children. Parents often shy away from active positive intervention in their child's upbringing. They like to co-exist comfortably with children, but at the same time there is no need for deep emotional distress. Under such conditions of upbringing, the child becomes emotionally indifferent to others, self-centeredness and individualism are clearly manifested, and the family for him is only a necessary formality.

Tactics of guardianship and careless love are an example of a condescending parenting style. Parents try to satisfy all the needs of their child with their own efforts and hard work. With these actions, they shield her from any worries and difficulties. Under such conditions of upbringing, a child who is artificially deprived of the opportunity to express himself in achieving certain results and to be responsible for the consequences of his actions, grows up infantile and helpless, without initiative and emotionally immature. Such children avoid responsibility for certain actions and decisions. Egocentrism is the main characteristic of a person who grows up in the conditions of a conventional style.

Unstable parenting style is also highlighted. It is characterized by an unpredictable transition of parents from one to another style of attitude towards the child. Such “differences” give birth to a child's mistrust of parents, alienation, form attitudes to respond not to the content of appeals, but to the form. To satisfy their individualistic needs, such personalities try to use the situationally favorable emotional background of relations with their parents (T. Kyrylenko, & I. Daviskyba 2010).

Emphasizing the decisive role of educational influences in the formation of emotional maturity in children, O. Honchar singled out three types of incorrect upbringing. Education according to type A (rejection, emotional alienation) - rejection of the child's individual characteristics combined with cruel control, with the imperative imposition of the only correct type of behavior on him. Type B (hypersocializing) parenting is characterized by an anxious and mistrustful concept of parents regarding the child's health status, his social status among peers, especially at school, expectations of academic success and future professional activity. Education according to type C (egocentric) is the cultivation of attention of all family members on the child (family idol), ignoring other children or family members (Mavroveli S., Petrides K.V., & Sangareau Y., 2009).

It is worth noting that the family is a complex structure for research due to its closed nature. There are cases when an outwardly benevolent family is actually not like that at all: its members simply follow the law “not to take garbage out of the house”. Moreover, the result of family influence may also depend on the individual characteristics of children, in particular, on the degree of vulnerability of their nervous system.

The emotional potential of the family has great potential for educational influence on the individual. Combining the ideological guidelines of parents, emotional factors are the main prerequisite for the development of a child's moral dignity and the development of his emotional maturity. On the basis of the positive evaluative attitude of the parents, the emotional and value attitude of the child towards himself is formed - the attitude towards his “Г', emotional maturity is formed.

The formation of a child's spiritual needs, respect for close adults, is necessary to optimize the entire process of family upbringing. The high effectiveness of educational influences is provided by parents' understanding of the age- specific features of the formation of needs, the main factors that determine its optimal development. Children develop a positive emotional attitude towards an adult, a desire to be in line with his moral requirements.

Children who have developed a need for respect and a personal attitude towards themselves seek to live up to the moral expectations of adults. Therefore, the desire for emotional stability and maturity is laid in the family (Yarmolytska. 2014).

The affective saturation of communication in the family, the predominance of positive and negative emotions largely affects the child's well-being, his worldview and awareness of the image of close adults. The psychological climate in the family, which affects the formation of empathic abilities of the individual, is made up of the peculiarities of the experiences of family members, their moods, affects, emotional contacts, manifestations of love and respect for each other.

The psychological climate of the family is one of the powerful factors of emotional impact on the child. The direction of the child's activity, his positive or negative feeling of wellbeing, the nature of the personal expectations of the growing personality in relation to the surrounding people largely depend on the atmosphere in the family and the moral character of the parents.

Under the influence of the family climate, which is based on the personal form of communication between children and adults, children develop a high susceptibility to the educational influences of the latter. Children brought up in families with such a climate have good contact with their peers, show a friendly attitude towards them, and respond correctly to the demands of others during interaction. Conversely, the behavior of children raised in so-called “disadvantaged” families is dominated by negative emotions, a prejudiced, mostly unfriendly attitude towards others. Such children are prone to emotions, which often leads to conflicts with others.

The formation of a child's emotional maturity is negatively affected by a disorder in the relationship between parents. Under such conditions, so-called conflict experiences arise in children. They are the result of a clash in the child's mind of attitudes that are opposite in their emotional color towards a loved one.

Family upbringing plays an important role in the formation of emotional maturity in children. Emotional maturity means the ability to effectively manage one's own emotions, understand their causes, show empathy and build healthy relationships with other people. This is how family upbringing affects the formation of emotional maturity.

Modeling emotional control of parents, i. e., skillful adequate expression of their emotions by parents and managing them, create an example for children. This helps children learn to recognize and regulate their own emotions.

It is important to create conditions conducive to emotional expression, where children can freely express their feelings without fear of judgment or rejection. This helps develop their emotional awareness and ability to express emotions in words.

Education of empathy also depends on parents. Parents can teach children to understand the feelings of others, empathize and treat them with respect. It develops empathy, which is a key component of emotional maturity.

Creating a positive emotional climate in the family is of great importance. By building a positive, trusting and supportive climate, parents contribute to the development of emotional security in children.

