Volunteer activities of students of higher educational institutions as a phenomenon modern Ukrainian society
The specific features and main problems of formation and development of the student volunteer movement in Ukraine, identifies prospects for its further development and the content of the organization of volunteer work in a higher education institution.
Рубрика | Социология и обществознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.12.2022 |
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Volunteer activities of students of higher educational institutions as a phenomenon modern Ukrainian society
Olena Potsulko
Ph Din of History, Associate Professor
The article reveals the specific features and main problems of formation and development of the student volunteer movement in Ukraine, identifies prospects for its further development and the content of the organization of volunteer work in a higher education institution. The level of public awareness is progressing, but the problem of studying volunteering is two steps behind, as many people do not understand why involve assistants, especially students, for volunteer work, while teaching them to conduct training and counseling, if this work can be performed by specialists in certain social fields . However, despite this, the phenomenon of student volunteering exists in Ukraine in all its manifestations. Of course, the professional qualifications of volunteer students are quite low, but they have the qualities and abilities that in turn do not always have the specialists of a particular organization.
The organization of volunteer work in higher education should include the following components: technological approach in social work; professional training of specialists in the field of social work (psychologists, social educators); school of personal development, successful self-realization of the individual; training of volunteers and organization of volunteer activity - a separate area of activity of student self-government bodies; creation of a separate public youth organization in the conditions of a higher educational institution; involvement in volunteering only individuals with appropriate professional and personal orientation, a certain positive external and internal motivation, with their own life prospects and significant goals. Involving students in volunteering is an important area of work of curators, teachers, students of higher education. Areas of student volunteering are numerous. In modern Ukraine, in addition to traditional for our society such areas of volunteering as social care and protection of the most vulnerable categories of children and youth, social support of seriously ill citizens, added social and psychological rehabilitation of ATO / UNO servicemen and their families.
Key words: volunteering, volunteer activities, student-volunteers, youth, phenomenon, university.
Волонтерська діяльність студентів вищих навчальних закладів як феномен сучасного українського суспільства
Олена Поцулко
кандидат історичних наук, доцент
У статті розкрито специфічні риси та основні проблеми становлення та розвитку студентського волонтерського руху в Україні, визначено перспективи його подальшого розвитку та зміст організації волонтерської роботи в умовах вищого навчального закладу. Рівень обізнаності суспільства прогресує, але проблема вивчення волонтерства залишається на два кроки позаду, оскільки для багатьох людей незрозуміло, навіщо залучати помічників, особливо студентів, для добровільної праці, при цьому навчати їх проводити тренінги та консультації, якщо цю роботу можуть виконувати спеціалісти окремих соціальних сфер. Однак, незважаючи на це, феномен студентського волонтерства існує в Україні в усіх своїх проявах. Звичайно, професійна кваліфікація студентів-волонтерів досить низька, проте вони мають ті якості і здібності, які в свою чергу не завжди мають спеціалісти тієї чи іншої організації.
Організація волонтерської роботи у вищому навчальному закладі повинна включати такі складові: технологічний підхід у соціальній роботі; професійна підготовка фахівців у галузі соціальної роботи (психологів, соціальних педагогів); школа особистісного розвитку, успішної самореалізації особистості; підготовка волонтерів та організація волонтерської діяльності - окремий напрямок діяльності органів студентського самоврядування; створення окремої громадської молодіжної організації в умовах вищого навчального закладу; залучення до волонтерства тільки особистостей з відповідною професійною та особистісною спрямованістю, певною позитивною зовнішньою та внутрішньою мотивацією, з власною життєвою перспективою та значущою метою. Залучення студентів до волонтерської діяльності є важливим напрямком роботи кураторів, викладачів, студентського активу вищого навчального закладу. Напрями здійснення студентами волонтерської діяльності є багаточисленними. В сучасній Україні, окрім вже традиційних для нашого суспільства таких напрямів волонтерської діяльності як соціальна опіка й захист найменш захищених категорій дітей та молоді, соціальна підтримка тяжкохворих громадян, додалася соціально-психологічна реабілітація військовослужбовців АТО/ООС та їх сімей.
