Healthy nutrition as an element of the lifestyle of a modern city dweller: analysis of consumer practices and values of residents of St. Petersburg
Sociological approaches to studying food and nutrition. Toward a psychosociology of contemporary food consumption. Market research of "healthy foods" in St. Petersburg. Maintaining proper nutrition to improve the health of the body. Diet and its meaning.
Рубрика | Социология и обществознание |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 14.07.2020 |
Размер файла | 281,2 K |
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“Well, my husband has a vertebral hernia and he cannot get fat” “a person with age comes to understand that it is necessary to eat properly, when something starts to hurt, in my youth I did not follow the diet at all and then my stomach got sick - and I decided that this is a sign” (Informant 15, W, 44 years old, works in a beauty salon) “Ну вот у меня у мужа позвоночная грыжа и толстеть ему нельзя” “К человеку с возрастом приходит понимание, что надо правильно питаться, когда что-то начинает болеть, в молодости я вообще не следила за питанием, а потом желудок заболел, и я решила, что это знак” (Информант 15, Ж, 44 года, работает в салоне красоты)
The transition to “proper/healthy” nutrition is associated with the experience of experimenting with diets being a teenager, using heavy diets and trying to maintain certain standards of slim body, which lead to consequences with the health like gastritis. This tendency was mentioned only by women, however by both generational groups.
“As a teenager, I was overweight, from that moment I started to eat properly...although in fact when I was 14 years old and I really wanted to lose weight - I decided to sit on some very cool diet like one day apples, another-water, then buckwheat and this is all and after a while after that I went to the hospital with gastritis, I assume that gastritis was caused by such a diet” (Informant 6, W, 21 years, fitness trainer) “В подростковом возрасте у меня был лишний вес, с того момента я начала питаться правильно…хотя на самом деле когда мне было лет 14 и мне очень захотелось похудеть- я решила сесть на какую-то очень классную диету типа один день яблоки, другой-вода, затем греча и вот это вот все и через какое-то время после этого я легла в больницу с гастритом, предполагаю что гастрит был вызван такой диетой” (Информант 6, Ж, 21 год, фитнес-тренер)
“At a young age, I was inclined to be fat and therefore interested in this issue, then I was not interested in health, I had a task to be slim” (Informant 13, W, 48 years old, cosmetologist) “В молодом возрасте я была склонна к полноте и поэтому заинтересовалась этим вопросом, тогда меня здоровье не интересовало, была задача быть стройной” (Информант 13, Ж, 48 лет, косметолог)
Informants using the prism of health fit “proper/healthy” nutrition practices into their daily routine and consider the path of prohibitions wrong.
“I had a period in my life when I was well, not what would be anorexia nervosa, but an eating disorder, after that I realized that there should be absolutely no prohibitions” “I believe that any prohibitions lead to breakdowns, that is, if you forbid yourself candy - you will want it all the time and you will eventually break down on these candies and eat a whole box, and if you do not forbid yourself candy, then you will eat one candy for Breakfast, then you will be delicious and good” (Informant 6, W, 21 years, fitness trainer) “был у меня период в жизни , когда была ну не то что бы нервная анорексия, но расстройство пищевого поведения , после этого я поняла что никаких запретов абсолютно быть не должно” “Я считаю что любые запреты ведут к срывам, то есть если ты запрещаешь себе конфету- ты ее будешь хотеть все время и ты в итоге сорвешься на эти конфеты и сожрешь целую коробку, а если ты не будешь себе запрещать конфеты то ты будешь есть одну конфетку на завтрак, то тебе будет вкусно и хорошо” (Информант 6, Ж, 21 год, фитнес-тренер)
“I don't restrict myself, just try not to overeat, but not exclude all the chocolate and I eat cookies” “Occasionally everything is possible” (Informant 13, F, 48, cosmetologist) “Я не ограничиваю себя, просто стараюсь не переедать, но не отазываюсь от вусненького, постоянно торты не ем конечно, печеньки” “Изредка можно все” (Информант 13, Ж, 48 лет, косметолог)
“Well, we always have days during the week, when we eat everything we want, even alcohol” (Informant 15, W, 44 years old, works in a beauty salon) “Ну вот у нас обязательно на неделе есть так называемые разгрузочные дни, когда мы едим все что хотим, даже алкоголь” (Информант 15, Ж, 44 года, работает в салоне красоты)
Thus, there is a common opinion among informants of both groups that the path of restrictions has nothing to do with a healthy diet, which is considered as an opportunity to eat whatever you want. In addition, it is interesting to note that none of the young informants said that they need a healthy diet in order to have healthy children and grandchildren in the future, or to live a long life, which coincides with an early study of the nutrition of Moscow students (Noskova, 2014).In addition, it cannot be said that certain informants speak only in terms of health care, while others associate “proper/healthy” nutrition with beauty. These themes are linked, but women of both generations tend to link nutrition practices with beauty and health in one way or another, closely linking these two concepts. For example, when mentioning a lack of calcium-a component in the body, the external side is mentioned as well- it is the teeth, thus linking the meanings. While men tend to talk precisely putting the meaning of preventing diseases, and that they already have.
“Proper/healthy” eating practices are considered in terms of how much energy they provide when consumed. Evaluation takes place in terms of “saturation”, “energy”, the main goal of such nutrition is to satisfy the need itself.
From this point of view, nutrition was mentioned by young respondents: a student and an athlete, as well as an adult woman who recalled the meanings of nutrition that existed earlier in her childhood, saying that this was the main meaning of nutrition before the popularization of this topic. In this case, food is identified with a tool that can satisfy a basic need to do something more important. In this case, business or sporting achievements are mentioned, which are higher in the hierarchy of values than eating.
