Humanocracy as a factor of improving human resources management in organizations
Conceptualization of humanocracy as a factor in improving the humanistic vision of human resources management. The essence of the Agile method as a theoretical basis of humanocracy as a social, economic phenomenon in organizations of a digital society.
Рубрика | Социология и обществознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.12.2022 |
Размер файла | 27,6 K |
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Humanocracy as a factor of improving human resources management in organizations
Alla Cherep
Valentina Voronkova
Oleksandr Cherep
The relevance of the research topic is that man as an active resource is the basis of the humanistic vision of human resource management. Today is the time for the leaders of the organizations to abandon the bureaucratic system and return humanity to the workplace, to create less bureaucratic and more humanistic organizations. According to the analysis, bureaucracy stifles modern organizations, making them less effective, so we need to rethink leadership methods in managing people, get rid of bureaucratic institutions, turn them into flexible organizations, using Agile-management, which will reveal the talent of each employee. The purpose of the research is to conceptualize anthropocracy as a factor in improving the humanistic vision of human resource management. The object of research is anthropocracy as a social and economic phenomenon in organizations. The subject of research - a humanistic vision of human resource management in organizations. Research methodology - synergetic methodology - attractor search, overcoming entropy and information stochasticity, which allows to consider organizations as open and nonlinear systems that develop in nonlinear space. One of the methods is Agile-method as a theoretical anthropocracy basis as a social and economic phenomenon in organizations of digital society, which allows a radical mission, functions, legitimacy, tools revision of organizations, which are basically changing the classical management paradigm into innovation-digital. The result of the research. Bureaucracy as an expression of the complex social system organizations essence is analyzed. The meritocracy development as the main building human-centric organizations goal and counteracting bureaucracy is demonstrated. The place and role of the community in the implementation of the human-centric organizations mission is revealed. The place and role of the community in the implementation of the human-centered organizations mission is that the organization is an opportunities mosaic, not a power pyramid. At the heart of the humanistic vision of human resource management as an alternative model of organizations is an approach that relies on man as a «resource» that serves the organizations purposes, and opposes another approach - bureaucratic. Organizations should not be indifferent to new trends in the digital society, should invest in the creative skills development, develop an experimental spirit, form an innovation and experimentation culture.
Keywords: anthropology, anthropocentric organization, humanistic vision, human resource management, bureaucracy, meritocracy, community.
Людинократія як чинник удосконалення управління людськими ресурсами в організаціях
Череп, А.В. - доктор економічних наук,
професор, декан факультету економіки, Заслужений діяч науки і техніки України,
Академік академії наук вищої освіти України,
Запорізький національний університет (Запоріжжя, Україна)
Воронкова, В.Г. - доктор філософських наук, професор,
Академік академії наук вищої освіти України,
завідувач кафедри менеджменту організацій та управління проектами,
Інженерний навчально-науковий інститут ім. Ю.М. Потебні
Запорізького національного університету (Запоріжжя, Україна)
Череп, О.Г. - доктор економічних наук, професор,
професор кафедри управління персоналом і маркетингу,
Запорізький національний університет (Запоріжжя, Україна)
Актуальність теми дослідження в тому, що людина як активний ресурс представляє основу гуманістичної візії управління людськими ресурсами. Сьогодні настав час керівникам організацій відмовитись від бюрократичного устрою і повернути на робочі місця людяність, створити менш бюрократичні і більш гуманістичні організації. Як свідчить аналіз, бюрократія душить сучасні організації, роблячи їх менш ефективними, тому слід переосмислити методи керівництва в управлінні людьми, позбутись бюрократичних установ, перетворити їх на гнучкі організації, використовуючи Agile-менеджмент, в яких розкриватиметься талант кожного працівника. Мета дослі - дження - концептуалізація людинократії як чинника удосконалення гуманістичної візії управління людськими ресурсами. Об'єкт дослідження - людинократія як соціальний та економічний феномен організацій. Предмет дослідження - гуманістична візія управління людськими ресурсами в організаціях. Методологія дослідження - синергетична методологія - пошук аттрактора, подолання ентропії та інформаційної стохастичності, яка дозволяє розглянути організації як відкриті та нелінійні системи, що розвивається в нелінійному просторі. Одним із методів є Agile-метод як теоретична основа людинократії як соціального та економічного феномена в організаціях цифрового суспільства, яка дає можливість радикально переглянути місію, функції, легітимність, інструменти діяльності організацій, які в своїй основі несуть зміну парадигми класичного управління на інноваційно-цифрову. Результат дослідження. Проаналізовано бюрократію як вираження суті складної соціальної системи організацій. Продемонстровано розвиток меритократії як головної мети побудови людиноцентристських організацій та протидії бюрократії. Розкрито місце і роль громади у здійсненні людиноцентристської місії організацій. Місце і роль громади у здійсненні людиноцентристської місії організацій у тому, що організація виступає мозаїкою можливостей, а не пірамідою влади. В основі гуманістичної візії в управлінні людськими ресурсами як альтернативної моделі організацій лежить підхід, що спирається на людину як «ресурс», що служить цілям організацій, і протистоїть іншому підходу - бюрократичному. Організації не повинні бути байдужими до нових трендів цифрового суспільства, повинні інвестувати у розвиток творчих умінь, виробляти експериментальний дух, формувати культуру інноваційності та експериментаторства.