Ключові слова: волонтерство, волонтерська діяльність, студенти- волонтери, молодь, феномен, університет.
Relevance of the topic
volunteer activities student ukrainian
In the face of growing external and internal challenges facing modern Ukraine and its citizens, in a situation of increasing uncertainty and instability, society is in dire need of mechanisms to provide prompt, balanced and adequate responses to minimize risks and threats, ways to solve priority problems and respond quickly when they occur. The events of the Revolution of Dignity and military aggression in the east of the country have shown that Ukrainian government structures have shown low effectiveness in many areas, and in some cases even inability to solve urgent problems facing the country, regions and citizens. At present, Ukraine is in a situation of lack of internal and external resources - human, labor, economic, financial, personal, etc. That is why the problem of mobilizing the internal resources of the country and its regions to ensure self-defense and social security is extremely urgent right now. A rapid manifestation of the mobilization and involvement of social resources of civic participation and constructive self-organization of the active part of the population, aimed at solving the most pressing problems of today, was the rapid development of volunteering in Ukraine.
Areas of volunteering are numerous, as well as the actual challenges of civilization, which actualize them: poverty, unemployment, orphanhood, complex diseases, national security, value and cultural differences, environmental protection and more. The list of areas is growing significantly in the context of taking into account the specifics of the problems of individual states. In particular, in Ukraine, in addition to traditional for our society such areas of volunteering as social care and protection of the most vulnerable categories of children and youth, social support for seriously ill citizens, added social and psychological rehabilitation of ATO/UNO servicemen and their families.
The most active component of modern Ukrainian volunteering is youth, students. It is no coincidence that all international documents related to volunteering note the special role of youth volunteering in the implementation of youth policy and the promotion of education and so on. Within the youth movement there is a certain stage of socialization of youth, new local subcultures are formed, interesting and socially demanded projects are united and created, which can further change the way of life of society as a whole, development strategies of public youth organizations are developed. Therefore, understanding the nature of internal and external transformations related to student volunteers, their activities and the environment in which it is carried out, acquires significant public importance in the context of determining the strategy and prospects of the country, and requires research as a social phenomenon.
Analysis of recent research and publications
The problem of student volunteering in Ukraine in the domestic social thought is a relatively little-studied area. The works of R. Vainola, T. Golovanova, Y. Gapon, V. Nazaruk, M. Mchedlov, devoted to certain aspects of the formation and development of the student volunteer movement in Ukraine, deserve attention. Achievements of social work and socio- pedagogical science in the development of theory and practice of the foundations of the volunteer movement in Ukraine highlighted in their works: O. Androschuk, Z. Bondarenko, N. Grishchenko, T. Lyakh and others. However, this problem is still little studied, so it is of scientific interest.
The purpose of the article is to determine some prospects for the development of the student volunteer sector in Ukraine. Student-volunteers, as a special category of people, deserve to be the subject of detailed study, because they are a real force that is able to influence social processes. To achieve this goal it is necessary to carry out a number of tasks, namely: 1) to analyze the experience of the student volunteer movement in Ukraine; 2) show the role of student-volunteers in the implementation of social work; 3) outline the prospects for the development of the student volunteer sector in Ukraine.
Presentation of the main material of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results
The premise of the 2001 International Year of Volunteers was that volunteer services were needed more than ever to address social, economic, cultural, humanitarian and peacekeeping issues. The initiative was also supported by the growing desire of people to offer their services as volunteers. In order to achieve this goal, recognition and assistance to volunteer work are needed, and the promotion of this type of activity is intensified. This requires the use of «best practices» of volunteer work integrated into a single system to achieve a successful outcome. It is the volunteer movement that is, in fact, part of every civilization and every society. Volunteers play a diverse role in the development and well-being of countries. There are a number of models of volunteer work that can serve as a model of professionalism. But in Ukraine, an original model can be created that would meet the needs of our society and the needs of people who want to volunteer.
