Subarchitecture of marginity in Ukraine
The manifestations of the atmosphere of crime, drug addiction, and alcoholism in the housing stock, applying philosophical analysis to such locations and other places where drugs, alcohol, weapons, stolen property, and the like are consumed or stored.
Рубрика | Социология и обществознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 07.05.2023 |
Размер файла | 5,0 M |
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Subarchitecture of marginity in Ukraine
Denys Shpak,
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Theology and Church History
Ukrainian Institute of Arts and Sciences (Bucha, Kyiv region, Ukraine)
Valentyn SHEVCHUK,
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Theology and Church History
Ukrainian Institute of Arts and Sciences (Bucha, Kyiv region, Ukraine)
The article proposes to consider the manifestations of the atmosphere of crime, drug addiction, and alcoholism in the housing stock, applying philosophical analysis to such locations and other places where drugs, alcohol, weapons, stolen property, and the like are consumed or stored. It has been established that, as an architectural object, brothels have certain features of the interior and location; unfavorable personalities, thanks to the expected vectors of thinking, choose the same unfavorable places that correspond to their state, mood, and character. Revealed logical reasons in the search and selection of objects dubious for comfort to escape, maintain anonymity and hide from law enforcement services and prying eyes. As a rule, these «godforsaken» places often become a refuge for certain social strata of society: homeless people, drug addicts, alcoholics, criminals, and the like. We will talk about brothels, sewers, stairwells, ruins of buildings, stopped factories, abandoned new buildings, the space under bridges as architectural locations. The specificity of the thinking of a person who finds himself in a lower social class is considered: the challenges posed to him, what determines his behavior, and, above all, how the environment is arranged, in particular, everyday life. The archetype of the lumpen was built as a socio-economic and cultural rogue who has a weakness in front of this or that dependence, does not have any form ofproperty other than personal, lives by instincts. Also, a model of «marginal architecture» was invented, as the disharmony of art, which is necessarily found in architecture, influencing the consciousness of society and creating a vector towards its decline. Subcultures that have arisen on a social day strive to influence various spheres of life: art, everyday life, youth, even politics, and economics, but it is precisely their architectural manifestation in a culture that is taken within the framework of the study. subarchitecture marginity drug
Key words: sub-architecture, subculture, marginal, lumpen, brothel, marginal architecture.
Денис ШПАК,
кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри філософії, теології та історії церкви Українського гуманітарного інституту (Буча, Київська область, Україна)
Валентин ШЕВЧУК,
кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри філософії, теології та історії церкви Українського гуманітарного інституту (Буча, Київська область, Україна)
Стаття пропонує розглянути прояви атмосфери злочинності, наркоманії та алкоголізму в житлово- архітектурному фонді, застосовуючи філософський аналіз щодо таких локацій та інших місць вживання або зберігання наркотичних засобів, алкоголю, зброї, краденого майна, тощо. З'ясовано, що в якості архітектурного об'єкту, притони мають певні особливості інтер'єру та розташування; неблагоприємні особистості завдяки очікуваним налаштуванням мислення обирають такі ж неблагоприємні місця, відповідаючи їх стану, настрою та характеру. Виявлені закономірні чинники у пошуку та вибору сумнівних для комфорту об'єктів в цілях втечі, збереження анонімності та переховування від правоохоронних служб і сторонніх очей. Зазвичай, ці «забуті Богом» місця часто стають притулком для певних соціальних кіл суспільства: безхатченків, наркоманів, алкоголіків, злочинців, тощо. Буде йти мова про такі об'єкти як притони, каналізації, сходові майданчики, руїни будівель, зупинені заводи, покинуті новобудови, площини під мостами як про архітектурні локації. Розглянуто специфіку мислення людини, що опинилась у нижчому соціальному класі: які виклики поставленні перед нею, чим обумовлена її поведінка і насамперед, як облаштовано її оточення, зокрема побутове. Побудовано архетип люмпена, як соціально-економічного і культурного пройдисвіта, що виявляє слабкість перед тою чи іншою залежністю, не володіє ніякою формою власності окрім особистої, живе інстинктами. Також, винайдено модель «маргінального зодчества», як дисгармонійного мистецтва, що обов'язково перебуває у архітектурі, впливаючи на свідомість соціуму і створюючи вектор в бік його занепаду. Субкультури, що виникли у соціальному дні, прагнуть до впливу на різноманітні сфери життєдіяльності: на мистецтво, побут, молодь, навіть на політику та економіку, але в рамках дослідження взято саме її архітектурний вияв у культурі.
Ключові слова: субархітектура, субкультура, маргінал, люмпен, притон, маргінальне зодчество.
