Private property and strata formation
The theoretical foundations of the social structure of the society and the historical forms of ownership. The formation of new social classes according to the place they occupy in property relations. Process of formation of various forms of property.
Рубрика | Социология и обществознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.09.2023 |
Размер файла | 54,7 K |
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Размещено на
Azerbaijan University of Languages
Sabina Muradova
PhD student of the Department of Sociology of the
Institute of Philosophy of ANAS
Teacher of the Department of Regional Studies
property social ownership class
The theoretical foundations of the social structure of the society and the historical forms of ownership were discussed in the article. The presence of many types of property is a necessary condition for its normal functioning in society. As a result of these types of property, the needs and activities of every person in society are fully satisfied. From ancient times to the present day, attitudes towards property issues have developed in different ways in different regimes. Even before the creation of society, people generally, used and took advantage of collective property. Over time, as a result of a number of events occurring in the world and in nature, collective property began to lose its relevance. After property inequality began to emerge, stratification among people began to form, which acted as a driving force for the creation of other forms of property. The collective form of property gradually changed and began to be replaced by individual and other forms of property. Modern production is conditioned by the transformation of economic, social and other spheres, which, in turn, creates the basis for the formation of new types of social systems and requires the reconsideration of property as the main category of private-legal relations. Since property is multi-subject, it not only expands and complicates the internal structure of property subjects, but also means the formation of new social classes according to the place they occupy (the functions they perform) in property relations. The modern structure of property relations is formed as a complex multi-level system: the close contact of individual and common beginnings, levels of ownership, the specificity of various social fields creates the opportunity and demand for the formation of various forms of property, determines their dynamics and transformation in advance. Different classes and groups of owners, territorial associations, state, national groups and monopolies become the subjects of property relations.
Key words: property, structure, social, transformation, developing.
Розглянуто теоретичні основи соціальної структури суспільства та історичні форми власності. Наявність багатьох видів власності є необхідною умовою її нормального функціонування в суспільстві. В результаті наявності цих видів власності повною мірою задовольняються потреби і діяльність кожної людини в суспільстві. З давніх часів і до наших днів за різних соціальних устроїв ставлення до питань власності розвивалося по-різному. Ще до створення суспільства люди, як правило, використовували і користувалися перевагами колективної власності. Згодом, у результаті ряду подій, що відбуваються у світі та природі, колективна власність почала втрачати свою актуальність. Після того, як почала зароджуватися майнова нерівність, почало формуватися розшарування серед людей, яке стало рушійною силою для створення інших форм власності. Колективна форма власності поступово змінювалася і почала витіснятися індивідуальною та іншими формами власності. Сучасне виробництво зумовлене трансформацією економічної, соціальної та інших сфер, що, у свою чергу, створює підґрунтя для формування нових типів суспільних систем і вимагає перегляду власності як основної категорії приватно-правових відносин. Оскільки власність багатосуб'єктна, це не тільки розширює і ускладнює внутрішню структуру суб'єктів власності, а й означає утворення нових соціальних класів відповідно до місця, яке вони займають (виконуваних ними функцій) у відносинах власності. Сучасна структура власносних відносини формується як складна багаторівнева система: тісний контакт індивідуальних і спільних засад, рівнів власності. Суб'єктами відносин власності стають різні класи і групи власників, територіальні об'єднання, держава, національні групи і монополії.
Ключові слова: власність, структура, соціальний, трансформація, розвиток.
In the post-Soviet space, the formation of the middle class is of particular importance in the construction of civil society. In the process of development of a liberal, market economy in the society, the differentiation of the population becomes stronger. With the emergence of small business, changes occurred in the political status of the former working class, and the process of its merging with the economic class began. As one of the post-Soviet countries, Azerbaijan is experiencing the process of transition from the macrosociological model of the class structure of the society to the microsociological model - the stratification structure.
According to Russian researcher G.Zdravimislov, it is no longer worth talking about the middle class. T.Zaslovskaya, on the contrary, considers the formed middle class to be the main basis for the stability of the society.
Political scientists see the middle class as a powerful resource for politicians, for new social ideologies, and for many people who have lost their new direction and lost sense of solidarity [Zaslovskaya 2018: 165].
