Features of stress resistance and coping strategies of psychology students

Psychology students of the first master's level of education had a high level of stress resistance and inclined to use coping strategies: the self-control, recognition of own responsibility, planning for problem solving, desire to receive social support.

Рубрика Психология
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Дата добавления 10.10.2024
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Features of stress resistance and coping strategies of psychology students

Yalanska Svitlana Pavlivna Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Work, Kononova Maryna Mykolaivna Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology, Anushkevych Volodymyr Ihorovych Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Assistant, Assistant of the Department of Psychology, Danko Snizhana Vitalyivna Master's student in Psychology, Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University


The purpose of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of the development of stress resistance and coping strategies in students studying at higher education institutions.

Stress resistance is defined as a structural-functional, dynamic, integrative property of a personality that is determined by a number of personal characteristics, and in the case of interaction with a stressor, includes the process of self-regulation, cognitive representation, objective characterization of the situation, thus providing the ability to withstand significant mental, physical, volitional and emotional stress while maintaining performance.

The student years are considered to be one of the most critical periods in a person's life, as they are filled with personal aspirations, actively enriched with social values and social contacts, accompanied by an active search for oneself and initial mastery of the profession, during which stressful situations and experiences occur. Successful educational and professional activity and personal development of a student depends on the ability to cope with life's difficulties, which depends on the level of stress resistance and the specifics of the choice of coping strategies.

The results of the study showed that psychology students of the first master's level of education mostly had a high level of stress resistance and were inclined to use a variety of coping strategies, among which the greatest importance was given to self-control, recognition of own responsibility and planning for problem solving, and the desire to receive social support. Such coping strategies as "escapeavoidance" and "confrontation" did not receive much attention among university psychology students. Thus, this testified to the readiness of psychology students for independent practice in the chosen field.

Keywords: stress resistance, students, socio-psychological adaptation, complete family, incomplete family.


Особливості стресостійкості та копінг-стратеій студентів-психологів

Яланська Світлана Павлівна доктор психологічних наук, професор, декан факультету психології і соціальної роботи; Кононова Марина Миколаївна доктор педагогічних наук, кандидат психологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри, Анушкевич Володимир Ігорович кандидат психологічних наук, асистент, асистент кафедри психології; Данько Сніжана Віталіївна маагістрантка спеціальності 053 Психологія, Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В.Г. Короленка

Мета статті: висвітлити особливості розвитку стресостійкості та копінг-стратегій у студентів, які навчаються в закладах вищої освіти.

Стресостійкість визначається як структурно-функціональна, динамічна, інтегративна властивість особистості, що детермінується низкою особистісних характеристик, і у випадку взаємодії зі стресогенним чинником, включає процес саморегуляції, когнітивну репрезентацію, об'єктивну характеристику ситуації, забезпечуючи таким чином можливість витримувати значні розумові, фізичні, вольові та емоційні навантаження, зберігаючи при цьому ефективність діяльності.

Студентський вік вважається одним із кризових у житті людини, оскільки наповнений особистісними прагненнями, активно збагачується соціальними цінностями та соціальними контактами, супроводжується активним пошуком себе та первинним оволодіванням професією, у ході чого зустрічаються стресові ситуації і переживання. Успішна навчально-професійна діяльність та особистісний розвиток студента залежить від вміння боротися з життєвими труднощами, що залежить від рівня стресостійкості та специфіки вибору копінг-стратегій.

Результати дослідження показали, що студенти-психологи першого магістерського рівня освіти переважно володіли високим рівнем стресостійкості, а також схильні були використовувати різноманітні копінг-стратегії, серед яких найбільше значення надано самоконтролю, визнанню власної відповідальності та плануванню вирішення проблеми, прагненню отримувати соціальну підтримку. Такі копінг-стратегії, як «втеча-уникнення» та «конфронтація» не користувалися великою увагою серед студентів-психологів ЗВО. Отже, це засвідчило про готовність студентів-психологів до самостійної практичної діяльності в обраній галузі.

Ключові слова: стресостійкість, студенти, копінг-стратегії, заклад вищої освіти.

Problem Statement

A person who has just entered higher education finds themselves in a new environment characterized by the need to adopt a new social role - that of a student - and new conditions of activity, primarily academic and professional. This transition places high demands on independence, selforganization, self-control, and the effectiveness of academic performance. The student bears significant responsibility for acquiring knowledge, skills, and the practical application thereof.

