Bullying as a social phenomenon of modern Ukraine
The article is devoted to the emergence of such a phenomenon as "bullying". The domestic legislative and regulatory acts on countering bullying, which should be taken into account by a specialist in the social sphere in his work, have been analyzed.
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Дата добавления | 18.11.2023 |
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Bullying as a social phenomenon of modern Ukraine
Baldyniuk O.
Klymenko Yu.
Балдинюк О. Д., Клименко Ю. А. Булінг як соціальне явище сучасної України
Стаття присвячена виникненню такого явища як «булінг». Проаналізовано вітчизняні законодавчі та нормативні акти з питань протидії булінгу, які повинен враховувати фахівець соціальної сфери у своїй роботі.
Досліджено різні визначення поняття «булінг», що розглядається як агресивна поведінка щодо окремої особи або групи, з метою приниження, домінування, фізичного чи психологічного самоствердження.
Визначено основні ознаки види булінгу, а саме: економічний, фізичний, словесний, соціальний, кібербулінг та мобінг. Виділено соціальні ролі при булінгу: жертва; агресор, спостерігачі, прибічники; пасивні прибічники; сторонні спостерігачі; вірогідні захисники; захисник жертви.
До основних причин виникнення булінгу можна віднести: агресивність учнів, пов'язану з індивідуальними особливостями; проблеми з сімейним вихованням; бажання привернути увагу; компенсація за невдачі в навчанні чи громадському житті; стратегії поведінки в соціумі, пропаговані засобами масової інформації тощо.
Наявність буллінга серед підлітків має негативний вплив на формування особистості. Дана форма конфліктної взаємодії вимагає особливого змісту та форм виховної роботи, так і комплексного психолого-педагогічного супроводу.
Наголошується, що профілактика булінгу - це комплексна психолого-педагогічна та соціальна робота, до якої активно повинні долучатись фахівці соціальної сфери, класні керівники та батьки. Важливим у профілактиці булінгу є вчасно проведена діагностика та ефективно підібрані форми та методи роботи (бесіди, індивідуальні та групові консультації, психолого-педагогічні тренінги, перегляди та обговорення художніх фільмів, батьківські збори, зустрічі з фахівцями, шкільні методичні об'єднання тощо).
У процесі дослідження було використано метод аналізу психолого-педагогічних джерел із досліджуваної проблеми, методи порівняння та узагальнення.
Ключові слова: булінг, насилля, жертва булінгу, причини булінгу, шкільне середовище, фахівець соціальної сфери, заходи протидії булінгу в Україні, профілактика булінгу.
The article is devoted to the emergence of such a phenomenon as «bullying». The domestic legislative and regulatory acts on countering bullying, which should be taken into account by a specialist in the social sphere in his work, have been analyzed. bullying social phenomenon
Various definitions of the concept of “bullying”, which is considered as aggressive behavior towards an individual or a group, with the aim of humiliation, dominance, physical or psychological self-affirmation, have been studied.
The main signs of bullying are defined, namely: economic, physical, verbal, social, cyberbullying and mobbing. Social roles in bullying are highlighted: victim; aggressor, observers, supporters; passive supporters; external observers; probable defenders; victim advocate.
The main causes of bullying include: aggressiveness of students, associated with individual characteristics; problems with family education; desire to attract attention; compensation for failures in education or social life; strategies of behavior in society, promoted by mass media, etc.
The presence of bullying among teenagers has a negative impact on personality formation. This form of conflict interaction requires special content and forms of educational work, as well as complex psychological and pedagogical support.
It is emphasized that the prevention of bullying is a complex psychological-pedagogical and social work, in which specialists of the social sphere, class teachers and parents should be actively involved. Timely diagnosis and effectively selected forms and methods of work (conversations, individual and group consultations, psychological and pedagogical trainings, viewing and discussion of feature films, parent meetings, meetings with specialists, school methodical associations, etc.) are important in the prevention of bullying.
In the process of research, the method of analyzing psychological and pedagogical sources from the researched problem, methods of comparison and generalization were used.
Key words: bullying, violence, victim of bullying, causes of bullying, school environment, specialist in the social sphere, anti-bullying measures in Ukraine, prevention of bullying.