“In my sport, nutrition is the fourth discipline, it is important to eat properly so that you have energy and strength” “Nutrition allows me to be energetic”, “I just wanted to be even faster, stronger, recover faster” (Informant 7, M, 24 years old, athlete) “В моем спорте питание -- это четвертая дисциплина считается, важно правильно питаться чтобы у тебя была энергия и силы” “Питание позволяет мне быть энергичным”, “просто захотел быть еще быстрее, сильнее, быстрее восстанавливаться” (Информант 7, М, 24 года, спортсмен)
“In childhood, no cult of food was made - sated and free” (Informant 13, W, 48 years old, cosmetologist) “В детстве никакого культа из еды не делалось- насытился и свободен” (Информант 13, Ж, 48 лет, косметолог)
Thus, in the post-war generation, the meanings of satiety and satisfaction of needs can be explained by the memory of those people about hunger, the siege of Leningrad. As is known from the work of Sorokin, hunger is a powerful factor forming social tensions among the population (Sorokin P. , 1975).
Be “like others”
This category is associated with situations when informants stopped maintaining their habits of eating “proper/healthy” and started to eat “like everyone”. These situations included feasts, trips to the countryside, meetings with friends, where informants feel the pressure of the situation over their existing habits and are ready to give them up because of the situation, accepting the established rules. Thus, people often choose a behavior strategy that will be approved by a “reference group, accepting labeled reproducible practices” (Merton, 2006). In such reference groups, an individual can already be a member, and in the course of everyday interaction, reproduce the practices adopted in the community in order to prove his or her the membership. Moreover, especially youth constantly compare themselves with the social environment, trying to conform to the accepted norms and behaving in the most conformal way to consolidate their social position (Minkova, A. ).
“Well, of course when a meal with relatives - about any proper nutrition is out of the question” “When we meet with friends, I cannot say that we eat right, of course we allow ourselves harm, but it rarely happens” (Informant 9, M, 21 years old, student, former athlete) “Ну конечно, когда застолье с родственниками- ни о каком правильном питании не идет речи” “Когда мы встречаемся с друзьями, я не могу сказать, что мы правильно питаемся, конечно вредности себе позволяем, но это случается редко” (Информант 9, М, 21 год, студент, бывший спортсмен)
“I certainly feel pressure when I don't want to eat something and they are offended, although in general everyone is used to it, but as for overeating, if I know that there will be a feast, I just make this day as a kind of rest and cannot count calories, from one day nothing will happen for health or for the shape” (Informant 6, W, 21 years, fitness trainer) “Я несомненно чувствую давление, когда я не хочу есть что-то и они обижаются, хотя в целом уже все привыкли, но что касается перееданий, если я там иду в гости и знаю, что будет застолье, я просто в этот день делаю себе своеобразный отдых и могу не считать калорий, от одного дня ничего не случится ни для здоровья, ни для фигуры” (Информант 6, Ж, 21 год, фитнес-тренер)
“When we spend time with friends at the dacha - this story is completely unrelated to healthy eating, there is of course a completely unhealthy diet, that is, I systematically adhere to a healthy diet, and this is rather an exception” (Informant 10, W, 48 years old, University employee) “Когда мы проводим с друзьями время на даче- эта история совершенно не связана со здоровым питанием, там конечно совершенно нездоровое питание, то есть систематически я придерживаюсь здорового питания, а это скорее такое исключение” (Информант 10, Ж, 48 лет, сотрудник университета)
“Well, if I come to my friends' dacha and they fry pork skewers there - I will not pretend to be a great guru and of course I will eat” (Informant 8, M, 48 years old, entrepreneur) “Ну если я приеду к друзьям на дачу и там жарят шашлык из свинины- я не буду строить из себя великого гуру и конечно буду есть” (Информант 8, М, 48 лет, предприниматель)
Thus, there is a certain “norm” of nutrition, which is reproduced during the meeting with friends, especially in places such as dacha, as well as feasts, where it is customary to implement certain practices that do not correspond to the ideas of “proper/healthy” nutrition, but are important for maintaining to all informants, no matter whether they are young or elder. These practices include eating “bad” food, which includes fried food, pork, and generally, practices are labeled as “unhealthy”. Informants explain their behavior in terms of is perceived as an exception, not the rule that do not lead to negative consequences. It can be concluded that “proper/healthy” nutrition is associated by informants with personal routine life. In addition, the mention of fried in the process of reproducing these practices returns to the results of the work of anthropologist Lйvi-Strauss, who drew the axis between the methods of cooking for joint meetings and for weekly, where “boiled” was associated with the house and women, and “fried” with special occasions and men (Lйvi-Strauss, 2012).
Changes in meanings
It is worth to mention how the ideas of informants about a healthy lifestyle changed. Elder group mentioned that the understanding of how to do this did not come immediately, it was easy to keep fit in youth and this topic did not have as much publicity as it does now. However, the appearance of children and extra weight, the development of diseases with ageing, forced to reconsider the diet and approach from the point of view of a new “lifestyle”, rather than a short-term diet. It is interesting that “proper/healthy” nutrition fits informants as a component of a certain “lifestyle”, thus complementing the picture of the world and the attitudes associated with it. This term was introduced and in the work of the famous sociologist Veblen (Veblen, 2007). Thus, it was found that the “lifestyle” directly associated with the category of correct implementation of food practices. The “lifestyle”, in turn, is also constructed in terms of various social and cultural meanings.
