Peculiarities of the formation of the readiness of the future teacher-psychologist to work with deviant adolescents
The model includes motivational, communicative, procedural, emotional, and reflexive components. Psychological and pedagogical activity with deviant adolescents is: transformative in form, communicative in essence and value-oriented in structure.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.12.2024 |
Размер файла | 17,3 K |
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Peculiarities of the formation of the readiness of the future teacher-psychologist to work with deviant adolescents
Alimakhunova Marzhan
Zheksembayeva Zhadra
The article is devoted to the problems of the formation of the readiness of the future teacherpsychologist to work with deviant adolescents. In the context of diagnostic, correctional, developmental activities of a teacher-psychologist with adolescent deviants, we find an interesting model of readiness for professional activity. The model includes motivational, communicative, procedural, emotional, and reflexive components. Psychological and pedagogical activity with deviant adolescents is: transformative in form, communicative in essence and value-oriented in structure. formation readiness adolescent psychological
Keywords: formation, readiness, future teacher-psychologist, deviant adolescents, psychological support, pedagogical activity, system, components, structure, essence.
Алимахунова Маржан, Жексембаева Жадра
Статья посвящена проблемам формирования готовности будущего педагога-психолога к работе с девиантными подростками. В контексте диагностической, коррекционной, развивающей деятельности педагога-психолога с подростковыми девиантами мы находим интересную модель готовности к профессиональной деятельности. Модель включает мотивационный, коммуникативный, процедурный, эмоциональный и рефлексивный компоненты. Психологопедагогическая деятельность с девиантными подростками является преобразующей по форме, коммуникативной по сути и ценностно-ориентированной по структуре.
Ключевые слова: формирование, готовность, будущий педагог-психолог, девиантные подростки, психологическое сопровождение, педагогическая деятельность, система, компоненты, структура, сущность.
In accordance with modern scientific concepts, the process of assimilation of knowledge, skills, the formation of individual psychological properties of the personality of a teacher-psychologist cannot be carried out spontaneously, it must be modeled. That is why special attention in the theory and practice of pedagogical education is paid to the construction of models that contribute to the optimization of the pedagogical process and are an important psychological and pedagogical condition for the formation of students' readiness to work with deviant adolescents.
The priority role in the process of education, upbringing, and formation of the personality of a minor belongs to the teacher, on whom the assimilation of social norms and rules, the principles of the functioning of society significantly depends.
According to research teachers (Sh.A.Amonashvili, L.S. Vygotsky, V.V.Davydov, L.V.Zankov), modern pedagogy can only be humane, since authoritarianism serves as a powerful source of deviant behavior [1; 2]. Behavioral disorders of adolescents lead to the complexity and complexity of the process of their education and upbringing. However, the success, professionalism, creativity and skill of a teacherpsychologist in working with deviant adolescents lies in the fact that the educational process and communication with students turns into an exciting, purposeful, meaningful, developing activity [3].
Considering the readiness of a teacherpsychologist to work with deviant adolescents, we relied on the concept of the content of education developed by V.V. Kraevsky, I.Ya. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin [4, p. 47]. The concept is based on the idea that the main elements of socio-cultural, communicative, cognitive, social and practical human activity should be included in the content of education. In accordance with the position of scientists, the main components of the content of education are determined:
• a system of knowledge about nature, society, thinking, ways of activity, assuming the correct methodological approach to cognitive and practical activities;
• the system of intellectual skills and abilities as the basis of the activity of the individual;
• the experience of creative activity accumulated by mankind in the process of socialization, social and practical activities;
• a system of norms of attitude to the world, the surrounding reality, which is the basis of human beliefs and ideals.
In the theory and practice of pedagogical education, dissertation research of recent years, the conditions for the formation of teachers' readiness to work with deviant adolescents in the field of information and communication technologies (L.N. Babanin, S.V.Bondarenko, E.V.Zerkina) have been identified and substantiated [5]; directions of pedagogical activity with deviant adolescents in the field of leisure (Yu.A. Kleiberg, E.B. Rogaleva); organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of readiness of future physical education teachers to work with adolescents of deviant behavior [6]; however, there are practically no studies on the formation of the readiness of a future teacher-psychologist to work with deviant adolescents. A distinctive feature that defines the essence of the professional readiness of a teacher-psychologist to work with deviant adolescents, from the training of social educators, future physical education teachers at the university to work with minors with deviant behavior, is that a graduate of a higher educational institution in the specialty: teacher-psychologist, must possess a system of knowledge about a minor as a subject of educational the process, its age characteristics; social and biological factors of development; to carry out preventive, diagnostic, correctional and developmental activities; to ensure the development and preservation of the mental health of minors.
