Essence and structure of genesis "emotional intellect of future officer"

The historical stages of the formation of the theory of emotional intellect. To establish the essence of the genesis of "emotional intellect of the future officer". The general characteristics of a person with high and low levels of emotional intellect.

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Дата добавления 10.10.2024
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Essence and structure of genesis «emotional intellect of future officer»

Ivanchenko Ievgeniia Anatoliivna, Doctor of Science (Pedagogical), Professor, Professor at the Department of Fundamental Sciences, Bilonozhko Nataliia Yosypivna, Assistant Manager the quality assurance, Educational activities and higher education, Military Academy


The modernization of professional military training, the need to manage change, make creative decisions, constantly adapt, the ability to critically perceive information, build relationships on trust, communicate effectively, and develop super-professional skills increases interest in studying the behavioral reactions, desires, and feelings of future officers. Today it is relevant to study the feelings and emotions of future officers and how feelings and emotions motivate a person to take certain actions. Almost all people constantly experience a wide range of emotions, thanks to which we adapt to society and react to any situation, as well as to the actions or words of others.

However, if the external stimulus is very strong or unexpected, the reaction can be too violent or destructive, which a person will regret later. If emotions rule, a person is likely to take out pent-up irritation on loved ones or feel apathetic, perform poorly at work, stop planning for the future, etc. Emotional intellect skills allow to organize thoughts and understand how to get the best result here and now. Evidence also shows that emotional intellect is important for personal fulfillment and is considered a potential factor in life success. So what is emotional intellect? On the one hand, it's a complex story, it's not just about how you perceive your emotions and how well you know what to do with them. On the other hand, it is also about how a person influences the emotions of others, how he / she "feels" them with his / her brain and how a person expresses them with his / her body, and whether he / she can use feelings as a way to achieve a goal.

Thus, the article, firstly, is devoted to the disclosure of the concept of "emotional intellect"; secondly, the article describes the systematics of approaches to this phenomenon from the point of view of philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, etc.; thirdly, the authors reveal the historical stages of the formation of the theory of emotional intellect, as well as describe the periods of studying emotional intellect by scientists of that time and modern figures; fourthly, the authors attempted to distinguish own concept and understanding of "emotional intellect"; fifthly, the general characteristics of a person with high and low levels of emotional intellect are presented. The paper is of a theoretical nature.

Keywords: emotional intellect, identification of emotions, use of emotions, understanding of emotions, conscious regulation of emotions, empathy, genesis of emotional intelligence, future officers.


Сутність та структура генези «емоційний інтелект майбутнього офіцера»

Іванченко Євгенія Анатоліївна, доктор педагогічних наук, професор кафедри фундаментальних наук; Білоножко Наталія Йосипівна, помічник начальника відділу забезпечення якості освітньої діяльності та вищої освіти Військової академії

Модернізація професійної військової підготовки, необхідність управляти змінами, приймати творчі рішення, постійно адаптуватися, вміння критично сприймати інформацію, будувати відношення на довірі, ефективно комунікувати та розвивати надпрофесійні навички підвищує інтерес до вивчення поведінкових реакцій, бажань, почуттів майбутніх офіцерів. Вважаємо, що на сьогодні є актуальним вивчення відчуттів та емоції майбутніх офіцерів та яким чином відчуття та емоції мотивують особистість до певних дій.

Мaйже всі люди постійно проживають широкий спектр емоцій, завдяки їм ми адаптуємось у суспільстві та реагуємо на будь-які ситуації, а також на дії чи слова оточуючих. Але, якщо зовнішній подразник дуже сильний або несподіваний, то реакція може бути занадто бурхливою чи деструктивною, про що людина згодом пошкодує.

Якщо гаруватимуть eмoції, то людина, швидше за все, виплескуватиме нaкoпичене роздратування на близьких або відчуватиме апатію, погано виконуватиме свою роботу, припинить планувати майбутнє тощо. Навички емоційного інтелекту дають змогу упорядкувати думки та зрозуміти, як отримати найкращий результат тут і зараз.

Також, факти свідчать, що емоційний інтелект має велике значення для особистої реалізації Ta вважається потенційним фактором життєвого успіху. Що ж таке емоційний інтелект? З одного боку, це комплексна юторія, він нє тільки ujro тє, як ви cпpиймаєте свoї емoції і оскільки знаєт-e, щo з ними poбити. A з другого боку, це ще й те, як ви впливатимете на емоції оточуючих, як «відчуваєте» їх мозком і як виражаєте тілом, чи можете використовувати почуття як спосіб досягнення мети.

