The role of the main social institutions in shaing the entrepreneurial motivation

The intensity of entrepreneurial orientation among economically active citizens, its relationship with the economic efficiency of the country. Social reasons for low entrepreneurial motivation. Ways to increase the business activity of citizens.

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Ural federal university named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin

Роль основных социальных институтов в формировании предпринимательской мотивации

The role of the main social institutions in shaing the entrepreneurial motivation

D.Yu. Valter, candidate of psychological

sciences, associate professor


According to sociological research, which were held in 2013 and in 2014 years among economically active citizens of Russia the desire to be an entrepreneur have expressed 2,6% citizens. Intensity of entrepreneurial orientation among economically active citizens, has right link with economic efficiency of country. From the point of view of the author such trends originate in history of Russia, specific features system of general education and specific features of other social institutions, that long time determined a lot of spheres life of Russian citizens, begin from work collectives and ending private life.

The article says, that basic defect of such social institutions it is in concentration not on the potential of person and strong her said, and weaknesses and reveal mistakes after than inexorably followed by punitive sanctions. Such traditional formed over lot of decades and made several generations with low tolerance to risk management and motivation on the avoidance of failures.

At the end of the article spells out the main conclusions that can be taken into account within the framework of adjustment programs in the process of reaching reforms of general and vocational education system of Russia.

Keywords: entrepreneurial activity, achievement motivation, business risks, defects in the education system.


According to sociological studies conducted in 2013 and in 2014 the desire to engage in entrepreneurial activity expressed only 2,6% of our citizens [1]. Indicators, if say frankly, disastrous. More than 20 years of various kinds of reforms and changes have not been able to contribute to the establishment and development of effective business community and also failed to make the business attractive. At that the decline of interest in entrepreneurship has been fixed yet ten years ago, that allows us to speak about sustainable trend. Of course, we can talking about the ineffective policy of the state in within support of entrepreneurship and small business, about of economic and financial crisis of the global and local level, corruption, etc. However, the question arises, but only these factors cause unattractiveness of business. For interviewees who in 98% of cases do not want to become entrepreneurs entrepreneurship as an activity itself is not familiar, so arise question -- how man can say «not» about where he have not an experience. What nature this negativity? While on the other hand, according to GEM (Verhovskaya, 2016) entrepreneurial activity perceive positively, almost 70% of Russians, what is certainly encouraging.

social entrepreneurial motivation

Motivation risk in business

In our opinion, the roots of the problems are far deeper than it may seem at first glance. The low level of entrepreneurial motivation, it is really a problem and is primarily it economic problem. Low level entrepreneurial motivation is one of the main «symptoms» of the economic troubles of the country. High level entrepreneurial motivation influence on the GDP growth and hence influence the positive dynamics of economic development.

I wonder, what is really cause of the low level of entrepreneurial motivation Russians. As we have said, among a lot of factors it difficult pick out basic. But it seems to us, one of the main reasons for the weak entrepreneurial motivation -- is a psychological factor associated with a sufficiently deep motivational attitude of person, wich unconscious. First of all we have in mind the motivation of achievement and motivation of avoiding failure.

Recall that achievement motivation is characterized by such basic features as a personal self-confidence, persistence, purposefulness. People who are motivated to succeed, as a rule set themselves ambitious goals and sure that can reach their. They clearly know their desires and full determined to reach their goals. These people in their cognitive constructions tuned on success and all efforts focused on achieving this goal. They expect that successful implementation of their goals gives them great emotional satisfaction in the future. It is otherwise behaving individuals motivated to avoiding failure. They clearly understand goal of activity is not to succeed, and to avoid failures, all their thoughts and actions are primarily subordinated to this purpose.

The man was originally motivated by the failure, showing self-doubt, he does not believe in the possibility of success, afraid of criticism. Difficult work, especially one that is fraught with the possibility of failure, it is usually associated with negative emotional feel and he does not feel pleasure from hard work. As a result, it often turns out to be a winner and smell of succeed does not know him.

In our opinion, achievement motivation is the foundation of entrepreneurial orientation. Opening any source that gives the definition of business we see two main characteristics: business -- it is an activity and / aimed at the creation of goods and services for profit, b / responsibility for the risk rests solely on the businessman.

Recently, this characteristic of entrepreneurial activity link with the notion of an innovative product. Still, a key component of business is risk and personal attitude to risk.

The problem of the risk is of the subject of numerous studies (Hall, 2007; Madera, 2014), and a large number of scientists work on the problem of localization of risks, effective methods of risk calculation and risk management technologies. However, we will not raise these issues in this article, and let's look psychology of risk from point of view standpoint of behavioral economics and psychology of market behavior in order to show how we see the connection between the motivation of achievement / avoidance of failure, entrepreneurial orientation of the subject and the peculiarities of its market behavior.