“Just a long way to go to the fact that this is your way of life should be and not some kind of punishment” (Informant 15, W, 44 years old, works in a beauty salon) “Просто долго идешь к тому, что это образ жизни твой должен быть, а не наказание какое-то” (Информант 15, Ж, 44 года, работает в салоне красоты)
“It wasn't something that I started to stick to in one day, it started well, from 38-40 years, I started to exclude some products and it has become a habit, somehow more information arose about it, it is started to write and talk about it, and the role of the Internet, for example, fried foods, potatoes are used to be in diet it is easier to eat properly, the choice is more wide” (Informant 10, W, 48 years old, University employee) “Не было такого, что я стала придерживаться в один день, это началось ну лет с 38-40, я начала отказываться от каких-то продуктов и это вошло в привычку, как-то больше стало информации об этом, больше стали об этом писать и говорить, и интернет тот же, например, к жареным продуктам, к картошке раньше относилась спокойно…стала отказываться от полуфабрикатов, хотя раньше они всегда лежали как палочка-выручалочка, если не было времени готовить..сейчас стало легче питаться правильно, выбор стал больше, доступнее” (Информант 10, Ж, 48 лет, сотрудник университета)
“It is rare when someone starts to eat properly from a young age when you are healthy, not overweight...most of us deal with it, when children appeared leading to overweight, we are already beginning to look for methods and ways of eating, weight loss” (Informant 11, W, 42, working in the state sector) “Редко, кто начинает питаться правильно с юных лет, когда ты здоров, нет проблем с лишним весом…большинство из нас сталкивается с этим, когда появляются дети, появляются лишние килограммы, мы уже начинаем искать методы и способы питания, похудения” (Информант 11, Ж, 42 года, работает в гос секторе)
Thus, there are several key meanings that are given to “proper/healthy” eating practices from a sociological point of view, it is also important to consider the role of various social institutions in order to understand how the meanings that informants put into their “proper/healthy” eating practices were formed, and then analyze how they are implemented in life.
The social environment plays an important role an individual's consumer behavior by forming certain values, norms, and attitudes, which in turn affect their consumer behavior. The research of consumer behavior and factors that influence the consumer practices of an individual is devoted to the work of both Russian and foreign authors. In 2012, researchers from Poland and Iraq conducted an empirical study to identify factors that affect the consumer's choice, using the example of a specific market for goods, particularly, electronic devices. Thus, as a result of the study, it was found that consumer choice, among several different factors, is mostly influenced by the social environment of the individua.
When talking about friends, informants mention the importance of their role in terms of what they eat, regardless of generations, the habits of friends affect whether informants eat correctly, or they compromise their principles. For example, friends bring unhealthy food to their guests, or on the contrary, they are the motivators that started the path to healthy eating. This means that individual is not an “atomized” unit of society (Radaev, Sociology of consumption: basic approaches, 2005), and fully involved in the processes taking place in it and his actions relate to the actions of others.
“Somehow people didn't surround to me, who ate “proper”, I think I was alone and gradually everything came to naught” (Informant 11, W, 42 years old, works in the state sector) “Как-то не оrружали меня люди, кто питался правильно, я мне кажется, я была такая одна и постепенно все сошло на нет” (Информант 11, Ж, 42 года, работает в гос секторе)
“Well, mean friends bring chips, and how can you refuse them” (Informant 14, W, 62, owner of a mini-farm) “Ну ведь подлые друзья привозят чипсы, и как тут от них откажешься” (Информант 14, Ж, 62 года, владелица мини-фермы)
“it all started in high school, my friend was eating right and doing sports, I looked at him and also wanted to, and he was like, let's go to the gym together” (Informant 16, M, 21 years old, fitness trainer and student) “все началось еще в старшей школе, у меня друг правильно питался и спортом занимался, я на него смотрел и тоже так захотел, и он мне такой пошли вместе в зал” (Информант 16, М, 21 год, фитнес-тренер и студент)
Thus, all informants mention the role of the environment in the realization of healthy eating practices. Adults mention that they refused to eat a healthy diet in their youth because they did not receive support from friends. Current young respondents also say that the practices of their friends are considered when choosing places to visit and products, according to their circle, informants started to use “like others” tactics that was mentioned before. In addition, it is interesting that the key period of the beginning of the application of practices is the young age when all sorts of experiments with their social practices occurred, and then individuals come to a single model of their reproduction (Blichfeldt, Bodil Stilling, Malene Gram, 2013). However, in my research, based on the previous quotes in the subsection “health”, it can be seen that the change in practices does not end at a young age, it continues to transform at a later age, which informants tend to associate with the appearance of diseases, excess weight and other aspects.
If friends adhere to a healthy diet, they discuss this topic with them and share their practices and tips, assessing them. Besides, it is a way to get a support in adherence of these practices.
“Yes, they support me, trying to improve their eating habits and generally eat healthy” (Informant 7, M, 24 years old, athletic) “Да, они меня поддерживают, стараются улучшать свои пищевые привычки и в целом питаться правильно” (Информант 7, М, 24 года, спортсмен)
With friends who don't eat healthy food, informants of both generations tend to avoid discussions of this topic being afraid to impose their norms.
“In General, not specifically discussed, because few people are interested and I don't want to impose” (Informant 6, F, 21 years, fitness trainer) “В целом не особо обсуждаем, потому что мало кому это интересно, и я не хочу навязывать” (Информант 6, Ж, 21 год, фитнес-тренер)
“Oh no, don't discuss with friends, not all eat right” (Informant 13, F, 48, cosmetologist) “Ну нет, не обсуждаю с друзьями, далеко не все у меня питаются правильно” (Информант 13, Ж, 48 лет, косметолог)
Informants believe that this is everyone's personal responsibility to adhere or not healthy eating. Thus, this topic can only be discussed in a situation where the informants are convinced that the other person is interested in this conversation, otherwise the topic is not raised, as it will be considered as “imposed”, even if the respondents see unhealthy eating practices among their friends, this is considered an individual responsibility of a person.