A notable difference from secondary education for students is the substantial increase in the volume of academic information provided by higher education institutions (HEIs), the short timeframes for independent processing of this information, and the high standards for its theoretical and practical mastery. There is a constant need for analytical thinking in academic activities and selfdevelopment.

The specificity of changes in the learning situation is accompanied by periods of social adaptation, establishing emotional contact among members of the student group and with educators, and the practically inevitable emergence of conflict situations both in personal interactions with others and in the context of academic activities. Causes may include uneven distribution of workload, academic consequences of absenteeism from classes, including academic debt and gaps in professional knowledge, dissatisfaction with assessment by educators, unjustified expectations of the learning process, a professional sense of the chosen specialty, intense stress during examination situations, conflicts between the need for learning and the expressed need for forming interpersonal relationships, difficulties in successfully combining these two components, barriers to active self-assertion and self-improvement, and more. As a result of these difficulties and problems, students experience emotional tension and deeper stress. Consequently, the successful adaptation of the student as a subject of educational and professional activities and the professional development of the young specialist are determined by the development of their resilience to stress.

In many cases, overcoming severe emotional states is achieved through mechanisms of psychological defense and coping strategies, ensuring the effectiveness of educational and professional activities in challenging conditions. The use of coping strategies depends on the development of various personal traits and characteristics, such as empathy level, locus of control, self-esteem, achievement motivation, anxiety level, self-control skills, and others [15].

It has been established that the issue of resilience as a key to successful student adaptation in higher education institutions and coping strategies is continuously studied by scientists, psychologists, and educators. Significant information has been highlighted in the works of researchers such as G. Andreeva, A. Hurych, S. Buzhynska, H. Dubchak, V. Korolchuk, R. Lazarus, I. Martinyuk, D. Morozova, Zh. Novikova, S. Pukhno, H. Ryshko, N. Rodina, O. Safin, S. Sklyar, S. Folkman, T. Tsyhanchuk, A. Shamne, D. Bright, J. Greenberg, and others.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine constantly emphasizes the need to provide opportunities for educators, children and their parents to acquire self-regulation skills and psychological stability, and to create conditions for a safe psychosocial space in educational institutions.

Through an analysis of psychological and pedagogical research, we conclude that the context of studying the development of stress resilience and coping strategies among students in higher education institutions requires further scientific examination and substantiation.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Reveals that summarizing the theoretical aspects of stress resilience among student youth allows for a diversity of views on the essence of resilience. Among these, its contemporary characterization as a structural-functional, dynamic, integrative personality trait emerges prominently, arising from the interaction process between the individual and stressors. This includes processes of self-regulation, cognitive representation, objective situation assessment, and personal demands. Stress resilience enables individuals to endure significant mental, physical, volitional, and emotional loads while maintaining functional efficiency [10, 15].

The capacity for stress resilience allows individuals to overcome stress experiences and their consequences, which scholars identify as behavioral disturbances (muscle tension, irregular breathing, changes in voice and speech; lifestyle changes such as disrupted daily routines, sleep disturbances, inadequate stress coping methods, etc.), professional impacts (reduced productivity, fatigue, etc.), social dysfunction (interaction conflicts, aggression, antisocial behavior), emotional effects (depression, aggression, frequent irritability, anger outbursts, changes in character, decreased self-esteem, emergence of psychopathological traits, neurotic states), intellectual impacts (memory, thinking, attention deficits), physiological effects (biochemical and hormonal disturbances affecting digestive, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems such as chest pains, breathing difficulties, muscle tension, discomfort in digestive organs, etc.), and other manifestations (changes in body weight, immune suppression, increased fatigue, frequent illnesses, etc.) [9, 16].

Researchers and psychologists note that typically, the human body can resist stress, thus emotional states normalize and behaviors recover within several days [17].

Stress resistance as an important psychological quality of each person contributes to the successful overcoming of obstacles, actualization of activity in extreme conditions, stabilization of internal mechanisms of emotional-volitional self-regulation; provides the ability to constantly reproduce a high level of professional motivation. Scientists are convinced that the stress resistance of the personality is formed on the basis of repeated repetition of the collision of the personality with stressful factors [10, 11].

