The psychological characteristics of young people consuming alcohol

Characterization of the tendency of young people to various types of addictions (addictive behavior) and their connection with impulsivity of the individual. Identification of gender differences in susceptibility to addictions (addictive behavior).

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Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

The psychological characteristics of young people consuming alcohol

Rohal N. PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Social Psychology,

Synelnykov R.Yu., PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), Assistant Professor of the Department of General Psychology,

Plys M.O., student of the 3rd year of «Bachelor» level in specialty 053 «Psychology» Faculty of Psychology


У статті розглядаються психологічні характеристики молоді, яка вживає алкоголь, досліджуються причини та інтенсивність його вживання. Аналізується схильність молоді до різних видів залежностей (адиктивної поведінки) та їх зв'язку із імпульсивністю особистості тощо.

Встановлено, що українська молодь, яка має досвід вживання алкоголю, вперше спробувала його у підлітковому віці. При цьому, у більшості досліджуваних відсутні проблеми із алкоголем у сім'ях, однак третина молоді все ж фіксує такі проблеми, а майже половина досліджуваних зазначає, що зазнавала фізичного чи психологічного насилля від п'яного родича. Серед причин вживання алкоголю переважають: спосіб відволіктися від проблем, підвищення настрою, вживання для сміливості та для розв'язання внутрішніх проблем.

Встановлено, що серед молоді найбільш вираженими є залежність від здорового способу життя, телевізійна, харчова та трудова. На середньому рівні вираженості є алкогольна, любовна, залежність від ліків, від куріння, від міжособистісних стосунків та комп'ютерна залежність (інтернетна, від соціальних мереж). Найменш вираженими є релігійна, ігрова та наркотична залежності.

Виявлено статеві відмінності у схильності до залежностей (адиктивної поведінки). Хлопці, порівняно із дівчатами, мають вищий рівень схильності до любовної, наркотичної та залежності від міжособистісних стосунків та нижчі - від ліків.

Досліджено особливості вираженості імпульсивності та її зв'язку з вживанням алкоголю. Встановлено, що розлад контролю імпульсивності має вплив на вживання алкоголю молоддю, збільшуючи частоту вживання. Виявлено, що особи з вищим рівнем імпульсивності, які мають більшу схильність до виявів неврівноваженості та швидше піддаються впливу зовнішніх чинників, можуть бути більш вразливими до ризику розвитку алкогольної, харчової залежності, залежності від здорового способу життя, від куріння та від міжособистісних стосунків.

Ключові слова: вживання алкоголю, адиктивна поведінка, молодь, алкогольна залежність, імпульсивність.


Rohal N. І.,

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Social Psychology,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Synelnykov R. Yu.,

PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), Assistant Professor of the Department of General Psychology,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Plys M. O.,

student of the 3rd year of «Bachelor» level in specialty 053 «Psychology»

Faculty of Psychology,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The article examines the psychological characteristics of young people who drink alcohol, investigates the reasons for it and intensity of alcohol consumption. The propensity of young people to various addictions (addictive behaviour) and its connection with people's impulsivity are analysed.

Ukrainian youth who have experience in alcohol drinking usually tried it firstly in adolescence. At the same time, the respondents most often did not mention problems with alcohol in their families, but a third of them recorded

such problems, and almost half of the respondents noted that they had experienced physical or psychological violence from a drunken relative. Among the reasons for alcohol drinking, the following were predominant: as a way to distract from problems, improve mood, achieve courage or solve internal problems. Among young people, the strongest addictions were addictions to a healthy lifestyle, television, food or work. Alcohol, romantic relations, medicals, smoking, interpersonal relations and computer usage (internet, social networks) as types of addictions were at an average level. The least pronounced were religious, gambling and drug addictions.

There were gender differences in susceptibility to addictions (addictive behaviour). Boys, compared to girls, had higher propensity to romantic relations, drugs and interpersonal relationships as addictions and lower propensity to addiction to medical substances.

