Resource provision of social support for students at the USA universities

The essence and role of the concepts "resources", "" and "resource potential". The importance of social work resources and identification of the characteristic features of social support resources for students in the USA universities.

Рубрика Социология и обществознание
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Дата добавления 22.05.2022
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Iryna Iashchyshchak

New York


resource provision social university

The article describes the essence of the concepts: “resources”, “resource provision” and “resource potential”. It clarifies the importance of social work resources and identifies the characteristic features of social support resources for students in the USA universities. Based on the analysis of scientific publications, the typology of resources used by student services at US universities in the process of student social support is characterized - real and potential, internal and external, official and informal resources, and specific examples are given. Positive aspects of resource support for student social support at US universities are identified and opportunities for its use in higher education institutions of Ukraine are indicated. Prospects for further scientific exploration in the specified direction are outlined.

Keywords: student; university; social support; resources; resource support; resource potential; student service; student service staff.



Ірина Ящищак, аспірант кафедри соціальної педагогіки і соціальної роботи Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка, Тернопіль, Україна; менеджер відділу з Соціальної роботи Sincere Care Agency

У статті описана сутність поняття «ресурси» (будь-які джерела та передумови для отримання необхідних для людей матеріальних та духовних благ, які можна реалізувати за допомогою існуючих технологій та соціально-економічних відносин), «забезпечення ресурсами» (сукупність про засоби та можливості, якими співробітники служби студентів можуть використовувати університет для виконання визначених завдань або підвищення ефективності певного виду діяльності) та «ресурсний потенціал» (сукупність реалізованих та нереалізованих можливостей працівника студентської служби на університет щодо використання ресурсів у процесі певного виду діяльності). Зазначається, що оскільки ресурсний потенціал соціальної підтримки у вищих навчальних закладах постійно змінюється (існуюча ресурсна база динамічно розвивається, виникають нові види ресурсів), вкрай важливо правильно визначити можливості використання ресурсів студента соціальні послуги в цьому виді діяльності. Виявлено, що соціальну підтримку студентів в університетах США надає окремий підрозділ студентського самоврядування - студентська служба. Висвітлено значення ресурсів соціальної роботи та визначено характерні особливості ресурсів соціальної підтримки студентів в університетах США. На основі аналізу наукових публікацій характеризується типологія ресурсів, які використовуються студентськими службами в університетах США в процесі соціальної підтримки студентів - наводяться реальні та потенційні, внутрішні та зовнішні, офіційні та неофіційні ресурси та конкретні приклади. Визначено позитивні аспекти ресурсної підтримки соціальної підтримки студентів в університетах США та визначено можливості для її використання у вищих навчальних закладах України. Перспективою подальших розвідок у цій галузі є розробка рекомендацій щодо соціальних та психологічних служб, починаючи з найкращого досвіду роботи студентів в університетах США до використання у вищих навчальних закладах України.

Ключові слова: студент; університет; соціальна підтримка; ресурси; ресурсна підтримка; ресурсний потенціал; обслуговування студентів; ресурсне забезпечення.


Student social support is the assistance of a social service specialist (a system of measures of tangible and intangible nature) to clients (individual students, academic groups) in preventing or solving social, psychological, pedagogical, economic and domestic problems that they cannot cope with on their own. Social support is also directed to create conditions for full harmonious development of students, realization of their personal and professional opportunities (Shumna, 2011, p. 119; Kapska, 2010, p. 20). One of the prerequisites for student social support is its resource provision. As the resource potential of social support in higher education institutions is constantly changing (the existing resource base is dynamically developing, new types of resources are emerging), it is extremely important to correctly determine the possibilities of using the resources of student social services in this type of activity (Romanova, 2005, p. 107; Oleksiuk, 2010, p. 73).

