Uncertainty as a prerequisite the updating of human eschatological views in the modern world

The peculiarities of eschatological views of man and society in the world processes going on nowadays. A factor in the formation or strengthening of eschatological views. Consideration of impact of a pandemic on a person in modern social interactions.

Рубрика Социология и обществознание
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Дата добавления 30.05.2022
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Conclusions and research perspectives

To live in a world full of rapid change and a significant number of uncertain situations means to be the bearer of eschatological views on a conscious or unconscious level. Bringing deep human fears, such as fear of death, into the realm of active understanding, occurs under the influence of global shocks, such as pandemics. When the main characteristic of the future (as well as the present) is uncertainty, the absence of any guarantees, it is difficult to avoid eschatological thoughts. The panic surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic is largely due to catastrophic multiscenarios, in which the threat to humanity comes from viruses of natural or anthropogenic origin, widely spread in the media.

The uncertainty of the modern world has heightened people's awareness of the need for strong social ties as safeguards against fear of death, social destruction or psychological discomfort.

In the current situation around the pandemic and the accompanying social anxiety, fears and threats, the awareness of the value of human life remains unchanged. Reflecting on the connection between eschatology and Covid-19, the expectation that terrible prophecies will come true, should not push the awareness of the danger of the pandemic itself out of the human mind.

Eschatology in this sense, paradoxically, is a form of overcoming uncertainty and social anxiety as its consequence, and therefore performs a positive social function: contributes to the actualization of ways to overcome the tragedy of the situation of uncertainty in everyday life and fear of its consequences. And the perception of the eschatological motive of reality in this aspect leads to the importance of a person's values re-interpretation, which should be made with a focus on ensuring the integrity of human existence and society.


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