Factors affecting the psychological training of young swimmers

Psychological preparation of swimmers for competitions. One of the specific features of sports activity is that it is well known to the athlete and studied by him in advance. In few sports, the athlete encounters completely unexpected, sudden stimuli.

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Factors affecting the psychological training of young swimmers

Parakhonko Vadym

Senior Lecturer at the department of health and sports technologies, National Technical University of Ukraine

“Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Kyiv, Ukraine.

Khimich Igor

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the department of health and sports technologies, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Kyiv, Ukraine.

Psychological preparation of swimmers for competitions. One of the specific features of sports activity is that it is well known to the athlete and studied by him in advance. In few sports, the athlete encounters completely unexpected, sudden stimuli. But even in such cases, he tries to predict the course of sports wrestling. Often, in all types of sports, at competitions, athletes cannot show their best results: they cannot lift a weight that was easily lifted in training; mistakes are made in the technique of gymnastic exercises; cannot run as fast as possible, etc. And all this is because the athlete cannot always demonstrate and mobilize his mental functions at the level necessary to achieve the maximum result. In this regard, psychological training acquires special importance, the purpose of which is the formation and improvement of personal properties significant for sports by changing the system of the athlete's relationship to the process of activity, to himself and others. The formation and consolidation of appropriate relations is created through the integral influence on the athlete of the family, university, sports team, organizations that perform educational functions, the coach, and other persons, as well as through self-education. Of particular interest are fluctuations in the level of qualities characteristic of everyone during different periods of preparation. For example, we observe that with appropriate psychological preparation on the eve of a competition, it is possible to reduce the level of anxiety, increase the level of competitiveness, and volitional control, thereby facilitating successful performance.

Key words: mental state, swimmers, introverts, extroverts, will, victory, excitement, result. psychological preparation swimmer competition

Парахонько Вадим, Хіміч Ігор. Фактори які впливають на психологічну підготовку юних пловців. Однією із специфічних особливостей спортивної діяльності є те, що вона добре відома спортсмену і заздалегідь їм вивчена. У небагатьох видах спорту спортсмен зустрічається з зовсім несподіваними, раптовими подразниками. Але й у таких випадках він прагне передбачити хід спортивної боротьби. Часто у всіх видах спорту на змаганнях спортсмени не можуть показати свої найкращі результати: не можуть підняти вагу, яку легко піднімали на тренуваннях; припускаються помилок у техніці гімнастичних вправ; не можуть максимально швидко бігати тощо і не можуть найшвидше плавати. І все це тому, що спортсмен не завжди може проявити та мобілізувати свої психічні функції на тому рівні, який необхідний для досягнення максимального результату. У зв'язку з цим особливе значення набуває психологічна підготовка, мета якої - формування та вдосконалення значущих для спорту властивостей особистості шляхом зміни системи відносин спортсмена до процесу діяльності, до самого себе та оточуючих. Формування та закріплення відповідних відносин створюється шляхом інтегрального впливу на спортсмена його сім'ї, вузу, спортивного колективу, організацій, які здійснюють виховні функції, тренера та інших осіб, а також шляхом самовиховання.

Ключові слова: психічний стан, плави), інтроверти, екстраверти, воля, перемога, азарт, результат.

Formulation of the problem. Psychological preparation of an athlete is carried out mainly by a coach through systematic management of the athlete's condition and behavior during swimming lessons. The personality of an athlete manifests itself in the process of social relationships and is characterized primarily by the value of moral standards and ideological content.

Education of morality among athletes is part of the general pedagogical task of forming a harmoniously developed, socially active personality. The educational and training process reflects the education in swimmers of such socially significant moral norms as patriotism, camaraderie, humanism, discipline, honesty, a conscientious attitude to work, a critical attitude towards oneself and the desire for self-improvement. Sports ethics includes the athlete's compliance with competition rules and moral standards in relation to training and competitions, to himself and to the people who provide swimming lessons.

Mental well-being includes several factors, such as optimism, self-esteem, having a life purpose, a sense of belonging and building strong and positive relationships with others [3].

