Shaping of a new motivational paradigm taking into account the peculiarities of the modern socio-economic formation
Research and economic substantiation of the possibility improving the economic condition of enterprises in the transport and foreign transport (commercial) sector due to the formation and improvement of a new motivational paradigm in modern conditions.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 21.07.2024 |
Размер файла | 42,1 K |
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Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies
Dmytro CHERNOV Chief Training Specialist of the Training Department of JSC CB «PrivatBank», Postgraduate Student of Economics and Management Department Natalia CHERNOVA PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Economics and Management Department
motivational paradigm economic enterprise
The article considers current directions for improving of activity efficiency of modern enterprises and organizations due to the formation of a new motivational paradigm. The purpose of article is research and economic substantiation of the possibility improving the economic condition of enterprises in the transport and foreign transport (commercial) sector due to the formation and improvement of a new motivational paradigm. Research methodology involves the use of the following general scientific methods: empirical research (comparison, observation); theoretical research (ascending from the abstract to the concrete); general scientific methods (abstraction and concretization, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy), etc. The relevance of the solution to the scientific problem defined in the article is that in the conditions of modern socioeconomic formation, increasing requirements for the modern enterprises efficiency and competitiveness, limited funds, enterprises are required to improve productivity and employees motivation, maximum involvement their potential for production activity. The research results are as follows: indicators of monitoring the state of new motivational paradigm of enterprises and organizations of the commercial and non-commercial sector of national economy are determined, which reflect the market potential of such enterprises, taking into account the demands of modern socio-economic formation, in harmonization conditions of key directions of activity of the main industries of Ukrainian national economy to the world economic formations. The originality and practical value of the research lies in the fact that the article systematizes the key indicators of the new motivational paradigm, which precisely take into account the peculiarities of modern socioeconomic formation. The conclusions of the study are as follows: it is substantiated and revealed that the research and formation of a new motivational paradigm, taking into account the peculiarities of modern socio-economic formation, will allow improving the economic condition of enterprises with minimal expenditure of resources, their competitiveness through increasing the interest of workers in the final result and saturation of production process with meaningful work.
Keywords: motivational paradigm; personnel of the organization; improvement of personnel potential; socio-economic formation; efficiency of enterprises activity; prime cost; competitiveness of enterprises; development.
Дмитро Миколайович ЧЕРНОВ головний фахівець з навчання Управління з навчання АТ КБ «ПриватБанк», аспірант кафедри економіки та менеджменту, Український державний університет науки і технологій
Наталія Сергіївна ЧЕРНОВА кандидат економічних наук, доцент кафедри економіки та менеджменту, Український державний університет науки і технологій
У статті розглянуто актуальні напрямки покращення ефективності діяльності сучасних підприємств та організацій за рахунок формування нової мотиваційної парадигми. Метою статті є дослідження та економічне обґрунтування можливості покращення економічного стану підприємств транспортного та зовнішньотранспортного (комерційного) сектору за рахунок формування та вдосконалення нової мотиваційної парадигми. Методологія дослідження передбачає використання таких загальнонаукових методів: емпіричного дослідження (порівняння, спостереження); теоретичного дослідження (сходження від абстрактного до конкретного); загальнонаукових методів (абстрагування й конкретизація, аналіз та синтез, індукція та дедукція, аналогія) та ін. Актуальність вирішення наукової проблеми, що визначена у статті, полягає в тому, що в умовах сучасної соціально-економічної формації, підвищення вимог до ефективності та конкурентоспроможності сучасних підприємств, обмежених коштів, до підприємств пред 'являються вимоги щодо покращення продуктивності та вмотивованості співробітників, максимальне залучення 'їх потенціалу до виробничої діяльності. Результати дослідження наступні: визначено показники моніторингу стану нової мотиваційної парадигми підприємств та організацій комерційного та некомерційного сектору національної економіки, що віддзеркалюють ринковий потенціал таких підприємств з урахуванням запитів сучасної соціально-економічної формації, в умовах гармонізації ключових напрямів діяльності основних галузей національної економіки України до світової економічної формації. Оригінальність і практична цінність дослідження полягає в тому, що у статті систематизовано ключові показники нової мотиваційної парадигми, які враховують особливості сучасної соціально-економічної формації. Висновки дослідження наступні: обґрунтовано та розкрито, що дослідження та формування нової мотиваційної парадигми з урахуванням особливостей сучасної соціально-економічної формації дозволить з мінімальними витратами ресурсів покращити економічний стан підприємств, їх конкурентоспроможність через підвищення зацікавленості робітників в кінцевому результаті та насиченістю виробничого процесу внутрішньозмістовною працею.
