Value determination of personal self-fulfillment of gifted youth students at a teaching university

The problem of personal self-realization of gifted youth in the conditions of European integration of higher education, value determination. The development of a person's abilities, thanks to which he achieves success in the chosen field of activity.

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Дата добавления 23.09.2024
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Value determination of personal self-fulfillment of gifted youth students at a teaching university

Olha Akimova1, Mykyta Sapogov1 and Mykyta Koval2

1Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine 2 University of South Florida Muma College of Business, Tampa, USA


Ollta Akimova

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Mykyta Sapohov

PhD in Education, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Mykyta Koval Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Master of Business Administration

The study of the problem of personal self-realization of gifted youth is recognized as one of the priority directions in the conditions of European integration of higher education, as is proven in the article. Supporting gifted students becomes an important task for society. The value determination of the process of personal self-realization of gifted students is recognized as a priority way of solving this problem in the article. It is noted that this problem acquires special significance when it comes to the future teacher, who must acquire the appropriate skills for raising gifted children during the period of study in institutions of higher education. The concept of «giftedness» will be interpreted in the article as favorable prerequisites for the development, personal attitude, and orientation of a developing young person. At the same time, it is also an individual peculiarity of a person's abilities, thanks to which he achieves success in the chosen field of activity. The article also presents other interpretations of giftedness: as general abilities that determine a person's capabilities for certain activities; as a system of endowments, which are natural prerequisites for abilities; as individual characteristics of cognitive abilities; as the appropriate level of development of abilities that allow the individual to achieve success in various fields of activity; as a peculiar system of abilities in a person, the unity that they form and, in sum, contribute to high achievements. The authors single out the following types of giftedness: artistic giftedness in the fields of art, authorship, music, literature, and sculpture; leadership talent (high intelligence; ability to make decisions and plan for the future; flexibility; sense of responsibility; persistence and enthusiasm; self-confidence; ability to express oneself clearly); creative talent; and academic and intellectual giftedness (observation; sharp thinking; special memory; problem-solving abilities).

Keywords: value determination, personal self-realization, gifted students, future teachers, professional training


self-realization of gifted youth higher education

Ціннісна детермінація особистісної самореалізації обдарованої студентської молоді у педагогічному університеті

Ольга Акімова1, Микита Сапогов1, Микита Коваль2

1 Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського, м. Вінниця, Україна 2 Бізнес-коледж Мума, Університет Південної Флориди, м. Тампа, США

Ольга Вікторівна Акімова Доктор педагогічних наук, професор;

Микита Володимирович Сапогов Доктор філософії, завідувач лабораторії

Микита Сергійович Коваль Кандидат педагогічних наук, магістр ділового адміністрування

У статті доведено, що в умовах євроінтеграції вищої освіти вивчення проблеми особистісної самореалізації обдарованої молоді визнано одним із пріоритетних напрямів. Підтримка обдарованих студентів постає важливим завданням суспільства. Пріоритетним шляхом вирішення цієї проблеми у статті визнано ціннісну детермінацію процесу особистісної самореалізації обдарованих студентів. Зазначається, що особливої значущості ця проблема набуває, коли йдеться про майбутнього вчителя, який має набути за період навчання у закладах вищої освіти відповідних навичок щодо виховання обдарованих дітей. Поняття «обдарованість» потрактовується у статті як сприятливі передумови розвитку, особиста установка, спрямованість молодої людини, яка розвивається. Разом з тим, це й індивідуальна своєрідність здібностей людини, завдяки яким вона досягає успіхів в обраній галузі діяльності. У статті представлені й інші тлумачення обдарованості: як загальні здібності, що зумовлюють можливості людини до певної діяльності; як система задатків, що є природними передумовами здібностей; індивідуальна характеристика пізнавальних здібностей; як належний рівень розвитку здібностей, що дозволяють особистості досягати успіхів в різних галузях діяльності; як своєрідна система здібностей у людини, єдність, що вони утворюють та у сумі сприяють високим досягненням. Автори виокремлюють такі види обдарованості: художня обдарованість у сферах мистецтва, авторської майстерності, музики, літератури, скульптури; лідерська обдарованість (високий інтелект; здатність приймати рішення, планувати на майбутнє; гнучкість; почуття відповідальності; наполегливість та ентузіазм; впевненість у собі; вміння чітко висловлюватися); творча обдарованість; академічна та інтелектуальна обдарованість (спостережливість; гострота мислення; особлива пам'ять; здібності до розв'язання задач).