Отже, наша стаття, по-перше присвячена розкриттю поняття «емоційний інтелект»; по-друге, в статті описана систематика підходів до зазначеного феномену з точки зору філософії, психології, педагогіки тощо; по третє, авторами розкриті історичні етапи становлення теорії емоційного інтелекту, а також описані періоди вивчення емоційного інтелекту вченими того часу та сучасними діячами; по четверте, здійснена спроба авторами виокремити власне поняття та розуміння «емоційний інтелект»; по п'яте представлено загальну характеристику особистості з високим та низьким рівнями емоційного інтелекту. Робота носить теоретичний характер.

Ключові слова: емоційний інтелект, ідентифікація емоцій, використання емоцій, розуміння емоцій, свідома регуляція емоцій, емпатія, генеза емоційного інтелекту, майбутні офіцери.


W. James noted that emotions are a person's experience of the life meaning of phenomena, situations, etc. Psychologists usually focus on 7 basic emotions, including joy, sadness, anger, disgust, fear, surprise, and contempt. Thus, emotions play an important role in human life. When a person can understand their emotions, manage their emotional state, it is much easier for them to understand any life situation, communicate with others, etc. Among scientists, the topic of the essence of emotional intellect is gaining special attention.

The phenomenon of "emotional intellect" is not new today. The analysis of the science literature allows us to identify a number of approaches to the treatment of this concept, such as philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, etc.

The term "emotional intellect" was first coined in 1960 by Michael Beldock. However, the idea itself was firmly established in the minds of people after the publication of the popular book "Emotional Intellect: Why It Means More Than IQ" by D. Goleman [2, 7]. The book was published in the mid-90s of the last century, but it is still one of the most relevant in the field of personal effectiveness. It is the basis for a large number of other works, which together with it formed a voluminous, but unofficial, literature on emotional intellect.

Problem statement

Reform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, transformation of war into hybrid and intellectual warfare, current changes in the political, economic and social environment lead to the need to revise the qualities that should be developed in future officers during their professional training in higher military educational institutions. Thus, the main goal of training future officers is defined in the educational professional standard and is aimed at training highly qualified military specialists who are competent in specific issues of providing troops (forces), able to perform assigned tasks and bear personal and professional responsibility for their actions [10].

A highly qualified military specialist is not only a person with a high level of intellectual abilities, but also a person who is largely able to establish and maintain friendly relations with others, especially with subordinates and commanders of a military formation, to adequately understand emotions and correctly perceive the information they transmit, etc. This, in turn, determines the concept of "emotional intellect" as the ability of a future officer to adapt to society, the ability to interact effectively and adequately with others, and can be considered the most important professional quality, as it allows them to improve the process of making informed and effective decisions.

The military profession belongs to the group of professions associated with special risk, increased complexity, a wide range and intensity of professional tasks, emotional stress, etc. Military service puts forward a number of requirements for the psychological characteristics of a serviceman, and this is especially true for a future officer as a leader of subordinate personnel.

An analytical review of psychological and pedagogical literature shows that scholars do not pay attention to the problem of mastering professional and general professional competencies based on the development of emotional intelligence by future officers.

Therefore, there is a need to formulate the concept of "emotional intellect of a future officer", to study this phenomenon from the standpoint of various sciences, and to outline the structure of this concept.

Analysis of recent sources and publications

A large number of scientific works are devoted to the study of the essence of emotional intellect. Among foreign scholars are D. Goleman, P. Salovey, J. Mayer, R. Bar-On, D. Caruso, G. Gardner, S. Hayne, R. Cooper, A. Sawaf, H. Weisbech, W. Dax, K. Cannon and others [14]. Such foreign psychologists, educators, and sociologists as S. Agular, B. George, R. McMichael, R. Erus, K. Oden, M. Logan, K. Purvis, G. Sewell, and others have studied the emotional intellect of the military. Among national scholars, it is worth noting the works of N. Agayev, O. Kokun [12, p. 36], V. Lagodzinsky [8, p. 55-56], A. Rozhdestvensky, L. Monzani [13], P. Tkachuk [14, p. 14], O. Bilyk, V. Karkovska, N. Tsyhylyk, I. Vaskovych [11] and others. However, the formulation of the concept of "emotional intellect of a future officer" and the definition of its structure have not been the subject of a special study and require further research.