According to the main provisions of the Universal Declaration of Volunteers, the purpose of the volunteer movement is that it is an instrument of social, economic and environmental development, and volunteering is a voluntary choice that reveals personal views and positions, active citizen participation in human communities, improving the quality of life, personal growth and deepening the sense of solidarity (Universal Declaration of Volunteers, 1990). Therefore, it is not possible to think about the prospects for the development of volunteering in Ukraine without taking into account local conditions that allow modeling volunteer work. It is worth noting that today there are at least 3 factors that enable the introduction of volunteering in public life: 1) the availability of users of social services and fields for volunteering, which can be offered by non-governmental organizations; 2) availability of potential volunteers who can be involved, organized, trained; 3) the existence of global models of volunteering and guidelines for the work of the volunteer sector, which are gradually being introduced by the method of training sessions for the training of trainers (Nazaruk, 1998: 44-45).
The beginning of branching out of the network of centers of social services for youth in Ukraine is mainly in 1992-1993. Intensive development and specifics of these services are due to the requirements of the time, which at the same time necessitated the creation of a multidisciplinary infrastructure, part of which, along with professional social workers, could be volunteer helpers (Golovanova & Gapon, 1996: 9). Volunteer services at the Centers for Social Services for Youth (CSSY) have gradually become one of the areas of state youth policy. At the beginning of the CSSY development, the members of the volunteer groups were mostly minors and young people (high school students), i.e. persons who did not have relevant experience in this work or qualification. However, recently more and more volunteers are joining the volunteer ranks - experienced professionals (lawyers, doctors, psychologists, teachers and others). But the most numerous and significant group of volunteers at the CSSY are students (Grishchenko, 2018).
The student volunteer movement in Ukraine should be based on a solid theoretical basis. The creation of such a database can be ensured by a number of scientific studies that would identify priority areas, features of the formation of models of volunteering in the socio-political, economic, cultural conditions of our state. It is a scientific approach to the study of opportunities for the development of the student volunteer sector can create the professional level of volunteering, which is able to influence the formation of a positive image and high status of the student-volunteer. Every young person who is not indifferent to what is happening in the public life of her city, village, region, can be considered a potential volunteer. The problem is how to encourage her, how to mobilize her professional and creative resources, how to organize her work so that it is socially useful and at the same time satisfies the volunteer.
In Ukraine, volunteering in universities occupies an important place due to the active participation of volunteers in state-building processes. According to statistics, more than 25 educational institutions in Ukraine provide professional training for volunteers and social workers, which is a labor-intensive process (Androschuk, 2019: 70). In preparation for volunteering, students must acquire a large amount of knowledge in various fields (psychology, politics, medicine, economics, sociology, management, etc.), which in turn will allow them to use the acquired knowledge in professional practice with different categories of the population. The most important thing in a volunteer's work, of course, is the awareness of the need for their own activities and the desire to work. We conducted a survey of first-year students of Medical № 1, Dental and Pharmaceutical Faculties (92 people) of Donetsk National Medical University on their attitude to volunteering, the desire to participate in volunteering. The results showed a lack of awareness of students about volunteering (32% of respondents did not know anything about the existence of the volunteer movement, 18% of participants named volunteering as an unnecessary activity for young people, for 20% of students it was reminiscent of their parents' komsomol times, uninteresting). It was interesting to note that the vast majority of students surveyed (39%) were convinced that they did not need special training to volunteer. Therefore, the teaching staff of the university was faced with the task of promoting volunteering in the student community, involving students in volunteering, their training and mastering certain skills.
Zaporizhzhyan National University was one of the first higher education institutions to initiate the emergence of volunteering in Ukrainian universities. Within its walls, the inseparable charitable social practice of first-year students plays a significant role. The «LiNa» volunteer detachment has been established, the main activity of which is the care of people with cancer. Students of Zaporizhzhyan National University together with the charity fund «Hope» organize meetings to organize preventive and moral and ethical talks and consultations with drug addicts, HIV-infected people, etc.: «Students are usually involved in volunteer work in various specialized institutions and organizations, including: orphanages, boarding schools for children with musculoskeletal disorders and visually impaired children, services for minors at district state administrations, social services for single and elderly people, gerontological sanatoriums, regional oncology hospitals, city psychoneurological dispensaries, treatment and prevention centers at the narcological dispensary, etc.» (Bondarenko, 2008: 27).