Ключові слова: ціннісна детермінація, особистісна самореалізація, обдаровані студенти, майбутні вчителі, професійна підготовка

Statement of the problem

Studying at a higher educational institution is aimed at ensuring maximum mobilization of opportunities and realization of abilities of each student as a subject of activity. Therefore, there is a problem of value determination of personal selfrealization of future specialists. The solution to this problem relates to the definition of values as the basis for the formation of personal priorities. Today vital issue is the solution to the problem of the conscious adoption by the future teacher of the chosen profession and the formation of a value attitude towards personal selfimprovement as a condition for self-realization [12].

O. Muzyka [5], investigating the value determination of formation and development of a gifted personality, observes that the national tradition of scientific concept of «determination» is connected with the principle of determinism, which in the last century has undergone significant transformations. The reasons for this lie in the logic of science in general and psychology in particular, especially the part that examines personality - Personology [5, p. 10].

Practical realization of value determination of gifted students in higher education establishment involves the study of the nature and ways of implementing the phenomenon of determinism. Having noted that determinism is one of the main principles of scientific knowledge, which is formed on the natural interaction of factors that are subjected to empirical control, depending on the dominant methodological doctrine, the causal condition of mental manifestations was interpreted very differently. «Determinism appears primarily in the form of causality as a set of circumstances prior to the time of a certain event and its cause» [5, p. 29]. Those authors singled out a number of forms of determinism: «systemic determinism (the dependence of individual components of the system on the properties of the whole); determinism of the type of feedback (the effect influences the cause that produced it); statistical determinism (under similar reasons, there appear various effects that fall under the statistical pattern); target determinism (the purpose preceding the result determines the process of its achieve- ment)» [5, p. 29]. Z. Karpenko connects non-classical psychology with the domination of mutual probability determinism, post-nonclassical - with predominance of explanatory patterns based on neodeterminism, which is regarded as nonlinear, systemic, synergetic. In addition, the integrative post-nonclassical paradigm and the type of determinism corresponding to it are singled out: holarchic (acausal, teleological, synchronic) [3, p. 3].

Analysis of recent research and publications. Various aspects of the problem of value determination of personal self-realization of gifted student youth were studied by domestic scientists: O. Antonova (giftedness as a scientific phenomenon); V. Voloshchuk (diagnosis of intellectual giftedness); V. Homonyuk (modern scientific ideas about self-actualization and self-realization); Yu Hryshko (forming the value of self-realization of future teachers); S. Husakivska (formation of the value-meaning sphere of future teachers); V. Zaviryukha (forming students' ability to professional self-growth); O. Music (subject-value determination of creative giftedness).

The purpose of the article analysis of scientific literature on the problem of value determination in the personal self-realisation of gifted student youth.

Summary of the main material

Determinism is a general principle that is applied both to natural, external to human phenomena, and to the explanation of the causal conditionality of mental processes. O. Tkachenko analyzes the types of determinism: the premechanistic, mechanistic, general biological, biopsychic, sociopsychic, singling out the latter two as being the levels of determination of behavior [13, p. 39-40]. The principle of determinism was modified, when the object of scientific research became a person with his ability to set long-term goals. It is about mental determinism, which explains the influence of the internal life of the individual on the external manifestations of his self-regulation [5, p. 6-19]. The above-mentioned types of determinism relate mainly to the classical stage of development of psychology, which was characterized by a certain level of absolutization of the possibilities of scientific cognition, expressed in orientation of the researchers to a common methodology.

Determination of personality development is an extremely complex multifactorial process, especially as to the gifted student youth. One can agree with M. Chepa, who observes: «One version of the systematic vision for determination of the psyche suggests that the possibility of the emergence and existence of mental phenomena is conditioned by various circumstances (determinants) that can act as causes, consequences, external and internal factors and prerequisites» [10, p. 21].

The relation of value determination and personal development of students was considered in the context of personal development, in which the concept of «deter- minism» is connected with the notions of «determination», «self-determination», «regulation», «self-regulation», «self-creation», «self-realization». Their meanings intersect, but also have differences. It is obvious, that the concept of «self-creation» and «self-realization» is more suitable for characterizing processes associated with internally determined changes of personality that has gone through the stages of formation, and produced, according to S. Maksimenko, its own «line» of development [4, p. 40-48].

