Civilization approach to the evolution of the views of society on disability
Trial of the evolution of the main types of society and the state for people with psychophysical development. Civilizational approach as the unity of the progressive process of human development, which highlights the stages of cyclical development.
Рубрика | Социология и обществознание |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 28.12.2020 |
Размер файла | 20,6 K |
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Guman State Pedagogical University
Civilization approach to the evolution of the views of society on disability
Demchenko Iryna, Ph.D., professor of Special Education, Pavlo Tychyna
Demchenko I. Civilization approach to the evolution of the views of society on disability Introduction. The current stage of development of Ukraine - a thorny way of establishment of a democratic state, the main objective of which is to create appropriate conditions for the fullness vital activity and creative self-realization of all segments of civil society, in which people with disabilities need a comprehensive attention and care on the part of social institutions. In the history of mankind is accumulated a great diversity of views of humanistic content for disabled persons, that certifies certain level of civilization development of separate countries, empires, unions and the international community as a whole.
Purpose of the article is an appeal to history of society and state attitude to people with peculiarities in psychophysical development from the standpoint of civilized approach that will make possible to identify and summarize the prerequisites of becoming inclusive education as a socio- pedagogical phenomena.
Results. On the basis of analysis of reference, historic and philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature is reviewed the evolution of the views of society and the state for persons with specialties of psycho-physical development of a civilized approach as the unity of the progressive process of mankind development, in which distinguishes certain stages of cyclical development of society: the period of the establishment of society, the period of maturity of society, industrial, postindustrial and informational periods.
Conclusion. Thus, periodization of the evolution of views of society for persons with features of psycho-physical development of a point of view of civilized approach the subject of research interest is not only one of some aspect of human existence, rather the combination of all forms of life activity of a certain society - material, moral, ideological, cultural, political, legal, religious, educational, developmental and so on. Key words: civilization approach; evolution; inclusion; disability; integration; evolution; periodization; views of society.
На підставі аналізу історичної, філософської, психологічної та педагогічної літератури розглянуто еволюцію видів суспільства і держави для осіб з особливостями психофізичного розвитку. Схарактеризовано цивілізаційний підхід як єдність прогресивного процесу розвитку людства, у якому виділено окремі стадії циклічного розвитку суспільства: період формування суспільства, період зрілості суспільства, промисловий, постіндустріальний та інформаційний періоди.
Ключові слова: цивілізаційний підхід; періодизація; види суспільства; еволюція; інклюзія; порушення; психофізичний розвиток; інтеграція.
The current stage of development of Ukraine - a thorny way of establishment of a democratic state, the main objective of which is to create appropriate conditions for the fullness vital activity and creative self-realization of all segments of civil society, in which people with disabilities need a comprehensive attention and care on the part of social institutions. In the history of mankind is accumulated a great diversity of views of humanistic content for disabled persons, that certifies certain level of civilization development of separate countries, empires, unions and the international community as a whole.
Analysis of recent researches. The value of historical knowledge of the past is recognized by many scientists (V. Bondar, A. Gavrilov, A. Kolupaeva, V. Syniov et al.), because «history is absolutely necessary to prepare us for assimilation of the experience, to guide us until we will not assimilate it, that is during the entire life» [2, p. 36], «value-based approach to the history gives an opportunity to fully use its educational potential» [3, p. 182].
Among domestic researchers and practitioners should be highlighted M. Avramenko, S. Bogdanova, A. Dikova-Favorska, Ye. Libanova, O. Makarova, S. Melnik, K. Mishchenko, V. Skuratovskii, V. Sushkevych, N. Teplova, which learned various aspects of social protection of persons with disabilities.
Thus, the purpose of the article is an appeal to history of society and state attitude to people with peculiarities in psychophysical development from the standpoint of civilized approach that will make possible to identify and summarize the prerequisites of becoming inclusive education as a socio-pedagogical phenomena.
Problem statement. From the beginning of the origin of social formations as a result of various factors influence a lot of people had certain health defects. Treatment to them in different historical periods has been controversial. This is evidenced by a number of scientific researches. Thus, in the research of A. Kolupaeva is proved that social and integration processes regarding persons with disabilities in the early stages of social development had a spontaneous, informal character. Scientist determine three main stages in the evolution of social attitudes towards the process of integration of children with disabilities: the first phase - from indifference and disregard for social recognition of children with disabilities; the second phase - from social recognition to realizing the possibilities of social integration and adaptation of children with disabilities through education; third phase - from social adaptation through education, differentiation and segregation to integration of children with disabilities into the generally educational area through the implementation of inclusive education [7].