In one or another situation in the social life of society, we come across ideas about private property in many cases. As in many countries, private property and other forms of property are widespread in the Republic of Azerbaijan. In ancient times and in modern times, views on this topic have grown in different ways in our country. Changes in society after Azerbaijan gained independence have had an impact on this topic. There can be no economic freedom in a society without the dominance of private property relations and healthy competition. In every society, people use many forms of private property. This is very important for the progress of society. The progress of private property relations is the progress of society. In time, J.Locke, A.Smith and others property, private property, which is an actual topic in modern times, maintains its importance. Social philosophy tries to study private property in a deeper and more complete way. The opinion of each member of the society on this topic is very important.
The most common forms of ownership in developed capitalist countries in modern times are the following:
1) The form of private ownership - on the basis of this, private entrepreneurial farms are created. Established enterprises can be small, medium, large. Hired labor is used in these farms. The goal is to make a profit.
In the process of privatization, most of the objects of state ownership are transferred to private ownership. Free enterprise and free market economy are mainly related to private property. Private property, which is one of the main forms of ownership, also has various manifestations. Private property based on the application of hired labor, private property based on one's own labor, family labor, etc. Private and individual properties are also derivative forms of private property.
Individual ownership of investment goods owned by individual capitalist entrepreneurs. The owners of this property are mainly small commodity producers, and production is based on personal labor (artisans, small peasant farms, small service facilities);
Individual farming in its various forms plays an important role in the economy. One of these forms is small production entrepreneurship, which is characterized by the production of small goods. They are engaged in household goods production, crafts, and service work using their personal property. As you can see, individual property is one of the most important branches of private property. Ownership, use, disposal of all objects of this property belong only to that individual. Farms belonging to this form of ownership act as individuals, not legal entities.
2) Personal property - includes everything that serves to meet the personal needs of the family.
3) Cooperative form of ownership. Group (corporate) ownership of investment goods owned by a group of capitalist entrepreneurs. They include the ownership of joint-stock companies and corporations. Cooperatives are a certain type of economy and are organized by voluntary contributions of members. The cooperative is managed according to the pre-approved charter, and the income is distributed fairly. Cooperative is a legal entity.
4) Monopoly ownership of large capitalist-entrepreneurial associations, which concentrate a decisive part of production resources in one or another area of the economy;
5) Ownership of labor collectives. All the property of a certain enterprise is owned by those who work there, the collective disposes of this property and uses it. The enterprise is a producer of goods and is a legal entity. The members of the collective participate in management work, divide the income according to the rules they have determined, and everyone gets their share.
6) Joint-stock company ownership form. This ownership includes the ownership of enterprises created through the sale of shares. The shareholder receives a dividend (income) as a result of the distribution of the company's profits. The company's work is regulated by the board of directors elected by the general assembly.
7) Municipal property form. Here we are talking about the property at the disposal of municipalities, which are local self-governing bodies. Certain farms are created on the basis of municipal ownership.
8) State property. This directly belongs to the state and state farms are created on its basis. The created enterprises are managed by the heads appointed by the state [Bourdieu 2013: 201].
There can be no economic freedom in a society without the dominance of private property relations and healthy competition. Social philosophy also investigates and studies these relations socially.
The whole system of property relations creates economic-material, property interests in people.
Property means that every person acquires, disposes of, and uses the blessings that belong to this or that community. Every person wants to have something of his own during his lifetime. formed since time. “Ownership” reflects the relationship between people with respect to property, object and things in general with the approach of classical economics. These relationships change and develop over time. Here it is expressed who owns something. The category of “property” is understood as a synonym of the concept of “attitude” from the point of view of scientific accuracy.
The social content of property means that each person forms his own property as a result of interactions with other people in society. Each member of society should fulfill the social obligations set before him in the correct order and not use his property to the detriment of other members of society.
We can also find views on property relations in different forms of worldview. We can also find these views in religions. Ideas about property can be found both socially and economically in the Islamic religion. In relation to the issue of property, which is frequently encountered in many verses, it is stated that basically all property belongs to God. Only God is the owner of property” [Ilahiane 2021: 258].