For gifted people who regulate their own development, guided mostly by stable internal value criteria, personality-value regulation is characteristic in a greater extent. Investigating the determinants of formation of a gifted personality should be aimed primarily at identification of value characteristics, which are associated with the main characteristics of development of giftedness; are common to gifted people; distinguish gifted people from the rest [5, p.14].

Investigating value determination of moral formation of the personality, N. Pavlyk makes emphasis on the age peculiarities of moral self-determination of a person. It is in the student age, when the foundations, on which the value-moral core of a person will be built in his later life, are laid. In accordance with the cultural-historical theory of philosophical and psychological concept, the main source of formation of value-semantic sphere is the cultural and historical heritage of the society: values, ideals, criteria of good and evil. The process of moral formation of the individual is optimized by the influence of culture, which embodies the aspirations of people to higher spiritual and moral ideals and forms the value space of moral consciousness (N. Nychkalo). For the domestic traditional science, the emphasis is made on morality and the priority of spiritual values over material things. Meanwhile, modern pedagogical science is characterized by the diffusion of value orientations due to the unstructured character of various types of subcultures, the lack of clear value criteria and moral standards in the society; pragmatic orientation, indifference to the moral- spiritual semantic dimension of being (V. Frankl, E. Fromm) [7, p. 5].

The issue of value determination was considered in the dissertation researches of: O. Badiul «Transformation of values of personality in educational process», 2010; A. Gashenko, «Intrafirm system of values: socio-philosophical analysis», 2004; Y. Grishko «Formation of the value of self-realization of future teachers in the process of professional training», 2009; S. Husakivska «Psychological peculiarities of formation of value-

semantic fields of the future instructors for pre-school educational institutions», 2014; V. Dolzhenko «Education of spiritual values of students' youth in the field of cultural space», 2006; N. Ivantsev «Dynamics of value orientation of student youth during professional training», 2001; N. Maksymchuk «Psychological peculiarities of value orientations of the future teacher formation in the process of professional training», 2000 ; Y. Melnyk «Cognitive and value aspects in socialization of personality», 2011 ; G. Nariadko «Personality in the value paradigm of the society in transition period», 2010 ; N. Nikonchuk «Reflexive-value regulation of development the learning abilities at junior school age», 2009 ; N. Pavlyk «Value determination of moral formation of personality in adolescence age», 2006 ; L. Panchenko «Formation of value orientations of youth in the period of systemic transformation of Ukrainian society», 2003 ; E. Protsenko «Spiritual and value orientations of a personality in the context of philosophical and religious traditions», 2006 ; O. Romanets «Basic values of formation of civil society in Ukraine», 2011 ; T. Severina «Value determination of personal self-improvement of students in educational process at higher pedagogical educational institutions», 2012; V. Smetaniak «Psychological peculiarities of value self-determination of high school students», 2003 ; O. Stasko «Psychological significance of conditional values and their influence on formulation of the idealized «I» of the personality», 2006 ;

N.Sorokina «State management of formation of value orientation of the present-day Ukrainian society», 2008 ;

O.Sofishchenko «Formation of the system of aesthetic values at the students of a pedagogical educational institution», 2002 ; Yu. Sugrobova «Dynamics of formation of the world of values in Ukrainian youth culture», 2007; I. Tabachek «Formation and development of a modern teacher personality», 2005 ; A. Furman «Value-orientation factors of personal development of future psychologists», 2009 ; N. Chutova «Influence of mass media on the formation of value orientations of contemporary Ukrainian youth (on the example of Dnipropetrovsk region)», 2010 ; M. Shevchuk «Psychological mechanisms of transformation of value orientations of student youth», 2000 ; N. Schemigon «For- mation of value orientation of future teachers in the process of professional training», 2008.

In modern pedagogical science, the problem of selfrealization is interpreted through the value determination of a person. O. Muzyka [5], investigating the subjective- value determination of a creative person, approved that the basic notion that determines the existence of human understanding of the «desirable» and the «due», is «good». Good is «either what is best for every being, or what makes other things involved, that is, the idea of good» [8, p. 127].