(статтю подано мовою оригіналу)
Every day, the problem of bullying in the teenage environment is becoming more and more relevant. The negative dynamics of the social development of children and adolescents can be traced in the mass media, in scientific research, as well as in public consciousness. According to the World Report on Violence Against Children, it can be stated that one in ten modern schoolchildren in the world is exposed to violence in the educational environment, and this indicator, unfortunately, is increasing. The Annual State Report on the Situation of Children in Ukraine provides statistical data characterizing the critical situation of children in the modern state: an increase in the number of children and adolescents who have committed crimes; increase in drug addiction and alcoholism among minors; the growth of school violence within the walls of an educational institution [5].
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Ukraine ranks fourth among European countries in terms of the level of adolescent aggression [10].
One of the main prerequisites for violence in the educational space is contempt for the personality of the teenager. The system of relationships at school is an integral part of the social situation of development, which determines the content and dynamics of all the main personal achievements of the child. It determines the direction of external influences and conditions into the inner essence of a growing personality. These transformations are transformed through the child's experiences and emotional experience. The modality of experiences directly depends on her relationships with both peers and adults.
The growth of destructive behavior among teenagers requires constructive intervention from society.
Prevention of school bullying is one of the most urgent tasks in modern society and requires a thorough and serious study of many factors.
The importance of such a study is due to the fact that today the scientific community lacks a generally accepted understanding of the essence of bullying and its causes.
The problems of bullying are highlighted in the works of foreign scientists D. Lane, V. Orton, D. Olveus, E. Rolland and others.
The first thorough studies of the manifestation of systematic aggression among schoolchildren were highlighted in the works of Scandinavian scientists in the 1970 s, which they called the concept of «bullying». At the beginning of the 1980 s, the situation of repeated and systematic aggression between employees at workplaces was investigated by the Swedish scientist H. Leiman, who defined this phenomenon through the concept of “mobbing».
Kuleba, the representative of the President of Ukraine on children's rights, emphasizes that every second student in Ukraine is a victim of bullying.
In the psychological and pedagogical literature, bullying is considered as aggressive behavior of one person towards another person with the aim of causing him moral or physical harm, humiliating him and in this way asserting his power.
The works of such scientists as O. Kuleshova, N. Lalak, L. Lushpai, T. Myronyuk, Yu. Saveliev, S. Stelmakh and others have made a significant contribution to the study of the problem of bullying prevention in the school environment.
In Ukraine, the topic of bullying among teenagers is not sufficiently developed, new research is needed that will allow us to study the essence of this complex phenomenon and find effective ways to prevent it.
The purpose of the article is to provide a theoretical justification of the essence of bullying, as well as to determine ways to prevent and counter bullying among children.
Reports about the negative situation in schools began to appear more and more frequently in the mass media. Violent relations between students are common these days. Probably, every school in the country has at least one class where you can observe this phenomenon. Unfortunately, no one can say exactly where the children's hatred for each other comes from.
What used to be called bullying (bullying at school, hazing in the army or in correctional institutions) has been transformed into an international term; the phenomenon itself included a number of social, psychological, legal and pedagogical problems. What is denoted by the new word, unfortunately, is well known and represents one of the urgent problems of our time, which requires scientific research at the junction of various scientific disciplines.
In various scientific fields, the concept of bullying is considered from narrowly empirical (for example, video recording of a fight) to large-scale - violence in general and extremism. David Lane and Andrew Miller define bullying as a long-term process of deliberate harshness, physical and (or) mental, by one or a group of children towards another child (other children) [13].
“Bullying” (from the English bully - hooligan) is considered as aggressive behavior towards an individual or a group, with the aim of humiliation, dominance, physical or psychological self-affirmation [15].
In the Oxford dictionary, “bully” means «to try to harm, intimidate or force a vulnerable person or a person who is perceived as such” [18, p. 379].
According to the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Combating Bullying», the concept of «bullying” is defined as «actions (or inactions) of participants in the educational process, which consist of psychological, physical, economic, sexual violence, in including with the use of electronic communications. They are committed in relation to a minor or a minor and (or) by such a person in relation to other participants in the educational process, as a result of which damage to the mental or physical health of the victim may or has been caused» [11].
One of the first researchers of bullying was the Norwegian scientist D. Olveus. His study, conducted in the 1980s in Norway and Sweden, showed that 15% of children regularly face a bullying situation: 9% are victims, 7% are persecutors, 2% master both roles [19].
To the main signs of bullying Olveus attributed the following: aggressive and negative behavior that is carried out systematically and occurs in relationships, the participants of which have unequal power and physical capabilities [19].