Literature Review

The problem of resource provision of social work with youth was studied by domestic (T. Bezverhniuk, T. Bodnar, L. Vinnikova, M. Gryneva, I. Zvereva, N. Oleksiuk, N. Romanova, S. Synenko, K. Shenderovsky, etc.). and foreign (G. Barton, G. Bradley, H. Gardner, H. Goman, A. Davis, R. Day, and R. Jacobson, J. Cross, P. Meyer, P. Hudson and others) scientists. However, the issue of using resources in the process of student social support has been explored quite fragmentally so far. That is why the expediency of developing this problem and the lack of its comprehensive scientific research have led to the choice of the topic of our article. Its purpose is to analyze the resource support of social support for students at US universities and to identify opportunities how use the information obtained in the activities of higher education institutions of Ukraine.

Methodology of research

Based on the understanding that scientific knowledge is primarily a clearly planned activity, based on scientific and methodological analysis of social support of students in US universities, based on a set of theoretical conclusions, we have identified the following principles of its provision: the principle of unity of theory and practice (that they are inextricably linked and mutually conditioned (for example, the content of social support is determined by the real needs of different categories of students and its forms and methods are determined by the capabilities of socio-psychological services)); the principle of certainty (requires a full and comprehensive reflection of the most important aspects and patterns of social support in universities, a specific approach to assessing the problems and needs of students); the principle of subordination (consists in the objective conditionality of one phenomenon to another and requires consideration of the diversity of relations and connections in the system of socio-psychological (student) service); the principle of objectivity (requires consideration of the social support of students in US universities, its resource provision as they are, without prejudice, in all the diversity of their parties, connections and relationships).


Student self-government at US universities aims to: provide students with opportunities for self-fulfillment; facilitating the formation of their leadership qualities of teaching personal and civic responsibility; organization of intellectual, spiritual and cultural life of the student community; development of social interaction between students. Social support for students at US universities is provided by a separate unit of student self-government - the Student Services (Bodnar, 2006, p. 130; Jacobsen, Jacobsen 2008, p. 15-16). Social support, like any other type of social security and social work in general, cannot occur without using proper resources. The variety of problems faced by university students, especially the organization of their life and learning, necessitate diverse and powerful resources for social work with them. After all, the availability of adequate needs resources and the real possibilities of their use depends on efficiency of the challenges facing by the staff of social services in the course of its cooperation with students (Shumna, 2011, p. 120; Kapska, 2010, p. 21; Kryshtanovych, 2019, p.2).

Resources are any sources and prerequisites for obtaining the necessary material and spiritual benefits for people, which can be realized with existing technologies and socio-economic relations (Bezverhniuk, 2009, p. 7). Analysis of current scientific approaches to defining the meaning of the term "social work resources" indicates that: different resources have different meanings in different approaches; importance of resources, their quantity and structure change depending on changes of conditions of their creation and use; all resources are interrelated, and the lack of one resource is offset by the presence (volume) of others (Kryshtanovych, 2019, p. 6; Oleksiuk, 2010, p. 73). The concept of "resource provision", as a category of social work, is variously revealed in the scientific literature. Resource provision for social support includes a set of different tools at the disposal of any social system, for example: legal, regulatory, methodological, scientific, technical, information support. In our study, we will use a generalized definition of resource support for student social support - a set of tools and opportunities that the staff of student's service of the university can use to accomplish the outlined tasks or improve the performance of a particular activity (Bezverhniuk, 2009, p. 8; Kapska, 2010; p. 22). The provision of social support is based on resource potential. The main difference between the concept of "resource potential" from "resource" or "resource support" of social work in general and social support in particular is that this potential is not separated from the subjects and objects of activity. That is, resource potential also includes the ability of social service workers, their partners, and clients to make effective use of available means or resources. In our study, we will assume that the resource potential of social support for students is a set of realized and unrealized opportunities of an employee of student's service of the university to use resources in the process of a certain type of activity (Bezverhniuk, p. 9; Oleksiuk, 2010, p. 75).

The social services of the USA universities, as well as in Ukraine, use the following types of resources in the process of student social support: real and potential, internal and external, official and informal resources (Bondar, 2006, p. 131; Oleksiuk, p. 74; Romanov, 2005, p. 109). The real resources for student social support at US universities are the resources that are used on a daily basis to solve student problems (for example, working with military students receiving pre-service education under US law); and potential ones that can be used when needed in the future (for example, assistance to students who can come to study to America from other countries) (Bondar, 2006, p. 132; Jacobsen, Jacobsen, 2008, p. 19; Official site of Boston College).

