Man in the context of consumer in condition of forming information society in Ukraine
The social consumption practices in the Ukrainian society which is in transformation under the influence of the ideology of the consumer society and of information and communication technologies. The needs for which Internet consumption is directed.
Рубрика | Социология и обществознание |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 30.08.2018 |
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Man in the context of consumer in condition of forming information society in Ukraine
YA.V. Zoska, O.M. Ivats
The article deals with the specifics of social consumption practices in the Ukrainian society which is in transformation under the influence of the ideology of the consumer society and at the same time the total implementation of information and communication technologies. With the use of a secondary analysis of statistical data and results of sociological researches the characteristic needs to meet that target Internet consumption, marked especially consumption practices information, knowledge and information technologies in the conditions of formation the information society in Ukraine.
Key words: information, information technology, information and consumer society, knowledge, Internet of consumption, education.
У статті розглянуто специфіку соціальних практик споживання в українському суспільстві, яке перебуває в умовах трансформації під впливом ідеології суспільства споживання й одночасно тотального впровадження інформаційних і комунікаційних технологій. З використанням вторинного аналізу статистичних даних та результатів соціологічних досліджень охарактеризовано потреби, на задоволення яких спрямоване інтернет-споживання, відзначено особливості практик споживання інформації, знань та інформаційних технологій в умовах формування інформаційного суспільства в Україні.
Ключові слова: інформація, інформаційні технології, інформаційно-споживче суспільство, знання, інтернет-споживання, освіта.
consumer information internet
В статье рассмотрена специфика социальных практик потребления в украинском обществе, которое находится в условиях трансформации под воздействием идеологии общества потребления и одновременно тотального внедрения информационных и коммуникационных технологий. С использованием вторичного анализа статистических данных и результатов социологических исследований дана характеристика потребностей, на удовлетворение которых направлено интернет-потребление, отмечены особенности практик потребления информации, знаний и информационных технологий в условиях формирования информационного общества в Украине.
Ключевые слова: информация, информационные технологии, информационно-потребительское общество, знание, интернет-потребление, образование.
Modern Ukrainian society by many scholars as described and analyzed post-industrial, post-modern, mass, network. Under the influence of cultural globalization in Ukraine is also spreading ideology as a consumer, and as the information society. The practice of consumption is increasingly attracting the attention of scientists.
Consumption issue devoted to the work of many scientists (A. Bard, Z. Bauman, Zh. Bodriiard, T. Veblen, J. De Graaf, J. Gelbreit, H. Marcuse, J. Rittser, D. Sleiter, A. Toffler, M. Fezerstoun and E. Fromm). The issue of the information society is also not new (M. Castells, A. Toffler, D. Bell).
Ukrainian sociological thought includes many aspects. Features of influence and consumption of media and social communication are also in the focus of Ukrainian scientists (A. Holod, G. Pocheptsov, I. Chudovskaia, S. Barmatova, V. Shcherbina, E. Horoshko, etc.). However, against the background of numerous publications on various aspects of consumption, it becomes evident the need for defining the specific social practices of consumption in terms of total implementation of information and communication technologies.
The purpose of the article is to define the features of social practices, consumer rights in terms of the mutual influence of the consumer society and the information society.
«Consumer society» concept complements the characteristics of modern Ukrainian society in terms of focused and concentrated focus on consumer fetishism, social consumerism.
In modern conditions consumerism (active individual consumption) is characterized by:
- The increasing importance of things (they are no less important than the people);
- The rise of the importance of the process of constant change things (desire to constantly buy new clothes and change it often);
- Consumer wealth (personal expenditures on goods and services throughout the world for the past 40 years increased more than 4 times);
- Fixing symbiotic species eating (actually consume as signs of things);
- Formation of a system of values and attitudes that is consumer attitudes to things, people, society (happiness depends on consumption, value acting everything that brings pleasure);
- Expansion of the range of objects of consumption (human body, time, nature, information, entertainment, political and cultural relations, the whole environment of human life) [7; 8].
