Post-retirement survival strategies of low-income pensioners in Ghana
Gender differences in pension benefits. Retirement work transitions. Gender experience at the age of 18. Decreased financial support for the elderly in Ghana. Mobilization of professional networks to preserve social prestige and social activities.
Рубрика | Социология и обществознание |
Вид | магистерская работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 13.07.2020 |
Размер файла | 94,1 K |
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In summary, the findings indicate that the traditional patterns of care and support are changing significantly with the advent modernization processes. In view of that, alternative income is becoming more influenced by the socioeconomic statuses of pensioners rather than the previous cultural definitions. Also, social care and emotional support has changed with the emergence of modern processes including digitalization.
This study therefore contributes to the theoretical development and understanding of post-retirement income by explaining that there are no clear gender differences in alternative income practices between men and women. Also, the traditional reciprocity of care is just one of many means of generating alternative income in retirement whiles explaining the essence of professional networks in the light of modernization. The study explains that in this modern era, we see more elements like work fields, previous job positions, family structure and living arrangements that influence retirement practices. Therefore, the study adds more socioeconomic explanations to the theoretical development of retirement models.
The study proposes that future research should focus on more socioeconomic factors that influence retirement strategies since there may be more variations that can explain the retirement situation. Also, future research should focus on a much larger sample size since there may be other themes that may emerge as alternative income for retirement. Lastly, studies should also focus on different regions in Ghana especially the eastern and central parts to see if there are any clear variations in alternative income either within regions or between regions.
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Selection criteria
1. The participant must be living in the capital city of Ghana (Accra)
2. The participant must have worked in the formal sector of Ghana and has attained the statutory retirement age of 60 years
3. The participant should be a low-income pensioners receiving a pension below GHў1,587
Socio-demographic characteristics of interviewees
Men |
Women |
BA, 63, married, 4 children, Christian Years in retirement: 3 years |
LA, 69, married, 3 children, Christian Years in retirement: 9years |
AMB, 63, married, 5 children, Christian Years in retirement: 3 years |
VA, 71, widowed, 6 children, Christian Years in retirement: 11 years |
GT, 71, married, 1 adopted child, Christian Years in retirement: 11 years |
SE, 64, divorced, 1 child, Christian Years in retirement: 4years |
JMH. 73, married, 4 children, Christian Years in retirement: 13 years |
MI, 62, married, 2 children, Christian Years in retirement: 2 years |
ES, 68, married, 5 children, Christian Years in retirement: 8 years |
Interview guide
This Interview is designed to ascertain the Post-retirement survival strategies of low-income pensioners in Ghana. This interview is targeted at male and female pensioners from the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. This Research is being carried out by a student from the department of sociology at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. You are hereby requested to give answers to the following questions to aid the researcher in contributing to his area of research. Also, participating in this research is voluntary. Kindly note that any information provided in this interview will be treated with confidentiality. At any point where you do not want to be part of this research, kindly inform the researcher about your concerns.
1. Since when are you a retiree? How is life as a retiree?
(if not said already as answer to this first broad question)
2. What did you do before? What kind of job you had? If not already said
3. Do you have a family; do you see friends? Does your family live with you?
4. What are your children doing? (if not already answered)? Do you need to help them financially? Do they help you?
5. Do you prefer life in retirement or your life when you were working? Why?
6. How is life in retirement? (if not already mentioned) Did you prepare, made plans for retirement? (if yes) which ones? Do you think that your income is sufficient for having a decent life in retirement? What is a decent life for you? What should it be? Do you do something to have a better income than now? (how much is this income if I may ask?)
7. Did you encounter some problems during retirement, which ones?
8. In these situations where you had these problems (referring to the stories s/he narrated), did someone help you? Whom would you ask to help you in case you would have problems (such as the ones you mentioned, refer to what was said)?
9. Do you trust the state or governmental authorities to help you? (if not already mentioned) do you receive a state pension? How much is it? Is it enough to live on?
10. What is a typical week for you? Do you still work (if not already mentioned)? What are your activities during the week? What do you do during the week-end?
11. Are you part of some circles, communities apart from your family? (if not already mentioned)? Do you see friends?
12. What places do you usually visit? Do you go to the Church, Mosque?
13. (if not already mentioned) Do you live in your own house? (if not) do you pay a rent? Is it a rent?
14. (Depending on what was said during the interview) Apart from the job you do at the moment (if they still work) do you have some savings or investments?
15. (if not already said) Are you in contact with friends, former colleagues? How is their life as retirees? Do they like it?
16. How do you find that elders are treated in our society today in Ghana? How was it during the time when you were a younger person yourself? Did you live with your grandparents when a child? Are your parents still alive? How was the income of your grandparents or parents? What has changed in our society?
17. What is/are the most important thing(s) for older people in Ghana (or the region you study) today? Family, what other support is important for older people today?
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