There are various forms of ownership in the society. Over time, the forms of ownership are improved and take on a new appearance. The main place in the forms of ownership is private ownership, municipal ownership, state ownership, and ownership based on invested shares. After Azerbaijan gained independence, fundamental reforms were carried out in property relations. On the one hand, the main reform is in the direction of abolishing the state monopoly on the main means of production, and on the other hand, a significant part of the property at the disposal of the state is transferred to other economic forms. is the basis and true guarantor of the citizens' fulfillment of their obligations, if property were not a pledge taken by a person for a person,
One of the most basic forms of property is private property. Private property is understood as a shari'a rule that brings regulations related to the property owned by any person or the benefits derived from it.
Private property did not appear in the modern era. Many philosophers-scientists tried to study the private property that existed from ancient times to the modern era, some philosophers opposed private property, and some philosophers put forward their views on the importance of private property. Many views have been formed until today. has developed. Basically, since the beginning of man, when people lived together as a collective, herd, there was no concept of private property. The concept of collectivity prevailed in the primitive community structure. Everything belonged to everyone. started, but it didn't happen suddenly, it took a long time.
From the moment of the creation of the firstclass society, from the time when equality between people was violated, private property relations began to arise and develop. Processes, radical changes in the world, i.e. stratification, separation of people from each other due to various reasons found themselves in the unique property of each person. The creation of private property later found itself in the creation of the state. If we clarify, we can say that the creation of private property is the main reason for the creation of the state.
Over the centuries, in the structures of slavery and feudalism, attitudes and views towards private property have taken a different form. In socialist countries, the attitude towards private property and property in general showed itself from the side of equality. The countries in this structure were in favor of the equal distribution of everything, including property, among people. Azerbaijan republic was once included in this structure. All property was distributed equally to everyone. In this structure, the lower class was superior to the upper class. Private property and the concept of equality are contradictory relations. There have been various differences between them since the beginning of man. Equality in property is also impossible. In Hegel's words, if equality is applied in the distribution of property so, it will be broken after a short period of time.
In the socio-philosophical explanation of private property, it is also necessary to mention the role it plays in society. Society has undergone many changes since its inception until today. Unlike other forms of property, private property has developed more in society, among people. In our modern world, a person who does not have his own private property Rousseau wrote in his work “The Social Contract”: “The person who fenced around a piece of land, said, “This is mine” and found people around him who were naive enough to believe it, was the person who created society.” Later, Rousseau continues his thoughts as follows: “If a person could appear in front of this person and say, `If you suddenly believe this faker, this land belongs to no one, and the fruits on it belong to everyone'” and if he would tear down his fence, humanity would be saved from many crimes, now let's take a look at the forms of manifestation of private property that have emerged and developed from ancient times to the present day.
Historical forms of private property.
Private property manifests itself in many forms. These forms of manifestation of private property did not appear all of a sudden, they were created, improved and developed with the flow of time as society was formed and came to this day. “Private property began with movable property in ancient times as in modern nations.”
We can mainly divide the forms of manifestation of private property into two branches:
1. The main branch of private property - personal, individual, family, intellectual property;
2. Subsidiary branch of private property - public associations, collective, rental, share, joint-stock company, cooperative property.
The main branch of private property:
Private property - private property is one of the main forms of private property. Private property has a special importance in the life of society. Each person has his own private property. By private property, people's houses, furniture inside the house, vehicles, yard areas, yards in the yard belong to people. It is understandable. In ancient times, private property was in the hands of one person. The people who were owned by that person were considered slaves. Over time, these relationships changed, and in modern times, every person has private property, but even here there is no equality of ownership, everyone has private property according to his budget.
There have been different views on private property in different eras. Many people have seen the solution of problems in private property, and some people have pointed to private property as the basis for creating problems. “All sins are caused by private property, it does not mean that humanity is not guilty. Charges related to private property are directly attributed to the person. Private property originated in the last 6000 years of human history. Before that, the world had not witnessed wars, famines, pollution of nature, massacres, except for small battles. It is the most difficult problem to remove the greed for private property from the souls of people, and one can only hope that this problem will be solved someday” [Abay 2019: 128].