Purpose of the article. To analyze the periods of formation of the theory of emotional intellect, to establish the essence of the genesis of "emotional intellect of the future officer", to theoretically substantiate the author's definition of the concept of "emotional intellect of the future officer" and to outline its structure.

Theoretical basis of the study

The historical stages of forming an understanding of emotional intellect date back to ancient times.

In Ancient times (from 800 BC to 600 AD), philosophers reflected on self-knowledge. For example, Socrates emphasized the analysis of actions; Plato distinguished three parts of the soul: rational, sensual, and impulsive (passionate); Aristotle noted that emotions can transform the internal state and influence the ability to think. The most influential philosophical schools of that time were formed, for example, Stoicism (300 AD), which argued that the ideal way of life depends on mental equanimity and decent behavior in all circumstances.

In the Middle Ages (V-XV centuries), the mind was considered the controller and tamer of negative emotions, and all emotions were considered evil.

In the Modern period of human history (XV-XX centuries), it was believed that the mind was not able to control emotions. But, for example, Spinoza formulated the idea of the unity of emotions and reason, which consisted not only in experiencing a particular emotion, but also in explaining to oneself what these emotions are connected with, what exactly provoked them.

The Renaissance (the second half of the 17th and 18th centuries) was the first time that emotional and moral states were mentioned as a necessary condition for constructive interpersonal relations. For example, Pascal searched for the truth in emotions that improve the life of an individual; Helvacius, reflected on the fact that mental activity is provoked by emotions. And such figures as Rousseau and Hartley began to study children's emotions and feelings [5, p.42].

Thus, analyzing the literary sources, we came to the conclusion that in the periods of Antiquity, manifestations of any emotions and feelings were considered evil; in the Middle Ages, the mind was considered the controller and tamer of any emotions; in the Modern period, the mind is the ruler of any emotions, and in the Renaissance, it was believed that the beautification of life occurs through emotions. Views on the understanding of social impact continued to evolve in the following centuries.

With the emergence of philosophical systems such as: Philosophy of Life and Philosophy of the Ancient East, the concept of emotional intelligence began to gain different interpretations. The Philosophy of Life system emphasizes that in addition to life experience (mind) there is a feeling experience (emotions), and the Philosophy of the Ancient East system emphasizes the immersion of the individual in his or her own emotional states [6, p. 28].

Based on the above, we conclude that even then there were different approaches to the attempt to introduce the concept of "emotional intellect" into the thesaurus.

Next, we consider it necessary to consider the personal contribution of foreign scientists to the development of the concept of emotional intellect.

In 1937, Robert Thorndike picked up on the growing interest in the emotional state and feelings during interpersonal interaction, he first described "social intellect" as the ability of an individual to understand another and act appropriately in any situation. Р. Thorndike managed to distinguish three different types of intellect, namely: Abstract (the ability of an individual to understand); Concrete (the performance of certain actions in relation to surrounding objects, things, etc.); Social (the ability to understand others).

Thus, the scientist understood intellect as the mental abilities of a person that lead to the processing of information received from the outside, which will contribute to conflict-free interaction with others.

The theory of social intellect was further developed in the works of G. Allport, G. Eysenck and others.

It was G. Allport who worked in 1937 and saw social intellect as a special gift that ensures smooth communication between people. His idea was based on the ability of the individual to adapt to the environment, not on a logical understanding of what is happening. Almost simultaneously with G. Allport, G. Eysenck worked, noting that social intellect is an integral part of the adaptive capabilities of the individual and is manifested in the ability to use accumulations, knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, etc.

Three decades later, in 1967, J. Guilford identified six factors of intellectual abilities, namely: the manifestation of verbal and non-verbal behavioral reactions; behavior can be either expressive or situational; human ability to recognize relationships; distinguishing logic and meaning in the behavior of a person; factors that influence behavioral change; predicting the consequences of a behavioral reaction. Thus, the ability to perceive and analyze information from the outside is directly related to the concept of emotional intellect.

A little later, J. Mayer, P. Seloway, R. Bar-On, D. Goleman and others called social intelligence emotional intellect and identified 4 components: the ability to identify one's own and other people's emotions; the ability to use the full emotional potential to solve certain problems; to be fully aware of one's emotions and understand how they arise; the ability to control and manage one's emotions.