Ключові слова: мотиваційна парадигма; персонал організації; вдосконалення кадрового потенціалу; соціально-економічна формація; ефективність діяльності підприємств; собівартість; конкурентоспроможність підприємств; розвиток.
A new approach to the formation of a motivational paradigm began to take shape at the end of the 90s of the last century as a legacy of the general political economy of socialism [1; 2; 3].
The key theoretical position of new approaches to the formation of a motivational paradigm in a business organization is the recognition of the economic usefulness and professional value of personnel potential, the development and development of which requires investments, like other types of economic resources of the organization [4].
The current stage of development of management thought and economic formation in Ukraine is characterized not only by a shortage of qualified management personnel, but also by the fact that priority is losing importance in the field of personnel motivation. In the case of radical economic reform, it is necessary to increase the number of trained, competent personnel capable of working in changing conditions.
The ineffectiveness of the current system of personnel motivation during the transition period to a market-type economy necessitated the development of a program at the state level, the purpose of which was to create a new level of personnel motivat ion. The implementation of such a program should become a kind of “motivational policy for a market economy in Ukraine.”
Aim and methodology of research
The change in the location and role of personnel in the organization led to such a rapid evolution of personnel work. Instead of a “boss-subordinate” relationship, a single team is formed, where the main methods of influence are support and trust in team members. It is about the transition to the management style of the current century - “participatory” or participative-cooperative style of personnel motivation. Solving problems becomes the task not only of the manager, but also of subordinates. Employees “work together with the manager,” are increasingly involved in training and the formation of motivational criteria and the apparatus of actual needs [5; 6].
The goals of this article are the desire to form a new system of views on the modern management process in the organization, which meets the needs of the economic development of our country. Also, the basis of any motivation model is a value apparatus that is relevant to the employees of the enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a motivational paradigm that, based on the values that are relevant to members of the organization, makes it possible to encourage employees to increase their interest in both the process and the result of work activity.
Literature review, shortcomings and problem statement
Such conditions change the requirements for both managers and their subordinates [7; 8]. More and more attention is paid to employees who are ready to take on additional responsibility, initiative and are able to work not only within the framework of orders. The value of employees is determined by their interest in the prosperity of the company, as their personal goal. N. Hutsulyak calls such employees “humanistic” [9, p. 113].
Personnel management in the 21st century requires the integration of personnel management and motivational apparatus into the organization's strategy. Combining the strategy of personnel motivation and the strategy of the organization becomes the most important task of personnel managers.
According to some authors [10; 11; 12], it is actually about the need for strategic motivation of personnel. In this regard, the rejection of the “boss-subordinate” relationship and formation of the “leader-subordinate” relationship are expected.
The emergence of practitioners ' need for a new approach to personnel management necessitated the work of theorists in the field of motivation. At the end of the 20th century, an employee is considered not just a position in the staffing schedule, but acts in the unity of three interrelated components: work function, social relations and personality. People are considered as a key resource, as a social value, the expediency of a strategic, investment approach to the formation, use, development of people in the organization is substantiated, similar to other types of resources.
The concept of personnel motivation, which is based on personnel management, primarily as human resources, and provides a system of personnel motivation based on the accounting of internal and external factors, received wide practical approval and scientific recognition. It is focused on personnel as a strategic resource of the enterprise, which involves solving problems by line and functional personnel of the enterprise.
The authors emphasized that personnel management is a field that is constantly changing; therefore, the manager's response to changing conditions should be immediate.
The main material research
Today, the management paradigm is changing, the terms “motivation”, “personnel” and “personnel potential” are becoming synonymous. Analyzing the evolution of approaches to personnel management, it should be noted that approaches to personnel management change when all the company's resources are used inefficiently and its competitiveness decreases. As a result of changes in the external and internal conditions of the functioning of enterprises, there is a need for a theoretical understanding of current changes, which inevitably leads to the development of new approaches to the management of the enterprise's production resources [7; 8].
Among scientists and specialists, there is a strong opinion about the need for long -term planning, including both economic and organizational planning. A key role in long-term planning is played by the development of personnel motivation methods. Such an opinion is incompatible with market mechanisms and principles [13].
