Communicative strategy of cooperationin the activities of the national guard of ukraine:intercultural aspects

Specifics of the communication strategy of cooperation in the activities of NSU in the intercultural space. The essence of a communication strategy and its types. The role of the communication strategy of cooperation in the cross-cultural aspect.

Рубрика Социология и обществознание
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Дата добавления 26.06.2020
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Communicative strategy of cooperationin the activities of the national guard of ukraine:intercultural aspects

Miahka M.M.


The article identifies the features of communicative cooperation strategy in the activities of the National Guard of Ukraine in the intercultural space. The essence of communication strategy and its types are defined, the features of communicative cooperation strategy in the intercultural aspect are determined, situations of international cooperation NGU officers are outlined.

Due to social mood dynamics the conditions of activity of the National Guard of Ukraine become more complicated. It is obvious that lingual communication is the only way to resolve the issues at hand without the use of force.

Cooperation is seen as the most productive strategy in a conflict situation, as it aims to find a solution that satisfies the interests of all parties. The strategy of cooperation in communication found out to be the most difficult of other types because it required some efforts. This communicative strategy can be used by officers in strategic communication process. Other types of strategies are: termination communicative strategy, positive / negative politeness strategy, cold politeness strategy, confrontation strategy, ridiculing strategy etc. The choice of strategies also depends on the characteristics of the target audience.

Representatives from other countries can become the target audiences through a variety of channels, such as the media, the Internet, through interpersonal communication during international events.

The list of communication links for foreign target audiences should be significantly expanded. Not only journalists or law enforcement officials, but also representatives of every field of activity should act as a communicator. The scope of the work should include all types of communication contacts: joint sport, entertainment, educational events; conferences, discussions held on-line with representatives of other countries; different types of competitions, etc.

Key words: communicative strategy, communicative tactics, intercultural communication, National Guard of Ukraine, communicative strategy of cooperation.

Статтю присвячено виявленню специфіки комунікативної стратегії співробітництва в діяльності НГУ в міжкультурному просторі. Розглянуто сутність комунікативної стратегії та її типи, встановлено особливості комунікативної стратегії співробітництва в міжкультурному аспекті, окреслено ситуації міжнародного співробітництва офіцерів Національної гвардії України. communication strategy collaboration

Завдяки динаміці соціальних настроїв умови діяльності Національної гвардії України ускладнюються. Очевидно, що мовна комунікація є єдиним способом вирішення наявних проблем без застосування сили.

Співробітництво розглядається як найпродуктивніша стратегія в конфліктній ситуації, оскільки вона спрямована на пошук рішення, яке задовольнятиме інтереси обох сторін. Стратегія співробітництва у сфері комунікації виявилася найскладнішою з інших типів, оскільки вимагала певних зусиль. Ця комунікативна стратегія може бути використана офіцерами в процесі стратегічного спілкування.

Іншими типами стратегій є: стратегія припинення комунікації, стратегія позитивної / негативної ввічливості, стратегія холодної ввічливості, стратегія конфронтації, стратегія висміювання тощо. Вибір стратегій також залежить від особливостей цільової аудиторії.

Представники інших країн можуть стати цільовою аудиторією за допомогою різних каналів, таких як ЗМІ, Інтернет, за допомогою міжособистісного спілкування під час міжнародних заходів.

Список ланок комунікативної взаємодії стосовно іноземної цільової аудиторії слід значно розширити. Не тільки журналісти чи правоохоронці, а й представники будь- якої сфери діяльності повинні виступати комунікатором. Обсяг роботи повинен включати всі види комунікативних контактів: спільні спортивні, розважальні, освітні заходи; конференції, дискусії, що проводяться в режимі он-лайн із представниками інших країн; різні види змагань тощо.

Ключові слова: комунікативна стратегія, комунікативна тактика, міжкультурна комунікація, Національна гвардія України, комунікативна стратегія співробітництва.

The problem statement. The end of XX and the beginning of XXI century marked a significant increase in attention to the problems of lingual communication. In the works of scholars, the factors of successful communication are analyzed, models of linguistic behavior in different situations are considered, and options of communication strategies are justified.

In the context of the stated conditions, it has become clear that the mechanisms of lingual communication, taking into account the specificity of social tasks of the groups, have not been studied sufficiently yet. As we know, words can kill and save, depress and inspire, upset and cheer. But for this we need to know how to use the word, how to build a strategy and tactics of linguistic behavior.

Analysis of investigations and scientific publications.

Common questions of communicative strategies were studied by O.S. Issers [1], E.V Kluev [2] and other scientists. The issues of communication in the military sphere are studied in the scientific works of the staff of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine [3; 4]. A review of theoretical sources shows that the theoretical background of the communicative strategies study has been created as a whole, but the specifics of military communication have not been sufficiently studied.

The purpose of the article is to identify intercultural features of communicative cooperation strategy in the activities of the National Guard of Ukraine.

