Historiosophy of nationalism as a social and cultural phenomenon
The content of the composite category "nationalist", its genesis. The main forms of nationalism as an ideology, practice and historical process. The definition of the concept of nationalism through a set of approaches to the definition of its content.
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Дата добавления | 05.12.2018 |
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Historiosophy of nationalism as a social and cultural phenomenon
Today, after twenty years of experience of the Ukrainian state-building becomes quite evident the fact that the model of designing a new «Ukrainian nation» in our country is going through a crisis. Ukrainian national identity became increasingly based not on civil symbols isolated from ethnic-cultural priorities, but on the revival of the cult of traditional religions and rapid ethnocentric tendencies. Political organizations that preach the ideology of integral Ukrainian nationalism, recently significantly changed their status marginal political forces, becoming a prominent and quite influential political players on the political scene. In this context, it becomes extremely urgent problem of modern nationalism as a socio-political phenomenon, cultural and spiritual phenomenon. Currently requires a serious and objective scientific analysis of the political consequences for the country to change the status of nationalist organizations, a comprehensive study of their political projects, ideological attitudes, organizational structures and political practices.
At the present stage of scientific interest are the development of modern Russian researchers patriotism problems. Among these works can be highlight researches by authors such as V. Tishkov, V. Malakhov, V. Koroteeva, L. Drobizheva, M. Mnatsakanian, T. Sidorina, N. Mukhametshina, I. Musayev, V. Shnirel'man. A feature of these studies is to consider nationalism as a socio-political movement. In modern scientific idea Ukrainian nationalism phenomenon is usually studied from the standpoint of the analysis of integral nationalism with pronounced apologetic tendencies. Among these authors include O. Bagan, A. Ilienko, P. Kononenko, L. Lukyanenko, Yu. Mikhalchishin. However, an objective approach, a deep analysis of Ukrainian nationalism is typical for Lviv researcher and historian Alexander Zaitsev.
The purpose of the article the author considers disclosure aspects of historiosophy nationalism as a sociocultural phenomenon in a comprehensive disclosure of its features as an ideology, policy and practice.
The essential problem of the modern theory of knowledge issues of patriotism and nationalism is the justification the content of the categories of «national» and the «nationalist», their general and special.
«Nationalist» - a category that reveals the content of an artificially created phenomenon of life of the nation as a nationalist ideology, with its conscious transformation of national symbols, cultural and psychological constants, spiritual arsenal of ideals of the nation into a means of confrontation with individuals and communities who do not share the idealized representations nationalists about the place and role of the nation and its enemies. In the form «nationalist» acts as a bottleneck, it is ideologically distinctive dimension of national life, limited by dogmas of nationalism. By E. Hobsbawm filling national forms with national content is forming the concept of «nationalist»: «In the past, the movement and the state… gravitated toward becoming a national not only in form but also in content» [1, 345].
Thus, in gnoseological aspect «nationalist» acts as a deformed phenomenon of «national» in the socio-political, as a means of fomenting conflict, destruction of peace and concord, in moral terms - means of cultivation of amorality and immorality.
Defining goal of nationalism as a social and cultural phenomenon is the nation as the highest value of the objective reality. The object of nationalism is a nation, as the highest value and the nation-state as an end in itself realization of the national idea. The subject of nationalism is a part of the nation, which shares ideas for its exclusivity.
Genesis of nationalism is characterized by complex gamut of features in different historical conditions and different development paths. Proceeding from this, nationalism can operate in a wide range of variety of forms, types and species, depending on complex of historical, social, spiritual features in different ideological and political attitudes. Confusion and complexity of the problem of nationalism determined by influence of powerful political forces shaping the ideological state, group and corporate interests in the form of a complex of ideologies, which serve them. Therefore, the main task of the analysis of this multi-faceted and daunting phenomenon and phenomenon in the sphere of epistemology is not the construction a comprehensive model of knowledge of nationalism as well the creation of a system of concepts and criteria through which you can uncover the most significant, «nodal» points describing nationalism as an ideology of social and political practice, the state of mind of members of a separate nation, synthesized socio-spiritual phenomenon, the historical process. So the concept of nationalism - is integral. Nationalism may be considered as:
- a political ideology substantiating through the concept of nation a specific project organization;
- socio-political practice aimed at the implementation of this project in the form of national cultural autonomy or an independent state;
- sociocultural phenomenon of the individual, in determining its relationship to national values based on certain ethnic and cultural components dominant in his mind;
- social and spiritual phenomenon that reveals synthesized form the main content of nationalism - absolute of interests and values of their own nation in the confrontation with its «enemies»;
- historical process of institutionalizing ethnic group in the society in the form of a single nation, decorated in absolute homogeneous cultural standards within political entities.