Peculiarities of personal impulsivity, its links with alcohol consumption were studied. Impulse control disorder influenced on youth's propensity to drinking, increasing alcohol drinking frequency. People with higher impulsivity, who were more prone to imbalance manifestations and more strongly influenced by external factors, were more vulnerable to the risk of developing alcohol and food addictions, addictions to a healthy lifestyle, smoking or interpersonal relationships.

Key words: alcohol use, addictive behaviour, youth, alcohol addiction, impulsivity.


Problem statement. Alcohol drinking on a permanent basis is becoming more and more acceptable in society and provokes formation of alcohol addiction, which is one of the most serious medical and socially significant problems. Alcohol consumption by adolescents and students in Ukraine is at a high level, which is especially dangerous for this age group, because it leads to significant physical destruction of the unformed organism, impairing of cognitive functions and can lead to serious mental illnesses. Excessive alcohol consumption quite often stimulates aggressive, deviant, illegal behaviour and leads to deterioration of social adaptation and, as a result, social degradation. Therefore, understanding the specifics and factors that influence alcohol consumption by young people is important for the prevention of this problem.

Theoretical analysis

Review of recent research and publications. Since the problem of alcohol consumption is quite actual, it is attracting attention of specialists in various areas of science for many years. This topic is presented in many works of foreign and Ukrainian scientists, which highlight the main features of alcohol drinking as a socio-psychological phenomenon (Akers et al., 1979; Balakireva, 2019; Lysiuk, 2016, etc.). In particular, scientists have studied the psychological factors in alcohol-addictive behaviour formation in adolescents and young people (Marlatt, & Rohensow, 1980; Bonchuk, 2016; Hrystuk, 2014 etc.), the role of parents in alcohol consumption by young people (Burgess, & Akers, 1966; Oei, & Baldwin, 1994 etc.), social factors of alcohol drinking by young people (Ajzen, 1991; Allen, Sprenkel, & Vitale, 1994; Haller, Handley, Chassin, & Bountress, 2010; Lysiuk, 2016) etc.

Addictive behaviour is a type of deviant behaviour that appears either as a result of the desire to change one's mental state to experience intense positive emotions by using certain substances (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, psychoactive substances, medical substances) before appearance of physical dependence (i.e., we are not talking about a disease in this case, but about a behavioural disorder), or after specific activities characterized by impulse control violation, insurmountable desires, insatiability and the obligation to their perform (eating disorders, gambling and computer game addiction, the Internet overuse, kleptomania, etc.) (Pushkar, 2010, p. 10). addictive behavior impulsivity gender

There are three groups of addictive behaviour: non-chemical addictions (pathological propensity for gambling, passion for computer games and virtual communication, workaholism); physiological forms of addiction (anorexia - refusal of food, bulimia - desire for constant food consumption); chemical addictions (use and inhalation of psychoactive substances: tobacco, alcohol, drugs, medical substances, household chemicals) (Bonchuk, 2016, p. 364).

The performed theoretical review of the psychological literature did not reveal a single generally accepted concept of addictive behaviour. Scientists propose several approaches and theories that explain the nature and features of such behaviour. In particular, according to the motivational approach, which is reflected in the theory of reactive resistance, the motivation to drink alcohol is actualized when an individual feels a threat to the freedom of his/her behaviour. At the same time, reactive resistance is described with four basic parameters: prior expectation of freedom, strength of a threat to freedom, freedom importance for an individual, comparison of a threat with one's freedom (Chulkov, Hryhoryan, & Sincha, 2017, p. 34). Thus, the reactive resistance theory suggests that when a person feels that his/her freedom of choice is being threatened, it motivates him/ her to restore their sense of freedom by engaging in the restricted behaviour. An example of such resistance is described in the work of I. Lysiuk, where it was mentioned that the ban for sales of alcoholic beverages in some countries not only did not contribute to alcoholism reduction, but, on the contrary, as statistics show, increased drunkenness in some cases (Lysiuk, 2016).

At the same time, the reactive resistance theory does not assume that all people react in the same way to restrictions on alcohol consumption. Motivation to drink alcohol can be influenced by other factors, such as: social norms, personality traits, individual differences in risk perception and self-control, etc. D. Allen, P. Vitale and D. Sprenkel (1994) found support for the reactive resistance theory by studying correlations between the reactive resistance theory and alcohol use laws using the sample of college students. They found that students with higher reactive resistance perceived alcohol laws as less effective and were more likely to drink alcohol and have negative consequences associated with it.