The Problem Statement. Relevance follows from the obvious state of social reality in which certain social sentiments and subcultures are grown. In the study, sharply posed problems of class discord, criminalization of youth, marginalization of society, false urbanization, and other various factors in the emergence of the subarchitecture of the marginalized against the background of the housing stock of settlements. The resettlement of deviant groups in a certain area increases the level of its criminality, and which matches in destructive architecture they are a matter of social security and well-being. Having investigated the possible causes of the «architectural disease» of entire cities, the regularities of the formation and distribution of disadvantaged architectural units will be clarified; a theoretical model of «destructive architecture» is built as an architectural art that corresponds to the social position of the lower class. Such architecture has become an integral part of the housing and utilities fund because in one way or another it is located almost on every street, which means it surrounds everyone. We are talking about brothels, urban slums, entrances in poor condition, and any places that constitute a social danger and increase crime, youth drug addiction and alcoholism, and the like. The rapid development of socially disparate street subcultures into organized and systemic groups threatens the well-being of society in many of its aspects of life. To further avoid chaotic reformatting of districts into a cluster of dens of various categories, it is necessary to provide practical recommendations for stopping and liquidating them not only through law enforcement sanctions, but also the development of socio-economic strategies and changes in the philosophical paradigm of a marginal society. Therefore, we consider it relevant to consider a kind of dysfunctional architecture as the basis of a marginal atmosphere, its existence pushes the average population and is considered a problem by it.
The object of the research is determined by the negative deviant audience in the socio-philosophical dimension.
The subject is the sub-architecture of the marginals as an integral architectural and social concept.
The purpose of the article should be to consider the expansion of existing ideas about the architecture of the low social stratum and further deepening into the problem through studies of the marginalization of society.
The tasks were set as follows:
Define the concept of «sub-architecture» in the context of the research goal and determine the factors of its formation;
To study the level of spread of marginal subcultures against the background of the society of the population of Ukraine;
To determine the essential reasons for the formation and manifestation of the destructive decline in the housing stock of Ukrainian cities;
Describe the phenomenon of the rapid spread of the popularity of marginal subcultures and their impact on the housing well-being of cities;
To comprehend the patterns of manifestation of marginal «architectural art» in a socio-philosophical way.
The research methodology is aimed at the holistic perception and interaction of the described phenomena into a single system; explores the relationship between architecture and the impact of marginalization on it. Empirical methods are used to visually observe the influence and manifestations of the low social class on the urban environment; statistically tracks the magnitude of the impacts caused; with the help of the theoretical, a theoretical model of «sub-architecture» is created and the vision for the subject of research is expanded. On their basis, in the aggregate, practical recommendations will be given to reduce the harm caused to housing construction objects within the framework of the implemented results.
Architecture as a set of buildings and structures withstood the influence of different eras and styles. In the theory of architecture, an acceptable definition of such human activity, which is aimed at creating a
spatial environment for his life and activity (Иконников, 1970). Accordingly, architecture is related not only to buildings and structures but also to everything where a person creates and influences space. So, the marginalized, although they do not have the art of building, edit the architectural space in which they are, not caring for the aesthetic component. Therefore, it is proposed to define such influences as a sub-architecture - a materially organized environment, which corresponds to the socio-cultural state of a particular subculture; a certain architectural subsystem.
Expanding the understanding of architecture, it should be noted that it is not necessarily associated with the art of building, but implies human changes in space, aimed at their improvement. Based on the aesthetic tastes of a particular subculture, a subarchitecture is formed, which is its cultural expression. Both the subculture and the sub-architecture, respectively, are possessed by the marginal strata of the population, being the bearers of certain thinking and culture. Nevertheless, they cannot be called architects in the full sense because of the nature of the very influence on architecture, since they are not included in civilizational construction, do not aim to achieve architectural achievements (Иконников, 1970). Examples of marginal architecture can be seen in (Fig. 1).
Consequently, subcultures, by that time mainly formed from young people and formed in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, were marginalized. For children of the generation of the 90s, there were no longer barriers to using the forbidden, their behavior was constantly becoming open and stubborn. Modern society still suffers from the influences of the older generation and gives «fruits» in the form
of criminalization of the social environment (Мацкевич, 2005).
Of course, late Soviet architecture, which is characterized by a lack of taste and multi-story panel buildings, in which Soviet citizens grew up for generations, negatively affect consciousness and aesthetic perception of reality. «Khrushchevkas», sleeping micro districts in which residents have to be crowded, create tension in the perception of the world (Денисов, 2003: 87-88). When the whole neighborhood is built with the same planning, a person starts to get tired of this situation. She has to get used to and cycle through a routine, with which young people did not want to agree. As a protest, a style of thinking was formed from those who disagreed, characterized by hopelessness, fatalism, unbelief, which was later expressed in the subculture «doomer», which is slang from the word doom - «death», «fate». They do not find a better lot for themselves than to accept or seek pleasure for themselves, where possible (Klee).
Marginal subcultures, such as drug addicts, alcoholics, criminals, and other informal representatives of society, subconsciously understanding their instincts of self-preservation, find places for temporary or permanent hiding, which most often become communal apartments, garages, basements, sheds, railway stations, sewer tunnels, etc.; less often - private houses with a backyard territory, secluded self-built buildings, landfills. The listed objects are used by low-social strata as accommodation, sometimes food, storage of material artifacts, and the like. Marginal people of any category, wherever they are, create a favorable environment for the development of domestic crime (Мацкевич, 2005). An example of an internal architecture can be seen in (Fig. 2).
