Emotional manifestation of expressed behavioral reactions in students under the influence of stress

Study of individual differences in response to stress by students during study and extracurricular time. Factors influencing genetic, acquired, and dispositional differences in stress response. Development of programs to overcome stress in people.

Рубрика Психология
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 19.09.2024
Размер файла 22,2 K

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National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Department of health and sports technologies

Emotional manifestation of expressed behavioral reactions in students under the influence of stress

Havrylova N., Senior Lecturer

Mokhunko O., Senior Lecturer

Kyiv, Ukraine


In this article, we will look at why people react differently to stress. We will analyze the results of a number of empirical studies of individual differences in students' reactions to stress during study and outside study time. We will explore the factors that influence individual differences in the emergence of a stress response. We compare genetic, acquired, and dispositional individual differences and give examples of each of these categories to show how one or another difference affects the occurrence of stress.

Traditionally, psychologists have paid much attention to how people cope with stress and how they react to stressors. Much of this interest is based on the general belief that some people are more prone to stress and more vulnerable than "others".

Therefore, people are distributed within some continuum of stress resistance. It turned out that some people are prone to stress, while others rarely experience stress even under difficult conditions. This idea has attracted the interest of universities because this approach makes it possible to identify stress factors that determine the contingent with a stable psyche. In the field of education, this idea is attractive because it implies the possibility of identifying people who are prone to stress, with the help of which appropriate stress management programs can be developed. The analysis of scientific literature shows that the value of self-assessment of the complex of stress manifestations will be the higher, the worse the subject feels, the less he believes in his strength, abilities, energy, independence, the lower the assessment of his ability to control his own life and be independent [1].

Key words: stress, students, individual characteristics, help, programs, solutions.


Гаврилова Н., Мохунько О. Емоційний прояв виражених поведінкових реакцій у студентів під впливом стресу

У цій статті ми розглянемо, чому люди по-різному реагують на стрес. Проаналізуємо результати низки емпіричних досліджень індивідуальних відмінностей реакції на стрес студентами під час навчання і в позанавчальний час. Ми дослідимо фактори, які впливають на індивідуальні відмінності у виникненні реакції на стрес. Порівняємо генетичні, набуті та диспозиційні індивідуальні відмінності та наведемо приклади кожної з цих категорій, щоб показати, як та чи інша відмінність впливає на виникнення стресу.

За традицією, психологи приділяють велику увагу тому, як люди відчувають стрес і як реагують на стресори. Значна частина цього інтересу базується на загальному переконанні, що деякі люди більш схильні до стресу і більш вразливі, ніж «інші».

Тому люди розподіляються в межах деякого континууму стресостійкості. Виявилося, що одні люди схильні до стресу, а інші рідко відчувають стрес навіть у важких умовах. Ця ідея зацікавила університети, оскільки такий підхід дає змогу виявити стресові фактори, що визначають контингент зі стійкою психікою. У сфері освіти ця ідея є привабливою тим, що передбачає можливість виявлення людей, схильних до стресу, за допомогою яких можна розробити відповідні програми для подолання стресу. Аналіз наукової літератури показує, що значення самооцінки комплексу проявів стресу буде тим вищим, чим гірше суб'єкт почувається, чим менше він вірить у свої сили, здібності, енергію, незалежність, чим менша оцінка його здатності контролювати власне життя і бути самостійним.

Ключові слова: стрес, студенти, індивідуальні особливості, допомога, програми, рішення.

Formulation of the problem

Research on the theory that with a decrease in the desire to expect a positive or negative attitude from others, with a decrease in self-acceptance, self-understanding, self-interest, that is, interest in one's own thoughts and feelings, readiness to communicate with oneself "on an equal footing", confidence in one's interest in others, an individual stress reaction.

Analysis of literary sources. The specificity of the research task determined the choice of literature and the order of study by the authors of the topic of stress and students' behavioral reactions to it. This topic was considered by the following authors: Naugolnyk L.B. [1], Habib Y. [2], Schwabe L., Wolf O.T., Oitzl M.S. [3].

