Sociocultural mapping: modern challenges
Significance of socio-cultural mapping in modern cultural practices. Definitive place of the investigated phenomenon in domestic cultural practices. The potential of socio-cultural mapping to address a number of topical culturological problems.
Рубрика | Социология и обществознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 14.10.2018 |
Размер файла | 23,0 K |
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Sociocultural mapping: modern challenges
Kopiyevska Olha
PhD in Pedagogic studies, professor
Purpose of the Article. The goals of the research are to systematize the approaches to the understanding of the sociocultural mapping, to define the terms, to find out its role in the modern cultural practices. Methodology. The methodology of the article is based on the various principles such as systematization and generalization. The purpose of the material and its tasks determine the applying of the following methods: axiological approach (to find out the role of the sociocultural mapping in the modern cultural practices),hermeneutic approach (to systematize different modifications of the term "mapping"), and analytical one (to study the conceptual foundations of the modern researchers of the sociocultural mapping). Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the article is to systematize the theories of the sociocultural mapping, its functional components, and meanings in the modern practical cultural forming. The critical role of the sociocultural mapping in the Ukrainian cultural practices. Conclusions. In the contemporary cultural processes, sociocultural mapping plays the significant position and allows us to foresee the effectivity of the functioning of the underlying infrastructure of the institutions of culture. The basis of the sociocultural mapping is the process of identification of man's cultural needs. The unique mission of the sociocultural mapping is to create the products (goods or services) of high quality, which can satisfy the variety of individual, cultural, entertainment interests of a man. The components of the sociocultural mapping, which are professionally and methodically determined, allow involving many consumers to the cultural space. Potentially the sociocultural mapping can solve many global and local cultural problems.
Key words: mapping, sociocultural mapping, cultural practices, sociocultural need, cultural space, sociocultural processes.
Копієвська Ольга Рафаілівна, професор, завідувач кафедри арт-менеджменту та івент-технологій Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв
Соціокультурне картування: виклики сучасності
Мета дослідження - систематизувати теорії щодо розуміння соціокультурного картування, уточнити понятійний апарат, з'ясувати його роль і значення в сучасних культурних практиках. Методологічною основою дослідження є загальнонаукові принципи систематизації та узагальнення. Мета та завдання роботи зумовили застосування таких методів дослідження: застосування аксіологічного підхіду зумовлене необхідністю з'ясування ролі й значення соціокультурного картування в сучасних культурних практиках; герменевтичного - для дослідження та систематизації різних модифікацій поняття "картування"; аналітичного - у вивченні концептуальних засад, на яких ґрунтуються сучасні підходи до вивчення проблеми соціокультурного картування. Наукова новизна полягає у систематизації існуючих теорій щодо соціокультурного картування, його функціонального потенціалу, змістовних смислів в сучасному практичному культуротворенні. У дослідженні доводиться визначальне місце і значення досліджуваного явища у вітчизняних культурних практиках. Висновки. Соціокультурне картування в сучасному культуротворенні займає визначальне місце і дозволяє спрогнозувати ефективність діяльності базової мережі закладів культури. В основі соціокультурного картування процес ідентифікації культурних потреб людини. Особлива місія соціокультурного картування полягає в створенні якісного культурного продукту (товару чи послуги), які в своєму потенціалі здатні задовольнити різноманітні індивідуальні культурно-дозвіллєві уподобання людини. Професійно виявлені і методично обґрунтовані компоненти соціокультурного картування дозволять залучити до культурного простору значну кількість споживачів, трансформувати якісні та кількісні показники культурної послуги. В своєму потенціалі соціокультурне картування здатне вирішити ряд актуальних культуротворчих проблем як глобального, так і локального характеру.