82% of adolescents who have not decided on their sexuality and are perceived as «too feminine» (boys) and «too masculine» (girls) or present themselves as lesbians, gays, bisexuals or transgenders face insults, physical attacks and threats. Two-thirds of them feel unsafe at school, and the level of school avoidance among such children is five times higher than the average [20, pp. 38-47]. Likely associated risks: bullied children experience difficulties with health and academic performance, are three times more likely than their peers to have symptoms of anxiety- depressive disorders, apathy, headaches and enuresis, and to attempt suicide.
According to a UNICEF study:
67% of children in Ukraine between the ages of 11 and 17 faced the problem of bullying;
24% of children became victims of bullying;
48% of children did not tell anyone about bullying incidents;
44% of schoolchildren were observers of bullying, but ignored it because they were afraid for themselves;
most children are bullied because they look, speak, think differently than other children [12].
Bullying is the result of unequal power dynamics (the strong attack the weak) and occurs in many ways: through physical violence, verbal abuse (in person or online) or relationship management (spreading rumours, humiliation and social isolation). It is usually long-lasting (most hooligans are recidivists) and widespread (the hooligan targets several victims at once). Research shows that bullies and victims can switch places: there is a whole category of bully-victims - people who are victims in one set of circumstances and criminals in another. Additionally, research shows that bullying (in one form or another) follows us throughout our lives. Professional bullying in the workplace is as common as school bullying, although less obvious [1].
The main causes of bullying are:
students' aggressiveness related to individual characteristics;
life experience of the aggressors (violence in the family, society, communities in which the child was previously);
the desire to attract the attention of influential adults;
compensation for failures in education or public life;
traditions of the microsocial environment (school, family);
strategies of behavior in society, promoted by mass media [3, p. 37-42].
Bullying is a type of violence and, in turn, can also be expressed in different ways, that is, it has its own types. The definition indicates that bullying takes place mainly in organized groups of people, in social organizations. Researchers distinguish the following common places where bullying occurs: at school, at the workplace, in the armed forces («hazing»), cyberbullying (violence in the information space and using electronic means of communication), in other less organized groups [7, p. 291-298].
Typical signs of bullying include:
systematicity (repeatability) of the action;
availability of parties - offender (bully), victim (bullying victim), observers (if available);
actions or inaction of the offender, the consequence of which is the infliction of mental and/or physical harm, humiliation, fear, anxiety, subordination of the victim to the interests of the offender, and/or causing social isolation of the victim [9].
According to L. Kishli, seven signs of bullying can be distinguished:
Emotional humiliation, which includes verbal and non-verbal methods of expression. Verbal methods are negatively colored statements, use of a raised tone, shouting, accusations of mistakes, belittling of a person's achievementsand achievements.Non-verbal methods-contemptuouslook,silentcondemnation,offensivegestures,etc.
Continuation of emotionally abusive and humiliating behavior over a long period of time. Victims of bullying admit that even if the rejection and disapproval is expressed in a relatively mild form, but over a long period of time, there is a feeling of being cornered and having no way out.
Unfriendly and suspicious behavior is also classified as bullying.
Interference in a person's private life.
If the consequence of an aggressive, negative attitude towards a person is the deterioration of the psychological and physical condition of this person, then such behavior is defined as bullying.
If the aggressor intends to harm another person or allows or facilitates that person to experience traumatic events, this behavior is bullying.
The aggressor occupies a higher position than his victim and, accordingly, allows himself actions that degrade the dignity and cause moral or physical harm to another person [8, p. 126-131].
Types of bullying are:
economic bullying caused by spoiling things, luring and taking money;
physical bullying (beating the victim, use of physical force by the perpetrator, slapping, kicking, pinching, whipping);
verbal (name-calling, mockery or expressions that insult gender, race or sexual orientation);
social (exclusion of others from the group or spreading gossip or rumours); in writing (writing notes or signs that are painful or offensive);
cyberbullying , associated with harassing a person through electronic means of communication (social networks on the Internet, telephone, etc.);
mobbing ( bullying at the workplace) [4, p. 12].
Direct bullying occurs mainly in junior high school, while indirect bullying peaks at the transition to middle and high school. Boys are more likely than girls to take part in bullying in different roles, they are more likely to be victims of physical bullying, to take money from them and damage things, to be threatened and forced to do things, while girls are more likely to be victims of gossip, obscene comments and gestures [14].