Based on this, we can formulate a set of approaches to the definition of nationalism, namely:
- Emotional and volitional, where nationalism is seen as an irrational force of faith, will, feelings and emotions of the subject;
- Motivational and activity characterizes the highest sense of the provision of preferences to motivational component in human activity and social groups;
- Ideological - consideration of nationalism as a scientific theory and ideology;
- State - the object of nationalism is the state, as a means of realizing the nationalist theories;
- Personal - giving priority to the nationalist ideas in axiology consciousness of the subject.
Regarding the definition of essential side of definition of nationalism we can identify negative, positive, dualistic and critical approaches.
A feature of negative approach is absolutization of negative traits pertaining to this phenomenon. «Nationalism - the heaviest of the misfortunes of the human race. Like all evil, it is hidden in darkness and lives only pretend generated by love for his country. But it generated really anger and hatred towards other nations, and to the part of his own people, who do not share the nationalist views», - said the academician Dmitry Likhachev [2]. Nationalism is also seen as a political utopia, unrealizable scenario, especially in its manifest political forms that cause dangerous and devastating consequences.
The purpose of positive approach is cultivating of objectively existing positive aspects of this phenomenon. L. Greenfeld defines nationalism as «secular and humanistic consciousness, based on the principles of national sovereignty and egalitarianism» [3, 107] Ukrainian political scientist
M. Bezzubyak believes that «the ideals of nationalism entirely peaceful, as after reaching the state independence disappears main reason of nationalist aggression-statelessness» [4, 440].
Dualistic approach interprets nationalism as a fairly complex social phenomenon, the forms of manifestation of which have as negative and positive value. Dualistic approach is of interest when comparing the basic values of patriotism and nationalism. Modern Russian philosopher E. Bagramov believes that «…the phrase «Patriotism - it is love to people and nationalism - hatred of others» loses its meaning, if included in patriotism a positive feeling, which is inherent nationalism (in one form or another) - love to his people. Then the negative part of nationalism goes to the concepts of «national swagger, arrogance,» «national egoism», «national confidence», «chauvinism» [5, 39].
Critical approach defines a system of judgments that can be used in a comprehensive analysis of nationalism to form valid conclusions and evaluations. In our opinion, such indicators meets in the definition of V. Tishkov and V. Schnirelman that defined «nationalism as an ideological concept and based on it, political practices, which are based on the fact that the collective community called the nation are a natural and legitimate basis for the organization of their economic, social and cultural life, and members of the nation should demonstrate their loyalty, and the state and leaders - should be put it above all and to defend the interests of the nation» [3, 24].
Discussed in the complex above mentioned approaches allow to avoid significant difficulties determining the scope and content of the concept of nationalism - the definition of what constitutes a situation of nationalist doctrines purpose of the relevant political movements or the values associated with the national feelings. Ideologists, policy makers and researchers of the problem of nationalism in different ways view and interpret the basic provisions of nationalism. «The idea of the nation» can act as an object of subjective commitment, which is the result of choice - and as a community that is formed independently of the will of its members. In the struggle for political power, this idea is used in a wide range - from political self-determination and cultural autonomy to stricter immigration laws. Sense of national identity can be expressed in the form of «respectable» patriotism, and in the form of chauvinism and xenophobia. Therefore, a comprehensive study of the problem of nationalism includes analysis of its basic characteristics.
Basic characteristics of nationalism are:
1. Nation - the highest degree of legitimization activities nationalist, highest criterion of right (excuse any actions that go «benefit» of the nation). According to the Russian philosopher Y. Granin: «The nation - is the goal of any nationalist, and nationalism - a mean of formation, development expansion of nations» [6, 16]. In the compromise version determining of nationalism proposed by E. Smith, the dominance of national interests expressed as follows: «nationalism - is an ideology that puts into the center the interests of the nation and tries to promote their flourishing» [7].
2. Absolutization of interests and values of their own nation in an idealized transcription. Russian nationalist G. Shimanov argued that «nationalism - is love for «native» people, loyalty to them, work on them and the protection of the legitimate their interests. In nationalism a sensible understanding of the foundations of any society - dividing people into friends and foes. Understanding that this division and a different attitude to their own and others not invented by some intruders, it is set by the Creator. Not commanded to love others, and it's because people in their present state of sin can love others, as a rule, only at the expense of their own» [8].