Ключові слова: картування, соціокультурне картування, культурні практики, соціокультурна потреба, культурний простір, соціокультурні процеси. sociocultural mapping practice
Копиевская Ольга Рафаиловна, профессор, заведующая кафедрой арт-менеджмента и ивент- технологий Национальной академии руководящих кадров культуры и искусств
Социокультурное картирование: вызовы современности
Цель исследования - систематизировать существующие теории относительно понимания социокультурного картирования, уточнить понятийный аппарат, выяснить роль и значение объекта исследования в современных культурных практиках. Методологической основой исследования являються общенаучные принципы систематизации и обобщения исследуемой проблемы. Цель и задачи работы обусловили применение таких методов исследования: применение аксиологического подхода обусловлено необходимостью выяснения роли и значения соціокультурного картирования в современных культурных практиках; герменевтического - для исследования и систематизации различных модификаций понятия "картирование"; аналитического - в изучении концептуальных основ, на которых основываются современные подходы к изучению проблемы социокультурного картирования. Научная новизна работы заключается в систематизации существующих теорій относительно соціокультурного картирования, его функциональных составляющих, содержательного потенциала в современном практическом культуротворчестве. В исследовании определяющее место занимает значение исследуемого явления в отечественных культурных практиках. Выводы.Социокультурное картирование в современном культуротворческом знании занимает определяющее место и позволяет спрогнозировать эффективность деятельности © Kopiyevska O., 2018 базовой сети учреждений культуры. В основе социокультурного картирования лежит процесс идентификации культурних потребностей человека. Особая миссия соціокультурного картирования заключается в создании качественного культурного продукта (товара или услуги), которые в своем потенциале способны удовлетворить разнообразные индивидуальные культурно-досуговые предпочтения человека. Профессионально выявленые и методично обоснованные компоненты социокультурного картирования позволят привлечь к культурному пространству значительное количество потребителей, трансформировать качественные и количественные показатели культурной услуги. В своем потенциале социокультурное картирование способно решить ряд актуальных культуротворческих проблем как глобального, так и локального характера.
Ключевые слова: картирование, социокультурное картирование, культурные практики, социокультурная потребность, культурное пространство, социокультурные процессы.
Actuality of Research. The recent researches of the problems of cultural practices are connected with the issue of globalization, which is widely represented in the theoretical works of both foreign and Ukrainian scientists. Such interest is determined by the transformational processes, which are taking place in the world. Naturally, they are reflected in Ukrainian reality. Thus, the modern world is characterized by the Postindustrial internationalization of social life and economic, political, sociocultural linksamongnations.
The mapping in the humanitarian sphere has been researched by various Ukrainian and foreign scientists. They are A.Berlant [1], Ya.Didukh[2], K. Yesipovich [4], E. Kuznetsova [7], V. Selyakov [9],
I. Scalaban [10], E. Tolman[15] and the others. Consequently, in the humanitarian discourse, cultural practices and their effective functioning are the phenomena of the global civilizational processes.
We should analyse the glocal and local dimensions, which allow us to review the aspects of understanding the problems of the cultural development. The sociocultural mapping and its role and significance in the effective implementation of the modern cultural processes belong to such issues.
Thepurposesofthearticlearetosystematisetheapproachestotheunderstandingofthesocioculturalmappin g, to define the conceptual terms, to find out its role in the modern cultural practices.
Main Part.The sociocultural mapping as an subject of Ukrainian culturological knowledge is determined by the lack of scientific attention.
The phenomenon of mapping, its conceptual components has the interdisciplinary character. The scientists primarily consider as an important component of political, economic, social, geographical planning and development.
Mapping as a modern way of visual presentation of data is an informational source, which tells us about the content and essence of the subject. The mapping helps to plan, organize, implement, critically think and analyse, identify potential gaps, etc. Mapping allows us to navigate in trend transformations and change the subject of the mapping.
The domestic traditions of mapping predominantly are manifested in the typological mapping of territories.It allows revealing the rare flora of the natural reserve fund of Ukraine, analysing the dynamics of vegetation cover, etc. The issues of the importance and development of theories and methods of indicating the environment, caused by the complexity and diversity of ecosystems, belong to the modern scientific problems [2].
Mapping is considered as a necessary method in the processes of conservation of rare plants. Thanks to the modern technologies, scientists create optimal approaches for systematization, development of special (tourist) routes that allow both the preservation of rare plants and popularize them as unique, recreational tourism objects [3].
Mapping is seen as one of the most effective means of activities, aimed at getting new knowledge. It is also a kind of symbolic presentation, which describes the relationship among different components of the knowledge system. In the experts' opinion, the mapping allows to activate the intellectual processes of the subject, to focus on the content of knowledge as well as the processes of its assimilation [6].
Recently, the subject of the modern scientific world attention has been the cognitive mapping.
In modern dictionaries, a cognitive map is defined as a certain image of the familiar spatial environment that can vary in accordance with its active interaction between the subject and the world. In addition, it is divided into two kinds. The map-path is the consistent representation of routes or links among objects. The map-survey is the simultaneous representation of the spatial location of objects and connections among them [11].