Behavioral economics is a relatively young area of applied research, which interestingly intertwined with economic theory, cognitive psychology, management psychology and psychology of market behavior. In our country, this trend is just starting to appear. While on the other hand, there is several Nobel Prize winners, received award for his research and discoveries in the field of behavioral economics. Here, of course, immediately comes to mind John Nash, Daniel Kahneman, and others.

Behavioral economics is moving in the within of three major research areas: Heuristics -- irrational ways of finding solutions members of market in uncertainty of the situation; Frames -- semantic framework for understanding the individual events; Anomalies of market behavior -- the reasons for acceptance of the absurd decisions in certain situations in context of market behavior. In this case, we are particularly interested in such phenomena in the field of heuristics as a «deviation in the direction of the status quo» and «fear of loss», and such anomaly of market behavior as «greed and fear».

Prospect theory within behavioral economics comes from the fact that human nature is inert and, in a sense, is lazy.

Man tries to delay the beginning of the changes in the areas of his life or finding a lot of explanations why it is necessary to maintain the status quo. This happens because of the innate instinctive anxiety of human nature with respect to all new, because new, in addition to changes in the exist conditions carries more risks, which impossible control in this conditions. In connection with this «fear of loss» in the personality, the more, the nearer of necessity to exit from the zone of the alleged personal comfort. Adaptability of human nature is quite effective. Perhaps we in the field of adaptability is second only to micro-organisms wich can to move from planet to planet in disastrous for the human conditions of outer space. But this same adaptability pushing us to ensure that we fast adaptable in bad conditions and can feel himself comfortable.

Thus the fear of risk, fear of the unknown, fear of possible losses and greed do not allow a person to see themselves as self-sufficient a successful person, having a sufficiently large number of chances to succeed in their ambitions. Are not these characteristics with the characteristics of the person whom formed the motivation to avoiding failure. In our opinion, the connection is obvious enough.

Thus, from the perspective of behavioral economics motivation for the avoidance of failure, it is nothing but the motivation for the avoidance of losses. Appeal to the basis of entrepreneurial activity we would like to again emphasize that one of the most important characteristics of entrepreneurial activity -- is a risk. It willingness to losses on the way realization of sufficiently distant in time ambitious targets. In this case, the entrepreneur is hard to imagine without the expressed motivation to achieve. But here raises another question concerning regarding the origin of achievement motivation and motivation of avoiding failure.

An analysis of the literature and own practical experience gives reason to believe that the main role in the domination of one or another motivation plays an experience of their own experiences of the individual with respect to the success and the unsuccess in the different situations of their lives. Particularly sensitive period for «crystallization» motivational attitudes of personality link with exit of the child from the primary group, which is the family, and the transition from one social institution to another. First of all we mean preschool establishments and schools. This does not mean that the subsequent social institutions do not have their influence on the motivational side of the personality. In our opinion further impact significantly less, than it takes place be in the most sensitive age -- in childhood and teen. We guess it is pre-school establishments and schools were able to formin previous generations and existing today of the basis for motivational attitudes on achievement or failure.

From our point of view, with a certain confidence we can say that the tradition of education of children and youth in the education system, and not only in it, did not contribute to the formation of personality with a strong motivation to achieve. Otherwise, perhaps we would have several other statistics relating to the business orientation of the economically active part of our citizens, and not those that we have mentioned above.

Our research, which covered quite a large number of pre-school educational institutions, and an even greater number of schools have identified a very significant, quite frankly, the system defect which, in fairness it should be noted, at the present stage of reforming the education system may have noticed, and even taken feeble attempts his correction. Moreover, sometimes seem it to have noticed not only in education but also in other areas of social policy of Russia. This defect is that the vast number of educators and teachers have been and yet remain focused on underlining and highlighting failures of the individual, rather than on the achievements.

Here I would like to illustrate what was said above by a field study that was undertaken back in 2004, one of the big cities in the south of Russia. The city's name for ethical reasons will be omitted. The author of this article and colleagues put forward in due time the hypothesis that ordinary teachers of secondary schools in their work guided by the detection in the first place, various lacks in schoolchildren and their mistakes.

Verification of the hypothesis was made by field studies (the method of content analysis and research documents) really functioning schools. The study involved 15 municipal schools. Total 3500 diaries of pupils 5 and 6 classes were investigated.