The training course «Fundamentals of Volunteer Activity» has been developed for students of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University named after Hryhoriy Skovoroda. The training course is designed to prepare students - future specialists in socio-pedagogical and volunteer work. At present, this course is very popular among students of higher education in Ukraine.
The Center for Social Initiatives and Volunteering, a non-governmental organization, was established at Dnipropetrovsk National University, the main purpose of which is to involve the younger generation in volunteering. The main activities of this center are: «organization of direct volunteer work for children left without parental care, for children with special needs by providing socio-pedagogical, educational, psychological, legal services; fundraising; conducting charity events» (Lyakh, 2008: 199).
It is worth noting the activities in the direction of development of volunteer work of the academic community of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky. Students pay considerable attention to the organization of mass charity events designed to raise funds and necessary things for orphanages, boarding schools.
Student volunteer work has started at the Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Institute. At the beginning of the creation of volunteer groups at the institute there were not many students, but now this activity has become very popular. As a result, a large number of university students are now joining the volunteer movement. The beginning of volunteer work was the feast of the Intercession, which coincided with the founding of the Kharkiv reception center for minors. Volunteers organized a holiday for the children of this institution - a concert and a theatrical performance on the history of the feast of the Intercession and related traditions and rituals of the Ukrainian people (Androschuk, 2019: 73). Student-volunteers together with the Red Cross Society work to provide assistance to orphans, the elderly, the disabled, HIV-infected people, drug addicts, directing their further development towards a healthy lifestyle.
The activity of student volunteering at Volyn State University named after Lesya Ukrainka deserves special attention. The University has established a youth organization «Volunteer Club», the main purpose of which is to help and support children with special needs. Students conduct psychological and pedagogical conversations with children with special needs, correctional and developmental work, as well as help in the work of teachers and assistants of the inclusive class of the secondary school. The main directions and tasks of the club are: promoting the development of the volunteer movement and promoting its principles among students of Lutsk and Volyn region, conducting public volunteer events at the local level; satisfaction of social and cultural interests of young citizens; creating conditions for self-development of club members as individuals, members of society, citizens of Ukraine, professional development as specialists in the social sphere (social educators and workers) (Lyakh, 2009: 13). Students-volunteers also take part in the organization of preventive measures, rehabilitation and meaningful leisure with children with special needs.
In Luhansk National Pedagogical University named after Taras Shevchenko in October 2003, a volunteer group called «SOVA» (Student Group of Volunteer Activists) was created. The structure of the team included: five committees - «PR» and Media Committee, X-Files Committee, «Volunteer School Committee», «Coaches School Committee», «Creative Mega-Project» Committee, Tee House Committee; expert-advisory council, curator-supervisor; the general management was carried out by the department of social pedagogy and social work. The purpose of the «SOVA» volunteer group is to unite and coordinate the efforts of all members of the group and stakeholders in the formation and development of the volunteer movement in Luhansk region; satisfaction and protection of their legitimate social, creative, age, spiritual, cultural, intellectual and other common interests; promoting the full, comprehensively harmonious and original development of volunteers, their productive self-realization and progressive social formation in modern socio-historical, socio-cultural and naturalenvironmental conditions (Bondarenko, 2008: 27). One of the tasks of the volunteer group «SOVA» is to organize the work of volunteers in the following areas: work with veterans, the elderly, people with special needs, with children from the juvenile shelter and baby house, individual lessons with students (tutoring); conducting trainings, seminars, classes with children, teenagers, youth, organization of leisure and free time of children, teenagers, youth, participation in actions together with other organizations, «School of volunteers and social trainers»; work with mass media, writing articles, scientific publications, work with organizations, PR, development and support of the Internet site, development, writing and realization of youth projects; participation in performances of amateur theater, youth theater-forum, participation in work, participation in the work of the playground in the community of the neighborhood, etc.