Ключові слова: людинократія, людиноцентристська організація, гуманістична візія, управління людськими ресурсами, бюрократія, меритократія, громада.
Main part
Problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks
The relevance of the research topic is that man as an active resource is the basis of the humanistic vision of human resource management and explains. Today is the time for the leaders of the organizations to abandon the bureaucratic system and return humanity to the workplace, to create less bureaucratic and more humanistic organizations. According to the analysis, bureaucracy stifles modern organizations, making them less effective, so we need to rethink leadership methods in managing people, get rid of bureaucratic institutions, turn them into flexible organizations, using Agile-management, which will reveal the talent of each employee.
The formation of tolerance and humanistic vision in human resource management represents a set of ideas, principles, views on the person in which it occupies a central place in the management paradigm. The humanistic vision in human resource management presents man as an active resource based on creativity, creativity, human independence. It is the human resource that forms the essence of the organization as a complex social and economic phenomenon with its humanistic orientation, tolerance, emphasis on man, his needs, motivation. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, organizations must help people discover the best human qualities and replace the hierarchical management chain with a trust chain, tolerance and full transparency. Tolerance and a humanistic vision in human resource management are based on the recipe for revolutionary innovations, in which leaders value each person, demand the development of creative and social intelligence, think like businessmen-innovators to demonstrate their creativity (Voronkova, Nikitenko, Cherep A., & Cherep O., 2021).
At the heart of tolerance and a humanistic vision in human resource management as an alternative organizations modelis an approachthat relies on people as a «resource» that serves the goals of organizations, and opposes another approach - bureaucratic.
Analysis of recent research and publications, which initiated the solution of this problem and on which the author relies
We rely on the authors work such as Gemel Gary, Zanini Mikel, Scott Kaufman, who try to look into the future and predict the future of organizations and their humanistic vision, to analyze what will be the drivers of economic, social, educational, economic change. We rely on Chris Skinner's research «The Digital Man. The fourth revolution in the history of mankind, which will affect everyone» (2020); Spence Michael «New Convergence. The economic future growth in a multi-layered world» (2017); Sharma Ruchira «Advanced countries. In anticipation of a new''economic miracle» (2019). It was these authors who managed to show that the organizations managed to form a humanistic future society vision (Voronkova, Cherep A., & Cherep O., 2022).
Highlighting previously unsolved parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted
According to the analysis, a typical medium or large organization diminishes the role of each individual employee, compels obedience and kills the entrepreneurship and creativity spirit. It assigns people very limited roles, inhibits their personal growth and does not perceive them as a creative and creative resource. As a result, organizations are becoming less flexible, creative and active, and the bureaucracy with its authoritarian structure, burdensome rules and toxic politics is to blame. It is true that the word «bureaucracy» is a relic of a bygone era, but, unfortunately, bureaucracy still permeates the organizations today activities, it has not disappeared, but is gaining momentum.
And this is due, in our opinion, to the alarming slowdown in global production - a phenomenon that affects people's living standards in the modern era. Bureaucratic organizations are very inert, they suppress the active man spirit, as the power to initiate any changes have only leaders, as a result of which the organization itself begins to slow down. In such an atmosphere, profound change is usually delayed and convulsive, so that organizations and leaders themselves are afraid of innovation and resist change and do not motivate those who seek to change things. In a bureaucratic organization, one should be such that not everyone stands out, and the worst thing is that the bureaucracy will insult human souls, because they are clumsy, suffocating, callous.