The following social roles can be distinguished in bullying:
victim (object of repression and threats);
aggressor (persecutors who systematically over a long period of time carry out violent actions against the victim);
observers, supporters (they are not the initiators of violence, but with their indifferent position they become dependent on the situation);
passive supporters (passively support treatment);
third-party observers (ruled by the principle of «not my business»);
a probable defender (do not support the aggressors, but do nothing to protect the victim);
the defender of the victim (they try to help the victim) [6, p. 155].
Emotional violence is related to the impact on the psyche of the victim, causing psychological trauma through verbal insults or threats, harassment, intimidation, which intentionally cause emotional insecurity. It is to this form that verbal bullying can be attributed, where the voice is used as a tool (offensive nicknames with which the victim is constantly addressed, name-calling, teasing, spreading offensive rumors and gossip). Verbal bullying often includes social isolation, i.e. reluctance to communicate with a person subject to a boycott. It has been proven that selfisolation can cause feelings of helplessness and lack of control over life and circumstances, which leads to the most persistent psychological problems in the present and future. The bullied victim's world becomes an isolated little place that cannot be left. And if the dynamics of bullying becomes difficult to restrain and/or ignore, then such a situation can lead to suicidal behavior of the victim [14].
Often victims of verbal bullying also turn to hatred, verbal violence and threatening actions. The victim becomes the aggressor.
According to D. Olveus, the persecutors («bullies») are marked by readiness to use violence for self-assertion and impulsiveness; they easily feel frustration, hardly follow the rules, show rudeness and lack of compassion for victims, aggressive with adults. Although these children may seem lonely with social skills deficits, they are not: they are less depressed, lonely, and anxious than their peers, and often have a high social status among them and at least a small group of associates. They are good at recognizing other people's emotions and mental states and successfully manipulate children.
The main motives of bullying are the need for power, pleasure from harming others and reward - material (money, cigarettes, other things taken from victims) or psychological (prestige, social status, etc.) [19].
About 3% of children combine both roles: they aggressively provoke other children to harm themselves, or in some relationships in the classroom they demonstrate patterns of behavior of an aggressor, and in others they are a victim - these are the so-called «bully / victims» («bully / victims»), or «provocative victims» (provocative victims).
They are often hyperactive, impulsive, clumsy, hot-tempered, they are less mature than their peers; they often have behavioral problems, weak self-control, low social competence, difficulties with concentration and learning, anxiety and depressive symptoms. There are few such children, but they are the most difficult for teachers to work with and they are the least popular among their peers. It is they who have the highest level of suicides and autoaggressive behavior [17, p. 357-363].
Prevention of bullying should be diverse and multi-level. This is work with children, parents, teachers, school administration and the public.
In December 2018, the Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Combating Bullying» was adopted, which specifies administrative responsibility for it. It is emphasized that the following types of liability are provided for bullying a participant in the educational process:
imposition of a fine of fifty to one hundred tax-free minimum incomes of citizens or public works for a period of twenty to forty hours;
imposition of a fine of one hundred to two hundred tax-free minimum incomes of citizens or public works for a period of forty to sixty hours, if the act is committed by a group of persons or repeatedly within a year after the imposition of an administrative fine;
in the case of an act committed by a minor or a minor between the ages of fourteen and sixteen, the appropriate responsibility is imposed on parents or persons who replace them [11].
Responsibility for concealing the facts of bullying is separately provided. If the head of the educational institution does not notify the police about cases of bullying among students known to him, he will be fined from UAH 850 to UAH 1,700, or will be assigned corrective work for a period of up to one month with a deduction of up to 20% of earnings [16].
In order to prevent bullying, the following recommendations are made:
Informing teachers, school employees, children and parents about the problem of bullying, its mechanisms and consequences (holding classroom hours, consultations, parent meetings, conferences, etc.);
Uniform rules for the school regarding bullying;
Measures to prevent and overcome the factors that cause bullying;
Training of teachers (mastery of preventive measures and methods of reaction to bullying situations);
Group classes with children (cohesion of the team, formation of moral values);
Assistance to victims of bullying (help of a psychologist, involvement of parents, class team);
Development of preventive measures and their inclusion in the program of extracurricular activities at three levels: school, class and individually.
Conclusions and prospects for further research
Summing up, it should be noted that the prevention of bullying is a complex psychological, pedagogical and social work, in which specialists of the social sphere, the administration of the educational institution, class teachers and parents should be actively involved. Timely diagnostics and effectively selected forms and methods of work (conversations, individual and group consultations, psychological and pedagogical trainings, viewing and discussion of feature films, parent meetings, meetings with specialists, school methodical associations, etc.) are important in the prevention of bullying.
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