The occurrence and experience of stress depends not only on objective factors, but also on subjective factors, on the characteristics of the person himself: his assessment of the situation, comparison of his strengths and characteristics with what is needed. etc. Any surprise that disrupts the usual course of life can cause stress or a stressor, according to the terminology of H. Selye. At the same time, the content of the situation itself and the degree of its objective threat are irrelevant. A subjective attitude towards it is important. Therefore, a certain situation (say, receiving a "two") may be perceived as stressful by some, but it will not cause stress for others. The internal psychological characteristics of a person will be of great importance. Pay attention to this important feature of stress, it is important to fight with it. The works of scientists indicate the importance of such conditions that develop stress: immobilization; lack of time; violation of biological rhythms; changing living conditions and dynamic stereotype.

According to research by scientists, all these factors occur in students to one degree or another during their preparation and passing of the exam. Waiting for the exam itself, and then for the assessment, introduces an element of uncertainty, which contributes to the development of stress reactions. Long-term restriction of movement, not related to repetition of a large amount of material, is a form of partial immobilization, and the need to adhere to a strict time limit for preparing for the exam session creates additional tension. To this, it is necessary to add a disturbance of sleep and wakefulness, especially the night before the exam, and breaking the usual dynamic stereotypes during the session. Considering all the above, we have to agree that during the exam session, students have to face a wide range of stressful factors, which ultimately lead to the development of severe stress.

We can distinguish two groups of subjective reasons that cause stress. The first group is associated with a relatively constant component of a person's personality, while the second group of causes of stress carries a dynamic character. In both cases, stress can be caused by differences between expected events and reality, although human behavior programs can be long - term or short-term, rigid, or dynamic [3].

Causes of stress

Related to long-running programs: genetic programs, parental programs, personality guidelines, "higher" needs according to A. Maslow. Related to dynamically changing programs behavior: conditioned reflexes, thinking errors, "physiological" needs according to A. Maslow.

The difference between a person's biological nature and his social functions as a stress factor looks like this: genetically programmed body reactions, stressor directly affects the human body dyna, causes him damage, the body's reaction in response is aimed at the physical interaction with a damaging environmental factor and consists in fighting it and running away from it, an automated response to a stressor (release of appropriate hormones and activation of the muscular system) can minimize damage from the stressor.

Features of social stress: the stressor acts indirectly over a wide period and does not pose a direct threat to the existence of the organism, the corresponding reaction of the organism is aimed at the choice the most effective way of adapting to the changed social environment, release of adrenaline, excessive emotions, increased blood pressure, and increased muscle tone only prevent a person from successfully socializing to stressor. Contradictions between genetically programmed reactions and environmental requirements lead to stress.

Quite often, the cause of stress in students is excessively blurred temporal boundaries of the psychological state. This happens if the student has too much emotional value gives past or future. In the first case, the source of mental tension and negative emotions is an intrusive memory of some traumatic episodes from the past. The list of events that can appear as a stressor is quite large - a conflict in the group, a misunderstanding with the teacher, an unwanted grade on the exam, a session failure, etc. If a student cannot consciously limit the limits of his temporary existence, he will repeatedly "scroll" a negative episode in his mind and repeatedly experience psychological stress. The second option is related to anxiety and cheering for the future events in this case, the student also repeatedly constructs an image of the future (and an undesirable one) in his brain, fil ling it with details and "reviving" it to such an extent that he begins to believe more and more in the unfavorable forecast that he creates in his imagination. Such stress it is also dangerous because it often programs future failures. At the same time, the student's fears are confirmed, which negatively affects the self-esteem and confidence of the individual. To overcome such stresses, it is useful to remember that every moment of our life is like a grain of sand in an hourglass, is between two eternities: the one that has already passed and the one that has yet to come [1].

American psychologists say that you should: learn to manage your time, otherwise time will manage us. They single out the following signs that a person feels stressed precisely from inefficient use of time: feeling of constant rush; lack of ti me for favorite things and social hanging out with family; constant lateness; lack of a clear time plan; inability to delegate authority other people; inability to refuse people who take up your time; periodic occurrence of the feeling of wasted time. The presence of at least half of these signs indicates that constant lack of time can lead to serious stress.

Another well-known specialist in management psychology, one of the founders of time management, Peter Drucker notes that a person will experience stress and anxiety about the use of time if he does not have the skills of effective time management, which includes consists of four stages:

1) analysis of own time;

2) time allocation planning;

3) reduction of unproductive expenses;

4) consolidation of time.