Presentation of the main research material. The concept of communicative strategy, communicative tactics is interpreted differently, although distinctions refer more to the form of thoughts expression than to its essence.

Some scholars believe that speech strategy is a set of speech actions aimed at achieving communicative goals [1]. Others define communicative strategy as the set of the theoretical moves aimed at achieving the communicative goal, planned by the speaker and realized during the communicative act [2]. Each communication situation requires its own communication strategy that contributes to the achievement of communication goals. In this case, the strategy is seen as an awareness of the situation as a whole, determining the direction of development and arrangement of influence for achievement of communication goals. Communication strategy is implemented in speech tactics, which are understood as speech techniques that allow us to achieve the goals in a particular situation.

It is clear from the foregoing that the common thing in the definitions, stated above, is the understanding of the communicative strategy as a plan of speech actions, based on the communicator's cognitive experience and aimed at implementation of intentions. We agree that the strategy covers not only the planning aspect but also the implementation aspect.

We define the term communicative tactics as a set of specific verbal and non-verbal actions, as well as linguistic means, which correspond to the chosen strategy and implement it. In such a view, the communicative move is a minimally significant element that develops an interaction which promotes communication towards the achievement of a common communicative goal [1].

The tasks of our work determine the need to deal with the classification of communication strategies. According to most scientists, a universal typology of communication strategies that can be applied to all areas of communication is unlikely, or possible as a generalization. Still, let us address this question by commenting on what types of strategies are appropriate to use in the strategic communications process.

Depending on the presence or absence of a goal for cooperation, there are distinguished two types of speech strategies: cooperative and non-cooperative (confrontational) [1]. It should be emphasized that the first take into account not only the interests of the addresser, but also the interests of the addressee, while the latter focus only on the interests of the addresser and do not imply the use of the principle of cooperation and the category of politeness. In strategic communications, cooperative or confrontational strategies must be used according to the social context of the discourse.

In our opinion, the criteria for classifying strategies should be selected according to the specific tasks that the researcher must undertake. In our work, differentiation of communication strategies is made depending on the discursive practices they are represented in. There are two types of strategies. The first will be called the strategy of official communication and we will consider such lines of linguistic behavior dictated by the Statute and orders in the military sphere. The second type also represents the main tone, not in official documents, but in daily communication with another person, group, or undetermined amount of listeners or viewers. This is what we call the informal communication strategy.

Taking into consideration that we analyze the scope of activities of the National Guard of Ukraine, the object of our research comes to communicative strategies of discourse that is both military and law enforcement [3]. In the aforementioned discourse, we identify types of communication strategies based on their essential characteristics, aimed at achieving the goal of the activity. Such an approach necessitates the analysis of communicative strategies highlighted in the scientific literature from the perspective of military discourse.

In the scientific literature, the types of strategies are also distinguished by the type of communicative behavior. The following types of strategies are distinguished in this classification:

Cooperation strategy - a communication participant, using certain communicative tactics, states that he or she will solve the urgent tasks along with those he / she interacts with. Cooperation is seen as the most productive strategy in a conflict situation, as it aims to find a solution that satisfies the interests of all parties. Adhering to this position, a person actively participates in the settlement of the conflict and protects their own interests, but at the same time seeks to cooperate with the interlocutor. Compared to other approaches to conflict, this type requires longer work, since the person first expresses the needs, concerns and interests of both parties, and then discusses them. If a person has time, and solving the problem is important for him / her, then this strategy is a good way to make a mutually beneficial decision. It is particularly effective when the parties have different hidden needs, different strategic goals and plans for the future, which is a direct source of conflict. An important prerequisite is the refusal of the parties of a strong confrontation and the transition to a common solution to the problem, usually through negotiation.

It is recommended to use the cooperation strategy in the following situations:

- if solving the problem is very important for both parties, and no one wants to stand aside;

- if one party has close, long-lasting and interdependent relationship with the other;

- if parties have time to work on the problem (this is a good approach to resolving conflicts based on prospective plans);

- if parties are aware of the problem and the desires of both parties are known;

- if parties intend to come up with some ideas and work on a decision making;

- if both opponents are able to express the essence of their interests and listen to each other;

- if both parties, involved in the conflict, have the same authority or do not notice a difference in position in order to search for solutions to the problem on an equal footing.

The strategy of cooperation in communication is considered to be the most difficult of other types because it requires some efforts (both parties have to spend time, be able to explain their own desires, express their own needs, listen to each other and then come up with alternative options for problem solving). However, this strategy helps to find the solution that most satisfies both parties in complex and important conflict situations. In this type of communication, the problem is solved on the principle: “I want to win and I want you to win too”.

This strategy is the most successful in solving the problem, and one should take the following steps to implement it:

- to determine what the need is for the other party;

- to find out how your differences can offset each other;

- to work out new solutions that can best meet the needs of everyone;

- to show that opponents are partners, not rivals [5].

Other types of strategies are: termination communicative strategy, positive / negative politeness strategy, cold politeness strategy, confrontation strategy, ridiculing strategy etc.

