Psychological climate as a critical factor in the formation of personality

Study of the key role and importance of the psychological climate in the formation of personality, which affects the trajectory of the educational process. Analysis of cases of coercion in educational institutions, their impact on adolescent psychology.

Рубрика Психология
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Дата добавления 04.09.2024
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Department Institute of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Psychological climate as a critical factor in the formation of personality

Mammadova A.E.

Doctoral candidate at the Psychology and Special Education

The article delves into the pivotal role and significance of the psychological climate in the formation of an individual's personality. The psychological climate is scrutinized as a pivotal determinant influencing the trajectory of the educational process and the configuration of one's personality. The principal focus of the article revolves around elucidating the import of the psychological climate in the developmental trajectory of personality, particularly in the context of incidences of coercion within educational institutions and their impact on adolescent psychology. Furthermore, the article scrutinizes existing scholarly literature on psychological climate, revealing a discernible schism among researchers concerning the essence and orientation of the inquiry. Consequently, it is underscored that there is a conspicuous absence of a universally embraced conceptualization of "psychological climate" within the corpus of psychological literature. While certain investigations incorporate terms such as robust-moral psychological climate, psychological atmosphere, psychological microclimate, etc., an exhaustive examination of the specific role of psychological climate in shaping the personality of adolescents remains conspicuously underexplored. The article also addresses the phenomenon of bullying, underscoring the imperative for persistent educational initiatives within institutions to counteract bullying behavior. Articulating a discourse on a salubrious psychological climate becomes intricate within milieus dominated by bullying behavior.

The article provides methods for creating a healthy psychological climate, evaluating the roles of the family and educational institutions. The family's principal function is depicted as nurturing and molding the child into a societal member, with societal interventions playing a complementary role. Nevertheless, circumstances arise where remedying the problem proves elusive through conventional means such as education, medical interventions, socio-psychological support, or societal interventions. These situations encompass both routine, quotidian tasks and atypical, occasionally extraordinary circumstances. In all instances, a parent is advocated not to grapple with their predicaments solo but to avail themselves of community-oriented assistance.

Key words: psychological climate, personality, micro-environment, microclimate, social atmosphere, bullying

Психологічний клімат як визначальний фактор формування особистості

У статті досліджено ключову роль і значення психологічного клімату у формуванні особистості людини. Психологічний клімат розглядається як стрижнева детермінанта, що впливає на траєкторію навчального процесу та конфігурацію особистості. Основна увага статті зосереджена на з'ясуванні значення психологічного клімату в траєкторії розвитку особистості, зокрема в контексті випадків примусу в навчальних закладах та їх впливу на психологію підлітка. Крім того, у статті розглядається наявна наукова література про психологічний клімат, виявляючи помітний розкол серед дослідників щодо сутності та спрямованості дослідження. Отже, підкреслюється, що існує очевидна відсутність загальноприйнятої' концепту- алізації «психологічного клімату» в корпусі психологічної літератури. У той час як деякі дослідження включають такі терміни, як міцно-морально-психологічний клімат, психологічна атмосфера, психологічний мікроклімат тощо, вичерпний аналіз конкретної ролі психологічного клімату у формуванні особистості підлітків залишається явно недослідженим. У статті також розглядається феномен булінгу, підкреслюючи необхідність постійних освітніх ініціатив у закладах для протидії булінгу. Артикуляція дискурсу про сприятливий психологічний клімат стає складною в середовищах, де домінує агресивна поведінка.

У статті представлені методи створення здорового психологічного клімату, оцінка ролей сім'ї та освітніх установ. Основна функція сім'ї зображена як виховання та формування дитини в члена суспільства, а суспільне втручання відіграє додаткову роль. Тим не менш, виникають обставини, коли вирішення проблеми виявляється невловимим за допомогою звичайних засобів, таких як освіта, медичне втручання, соціально-психологічна підтримка або втручання суспільства. Ці ситуації охоплюють як рутинні, повсякденні завдання, так і нетипові, іноді надзвичайні обставини. У всіх випадках батькам рекомендується не вирішувати свої труднощі самостійно, а скористатися допомогою, орієнтованою на громаду.

Ключові слова: психологічний клімат, особистість, мікросередовище, мікроклімат, соціальна атмосфера, булінг.