According to the results of sociological surveys 2009-2016 gg., we note that almost 60% of taps, unfortunately, are manifestations of the syndrome kon- syumeryzmu, defined by the following criteria of consumer awareness, as the desire to continually buy new clothes and change it often; desire to have things that affect other people; attempts have fun and improve mood by purchasing things and understanding the presence of extra things that get rid damage. The category konsyumeratu - active drug, characterized by active consumer intentions, include third Ukrainian, forming konsyumerat elite, the middle class of konsyumeratu and lumpen konsyumerat [8].
Today consumption in Ukraine was one of his key areas of modern society, as was the act means constructing social identity, social status and lifestyle. In daily practice occurred consolidate Ukrainian symbolic consumption to present status and social position identifying individuals by externalities consumed things. Under the influence of the institutionalization of symbolic consumption is the formation of consumer standards (housing, leisure, household, computer and multimedia equipment, accessories and clothes).
However, the economic crisis naturally reduces the amount of material consumption, is limiting consumption of familiar objects to provide the material conditions of comfort. Ukrainians to save consumption activity increasingly began to use credit to meet consumer intentions or compensatory nature of consumer behavior (even in curved form).
With the economic crisis, some of the population to compensate for or mask the nekonsystentnosti status resorted to simulation symbolic consumption and uses a dual symbolization (symulyaryzatsiyu) consumption (symbolic realization of symbolic consumption (symbolic thing substituted symbol of the thing as false (things)), an internal mechanism which is the effect of mimicry. Using symbolic simulation human consumption in the form of the game simulates real consumption playing a different situation, shape and configuration attitude of future life [7; 8].
Also in the unstable economic situation, consumers have been some changes in consciousness and behavior in favor of more «intelligent» consumption, which provides a thorough independent market research products and services. About 60% of consumers before making a purchase compared to prices in good faith in the media and on the Internet (using: manufacturer, brand, online shopping, online shopping sales of secondary market of the Internet; social networks; auction eBay, Aukro). By the way, in Europe it is the second largest Internet (most important) among the sources of information when making purchasing decisions at all stages (information gathering, the final decision of purchase) [6].
In addition, it should be emphasized that in the past few years, the trend of virtualization practices consumption, transfer intentions of consumers and their activity in the information sphere, which is under the influence of the global information society in Ukraine formed very rapidly. The subjects of both consumer societies are subjects of the information society.
Unfortunately, it is still too early to say that Ukraine has finally formed an information society in which the majority of working people engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information and knowledge, however it is safe to say that Ukraine has great potential for the formation of information society.
Already became apparent tendency to increase the role of information in the life of Ukrainian society. In the structure of total realized services to the population of the country in the years 2014-2015 constitute a fifth of the volume of information and telecommunications services [20].
Computerization in our country occurred sequentially increasing pace. In order to promote the principles of the information society in 1997 was created Ukrainian Research and Academic Network URAN. URAN contributed not only full entry Ukraine into the global information space, but also increase the level of education and science in the country due to its systematic and gradual development, which was carried out under the state program «Information and Communication Technologies in Education and Science» [21].
To effectively meet the challenges of information and modern information infrastructure of Ukraine in 1998 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the «National Program on Informatization of Ukraine» [5].
Increasing computerization of society has led to active development and use of information technology both individual consumers and collective (companies, organizations, institutions). Thus, according to the State Statistics Service found that the vast majority of companies (95.2% - in 2015; 93.4% - in 2014) used computers in their work and have access to the Internet (93.3% - in 2015; 91.0% - in 2014) [3]. Summary results of different studies show a high role of information technology in various spheres of Ukrainian society and the social organization of symbiosis with information technology. There virtualization professional activities and everyday social practices.
Strengthening of information in the country is contributed to the realization of complex programs to create a unified national system of communication and active use of telephone, radio, television, the Internet and traditional and electronic media.
Thus, Ukraine revenues are from telecommunication services (excluding the Crimea, in Sevastopol and part of the zone ATO) grow from year to year: 51 billion 865.9 million UAH in 2015; 48 billion 911.6 million UAH in 2014 (extracted amount of postal and courier revenues). [16]
Active informatization, entry of Ukraine into the global information space made it possible to realize the Ukrainian access to global information resources to meet their needs for information products and services.