In the period 1900-1969. In his research, J. Mayer began to study emotions and intellect separately, and later brought the emotional to the forefront. It was during this period that J. Meyer, together with P. Salovey, presented their research, in which they first proposed the term "emotional intellect" and developed the author's model of emotional intellect, which is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. The Mayer-Salovey Mode




Self-awareness (awareness of own emotions)

Social sensitivity (awareness of others' emotions)

Management (control)

Self-control (managing own emotions)

Relationship management (managing the emotions of others)

Based on the analysis of the Mayer-Salovey Model, we can draw the following conclusion: these two scientists argued that each person should understand their own emotions and be able to manage them, and that as for society, a person should understand the emotions of others in order to establish constructive relationships.

A little later, in 1985, R. Bar-On introduced the concept of "emotionality coefficient" and proposed a way to measure it in certain areas of a person's life. Thus, the Reuven Bar-On Model was born, which is presented in Table 2.

Table 2. The Model of Ruven Bar-On

Internally personal sphere

Assertiveness (a type of critical thinking)

Emotional analysis




The sphere of interpersona l relations


Social responsibility

Interpersonal relations

The sphere of adaptability

Problem-solving skills

Assessment of reality


The sphere of stress manag ement

Stress tolerance

Impulsivity control

Genera l mood sphere

Life satisfaction


So, Reuven Bar-On's model demonstrates that a person has emotional intellect through the intrapersonal sphere, the sphere of interpersonal relations, the sphere of adaptive capabilities of the individual, the sphere of stress management, the sphere of general mood.

The period from 1994-1997 is considered to be the period of popularization of the term "emotional intellect", thanks to the book "Emotional Intellect" by D. Goleman, which described the importance of emotions in business relationships. The aforementioned book explained why emotions, the ability to understand them, and empathy help in solving life and work issues. The book focused on how to develop emotional Intelligence skills. Also, the world was introduced to the Goleman Model, which is shown in Table 3 [9, pp. 274 - 276].

Table 3 The Goeman model


Ability to manage one's own feelings, ability to adapt to changing circumstances


Recognizing personal emotionality


Understanding the sensitivity of other people, striving for comfortable communication


Maintaining good relationships (empathy)


Understanding the goal, plans, and following them clearly at every stage

As we can see, Goleman viewed emotional intellect through the prism of the formation of the following indicators: self-control, self-knowledge, sociality, empathy, and motivation.

D. Lucin proposes to present emotional intellect as a construct that has a two-component nature. On the one hand, it is related to the cognitive sphere, and on the other hand, it is related to the personality traits of a person. D. Lucin's model of emotional intellect is presented in Table 4.

Table 4. D. Lucin's model of emotional intellect

Emotional intellect

Cognitive abilities

the ability to recognize an emotion, identify it and name it

The idea of emotions

as a value, as an important source of information about oneself and other people

Emotionality features

speed and accuracy of emotional information processing

So, the models discussed above are intertwined with each other and include the same components, but still each of them has its own uniqueness, each of the authors has brought something different.

Considering the evolution of the concept of "emotional intellect", it is impossible to ignore several prominent psychologists and teachers. For example, academic I. Beck argued that emotional intellect is an integral part of professional competence. I. Zyazyun believed that a teacher with a high level of emotional intensity is capable of directing and organizing a global knowledge of himself, his value, the value of his life, etc. Ukrainian pedagogue O. Semenog believes that the manifestation of emotional intellect is manifested through tolerant interaction with others, nature, culture, etc. O. Sannikova studied the influence of basic emotions on the success of professional activity. E. Nosenko, N. Kovryga studied the conceptualization of the phenomenon of emotional intellect by considering the adaptive, stress-protective functions of emotional intellect, etc. and others [16, p. 282-283].

Definitions of emotional intellect have evolved significantly since the beginning of this phenomenon in 1990 to the present. While the "early" definitions of emotional intellect contained characteristics of this phenomenon as certain abilities, modern definitions reveal the content of emotional intellect either as a cognitive ability or as a set of social and personal properties. This is due to the existence of two areas of studying emotional intellect today: emotional intellect as a "model of abilities" (a set of mental abilities) and emotional intellect as an "eclectic model" (a set of personal characteristics) [4, p. 42].