Before starting to solve the current tasks of the day, experience When stressing over the fact that there is not enough time for all things, you should start by analyzing the distribution of your time and only then proceed to its planning. Next, you need to try to reduce unproductive time costs. The last stage should be used to reduce your "personal" time into as large, interconnected blocks as possible.

Let's note that a big mistake of students who are constantly busy is trying to do a big thing in small portions. In fact, the efficiency of such work is extremely low, because big cases require whole blocks of time. Thus, the correct use of time allows not only to do work faster and better, but also to avoid stress, associated with the feeling of unproductive time consumption.

The objective causes of modern man's stress can be broken down into four groups: genetic acquired dispositional individual reaction stress

1) her living and working conditions (housing conditions, production factors, ecology);

2) people with whom she interacts (a strict boss, bad colleagues sit down, careless subordinates);

3) social factors of the environment - political and economic nicks (high prices, credit terms, bad government, taxes);

4) extraordinary circumstances (natural and man-made disasters, illnesses and injuries).

Note that the term "objective reasons" is quite conditional since a person can to one degree or another influence almost any "objective" stressor.

Man is the master of his life! There are things, events that happen regardless of the will and our influence, but still, to a greater extent, our happiness, our fate depends on us, our thoughts, deeds, and actions.

To the group of objective reasons, we included those stressors that loom outside the consciousness of a person experiencing stress, although they can be modified by consciousness.

1. Living and working conditions (permanent components of existence).

1) Immediate environment (home: cramped apartment, household problems etc. work intensive work, information overload, night shifts, uncomfortable equipment, etc.; transport problems).

2) Global environment (habitat: poor ecology, destruction of the ozone layer).

2. Interaction with other people. The causes of interpersonal stress are extremely diverse. They can be caused by parents (who excessively teach and take care of students); second halves (who do not show their love enough). Sources of interaction stress can be divided into two groups:

1) relationships with loved ones (emotional) and

2) business relations (rational) that touch with another source: conflicts with strangers.

Sources of stress "relationships with loved ones" are caused in turn by interaction between family members (husband or wife, children, parents, sex, love outside of marriage, etc.).

Sources of stress "business relations" - equal status relations (colleagues, clients) and hierarchical relations (managers, subordinates, student, teacher) [1].

It is known how much damage stress can cause, and it is known that it can be useful. As we have already said, for each person there is a certain individual level when their working capacity is the best and when this stress does not cause harm. This level is different for each person. To be able to find it, you need to learn how to assess the level of stress, which is what this lecture is about. Before directly talking about the methods of assessing stress, let's consider the forms of its manifestation, since we will assess stress by its forms! Psychological stress can manifest itself in changes in various functions anal systems of the body. The intensity of disturbances can vary from a small change in emotional mood to such serious diseases as a stomach ulcer or a myocardial infarction. There are several ways to classify stress reactions, but for psychologists the most promising is the division into behavioral, intellectual, emotional, and physiological manifestations of stress (at the same time, physiological manifestations are conditionally also included biochemical and hormonal processes) [3].

Altogether, stress may induce both beneficial and harmful effects. The beneficial effects of stress involve preserving homeostasis of cells/species, which leads to continued survival. However, in many cases, the harmful effects of stress may receive more attention or recognition by an individual due to their role in various pathological conditions and diseases [2].

Change in behavioral reactions under stress

Psychomotor disorders can be manifested: excessive muscle tension (especially often - the face and "collar your" zone); hand tremors, changes in breathing rhythm, voice tremors, reduced speed of sensorimotor reaction, impaired speech functions and much more.

Violations of the daytime regime can be expressed. Reduction of sleep, shift of working cycles to nighttime, rejection of useful habits and replacing them with inadequate methods of stress compensation.

Professional violations can be expressed: in an increase in the number of errors when performing usual actions at work, in a chronic lack of time, in low productivity of professional activity.

In the case of professional violations, the consistency of movements, their accuracy, and the proportionality of the necessary efforts deteriorate.

Violation of social and role functions under stress is expressed: a decrease in the time spent on communication with relatives and friends, an increase in conflict, decreased sensitivity during communication, the appearance of various signs, antisocial behavior. A person under long-term stress takes less into account social norms and standards, which can manifest in a loss of attention to his appearance.