Thus, as we see, volunteering gives students the opportunity to show initiative, creativity in solving the most difficult problems, and thus contributes to their comprehensive development. Of course, this is a very productive way to involve student volunteers in social work. First, it allows you to easily solve the problem of student participation in social work, and in many areas, centers of social services for young people have signed agreements on cooperation with higher education institutions. In reality, students undergo an internship at SSY, i.e. have a «reward» in the form of a test in practice. But this is not work of one's own volition, but in a sense - forced participation in social work. At the same time, the involvement of specialists in social work at the stage of training is a positive phenomenon, as social work is one of the professions where the direct transfer of experience «by word of mouth» is an integral part of mastering the profession. An important motive for the participation of professionals in social work was the opportunity for them to improve their educational level. And unlike teenage-volunteers, they are somewhat concerned about the problem of interpersonal communication. For them it is more important to communicate with professionals in the chosen specialty, acquaintance with new techniques and technologies, everything that can help them in the future to become highly qualified professionals and get a job. Volunteer-students are only interested in those types of social work that are directly related to their future profession. They prefer individual work or work in small groups.
Regarding the evaluation of student-volunteer activities, peers and parents take a back seat. It is important for him to evaluate his professional qualities by clients, colleagues, specialists, which contributes to his self-affirmation not only as a specialist but also as a person. Recognition of his colleagues and joining the team of professionals is important for student-volunteers. It is in the assessment of professional competence by students and organizers of the volunteer movement that one of the causes of conflict and mutual misunderstanding is laid down. Beginning in the fourth year, students self-identify as professionals. But the specialists of the centers of social services for young people, as a rule, do not share their self-confidence and offer them «unskilled» types of work (Теоретичні аспекти і практичні шляхи залучення волонтерів до соціальної роботи, 1998: 14]. This attitude offends them and pushes them away from volunteering. In fact, only a qualified specialist can assess the extent to which student training meets the objectives set in the implementation of a particular social program. It is the expert who can objectively point out the shortcomings in knowledge, if any, without causing insults. The ideal option is when student- volunteers start working with professionals and then start working independently. If a student-volunteer lacks professionalism, it is necessary to encourage its improvement. He must realize that the system is interested in him only if he acquires professionalism.
One of the main factors complicating the process of attracting student- volunteers to work, in addition to lack of time, is the difficult financial situation of most of them. The idea of volunteering is to show the good will of those who want to spend part of their time for free for the benefit of others. Therefore, agencies that involve student-volunteers should create conditions to identify and meet the intangible needs of volunteers. The economic crisis has also affected the fact that clients often expect material assistance from agencies and are skeptical about volunteer work. Under this condition, volunteers should be trained in professional fundraising, because it can help establish contacts with financially viable partners (Nazaruk, 1998: 47). This is what it should look like, not professional begging. There have been no studies of fundraising opportunities in Ukraine, although world experience has developed certain models in this area of social work.
Most student volunteer groups at CSSY are formed spontaneously and take part, as a rule, in one-time actions and events. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop a systematic approach to attracting student-volunteers, organizing their activities and actively supporting the development of the student volunteer movement in Ukraine. The creation of a single body that would coordinate and regulate the activities of student-volunteers in different regions of our country could help.
Today, due to the lack of theoretical knowledge about the student volunteer movement and practical skills in organizing the activities of student-volunteers, some CSSY leaders often do not consider it necessary to acquaint them (volunteers) with the goals and objectives of specific social programs, basic principles of the volunteer movement, and organizational training in working with student-volunteers mostly does not correspond to the content of their further activities and the tasks assigned to them. In this regard, it is necessary that curricula, courses are developed and conducted primarily for managers and employees of CSSY. In addition, a tool is needed for students-volunteers to master the content of the center's activities in the direction where they want to work and help, determine their own tasks, their scope, methods and forms of work. It is clear that any volunteer groups at the CSSY operate within the social programs implemented by a particular center and provided for in its work plan, the tasks assigned to the centers by the Ukrainian state. Therefore, centers that involve student-volunteers should plan systematic training, meetings, instruction, discussions, seminars, round tables, trainings, which allows to diversify the forms of acquaintance of student-volunteers with the content, directions, features, types of social work depending on from their level of professional training to such activities. There has been a fairly high turnover in student volunteer groups at the CSSY recently, which can be explained by the contradiction between the goals and objectives of student volunteer community activities and the activities of the CSSY as government agencies.