Private property is one of the main manifestations of social life, private property occupies its special place in the life of society. Private property means the property belonging to an individual or his family. Business areas belonging to private property are not legal entities, but natural persons. operates.
People who own private property rely on their family labor. Private property includes houses, gardens, vehicles, household goods, etc. In society, private property is used more in agriculture. Private property, like private property, has gone a long way from ancient times to today.
In addition to these forms of the main branch of private property, there is family and intellectual property. Family property in our modern world is understood as property that belongs to any family. Basically, in family property, every member of the family who owns property has the right to use this property. Intellectual property in modern times and in the near future is one of the forms of private property that was widespread in the past.
Subsidiary branch of private property:
Ownership of public associations - the property of public associations, which is a subsidiary branch of private property, is widespread in social life, in our modern world, as well as in our country. This form of ownership includes houses, buildings, vehicles, and public associations in society can engage in entrepreneurship.
Cooperative ownership is one of the most common forms of ownership in the world. Cooperative ownership is manifested in the form of a collective group. The characteristic of cooperative ownership is that in this form of ownership, the results of production and consumption are attributed to the entire group, and each member of the group has their own share. Here Mainly includes houses, vehicles, agriculture. Cooperatives are legal entities and operate according to their charter.
Joint-stock company property - joint-stock company property, which is created by issuing or buying shares, occupies an important place in the life of society. Joint-stock company property is open and closed, that is, if shares are given to everyone, they are open, if they are given only to founders, they are closed. The role of joint-stock company property in the privatization of property it is priceless. Joint-stock companies work on the principles of self-financing.
Ownership of the labor collective - in this area of ownership, each person actively participates in the work going on in the enterprise and in the distribution of income.
The main and subsidiary branches of private property perform different functions in modern times. The unique characteristics of each form have their impact on the changes in society.
Doctor of Philosophy R.Azimova, one of the Azerbaijani researchers of the middle class, writes that the statistics of the dynamic development of entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan in recent years suggest that the process of radical changes in the economic and social stratification of society has become irreversible: the transition to the microsociological model has been completed [Azimova 2006].
Another Azerbaijani researcher, Doctor of Economic Sciences T.Guliyev, talked about the economic and labor ethics of the middle class and included the following directions in the relative characteristics of the objective and subjective aspects of the middle class:
1. If a person formally belongs to the middle class, according to his practical economic income, he can stand at different status levels;
2. There are complications in accounting for representatives of the hidden economy;
3. There are differences in the calculation of social transfers and primary income;
4. The fact that the middle class quickly belongs to the category of poor, and sometimes rich, according to their income level and living standards;
5. Lack of accurate and perfect accounting of property and income of the population;
6. The conditional character of separating the middle class from the general population;
7. Difficulties in the income redistribution mechanism;
8. Middle-class disparity between incomes, expenditures, and production (from poverty to wealth and versus) [Keyder 2013: 185].
R.Azimova proposes the following indicators for the real activity of the middle class:
1. Amount of income;
2. The owner of the property and the size of the property;
3. Political freedoms for successful development;
4. Possibilities of formation of innovative activity;
5. Socio-economic values according to the potential of the middle class [Azimova 2006].
In the formation of the middle class, democratic processes, especially the construction of a legal state and civil society, play a key role. As a result of the liberal environment created in such conditions, the composition of the middle class includes a certain layer of professional workers, doctors, teachers, scientists, journalists, representatives of culture and art, middle-income entrepreneurs and farmers. In short, the middle class is considered a mixed class due to its professional activity.
There are also those who say that democratization and modernization have affected the mood, dignity and morale of middle-class citizens.
Professor I.Mammadzadeh's views on the middle class are interesting: “The middle class is necessary as a professional class, because they create an environment, apply new technologies, and want to create a knowledge economy. But for this responsibility, human rights must also exist. Without them, the middle class and professionals are not professionals. It is necessary to democratize the daily life that protects the dignity of the working person. It goes without saying that we need a great democracy with selectivity, multi-party system, free press, judicial and parliamentary freedom, and certain steps have been taken and will be taken in this direction in our country. But democracy should also be in everyday life, citizens should be protected from arbitrariness, obstacles of middle-level officials and other negative situations encountered every day [Mammadzadeh 2020].