“I would never impose its principles on the food and do not blame anyone for their preferences” “It is the responsibility of each person for their health” (Informant 10, F, 48, an employee of the University) “Я никогда никому не навязываю своих принципов в питании и никого не осуждаю за их предпочтения” “Это зона ответственности каждого человека за свое здоровье” (Информант 10, Ж, 48 лет, сотрудник университета)
The elder generation listens to the advice of their children and implement new practices, but the generation of grandmothers and grandfathers is considered to be far from “proper/healthy” nutrition and they does not adopt modern norms and trends. According to theoretical concept of relations between generations, here prefigurative culture is prevailed. That means during the life parents are changing their cultural patterns adopting new traits from their children (Mead, 1970).
“My mother generally leads a healthy lifestyle, that is, she is losing weight, counting calories, and so on, so, of course, we regularly discuss this with her, because she asks me for more advice as a trainer” (Informant 6, F, 21 years, fitness trainer) “У меня мама в целом ведет здоровый образ жизни, то есть она там худеет, считает калории и так далее, вот, и естественно мы с ней регулярно это обсуждаем, потому что она спрашивает у меня еще советы как у тренера”
“well, my parents have other ideas, although I certainly tell them a lot, explain and they listen, but with my grandmother is already a different situation... for example, butter is useful in a small dose, but my father can just throw half a piece, because he was taught that way, and my grandmother also eats that way, well, I think it's still the consequences of the blockade. But now they are slowly beginning to listen” (Informant 16, M, 21 years old, fitness trainer and student) “ну вот родители у меня другие представления имеют, хотя я им конечно много рассказываю, объясняю и они слушают, а вот с бабушкой уже другая ситуация…, например, сливочное масло полезно в малой дозе, но батя у меня может прям половинку куска закинуть, потому что его так учили, и бабушка тоже так ест, ну там мне кажется это еще последствия блокады. Но вот они потихоньку начинают прислушиваться” (Информант 16, М, 21 год, фитнес-тренер и студент)
“I would say that I am not discussing, but rather my daughter often says that how to cook the product, to make it more useful, less harm to health, as is less fat, what foods to buy, for example a banana in the evening is not necessary, Apple also have in the evening is not necessary, because it stimulates the appetite” (Informant 10, F, 48, an employee of the University) “Я бы сказала, что не я обсуждаю, а мне дочь скорее чаще говорит, что как правильнее приготовить продукт, чтобы было полезнее” (Информант 10, Ж, 48 лет, сотрудник университета)
Parents also give advice to their children about how to eat properly, information is exchanged between them:
“They say that I should eat fewer sweet things, but they are generally satisfied with how I eat and adopt my habits” (Informant 7, M, 24 years old, athlete) “Говорят, чтобы я поменьше сладкого кушал, но так в целом они довольны как я ем и сами у меня привычки перенимают” (Информант 7, М, 24 года, спортсмен)
“Well, my mother and I can consult, we discuss it” “my mother eats correctly for a long time, much earlier than I...they have studied this issue and their diet is more like a Mediterranean diet, well, they know a lot about it” (Informant 11, W, 42 years old, works in the state sector) “Ну вот я с мамой могу посоветоваться, мы с ней обсуждаем это” “Мама моя питается правильно давно, гораздо раньше, чем я…у них там изучен этот вопрос и питание больше похоже на средиземноморскую диету, ну они много знают по этому поводу”(Информант 11, Ж, 42 года, работает в гос секторе)
Thus, nutrition is a debated topic between the generation of parents and children. It provokes discussion, but both groups talk about the application of each other's practices in lives.
Habits from childhood are mentioned as an important factor in shaping healthy eating practices in the future among respondents from both groups. In addition, the quotes about the practices of power referred to is the mother:
“we never had any nasty things on the table, I first tried chips at 11 years old, when someone offered it to me at school, I had such a base in this regard, I think this is what helped me not to acquire any chronic diseases, cellulite and other troubles” (Informant 6, W, 21 years old, fitness trainer) “у нас не было гадостей на столе никогда, чипсы я первый раз попробовала лет в 11, когда меня кто-то угостил типа в школе, у меня была такая база в этом плане, думаю именно это и помогло мне не приобрести каких-то хронических заболеваний, целлюлита и прочих неприятностей”(Информант 6, Ж, 21 год, фитнес-тренер)
“Well, we always ate well from childhood, my mother never brought home sausage at all, everything natural was always there, and even meat, fish, my father went hunting and brought it, that is, even to the extent that it should be his own” (Informant 7, M, 24 years old, athlete) “Ну мы всегда с детства хорошо питались, мама никогда домой колбасу не несла вообще, все натуральное всегда было, и вот даже мясо, рыбу, папа сам ходил на охоту и приносил, то есть даже до такой степени, что свое должно быть” (Информант 7, М, 24 года, спортсмен)
“As mom never cooked something super greasy and overcooked, you still food from my childhood goes, I think” (Informant 14, W, 62, the owner of a mini-farm) “Как-то мама никогда не готовила еще чего-то супер жирного и пережаренного не было, все равно питание из детства идет, я считаю” (Информант 14, Ж, 62 года, владелица мини-фермы)