By teaching effective stress management strategies, parents can teach children different strategies for coping with stress and difficult emotions, which helps develop emotional resilience.

Family upbringing, aimed at supporting the development of emotional intelligence, helps children grow into emotionally balanced individuals who are able to effectively interact with the world and build healthy relationships with other people. Conclusion. Emotional maturity is a state in which a person has the ability to effectively recognize, understand, express and manage their emotions, and also knows how to interact with the emotions of other people. A person with a high level of emotional maturity can show inner resilience, manage stressful situations, have empathy and build healthy relationships with others.

The development of emotional maturity is a gradual process that occurs throughout life. It includes learning, experience, interaction with others and self-improvement. And while each person may have their own pace of developing emotional maturity, it is important to strive for the continuous development of these skills in order to achieve a healthy and balanced emotional life.

The development of emotional maturity in the family is an important component of the formation of a healthy emotional environment for children. Parents can create an atmosphere of openness where children can freely express their emotions without judgment or criticism.

Parents are important role models for children. They can demonstrate the ability to effectively manage their emotions, resolve conflicts, and build healthy relationships.

For parents it is important to listen to children's feelings, support them and give them the opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings. Parents can teach children to recognize emotions in themselves and others, understand their causes and respond to them in time. Teaching children constructive conflict resolution strategies helps develop their cooperation and emotional tolerance skills. Creating a stable and supportive environment helps children feel safe and comfortable. Given that every family is unique, it's important to find ways that work for your family and promote emotional maturity in children. Regular interaction, joint entertainment and open conversations can become important means of forming emotionally mature personalities in the family.

We see the prospects of our further research in the selection methodological tools for the study of the individual emotional maturity. We consider it is important to develop and introduce the programs of the psychocorrective training for the education of emotionally mature children with the aim to familiarize with the psychological features of the influence of the communication style in the family on the formation of emotional maturity; identify positive experiences of family education and develop the ability to analyze person's educational influences on the child and their consequences; promote the development of mutual understanding, mutual assistance and empathy; to discuss the problems of family education regarding the conditions for the formation of children's emotional maturity.


1. Barinova N.V. (2005). The influence of the father's attitude on the structure of masculinity / femininity in adolescent girls from single-parent families [Vplyv stavlennya bat'ka na strukturu maskulinnosti / femininnosti v divchat-pidlitkiv z povnykh rodyn.] Science zap Hark. Air University Forces named after I. Kozheduba. Series "Sociology. Philosophy. Psychology". No. 3. pp. 212-217. (in Ukrainian).

2. Berehova N., Fedorchuk P. (2020). The influence of family upbringing on the formation of a child's personality [Vplyv simeynoho vykhovannya na formuvannya osobystosti dytyny] Bulletin of Lviv University. Psychological sciences series. Issue 6. pp. 10-15. (in Ukrainian).

3. Chebykin O. Ya. (2009). Development of emotional maturity of the individual [Stanovlennya emotsiynoyi zrilosti osobystosti] monogr. O. SVD Cherkasov, 230 p. (in English).

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    контрольная работа [26,5 K], добавлен 14.08.2011

  • The history of football. Specific features of English football lexis and its influence on Russian: the peculiarities of Russian loan-words. The origin of the Russian football positions’ names. The formation of the English football clubs’ nicknames.

    курсовая работа [31,8 K], добавлен 18.12.2011

  • All children, who live in the United Kingdom, according to law, are obligated to learn and to obtain formation. System of management and financing of schools. Elementary, secondary, specialized, private schools. Training program in the British schools.

    реферат [25,1 K], добавлен 18.10.2010

  • Charles, Prince of Wales is the child and heir apparent of Queen Elizabeth II. Prince William, Duke of Cambridge is the elder son of Charles and Diana. The British Royal Family is the family group of close relatives of the monarch of the United Kingdom.

    презентация [2,9 M], добавлен 07.04.2015

  • What things make you happy? It may be simply winter, pets or walking in the forest. There is such comfort in having friends who knows and loves you. Sunrise, as a favorite time of the day. White peonies in your own garden, birthdays party and family.

    презентация [1,0 M], добавлен 20.10.2013

  • The children's theatre, puppet shows and an important role in the ideological and aesthetic education of children, appreciation of literature's classical heritage. The thematic plan of the theatre. The Moscow Central Children's Theatre's repertoire.

    контрольная работа [12,1 K], добавлен 18.07.2009

  • Общая организационно-правовая характеристика агентства "Family Future", направления его деятельности и история развития. Исследования использования фирменного стиля и знака предприятия, разработка мероприятий по совершенствованию данного процесса.

    отчет по практике [165,4 K], добавлен 02.06.2014

  • The influence of other languages and dialects on the formation of the English language. Changes caused by the Norman Conquest and the Great Vowel Shift.Borrowing and influence: romans, celts, danes, normans. Present and future time in the language.

    реферат [25,9 K], добавлен 13.06.2014

  • Christmas is a religious holiday and the day that Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is a family holiday. Christmas decoration a tree with toys, coloured balls and coloured lights. Father Christmas is a kind old man in red clothes.

    презентация [4,6 M], добавлен 10.11.2014

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