The problem of alcohol consumption can also be considered from the point of view of the planned behaviour theory, according to which human behaviour is determined by three factors: attitudes, subjective norms and perceived control over behaviour (Ajzen, 1991). Thus, according to this theory, young people may have a positive attitude towards alcohol consumption due to their social conditions, peer pressure, advertising, they may view alcohol consumption as a way to have fun, socialize or relieve stress. In the context of subjective norms, young people may believe that their peers and social groups approve drinking, so that they behave accordingly, and may believe that refuse form alcohol lead to social exclusion or ridicule. As for the latter factor, young people may have limited control over their behaviour due to easy access to alcohol and lack of awareness of the risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption.

Representatives of the social learning theory (Burgess, Akers, 1966) propose to analyse the tendency to drink alcohol through the main provisions of this theory: social behaviour is acquired both through direct conditioning and through imitation or modelling of other people's behaviour; behaviour is reinforced by reward and avoidance of punishment; deviant or conforming behaviour is acquired and maintained depending on past and actual rewards or punishments for the behaviour, as well as rewards and punishments associated with alternative forms of behaviour - differential reinforcement.

According to the theory of an expected alcohol effect of Т. Oei and А. Baldwin (1994), within the cognitive-behavioural approach, an individual's behaviour depends on the mutual influence of the social environment and cognitive processes. Thus, an expected alcohol effect is formed from social influences of culture, family and peers during socialization of adolescents and youth. At the same time, social factors interact with individual characteristics.

M. Haller, E. Handley, L. Chassin, K. Bountress (2010) examined the link between substance consumption and belonging to a group of peers who encouraged such behaviour. They suggested that this link could be supported by socialization, when peers modelled substance consumption behaviour, providing opportunities for it and encouraging positive attitudes, norms and expectations about substance consumption.

The described theories and approaches have a common element - a social- psychological component revealed in the studies on alcohol consumption by young people. We should note that young people are at the stage of choosing their own life path, identity and values that are important to them, so representatives of this age group can be easily exposed to influences such as alcohol consumption.

The article purpose is to study the psychological characteristics of young people who drink alcohol.

Research methodology

Presenting main material. The author's questionnaire for researching the specifics of alcohol consumption and the following psychological measures were used in the work: the method examining propensity to various addictions (H. Lozova) and Barrat Impulsiveness Scale.

The obtained data were processed and analysed with mathematical-statistical analysis methods and SPSS 23.0 for Windows computer software.

Empirical research base. 51 people aged from 16 to 23 took part in the study; 72% of them were women and 28% were men.

Results and discussion

All respondents were surveyed about their consumption of alcohol. According to the survey data, 100% of the interviewed youth had experience in drinking alcoholic beverages. The largest number of respondents tried alcohol for the first time between their age of 11 and 16 (62.7%). Of them, the largest percentage falls on older adolescence (from 14 to 16 years old) (50%). 17.7% of the respondents tried alcohol for the first time at the age of 5 to 10 years, and 7.9% of the young people did in the period from 17 to 18 years. Such results are partially confirmed by the data of other scientists. In particular, the study of N. Bonchuk (2016) determined that adolescents drank alcohol for the first time at the age of 14 on average.

Regarding the frequency of alcohol consumption, 58.8% of the respondents answered «1-2 times a month», 21.6% did «several times a year», 9.8% mentioned «once a week» and 9.8% did «2-3 times a week or more often».

The respondents mostly noted that their families did not have problems with alcohol (64.7%). However, 35.3% of them answered affirmatively this question. At the same time, the majority of young people rated their relationship with their family as very good (33.3%) or good (37.3%), 7.8% had a bad relationship and 21.6% have neutral (either not bad or not good). The frequency of alcohol consumption in families was determined via the question how often alcohol is consumed in families. 5.9% answered «never», 27.5% did «rarely», 37.3% did «from time to time», 19.6% did «sometimes» and 9.8% mentioned «often».