Deprived any influence, workers become indifferent to their work and they do not show their creativity to the fullest, but, as they say, go with the flow. Unfortunately, many organizations waste human resources. The plight of many organizations is a helpless governance model, and there are practical, political, and other barriers to changing this reality (Voronkova, & Oleksenko, 2020).
Purpose and formation of the goals of the article (task setting)
The purpose of the research is to conceptualize anthropocracy as a factor in improving the humanistic vision of human resource management. Objectives of the research:
- to analyze bureaucracy as an expression of the complex social system organizations essence;
- to demonstrate the meritocracy development as the main goal of building human-centric organizations and counteracting bureaucracy;
- to reveal the place and role of the community in the implementation of the human-centric mission of organizations.
The object of research is anthropocracy as a social and economic phenomenon of organizations. The subject of research - a humanistic vision of human resource management in organizations.
Research methodology - synergetic methodology - finding an attractor, overcoming entropy and information stochasticity, which, in our opinion, is new, as it allows to consider organizations as open and nonlinear systems that develop in nonlinear space. One of the methods is the Agile method as a theoretical anthropocracy basis as a social and economic phenomenon and a humanistic vision of human resource management in digital society, which allows a radical revision of mission, functions, legitimacy, tools of organizations that fundamentally change the paradigm of classical innovation and digital management. Agile-methodology as a theoretical humanistic vision basis of human resource management is based on the general system methodology, analysis and synthesis, based on autopoiesis (self-construction, methods and principles by which systems construct themselves); identity; homeostasis; permeability, creation and identity maintenance which in the basis carry stability and stability (Voronkova, & Cherep A., 2020).
The research hypothesis reveals a natural interdependence between three variables - innovation - technological, economic potential of organizations as complex social systems, which helps to clarify the phenomena when the global crisis is not selfdestruction of economic, social and cultural organization, and their radical restructuring based on meritocratic culture, openness and innovation.
Presentation of the main research material with substantiation of the obtained scientific results
Bureaucracy as an complex social system organization essence expression
The main goal of overcoming bureaucracy in organizations is to maximize people's contribution to their development, to overcome formalization, stratification, routine, which affect the sustainability and innovation of companies. Bureaucracy is especially problematic for large companies as the organization grows, new layers appear, staff expands, rules multiply exponentially, compliance costs increase, and bureaucracy begins to grow faster than the organization itself, but there are still organizations. who challenge bureaucratic norms. Large organizations are bureaucratized and have more bureaucracy than small firms, it grows exponentially. In 1987, 28.8 percent of American workers worked for a company with more than 5,000 employees. And 30 years later, that figure was 33.8 percent. Today, companies with more than 10,000 employees employ more people than companies with 50 or fewer employees (Voronkova, Punchenko О., & Punchenko N., 2019).
Bureaucracy is an integral part of any complex organization, but there is evidence to the contrary. Innovative companies are proving that it is possible to build organizations that can be big, fast, disciplined, efficient, nurture entrepreneurship and not deprive employees of creativity and initiative, put people above the bureaucracy, and to form a creative management model. And in order to invent management, you need not only new tools and methods, but new principles of anthropocracy, which allows a person to maximize freedom and develop (Cherep A., Voronkova, & Nykytenko, 2020).
In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the bureaucracy helped to make a significant leap in productivity of many organizations, developing means of production - goods and services, maximize efficiency, which began to grow through stratification, specialization, formalization and standardization, as processes and practices maximized uniformity, control and profitability. Bureaucratic management has increased the performance of many organizations that have neglected human rights, needs and conditions. To be innovative and able to adapt to new economic conditions, organizations need new DNA and a new influx of energy, and to do this to form a new genome, to translate organizations into human-centered principles (Voronkova, Kyvliuk, & Andriukaitene, 2018).