In the modern interpretation, personnel motivation is a set of logically related actions aimed at optimizing the company's labor resources in terms of their activity, qualitative and quantitative characteristics, with the aim of rationally achieving the goals set for the organization.
At the current stage, the main goal of the personnel motivation system is the mobilization of labor resources for the optimization of production factors, the involvement of the ablebodied population in the transformation of society, the provision of competent and proactive personnel at all levels: state entities of social work management.
In this regard, personnel management is one of the areas of activity of subjects of a market economy, economic subjects, which covers the development of organizational principles for working with people, the formation of effective labor teams and the rational, effective use of the personnel potential of employees, enterprises and the country in as a whole All this is reflected in the social reform as a way of motivating personnel at the state level.
Social reform can be understood as a set of measures invested in the implementation of a social strategy aimed at all aspects of the life of our society and its members. Social policy reform in the narrow sense is a set of measures invested in supporting low-income families (households) and ensuring the development of the social and cultural sphere, where the development of the non-commercial sector is a priority.
Thus, the social consequences of reform are expected, planned or unexpected, which spontaneously arise as a result of economic, political and other transformations in society, which affect the social relations of groups, communities and individuals.
Social consequences are divided according to the following qualifying features: First, from the point of view of the development of the social system - into positive and negative; secondly, according to the time of occurrence - into immediate and remote; thirdly, in connection with the main direction of transformations - direct or indirect, etc.
Information sources analyzed during the implementation of social reform are administrative statistics, results of sociological surveys.
Let's consider in more detail the stages, technologies and process of social reform organization.
Social reform occupies a significant place in the mechanism of satisfaction of almost all types of human needs. It affects the monetary income of the population, the formation of (collective) public resources, the production of social services, etc. However, the methods and forms of specific actions used by her are differentiated depending on the features of the objects mainly in three directions.
p align = “justify” > When reforming the social sphere, there are a number of restrictions that can be combined into the following groups: the first - social restrictions associated with the fact that a certain part of society is not ready for the proposed transformations; the second - economic restrictions are related to the multifaceted goals of social policy implementation, the simultaneous achievement of which is unlikely.
Ways to overcome social restrictions - from above (formation of the regulatory framework and budget of social policy, which correspond to specific subjects and the goals of its implementation) and from below (motivation for the formation of citizen initiative, development of the initiative role of social policy objects, which forms a positive perception of transformations).
Therefore, the social consequences of the reform affect not only the immediate object, but also the most important public structures.
Thus, the reform turned into a multi-functional direction of public regulation. The sphere of its direct or indirect influence extends not only to social, but also to political and economic problems.
At the enterprise, the implementation of the reform must also have certain terms and stages. However, the stages and terms of implementation of transformations for each specific enterprise are determined individually, based on the following parameters: the current situation of the enterprise, the level of development, etc. It is appropriate to distinguish at least two stages of the process.
The temporary period of the first stage is during the development of a new program for reforming the organization. At this stage of the program's operation, the company can be classified as reformed. For the successful implementation of the reform program, the enterprise at this stage must receive certain guarantees and benefits that allow the successful implementation of the reform program. The entity that provides benefits and guarantees is the state under whose patronage the reforming enterprise falls.
Forms of state support for reforming enterprises: tax breaks, preferential tax regimes, etc.; state investments (subsidies, subsidies, etc.).
The main condition is that the interests of the state must take into account the interests and expectations of society, as close as possible to the goals and interests of the organization.
After the successful implementation of the first stage of reform, the enterprise is recognized as reformed based on certain criteria. Selection and specification of evaluation criteria individually for each specific case. The status of the reformed enterprise involves the development of normative documents defining the new corporate st atus of the enterprise.
When reforming an organization under the patronage of the state, a necessary condition is confirmation by the state of the expediency of the ways of reform chosen by this or that organization and granting the organization the status of reformed. An objective necessity is an assessment of the level of reform of a specific organization.
Evaluation procedures should be based on a system of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the state of the enterprise and their dynamics, which reflect: the production, innovation and reproduction state of the enterprise in relation to other organizations of a related type; the dynamics of financial and economic indicators of the enterprise during the reform period or at its individual stages; the level of social development of the enterprise, in particular the fulfillment of labor contracts, obligations to the owners of securities, the degree of social partnership for the enterprise; enterprise management system taking into account key aspects: organizational and legal form, structure, accounting policy and other aspects.