Researching the problem of the rights of children with disabilities I. Sagaidak developed an author classification of the time frames of establishment and recognition of the rights of children with special educational needs, consisting of four periods:
rejection and physical destruction (rejection of any rights of this children - the longest in the historical interim this period began BC and ends in the Middle Ages);
isolation (from the Renaissance to the XIX century.) - for children was admitted the right to life, but they were isolated from normal life, children with disabilities were recognized as socially useless for the state and society;
partial integration (XIX - I half. XX century.) - made the first attempts to provide state support and help to certain categories of persons with disabilities, including deaf or hard of hearing, were created specialized institutions for them, including educational classrooms (at the end of the period for children with disabilities was recognized right to physical existence and social life, but the implementation of these rights in practice of many countries was significantly complicated);
full integration (from the mid. XX century In Europe, from the beg. XXI century in Ukraine) - the recognition of the necessity to include disabled people in social life, the legal recognition of their rights and all freedoms, ratification of key international documents [14].
The educational manual by T. Egorova «Social integration of children with disabilities» contains a section which highlights the evolution of the attitude of society and the state to individuals with developmental disorders in Russia and abroad in the form of 5- periods:
awareness of the need to care for people with developmental disabilities (Europe IX. BC. BC - the end of the XII century. BC.E.; Russia's - early XVII century. BC. E.);
recognition of the feasibility to educate children with sensory impairments (Europe XII - XVII century; Russia XVII - beginning of the nineteenth century);
awareness of the need to organize the system of special education (Europe end XVIII - early XX century; Russia - beginning of XIX first third of the twentieth century);
awareness of the need to educate all children with developmental disabilities (Europe early twentieth - 70 yeas XX century; Russia 1927 - 1991);
from «institutionalization» (isolation) to integration (Europe 70 yeas - The end of XX century; Russia 90 yeas - To this day) [5].
The research of Kazakh scientist I. Oralaknova made an attempt to historical and pedagogical analysis of the evolution of inclusive education and on that basis proposed seven stages in the formation of public attitudes to people with IAD. In the first phase, which originates from the myths of ancient Sparta, Greece and Rome, this attitude was extremely negative, because people with disabilities were often destroyed, considering them inferior, that «a less than fully humans». The second phase - the era of the Middle Ages, in it's societies disabled people were treated as sinners and demons («accomplice of the Devil»), that prevailed aversion to them in the form of aggression and ridicule, but at the same time they were becoming the subjects of care. The third stage (IV-XII centuries) is marked by the influence of religion on the spiritual development of society with its tenet «love to neighbor», so that formed compassionate attitude towards people with disabilities. The fourth phase - the era of the Renaissance, during which the culture of the society was revived and at the same time was formed interest to people with special educational needs in the medical and educational contexts. The fifth stage (XVI-XVII centuries) hosted the rapid development of education and medicine that caused scientific interest to the problems of disabled people and persons with developmental disabilities, the satisfaction of which launched medical and correctional education. The sixth stage began in the 70s of the twentieth century, when society realized the dependence of human progress equitable interaction of different micro societies and generated and embodied the idea of integration of persons with disabilities in development in the form of special education and general educational institutions. Seventh stage (the end of the twentieth century - and to these days) - a dynamic process of creating ideal conditions for inclusive education for special educational needs persons with normal development. Each of the highlighted stages were named by researcher: 1 - «A less than fully human»; 2 - «Sin and demonic»; 3 - «Shelter»; 4 - «Treatment»; 5 - «Education»; 6 - «Attraction»; 7 - «Ideal» [12].