Scarce cosmetic changes will never lead to drastic changes, and to change something, you need to turn to the basics. We need a new paradigm for the development of organizations that will be as capable as their employees, we need to increase the contribution of each employee to the processes, not to ensure uniformity. Employees must be united by a passion for reaching new heights, because the success of organizations depends on employees, their independence and motivation. To do this, we must constantly expand the boundaries of employees so that they determine the company values, decide whether certain employees deserve promotion, get rid of meaningless bureaucratic rituals (Voronkova, Kyvliuk, Nikitenko, & Oleksenko, 2018).
Meritocracy development as the main goal of building human-centric organizations and counteracting bureaucracy.
The meritocracy triumph (the principle of governance that the most capable people should hold leadership positions, regardless of their social or economic background), the egg of the social ideal, was a turning point in human history. Today, everyone is arguing about how to make our society even more meritocratic, that is, the majority recognizes the undeniable meritocracy value. Thanks to meritocracy, people succeed through talent, not through their status or personal connections, and bureaucracy constantly undermines the meritocracy foundations. The bureaucracy must put an end to the nepotism and class segregation that once prevailed in organizations, and the meritocracy is a system of evaluation of virtues in which the most talented people must be promoted. (Venherska, Voronkova, Beskorovaina & Cherep A., 2018).
True competence and high professionalism must be distinguished from self-confidence and move away from the misperception of competence. This requires a change of approach, as the old restrictions do not allow to get rid of prejudices. It should be noted that in the conditions of meritocracy, management skills are one of the many necessary skills. To change the bureaucracy into a meritocracy, it must be done so that: power depends on the managerial wisdom of man; tie employees' earnings from their contribution to the development of the organization; create natural dynamic hierarchies. Staff appraisals are generally super-transparent, each year colleagues evaluate each other's work through online surveys, teams of five to ten senior executives compare rankings across teams, showing trends across departments aimed at eradicating nepotism and professional development. competent employees (Hemel, & Zanini, 2021).
At the same time, competence is the most important feature in professional development and holding a position, a consequence of its knowledge and skills. In the process of evaluating employees, everyone's voice is important, as the company's virtues are valued - think strategically, work creatively, solve problems carefully, promote change, think logically, have management skills and determination. An employee's salary should depend on the efficiency of their work, because people wanted to make the companybetter, and notjustcompete forpromotion. At the same time, the idea of meritocracy does not deny the value of hierarchies, because depending on the situation, some workers deserve more power than others. Not everyone is equally competent to perform a managerial function, so the government should be competent. Under meritocracy, the hierarchy is natural, not artificial, power moves dynamically, ups and downs depend on professional performance. And most importantly, their leaders are elected by the employees themselves, and their colleagues evaluate the leaders every year. Evaluations of each other's work should be conducted exclusively by colleagues, ratings should be shared. Give employees the opportunity to earn a reward (Kaufmann, 2021).
The meritocracy purpose is to create an atmosphere in which everyone will strive to show their best. Meritocracy is a key principle in building human-centered organizations (Formuvannia suchasnykh kontseptsii menedzhmentu orhanizatsii ta administruvannia, 2021)
The place and role of the community in the implementation of the human-centered organizations mission
Man is programmed to stick to communities whose conscious thinking arose as a tool of socialization. Abraham Harold Maslow assessed the need to be part of something higher than the need for food and security, and numerous studies have shown a direct link between social contacts and human well-being. In 2015, scientists proved that loneliness is no less dangerous to our health than obesity, smoking, alcohol abuse and cardiovascular disease. In our troubled digital world, during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, stable and strong human relationships in which we are cared for become rare. It undermines not only our emotional and mental health, but also our ability to solve simple and complex problems. As early as the beginning of the 19th century, Alexis de Tocqueville said that the catalyst for progress could be the voluntary cooperation of ordinary people [p. 173].
Americans of all ages and backgrounds are constantly uniting. Together, they organize festivals, organize seminars, build hotels and churches, distribute books, and send missionaries to other countries. To solve problems, people need to overcome unforeseen circumstances and expand the mountains. And it is best to do it as a community - a team of likeminded people who report to each other, do not pay attention to rank and have a common goal. The community has dedication and creativity levels that should not expect from the bureaucracy. That is why the community is the backbone of anthropocracy. It is a network of trusted relationships between people who have a common desire to change something, have clear goals and a certain independence level. It takes a lot to build an organization where the community is first and the business is second. (Nikitenko, Andriukaitiene, & Punchenko, 2019).