Within the study of those documents our intersted the two parameters we wondered how vary in size, current estimates of the positive series (4 and 5), and a negative series (1 and 2) obtained by the pupils in the classroom, as well as whether there are differences in the strength pressure of pen, with whom the teacher prescribes a particular assessment in the diary. As a result, we found that in 73% of cases of evaluation of the negative series (1 and 2) significantly were larger compared with the estimates of the positive series (4 and 5), and even visually in most cases clearly went beyond cell. It should be noted that very often the negative evaluation of different teachers accompanied commentary including sharp notes. This parameter we do not take into account in the analysis. Simple it is something that catches your eye. As for the pressure of pen when prescribing evaluation in 67% of cases we found a statistically significant difference in favor again negative number of evaluations (1 and 2). For the assessment of the power of pressure we took the clean pages of diary, where we could see contour of assessment. That is, in the case of issuing a negative assessment of the obvious footprint imprinted on the 3 and 4 the following pages, which was not observed in relation to a number of positive ratings (4 and 5).

Of course, we understand that the study not wear strictly scientific in nature and may have a number of claims, but the trend was completely obvious, even if you omit the statistical analysis. And today, as say many heads of educational institutions with which the author often interacts as part of additional vocational training programs, the picture remains the same in many ways. Also as before, the majority of teachers are not prepared to turn 180 degrees and switch from identify gaps to underscore achievements.

Maybe someone would think that it is not so, and we have examples of the various schemes and systems for the promotion of the best man, etc. But here is no contradiction. Point is that that any example of the promotion of the achievements of an individual, is nothing other than the promotion of motivation to achieve, which has already was formed or not.

Thus, the defect of the system of educational lies in the fact that in the most sensitive period of development of the personality, when there is an active formation of motivational attitudes and man is «testing» the reality surrounding it important social objects, such as teachers (until recently, they really were authoritative figures for a child, sometimes even more authoritative than their parents. Especially when you consider that during the Soviet era, the school was the top of the educational system and formed of the necessary party and government personality traits) are constantly confirm launched by individual hypothesis that success may not be seen, or at best, modestly marked, but if a person makes a mistake, here, in this case everything is so «highlighted» that the chances to minimize the consequences of the made of mistakes absolutely no. Child or teenager who made of mistakes will be punished in full, and possible even not one time.

Even deeply not going into the memories, on memory immediately come «repressive and punitive» procedures provided by the system and which the accompanied every Soviet citizen since his entry into active social life and into old age, when he entered relatively safe period for the reason, that him ceased to be taken seriously. For example, what I remember in school -- the parents' committee, pedagogical advice, prevention advice, asset of class, locals Pioneer and Komsomol organizations. And then -- the Party Committee, comrades' court, the wall newspaper «Lightning» and then no one dozen different «councils» and all these councils which must was guaranteed control over people, carried one of the most obvious mission -- to reveal human weaknesses, his mistakes, and certainly punish. Thus, in the minds of at least four generations, through repressive and punitive management clearly formed cognitive motivational construct -- minimal affairs and minimal activities, it is guarantee a small amount of errors. I recall a favorite phrase, which has become almost a slogan of several generations in our country -- the initiative is punishable.

Under these conditions, we can not to speak about business attitudes of the personality, which are associated with uncertainty and hence with risk. In case of an error, and in this case the risk is great, system not forgive you mistakes, and you are unlikely to be supported, but the possible costs of erroneous actions could be fatal.

Thus, from generation to generation, formed a society with the philosophy of «wise minnow» where people not capable on constructive weighted of risk and, therefore, with accentuated motivation to avoiding failure. The situation has not changed much and now, we can remember under what slogans was carried the last election campaign to the Parliament in 2011 and under such slogans was carried out and 2012 presidential. In a word -- «For stability!» Thus society prefer the status quo to the detriment of the development, which once again confirms all of the above.


To sum up we would like to emphasize the main conclusions:

1. The problem of entrepreneurial orientation among the economically active citizens is very acute, as the level of business activity is directly related to the country's economic growth and per capita GDP.

2. In our opinion, one of the key causes of the passivity of the business activities of our citizens is a fundamental motivational attitudes on the avoidance of failures, which determines the negative attitude towards any kind of risk, and focuses on the safe of the status quo.

3. Soviet and post-Soviet education system had a pronounced defect associated with the orientation of the finding mistakes and shortcomings of the person, in connection with which the successes and achievements became, at best, in the background support, and punitive measures of influence have become a priority.

4. Reform of the Russian education system and other social institutions must take into account the existence of such a defect, and gradually change the existing not efficient tradition is. In this case, in 15-20 years, we can expect a quality leap in the field of entrepreneurial orientation and, consequently, rise business activity of our citizens.

We understand that this article is devoid of any direct recommendations on how to begin to change the situation now. At this stage, we set the goal -- identify the problem and call interest in this problem of the greatest possible number of active intellectuals. Here can not to be single «recipe». The only recommendation that may be relevant here, it change the focus of our attention and try to remember that each person is full shortcomings and weaknesses, and the will of the majority of individuals have a lot of defects and this defects are basis for personality transformations. Thus, the case remains for small -- it discover strengths, strengthen and help to determine the direction of their realization.


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