Internet as an information channel and implement a medium consumption significantly strengthened its position - in the last decade the number of Internet users in Ukraine has increased 100 times. According to research firm Gemius Ukraine the Ukrainian Internet audience at the end of 2015 had a greater than 20 million. People all access devices (including their intersection) [9]. Against the background of the formation of mass Internet audience in the last decade in Ukraine formed a new model of information consumption.
These empirical studies 2009-2011, conducted the research team of Classic Private University (2009, N = 800, the urban population (c. Lviv, Zaporizhzhia) aged 18-55 years multistage sampling, the last stage - quota; controlled features «sex», «age», error ± 3,5%; 2010 r., n = 1525, the urban population (c. Uzhgorod, Poltava, Zhytomyr, Donetsk, Krivyi Rih) sample - zoned, in last stage - random, controlled symptoms, «sex», «age», the error of ± 2,5-3%, reliable probability - 95.45%; 2011 r., n = 947 Zaporizhzhia, Lviv, Odessa, Kharkiv regions, the population aged over 18 Sample - zoned, the last stage - random, controlled symptoms, «sex», «age», error ± 3,5%, probability - 95.45%. In forming the samples used common principles of selection by region, type of settlement, population, gender, age, according to regional specificity of the areas where the study was conducted) helped to identify proprietary communications and information consumption in Ukraine with a focus on information consumption as substitutes clothing. Existing examples of information consumption is the use of the Internet and the services offered by information networks. According to surveys conducted in 2009-2011, almost 70% of adult's only major industrial cities were global network of users with different levels of activity [6]. And in 2015 (according to Factum Group, TNS) 60% of the adult population (without division into different types of settlement residents) have access to the Internet and use it regularly [25].
According to research various researchers, we can say that the Internet promotes at most application to meet the needs of a wide range of Ukrainian. Analysis of the 20 most visited sites allow Ukrainian implement classification audience of Internet users into 5 groups of consumers in focus the network. Thus, according to research company Gemius-Ukraine in 2014 the 89% of Ukrainian Internet users focused their attention on getting various services (services), 87% - visited various portals, 57% - used the Internet for e-commerce, 50% - meet needs entertainment and leisure and 41% - using a global network in order to get the news. [12] The classification of users said that the behavior of online consumers can be seen as a form of economic, social behavior and symbolic, symbolic interaction and form of expression.
The rapid penetration of the Internet in everyday life Ukrainian in the last decade has resulted in a network of specific social and cultural environment conducive to the needs of the communication interaction. It has become irreversible development of electronic social and economic networks. Ukrainians still actively involved in social networks - according to various research teams (Gemius Ukraine, IRG, Classic Private University) in mid-2015, 65% of Internet users use the network as a way to attract online communities [12; 6].
The differ direction of use the Internet proves displays information society and confirms the stabilization of traditional forms of network usage (communicative, cognitive and recreational) and development practices of Internet use.
Due to the rapid development of the Internet market in Ukraine is developing e-commerce. According to our research (2009-2011 gg.), Ukraine a significant part of urban middle class has resorted to e-commerce, of which 40% - pay information; 19% - performed buy things; 15% - paid entertainment; 8% - conducted financial transactions; 7% - paid travel, tourism and cultural needs.
According to the experts at the end of 2014, Ukrainian market of e- commerce has grown by 400% over the last 5 years [19]. The company estimates «GfK» the end of 2014 Ukrainian who buy on the Internet, there were already at least 2.8 million people [19]. In the top ten most visited Ukrainian audience resources since 2013, includes online shopping resource Rozetka. com. ua and free announcements Olx. ua (Slando. ua) [1; 9].
According to researchers Classic Private University in 2015 28.7% of the regional Internet audience become active consumers of goods and services via the Internet (September 2015, n = 600) and among students - 36% (in April 2015, n = 400).
At the same time, consumers every day are increasingly integrated into the market for Internet services and become active participants in the Internet economy and buying via the Internet in Ukraine as in most European countries can become a modern alternative to conventional stores. [18] Consequently, Internet commerce («e-commerce») as a kind of consumer activity of buying and selling things over the Internet is one of the manifestations of information and consumer society.
According to sociological research activity recorded high consumption not only services but also products in the field of information and communication.