The Universal Declaration of Volunteers recognizes the equal importance of personal and collective needs, promotes the collective provision of these needs (the principle of superiority of the individual over the public) (Загальна Декларація Волонтерів, 1990: 5). The centers of social services for young people in their activities try to solve the problems of a particular category of the population, the social group as a whole, and the individual approach to solving specific social problems at the present stage of development of the CSSY system is minimized. This indicates that the basic principle of social work is violated - the principle of individual approach.
The social work of student-volunteers is usually limited to the organization of leisure, less often - the protection of youth rights. And individual and group counseling social assistance is practically not provided by student volunteer organizations. To provide social and psychological assistance to their members, student volunteer organizations use the services of CSSY. Thus, we can conclude that student-volunteers are a significant, but not yet fully realized potential in social work with young people. One of the common tasks that SSY centers set for student- volunteers is their participation in opinion polls as interviewers. Probably, this is possible if student-volunteers have a good understanding of the content of the survey and are interested in getting results. However, sometimes student-volunteers are used for the socially insignificant and sometimes personal interests of local political leaders (for example, the poll on elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine) (Mchedlov, 2004: 53).
Almost all the individual work of student-volunteers at the CSSY is aimed at working with children with disabilities (Vainola, 2003: 18). It is not by chance that this object was identified. Firstly, it is unequivocally significant social activity, which cannot but arouse in students-volunteers a sense of satisfaction and self-worth, and secondly - work that is easy to organize, because its implementation requires only information about a child with disabilities and minimal communication skills with him. Moreover, a positive attitude towards volunteers on the part of people with disabilities and their parents is practically ensured by the very way of life of people with disabilities, when, unfortunately, they have no connection with the outside world. In addition, the choice of such a rather narrow group of consumers of social work indicates that it is still insufficiently organized today by social workers - professionals. Working with other groups in need of social services (neglected children, crisis families, children prone to delinquency) requires clearer organization by supervisors, better training of volunteer-students, the ability to find contact with the difficult in their behavior and lifestyle of clients who do not want to interfere in the lives of strangers. Thus, individual student volunteer work is still in its infancy, and therefore is dominated by the simplest forms. To deepen and improve it requires additional organizational and educational work with student-volunteers.
Conclusions and prospects of further exploration in this direction
First, the volunteer movement for students is an inexhaustible source of civic education, opportunities to learn and promote solidarity in the country, opportunities to realize themselves in the service of society, to help the individual.
Secondly, the student volunteer movement in Ukraine is in the process of formation, so they need to study the problem of organizing the activities of volunteers, involvement, and training, incentives to work in accordance with their capabilities, talents and needs.
Third, periodically training student-volunteers should focus on the specific needs of clients, on specific activities, to identify and use all possible local resources that can be used in volunteer work to implement social assistance programs.
Fourth, one of the prospects for the development of the student volunteer sector in Ukraine may be to empower volunteers not only to perform their tasks, but also to really influence the activities of social agencies that involve them in their work.
Fifth, the volunteer sector in Ukraine is formed in the conditions of significant social passivity of a significant percentage of people, which also influences the formation of public opinion on the activities of volunteering as a human resource for solving social problems. Great attention should also be paid to establishing public relations by educating student volunteers in the form of specially designed trainings.
Sixth, student-volunteers tend to work with a category of people who are close to them in age, life experience, so it is worth considering this, involving student volunteers to work, especially with children and youth.
Seventh, it is important to identify the needs of people who express a desire to volunteer, in order to form a lasting motivation to work, given that such work should bring them personal satisfaction.
Eighth, student-volunteers should be offered tasks that are related to the possibility of personal growth (interesting and conducive to certain personal achievements), and this requires an individual approach to each volunteer.
Ninth, it is advisable to thank the student-volunteers for their work in forms acceptable to them (trip to the volunteer festival, youth forum). Acknowledgments for work should meet the important needs of volunteers, take many forms and bring them pleasure.
The conclusions formulated by us do not claim to be the final solution to the problem of volunteering in modern conditions. They should be the basis for forecasting further socio-pedagogical work on the training of student-volunteers and the organization of their successful activities. It should be noted that the organization of volunteer work in higher education should take into account the capabilities of the student community, its resources for the development and improvement of volunteer activities of student youth.
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