3. Clear and unambiguous construction of structure «friends» and «enemies» within the nation state in a system of moral principles and behaviors, and in relation to other nations. Hate and hostility towards the «other» - to various cultural and psychological communities of people who want to preserve their autonomy of national life and do not tend to sacrificial action in the name of «true» national feelings and values. George Orwell in «Notes on Nationalism» wrote: «By» nationalism «I primarily mean the habit to believe that human beings can be classified like insects and that the millions or even tens of millions of people may be adhered labels of «good» and «bad» [9].
4. The requirement of unconditional national unity, the subordination of all individual and group interests to the nationwide interest in their sacral and irrational form. «Nationalism - … idea of the nation as a primary, fundamental and most important social and political values, which - in one form or another - are subject to all the other» [10].
5. Monolingualism - absolutisation of monolingual space of the titular nation as its legal hegemony in the national state.
6. Ethnocentrism - the principle of non-indigenous values assessment, all the phenomena of social life through the prism of their national characteristics and raising to a standard all aspects of life, way of life and traditions of their own nation for other national entities.
7. Everyday cultural and psychological narcissism - exaggerated idealized representation about outstanding qualities of their own nation, its «global» contribution to world culture.
8. Grouptsentrizm-imperative postulation rights of declaration «eternal» truths on behalf of the nation, its relics and symbols and historical authority. Complex state of mind that arises through the experience of differentiation and opposition of their own nation and the world.
Set of basic characteristics generates a kind of cult of the national, as the ideological position and the emotional - volitional installation which create in the absolute and leads to fanaticism and extreme exaltation admiration for their own national values and misconceptions postulation that human dignity are determined solely by its national identity.
Generalized model of behavioral norms nationalist, based on baseline characteristics and constants is imperative of nationalism «requirement nationalist groups everywhere and always remember about the exclusivity of its people, their moral, intellectual and cultural superiority over all the people, to see them as rivals, and then enemies» [11].
Features of nationalism, in our opinion, are: versatility, variety of shapes, invariance, dogmatism, indoctrination irrationality, efficiency, primitivization.
Nationalism - is multifunctional. The most common functions can be defined as:
- Coordination - the use of nationalist ideas for implementation in the ranks of the elite, in order to create a common interest to promote a balanced coexistence elite circles and the state;
- Mobilization - use of nationalist ideas to support the political movement among broad strata, who were previously excluded from the political process;
- Legitimate - the use of nationalist factor to justify the objectives of the political movement in opposition to the government and foreign forces.
Depending on their functions nationalism acts in various forms. According to the classification of the Russian researcher I. Musaev this is:
• Nationalism as a form of struggle for the rights and freedoms of the individual, for the equality of citizens;
• Nationalism as a form of mobilization for modernization;
• Nationalism as a form of struggle for independence from external forces;
• Nationalism as a form of struggle against globalization, perceived as a threat to social and cultural achievements;
• Nationalism as an ideological opposition to communism, with its inherent ideology of internationalism;
• Nationalism as a struggle for the preservation of ethnic identity in isolation from the main ethnic group, etc. Of course, in real political life nationalism often has several goals, but in this case, any one of them is dominant and thus forming [12, 115].
Based on the foregoing, nationalism - is invariant. Flexibility in organic combination with mutually exclusive ideologies allows nationalism quickly transform both in the fascism and Nazism, and the national liberation movements of the Marxist sense. The great paradox of history of XX century is that, based on the fundamental values of nationalism were generated the most monstrous crimes century: two world wars, the genocide of Armenians, Jews, Gypsies, the rise of Nazism and military dictatorships. On the other hand, the ideas of nationalism were the basis of the struggle for national liberation of colonized peoples and some radical socialist movements (Yugoslavia, China, Cuba, Nicaragua).
Nationalism quickly adapts to the cultural characteristics of the people who accept the ideology of nationalism and dynamically fit into specific public and social paradigm.
Simultaneously nationalism - is dogmatic. Unchanged dominants of nationalist doctrines serve linguistic, religious, historical, cultural postulates and territorial characteristics of the region, which in some cases leads to the isolation of the individual from human values. «Nationalism is an imbalance in the relationship between national and universal, when commitment to national values transformed into national exclusiveness, superiority over all other nations, efforts to realize national interests - in an effort to infringe the interests of other nations, national egoism» [12, 140].