Psychologists characterize studenthood as a unique social category, a specific community where individuals purposefully and systematically acquire knowledge and professional skills through educational activities. Due to the fact that academic life in higher education institutions (HEIs) is among the most intellectually, informationally, and emotionally demanding, coupled with low physical activity, the determinants of psychological stress among students are quite diverse: lack of sleep, delays in submitting assignments, frequent class absences, incomplete or improperly completed tasks, failure in certain disciplines, incomplete understanding of subjects, lack of interest in academic subjects, academic competition, increased academic workload, conflict situations, relocation (students from other cities or regions), poor physical learning conditions, lack of leisure time, personal reasons, and others.

It was found out that particularly stressful and frustrating situations in the process of studying in higher education institutions for students are pre-examination and examination periods, when the preparation and expectation of the exam is accompanied by psychological stress: fear of the examiner, anxiety and self-doubt, fear of waiting for a negative assessment, on the exam - in the inability to reproduce the material, speech disorders, reading, etc. [5, 13, 18, 22, 23].

On the one hand, stress helps to optimize the internal resources of the body and find a way out of critical situations, but, on the other hand, increased emotional stress negatively affects lifestyle, relationships with the social environment, life plans, etc. One of the most significant factors of stress in students is increased anxiety [3].

Recently, the relevance of studying the peculiarities of the psychological adaptation process among large contingents of foreign students in Ukrainian higher education institutions and the role of emotional intelligence in their socialization process has been growing. Scientists' attention is drawn to one of the key problems: deviant behavior caused by the conflict between the moral and ethical norms and rules of the migrant students' countries of residence and those of the new society. The adaptation of these individuals during professional training is complicated, which underscores the need for in-depth study by psychologists and educators of maladaptation problems and the search for effective ways to develop stress resilience among students of all ages and nationalities [24].

The analysis of contemporary scientific sources proves that stress resilience is crucial for a student's productive academic activities, successful adaptation in all fields, and a source of physical and mental health and well-being [1, 2, 3]. According to research, students are categorized based on their level of stress resilience during their studies in HEIs: stress-resilient (ready for changes and easily adapt to them); stress-sensitive (struggle to adapt to new living conditions and find it difficult to change their attitudes, views, and behavior); stress-training individuals (always ready for changes and adapt gradually); stress-hindering (unable to change under the influence of the surrounding environment). Through a theoretical review of the research topic, several psychological characteristics related to stress resilience have been identified, namely: cognitive-intellectual (flexibility and abstractness of thinking, developed perceptual, mnemonic, and intellectual abilities), emotional- personal (emotional stability, optimism, moderate levels of personal anxiety and aggressiveness, predominantly internal locus of control) [1, 3].

Analyzing the problem of stress resistance of future psychologists, it is worth remembering the All-Ukrainian mental health program, which is focused on the development of a culture of mental health, received expert support from the WHO, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the International Organization for Migration, UNESCO in Ukraine, the United Nations Fund in sectors of the population. Currently, psychological resilience skills are being implemented at all levels of education. For the successful transformation of the field of mental health, changes will be implemented in the psychological service in the education system. The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine is implementing a comprehensive social service for the formation of sustainability centers - social spaces of territorial communities that can be used to provide various services, in particular: psychosocial support to help each person overcome stress, recover from crisis events and, despite all challenges, remain included in life It is here that everyone can consult a specialist, get help from a psychologist, join mutual support groups and volunteer activities of their community; the "Veteran's Assistant" program, under which specialists will provide assistance to veterans transitioning from military service to civilian life; space for social activities for events and meetings of public organizations of the community. Every student, a future psychologist, can join the work of such centers both as a person who needs psychological support and as a future professional psychologist.

Objective of the article: To highlight the features of the development of stress resilience and coping strategies in students studying at higher education institutions.

Implementation of the research goal involves solving the following tasks:

1. To conduct a theoretical analysis of the features of stress resilience as a psychological property of personality.

2. To characterize the features of studenthood as a social category and the factors contributing to their stress.

3. To define the role of coping strategies in ensuring students' stress resilience.

4. To justify the methodological support used to study the level of stress resilience and dominant coping strategies among psychology students.

5. To analyze the empirical indicators of stress resilience and coping strategies in psychology students.

Presentation of the main research material

An analysis of numerous scientific studies has shown that the components of the personal cognitive resource of students' stress resilience include the following: functional, stylistic, socio- cognitive, cognitive-behavioral, and self-esteem components. This means that key roles are attributed to mental processes, temperament, character, abilities, life experiences in dealing with stress factors, values, neurodynamics, personality orientation, and more [9, 10, 13, 14, 22]. Researchers have also determined that stressful situations affect a student's behavior depending on their inherent coping strategies, which may include both constructive ("positive interpretation of the situation," "attributing unconventional meaning to the situation," "changing personal attributes," "identifying with the lucky ones") and non-constructive strategies ("focusing on negative emotions in a stressful situation," "avoidance or escape from a stressful situation," "denial of both the stressful situation and stress reactions to it") [15].