Edward Tolman, a neo-behaviorist, is a founder of the idea of the cognitive map. According to his experimental data, the body, gradually mastering the situation, builds a cognitive map of the path that needs to be followed to solve the problem. So, E. Tolman identified a special type of learning, which was called latency. E. Tolman's theory made reconsider the former views of Behaviourismon the factors that regulate the adaptation of the organism to the environment. The basic element of E. Tolman's theory are reactions and motives [15, 192].
Analysing the phenomenon of a cognitive map, Katerina Yesipovich, a scientist, emphasizes its psychological components of the study of a man and the world. According to the scientist, the cognitive map is a geographical representation of the plan, process and preservation of information, which is contained in the consciousness. It is a schematic, simplified description of a fragment of the picture of the world of the individual, which belongs to the particular problem situation. Cognitive maps are a useful instrument to form and refine the hypothesis of the researched object [4, 255-256].
Modern possibilities of cognitive mapping can solve the numerous current problems of the cultural practices. In this way, we emphasize the importance of using of the cognitive mapping in present cultural processes.In this context, we consider the mapping process as a kind of creative idea, which can be used to reflect the certain socio-cultural potential, resources, etc. Mapping is highlighted as a choice of well-being and happiness of people. Particularly, this theory is rather popular among the scientists in the context of the study of the psychological potential of socio-cultural spaces, territories, and zones. The scientists define the elements of perception of space. There are images, installations, archetypes, interpretations and constructs among them.
Thus, the image is considered as a certain subjective picture of the world or its fragment, which involves people in the spatial environment and the temporary sequence of events. According to scientists, the worldview of the person is the subject's inclination to actions that are formed in the groups, depended on the social situations. Archetypes are considered as unconscious structures of the psyche, which are the basis of the primary patterns of images and have the ability to form the activity of the imagination. Interpretation determines the important and creative role of the personality in the process of perceiving the environment and the situation [12].
In the sociocultural mapping, the above-mentioned elements are manifested in the words, signs, figures, symbols, etc. Their symbiosis allows us to create an idea of the potential of the mapping object. In other words, a sign system, used in cartography, is called the map language. It includes symbols, methods of image and the rules of their construction. The language of the map is considered an outstanding invention of mankind, which is an important element of human culture and civilization. Its development is associated with the level of scientific and technological progress, the state of culture and art, the political system and public institutions with all structural elements [13].
So, the map is a complex composition of graphic figures or graphic forms of communication, which are used to broadcast the information about the location, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of objects. A. Lyuty notes that the map-texts by themselves do not create the language as such, whereas they are only examples of their "work". He thinks that the language of the maps consists of the elements such as signs, rules and their combinations in the texts. Communication, modeling and cognition belong to the main functions of the map language. The language of the map as a figurative sign model represents an important element of heuristic thinking, creating a cartographic image. In addition, it is an indispensable means of keeping and transmitting of the spatial information [8].
Studying the potential of social mapping, I.Skalban, a scientist, emphasizes the importance of developing and using the language of maps to solvethe issues, related to global challenge and sociocultural ones in particular. The researcher believes that in the sociocultural field the using of mapping will expand a number of research tasks that require an adequate reflection of reality in the sociocultural space. In her opinion, the mapping itself will allow to seek for adequate tools, mechanisms to study the problematic issues, and to solvethe applied tasks in the process of the development and implementation of social policy. In her research, I. Scalaban proves that the mapping process includes the mapping as well as the understanding of the user's needs of the map, its topographical, content meanings, forms, qualities, information and achievements [10, 63-64].
The foregoing allows us to state that the effectiveness of the perception of the map depends on a successful cartographic image.
Thus, considering the cartographic image as a spatial combination or composition, created by the form of signs, their magnitude, orientation, color, and its shades, the scholars emphasize its ability to reflect the real or abstract objects, perceived by the user of the map. Cartographic image is the main source of spatial information,gotten by the reader of the map [1].
Researching the visual language of mapping, E. Kuznetsova underlines that the signs allow us to study statistics, analyseand compare various qualitative and quantitative characteristics. We use cartographic signs to show objects, shapes, dimensions, qualitative and quantitative characteristics, real and abstract phenomena on the map [7].
So considering the cartographic image as a spatial combination, we point out its cognitive function, which makes a person study and understand. The cartographic image has gotten great popularity at the era of the development of electronic communication. Many people have become consumers of the Internet.So current mapping is seen as the creative productsor the result of intellectual activity.
