Structural-functional model of professional readiness of a future social worker as a basis for diagnosing his professional qualities

The structural and functional model of forming the readiness of the future social worker for the socialization of orphans and children- deprived of parental care. The components of professional training of specialists in the specialty "Social Work".

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Structural-functional model of professional readiness of a future social worker as a basis for diagnosing his professional qualities

Oksana Halan

post-graduate student of Kremenets Taras Shevchenko Regional Academy of Humanities and Pedagogy, Kremenets, Ukraine


The structural and functional model of forming the readiness of the future social worker for the socialization of orphans and children- deprived of parental care is theoretically grounded in the article. In the process of scientific research it was found out that the components of professional training of specialists in the specialty «Social Work» are: structural components (motivational-value, information-cognitive, organizational-activity, personal-reflexive), their criteria. The essence of the structural-functional model is revealed, which includes the following content blocks: motivational-target, semantic, operational-activity, control-effective.

Keywords: structural-functional model, future social workers, orphans, children - deprived of parental care, socialization, content blocks, components of the model.


Ukraine's integration into the world educational environment requires an increase in the level of preparation of future social workers for the socialization of orphans and children - deprived of parental care. We believe that one of the means of solving the research problem is the introduction of a specially developed model in the educational process of higher education institutions as a reference point for creating a system of training in this area, the basis for developing educational programs, curricula and programs. In our study, the formed readiness of the future social worker to socialize orphans and children - deprived of parental care is expected result of the implementation of the model in general.

Analysis of recent researches and publications

It is advisable to design this process, focusing on the method of modeling, which is used quite actively in modern science, in order to create a pedagogical system of forming the readiness of future social workers to socialize orphans and children - deprived of parental care. According to the researcher O. Povidaychyk, the process of developing a pedagogical model involves, on the one hand, a multifactor analysis of the researcher's significant empirical material in order to identify the essential features of the modeled object. On the other hand, pedagogical modeling makes it possible to identify secondary features that may be the result of the influence of random factors and depend on unforeseen circumstances. [1, 213]At the same time, G. Slozanska emphasizes that when designing a model, it is advisable to take into account the essential and ignore the insignificant properties, relationships and characteristics of the object. [2, 180]

From our point of view, the task of modeling is to express the substantive components of a particular area of professional activity and depict their functional relationships, as well as to promote qualitative and quantitative description of the structure and properties of the object under study.

Researchers point out that the concepts of «modeling» and «model» are interrelated and used to provide a holistic understanding of the structure and content of the educational process in the institution of higher education. Scientist O. Domanyuk defines the category «model» as a conditional analogue of a certain process or phenomenon that reproduces in symbolic form its typical features. [3, 139] Scientist N. Sabat argues that the model reflects and reproduces in a simpler form the structure, properties, relationships between the elements of the object under study; its purpose is to describe, store and expand knowledge about the original, its properties and structures, to transform or guide it. One of the main requirements for the model is the requirement of adequacy, its compliance with reality, namely the basic, essential properties, parameters. [4, 126-127]

In the context of our study, we define the model as a holistic system with a set of interconnected components that have clearly defined parameters: purpose, objectives and expected results. This provides an opportunity to purposefully monitor and timely adjust the process of forming the readiness of future social workers to socialize orphans and children - deprived of parental care.

The aim of the article: to present the theoretical aspects of the process of implementation of the structural and functional model of training future social workers for the socialization of orphans and children - deprived of parental care.


In order to identify the opportunities for free social education in the readiness of future social workers to socialize orphans and children - deprived of parental care, we have developed a model consisting of a set of certain blocks, components and content to them. It provides a holistic vision of the process and consists of motivational-target, content, operational-activity, control-effective blocks.