For the first time, Aristotle operates with such concepts as «valued» and «valuable» - «valued» (virtue, soul, mind), «praised» (virtues whose actions are commendable), «possible» (vigor, beauty, wealth, power) [2]. The problem of values always arises in the era of devaluation of cultural tradition and discrediting ideological foundations of the society. Thus the crisis of the Athenian democracy for the first time forced Socrates to ask: «What is good?» that became the main issue of the general theory of values. In Socrate's philosophy, values have become a central category, and «good» is interpreted as the achieved value, significance. In ancient and medieval philosophy, the value (ethical, aesthetic and religious) characteristics were included in the very concept of the reality of true being. The tradition of idealistic rationalism goes from Plato to Hegel and is distinguished by inseparability of ontology and axiology, being and values. Axiology as a separate area of philosophical research arises when the notion of «being» is split into two elements: reality and value as an object of human desires and aspirations [10, p. 129]. The axiological aspect of knowledge of the world is inherent in the philosophical views of Plato, who believed that the world of things and the world of ideas are not identical: as ideas are ideals, they are more «valuable» comparing to things. Plato also made one of the first classifications of value (good) as a category, dividing it into «good», «beautiful», «true» [2]. Plato identified the existence of two spheres of being: physical (natural) and ideal (supernatural) reality, accessible only to reason. Those two worlds, as the thinker believed, are linked by «virtue». Consequently, the idea of the ancient philosophers about human needs, the essence of understanding and the desire to achieve «good» became the fundamental basis for further understanding of the problem of values [8, p. 128; 11].

The methodological basis of the value determination of personality self-realization of student youth, that ensures its effectiveness, is the axiology that studies the problems of values and finds out the qualities and properties of objects, phenomena, processes capable of meeting the needs, interests, demands and wishes of young people. One of the defining characteristics of values (also in ethical and aesthetical concepts), according to R.-G. Lotze, is the notion of «significance». Value is everything that is meaningful to a person, has personal or social meaning. Followers of R.-G. Lotze developed, enriched the concept of values, supplemented the basic categories of axiology - «virtue» and «value» - by the concepts of «evaluation», «choice», «price», «success», «desirable», «proper», «better», «worse» and others. There are different points of view on the nature of values - the ability of things to meet human needs, desires, representations that generate human hopes and expectations [14; 17].

Methodological substantiation of the corresponding key concept of «values» is found in modern dictionaries, where «value» is interpreted as a spiritual formation, which exists through moral and aesthetic categories, social ideals and serves as a criterion for assessing human actions; as a positive and negative understanding of things, events, spiritual works of a society or an individual [1; 2]; as a term indicative of the human, social and cultural significance of certain phenomena of the surrounding world [15, p.73] etc. Hence, value is described as the significance, that a person gives to certain things, phenomena, and that forms the basis of human attitude towards them.

Important for our study of gifted student youth was the position that modern axiology uses the concept of the subject-object nature of values, the world of which (axi- obeing) forms the man himself. Due to it man gives the environment the spirits of culture, emotionally and psychologically «transforms» it. However, values are not inherent, not immanent the very nature of being, they belong to the ideal spheres. An object acquires an axiological meaning («virtue», «better», «happiness») if the subject gives him an advantage [14].

Exploring the teaching process at the pedagogical university and organizing educational work with students, the ideas, that values are also divided according to their carriers into individual, group (collective, national), allhuman, were used. All-human values include the values of good (virtue), freedom, truth, verity, creativity, beauty, utility, faith, hope, love. Individual values are life (vital values), happiness, well-being, health, family wealth. National values include such virtues as independence, good-neighborliness, peace, patriotism, dignity, social peace, etc. Every sphere of human life and activity has its own system of values [1].

An important issue for the work with gifted student youth was determining the forms of existence of values. Thus, the main form, in which the values function, are ideals - the idea of something non-existent, imaginary, perfect, desirable. The content of ideals reveals such peculiarities of values as hopes for a better future, expectations of the desired. They are the ideals of a fully developed individual or a society in which all reasonable human needs will be met [14; 18]. Value is not to be called uniquely true or false phenomenon, its characteristics are both objective significance and a subjective norm, on which the concept of truth also should not be extended. The criteria of value choice are relative, conditioned by the current moment or historical circumstances that transfer the problem of truth to the moral plane (V. Andrushchenko, I. Boichenko, I. Nadolny) [14].

The problem of functioning of values in the society is a fundamental one as to the problem of value determination of personal self-realization of the student youth. Thus, G. Rickert contrasts the world of culture as a sphere of domination of values to the world of nature, where laws prevail. R. Lotze and W. Windelbald consider values as norms that are the basis of cultural activity; as «spiritual phenomena, eternal transcendental entities» [13].