Pre-start states of emotional excitement often occur long before the competition and can exhaust the athlete's nervous system, disorganize his activities. In this regard, it is necessary to take measures aimed at reducing mental tension. There are several ways to reduce the mental tension of athletes: performing breathing acts in a certain rhythm, relaxing skeletal muscles, changing the direction of consciousness, motor relaxation, etc [4].

Analysis of literary sources. Factors affecting the psychological training of young swimmers were studied by such scientists as: Stallman RK, Moran K, Langerdorfer SJ, Quan L [1], Khimich I., Parakhonko V., Kachalov O. [2], Luca P., Lucio M., Nicola G., Ilaria P., Laura M., Marina S., Carlo T. [3], Sokyrko O.S., Klopov R.V. [4].

In the process of moral education, the coach purposefully influences the formation of the athlete's personality and sports collectivism in general. Such forms and methods of education as conversations, lectures, debates, meetings, including issues of morality, improve the moral knowledge of the athlete, influence the formation of moral beliefs and ideas about moral values. However, the main method of forming moral standards is the creation of practical situations in a sports team in which the moral qualities of an athlete are manifested.

The development of an athlete's personality cannot be considered in isolation from the team in which he trains, from the system of relationships into which he enters. In interpersonal relationships, the athlete manifests himself as an individual and has the opportunity to evaluate himself in the system of relationships into which he enters. A widely used method for studying relationships in sports teams is the method of sociometry. The popularity of the method is explained by its accessibility and ease of implementation [2].

The sociometry method allows us to identify features of the authority of each swimmer in the group (definition of the group leader); the relationships of the strongest swimmers among themselves and the nature of their relationships with less strong swimmers; negative interpersonal connections of individual swimmers; position of newcomers in the team; group cohesion and the need for communication between individual swimmers. A coach, using pedagogical observations, characteristics of athletes, results, and recommendations of studies of relationships between athletes, can establish the motives, reasons and content of interpersonal relationships and be guided by them in creating a cohesive sports team.

Temperament, as a practically invariable component of personality, is the basis for individualizing work with an athlete. When determining the properties of temperament, the orientation of the psyche is most often used, assessed by the factor of extra- and introversion. Extraversion and introversion are two poles of a person's primary focus either on the world of external objects (extrovert) or on the phenomena of his own subjective world (introvert). The orientation of the psyche is determined by the behavioral characteristics of extroverts and introverts.

A typical extrovert is sociable, has many friends, is sociable, prone to conversational contacts, and does not like solitary reading and study. Strives for bright impressions, risks, acts under the impression of the moment, impulsive. Resourceful in conversation. Loves change, carefree, optimistic. He prefers to act, is prone to aggressiveness, can be unrestrained, and is unreliable in communication.

A typical introvert is modest, prone to solitude, and prefers books to communicating with people. Reserved, gets close to only a few friends. He plans his actions in advance and is non-impulsive. Does not like strong impressions, is serious, strives for a calm, orderly life. Controls his emotions, is non-aggressive, somewhat pessimistic, and attaches great importance to moral and ethical standards.

With learning that allows for individualization and flexibility, extroverts achieve greater success. They are highly suggestible and sensitive to rewards. Extroverts are characterized by faster completion of the task and covering the distance. Introverts have lower sensitivity thresholds, tolerate monotonous work better, and are more sensitive to punishment. With standard training, introverts show high results [4].

Physiological mechanisms and manifestations of extraversion and introversion to a certain extent correspond to the mechanisms and manifestations of strength and weakness of the nervous system. Given motivation, extroverts and introverts successfully adapt to various conditions by developing an individual style of activity.

The factor of neuroticism (emotional excitability - stability) belongs to the sphere of emotionality as a property of temperament. Persons with high values for this factor are characterized by imbalance, anxiety, and instability of behavioral reactions. Persons with low factor values are more balanced, emotionally stable, and stable. Studies conducted on swimmers have shown that extroverts are more adapted to sprint distances, and introverts are more suited to stayer distances. Depending on the degree of neuroticism of swimmers, certain preparation for competitions is required, considering the manifestation of extra- and introversion.