Definition of emotional intellect as a "model of abilities":

- Emotional intellect is a type of emotional information processing that includes accurate recognition of one's own emotions and the emotions of others, adequate expression of emotions, and adaptive regulation of emotions, which will contribute to a more effective lifestyle (J. Mayer, 1990).

Thus, the above definitions of emotional intellect as a "model of abilities" are considered through intellectual analysis, synthesis, abstraction, etc.

Definition of emotional intellect as an "eclectic model":

- Emotional intellect is a set of emotional, individual, and social abilities that influence the overall ability to effectively cope with environmental demands and pressures (R. Bar-On, 2000).

- Emotional intellect is a form of revealing a positive attitude of a person to himself, to others, to the world (E. Nosenko, N. Kovryga, 2003).

- Emotional intellect is a set of emotional, communicative regulatory personal properties that provide awareness, acceptance and regulation of states and feelings of other people and oneself, mediating the level of productivity, success of interpersonal interaction and personal development of a person (M. Manoilova, 2004) [3, p. 16].

As for the definition of emotional Intelligence through the "eclectic model", it occurs through reflection, awareness, realization of vital energy, etc.

So, we analyzed the existing definitions of emotional intellect and found that the definition of emotional intellect can be either based on the "ability model" or the "eclectic model." These two models are united only by the ability to understand and manage emotions, but the means of defining the concept are different.

At the same time, it should be noted that not all scholars tend to consider emotional intellect within the structure of general intellect. For example, G. Gardner does not support the view of emotional intellect as a type of traditional intellect [3, p. 12].

In some cases, emotional intellect is generally considered a component of the emotional sphere, rather than an independent type of intellect (G. Breslav, E. Ilyin, T. Kirilenko). [3, с. 16].

Thus, in the framework of our study, by emotional intellect we mean the ability of a person to recognize, control and manifest his or her emotions, as well as to be sensitive to the emotions of others. Applying the formulated concept of emotional intellect, the emotional intellect of the future officer will be understood as his ability to recognize, control and express his emotions both in peacetime and wartime, as well as to be sensitive to the emotions of the civilian population, subordinate personnel and the leadership of the military formation.

In the scientific literature, there is a hierarchical structure of emotional intellect, which includes: "individual intellect" (capacity), "intellect of the subject of activity" (reflection) and "personality intellect" (adaptive characteristics of the personality). That is, the emotional intellect of an individual represents the natural capabilities of cognitive processes, ensuring the processing of emotional information, which is the person's temperament.

Based on the results of the analysis of scientific sources, it was found that emotional intellect is based on four factors: self-knowledge (for a better understanding of others, it is necessary to understand oneself); self-control (the ability to show emotions in a timely manner), empathy (the ability to understand another through empathy) and relationship management (to build a conflict- free, friendly environment).

In our understanding, a person with high emotional intellect is a person who: clearly understands his or her emotions; knows the role that feelings and emotions play in communicating with people; is able to express his or her emotions in such a way as to be able to establish and maintain friendly relations with others; tries to know and fill his or her inner world; is able to regulate his or her emotions; is able to manage internal motivation, maintaining the mood to achieve the goal.

As for a person with a low level of emotional intellect, such a person is: conflicted; irritated; indecisive; tries to keep everything under control; is subject to a strong feeling of anger.

Conclusions and perspectives for further research

Based on the results of the theoretical research, the authors analyzed the periods of formation of the theory of emotional intellect from antiquity to the present. At the philosophical stage of the development of psychological thought, the cognitive and emotional spheres of a person were first identified and distinguished, and their role in cognition and regulation of human behavioral reactions was theoretically studied.

Based on the ideas of J. Mayer, D. Goleman and others, summarizing and analyzing existing approaches to understanding the concept of emotional intellect, we formulate it as an integrative ability of a personality, which consists in the ability to feel, distinguish, name and manage emotions through awareness and self-regulation.

Having examined in detail the concept of "emotional intellect" by various scholars, we have established that emotional intellect is a key component in achieving maximum happiness and successful selfrealization. Based on the experience gained while studying the scientific literature, we managed to define our own concept of "emotional intellect".

We outline the structure of emotional intellect, which consists of empathy, responsibility, selfawareness, self-discipline, social skills, etc.

We see further development of our research in the creation of a structure of emotional intellect of a future officer, the identification of indicators, diagnostic methods and levels of formation of this quality.


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