Concomitant with the conception of values in pedagogical science is the notion of value orientation, which is especially important for gifted student youth. In particular, L. Panchenko observes that value orientations lie at the basis of a person's outlook, his moral, political, aesthetic beliefs and tastes, defining and stimulating behavior. Formed value orientation is a kind of «axis» of consciousness that ensures the stability of a personality and manifests itself in the types of behavior, interests, needs, beliefs, on the basis of which the hierarchy of values of the individual is constructed [9, p. 4].

The notion of «value» is associated with the axiological category «evaluation» - measurement (appreciation or negation) of value. It stimulates practical attitude to the social, political, economic and cultural events of life. German philosopher Paul-Ferdinand Linke believed that value was the subject of interpretation. Explaining value as an interpretation, he argues that by means of interpretation a person prefers a particular thing or mode of action. The problem of interpreting values, choosing the «best» of them, transformation of values into self-beliefs is a complicated and intrinsically controversial intellectual- volitional procedure. Axiology emphasizes that such values as truth, good and beauty, to which man strives for their own sake, are manifested in values-benefits of culture (science, law, art, religion) that «normalize», «formalize» the content of values and return to the person as a subject of value generalizations as requirements of supposed need. One of the highest social values is freedom - special circumstances conditioned by spiritual reality; universal culture of the subjective series, which captures the possibility of activity and behavior in the absence of coercion [14].

There are two fundamental concepts that have practical significance for our study: the first relates the values to the human needs of living, those things that matter to the vital interest, requires the pursuit of aspirations; the second recognizes them as supervital formations, as a kind of «Absolute», the highest dimension of human spirituality [1]. According to N. Yukhymenko, values serve as a «world-formation factor. They are the source of norms and are included in the value-normative system of a person whose behavior depends on the system that he prefers, and on the place that one or another value in this hierarchical system occupies» [1]. Thus, any value includes necessity, interest, experience. Hence, values grow from the objective needs of a person and are consciously transformed into his interests and aspirations.

Traditional folk ideas, awareness of the values of Ukrainian people are important for value determination of personal self-realization of gifted student youth. This aspect of the research was realized through the analysis of historical and pedagogical issues of national axiological thought. Thus, O. Petinova [1] refers to the evolution of philosophical and pedagogical thought in Ukraine, since the problem of values was repeatedly addressed to it. Views about the highest value of man (after God) were still present in the philosophical sources of the period of Kyievan Rus, when the highest value of a man was considered to be his moral qualities, and the actions were evaluated not on the results, but on the moral motives that prompted those actions. In the writings of I. Vyshensky, M. Lopatynsky, M. Kozachynsky, F. Prokopovych, S. Yavorsky, M. Kotsubynsky, M. Dragomanov and many others, this problem was one of the leading motives. Today, as well, many researchers are appealing to a man as a value, for example, A. Kavalerov [2].

To substantiate the problem of values, the works of I. Kotlyarevsky were used. He considered the truth to be the most important axiological principle, associated with nationality, what is pronounced in the poem «Aeneid» [14]. As the leading feature of the axiological worldview of I. Kotlyarevsky one can also determine the assertion of the value of a person regardless his social class, because human dignity is the highest moral and aesthetic value. This idea was transferred and extended by Ye. Hrebinka [1] in his artistic heritage. In the axiological beliefs of P. Gulak-Artemovsky significant place is given to the so- called «goodness», which is interpreted with the humanist-enlightenment notions of good and evil and «natural» equality of people. P. Kulish [1] also defined the human soul as one of the values, because in this «deep well» the essence of the person itself is hidden, it is the place, where communication with God takes place [15].

The pedagogical essence of the idea of value of man and nature and their organic unity is reflected in the works of Lesia. Ukrainka. Speaking about the dialectical unity of man and nature, it is emphasized that these relations are complex and contradictory. They carry with them not only positive but also negative: nature reveals its beauty to man, gives its wealth, but man still remains the part of it. T. Shevchenko attributes to the values also the categories of life, faith, hope, will, love, conscience and others like that. On the axiological basis, such categories as the world of the Ukrainian village and the world of the Cossacks are growing, and if the Cossacks embody the past of Ukraine, the world of the village is out of time [2].