In European countries and the United States, the class has taken a dominant position on both sides. The middle class is not only dependent on the income level, it is also an aesthetic-spiritual and valuable concept and is a moderate, free group of people with individual liberal morality.
Looking at the middle class as a factor of sustainability in modern innovation conditions, I. Mammadzadeh writes: The middle class stabilizes the socio-political and economic system of democracy by subverting all previous mutual relations systems in the society. It turns out that the theory of civil society should be considered in two versions:
1) the middle class lacks ideas and interests and therefore illiberal civil society;
2) civil society dominated by the middle class and liberal values.
However, in the conditions of its dominance, the concepts of mass society or consumer society are also used in philosophical literature. Most of the “ex-Marxists” are usually critical of those concepts. In fact, the element of consumption that belongs to any modern society affects the interests of all classes and groups. But the essence of the consumption of the middle class is distinguished from the consumption of others. Because one consumes goods and services, while others also consume high-tech and high-quality goods and services that fundamentally change the world. As they say, the difference is obvious. However, “knowledge economy” has been covered in a number of our articles. Say, in a society dominated by the middle class, the traditional dichotomy (consistent division into two) of upper and lower with traditional moral goals and consumption standards, independence and creativity, mixing of traditional norms and goals, turning to professionalism in achieving success, etc. is left behind. The author shows that US scientists attribute values such as dignity, economic independence, political activity, influence on society and its consumption to the most important characteristics of this class [Mammadzadeh 2020].
According to them, the middle class is more oriented towards professionalism, freedom, independence and discomfort than other groups of the society. It should be noted that the existence of only such values of the middle class makes it possible to see tolerance and conformism in society, that is, it indicates that society is becoming more complex. Conformism adaptation, some of the Azerbaijani researchers prefer analysis and professional status as indicators of the middle class.
Many Western and Russian researchers who study the middle class are of the opinion that education, social status and influence are important indicators of the middle class. It should be noted that the methodology of the middle class was developed by Weber. Talking about four indicators such as education, income level, social status and prestige, the scientist saw the middle class in their unity.
I.Mammadzade writes: According to our opinion, status and reputation in Azerbaijan are determined by education. But this is an external appearance, because we have a weak dependence of the level of education and professionalism on material well-being. Does professionalism and profession determine a person's status in Azerbaijan? Probably not. A prestigious job cannot be a condition for obtaining a high income. The rich didn't earn it through hard work and high income. As we mentioned, most scholars of the post-Soviet space consider every person with a higher education to belong to the middle class and think that it is enough to increase their income to form it. However, the formation of the middle class of those with and without higher education depends on their independence. Only then can they achieve and increase prosperity, improve and follow the values of the class. For this reason, in addition to the state's support for the middle class, it is important to create conditions for its free development so that it does not become a dominant force in society [Mammadzadeh 2020].
That is, if the state strives for stable development, it should base its interests and values on its main values by protecting the interests of this class. Although the transition from a system based on the interests of workers or elites to a system focused on the interests and values of the middle class is not simple, it should form the basis of modernization of the era of globalization.
In the West, the original education system conditions the formation of the middle class, gives it status, income, property and dominates the mind.
In the end, the author notes: But we must admit that education is entering our consciousness as a condition of high status. We should also note that higher education was prestigious in the 60s, but in the late 80s it was replaced by mass enthusiasm. In our opinion, the middle class is still emerging in Azerbaijan and has not yet acquired its concrete form and values. At the same time, theoretically, it is commendable that our scientists combine sociology and mathematics. Because the calculation of the parameters of the middle group of the population should inevitably encourage researchers to reveal its value characteristics, moral and ideological orientations. Let's not forget that it is precisely the interest of scientists that leads to the formation of that class [Mammadzadeh 2020].
Thus, we come to the conclusion that private property, being a form of property, occupies one of the special places with its specificity, both in the ancient world and in our modern world. In sociology, private property is deeply investigated and studied.
From ancient times until today, the human race has resorted to many ways to take a certain place in society and to prove itself. One of these ways is private property, which is widely used in all fields. Everyone has the right to freely use their property as they wish. and the role of property in social life is great for the development of society.