From a scientific and psychological perspective, coping behavior is an individual, conscious, active, and rational way of dealing with a challenging (stressful) life situation that is of high significance and is related to a person's internal capabilities and conditions of social support. It is asserted that in overcoming stress, individuals utilize their own coping strategies based on their existing experience and psychological reserves (coping resources). Therefore, coping behavior is viewed as the result of the interaction between coping strategies and coping resources. Coping resources are understood as the structures of personality that facilitate manifestations of coping behavior: these include physical (health, physical strength), social (belonging to a particular social group or community), psychological (self-esteem, intellect, humor, communication skills), and material resources (money, housing). The main task of coping is to ensure and maintain the external and internal wellbeing of the individual [4, 15].

Modern researchers identify several components of coping (coping actions, coping strategies, coping styles), each characterized by cognitive (thinking processes,

information seeking, comparison, etc.), emotional (emotional responses, fatalism, submission, self-blame, etc.), and behavioral processes (specific actions: distraction, switching to another activity, avoidance, cooperation, etc.). They consider two types of coping: constructive (achieving goals through one's efforts, seeking help from others, engaging in the situation or having experience solving similar problems, reinterpreting the problematic situation, changing one's usual stereotypes and attitudes) and non-constructive coping (passivity and avoidance, impulsive behavior, etc.). Coping strategies are further divided into productive and unproductive.

From a psychological standpoint, the criteria for effective coping behavior include reducing levels of personal and reactive anxiety, irritability, psychosomatic symptoms, and depressive indicators, while increasing levels of self-regulation, selfconfidence, optimism, and satisfaction with the chosen profession [1, 3, 7, 15].

The survey results show that among the most effective psycho-pedagogical tools for harmonizing the psycho-emotional state, students' choices focus on art practices, including exercises with metaphorical associative images, drawing therapy exercises, cinquain exercises, and exercises requiring team creative work. These tools are used by students during the study of various disciplines in higher education institutions [6].

Several scientists (A. Aleksapolsky, V. Bosniuk, O. Libina, V. Olefir, O. Safin, T. Semenova, I. Shkuratova) emphasize the intellectual sphere as an important resource for coping behavior. Specifically, O. Safin has studied that students with high intellectual resources are more likely to use active coping strategies, while those with low intellectual resources tend to use psychological defense mechanisms (reactive formation, compensation, less frequently projection) [19].

The author also examined the peculiarities of developing stress resistance in higher education students during wartime and proposed an original model that includes two dimensions: the procedural (formation of dynamic self-regulation skills) and the dispositional (gradual correction of stable personality traits that negatively correlate with the level of stress resistance). Each dimension has its own influence target (procedural dimension: self-regulation and emotional self-support skills; dispositional: stable personality traits) and psychological means of influence (procedural dimension: relaxation techniques, autogenic training, special physical activity and exercises, breathing techniques, self-massage; dispositional dimension: cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques) [20].

Ukrainian scientists have concluded that the positive impact on the development of personal stress resistance at different ages, and consequently on the effectiveness of professional activity, can be ensured by the activation of psychological conditions. These include the development of empathy, tolerance, moral normativity, internal motivation for professional activity, and the predominance of problem-oriented and prosocial coping strategies [24].

It is important to take into account the features of stress and psychological crises during the war. Domestic scientists define the main principles of communication in crisis situations: compassion and care; competence and experience; honesty and openness; responsibility [12].

In order to study the level of stress resistance among psychology students, an empirical study was conducted.The empirical sample of scientific research included 50 students of the specialty 053 Psychology of PNPU named after V.G. Korolenko, who are obtaining a second level of higher education - a master's degree. The research base was the V. G. Korolenko Poltava National Pedagogical University.

The following methods were used in the study:

1. The "Personality Stress Resistance Test" (V.A. Semichenko) aimed at determining the specifics of the impact of emotional stress, namely, relationships in the academic (and professional) community, with leadership, conflict, and leadership behavior of the students under study, who are raised in complete and incomplete families.