Since cellular distribution in Ukraine (1994) due to 2006 retail has sold nearly 25 million units (the number of mobile subscribers was almost 36 million) [15]. In December 2013 the number of mobile subscribers in Ukraine amounted to 57,495,000. Customers [10], in the second half of 2015 the number of active users of cellular operators in Ukraine has reached 59,450,000 metric of consumers [11].
At the end of 2013 57% of Ukrainian aged over 16 owned a smartphone, computer, laptop or tablet [2].
In 2015, 89% of residents of Ukraine are consumers of mobile services, and only 38% - fixed line (based on a study conducted by Kyiv International Institute of Sociology of the adult population of Ukraine except Crimea. In Lugansk region survey conducted only territory controlled by Ukraine in Donetsk region and conducted research in areas that are controlled and in areas not controlled by Ukraine; n = 2022). The vast majority (83%) of mobile users has only one active mobile number, two numbers are 16%, three-room - 1% of respondents [17].
From 2005 to 2013 the retail turnover of enterprises in Ukraine for the group of goods «computers, computer peripheral equipment and software» increased almost 5.4 times (2005 - 805 million USD; 2013 - 4.426 billion USD), and for the group of goods «audio-visual equipment, including telecommunications equipment» - in 4,1 times (2005 - 805 million USD; 2013 - 4.426 billion USD) [22].
Today, much of the population equipped with necessary modern equipment. According to the research activity recorded high consumption in the information sector, fixing a number of displays of the organic unity of the consumer society and the information society for modern Ukraine, which gives reason to call it consumer information.
Despite improvements in the formation of information society in Ukraine, it is still necessary to speak about the existence of such important aspects of social development:
1. The gap between high-tech and spiritual and social development of man can become deeper.
2. he information glut population occurs on the background knowledge defitsytarnosti [4] on the possibilities of its use, reproduction, storage. In the market there is a need for specialists who are familiar with new information technologies and the ability to use them effectively in solving professional problems [13].
3. The level of professional competence of workers must meet new challenges and demands of the situation regarding the country's integration into the global space involvement in globalization processes, information and competition, changes in the organization of enterprises, the introduction of modern technologies.
4. The acceleration of information exchange and the development of technology require constant training of our population over a lifetime.
5. Education in Ukraine (as in today's world) is in crisis and is characterized by three features (F. Cumbs): change (social conditions associated with the development of science and technology); adaptation (the education system does not have time to adapt to these changes); the gap (between the education and living conditions of society) [14].
6. The current education system should perform predictive maintenance and development of the society responsible for the creation and reproduction of social intelligence (mentality specified areas of social technologies and intellectual activity).
The rapid pace of information, development of information technologies in Ukrainian society certainly requires tremendous interest in the community to update knowledge of the information sphere.
Scientific and technological progress, productivity growth, increased labor requirements, changes in the structure of employment, changes in the social functions of the Labor - led to the need to strengthen the role of education, ongoing human resource development and training of highly skilled workers. As a result, the country has already taken some steps - a new paradigm of education, «lifelong learning» has been defined as one of the priorities of state policy on development of education in the XXI century (2002 Presidential Decree number 347/2002 Ukraine «On National Doctrine of Education Development») [23; 24].
Building information society not only increased the importance of lifelong learning, but also the need for its information. Therefore, in 2010, introduced the project «Open World», which involves the creation of information and communication network at the national level through free school supplies to the country's modern equipment and run a single educational web portal for teachers, students and parents of students.
In addition, support for intellectual development of the information society for the appropriate training of the population to constant changes in information technology labor market and the education system must be resolved tasks to enhance computer literacy of all sections of the population.
If young professionals do not have the necessary practical skills in the information sector (as noted by employers) and have additionally improve their skills [13], the professionals who were educated few years later and have a record of employment for the unemployed and even for educators task of strengthening computer literacy is very important.
Rooting in Ukraine ideology of information society shaped urgent need constantly raising the awareness and the need for continuous education of the entire population and especially teachers and educators.