Nationalism - is the ideological notion. The ideology of nationalism - is a powerful political weapon. This is due, primarily, to the importance that has for a single person of his national identity, especially in those circumstances where other identities are in a state of crisis. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Marxism-Leninism with its international constant of Soviet patriotism ceased to be the dominant ideology and freed some ideological niche. In the vacated ideological space came the most simple (even somewhat primitive) and available ideology - nationalism.
The ideology of nationalism «is based on the postulate that the world consists of separate, distinctly different nations, each with its own character. The nation is the only legitimate source of political power. Each individual must belong to and demonstrate the highest loyalty to one and only one nation. Nation must be self-contained with its own preferably states. Only then can be provided global freedom and peace. To this heart of nationalist doctrine its adherents added a variety of themes and arguments reflecting the particular history and «character» every nation» [3, 115]. Thus, by definition of N. Chubar «nationalism in the broad sense can be defined as a political ideology or program of design, self-determination and development of the nation» [13, 176].
Nationalism is fundamentally irrational. Absolutization of belief in the tenets of nationalism is more concerned with psychic realm, rather than consciousness. The individual is more focused on sensory perception of reality, with its inability to rational delimitation of essential and nonessential. This often leads to exaltation and emotional state of mind that objectively helps ultimate (but usually unstable) mass mobilization and consolidation (mainly young people prone to irrational perception of reality by age characteristics) around national ideas postulated that offer usually, a simplified scheme for solving complex problems of society.
Irrationalism of nationalism is also seen in the form of cultivating it as a kind of secular or political religion. E. Smith pointed out the features of religious nationalism: the deification of the nation (which inevitably leads to conflict with the Church - auth.) Belief in its immortality, that replaces the religious dogma about immortality the soul and the belief in another world; national messianism [7].
According A. Zaitsev structural and functional features, which brings political religion with theism include: having your own «holy scriptures» - sacred creations of leaders and ideologists of the movement concerned, the desire to create a closed community of the faithful with a rigid hierarchical structure of leaders that resembles a church; cult of charismatic leaders, cult of the dead and fallen heroes, saints, prophets, martyrs movement; fanaticism - unbreakable belief that professed worldview is the only correct, those who would not accept it, treat at best as blind, at worst - as enemies; fatalism - the belief in the inevitable triumph of ideology, utopian vision of an ideal society - analogue of God's kingdom on earth; rigid division between «us» and «them», often - the demonization of «others» [14, 88].
Irrationalism of nationalism is also based on excessive mythologizing. With its help, formed an idealized image of their nation for the purpose of legitimization of its existence, consolidation and solidarity of its representatives in the sustainable socio-ethnic communities based on the myth of rebirth, resurrection and rebirth of the nation.
In addition, the cultivation of ethnocentrism, ethnic egoism and xenophobia towards «enemies of the nation» is penetrated exclusively irrational feelings and instincts.
Simultaneously with accentuation on irrationality, it should be noted that to the nationalism is inherent rational aspects in terms of organization of social and political practices.
A characteristic feature of nationalism is its effectiveness. Nationalism is a powerful source of social energy, having both creative and destructive force depending on the direction of policy, where they meet and agree national interests. It is no coincidence, George Orwell, one of the characteristics of nationalism considered an obsession [9].
On the basis of its effectiveness, nationalism - causes conflicts. In the contemporary world ethnic conflicts show what serious danger brings nationalism: the growing threat of civil war or ethnic, economic inefficiency, disruption of the normal functioning of democratic institutions.
Finally, basically, nationalism primitive and limited. Themselves nationalists recognize the limitations of his own theory. Ideologist of Russian nationalism K. Krylov says directly that nationalism, unlike communism, liberalism, conservatism is not a universal theory [15]. «Nationalist», as a rule, is not singular, organic and natural form of manifestation of national output in social life. Nationalism provides an extremely simplified model of relations in society through the prism of «friends» and «enemies» of the nation.
Concept of nationalism as in modern science, and on the level of social and individual consciousness is extremely blurry, ambiguous and controversial. Today quite complex is not only a clear terminological definition of the phenomenon of nationalism, but there is a diverse classification of various theoretical approaches, each of which offers its own glossary of terms and meaning of nationalism. Nationalism - an objective reality that must be studied from the standpoint of scientific analysis, instead apologetics and criticism. Impossible to develop a unified theory of nationalism, much more efficient to compile and analyze existing scientific approaches, theories, concepts.
social nationalism ideology
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