2. The "Ways of Coping Questionnaire" by R. Lazarus (adapted by T.L. Kryukova, E.V. Kuftyak, and M.S. Zamyslyaeva) was included in the list of methods to determine coping mechanisms, ways of overcoming difficulties, and coping strategies.

In the course of the study, we aim to explore the features of the development of stress resistance and coping strategies in students studying in higher education institutions

The survey of respondents using V. Semichenko's methodology showed that among psychology students, 43% were found to have a high level of stress resistance, 33% had a medium level, and 24% had a low level of stress resistance (Table 1).

Table 1 Assessment of Stress Resistance Levels Among Students of Different Specialties

Levels of Stress Resilience

Psychology Students

High (26-29 points)


Medium (38-41 points)


Low (50-53 points)


Given these indicators, we can talk about students having a sufficient awareness of the reality of events and situations that occur with them, and most importantly, their ability to cope with problems and stressful experiences based on self-awareness and understanding of their surroundings at any given moment in life. Accordingly, these results predominantly show a low susceptibility to stress among the surveyed students.

Based on the percentage data obtained, it can be noted that psychology students, possessing a fairly high level of stress resilience, are capable of emotional resistance when facing various types of nervous-psychic tension, including academic challenges and other life upheavals or adverse conditions. They are more inclined to consciously overcome such emotional states by using known methods, their own protective psychological mechanisms, coping strategies, etc. We consider psychology students to be quite moderate, psychologically balanced, rational, and restrained in their actions and thoughts. Excessive emotionalism and impulsiveness are not characteristic of them in everyday life.

With the help of "Coping Strategies Questionnaire” by R.Lazarus , we were able to identify the coping methods most commonly used by psychology students in stressful situations. The diagnostic results using this methodology are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. General levels of manifestation of coping strategies among psychology students


Number of respondents %

High level

Medium level

Low level













Seeking social support




Recognition of own responsibility








Problem-solving planning




Positive revaluation




It's clear from the table that among the students, the highest results (high level) were observed in the following subscales:

- "distancing" (32%), indicating cognitive efforts by some respondents to separate themselves from the situation and reduce its significance (as a maladaptive variant).

- "self-control" (53%), showing pronounced efforts by these respondents to regulate their feelings and actions, including restricting their desires and feelings, and striving to conceal their emotions from others, as a sign of demanding behavior.

- "recognition of own responsibility" (39%), indicating a tendency among these respondents to acknowledge their responsibility and understand their role in the arising problem, seeking ways to resolve it (an adaptive form of behavior).

- "problem-solving planning" (41%), indicating the ability to actively confront difficulties through careful analysis and searching for solutions.

Based on the results, students demonstrate sufficiently high scores (medium level) across all coping strategies, with the highest inclination towards seeking social support (57%, medium level) in stressful situations. This indicates their efforts in seeking informational, emotional, and practical assistance from their immediate circle and the public, aiming for attention and empathy. Additionally, the use of positive revalutation (45%, medium level) and the coping strategy of "escapeavoidance" by a significant portion of respondents from both samples (45%, medium level) are notable. This reflects their imaginary desires and behavioral efforts aimed at escaping or avoiding stressful problems, approaching them philosophically, and maintaining a humorous attitude towards them.

Therefore, students pursuing higher education in psychology predominantly utilize constructive coping behaviors, such as self-control (53%), recognition of personal responsibility (42%), and problem-solving planning (47%), which researchers consider to be the most constructive and adaptive. From our perspective, these strategies also demonstrate the development of crucial personal traits in future professionals during their student years.

These findings indicate that these psychology students tend to avoid emotionally charged impulsive actions, approach problem-solving rationally, acknowledge their role in both the occurrence and resolution of difficulties. However, they may also exhibit excessive responsibility and self-control over their behavior, be quite self-critical, and have difficulty expressing emotions and needs in challenging situations.

Distancing as a coping strategy in stressful situations is less characteristic among psychology students, although it is still present (28%).

We consider it positive that there are low rates of maladaptive coping behaviors among students, such as "escape-avoidance" (approximately 25%), characterized by denial and ignoring of stressful situations, passivity, irritability, and tendencies towards alcohol use or overeating to reduce emotional tension. Overall, the use of "confrontation," indicated by aggressive efforts to change the situation with hostility, impulsivity, and readiness for risk, is also relatively low (22%).

It has been found that students in psychology often employ the strategy of "seeking social support," which helps them recognize their own personal and professional significance.