The community is united by a common sense of purpose, to persevere towards their goal. The community is based on sincere relationships, and the relationships are based on communication. In bureaucratic organizations, information is lost in individual structural units, and teamwork comes to a standstill. Honest communication requires open information, the company's employees monitor the company's success and communicate in their financial language. When you are part of a community, you feel that you can be yourself, and this allows you to learn and develop, and in such an atmosphere, people are not afraid to take risks. The place and role of the community in the implementation of the human-centered organizations mission is open communication, transparency of information, security of being oneself, the right to selfdetermination, accountability to colleagues, mutual respect (Nikitenko, 2020).
After all, when employees can be themselves, it reflects well on how they serve customers. Independent communities are always the most effective, communities are held by shared responsibility and choice of freedom, the opportunity to reveal their personal abilities. You can always count on someone next to you. When people of equal rank are accountable to each other, it promotes cooperation and dedication. There is no month in the community for status symbols, everyone feels it is important. It is a conscious choice to treat everyone as an equal and to celebrate everyone's contribution to the overall success, to create such a situation in the community that everyone feels important. Mutual respect has a great effect on productivity, every job and every position is equally important (Oleksenko, 2017).
The place and community role in the implementation of human-centric organizations mission the organization is a opportunities mosaic, not a power pyramid «[p. 184]. The human organizations mission is that they act as a family, because people should be treated as a family and managed with love, look at others with respect, be part of the family, cherish unique values, faithfully profess the organization culture. In a bureaucratic organization, relations are determined by positions and power, and in communities by empathy and fellowship (Rezanova, 2017).
The community concept should be «leadership as service». Organizations are stronger when they are based on love, not fear, so every employee must be like a family member, and the power pursuit has nothing to do with the desire for a real relationship. The main thing for human-centered organizations is a person above all, when «a person acts more like a family than a company.» (Rishennia rady Natsionalnoi Bezpeky i Oborony Ukrainy, 2021).
Conclusions from the research and prospects for further exploration in this direction
The humanistic vision of human resource management in organizations is that organizations and societies that are open prosper.
Openness is the secret to the world's leading university success. Cities and universities are Klondike innovations.
Incubators are a tool for open innovation, the essence of which is to support radical innovation. theoretically, the process of open innovation should have a positive impact on the creative organizations potential as an open systems, to open the boundless human world possibilities.
Organizations should not be indifferent to new trends in digital society, should invest in the creative skills development, develop an experimental spirit, form an innovation and experimentation culture.
humanocracy management social
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17. Formuvannia suchasnykh kontseptsii menedzhmentu orhanizatsii ta administruvannia (2021). v umovakh tsy - frovizatsii: materialy mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii, prysviachenoi 25-richchiu stvorennia kafedry menedzhmentu orhanizatsii ta upravlinnia proektamy 23-24 veresnia 2021 roku / red.-uporiadnyk d.filosof.n., prof. V.H. Voronkova. Zaporizhzhia: Vydavnychyi dim «Helvetyka». 26-30.
18. Cherep Alla, Voronkova Valentyna, & Nykytenko Vytalyna (2020). Obratnaia storona tekhnolohycheskykh ynno - vatsyi y ykh posledstvyia v uslovyiakh ynnovatsyonno-ynformatsyonnoho obshchestva.THEORY AND PRACTICE: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS Scientific articles. Kaunas. 462-470.
Список використаних джерел
1. Воронкова В.Г., Нікітенко В.О., Череп А.В., & Череп О.Г. Європейська гуманістична візія в управлінні людським розвитком як основа досягнення прогресу. Modern trends in science and practice. Volume 1: collective monograph / Compiled by V. Shpak; Chairman of the Editorial Board S. Tabachnikov. Sherman Oaks, California: GS Publishing Services, 2021. Р 24-30.
2. Воронкова В.Г., Череп А.В., & Череп О.Г. Європейська візія пізнання людини як найвищої цінності гуманізму. Modern trends in science and practice. Volume 2: collective monograph / Compiled by V. Shpak; Chairman of the Editorial Board S. Tabachnikov. Sherman Oaks, California: GS Publishing. Services, 2022. 181 р. Р 71-80.