Thus, a survey of teachers who were training courses Zakarpatskyi Institute for Postgraduate Education (IPE) (n = 643; sample quota, representing the general population on the grounds of «teaching experience» and «qualification category» confidential probability obtained results - 95% of the theoretical permissible error of ± 3,61%) is half the surveyed educators and teachers acutely aware of the need to constantly update knowledge on demand reform of the educational sector in the increasingly dependence of information technology tools. Another 30% of respondents while not emphasizing societal trend for the continual updating of knowledge, however emphasizes the need for teacher training fulfillment.
Deep understanding teachers need to constantly self-improvement and lifelong learning confirming information on the factors that motivate them to study at the courses.
The results of the two-dimensional distribution of respondents on training grounds can be divided into 3 groups of consumers with advanced training who have similar intentions:
Group 1 (75%) is the consumer-innovators who are striving for selfteaching and seek to meet the current requirements of society. Among the group that seeks to comply with the time somewhat more people with teaching experience of 16 years and older, and groups seeking self-teaching a few more people with teaching experience of 5 to 15 years.
Group 2 (13%) is the consumer-climbers who resort to training for career growth. Among this group a few more people with experience from 5 to 15 years at their post, as well as teaching experience. This group consists of those with a qualification grading system «expert» or «friend».
Group 3 (6%) is forced on consumers who got training as a result of socio-normative impact (based diagnostic teaching or pressure measurements possible introduction of certification teachers). Among this group a few more people with experience from 16 to 25 years at their position and qualification grading system «specialist».
Today, process knowledge determines social progress and therefore knowledge become the most important factor in social development in the world. Unfortunately, technological progress and the era of electronic communications network in Ukraine led to a backlog the knowing factor in the development of information technology. Therefore, a prerequisite for the Ukrainian society is to overcome this gap in training and orientation for consumers of knowledge according to the needs of the information society and knowledge society.
Almost 80% of respondents believe that training in the institution of postgraduate education, primarily meets its own educational needs, including those interviewed indicate priority needs:
- Management of the modern school (37%). Among this group a few more students with teaching experience of 16 years and older and qualification Grading system «first» or «higher»;
- Knowledge of information technology (31%). Among this group significantly more students working in kindergarten have teaching experience of 16 years and older;
- Educational Technology (26%). Among this group slightly more students working in kindergarten have teaching experience of 26 years and older and qualification Grading system «specialist»;
- Social and psychological aspects of interaction with students and parents (Problems of education; Practical Psychology; Work with parents) - 23%, respectively. Among this group a few more students with teaching experience from 6 to 16 years working in the elementary school (5-9 cl. and 10-11 cls.) grading system and qualification «specialist».
It can be noted that teachers are aware that innovations in information and communication technologies pose new modern teachers difficult challenges that affect pedagogy, methodology, administration and financing needs of quality assurance and they have to learn quickly addressed.
Significance of the global crisis of education rather painfully reflected in the criticism of the traditional paradigm of education that focused on technocratic and conformist values.
Unfortunately, only half of respondents teaching staff understand that stimulate self, self, constant thirst for knowledge is one of the important features of modern education. This cohort (50%) believes that the leading role in their own education belongs to the same person who studies. Another 28% - hold this view. In general, we can determine that the prevailing majority of respondents - nearly 80% are somewhat self-supporters.
In order to address new, are special problems in modern society, the role essentially methodological, systematic, interdisciplinary knowledge of man. Information progress is challenging the traditional education system and updates the issue of revision of the methodology, procedures and organizational principles of modern education.
Undoubtedly, it requires the introduction of new pedagogical approaches based on alternative mechanisms for knowledge transfer.
This is what explains the position of students waiting transformation functional and role load institutions teaching staff training.
Thus, the audience waiting for new approaches in teaching, which provide for greater autonomy from the audience against the background of ongoing dialogue with teachers, tutors, organizing the process of obtaining knowledge, steer and support in mastering the means of continuous new knowledge and self-education or teachers - kouchamy that by example demonstrate the possibilities independent way of thinking, develop in students the ability to work with different information and different data.
However, to say unequivocally that students are willing to abandon traditional teaching system to obtain systematic and generalized knowledge - not (this confirms the two-dimensional distribution of answers given in table 1).
The table clearly shows that even the group of respondents who sees his own leading role in their own education, can not completely abandon the traditional system of teaching).