More than half of the youth (56.9%) were not physically or psychologically abused by a drunken relative, but 43.1% were abused.

Among the reasons for drinking alcohol, the following were found (Table 1).

Table 1 Assessment of reasons for alcohol consumption, in percentages

Reasons for alcohol drinking




To support a company



To distract from problems



For social approval



For courage



To solve internal problems



To improve mood



Provoked by the social environment



The reason for alcohol drinking as a way to distract from problems prevails among young people, it was noted by 83.5% of the respondents. Mood improvement was in the second place (74.5%). More than half of young people drank alcohol for courage (58.7%) and 39.2% did to solve internal problems. The rest of the specified reasons were marked by a minority of the sample. They related to social interaction and influence of respondents' social environment on alcohol consumption (to support a company, for social approval, because of provocations from the social environment). This indicate the orientation of young people, to a greater extent, on themselves, their own personality, and not on the social environment and dependence on their opinion and tendency to obey others in the matter of alcohol consumption.

The data obtained with the method examining propensity to various addictions (H. Lozova) are presented in the Table 2.

Table 2 Propensity to various addictions (H. Lozova)






Significance of differences (р)

Alcohol addiction





Television addiction





Romantic relations





Gambling addiction





Dependence on interpersonal relationships





Food addiction





Religious dependence










Dependence on medical substances





Computer overuse (Internet, social






Smoking addiction





Dependence on a healthy lifestyle





Drug addiction





General tendency to addictions





According to average values for the scales, the following propensities to addictions were most pronounced among young people: dependence on a healthy lifestyle, television and food addiction and workaholism. After these addictions went: alcohol, romantic relations, medical substation, smoking, interpersonal relationships, computer overuse (Internet, social networks). The least pronounced were religious, gambling and drug addictions.

At the same time, the study performed by L. Krupelnytska and A. Zagumenov on a sample aged 15 to 30 showed partially similar results. The authors found out that the most pronounced were food, healthy lifestyle, romantic relations, work, alcohol and computer addictions. And the least pronounced were tendencies towards religious, smoking, television and gambling addictions (Krupelnytska, & Zagumenov, 2021).

The comparisons by gender were performed using the Student's t-test and the Mann-Whitney U-test (which was used for the two scales - workaholism and dependence on medical substances, because their distribution was nonnormal). Boys had higher propensity to romantic relations (р=.007), drug (р=.050) and interpersonal relationships (р=.036) addictions. At the same time, girls had significantly higher indicators, compared to boys, for dependence on medical substances (р=.014).

Youth who had been physically or psychologically abused by a drunken relative showed, at the level of tendency (p=.067), higher indicators of propensity for addictive behaviour compared to youth who had not been abused.

The respondents who indicated absent problems with alcohol in their families had higher susceptibility to dependence on a healthy lifestyle, at the trend level (p = .057), and significantly lower indicators of impulsivity (p=.032), compared to young people, who noted present problems with alcohol in their own families.

The obtained results of the statistical analysis to some extent confirm the work of scientists who noted the important role of family in alcohol drinking by young people (Oei, & Baldwin, 1994).

According to Barrat Impulsiveness Scale, impulsivity of girls (65.71) was slightly lower than that of boys (66.00), but this difference was not statistically significant (р=.956).

Regarding the percentage distribution, 56.9% had low impulsivity, 19.6% had an average level, and 23.5% had high impulsivity.

Among youth with impulse control disorder: 50% drank alcohol once a week or more often and had high alcohol addiction, 16.7% drank alcohol once a week and had an average level of alcohol addiction, 8.3% drank alcohol 1-2 times a month and had high alcohol addiction, 16.7% drink alcohol 1-2 times a month and had low alcohol addiction, and 8.3% drank several times a year and had low susceptibility to alcohol addiction. Therefore, we can assume that impulsivity control disorder affects alcohol consumption by young people, increasing the frequency of its drinking. This is confirmed by the results of correlation analysis, presented in the Table 3.