Bashkir researchers I. Batyrshin and R. Aslayeva distinguish phases of exclusion, carrying out, rehabilitation and integration in the evolution of social attitudes towards persons with developmental disabilities [1]. This option is not specified timeslots of proposed periodization. Ukrainian scientist A. Shevtsov [16], during exploring the process of social rehabilitation of children with mental and physical features as the system of medical and educational measures aimed to include abnormal child to social environment at the level of his opportunities, identified multiparameter economic and socio-cultural periodization of the evolution of the system of social rehabilitation persons with disability, which is represented by the following stages:
Before the classic period (to 1800s) is characterized by primitive forms of social protection of persons with disabilities (primarily through religious charity) with elements of special education for children with mental and physical development disorders, and also by creation conditions for the emergence of a medical model of disability and its derivatives;
Classic period (industrial society 1800 - 1960) is characterized by the transition from charity, material content, social protection to social adaptation, dominance of a medical model of disability with elements of the social, the emergence of the concepts of social rehabilitation and socialization, the development of the system of social rehabilitation of children through special education , implementation of labor rehabilitation messenger and forcible employment of adults with disabilities;
Non-classical period (realized with the 60th century; postindustrial society) is determined by the advent of the information society and the transition of social adaptation to the social integration of people with disabilities, the inclusion of individual rights into the system of relations between them and the society statement of social model of disability, clear social awareness of the need to provide compulsory secondary education for children with impaired mental and physical development and their further laborer habilitation.
Postnonclassical personality-oriented historical period characterized by further development of the social model of disability and its transformation into a synthetic multifactor activity-personality-oriented unsocial model of disability, based on the latest educational principles and the historical experience of Ukraine, former Soviet and foreign countries [16].
Outlined by A. Shevtsov relationship of the stages of the development of special education with periods of evolution of society is attitude towards persons with disabilities correlated with a theory of functional dependence of methodology social rehabilitation of people with disabilities and parameters of social development in a certain epoch, and also ratios of medical and social models of disability, cultural and educational filling of the process of social integration and rehabilitation.
The most thoroughly periodization of the evolution of social attitudes towards persons with disabilities is presented in the monograph M. Malofeyev «Special education in Russia and abroad», where are singled out the following chronological limits: 1) from aggression and impatience to realizing the need of assistance (IX-XIII centuries - BC. E. - XII century); 2) from contempt to awareness of the opportunity to educate (XII century - 70-80 years XVIII century); 3) from the awareness of the opportunity to the awareness the need to study (70-80 years XVIII century - Beg. XX century); 4) from educating of certain categories of abnormal children to differentiated educational system (beg. XX century - 70 years); 5) from isolation to integration (70 years XX century) [10].
At the basics of outlined periodization there is psychological approach to the transformation of the consciousness of society about the attitude to abnormal personalities. But this is only the dynamic side of this phenomenon, which is characteristic of Western European civilization.
As seen from the above classifications, some researchers determine three, others - four, still others - five or seven stages in the evolution of social attitudes towards persons with special educational needs. This indicates a deficient coherence of analyzed historical material with the features of the socio-economic and cultural formation of separate communities, states, empires, unions and others. In this context, it is advisable to consider specific historical retrospectives that make holistic view about the character of civilized societies attitudes to persons with disabilities.
In general, there are several concepts that complement each other, by which is builder the periodization of historical development of society, the human place in it and which were used in the recent literature to describe the evolution of society's attitudes and the state towards the people with the features in development. Traditionally, the main ones are:
Formative (K. Marx, F. Engels.) which is based on production and commercial relations, so the society on it's development goes through a number of socio-economic formations, each of which has specific socio-economic, range and political, national and other features (primitive, slavery, feudalism, capitalism and communism). The main driving force of social development is the contradiction between the productive forces and relations of production, the range struggle in a society where man is the main subject of production and social history [17]. That, subject to state institutions, divisions of labor, money, morality, religion, ideology, by acting, creating, destroying wealth, people creates world history [11].
Civilized (J. Galbraith, A. Toynbee etc.). At the basis of this concept of periodization there is the criterion of the «degree of industrial society development», according to which allocated three stages of industrial civilization: traditional, agricultural, industrial (technological), post-industrial and informative. Each is characterized not only by features of the method of production, and, above all, by the integrity of human civilization, the dominant role of generally human values, integrity of every society in the world community [15]. The most important feature of civilization is its humanistic orientation. The person serves not only the main subject of production and civilization as a whole, but their immediate goal, purpose, motives, ideals and value orientation of the development of society. M. Barg, A. Gurevich as a sign of civilized approach considers the «human dimension», integrative potency both in national and in the framework of world history.
In Ukraine periodization that summarizes the latest international and domestic researches of socio-cultural development of mankind was proposed by Yu. Pavlenko [13]. Elaborated theory of civilization process based on the synergetic approach, basic principles of stadia's, multivariate, cycling and discrete civilization considering cosmos history, personalizing in history and globalization in terms of their unity on the basis of amendments and approval. This periodization covers of prehistory of civilization (early primary society) and civilization process with three major stages of social development: 1) late primary; 2) pre-industrial, industrial; 3) informative.