Thus, the motivational-target block of the model is determined by the purpose and objectives of training future social workers for the socialization of orphans and children - deprived of parental care. The aim is to identify the need to improve the training of future social workers in the institution of higher education and on this basis to form the readiness for socialization of orphans and children -deprived of parental care. The main goal of the professional activity of the specialist in this area of research is the process of assisting the crisis category of children in overcoming personal and social problems, as well as assistance in realizing hidden internal reserves of personality necessary for self-sufficiency through social support, rehabilitation and correction technologies.

Therefore, we highlight the following goals in the implementation of the model of forming the readiness of future social workers to socialize orphans and children - deprived of parental care.

1. Formation of motivation for cooperation between education applicants with orphans and children - deprived of parental care.To do this it's necessary to solve the following tasks:

- development of socially significant motives and values of professional activity in future specialists;

- inclusion of education applicants in educational, activity, research work;

- formation of professional qualities in future social workers, which will promote productive subject-to-subject interaction.

2. Formation of professional competencies of education applicants in the specified area of activity. To this end, it is necessary:

- application of pedagogical innovation in the organization of the process of socialization of orphans and children - deprived of parental care;

- mastering by future specialists of pedagogical, psychological and social aspects of socialization of orphans and children - deprived of parental care;

- mastering by education applicants of project technologies for the implementation of the process of socialization of orphans and children - deprived of parental care.

The meaning-forming component of the motivational-target block of the model of formation of readiness of the future social worker for the specified direction of research is the presence of stable socially significant motives in the student. It is through themthat the subject-to-subject interaction with socially vulnerable groups takes place, as well as manifested in the understanding of the value of the process of socialization of orphaned children, in the ability to predict their activities in terms of content. The essence of this process for the teacher is the need to specifically organize the conditions for the educational process and cooperation with future social workers in such a way as to intensify certain situational manifestations, which with systematic repetition will gradually turn into stable motivational formations. At the same time, the student learns ready-made goals, ideals, content of personality orientation, which must be translated into internally accepted.

The content block of the model of formation of readiness of future social workers for socialization of orphans and children - deprived of parental care is conditioned by the content of vocational training, which includes the educational cycle of the educational-professional program; educational and practical activities; research activities. The semantic basis of this block is the replenishment of professional knowledge in accordance with the issues of socialization of orphans and children - deprived of parental care. The cycle of special disciplines and specialization disciplines is aimed at mastering general and special professional knowledge, skills, abilities and relevant competencies. Thus, the content block characterizes the areas of preparation of future social workers for the socialization of orphans and children - deprived of parental care.

This block involves planning the professional activities of future social workers with orphans and children - deprived of parental care in order to successfully enter their society, forecasting the development of crisis categories of children in various fields, finding optimal ways to solve problems, implementing technologies to prevent negative behavior, functions of assistance and protection in working with orphaned children and their social environment.

Teachers of higher education institutions are called to implement the tasks of the content block:

- to promote the analysis, synthesis and generalization of knowledge, skills and abilities, their integrity, taking into account the links between disciplines;

- to form personal and social activity;

- establish friendly relations with future social workers;

- to promote the formation of special qualities that will contribute to the successful professional activity of the relevant field;

- apply a creative approach when using scientific concepts to solve problem situations;

- use innovation in the educational process;

- diversification of students' activities;

- assess the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of future social workers, identify the level of readiness for socialization of orphans and children - deprived of parental care;

- make timely adjustments to teaching methods.

The effectiveness of training future social workers for the socialization of orphans and children - deprived of parental care depends on compliance with certain pedagogical conditions, namely:

- formation of conscious educational and professional motivation through personal perception of the social significance of the socialization of orphans and children - deprived of parental care;

- creation of positive subject-to-subject interaction between students and teachers;

- implementation of a research approach in the educational process;

- use of interactive forms and methods of educational activities of students;

- modeling of professional activity in order to direct future social workers to integrate social skills into a holistic pedagogical process.

The implementation of these conditions must be ensured through the use of forms and methods in the direction of student-centeredness, stimulating an atmosphere of tolerance and motivation of teachers and students.