Table 3 The correlations between impulsivity and propensities to various types of addictions (addictive behaviour)


Significance (р)

Dependence on a healthy lifestyle



Smoking addiction



Dependence on interpersonal relationships



Food addiction



Alcohol addiction



Significant positive relationships were determined between impulsivity and alcohol, food, smoking and interpersonal relationships addictions. And also, impulsivity correlated negatively with dependence on a healthy lifestyle. This indicates that young people with high impulsivity also had a higher tendency to form these addictions. Therefore, control over impulsivity can contribute to the reduction of reckless actions that can lead to addiction formation in young people. Impulsivity within the problem of addictive behaviour was studied by foreign (Zilberman, Yadid, Efrati, & Rassovsky, 2020; Field, & Cox, 2008) and national scientists (Krupelnytska, & Zagumenov, 2021). As a result, we revealed that impulsivity is a predictor for all types of addictive behaviour.


The theoretical analysis of addictive behaviour, in general, and alcohol consumption, in particular, showed that it can be explained through: the motivational approach reflected in the reactive resistance theory (the motivation to drink alcohol is activated in conditions of a threat to an individual's freedom of behaviour); the planned behaviour theory (a positive attitude towards alcohol consumption is explained by social conditions, peer pressure and advertising); the social learning theory (the need for social approval, the desire to meet social expectations and to be accepted into a group increase the likelihood of alcohol consumption); the theory of expected action within the cognitive-behavioural approach (an expected alcohol action is formed under social influences of culture, family and peers during socialization).

We have determined that Ukrainian youth who have experience in alcohol drinking usually tried it firstly in adolescence. At the same time, the respondents most often did not mention problems with alcohol in their families, but a third of them recorded such problems, and almost half of the respondents noted that they had experienced physical or psychological violence from a drunken relative.

Among the reasons for alcohol drinking, the following were predominant: as a way to distract from problems, improve mood, achieve courage or solve internal problems.

Among young people, the most pronounced were addictions to a healthy lifestyle, television, food or work. Alcohol, romantic relations, medicals, smoking, interpersonal relations and computer usage (internet, social networks) as types of addictions were at an average level. The least pronounced were religious, gaming and drug addictions.

There were gender differences in susceptibility to addictions (addictive behaviour). Boys, compared to girls, had higher propensity to romantic relations, drugs and interpersonal relationships as addictions and lower propensity to addiction to medical substances.

Peculiarities of personal impulsivity, its links with alcohol consumption were studied. Impulse control disorder influenced on youth propensity to drinking, increasing alcohol drinking frequency. People with higher impulsivity, who were more prone to imbalance manifestations and more strongly influenced by external factors, were more vulnerable to the risk of developing alcohol and food addictions, addictions to a healthy lifestyle, smoking or interpersonal relationships.

The prospect of further research may be to expand the study on addictive behaviour in the direction of socio-psychological factors and search for ways of its prevention and correction.

Declaration of conflict of interest. The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest regarding the research, authorship and/or publication of this article.


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1. Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2),179-211.

2. Akers, R. L. et al. (1979). Social learning and deviant behavior: a specific test of a general theory. American Sociological Review, 44(4), 636-655.

3. Allen, D. N., Sprenkel, D. G., & Vitale, P. A. (1994). Reactance theory and alcohol consumption laws: further confirmation among collegiate alcohol consumers. J Stud Alcohol, 55(1), 34-40.

4. Burgess, R. L., & Akers, R. L. (1966). A Differential Association-Reinforcement. Theory of Criminal Behavior. Social Problems, 14(2), 128-147.

5. Haller, M., Handley, E., Chassin, L., & Bountress, K. (2010). Developmental cascades: linking adolescent substance use, affiliation with substance use promoting peers, and academic achievement to adult substance use disorders. Dev Psychopathol, 22(4), 899-916.

6. Marlatt, G. A., & Rohensow, D. J. (1980). Cognitive processes in alcohol use: Expectancy and the balanced placebo design. Advances in substance abuse: Behavioural and biological research, 1, 159-199.

7. Oei, T. P., & Baldwin, A. R. (1994). Expectancy theory: a two-process model of alcohol use and abuse. J Stud Alcohol, 55(5), 525-534.

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