It should be emphasized that these concepts have their advantages and disadvantages in the researching and explanation of the stages of social development, human place in this process. They laid the foundation for the study of the evolution of the attitude of society and the state for people with special needs. The existing current scientific studies on this problem is not enough researched the issue of methodological potential civilized approach, characterized by anthropocentrism, according to which a human becomes the center of the study of history, and its leading principles recognized as a strengthening role of the human factor and humanistic orientation of social development [8].
In civilized approach the concept of «civilization» is interpreted as evaluative- normative (high level of social development, standard) and objective-descriptive (space-time unity of living conditions of specific nation) aspects and indicates the limit of what can be considered theoretically justified only in the context of relative unit of interpretation of the historical process and the generalized empirical characteristics of objects [4].
The term «civilization» (from the latin. civism - citizen and civilize - belonging to the citizen) appeared only in the XVIII century. Its author, according to one version, considered a Scottish philosopher A. Ferposson that divided the history of mankind in the era of savagery, barbarism and civilization, which was understood by him as the highest stage of the social development. According to the second version, this concept was introduced into scientific circulation by French enlighteners in the broad sense meant the civil society, which dominates freedom, justice and legal system. A third version, the world first used this word in the treatise of Marquis de Mirabeau «Friend of people, or Treatise about Population» (1756), in which he wrote: «If I asked the majority of people of what is the essence of civilization, I would got an answer: civilization is the softening of manners, courtesy, politeness and knowledge spreading in order to abide by the rules of decency and that all of these rules have played the role of the laws of living together». By the end of the XVIII century understanding of lexeme «civilization» become wider through constructs of its steps and stages. Later, in the 20 years of the XIX century, formed opinion about civilization as more or less diverse and distinctive, local formations [9].
Modern domestic philosopher P. Volodin believes that civilization - is a type of social organization of society, aimed at reproduction, multiplication of social wealth and regulation of civilian life. He emphasizes that this concept is often identified with the culture, interpreted as an ideal of progressive development of humanity, a certain stage of development of local cultures, as well as a certain ethnic community a certain region of the planet with high level of a social and material development [9].
By definition of the Russian researcher L. Semennikova civilization - is a community of people with common fundamentals of mentality, common fundamental spiritual values and ideals, and also stable special features in the socio-political organization, economy and culture. During mentality in this context refers the presence of people of a certain society of common mental tools, psychological basis, which allows them to take in their own way and understand the world and themselves.
Thus, civilization - Is a certain form of existence of human society, witch degree of rationality depends on self-awareness of human as a subject of culture.
During the historical development of mankind there were a certain number of civilizations that had striking characteristic features. Some collapsed or were destroyed; others appeared on their ruins, learning the legacy of the past. Modern domestic scientist- economist and philosopher S. Mikhailov, says that every civilization has a dominant society, with privilege of reproducing an old cultural patterns, using and distributing of a new ones and others. However, it should be noted that the processes of civilization always had an ambiguous course of development. This is why in the scientific revolution begun to figure stage theory of civilization, the leading position of which is the unity of the progressive process of mankind development, which distinguishes certain stages of the cyclical development of society.
Currently, the most wide is a cyclical approach to separation of civilizations which were united by Yu. Pavlenko in three supercycles. The first of them - the period of the formation of society (epicenters - Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, India and China, covering the neolithic (the V millennium BC), early class (the second half of II millennium BC) and ancient (to the middle of V in. BC) civilizations. The second - the period of maturity of society (epicenters - Western Europe and North America), which belonged the medieval (to the middle of the fourteenth century.) preindustrial (the end of the eighteenth century) and industrial (the second half of the twentieth century.) civilization. The third supercycle - post-industrial civilization, which began in the second half of the twentieth century (epicenters - Japan, the USA, China and new industrial countries).
Conclusion. Thus, periodization of the evolution of views of society for persons with features of psycho-physical development of a point of view of civilized approach the subject of research interest is not only one of some aspect of human existence, rather the combination of all forms of life activity of a certain society - material, moral, ideological, cultural, political, legal, religious, educational, developmental and so on.
psychophysical civilizational cyclical
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