Table 1 The results of the two-dimensional distribution of respondents' answers to the question «leading role in their own education is mine» and «What role do you see the teacher system ITTIs»
The main role in self education is appertain to me |
What role do you see the teacher system ITTIs: |
Traditional |
FacilUate |
KoouChmm |
Tutor |
Agree complete |
22.6 |
15.7 |
23.6 |
41.5 |
Soon agree than not |
14.1 |
20.3 |
27.7 |
42.4 |
Soon not agree than agree |
39.3 |
32.1 |
21.4 |
10.7 |
Absolutely not agree |
37.5 |
0 |
0 |
62.5 |
Difficult to answer |
15.5 |
34.5 |
17.2 |
39.7 |
In all |
19.9 |
19.8 |
23.9 |
40.7 |
Knowledge and Information Society introduces significant qualitative changes both in modern education methodology and the organization of the process.
Obviously, the proportion of students is ready to move to new forms of learning that involve reflection and critical self-analysis, problem-oriented and mutual learning. These students focus on problem-based learning and expect to study specific courses (subjects):
- Study selected special stationary - 30%;
- Individual training program - 18%.
These categories listeners prefer to supplement these forms of selfeducation and experiential learning (research and teaching / workshops, courses at work) with the dominance of full-time study (not too fond of distance learning).
One third of respondents is not willing to change anything in the organization of the learning process and would leave intact that system, under which so far studied (34%). For this category students less variability inherent to supplement existing training other new forms.
Unfortunately, among the audience is small enough number of people really ready for the introduction of new forms of education, including:
- Self-organization (self - 17% distance education - 12%) - slightly more students with teaching experience from 6 to 16, are in high school;
- Experiential learning (research and teaching / workshops, courses in the workplace - 9%);
- Training in conditions close to reality (training in schools - 24%);
- learning using resources (part-time - 30%).
However, the vast majority of the audience is ready for a combination of these methods in any versions (see Table 2).
Table 2 Cross-analysis of the distribution of respondents' answers to the question «Which of the following forms of training you have chosen in the next»
Which of the following forms of training you have chosen in the next |
Individual program of higher- ing cvalification |
Distance education |
Internal-external |
Self-education |
Education according the choice special cource internal |
Scientifical-metodologi cal/practical, special cources |
Stay without changing tha, according studing till |
Experiential learning in EI |
Unite |
Individual program of highering cvalification |
100 |
11.5 |
19.5 |
27.4 |
28.3 |
27.4 |
15 |
8 |
0.9 |
Distance education |
16.7 |
100 |
33.3 |
24.4 |
11.5 |
14.1 |
17.9 |
5.1 |
0 |
Internal-external |
11.2 |
13.3 |
100 |
18.9 |
10.7 |
16.8 |
16.8 |
6.6 |
1.5 |
Self-education |
28.2 |
17.3 |
33.6 |
100 |
20 |
30.9 |
17.3 |
11.8 |
1.8 |
Education according the choice special cource internal |
16.3 |
4.6 |
10.7 |
11.2 |
100 |
21.4 |
26 |
11.7 |
1.5 |
Scientifical- metodological/ practical, special cources |
19.9 |
7.1 |
21.2 |
21.8 |
26.9 |
100 |
13.5 |
12.2 |
1.9 |
Stay without changing tha, according studing till |
7.8 |
6.4 |
15.1 |
8.7 |
23.4 |
9.6 |
100 |
2.8 |
0.5 |
Experiential learning in EI |
16.4 |
7.3 |
23.6 |
23.6 |
41.8 |
34.5 |
10.9 |
100 |
5.5 |
Unite |
11.1 |
0 |
33.3 |
22.2 |
33.3 |
33.3 |
11.1 |
33.3 |
100 |
In all |
17.6 |
12.1 |
30.5 |
17.1 |
30.5 |
24.3 |
34 |
8.6 |
1.4 |
Although society has become widespread new phenomenon «Education without Borders», which is associated with the elimination of barriers and the introduction of distance learning, however, students training has not sufficiently prepared to accept this form of training organization (only 12%) and not readily complement its other forms, which give greater priority.