The axiological direction of Ivan Franko's views [2] can be determined by such axiological concepts: hero, personality, people and nation. One of the highest values is faith. The basic ideas, reflecting the value worldview of I. Nechui-Levytskyi, are the will and the truth. For the oeuvre of P. Hrabovskyi the belief in universal values, and, above all, in beauty was characteristic. It was the motive, which P. Hrabovskyi considered the only worthy for the personality meaning of life, and therefore the value that occupies one of the most important places in the value hierarchy [6; 18].

A special place among the functions of value orientations of the person is the outlook function, which is revealed through the clarification of the essence of the worldview. Traditionally, the worldview is defined as a generalized system of human views on the world as a whole, the place of individual phenomena in the world and its own place in it, as an understanding and emotional assessment by the person of the meaning of his activities and the fate of mankind as a set of scientific, philosophical, political, legal, moral, religious, aesthetic beliefs and ideals of people [2].

Value orientations fulfill the function of adapting the personality to the natural and socio-cultural environment, to conditions of life, to professional activity. The process of adaptation is due to a system of objective and subjective factors. Objective factors of the process of adaptation include the state and effectiveness of economic, social, political and spiritual processes of social life; content and features of professional activity. Among the subjective factors of the adaptation process, the leading place belongs to value orientations [1].

Value orientations of the person carry out a regulatory and communicative function. A person, in the process of interaction with the outside world within a specific system of social relations, must compare his actions with the interests of the social community and other people, their aspirations and expectations. The latter are capable of acquiring for the individual and social communities the status of objective reality and independent value and fulfill the role of social control. Organizing function of value orientations of personality is the determination of social activity [1].

Among the functions of value orientations of the individual an integrative function is distinguished separately. On a personal level, value orientations integrate the cognitive, emotional, volitional fields of the individual's consciousness, create an important link of the individual's life with the needs and interests, on the one hand, and his goals - on the other. Value orientations of the person perform the cognitive function. Valuable orientations initiate cognitive activity, provide sustainability of cognitive activity, facilitate the process of acquiring and enriching knowledge [1].

In psychology relatively recently values began to be regarded as a phenomenon of individual consciousness. Under values we understand perceived semantics, which are the most significant components in the structure of consciousness, since they determine the main and relatively constant attitudes of man to the main spheres of life. Thus, values are individual, peculiar semantic formations of consciousness that reflect the vital significance for a person of external (objective world, social environment) and internal phenomena (emotions, abilities, world outlook, etc.) [1].

The pedagogical aspect of the problem in the study of the value determination of personal self-realization is associated by the researches with the contemporary demands, when orientation of the pedagogical process on the universal human values that are reflected in education and upbringing the younger generation, as well as the ideological, moral and professional position of the teachers themselves, is increasing. In this regard, the problem of implementation of the concept of the value- based approach in pedagogical process - education, upbringing and self-development of a person - is becoming an actual one.

Pedagogical axiology greatly affects the character of subject-object cooperation. The focus is made not only on knowledge and skills, but also on a range of vital values of student youth. The educational environment determines the ability to navigate in the surrounding world, in particular, to perceive its value heterogeneity. The degree of development of such skills in the personality is one of the most important indicators of the level of his education. Pedagogical studies are focused on solving urgent tasks of an educational institution regarding the definition, substantiation and implementation of a number of values necessary for the personal selfrealization of future teachers. The set of stable values, value orientations contribute to the formation of value consciousness, ensuring stability of the individual, the continuity of a certain type of behavior and activities, expressed in the direction of needs and interests [6].

Analysis of pedagogical literature and practice of education in higher educational establishments shows that the process of self-realization of students is largely determined by the focus of university practice on the full development of personality as the most important task of higher education. The determining value for higher school appears to be the emerging person already existing, unfolding his life aspirations and plans in space and time [2]. Training future teachers involves creating for the students' conditions for designing their subjectively significant image of «I» in culture and future profession, contributes to the formation of the student, his personal potential [2].

The problem of value-semantic development of the personality of the future teacher within the educational process of the university is considered in the dissertation study of Y. Hryshko «Formation of the value of selfrealization of future teachers in the process of professional training». Thus, the value-semantic sphere of personality is a complex integral formation, the components of which are value orientations and the system of personal contents. The researcher interprets the value orientations of the future teacher as a system of integrated semantic settings that determine the relation to the essential aspects of teaching activity, its subjects and the level of professional activity of the teacher, ensuring its self-realization [2].