The motivational sphere of an athlete is an important aspect of personality psychology. Motivation is an impulse that causes human activity and determines its direction. The orientation of the individual is based on needs - this is the main source of human activity. Needs are the state of a person created by the need he experiences for what is necessary for his existence and development. Human needs are divided into three basic groups: biological, social and spiritual: biological and material needs dictated by them for food, clothing, housing, technology necessary for material benefits, protection from harmful influences, ensuring individual and species existence; social needs are the needs to belong to a certain social group and occupy a certain place in this group, to enjoy the attention and affection of others, to be the object of their respect and love; spiritual (cultural) needs - knowledge in the broadest sense: knowledge of the surrounding world, its individual details and one's place in it, knowledge of the meaning and purpose of one's existence [3].

Each person is characterized by all three groups of basic needs, forming unique and varied combinations, with most people having predominant social needs. Based on needs, motives for activity are formed that encourage a person to set goals and take actions to achieve these goals. The formation of motives is carried out on the basis of a person's correlation of his needs with his capabilities and with the characteristics of a specific activity. Motives give personal meaning to the goals of activity, therefore, activity in achieving the same goal for different people is determined by different motives. The most common motives in sports activities are moral motives (duty, patriotism, collectivism), the motive of self-affirmation, motives of communication and social contacts, motives of well-being, cognitive motives, and others.

The motivational sphere of an athlete's personality is also characterized by the difficulty of choosing goals. The difficulty of the goals set by the athlete determines the level of his aspirations. With an adequate level of aspiration, the athlete chooses goals that correspond to his capabilities. With an inflated level of aspirations, the chosen goals clearly exceed the capabilities of the athlete, who is looking for the reasons for failures outside of himself, which usually leads to conflicts and reluctance to work on himself. With a low level of aspirations, the chosen goals are below the athlete's capabilities. Such athletes are unsure of themselves and tend to restrain their activity in achieving their goals.

In relation to the process of long-term training, the athlete's motivation should include a conscious desire, formed in the form of a clear goal, a high probability of achieving it, subject to the completion of the training work necessary to improve his capabilities. At the initial stages of swimming, athletes' motives are not sufficiently realized and their unstable forms, such as drives, desires, and aspirations, predominate. As swimmers' sports skills increase, conscious forms of motives begin to dominate - beliefs, value orientations, a sense of duty. Therefore, an important task of the teacher is to form a motivational basis for his students.

Motivation, enhanced by will and sportsmanship, is one of the factors for success in swimming. Among the main strong- willed qualities and sports character traits of a swimmer, they usually include purposefulness, perseverance and perseverance, determination and courage, endurance and self-control, self-demandingness, self-confidence, and the ability to mobilize the body's reserves in extreme conditions of competitive activity. The specificity of competitions at distances of different lengths imposes certain requirements on the volitional qualities of a swimmer [2].

When swimming distances as a stayer, stability and stability of volitional stress is necessary, and at sprint distances, volitional manifestations are short-lived and require intense effort. The education of volitional qualities occurs on the basis of strict adherence to the sports regime, the mandatory implementation of the training program and the instructions of the coach, the creation of additional difficulties in the process of training sessions, and the use of the competitive method.

To develop endurance and perseverance, mental stability to overcome difficult sensations - by performing exercises with the task of showing the highest result after a strenuous workout (the exercise is not announced in advance). To increase the reliability of skills and build confidence - training in mid-mountains, swimming with braking devices, hypoxic training. To develop perseverance and self-control - training with a large number of swimmers in one lane, maintaining a given speed or pace in the event of disruptive factors. To develop fighting qualities and the will to win - ensuring competition in training sessions and competitions, competition between a swimmer and a group of athletes starting according to the relay principle.

The special psychological preparation of an athlete for a specific competition is a certain system of interconnected links. The preparation process must consider the swimmer's temperamental characteristics. Collecting information about the conditions of the competition is necessary to remove the feeling of novelty of the situation if a swimmer is starting in this pool for the first time. This is especially important for introverts, as extroverts have a positive attitude towards competing in unfamiliar pools. Information about opponents (expected results, options for swimming the distance) allows you to think through the probabilistic course of the swim. In the process of preliminary preparation of a swimmer for competitions, a target setting is determined in accordance with the athlete's capabilities [3].