Thus, the operational unit of the model of professional readiness of future social workers for the socialization of orphans and children - deprived of parental care involves the implementation of successive stages of training, namely:

- stage of training and introduction of future social workers in the specifics of the process of socialization of orphans and children - deprived of parental care (information); professional readiness social worker

- stage of own rethinking of values and models of social work, understanding the value of an orphaned child as an object of social work (evaluation);

- the stage of purposeful inclusion of the function of professional selfrealization in the process of solving the problems of children who find themselves in difficult life circumstances (activity).

The information stage is designed to form a set of key special knowledge of the future social worker, as well as the acquisition of individual experience of students to form a system of special competencies that will promote the manifestation of personality. The evaluation stage is characterized by a reassessment of individual experience, acceptance of the values of professional work with orphans and children - deprived of parental care. The activity stage is aimed at the holistic and comprehensive application in practice of new ways of action based on improving the skills of professional self-determination; systematization of the results of professional activity, determination of ways to improve the work on socialization of orphans and children - deprived of parental care.

Each stage corresponds to a certain form of student activity:

- reproducing (informational understanding of the material);

- evaluative (based on theoretical material, students study crisis situations and evaluate performance);

- search (development of the necessary areas of work).

The general result of the operational component of the structural-functional model of professional readiness of future social workers for the socialization of orphans and children deprived of parental care should be the consolidation of professionally significant motives, development of professional knowledge and actions for socialization of orphans and children - deprived parental care, as well as expanding the experience of creating their professional activities.

The control-effective block of the model includes criteria and indicators of readiness of future social workers for socialization of orphans and children -deprived of parental care, as well as diagnostic methods and levels of this readiness. This block of the model outlines the expected result - the readiness of students to socialize orphans and children - deprived of parental care; provides a substantive assessment of their own activities, the desire to obtain a specific result, regular independent work for self-development. The construction of the control-effective block is based on the components of students readiness for the specified type of activity (motivational- value, information-cognitive, organizational-activity, reflexive-evaluative) and indicators of students' readiness for this type of activity (high, medium, low).


Thus, the general level of readiness of students to socialize orphans and children - deprived of parental care depends on the degree of formation of each of its components. Therefore, in the educational process of free economic education it is necessary to use optimal methods, tools, forms of education, to create conditions that would ensure the formation of all components of future social workers' readiness for socialization of orphans and children - deprived of parental care. Prospects for further research include the introduction of a structural and functional model of readiness of future social workers to socialize orphans and children - deprived of parental care in practice.


1. Povidaichyk, O. S. (2019). Teoriia i praktyka profesiinoi pidhotovky maibutnikh sotsialnykh pratsivnykiv do naukovo-doslidnytskoi diialnosti [Theory and practice of professional training of future social workers to research activities]. Doctor's thesis. Ternopil: Ternopil. nat. ped. University [in Ukrainian].

2.Slozanska, H. I. (2019). Teoriia i praktyka profesiinoi pidhotovky maibutnikh sotsialnykh pratsivnykiv do roboty u terytorialnykh hromadakh [Theory and practice of professional training of future social workers to work in territorial communities]. Doctor's thesis. Extended abstract of Doctor's thesis. Ternopil : Ternop. nats. ped. un-t [in Ukrainian].

3. Domaniuk, O. M. (2019). Pidhotovka maibutnikh vykhovateliv do formuvannia dobrozychlyvosti u ditei starshoho doshkilnoho viku [Preparation of future educators for the formation of benevolence in children of senior preschool age]. Candidate's thesis. Ivano-Frankivsk : Prykarpatsky inats. un-t [in Ukrainian].

4. Sabat, N. I. (2017). Pidhotovka maibutnikh pedahohiv do opikunsko-vykhovnoi diialnosti z ditmy-mihrantiv [Preparation of future teachers for guardianship and educational activities with migrant children]. Candidate's thesis. Ivano-Frankivsk : Prykarpatskyi nats. un-t [in Ukrainian].

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