3. Воронкова В.Г., & Олексенко Р.І. Формування концепції соціального розвитку як динамічної системи у контексті публічного управління та адміністрування. Вісник Національного університету цивільного захисту України: зб. наук. пр. Київ, 2020. №2 (13). C. 255-272.
4. Воронкова В.Г., & Череп А.В. Креативні цифрові технології як мегатренди розвитку туристичного бізнесу: поширення європейського досвіду в Україні. Humanities studies: збірник наукових праць / Гол. ред. В. Г Воронкова. Запоріжжя: Запорізький національний університет, 2020. Випуск 6 (83). С. 165-179.
5. Воронкова Валентина, Пунченко Олег, & Пунченко Наталия. Мегатренды информационно-компьютерных технологий как проявление глобальных тенденций развития цифрового мира. THEORY AND PRACTICE: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS Scientific articles. Lietuvos sporto universitetas, 2019. P 244-252.
6. Воронкова Валентина Кивлюк Ольга, Андрюкайтене Регіна. Антропологічні виміри смарт-суспільства: теоретико-концептуальний досвід. Гуманітарний вісник Запорізької державної інженерної академії. Запоріжжя. 2018. Вип. 73. P 25-40.
7. Voronkova, Valentyna, Kyvliuk, Olga, Nikitenko, Vitalina, & Oleksenko, Roman. «Stem-education» as a factor in the development of «smart-society»: forming of «stem-competence». Гуманітарний вісник Запорізької державної інженерної академії»: збірник наукових праць / За ред. В. Г Воронкової. Вип. 72. Запоріжжя, РВВ ЗДІА, 2018. С. 114-124.
8. Венгерська Н.С., Воронкова В.Г., Бескоровайна Л.В. & Череп А.В. Використання креатив - них цифрових технологій у сфері туризму під час пандемії COVID-19: економічні і соціальні наслідки. Humanities studies: Collection of Scientific Papers. Zaporizhzhia: Zaporozhye. National University, 2021. 7 (84). Р 91-101.
9. Гемел Гері, & Заніні Мікел. Людинократія. Створення компаній, у яких люди - понад усе / пер. з англ. Дмитро Крожедуб. Київ: Лабораторія, 2021. 336 с.
10. Кауфманн Скотт. За межами потреб (Новий погляд на самореалізацію) / пер. з англ. Анна Марковська. Київ: Лабораторія, 2021. 400 с.
11. Nikitenko Vitalina, Andriukaitiene Regina, & Punchenko Oleg. Formation of sustainable digital economical concept: challenges, threats, priorities. Humanities Studies. 2019. Випуск 1 (78). С. 140-153.
12. Nikitenko Vitalina. Evolution and further development of the real world in the conditions of technological changes in the context of socio-philosophical discourse. Humanities Studies. 2020. Випуск 4 (81). С. 60-73.
13. Олексенко Р І. Людина в умовах інформаційного суспільства як об'єкт соціально-економічної рефлексії. Становлення і розвиток інформаційного суспільства як основи забезпечення конкурентоспроможності України у світі та сталого розвитку суспільства і держави. Київ, 2017. С. 59-62.
14. Резанова Наталья. Философский концепт инновации как фактор изменений. TARPTAUTINE MOKSLINE - PRAKTINE KONFERENCIJA KONFERENCIJOS TEZiy RINKINYS 2017 m. gegu (es men. 11-12 d. Kaunas. P 55.
15. Рішення ради Національної Безпеки і Оборони України від 14 травня 2021 року про введення в дію Указу Президента України «Про Стратегію людського розвитку» від 2 червня 2021 року №225/2021.
16. Стівен Пінкер. Просвітництво сьогодні. Аргументи на користь розуму, науки та прогресу / пер. з англ. Олена Любенко. Київ: Наш формат, 2019. С. 20.
17. Формування сучасних концепцій менеджменту організацій та адміністрування в умовах цифровізації: матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої 25-річчю створення кафедри менеджменту організацій та управління проектами 23-24 вересня 2021 року / ред.-упорядник д.філософ.н., проф. В. Г Воронкова. Запоріжжя: Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2021. C. 26-30.
18. Череп Алла, Воронкова Валентина, & Никитенко Виталина. Обратная сторона технологических инноваций и их последствия в условиях инновационно-информационного общества. THEORY AND PRACTICE: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS Scientific articles. Kaunas 2020. P 462-470.
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