Before a competition, great importance is attached to updating the goals and motives characteristic of the athlete. It is advisable for swimmers with a high level of neuroticism to familiarize themselves with the swim schedule immediately before the start or not to communicate the planned result, focusing their attention on individual moments of swimming the distance. Such athletes need to be distracted from upcoming competitions (action-packed literature, music). It is necessary to monitor the condition of the athletes and, depending on its changes, adjust the tactical plan (individualization of the warm-up, spending time before the swim, psychoregulatory training). During the competition, the athlete uses proven behavior and methods of selfregulation of his condition. As methods of self-regulation, you can use psychoregulatory and psychomotor training, ideomotor training, as well as the simplest methods of self-regulation (self-persuasion, self-orders, breathing and facial exercises) [1].


The listed tasks require a lot of attention, since they are associated with the special features of the swimmer's participation in the upcoming competition. As a rule, these tasks arise only in the pre-competition period and cannot permeate the process of sports training throughout its entire duration. However, they cannot be successfully solved without proper general psychological preparation of the athlete.

The impact on the athlete is most often carried out through the use of a complex of psychological, pedagogical, and psychotherapeutic measures:

Conversations, lectures. The main task is the psychological education of the athlete, explaining the characteristics of prerace and competitive experiences in accordance with individual characteristics, teaching the ritual of pre-competition behavior. The main method of influence is persuasion, influencing the swimmer's consciousness.

Conversations with other people in the presence of the athlete. The content of the conversation is indirectly aimed at this athlete. The main task is to remove opposition, which often arises when using suggestions and beliefs, and to combat subconscious negativism. The method of influence is indirect suggestion.

Heterotraining. This is an autogenic training session. In a state of relaxation and narrowed consciousness, athletes' study and repeat specially developed formulations of suggestions - self-hypnosis, as methods of influence and self-influence.

Inspired rest. The athlete is instilled with deep peace, rest in a state of complete relaxation, the pleasant heaviness of a relaxed body and warmth in the muscles. In the emerging state of half-asleep, the athlete perceives verbal formulations without repeating anything, without resisting, without straining, but also without being distracted. The method of influence is suggestion, influencing both the consciousness and the subconscious of the athlete.

Induced sleep while maintaining rapport. Rapport in this case means the connection between the leader of the session and the athlete, his high sensitivity to what the leader says during this dream. The goal is to influence the subconscious. The method of influence is imperative (imperative) suggestion with the formation of an attitude towards the implementation of the content of suggestions in behavior, actions, experiences, and volitional efforts.

Autotraining. This is the independent, without outside help, use of studied or previously prepared suggestions in a state of deep relaxation and peace (relaxation) or in a state of so-called autogenic immersion, with the task of creating the necessary mental state. In the process of auto-training, the transition of suggestion to self-hypnosis is completed, and self-regulation mechanisms are improved.

Reflections, reasoning. The main ways of translating suggestions and self-hypnosis into self-persuasion are the highest levels of self-awareness and self-regulation.

The systematic use of the presented system of methods allows one to penetrate quite fully and deeply into the athlete's system of relationships, formulate a program of future actions and experiences, and attitudes towards the implementation of these behavioral programs at the right moments of training and competition.


Stallman RK, Moran K, Langerdorfer SJ, Quan L (2017). From Swimming Skill to Water Competence: Towards a More Inclusive Drowning Prevention Future. The International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 10(2), p. 35.

Khimich Igor, Parakhonko Vadym, Kachalov Oleksandr, Scientific journal National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Functional condition of young swimmers. Psychophysical indicator. Issue 10 (170) 2023- p. 12.

Luca Puce, Lucio Marinelli, Nicola G. Girtler, Ilaria Pallecchi, Laura Mori, Marina Simonini, Carlo Trompetto. Self- perceived Psychophysical Well-being of Young Competitive Swimmers with Physical or Intellectual Impairment Puce L. et al., Percept Mot Skills (2019). p. 14.

Sokyrko O.S., Klopov R.V. Theory of sports training: Study guide for the faculty of physical education of the educational and qualification level "bachelor" in the fields of training "Physical education", "Sports",

"Human health" / O.S. Sokyrko, R.V. Klopov - Zaporizhzhia: ZNU, 2014. p. 24.

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