The conceptualization of the notion of psychological climate in psychology has emanated from meteorology and geography. Presently, the psychological climate concept characterizes the nuanced, subtle, and delicate psychological facets of imperceptible interpersonal relationships among individuals. Psychological climate is conceptualized as the emotional resonance of proximity, sympathy, interest, inclination, and enthusiasm among collective members. It expresses the enduring characteristics of the collective and consolidates the emotional atmosphere prevailing within it. Emotional states influence intra-group interactions and interpersonal relationships, reflecting the real situation. Psychological climate is a microclimate where spiritual and social values take precedence. The article analyzes the issues of psychological climate and its impact on personality development, addressing both psychological and educational aspects to enhance the level of mental development.

In Azerbaijan, there hasn't been an independent research conducted on the role of psychological climate in shaping personality. Renowned Azerbaijani educators and psychologists such as A.A. Alizade [1], M. A. Hamzayev [], A. A. Agayev [3], A. S. Bayramov [2], V. J. Khalilov [3], R. I. Aliyev [7], B. H. Aliyev [8], L. S. Aliyeva [6], and others have discussed the importance of psychological climate in their research. However, there has not been a detailed and systematic investigation into the role of school-based psychological climate in the formation of adolescent personality. Hence, a comprehensive exploration of this issue is presented as a relevant and significant topic.

The primary goal of the article is to provide an in-depth analysis of the understanding of psychological climate, which plays a pivotal role in the formation of adolescent personality. Analyzing the role of psychological climate in shaping personality, identifying effective ways and means for the formation of favorable psychological climates are the primary goals and objectives.


psychological climate personality

The methodology of comparative analysis was employed among the sources related to the topic. Theoretical analysis took precedence in processing the information obtained from observation results. Generalization, comparative, and systematic approaches were used.

The Role of Psychological Climate in Psychology and its Impact on Personality Formation

The concept of psychological climate was investigated by the German psychologist Kurt Lewin, one of the pioneers of social psychology. In 1938, while researching leadership issues in various groups, Kurt Lewin used the concept of "social atmosphere”. The studies explored factors such as the culture of the collective, interpersonal relationships, communicative skills, and abilities, which play a significant role in the formation of psychological climate. Through the examination and analysis of various sources, it became evident that there is a common consensus among researchers that the psychological climate should be positive. When approaching the issue in terms of personality development, it is impossible to disagree with the ideas that psychological climate should be positive. Because the impact of an unfavorable psychological climate increases the likelihood of encountering various obstacles in the process of personality development. However, it is essential not to overlook the fact that avoiding the existence of either favorable or unfavorable environments is impossible. Much depends on individual characteristics. It is conceivable that an unfavorable psychological climate might leave its negative traces on an individual's upbringing, transforming the person over time into someone unmanageable and socially unaccepted. Additionally, a person with a strong character may not only remain unaffected by the negative influences of the environment but may also succeed in changing the microenvironment with their character.

In general, whether the psychological climate is favorable or unfavorable affects every aspect of human life. The impact of an unsound psychological climate follows a person everywhere. When the psychological climate is unfavorable, individuals may encounter a series of problems and be unable to build their lives as desired in the future. It is well-known that a student's future success is highly dependent on current educational achievements. When the psychological climate within the school is unfavorable, a student's interest in studying diminishes over time. Initially, this manifests as the student's unwillingness or complete refusal to complete homework assignments. The extent of the favorability of the school's psychological climate also influences students' attitudes toward various subjects.

The education a student receives not only at home but also within the school profoundly affects their psychosocial development. The decisive role here belongs to the spiritual atmosphere within the school, its adherence to social standards, and the nature of interpersonal relationships among colleagues and students. The school's material base (equipment, the size of the school grounds, etc.) is of secondary importance. In most cases, the emotional well-being of a student is dependent on the existing psychological climate. The understanding of psychological climate forms the basis for how an individual perceives themselves in a group.

One of the most crucial factors influencing the psychological climate within the school is related to students' interest in the educational process. To increase the success rate, the school should create an educational atmosphere. Often, students do not perceive school as a place where they come to study. In many cases, even if students like the school, they may not enjoy it because of the educational process. Instead, they view it as a meeting place with friends and a venue for various events. When parents ask their teenage children, "How was your day at school today?" they often talk about who argued with whom, how someone performed in classes, and other aspects related to the school environment. A significant aspect of the school climate is how interested students are in the learning process. The acceptance of the school's curriculum by students and their awareness of responsibility are crucial. Only in such cases can education become a priority.