Subjects or groups of an unreliable environment, not always having a permanent place of residence or having their own in a neglected state, sacrifice comfort in their location here and now, because they do not show the desire to build perspectives, live in the moment, and strive to immediately achieve satisfaction. Being on the borderline state of personality (which follows from the definition of the psychological term «marginal») and being in a losing social status, a marginal individual is not able to understand himself and his purpose in the world, therefore, he is attracted by constant work, strong contacts with society refuses to study and sometimes to start family ties, because he is not used to taking responsibility, does not strive for self-development and refuses generally accepted life norms and values. Therefore, he does not see much sense in adhering to moral principles and subsequently goes to criminal and immoral actions. Being in spiritual and psychological decline, a person, surrounded by destructive actions, displays traits of negative deviant behavior (Шнейдер, 2005).
Fig. 1. Appearance and interior of drug dens
Fig. 2. Living space of a drug addict
This situation leads to an obvious influence of consciousness on the matter - internal psychological processes reveal its state in mood and character, attracting the appropriate social environment and creating its everyday atmosphere. That is, there is a constant and complex interaction of the internal with the external, the psychological with the social. Due to the constant circulation of events and processes in life, their sensory perception, the corresponding beliefs, thinking, vision are fixed in the consciousness, fragmenting the worldview picture. So, when the development of the worldview does not occur, a hedonic attitude arises as an axiological guideline, therefore, not only mental but also moral regression follows (Змановская, 2003).
Thanks to the assertion of the ideology of individualism in the post-Soviet environment, the widespread tendencies of a free attitude towards
oneself: permissiveness, disrespect for elders,
misanthropy, which together creates a social vacuum for the affected person (Павелків, 2015). From childhood, observing their peers, the child adopts not only their habits and behavior but also herd thinking. In the context of the propaganda of individualism, young people are not organized into friendly collectives, but more often than not they remain congestion of individuals, an uncontrollable mass, uniting around a single goal - to have fun. In the process of dubious youth entertainment, teenagers for the first time experience illegal substances: alcohol, tobacco, drugs. Such spending of free time is dictated by general boredom, lack of craving for life, spiritual weakness. Most often, such actions are held on premises where there is a free atmosphere and debauchery. That way they feel safe.
What remains from the end of the party is known - a complete mess. And this mess reveals the inner culture of their visitors. Soon, such places often become dens, where criminal environments flourish. This is how brothels are born, which are a vivid example of the sub-architecture of the marginalized. It should be distinguished by its intended use. The views of this architecture are shown in (Fig. 3).
Any house/apartment or place where the marginal environment can hide and feel free can become a brothel. If the property of this subculture turns out to be a favorable place for breeding at least one of the types of the brothel, it will certainly receive the features of the sub-architecture and marginality. Brothels also serve as shelters, serve as a meeting place (gathering) of members or leaders of organized criminal groups. Nearby brothels, hucksters make bookmarks (hiding places and Prikope) of narcotic drugs on a preliminary order, distributing and making it available. It is not uncommon for a drug-making laboratory to be set up in the brothels themselves. In (Fig. 4) shows the main factors contributing to the emergence of dens, and (Fig. 5) shows their typical characteristics.
Accordingly, dens damage the architectural stock of cities; they cause damage to the municipality (because taxes are not usually deducted from dens) and force law enforcement agencies to pay more attention to them and bring them to justice. It should be understood that their emergence and spread are due to economic destabilization, job crisis, social differentiation, the fall of public opinion into hopelessness, nihilism, and many similar factors. From the point of view of the public good, marginalization, which only harms society rather than supports it, is a dangerous element that needs re-education and social adaptation (Петров, 2002).
Fi^g. 3. Typesof suWarchiti^cti^i^e of marginals
Fig. 4. The main factors contributing to the emergence ofdens
Fig. 5. Primary characteristics of typical brothels
It should be noted that the promotion of marginal minorities in society is becoming a powerful factor in its marginalization. Sub-architecture, as a reverse process of architecture as such, is due to the surge in crime, poverty, the spread of drug and alcohol abuse, and their social impact on housing and communal and other municipal facilities.
Conclusion. Thus, the study examines the manifestations of the atmosphere of crime, drug addiction, and alcoholism in the housing and architectural fund with the use of philosophical analysis. According to their intended use, the subarchitecture of the marginalized can be classified into five categories: thieves' dens, drug dens, brothels, alcohol dens, and game dens. Such facilities are usually located at a considerable distance from municipal centers, affluent housing, and police forces, and close to work areas, slums, and ghettos.
Places of this type are characterized by regular noise, disharmonious state of the environment, unpleasant odors, chaotic arrangement of things and their inoperability, dust and dirt, improper condition of the interior and exterior, the spread of rats and cockroaches, dysentery, and more. The motivation
for choosing such places is their safety and relative desolation. The ruins of abandoned buildings, stopped factories, space under bridges, sewers, stairwells - all these are examples of the architecture of the marginalized. Given the fact that architecture is not necessarily related to the art of construction, but implies human changes in space, aimed at their well-being, the subculture of the marginalized is an example of disharmonious art that exists in every country.
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