Internal resources for student social support at US universities include: the educational level of both the student and employee of the student service, their social and professional skills, and psychological characteristics (for example, features of cognitive processes (memory, thinking, attention, imagination, language), personal characteristics (specificity of character, temperament, needs, values, interests, motives), peculiarities of manifestation of emotional and volitional states, etc.) (Bezverhniuk, 2009, p. 10; Oleksiuk, 2010, p. 75; Jacobsen, Jacobsen, 2008, p. 19). In turn, external resources for student social support at US universities include: human resources (for example, student service workers or volunteers); information resources (for example, textbooks made for the blind or a translator for the deaf); institutional resources (for example, religious (Orthodox Christian Fellowship)) and community organizations (AIDS Awareness Committee), material (for example, financial resources in the form of grants from profile organizations or sponsorships from former graduates of these institutions). To provide effective social support for students, student services at US universities also use such external resources as: university leadership (United States Department of Education), social services of the city (state, country), employers, and others. (Bondar, 2006, pp. 133-134; Jacobsen, Jacobsen, 2008, p. 20; Official site of Boston College).

We consider the official resources of student social support at US universities to use the means provided for by applicable law and regulatory documents. These include government agencies and organizations that target social security, social assistance, and social support (such as the United States Department of Health and Human Services) and their employees ( first of all, social workers, counselors, rehabilitologists, psychologists), tools and equipment, relevant documentation and technology owned by professionals (Jacobsen, Jacobsen, 2008, p. 21; Official Site of Boston College). Unofficial student support resources at US universities include governmental, nongovernmental, religious organizations, their employees, and supporters who perform volunteer and charitable activities to address emerging social issues. Non-governmental organizations (such as Human Rights Watch, etc.) play an important role in organizing student social support at US universities (Bezverhniuk, 2009, pp. 11 -12; Jacobsen, Jacobsen, 2008, p. 21; Boston College Official Site).


Resource provision of student social support is one of the most important components of student service at the USA universities. A positive experience is the large number and variety of social support resources that can be used to solve student problems quickly and effectively.

Prospects for further research. The prospect of further exploration in this area is the development of recommendations for social and psychological services from the best experience of student services at the USA universities to use in the higher- educational institutions of Ukraine.


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3. Gryneva, M. V. (2009). The Impact of Student Self-Government on the Quality of Education in US Universities. Collection of scientific works of P. Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. Uman. No. 1. 69-74. [in Ukrainian].

4. Oleksiuk, N. S. (2010). Resource support for social and pedagogical work with families of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Collection of scientific works №52. Series: Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences. National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after B. Khmelnitsky. Khmelnitsky: NADPSU Publishing House. 73-77. [in Ukrainian].

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9. Myroslav Kryshtanovych, Svitlana Kapitanets, Svitlana Filina, Nataliya Oleksiuk, Oksana Prodius (2019) Assessment of the effectiveness of strategic personnel management of the company. Academy of Strategic Management Journal (ASMJ). Volume 18, Special Issue 1. 1-6.

10. Official site of Boston College [Electronic resource]. Access mode: offices.html.


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4. Олексюк, Н. С. (2010). Ресурсне забезпечення соціально-педагогічної роботи з сім'ями військовослужбовців Збройних Сил України. Збірник наукових праць №52. Серія: Педагогічні та психологічні науки. Національна академія Державної прикордонної служби України імені Б. Хмельницького. Хмельницький: Видавництво НАДПСУ. 73-77.

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8. Jacobsen, D. G., Jacobsen, R. H. (2008). The American university in a postsecular age. Oxford University Press: US. 267.

9. Myroslav Kryshtanovych, Svitlana Kapitanets, Svitlana Filina, Nataliya Oleksiuk, Oksana Prodius (2019). Assessment of the effectiveness of strategic personnel management of the company. Academy of Strategic Management Journal (ASMJ). Volume 18, Special Issue 1. 1-6.

10. Official site of Boston College [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: offices.html.

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