The school's psychological climate is primarily a matter of upbringing. The success of upbringing can be achieved only when the teacher understands the students, perceives their internal states, understands their real relationships, and assesses the development opportunities and perspectives of these relationships. To be successful, the educator must continually improve as a personality, serve as an example, and be able to see through the eyes of children. The psychological climate is also essential for a student to assess their own capabilities correctly. To realize oneself, a successful situation and an atmosphere of benevolence should be created in the school [1, p. 47].

One of the main factors influencing the psychological climate of educational institutions is the unique characteristics of each nation. The distinct features and traditions of each nation manifest themselves in the psychological climate. The characteristic features of a nation are reflected in the relationship system of different collectives. Despite undergoing certain transformations over time due to historical events, ethnic stereotypes and ethnic identity are formed, polished, and strengthened, passing down from generation to generation. These elements find their reflection in the relationship system, ethical norms, views, beliefs, behavior, and demeanor style of the members of that ethnic group [2, p. 73].

The problem of the psychological climate within the school is such a serious matter that the desired outcome is directly dependent on it. In school, if there is a lack of necessary levels of human relationships with students, not respecting their opinions, thoughts, and personalities results in lamentable consequences. During school years, the multifaceted development of personality, the formation of its fundamental characteristics, often depend on the social environment in which the child exists. Harmonious development is a continuous process of maturation towards maturity, based on the child's age, mental, physical, and physiological capabilities, as well as interests and inclinations [3, p. 110].

Friendship relationships among adolescents also influence the psychological climate. The reinforcement of the impact of classmates' opinions, values, and judgments about adolescents is a significant aspect of this age period. The psychological climate within the school plays a significant role in psychosocial development and is directly related to solving the main problems of modern educational concepts. Personal and interpersonal relationships constitute the core of the psychosocial sphere [4, p. 61].

When discussing the role of the psychological climate within the school in shaping the personality of adolescents, attention is primarily drawn to their educational activities. The character of educational activities changes during adolescence. This change is not only about the softening of educational activities, the increase in the number of subjects, and the increase in the number of teachers but also about the teaching style and the teacher's relationship with students. A fundamental change occurs in teacher-student relationships [5, p. 185].

Researchers, when analyzing the psychological climate within the school, place greater importance on teacher-student relationships. Emphasizing the crucial role of teacher-student relationships in the formation of the adolescent personality shows that the teacher not only imparts the basics of knowledge but also organizes the student collective, shapes their personalities, and reflects their essence in the content of his relationships with children, determining the educational character of these relationships [6, p. 81].

The teacher-student relationship in school has a complex structure. Here, two main areas are distinguished - in-class and extracurricular time, where the teacher-student relationship varies. It is known that the teacher-student relationship in the classroom becomes more intricate and is characterized by its diverse socio-psychological aspects. The factors influencing this relationship are more numerous and varied. Proper evaluation of the student's learning activity in class is not only a crucial indicator of the teacher-student relationship but also a significant determinant of the student's emotional well-being and psychological state.

The most appropriate way in education is through mutual respect and love. Only through this path can the modern school improve the psychological climate within the school and achieve a positive resolution of any issue. Of course, in the field of education, which is interconnected with multiple strands, it is not possible to make a unilateral and categorical statement. However, it can be said that there is a single, correct path in education, and that is the unity of love, care, respect, and demand. Love, respect, and trust in your children. They will not disappoint you [7, p.7].

Sociometric research usually distinguishes three types of mutual relationships in a group from an emotive perspective: "sympathy," "indifference," and "antipathy." These relationships manifest themselves in various ways and often appear as one-sided emotional connections. In the realm of communication experience, sympathy can gradually turn into antipathy or indifferent relationships, and people who were indifferent and unattracted to each other yesterday may develop a liking for each other today. Each of these relationships has its unique psychological motives, and their roots can only be explained by personality factors. Personal mutual relationships emerge during the "sympathy" phase and typically develop reciprocally as a rule [8, p. 162].

The psychological well-being of an individual depends on their mental and emotional state. As known, emotional distress is often at the core of school neuroses, aggressive behavior, and various deformities in a person's spiritual realm. Bullying behavior, widespread among adolescents, also exerts its influence on psychological climate.

Currently, bullying is most prevalent in the field of violence in schools. While physical and psychological bullying is more common, other forms of bullying can also be encountered. Addressing bullying in schools should become a central focus of the collective [9, pp. 5-15].

Adolescents are subjected to negative actions repeatedly at various times, experiencing humiliation. Bullying is systematically evaluated as a misuse of "superiority." Bullying behavior is a prolonged physical or psychological violence carried out by one or more individuals, consciously targeting a person who cannot defend themselves. In practice, it involves intentional humiliation, fear, and abuse directed towards an individual unable to defend themselves [10, pp. 21-23].