Speaking about healthy eating practices, respondents talk about the norms adopted in the family and that the food culture in their families was always present, even when the topic of nutrition was not subject to wide publicity, as mentioned by representatives of the older generation. Thus, the opinion that habits go from childhood is widespread among respondents, which once again confirms the importance of developing habits to eat correctly from childhood and the serious role of parents in forming eating habits. If disagreements are not mentioned within the framework of friendship, then differences within families are present and they are not only related to belonging to a certain generation, but may arise among family members when opinions about the usefulness of products differ or one of the family members adheres to a healthy diet, and the second is not. Examples of disagreements with parents relate to representations, in this case, the frequency of meals is mentioned, as well as the question of the importance of soup and bread in the diet. However, the differences are smoothed out by the fact that the informants live separately from their parents and it is mentioned in their quotes. Thus, the nutrition in this case is referred from the point of view of freedom in the decisions, in “the logic of choice” (Mol, 2008)
“We have no disagreement, my dad said that it is necessary to eat more often but in a little portion, and I eat a lot one time, but we live separately” (Informant 7, M, 24 years old, athletic) “Нет у нас разногласий, раньше папа говорил, что надо чаще кушать, но по-чуть-чуть, а то за раз много ешь, тем более мы живем отдельно” (Информант 7, М, 24 года, спортсмен)
3.4 Media
Mass media are another important resource considering the information about “proper/healthy” nutrition. It is a broad concept that includes many social Internet platforms that are used worldwide to transmit information. Due to this function of large-scale dissemination of information of any nature over long distances, social media has a huge impact in all spheres of society, in our case they are healthy nutrition practices. Social media is a “self-regulating, self-developing social system that performs the function of socialization” (Silaeva, 2008). It is an influential resource that can form or change people's opinions, knowledge, consumption, and attitudes. In some sources, modern mass media and their social function in society are interpreted as “power over minds” (Zapesotsky, 2010). This wording once again confirms the fact that the media is endowed with a strong power, acting as a full-fledged and independent social institution. In the narrative about the influence of the media, it was noted that their impact is very large both in General in the issue of consumption, and, directly, in relation to the consumption of healthy products. It was noted that a large role in this is played by the broadcast of the eating habits by media people, bloggers, opinion leaders, whose authority creates a widespread adherence to their habits and lifestyle. The influence of the media was considered in the context of promoting a healthy lifestyle, not just “proper/healthy” nutrition, both in the advertising campaigns of individual companies, and by the state in the form of social advertising. In other words, broadcasting the “right” lifestyle and nutrition changes the habits and perceptions of informants of all ages.
Informants of the elder generation mention in their interviews that there is more information about healthy nutrition, previously this topic was not given such high attention.
“It is began to write and talk more about it, and in the Internet, for example, to fried foods, potatoes used to be in the diet... began to refuse semi-finished products” (Informant 10, W, 48 years old, University employee) “больше стали об этом писать и говорить, и интернет тот же, например, к жареным продуктам, к картошке раньше относилась спокойно…стала отказываться от полуфабрикатов” (Информант 10, Ж, 48 лет, сотрудник университета)
The Internet is used by both generational groups to find up-to-date information about healthy eating. The power of media influence is also confirmed by the fact that informants note how certain norms and ideas of their children are formed primarily through what they see on the Internet, rather than through the transfer of practices from their parents.
I did not inform my daughter about how to eat there, she reads the Internet herself, now there is access to information” (Informant 15, W, 44 years old, works in a beauty salon) “Не я до дочки донесла про то, как там надо питаться, она в интернете читает сама, сейчас доступ информации есть” (Информант 15, Ж, 44 года, работает в салоне красоты)
“Here I look most often for information about products, plus I can read reviews from other people there” (Informant 12, M, 51 years old, works in a private firm) “Тут смотрю чаще всего информацию про продукты, плюс отзывы могу почитать от других людей там” (Информант 12, М, 51 год, работает в частной фирме)
Watching YouTube channels is a practice mentioned as the first introduction to the basics of “proper/healthy” nutrition, it is mentioned in conjunction with adolescence, which can serve as an example of how different generations use different channels of information to study current topics about healthy nutrition. In this case, YouTube is for teenagers.
“I remember as a teenager I was subscribed to a channel called TGym, it showed all sorts of videos about nutrition and training, so I probably grew up on this” (Informant 6, W, 21 years old, fitness trainer) “Помню подростком я была подписана на канал, он назывался TGym, там показывали всякие видеоролики про питание и тренировки, так что на этом я, наверное, выросла” (Информант 6, Ж, 21 год, фитнес-тренер)
Bloggers are referred to as authoritative sources of information about healthy eating only if they use scientific evidence in their articles to support their advice. This category related to media was mentioned only by a young group of informants, which may indicate the popularity of using blogging experience among this generational group.
“Now I follow Daria Navarskaya and Dyadya Seryozha, this is his nickname, there is also a blogger in Instagram Daria Mint, I also subscribe to her, Mitroshina and probably that's it...I'm interested in watching people who give interesting scientific information and not just pumping the press 3 minutes a day” (Informant 6, W, 21 years old, fitness trainer) “Сейчас я слежу за Дарьей Наварской и за Дядей Сережей, это его ник, также есть блоггерша в Инстаграме Дарья Минт, я на нее тоже подписана, Митрошина и наверно все…мне интересно смотреть за людьми, которые дают интересную научную информацию, а не просто качаем пресс 3 минуты в день”(Информант 6, Ж, 21 год, фитнес-тренер)
Media personalities are referred by the elder generation as individuals that they pay attention to, that they eat healthy food.