The approach of the novelty of the artistic and graphic solutions defines the map as a unique spatialimage sign model of reality. The properties of a cartographic model are spatial-temporal likeness, content conformance, stylization, metrics, uniqueness, logic of the legend. The result of a successful combination of all elements is cartographic stylization [9].
Thus, the conceptual components of modern mapping allow us to orientate in their functional meaning and potential resource, which are important for the development of the practice of socio-cultural mapping.
Recently, the subject of our study is actualized in the problems, associated with the development of cities, territories and landscape zones. The scientists emphasize their psychological aspect, linking these issues with the creation of a composition of territories, characterized by the sociocultural content. The core of the actualized issues is the problem of mutual influence and interdependence between cultural landscapes and consciousness, both individual and collective.
Today, we actively discuss the following themes:
Socio-landscape topography, which is considered as a topographical factor of consciousness and behaviour of the population. Questions of the subject of landscape comprehension, its decoding by individuals in the personal and social groups' manifestations are actualized;
Sociocultural typology of territories, mental-geographical technology of the mapping, which are studied as interference of the semantics of the territory and the structures of perception of the territory. The researchers focus on the significance of the toponymic factor of consciousness and behaviour of the population. Therefore, we should show how people, who are living there, perceive the particular physical area by the socio-cultural images of the region [12].
Modern cultural practice uses sociocultural mapping as a necessary and effective information tool to understand the potential of cultural, creative territories and zones.
In this context mapping can do the following tasks:
To describe visually the entire potential of the researched area;
To identify the specific features of the territory, its historical cultural uniqueness and attractiveness;
To design the development of the studied area;
To find out the sociocultural behaviour and needs of the consumers, who belong to the cultural territory;
To characterize the consumer's value of the cultural territory;
To predict sociocultural service for allcategories of potential consumers, etc.
The above-mentioned information allows us to state that the sociocultural mapping as a modern cultural practice requires the applying of a professional approach. However, there is a lack of specialists, who have the appropriate knowledge and skills to create cultural maps in the domestic socio-cultural sphere.
Scientists and practitioners emphasize the role and meaning of information that contains the knowledge of mapping technique. There are the methods of intellectual and denotative mapping among them.The method of intellectual mapping is aimed at the creation, analysis, interpretation and verification of mental maps, which are considered as an effective tool tosystematize and study the information, based on the principles of functioning of human brains.
The basis of the intellectual map (thinking maps, mind maps) is the process of our thinking. There are many meanings of the intellect map. Firstly, it is the reflection of an effective way to think, remember, recollect, and solve creative tasks on the papers. Secondly, it is the ability to visualize, highlight their internal processes, dealt with the process of getting the information, change and improve them.
In the modern cultural practices the intellectmaps is very important because themost part of cultural products is accompanied by visual perception. In the sociocultural space, the intellect maps are the tools, which allow us to broadcast the information to various consumers of cultural services, to induce an individual to logically perceptthe information;to explain the information,gained by them and to make some conclusions.
In addition, the denotative method of mapping means the understanding of the text in its graphical forms and plays the significant role in cultural practices. The fundamentals of a denotative map are an object, a phenomenons process, manifested in the texts.
Analysing the meaning of the text in the mapping, scientists remark that the denotative schemes can reflect the surrounding reality as a hierarchically organized system of objects and phenomena. Forming the substantive content of the text, the totality and sequence of phenomena, facts, positions, arguments, determined by the theme, correlate with the author's denotative scheme, which can be represented in the form of the denotative map [5, 170].
Using the denotative method we canfind out the main idea of the text, thoughtsetc.The reflection of the main ideaatthe graphical denotative map will allow explaining it the subject. Having a hierarchical structure, the denotative map clearly shows objective relations. Denotative maps allow us logically to build a mapping object. Itgives us an opportunity to analyse maps, make conclusions without further explanations.
In modern cultural practices, we apply the denotative maps to design cultural zones, analyse their resources, define their potentials and the further prospects of their development.
The scientific novelty of the article is to systematize the existing theories, concerned sociocultural mapping, their functional components andtheir meanings in modern practical cultural processes. The study highlights the importance the phenomenon in the Ukrainian cultural practices.
Conclusions. Thus, the above-mentioned information allows us to state the decisive role and significance of sociocultural mapping in the contemporary cultural practices.