In order to evaluate the listed indicators, it is necessary to compare them with the values of the same indicators with other enterprises operating in that market, industry, which produce similar products, services, etc. Within the limits of railway transport, the evaluation of indicators involves a wide monitoring of branch reforming in those of foreign experience [14].
Evaluation of the reform program is a procedure designed for quantitative or qualitative measurement of direct results, effects and long-term consequences of the implementation of the reform program. Evaluation research is guided by economic, social, political methods according to standards adopted by evaluation companies. The main evaluation tasks: modeling of possible results, direct and indirect effects, consequences of the implementation of the reform program (temporary period - at the stage of development of the adoption of the reform program); formation of a return channel of information (i.e. “accompanying studies”); monitoring of program operation results; evaluation of the results of program implementation (to what extent the obtained result is related to the implementation of the reform program); providing information for further state support for the implementation of this program.
Evaluation is a continuous process that begins from the moment of the idea of carrying out a reform, the creation of a reform program, accompanies it at all stages of the formation and functioning of the reform program, the final stage of which is the completion of the program itself - for one-time programs, for continuous programs when the intended goals are achieved.
Research results
The practical stages of evaluating the new motivational paradigm, taking into account the features of the modern socio-economic formation, can be as follows: 1) setting the goals of the evaluation; 2) clarify the object of the assessment, the conditions of its conduct and the setting of the question; 3) make a research plan and methodology; 4) collect, enter and measure relevant data; 5) draw conclusions and interpret them; 6) preparation of the preliminary version of the report; 7) prepare the final version of the report with proposals for the application of the assessment results.
Methods of evaluating the new motivational paradigm taking into account the features of the modern socio-economic formation: conducting expert and in -depth interviews; conducting surveys; statistical studies; cost/benefit analysis; econometric approaches; analysis of documentation, in particular financial.
The analysis of the practice of evaluating the new motivational paradigm, taking into account the features of the modern socio-economic formation and the consequences of the reforms, made it possible to identify the following methodological problems of analyzing their impact on the efficiency of the use of the company's personnel: definition of goals: as a result of the fact that reform measures are carried out, as a rule, comprehensively, exerting influence on different components of the reforming object, the goals of these components may differ; translation of goals into measurable indicators (especially in terms of social consequences); obtaining reliable empirical data for describing labor indicators: the more significant the indicator, the more difficult it is to obtain calculated output data for its quantitative assessment; prediction of indirect results
The assessment there now is that the industry has developed in a growing market. It is possible to distinguish the main stages of the evolution of the process of evaluating the consequences of reforms: the first stage refers to the middle of the 20 th century - the priority direction of the evaluation was the evaluation of national programs; after a quarter of a century - the second stage - during the period of evaluation, it became necessary, as physical evidence, to reduce public expenditures; the third stage - the end of the 20th century - is associated with a variety of administrative reforms, as a result of which the assessment was fixed at the legislative level.
The development of the assessment of the new motivational paradigm, taking into account the features of the modern socio-economic formation and the consequences of actions regarding the optimization of motivational programs, dates back to the end of the 20th century and is connected with the development of the non -commercial sector. Along with the development of evaluation in the commercial and corporate sectors, there is also the development of evaluation in the public sector.
It is obvious that the motivational reform is a dynamic development of transformations that will actively influence social relations and, moreover, will form new social relations in the field of railway transport. Thus, social relations existing at some point in time will objectively be subject to changes due to their aging, and new ones will not be regulated by law.
The following conclusions can be reached on the basis of the conducted research.
The effectiveness of the use of personnel resources is a comprehensive reflection of the final results of the use of economic resources for a certain period of tim e to ensure the development of both the production potential directly and the enterprise as a whole on the basis of investment and innovation activities, which is a functional part of the production potential structure, which ensures and characterizes the orientation towards development Reforming the production potential, taking into account the new motivational paradigm, consists in institutional transformations, changing the form of ownership, while reforming the labor force consists in the need to understand the transformation. This interrelation of these types of resources causes difficulties in the implementation of the motivational reform.
As directions for further research, we can consider the possibility of implementing a new motivational paradigm in relation to specific sectors of the economy. Since each area of professional activity has its own specific management elements.
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реферат [20,3 K], добавлен 09.05.2011The general outline of word formation in English: information about word formation as a means of the language development - appearance of a great number of new words, the growth of the vocabulary. The blending as a type of modern English word formation.
курсовая работа [54,6 K], добавлен 18.04.2014