So the education system of teacher training is necessary departure from the classical approaches and approach to problem-oriented methods of generating knowledge and reduces the distance between fundamental and applied research. The best result will be achieved in the training combination of different methods. Particular attention should be paid to specialization and problem-based learning (a reference to the needs of the audience) in a hospital with addition of empirical studies and training in conditions close to real.
The vast majority sees the highest practice-transforming educational potential in the composition of forms and methods of work with students, the main ones are practical classes (75%), workshops (57%), lectures (47%) and training professionals (40%).
Thus, increasing computer literacy, lifelong education Ukrainian those were issues requiring urgent attention in the context of information and consumer society from all stakeholders - the public sector, business and society as a whole.
Ukrainian society is influenced by the ideology of consumer society and the information society. Global transformation led to the formation of Ukrainian consumerises sentiment.
Information and knowledge have emerged as the most popular products. According to sociological research activity recorded high consumption in the information sector, fixing a number of displays of the organic unity of the consumer society and the information society for modern Ukraine, which gives reason to call it consumer information.
Among Ukrainian gaining postmodern model of consumption that is complex - the focus of consumer intentions transferred to the information sphere, and in the clothing consumption was confirmed neotraditional model - is characterized efforts to ensure human reproduction, but the needs of the play includes elements of symbolic consumption and information and communication needs.
Information sector makes it possible to realize the intentions Ukrainian symbolic simulation and consumption. Using simulation and symbolic consumption in Ukrainian society can be seen, on the one hand, consumerise means «keeping alive» in the economic crisis, on the other hand - as threatening phenomenon that has a negative impact on lifestyle Ukrainian and emphasizes the irrational, forged, simulation, virtual nature of consumption, aiming to reinforce consumerism as deviance in terms defitsytarnoyi economy.
Rooting in Ukraine ideology of information society shaped urgent need constantly raising the awareness and the need for continuous education of the entire population and especially teachers and educators. In a survey of teachers who were training courses Zakarpatskyi Institute for Postgraduate Education majority to some extent aware of the need for constant updating of knowledge as to demand reform of the educational sector in terms of increased dependence on information technology tools and educational for fulfillment. Almost 80% of respondents believe that training in the institution of postgraduate education must meet the educational needs of the disciplines of the modern management of the institution (37%); characteristics of information technology (31%); educational technology (26%).
Significance of the global crisis of education rather painfully reflected in criticism of traditional education paradigm. For half of the respondents teaching staff understands that stimulate self, self, constant thirst for knowledge is one of the important features of modern education.
Information progress is challenging the traditional education system and updates the issue of revision of the methodology, procedures and organizational principles of modern education.
Listeners expect the transformation of functional and role load of teachers training institutions - prefer teacher-tutor or teacher-coach.
In the education system of teacher training is necessary departure from the classical approaches and approach to problem-oriented methods of generating knowledge and reduces the distance between fundamental and applied research. The best result will be achieved in the training combination of different methods. Although social phenomenon of «Education without Borders» has become widespread, however training students are not ready to accept this form of training and not willing to complement its other forms, which give greater priority.
Particular attention should be paid to specialization and problem-based learning (a reference to the needs of the audience) in a hospital with addition of empirical studies and training in conditions close to real. The vast majority sees the highest practice-transforming educational potential in the composition of forms and methods of work with students, the main ones are practical classes (75%), workshops (57%), lectures (47%) and training professionals (40%).
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4. Виттенбург Б. Шах Планете Земля
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9. Интернет-аудитория Украины, июль 2015 года
10. Кількість абонентів мобільного зв'язку в Україні досягла 59,45 млн
11. Кількість абонентів мобільного зв'язку в Україні на чверть перевищила кількість жителів
12. Коламбет Е. Интернет-аудитория Украины. Статистика 2012-2013 и прогноз на 2014 год
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15. Надання телекомунікаційних, поштових та кур'єрських послуг
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17. Обзор // Потреблять в 2010 не меньше, но лучше
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19. Основні показники економічної діяльності підприємств сфери нефінансових послуг
20. Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України «Про затвердження Державної Програми “Інформаційні та комунікаційні технології в освіті і науці” на 2006-2010 роки» від 7 грудня 2005 р. № 1153
21. Товарна структура роздрібного товарообороту підприємств в Україні
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