Remarking the interdisciplinary approach to the understanding of mapping of the sociocultural processes, we cansay about the following tasks to improve the perception of the map:
To systematize and to order the territories in their global, glocal and local meanings;
To determine the sociocultural potential of the territories;
To orient the objectification of the sociocultural territories on practice;
To visualize mapping and to represent territories in the sociocultural context.
In turn, in the functional sense sociocultural mapping allows us to analyse the resources, reserves and potential (prospective, strategic) possibilities of a cultural unit (cultural product, cultural service, cultural community, territory (village, city, country), the institutions of culture (producers as well as consumers of cultural goods)).
The using of mapping in sociocultural practicesgives us the opportunity to increase the qualitative and quantitative indicators of consumption of sociocultural services and the development of cultural territories, zones, cultural institutions, etc.
Sociocultural mapping is the indicative factor todraw up a strategic plan of the development of the sociocultural sphere becausethe creation of favorable conditions for its further evolution depends on the professionalism of the preparations.
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презентация [1,1 M], добавлен 26.05.2014Race discriminations on ethnicity backgrounds. The Globalization and Racism in Media Age. African American writers about racism. Comparative analysis of the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" Harper Lee and story "Going to Meet The Man" by James Baldwin.
дипломная работа [135,9 K], добавлен 29.03.2012The study of human populations. Demographic prognoses. The contemplation about future social developments. The population increase. Life expectancy. The international migration. The return migration of highly skilled workers to their home countries.
реферат [20,6 K], добавлен 24.07.2014Description situation of the drugs in the world. Factors and tendencies of development of drugs business. Analysis kinds of drugs, their stages of manufacture and territory of sale. Interrelation of drugs business with other global problems of mankind.
курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 13.09.2010The theory and practice of raising the effectiveness of business communication from the linguistic and socio-cultural viewpoint. Characteristics of business communication, analysis of its linguistic features. Specific problems in business interaction.
курсовая работа [46,5 K], добавлен 16.04.2011Racism as an instrument of discrimination, as a cultural phenomenon, susceptible to cultural solutions: multicultural education and the promotion of ethnic identities. Addressing cultural inequalities through religion, literature, art and science.
реферат [33,9 K], добавлен 14.03.2013Translation is a kind of activity which inevitably involves at least two languages and two cultural traditions. Cultural Consideration in Translation. General cultural implications for translation. Cultural categories and references; lexical function.
курсовая работа [29,6 K], добавлен 18.06.2014About cross-cultural management. Differences in cross-cultural management. Differences in methods of doing business. The globalization of the world economy and the role of cross-cultural relations. Cross-cultural issues in International Management.
контрольная работа [156,7 K], добавлен 14.04.2014Consideration of sovereignty as a basic constitutional principles of state law (for example, the countries - members of the Commonwealth of Independent States). Legislative support in Ukraine national development in the socio-cultural (spiritual) sphere.
реферат [20,1 K], добавлен 13.02.2015The concept of "intercultural dialogue". The problem of preserving the integrity nations and their cultural identity. formation of such a form of life, as cultural pluralism, which is an adaptation to a foreign culture without abandoning their own.
статья [108,6 K], добавлен 12.11.2012Farmers and monument builders. The foundation of St. Andrew`s University. Mary the Queen of Scots. Political and cultural life after merger of Scotland and England. The Jacobite Rebellions. The main characteristics of Scotland in the modern era.
курсовая работа [69,4 K], добавлен 20.09.2013Fedor Kachenovsky as a chorister of "the choir at the court of Her Imperial Majesty Elizabeth" in St. Petersburg. Kachanivka as "a cultural centre" and it's influence on creation of writers of Ukraine and Russia. Essence of Tarnovsky’s philanthropy.
доклад [18,2 K], добавлен 29.09.2009The value of cultural behavior for a favorable business environment at the international level. Proper negotiations between the companies. Short-term or Long-term the Attitude. Formal or Informal. Direct or Indirect. Punctuality, stages of negotiation.
реферат [12,2 K], добавлен 24.02.2016The administrative structure of the USA. The main economic regions and their main industries: the Northeast, the Great Lakes, the South, the Plains, the Rocky Mountains, the Pacific Region. Cultural achievements: literature, philosophy, painting.
курсовая работа [6,2 M], добавлен 22.06.2014The meaning of the term "phraseological unit" in modern linguistics. Characteristics of the national-cultural specifics of phraseological units. The internal forms of phraseological units with an integral part of the name of clothing in English.
курсовая работа [50,4 K], добавлен 29.10.2021