For our study it was important to determine the peculiarities of value determination of personal realization particularly of the gifted student youth. In this regard, scholars argue that the formation, development and effective self-realization of gifted future teachers is conditioned by their concentration around the motivational core of the individual. Also, scholars draw attention to the fact that the structure of value orientations of gifted student youth has significant differences from the structure of value orientations of ungifted students. Valuable orientations of the first reflect the hierarchy of values of culture, in which spiritual and professional values dominate. Value orientations of other students demonstrate changes in the structure of value orientations of youth associated with social changes. The most prestigious they regard the material values, the values of individualism, hedonism. In some studies, it is said that highly gifted persons in present-day conditions become the carriers of national culture [2].

Self-awareness, internal activity and the system of value orientations of gifted students are subjective determinants of personal self-improvement of students at a higher educational institution. They contribute to the future teacher's need for constant self-improvement. The problem of value determination of personal selfimprovement of future teachers has found its coverage in modern studies [1].

Analysis of the scientific sources allowed formulating our own definition for the basic concept of the research. Value determination of personal self-realization of student youth is defined as the process of purposeful, creative growth of the future specialist, which is mediated by the need for personal self-improvement on the basis of personal and professional values and due to the formation of the person's motivational sphere.

It is proved that pedagogical giftedness means a qualitatively peculiar combination of pedagogical abilities of personality, his intellect, creativity of thinking and activity, and conscious deliberate orientation towards the functions of a pedagogical worker who can achieve significant success in professional activity (O. Antonova, O. Akimova, O. Kutsevol). It is found that understanding the essence of giftedness and its connection with special abilities is revealed through the unity of general and special properties and their interpenetration. Herewith, the overall talent is not only a prerequisite, but the result of all-round development of the individual. Relationships between general talent and special abilities differ for different abilities. The higher is the level of special ability, the closer is its relationship with the overall talent. As a result, one person demonstrates general giftedness, which manifests itself in different directions, in the absence of a specialized talent; the other shows capabilities in any one direction, and it is considered to be a talent.

On the basis of theoretical principles and teaching experience it was found: self-realization can be understood as identification and development by the individual his personal abilities in all areas of activity, maximum revelation of personal creativity in socio-cultural context, maximum use of his capabilities, talents, personal disclosure. In pedagogical context - it is the most complete identification and development of individual and professional opportunities. It is proved that the problem of selfrealization in pedagogical science is associated with the formation of attitudes and values of the individual under the influence of education. The dominant in implementation of self-realization are the processes of construction of personal content of value, moral self-education and selfcognition.

The basis of the value determination of the personal self-fulfillment of gifted students - future teachers - constitute the conceptual provisions about the essence of giftedness, which is defined as a set of all human qualities that determine the performance of its activities. Considering giftedness from the standpoint of development, we define it as interaction in a certain fixed moment of internal characteristics and external factors that determine the emergence of self-realization potential.


It is determined that the fundamental achievements of the theory and practice of humanistic pedagogy became the prerequisites for accomplishing the value determination of personal self-realization of gifted student youth. The basis for the value determination of personal self-fulfillment of gifted students is the concepts of axiology, humanism, democracy, personal centering and individual freedom. In modern pedagogical science, giftedness is understood as the determinant of selfrealization, its prerequisite, which can both promote and counteract this process depending on the internal position of the individual. It is proved that in today's conditions of European integration of education the following approaches may be effective for the development of areas of work for the development of giftedness of students: acceleration (rate of development), deepening (in a concrete sphere), enrichment (of the content of studying), problematization (of the content of studying), inclusion (in the subject activity). Self-realization is always connected with the activity in which the needs of growth, development, self-improvement and personal abilities and professional capabilities are met. It is proved that the problem of self-realization in pedagogical science is associated with the formation of attitudes and values of the individual under the influence of education. The dominant processes in implementation of self-realization in the investigated branch are the processes of constructing personal value contents, moral selfeducation, self-cognition. It is concluded that the value determination of personal self-realization is characteristic of gifted people who regulate their own development, guided by mostly stable internal values criteria. Investigation of the determinants of gifted personality formation should be aimed, first of all, at identifying the value characteristics associated with the basic features of development of giftedness, which are common to gifted youth, as well as those that distinguish gifted students from the rest.

Value determination of personal self-realization of student youth we define as the process of purposeful, creative growth of the future specialist, which is mediated by the need for personal self-improvement on the basis of personal and professional values and due to formation of the person's motivational sphere.


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