Distress manifests itself harmfully in the individual's social relationships with other people. When experiencing deep stress, relationships with loved ones and colleagues at work can significantly deteriorate to the point of a complete break i n the relationship, and the main problem remains unresolved, and people have severe feelings of guilt, helplessness, and hopelessness.

Scientists who evaluated the behavioral signs of stress caused by intense training, the most pronounced called - reduced work capacity and increased fatigue. Sleep disturbances and haste caused by a constant lack of time were also attributed to the negative consequences of academic stress. Disruption of social contacts and problems in communication were noted by students among the consequences of academic stress, but these phenomena were not very pronounced. At the same time, the degree of reduction in work capacity and the development of fatigue under stress depended on some objective and subjective factors. The existence of a reliable positive correlation between the decrease in student performance and such factors as "heavy academic load", "strict teachers", "living far from parents" has been proven. It is possible to subjective factors that contribute to a decrease in working capacity attribute "too serious an attitude to study", "shyness" and "problems in personal life" that aggravate the manifestations of academic stress. Inadequate efforts to compensate for stress are expressed in more intense alcohol consumption, increasing daily smoking rates, excessive food consumption and much more [1].

According to research, the most common method stress relief for students is delicious food, then TV, cigarettes, and alcohol. It also turned out that people often try to reduce the level of stress due to aggressive impulses, "splashing" negative emotions on other people.

Inadequate methods of stress relief are mainly characteristic of students who are looking for the causes of their problems and stress in the external environment. Such students tend to use alcohol as a "universal anti-stress method". At the same time, a pronounced correlation was noted between the frequency of use of alcoholic beverages and smoked cigarettes, as well as between food and television. In this way, "paired" habits of the adaptation plan are revealed, one of which can lead to alcoholism and lung diseases, and the second - before the appearance of excess weight. At the same time, an inverse correlation was noted between the use of cigarettes and television as alternative ways to reduce stress. In the same studies, it was noted that students who complained of constant stress often used inadequate methods of combating stress.

lack of time and the impossibility of observing the usual routine of the day. At the same time, a violation of the regime of vital activity under stress often manifested itself in an increase in the level of aggressiveness in the attitude towards others.

All aspects of intellectual activity suffer from stress in students, including such basic properties of intelligence as memory and attention. Violation of indicators of attention is primarily because a dominant stressor is formed in the cortex of the large hemispheres of a person, around which all thoughts and experiences are formed. At the same time, concentration of attention o n other objects is difficult and increased absent-mindedness is noted. To a lesser extent, the memory function suffers. Nevertheless, the constant busyness of the mind with thinking about the causes of stress and looking for a way out of it reduces the capacity of the working memory, and the hormonal background changed during stress disrupts the process of reproducing the necessary information.

It is also possible to disrupt the normal interaction of the hemispheres of the brain with strong emotional stress in the direction of greater dominance of the right, "emotional" hemisphere, and a decrease in the influence of the left "logical" half of the cortex of the large hemispheres on a person's consciousness.

Emotional manifestations of stress affect different aspects of the psyche. First, it concerns the general emotional background, which acquires negative; gloomy; pessimistic tone. With long-term stress, a person becomes more anxious in comparison with her "normal" condition, loses faith in success and in the case of particularly prolonged stress, may fall into depression [3].


All the above-mentioned processes are not only a consequence of the development of psychological stress, but also prevent its successful and timely overcoming, as a decrease in thinking potential makes it difficult to find a way out of a stressful situation. A change in intellectual processes in students under stress is manifested in a decrease in the level of indicators of attention, memory functions, thinking, convincing arguments are sometimes rejected, and false motives win. Change in physiological processes during stress: increase in pulse rate or change in its regularity; increased blood pressure, disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract; reduction of electrical resistance of the skin and many others. Emotional manifestations of stress: reactions of irritability, anger, aggression, up to affective states.


1. Naugolnyk LB. Psychology of stress: textbook / LB Naugolnyk. - Lviv: Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, 2015- p. 68-98.

2. Habib Y. The impact of stress on body function: A review: EXCLI Journal- Published online, 2017- p. 10.

3. Schwabe L., Wolf OT., Oitzl MS. Memory formation under stress: quantity and quality. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 2010-p. 584-591.

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