“I watched the shows with of Nadezhda Babkina, she switched to a new form of nutrition at the age of 70, when she does not eat for 16 hours, interval fasting is called” (Informant 10, W, 48 years old, University employee) “Смотрела выступления Надежды Бабкиной, она в 70 лет перешла на новую форму питания, когда она 16 часов не питается, интервальное голодание называется” (Информант 10, Ж, 48 лет, сотрудник университета)
“Well, not that I'm directly following, but I know that Paul Macartney has been a vegetarian there for many years” (Informant 13, W, 48, cosmetologist) “Ну не то, чтобы я прямо слежу, но знаю, что Пол Макартни там уже много лет вегетарианец” (Информант 13, Ж, 48 лет, косметолог)
TV it is mentioned both in a negative and positive way and only by elder group, as advertising encourages eating the “not useful” food.
“Our TV advertises everything that comes to hand and it is not useful, there is a concentration of all sorts of non-useful things around us from all sides, it corrupts our eyes (laughs)” (Informant 11, W, 42 years old, works in the state sector) “Наш телевизор рекламирует все, что ни попадя и это не полезно, там вот концентрация всяких неполезностей окружает нас со всех сторон, это развращает наши глаза (смеется)” (Информант 11, Ж, 42 года, работает в гос секторе)
However, some TV programs show what is healthy and what is not which gives more information about “proper/healthy” nutrition and is mentioned as a positive side, giving useful information about the products
“When you hear on TV that there is no milk in the milk and no flour in the flour, you can't help thinking” (Informant 14, W, 62 years old, owner of a mini-farm) “Когда по телевизору слышишь, что в молоке нет молока, а в муке нет муки, то невольно задумываешься” (Информант 14, Ж, 62 года, владелица мини-фермы)
Scientific literature also plays an important role in providing information about current trends in “proper/healthy” nutrition both among young initiators and among the elder generation. Young people with the education of fitness trainers mentioned the literature as the main source from which they get information, the older generation does not have also uses this resource, but these people also received education related to sports and medicine, which may indicate that this practice is likely to be used by people with medical or sports education of both generations, because they have a high cultural capital related to this field (Bourdieu, 2013).
“We somehow so happened that many generations ago everyone ate there according to the books of dietic, that is, in General, the food culture was, but a lot of course is outdated, and now I'm trying to tell her (mother) that some research is being conducted there” (Informant 6, W, 21 years old, fitness trainer) “У нас как-то так сложилось, что еще много поколений назад все питались там по книгам диетологии, то есть в целом культура питания была, но многое конечно уже устарело, и сейчас я пытаюсь ей донести (маме), что проводятся там исследования какие-то” (Информант 6, Ж, 21 год, фитнес-тренер)
“I read a lot of literature, medicine, pharmacology, biomechanics, that is, I trust doctors” (Informant 16, M, 21 years old, fitness trainer and student) “Я много читаю литературу, медицину, фармакологию, биомеханику, то есть врачам доверяю” (Информант 16, М, 21 год, фитнес-тренер и студент)
“in my time, I read scientific literature, not popular there, about the harm and benefits of coffee” (Informant 13, W, 48 years old, cosmetologist) “в свое время я читала научную литературу, не популярную там, про вред и пользу кофе” (Информант 13, Ж, 48 лет, косметолог)
To raise awareness of this topic representatives of the elder generation noted attending additional courses on nutrition
“I once took special courses on this topic, but it was 20 years ago, maybe 30” (Informant 14, W, 62 years old, owner of a mini farm) “Я в свое время и курсы специальные по этой теме проходила, но это было лет 20 назад, может 30” (Информант 14, Ж, 62 года, владелица мини-фермы)
Thus, social media is mentioned when reproducing healthy eating practices by representatives of both generations. The elder generation notices an increase in information support for the topic of healthy nutrition. The Internet is used by representatives of all generations, scientific literature is also studied by both generations, the younger generation follows media personalities through YouTube channels and social networks, and the older generation watches television programs. In addition, the younger generation expects opinion leaders to use confirmed scientific information as a mandatory point where they can become interested in observing the practices of a blogger.
3.5 Products and practices
Based on the above-mentioned meanings put by informants in the practice of “proper/healthy” nutrition, analyze how these practices implemented. To do this, it is necessary to study what types of products are used and what practices supplement them, consider the methods of cooking and the ways by which “proper/healthy” products acquired. Ganskau and her colleagues emphasize the fact that from a sociological point of view, nutrition is not only a natural, physiological process, but also an activity to create individual and social meanings (Ganskau, E. Y., & Minina, V. N, 2015). Researchers perceived social norms as regulators of human nutrition appear as social prescriptions that relate to the following aspects: number of meals; food quality; time of meal; type of meal. All this in General terms are the conditions or social contexts in which people's eating practices occur.
I have identified food consumption practices, as well as the products themselves and divided them into three groups: “legitimate”, “semi-legitimate”, and “non-legitimate”. In the first group there are practices that are not limited and desirable, in the second group there are practices and products that can change the meaning embedded in them by informants depending on the quantity, quality, time of day, age and state of health of the individual. The third group contains undesirable products and methods that are considered “bad”. The last two groups are a subject of certain restrictions imposed by informants, which are explained in accordance with the meanings they bring to their nutrition practices.
3.6 “Legitimate” products and practices
These types of products and practicesare associated with “properness” and highly desired to exist in the diet.
For example, vegetables and fruits are the products that all informants mentioned, regardless of age, which indicates the high importance of having these products in the “proper/healthy” diet. Besides, the practices of consuming vegetables and fruits are mentioned as daily. However, some fruits are not in that group, which will be mentioned after.
“Fruits and vegetables are always on my table every day” (Informant 14, W, 62 years old, owner of a mini-farm) “Фрукты и овощи у меня обязательно ежедневно на столе” (Информант 14, Ж, 62 года, владелица мини-фермы”
Water consumption practices are associated with “proper/healthy” nutrition for both generations, but opinions about the amount needed for daily consumption vary among informants, maintenance of health is mentioned as the main goal of that practice.