According to the results of the survey of students of specialty 053 "Psychology" OP "Psychology", "Crisis psychology", "Crisis psychology. Social and psychological rehabilitation" of the Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.G. Korolenko (139 people), it was found that to the question "Which psychological and pedagogical tools are the most effective for harmonizing the psycho-emotional state, forming stress resistance of the individual during classes?" 93.0% noted - art practices, in particular, exercises with metaphorical associative images; 81.0% - drawing therapy exercises; 78.0% are exercises that require creative team work. Students perform such exercises while studying the disciplines "Individual, group psychotherapy and counseling", "Psychology of creativity", "General psychology", "Psychology", "Psychology of stress resistance", etc. Exercises for building stress resistance, harmonizing the psycho-emotional state of the individual, and developing the creativity of the individual are systematically performed during the sessions of the psychological studio "Path to Success" of the V.G. Queen

For students of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Work of the Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.G. Korolenko developed the selective discipline "Psychology of stress resistance", the purpose of which is: deepening knowledge about the inner mental world of a person, mental processes, states, properties, vital importance of the psyche; the study of various types of mental manifestations of stress and its consequences, the disclosure of the main psychological problems in the self-organization of psychological assistance of various types and at different stages of the life cycle in the presence of stressful personality traits; understanding of strategies for forming and improving the level of stress resistance; stimulation and correction of the process of comprehensive (personal, social, professional) formation of the future specialist in professional activity, helping each individual to realize his own integrity and uniqueness, promoting significant progress on the path of professional improvement.

The key topics of the course are:

Topic 1. Psychology of stress as a relevant educational discipline.

Topic 2. Modern views on the doctrine of stress, its essence and features.

Topic 3. Stress level assessment.

Topic 4. Dynamics of stress flow.

Topic 5. Personality psychology.

Topic 6. Reducing the physical effect of stress.

Topic 7. Change of attitude towards the problem and its different interpretation.

Topic 8. A healthy lifestyle as a condition for stress resistance.

Topic 9. Art-therapeutic technologies of stress prevention and overcoming

Topic 10. Effective communication is a condition for preventing stressful situations.

The educational component "Psychology of sustainability in conditions of crises" has also been developed, the purpose of which is to form the knowledge of students of higher education about the concept of sustainability; study of various types of mental manifestations of stress and its consequences; understanding strategies for the formation of sustainability; helping each student of higher education realize the integrity and uniqueness of their own personality, promoting significant progress on the path of personal and professional improvement.

Key topics:

Topic 1. Psychology of vitality.

Topic 2. Modern approaches to the formation of sustainability in crisis conditions

Topic 3. Ability to resist stress. Therapeutic technologies of stress prevention and overcoming.

Topic 4. Creativity resources that help to maintain one's own productivity in crisis conditions.

Topic 5. Recovery of mental and physical condition after traumatic situations.

Topic 6. Change of attitude to the problem: value aspects.

Topic 7. Sustainability and a healthy lifestyle.

Such educational components expand the important competences of future psychologists to ensure stress resistance both for further professional activities and for self-help, own vitality, stress resistance, self-recovery.

stress resistance coping strategy


Therefore, the research has established that a sufficient level of stress resilience is a prerequisite for successful academic performance, social- psychological adaptation, and personal-professional development of future specialists. Empirically, it has been determined that second-level master's students in psychology predominantly possessed a high level of stress resilience, indicating their readiness for independent practical activities in their chosen field. Additionally, psychology students demonstrated a tendency to employ various coping strategies, with particular emphasis on self-control, recognition of personal responsibility, problem-solving planning, and seeking social support. Strategies such as "escapeavoidance" and "confrontation" did not receive significant attention among university psychology students. Future research prospects in this area include comparing coping strategies between psychology students and those from other disciplines, designing training programs aimed at enhancing stress resilience, and effectively choosing methods to overcome challenging situations.


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23. Romanova I., Syniakova V., Kononova М., Melnychuk M., & Reva M., Nemesh V. Social assistance and psychological counseling in Ukraine against the backdrop of Russian armed aggression. AMAZONIA Investiga, 11(55), 2022. 263-272.

24. Soroka O., Kravchenko O., Mishchenko M., Teptiuk Y., Safin O., Andrusyk O., Timchenko O., Khrystenko V. Psychological conditions for the development of stress resistance in specialists of different age categories. Physical Ergonomics and Human Factors, 63, 2022. 117-123.

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