Private property has gone through a long development path. Although the views on private property in many systems are different, only private property has not completely destroyed its activity. Unlike capitalism, socialism has been against private property, and Marx, who wants to create equality of people, has extensive information about this issue in Marxism theory. In the modern era, private property is not superior to state property, but it is more important than state property.
The changes in the social life of the society have had their effect on private property. In the market economy, private property has been formed from time to time and has acquired a modern appearance. As a result of these relations, any society has developed or collapsed.
Sociology tries to study every area of society in depth. Property relations are one of the main issues of social philosophy. While studying these relations, we acquired knowledge about private property. We got acquainted with many forms of manifestation of private property.
Private property is the basis of the creation of society and the state in the world. The state was created as a result of the creation of private property and has gone through a long development path until today.
Бібліографічні посилання / References
1. Abay, Ali R. (2019), Social Structure and Social Institution Change. Journal of Social Sciences (Kutahya Dumlupinar University), 101-128.
2. Althusser, L. (2020). Ideology and the State's Ideological Devices, Istanbul: Ileti§im Publications.
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4. Bourdieu, P. (2013). Cultural Reproduction and Social Reproduction, in: Knowledge, Education and Cultural Change, edited by Richard K. Brown. London: Tavistock, 56-68.
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6. Goldthorpe, J.H. (2020). On Sociology: Numbers, Narratives and the Integration of Research and Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
7. Ilahiane, H. (2021). The Social Mobility of the Haratine and the ReWorking of Bourdieu's Habitus on the Saharan Frontier, Morocco. American Anthropologist, 103(2), 380-394.
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11. Marshall, G. (2009). Sociology Dictionary. Ankara: Science and Art Publications.
12. Zaslovskaya, T. (2018). Politics, Sociology and Social Theory. Istanbul: Metis Publications.
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реферат [20,6 K], добавлен 24.07.2014American marriage pattern, its types, statistics and trends among different social groups and ages. The reasons of marriage and divorce and analyzing the statistics of divorce and it’s impact on people. The position of children in American family.
курсовая работа [48,3 K], добавлен 23.08.2013Global Feminist Revolution. Women’s Emancipation Movement. Feminism in International Relations and Discrimination. Gender discrimination. Women in the History of International Relations. Women Officials in the contemporary International Relations.
реферат [22,6 K], добавлен 21.11.2012The concept and sex, and especially his studies in psychology and sociology at the present stage. The history of the study of the concepts of masculinity and femininity. Gender issues in Russian society. Gender identity and the role of women in America.
дипломная работа [73,0 K], добавлен 11.11.2013Характеристика сущности, структуры, функций и развития методов работы рublic relations. Анализ деятельности отдела связи с общественностью в государственных организациях и местных органах власти, разработка предложений по усовершенствованию его работы.
курсовая работа [99,6 K], добавлен 21.12.2010Социальный генезис "общественного мнения". Социальное и общественное настроение. Технологии формирования общественного мнения. СМИ как инструмент формирования слухов. Использование технологии паблик рилейшнз и оценка результатов ее деятельности.
дипломная работа [80,1 K], добавлен 10.06.2011Property and socio-economic relations. The history of the ownership, their classification and forms. Property as an economic category. Change of ownership is an essential condition for the formation of the market. Ownership in transition economies.
курсовая работа [37,9 K], добавлен 27.09.2010Prerequisites of formation and legalization of absolutism. The social structure: documents; classes and ranks; state apparatus. The military and judicial reforms of Peter I. Development of the law during of absolute monarchy: decrees; civil, family law.
контрольная работа [26,5 K], добавлен 14.08.2011What is social structure of the society? The concept of social structure was pioneered by G. Simmel. The main attributes of social structure. Social groupings and communities. Social status. Structural elements of the society’s fundamental institutions.
реферат [25,4 K], добавлен 05.01.2009Economic entity, the conditions of formation and functioning of the labor market as a system of social relations, the hiring and use of workers in the field of social production. Study of employment and unemployment in the labor market in Ukraine.
реферат [20,3 K], добавлен 09.05.2011