“You need to drink water, it's a guarantee of health, but everyone has their own norm, do not believe the myths about 2 liters a day, a little girl from this amount of water can appear edema, and for the guy it may not be enough” (Informant 6, W,
“I always drink water to make my bowels work” (Informant 15, W, 44 years old, works in a beauty salon) “Воду я обязательно пью, чтобы кишечник заработал (Информант 15, Ж, 44 года, работает в салоне красоты)
Thus, water consumption is a valuable and “proper/healthy”practice. Turning to food consumption practices, it is important to note that eating frequent number of times but in small portions was assessed as a “good” practice. This practice is applied to prevent overeating, which is “non-legitimate” practice
“Not a lot of time it is necessary to eat, and just 4 or 5 a day, but small portions” (Informant 13, F, 48, cosmetologist) “Не много разом надо кушать, а раз 4 или 5 в день, но небольшими порциями” (Информант 13, Ж, 48 лет, косметолог)
“I like to leave the table with a slight feeling of malnutrition, not overeating to the full” (Informant 15, W, 44, works in a beauty salon) “Мне нравится выходить из-за стола с легким чувством недоедания, то есть, не объедаясь на полную” (Информант 15, Ж, 44 года, работает в салоне красоты)
Food compatibility was considered as an important feature of healthy eating and was mentioned by elder women where can be seen that products should be eaten together with something more, here we can see pairs meat and vegetables, meat and cereals.
“Meat should be eaten with vegetables, no side dishes like there's pasta, potatoes” (Informant 11, W, 42 years old, works in the state sector) “Мясо надо есть с овощами, никаких гарниров типа там макарон, картошки” (Информант 11, Ж, 42 года, работает в гос секторе)
“Sometimes you should give up meat if there are no physical loads, because it is a heavy energy food, be sure to combine side dishes, like buckwheat with vegetables” (Informant 14, W, 62 years old, owner of a mini-farm) “Иногда стоит отказаться от мяса, если нет физических нагрузок, потому что это тяжелая энергетически пища, обязательно сочетать и гарниры, вроде гречки с овощами” (Информант 14, Ж, 62 года, владелица мини-фермы)
“Semi-legitimate” products and practices
The next group consists of “semi-legitimate” products, which means, they are allowed under set of special conditions
Time of the day: “Well, it's better not to eat apples at night and bananas; too, they are very high in calories” (Informant 10, W, 48 years old, University employee) “Ну вот яблоки на ночь лучше не есть и бананы тоже, они калорийные очень” (Информант 10, Ж, 48 лет, сотрудник университета)
“Cereals are necessarily different; they can be used for Breakfast and for lunch” (Informant 9, M, 21 years old, student, former athlete) “Крупы обязательно разные, их и на завтрак можно и на обед” (Информант 9, М, 21 год, студент, бывший спортсмен)
Quality: “I always eat cottage cheese, butter, but only of good quality” (Informant 12, M, 51 years old, works in a private firm) “Творог я ем обязательно, масло, но только хорошего качества” (Информант 12, М, 51 год, работает в частной фирме)
In addition to the above-mentioned conditions, there are rules under which certain products change their meanings if they are used in combination with other products. For example, milk is often mentioned in conjunction with coffee by both generational groups as “proper/healthy”.
“I also drink milk, if in coffee it is generally ok” (Informant 2, W, 22 years old, student) “Молоко тоже пью, если в кофе- то вообще спокойно” (Информант 2, Ж, 22 года, студентка)
“Milk well, not much, only if to add in coffee” (Informant 8, M, 48 years old, entrepreneur) “Молоко ну так, много не стоит, в кофе только если” (Информант 8, М, 48 лет, предприниматель)
Thus, milk and dairy products are associated by informants of all ages with “proper/healthy” nutrition, but there are opinions about the harm of this product due to individual intolerance to the elements that make up the product. Thus, the meaning of the product changes when the individual's health status changes.
“I kind of think that you can eat dairy if you don't have milk intolerance, especially cottage cheese, ryazhenka” (Informant 13, W, 48 years old, cosmetologist) “я как бы считаю, что молочное есть можно, у кого нет непереносимости молока, особенно творог, ряженку” (Информант 13, Ж, 48 лет, косметолог)
According to the results of interviews, it can be noted that the mention of ryazhenka in the diet was made only by an informants of the adult group, which can serve as an addition to the study of Moscow students, where it was found that they do not include such traditional products as kefir and ryazhenka in their diet (Noskova, 2014).
Coffee is included as a product that is “good”, but there are opinions that its benefits are reduced when reaching elder age. Thus, there is a new typology of changing the meaning of “properness” due to changing the age group.
“At work, my colleagues and I always drink coffee in the morning, but then during the day there are people who refuse, especially the age group over fifty, prefer to drink a Cup of tea, emphasize that it is harmful to health” (Informant 10, W, 48 years old, University employee) “На работе мы с коллегами утром пьем кофе обязательно, но дальше в течение дня есть люди, кто отказываются, особенно возрастная группа старше пятидесяти, предпочитают выпить чашечку чая, делают акцент, что это вредно для здоровья” (Информант 10, Ж, 48 лет, сотрудник университета)
Alcohol is not excluded among people who practice healthy eating, however, among younger respondents this caused laughter, while the older group explained the preservation of this practice to enjoy and relax, citing research in this area. Thus, it can be explained by the fact that for the younger generation, alcohol is still a practice of risky behavior that does not fully reflect the intention to maintain healthy eating practices. While the adult generation considers the practice of alcohol consumption not only from the point of view of getting pleasure, but also medicalizes this practice. This type of youth practice can be described as an irrational activity of individuals in relation to their health (Chuprov, V. I., Julia Zubok, Christopher Williams. , 2003). Researchers payed attention to the aspect that the modern youth community is not focused on the practice of a healthy lifestyle, and the behavior of young people is described as “risky”. In this case, risk-taking practices in this case may come into conflict with healthy eating practices. However, this question is discussible as there is another research of millennials in Russia, the result of which is that young people, the millennial generation, tend to refuse alcohol consumption in comparison with the previous generation (Radaev, Millenials compared to previous generations: an empirical analysis , 2018).