All these communicative strategies can be used in strategic communication process, and their choice depends on the conditions of the discourse. The choice of strategies also depends on the characteristics of the target audience.

The target audience is one of the most important factors of strategic communication. Key goals cannot be achieved without taking into account the characteristics of the target audience: its picture of the world, axiological settings, age characteristics.

Representatives from other countries can become these target audiences through a variety of channels, such as the media, the Internet, through interpersonal communication during international events (sport, art, etc.). Let us dwell on some channels, turning to the world experience of positive influence.

The main feature of modern society is the desire to solve any problem without the use of forceful methods. Axiological priorities of modern society could not but be reflected in the attitude to the activity of law enforcement agencies: the best way to perform the tasks of law enforcement agencies is to solve problematic situations without the use of force.

The performance of the task concerning maintenance of public order is complicated by the fact that the information space available to everyone today reveals an excess of aggression in all spheres of society: in the selection of information for the Internet, in the giving news on the Internet, in advertising, in the contamination of sites by spam and viruses. In fact, the cyberspace has become another separate power, capable of manipulating the consciousness of the general public and shaping the picture of the world of the average citizen. The consequence of this influence is the increased aggression among all social strata, a significant increase in the number of deviant behaviors, not only among young people, but also among adults. Due to such social mood dynamics the conditions of activity of the National Guard of Ukraine become more complicated. It is obvious that lingual communication is the only way to resolve the issues at hand without the use of force.

While preparing for international events in Ukraine, it is necessary to conduct special trainings with all personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine, and other units that maintain public order during mass events (e.g. football championships, international song contests).

The training should focus on the problem of intercultural communication. This is an important topic, given that the guests of the championship are citizens of foreign countries. Much attention should be paid to language skills. Without knowledge of languages and cultural backgrounds and the realization that not only servicemen but also foreigners have many stereotypes, it is impossible to perform the duties properly. For example, citizens of Muslim countries perceive a female police officer negatively, so Ukrainian female guards may be prohibited from interfering with Muslims' conflicts, as such interference may exacerbate the conflict.

The issue of non-verbal communication should be also considered as the same gesture in different countries of the world is interpreted differently, and in a tense environment it can lead to the escalation of misunderstanding or conflict. For example, a thumb lift in Germany means one, in Japan - five, in Australia and Nigeria - a offensive offer, while in other countries it is understood as an approving gesture.

Communicative literacy is necessary for all law enforcement agencies. All law enforcement officers must have appropriate knowledge and skills. NATO standards are also oriented to this end: a NATO military training program is constantly emphasizing the need to be aware of specificities of intercultural communication.

The purpose of strategic communications should be specified according the target audience of other countries. For foreign audiences there is a need to build a positive attitude towards Ukraine and the Ukrainians.

The list of communication links for foreign target audiences should be significantly expanded. Not only journalists or law enforcement officials, but also representatives of every field of activity should act as a communicator. The scope of the work should include all types of communication contacts: joint sport, entertainment, educational events; conferences, discussions held on-line with representatives of other countries; different types of competitions, etc.

Conclusions. It should be noted that, while preparing serviceman of the National Guard of Ukraine for international events, it is necessary to increase attention to their awareness of the intercultural communication problems. At the same time the specialists organizing an international event must be experts in the field of intercultural communication. They should plan and conduct a series of didactic activities with the participants of communication. The amount of knowledge required for strategic communications may vary from one event to another, depending on their tasks and functions, but there are issues that must be fully understood. They are: types of communication cultures, value priorities in different communication cultures, communication styles in different communication cultures, non-verbal means of communication in different communication cultures, traditions, customs and symbols of communication cultures of participants in activities, taboo in the behavior and taboo for discussion with the representatives of different communicative cultures. It is also 134 important to know the conflicting factors of communication. If during the international mass events the representatives of the National Guard of Ukraine are able to show respect for other peoples, understand their value priorities, build their linguistic behavior properly, then there is no doubt that the National Guard of Ukraine and Ukrainians will also be respected.


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2. Клюев Е.В. Речевая коммуникация: успешность речевого взаимодействия : учеб.пособие для университетов и институтов. Москва : РИПОЛ КЛАССИК, 2002. 320 с.

3. Мовна комунікація в діяльності сил охорони правопорядку: Теоретичні засади галузевої комунікації : монографія / За ред. докт. філол. н., проф. Л.М. Пелепейченко. Харків : АВВ МВС України, 2009. 272 с.

4. Пелепейченко Л.М., Лисичкіна І.О., Лисичкіна О.О., МихайловаО.Г, ПавловаО.О., Посмітна В.В., Ревуцька С. М. Комунікативна особистість військовослужбовця Національної гвардії України в сучасному соціальному контексті : монографія / За ред. Л.М. Пелепейченко. Харків : Національна академія НГУ 2014. 221 с.

5. Стилі комунікативної поведінки. URL : uploads/images/articles/krok/.

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