Instances of bullying damage the social atmosphere of the school. Everyone should be aware that bullying is not a solution, and a conscious effort against bullying should be made [11, p. 19].

The challenging situations that adolescents face daily also affect the psychological climate. We can classify challenging situations as follows: checking knowledge during exams, students responding in front of the class, receiving poor grades, parents not approving of students' academic performance, conflicts with peers, situations of blame, public speaking, failure in any activity, and the possibility of physical harm or exposure. As seen, the field of challenging situations is quite broad. Many of these situations occur in students' daily lives. However, adults often overlook or downplay what happens, even though each situation can create serious problems for students. Therefore, every student should approach inevitable difficulties adequately and constructively, overcoming such situations without harming their well-being.

The effective management of the psychological climate within the school requires specific knowledge and skills from the pedagogical staff. The following specific measures can be taken: implementing scientifically based measures, enlightening and timely evaluation of the teaching staff, forming the collective by considering the social-psychological compatibility factor, and applying social-psychological methods that overcome productive mutual agreements and collaborative activities among group members.

The psychological climate in the student collective is reflected primarily in the general emotional relationships among children, their benevolent relationships with peers and adults. While many teachers consider the creation of an effective psychological climate essential, they often lack the necessary knowledge and skills regarding its methods and approaches.

Creating an effective psychological climate is not only a responsible task but also a creative process that requires knowledge of the nature and control methods, anticipating any situation that may occur within the student collective. The formation of an effective psychological climate demands an understanding of student psychology, their emotional states, and relationships with each other.

Psychological climate is not presented readymade; it develops in the educational process. The positive aspects noted in mutual relationships result in the creation of a favorable psychological climate: benevolence in relationships, active participation in social activities, mutual assistance, initiative, optimistic emotional states, and collective members' cooperativeness.

The absence of a favorable climate in the classroom is perilous for the individual. In such cases, high excitement, low self-esteem, and a lack of defense mechanisms manifest themselves. All these factors ultimately hinder personal development. When self-discipline does not develop, and some students remain active while others adopt passive observer or critical positions, dissatisfaction, resentment, and sometimes rebellion and anger arise. Negative emotions accumulate gradually, leading to the creation of an unfavorable psychological climate, resulting in aggression in mutual relationships or a depressed emotional state among collective members. Psychological climate formation not only affects job attitudes but also influences group members' attitudes towards themselves and others.

In conditions of a favorable psychological climate within the school, the emotional realm of students is characterized by benevolence, a sense of security, creativity, high emotional states, improved job skills, freedom, and a sense of self-esteem. In unfavorable conditions, students experience fear, aggression, lowered emotional states, depression, laziness, and isolation, surrendering themselves.

Methods for cultivating a conducive psychological climate in the classroom:

The establishment of the psychological climate in the classroom is a product of the collective efforts of those engaged in education, the inter-personal collaborative activities. To fortify this climate, it is imperative to delineate objectives and foster conditions for the joint endeavors of students, enlighten them about modes of collaborative work, and stimulate them to be active, creative, and proactive;

-- Organize activities predicated on the shared interests of collective members;

- Facilitate joint activities during leisure periods, partake in excursions together;

- Instill humane values in adolescents, mitigate negative emotions;

- Demonstrate respect for others' opinions, cultivate the capacity to embrace collective decisions;

- Safeguard and uphold teacher-student relationships;

- Cultivate communicative sophistication, interpersonal communication, and teamwork competencies;

- Foster a tolerant disposition among group members towards others.


The distinctive role and paramount significance of psychological climate in shaping an individual's personality are noteworthy. The presence of a propitious psychological climate correlates with an enhancement in the standards of education and upbringing. Concurrently, an amicable psychological climate serves as a guarantor of mental well-being. Nevertheless, research outcomes reveal that the contribution of the school's internal psychological climate to the development of adolescent personality has not been adequately scrutinized. There is a necessity to delve into adolescents' personal conceptualizations of the psychological climate, their emotional experiences in favorable or unfavorable psychological conditions, and the peculiarities in the development of personality under the respective psychological climate conditions. In this context, our analysis primarily focused on examining the psychological climate issue concerning personality development. We addressed pivotal considerations to attain an optimal psychological climate. Employing the methodologies expounded in the article has the potential to foster the creation of a salubrious psychological climate in the classroom for effectively tackling the issue at hand.


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