“That's it...well, with alcohol there is still not everything clear (laughs)” (Informant 3, W, 20 years old, student) “вот так…ну с алкоголем там пока не все понятно (смеется)” (Информант 3, Ж, 20 лет, студентка)
“Red wine in small quantities relieves radioactive stress, and white improves intestinal peristalsis, it is necessary that wines must be dry. In addition, alcohol can even be an antidepressant within reasonable limits, but here you need to know the measure, because even sleeping pills have side effects, if you read the research, the least harmful is alcohol, it gives the least dangerous effect” (Informant 14, W, 62 years old, owner of a mini-farm) “Красное вино в небольших количествах снимает радиоактивные напряжения, а белое улучшает перистатику кишечника, обязательно чтобы сухие вина были. К тому же алкоголь в разумных пределах может даже антидепрессантом быть, но тут меру знать надо, потому что даже у снотворного побочные эффекты есть, если исследования почитать, а самое менее вредное это алкоголь, он дает наименее опасный эффект” (Информант 14, Ж, 62 года, владелица мини-фермы)
“Some people cannot relax without alcohol, that is, it should be high-quality, to savor, drink 2-3 sips” (Informant 15, W, 44 years old, works in a beauty salon) “Некоторые люди не могут без алкоголя расслабиться, то есть это должно быть качественное, чтобы смаковать, выпьешь 2-3 глотка, вот так” (Информант 15, Ж, 44 года, работает в салоне красоты)
Bread is often mentioned by respondents as part of the diet, but both generations say that it should preferably be yeast-free, assessing the negative consequences of consuming yeast bread in terms of health as well as beauty aspects.
“We're used to that bread in the diet is so important that it was delicious, but the best is without yeast, it can be if the pH of the stomach is good” (Informant 14,W, 62, the owner of a mini-farm) “Мы же привыкли, что хлеб в рационе есть, поэтому важно чтобы он вкусный был, но лучше безрожжевой, можно и дрожжевой если показатели кислотности у желудка хорошие” (Информант 14, Ж, 62 года, владелица мини-фермы)
“Eat bread, but without fanaticism...don't really want to eat it...if you don't think this will hurt their appearance or something there's this” (Informant 3, W, 20 years old, student) “Хлеб ем, но так без особого фанатизма…не хочу особо есть его…если захочу не думаю, что это как-то навредит внешнему виду или чему-то там такому” (Информант 3, Ж, 20 лет, студентка)
Meat is mentioned as a necessary part of the diet, which can be called “healthy”, however, there are those who limit the consumption of meat or certain types of it due to their own taste habits, these include girls from the subgroup of the younger generation-students. They explain preferences in terms of “love” to some types of food, neither by usefulness for health nor for body.
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курсовая работа [25,5 K], добавлен 18.05.2015The origin history of fast food and features of his development in China, India, Europe, Russia and America. General description of negative influence of fast food on organism and health of the human. Fast food like a variety of chemical food additives.
презентация [942,1 K], добавлен 12.03.2010Saint Petersburg is the second largest city in Russia and one of the most beautiful cities in the world, it was founded in 1703 by Peter I as the window to Europe. The situation in Saint Petersburg over the First World War. Bridges, museums and theaters.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 06.06.2012Analysis of factors affecting the health and human disease. Determination of the risk factors for health (Genetic Factors, State of the Environment, Medical care, living conditions). A healthy lifestyle is seen as the basis for disease prevention.
презентация [1,8 M], добавлен 24.05.2012The term food preservation, historical methods of preservation. The process of smoking, salting, freezing, fermentation, thermal process, enclosing foods in a sterile container, chemical additive to reduce spoilage, using radiation for food preservation.
контрольная работа [27,4 K], добавлен 08.05.2009Russia is the largest country in the world. Russia's a long and interesting history. Moscow is the capital of Russia and the biggest city in the country. Another big and famous city in Russia is Saint Petersburg. The sights of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
презентация [1,8 M], добавлен 03.06.20158 bad habits that reduce youth and life. Effect of nicotine to the brain, nervous system and the associated excess sweating. The composition of tobacco smoke. Closely relation of sport and health. The harm of smoking for women, the human psyche.
презентация [777,7 K], добавлен 07.11.2014The Hamburger Industry: franchising, market conduct, marketing strategies of competing parties. Challenges confronting in the fast-food industry. Conflicts between franchisers and franchisees. Consumer behavior. The main role of management, its changes.
курсовая работа [29,7 K], добавлен 06.11.2013Consideration of the need to apply nanotechnology in agriculture to improve nutrition in the soil, management of toxic elements in the hydrosphere, monitoring the ecological state of land, spraying of mineral substances, purifying water surfaces.
реферат [12,3 M], добавлен 25.06.2010The concept of brand capital. Total branded product name for the whole company. Nestle as the largest producer of food in the world. Characteristics of technical and economic indicators. Nestle company’s brands. SWOT-analysis and Nestle in Ukraine.
курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 17.02.2012