Readiness for psychological and pedagogical activity, developed by N.V. Kuzmina
[7] , includes the following functional components:
• gnostic component (from Greek. gnosis - cognition) refers to the sphere of knowledge of the teacher about the methods of pedagogical communication, psychological characteristics of minors, features of professional activity in general;
• the design component includes ideas about the promising tasks of education and upbringing, as well as strategies and ways to achieve them;
• the constructive component is related to the peculiarities of the teacher's construction of students' activities, taking into account the goals of training, education and development (lesson, individual lesson);
• the communicative component focuses on the specifics of the teacher's (verbal, non-verbal) interaction with students;
• the organizational component is a system of the teacher's skills to organize their own activities, the activity of students. It should be emphasized that all components of this model are often presented through the teacher's skill system
The model of readiness for professional activity proposed by A.D.Goneev, N.I. Lifintseva,
[8] seems interesting to us. Taking this model as a basis, we note that it allows us to identify not only the qualitative level of knowledge and skills, but also the nature of students' attitude to future professional activity with deviant adolescents, the presence of a steady interest in work, the ability to achieve goals, self-knowledge and introspection, the ability to manage their emotions and behavior. In this regard, we emphasize: the psychological component of readiness should be interpreted as the core of personality, including: scientific, intellectual, moral potential, creative activity, the level of claims of a teacher-psychologist. That is why this model, the fundamental basis of which are scientific, theoretical and practical components, is presented as a psychological, personal neoplasm based on the interaction and interrelation of functional components: motivational, communicative, procedural, emotional, reflexive. Let's look at the components of this model in more detail:
1) the motivational component of readiness for psychological and pedagogical activity is a system of ideals, needs, interests. The basis of motivational readiness is the priorities of pedagogical activity, which are guidelines in his social and professional activity. Pedagogical values acquire the motivating force of a motive if they are internalized by the teacher and become intrinsically necessary for the individual.
2) the communicative component of readiness for pedagogical activity is associated with the cognitive activity of the teacher's personality, and can be considered as a process and result of cognition. The communicative component involves the ability to achieve positive feedback with a teenager, eliminate barriers in communication, observe pedagogical tact and correctness [10];
3) the procedural component of readiness for pedagogical activity includes the teacher's ability to reasonably identify and rationally apply ways and means to achieve the goals most effectively. As a subject of pedagogical activity, the teacher should be able to manage the development, training and upbringing of the emerging personality of a teenager, timely and effectively influence the negative characterological features of the personality, his behavior and attitude to the surrounding reality;
4) the emotional component of readiness is considered as a manifestation of the attitude towards minors, satisfaction with their profession, a sense of personal responsibility for the result of the pedagogical process, the ability to manage their own emotions and behavior, the ability to overcome doubts, uncertainty, tension in difficult life situations.
From our point of view, the main condition for the teacher to know the student's personality is the full-fledged emotional activity of the teacher. The teacher's understanding of both his own emotions and feelings, as well as the emotions and feelings of minors, increases the adequacy of perception and leads to the establishment of trust with the teenager, effective, positive feedback with him. The manifestation of positive emotions in working with deviant adolescents is of particular importance, since this category of minors is experiencing a lack of empathy, attention, empathy. Research data of scientists (L.M. Zyubin), convincingly indicate that 92% of juvenile delinquents experienced, to one degree or another, an emotional vacuum in the family, school: lack of love, parental care, mutual understanding, were in a state of psychological isolation in their educational collectives.
We are convinced that the open expression of emotions and feelings of a teacherpsychologist, with their volitional self-regulation, on the one hand, finds an emotional response in the soul of a teenager, which contributes to the establishment of a deep, trusting contact; on the other hand, the conscious acceptance of the personality of a deviant teenager allows the teacher to productively organize the pedagogical process, search for new forms, methods, approaches;
5) the reflexive component of readiness for pedagogical activity is considered as a process of self-knowledge by a teacherpsychologist of internal mental states, as a process of introspection (turning "inside oneself"), as psychological reflection, inference, introspection.
Reflection is not just a knowledge and understanding of oneself, but a sense of how other people understand the personal characteristics, emotional reactions and cognitive representations of the teacher. Consequently, the reflexive component can be understood as a process of mirroring the mutual reflection of the subjects of each other, the content of which is the pedagogical process.
It can be stated: psychological and pedagogical activity with deviant adolescents is:
1) transformative in form and aimed at changing the content of the educational process, the personality of a minor; 2) communicative in essence, including direct interaction with deviant adolescents; 3) value-oriented in structure, aimed at forming a system of values and translating them into the consciousness of students.
Thus, the model adopted as a basis, consisting of motivational, communicative, procedural, emotional, reflexive components, the fundamental basis of which is scientific and theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities, is a necessary psychological and pedagogical condition for the formation of students' readiness to work with deviant adolescents and represents a stable new formation of the future teacher-psychologist.
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