Personal health care in the conditions of systemic changes in society

The process of forming health-preserving behavior assessment and self-assessment of the individual's health. Projects to support the state of health of the individual, aimed at prolonging the active creative period of life, should have a systemic nature.

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Personal health care in the conditions of systemic changes in society

Borysiuk A.S.

Rodchenkova I. V.

Zavatska N.Ye.

Zavatskyi Yu.A.

Shapovalova V.A.

The article describes the means of personal health protection in the conditions of systemic changes in society. The process of forming health-preserving behavior includes assessment and self-assessment of the individual's health. Projects to support the state of health of the individual, aimed at prolonging the active creative period of life, should have a systemic nature. This involves not only the formation of appropriate social programs, the creation of appropriate conditions for the external environment and infrastructure (including information), but also the introduction of health-preserving technologies into the activities of economic organizations, increasing the importance of environmental culture, physical culture and sports in the educational, industrial, and everyday life of the population taking into account the complexity, integrated qualified influence of various subjects of socialization (sociologists, teachers, medical workers, psychologists, parents, managers of enterprises, institutions, power and administrative structures and the population in general).

Key words: personality, health care, systemic changes in society.

Борисюк А.С., Родченкова І.В., Завацька Н.Є., Завацький Ю.А., Шаповалова В.А.


У статті розкрито засоби здоров'язбереження особистості в умовах системних змін соціуму. Процес формування здоров'язбережувальної поведінки включає оцінку і самооцінку здоров'я особистості. Проекти підтримки стану здоров'я особистості, спрямовані на продовження активного творчого періоду життя, повинні мати системний характер. Це передбачає не лише формування відповідних соціальних програм, створення належних умов зовнішнього середовища та інфраструктури (у тому числі інформаційної), а й запровадження здоров'язберігаючих технологій у діяльність господарських організацій, збільшення значимості екологічної культури, фізичної культури та спорту у навчальній, виробничій, повсякденній життєдіяльності населення з урахуванням комплексності, інтегрованого кваліфікованого впливу різних суб'єктів соціалізації (соціологів, педагогів, медичних працівників, психологів, батьків, керівників підприємств, установ, владних та адміністративних структур та населення загалом). personality health care society

Ключові слова: особистість, здоров'язбереження, системні зміни соціуму.

Борисюк Алла Степанівна - доктор психологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри психології та філософії Буковинського державного медичного університету, м. Чернівці.

Родченкова Ірина Валеріївна - кандидат психологічних наук, докторант спеціальності 053 Психологія кафедри практичної психології та соціальної роботи Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля, м. Київ;

Завацька Наталія Євгенівна - доктор психологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри практичної психології та соціальної роботи Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля, м. Київ;

Завацький Юрій Анатолійович - доктор психологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри здоров'я людини та фізичного виховання Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля, м. Київ;

Шаповалова Валентина Андріївна - доктор медичних наук, професор, професор кафедри здоров'я людини та фізичного виховання Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля, м. Київ.

Formulation of the problem

Preserving the health of society - both as a whole and of individual socio-demographic groups and especially the younger generation - has become particularly urgent in connection with the social changes that have taken place in the country in recent decades, including a decrease in the level and quality of life, deterioration of the environment, deviant manifestations . Today the world places special demands on a person as a regulator of his health. Health is formed in accordance with the development of the human body. The most important indicator of well-being and changes in health status is the person himself.

The world has entered an era of high speed, which has led to changes in the value system. Diamonds are falling in price on the world market. In turn, the price of information increases [1].

Analysis of the latest research and publications

Health is a normal psychological state and a person's ability to optimally satisfy the system of vital, spiritual, ideal, informational, social and collective needs. Human health is currently monopolized by medicine. Health is the normal state of the body, meaning optimal self-regulation, coordinated interaction of organs and balance between functions and the external environment [2].

For an unjustifiably long time, climate theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of population health dominated scientific research. Medical examinations were placed in first place, and subjective assessment of health was underestimated. Meanwhile, your own efforts to increase some qualities and restrain others are important. That is, we are talking about self-preserving, health-preserving behavior and including a system of views, relationships and subsequent actions aimed at preserving, strengthening health, increasing life expectancy and creative professional activity.

Self-preservation behavior corrects a person's lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle should be considered from the perspective of the culturally accepted distribution of role statuses assigned to age, gender and other categories of the population.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the means of personal health protection in the conditions of systemic changes in society.

Presentation of the main material and research results

Physical activity gives a young person (and not only young people) the opportunity to exercise their right to engage in socially useful activities, allows them to lead an active and multifaceted creative life, and prove themselves as an accomplished successful individual. Physical activity acts as an “adding force” for career growth, an important means of achieving high social positions, and allows you to effectively and efficiently redistribute time in favor of leisure.

But, unfortunately, the commercialization of the leisure environment for many young people is a serious, insurmountable obstacle to spending their free time not only interestingly, but also with health benefits (physical and spiritual) [4].

It is generally accepted that physical culture accumulates socially positive types of leisure that contribute to more successful and active socialization of the younger generation, and as such makes it possible to satisfy a large group of important social needs of young people, in particular in self-development and personal selfaffirmation, in competition, in communication with peers , in respect from others. Also, regular physical exercise is a method of maintaining and strengthening health, preventing a variety of diseases, and an effective way to reduce overall morbidity among young people.

Faced with a huge and ever-increasing flow of information, a person often experiences stress, psychological fatigue, and sometimes neuroses. The life expectancy of the population depends on many natural and social factors. As is known, natural factors are considered primary and are mediated, changed and updated by social conditions. A person is always dependent on the conditions of his environment, on the surrounding world - just as nature is directly dependent on human life. The main factors affecting the life expectancy of the population are the standard of living, the efficiency of health services, the state of sanitary culture in society, and the quality of the living environment [5].

A qualitatively new arrangement of the living environment is necessary in order to move to an economic structure that would be most adequate to the consumption structure and would positively solve the social and economic, current and future development problems facing society [6].

The funds that the state invests in improving the living environment produce positive results: a person's behavioral practices are improved, his qualifications and labor productivity increase. As is known, demographic human capital consists of several parts. The first part includes the genetically inherited abilities of a person; the second part, acquired, is formed under the influence of the conditions of the human environment. Demographic capital is formed, and throughout the life of an individual, wear and tear of this human capital occurs, accelerating as the person's age increases [7].

The problem of health-saving behavior and its formation attracts the attention of many scientists and researchers. They explore the lifestyle of young people, their socialization, their adaptation to the new challenges of modern society. Noting the diversification of the modern behavior of the younger generation, they emphasize its passivity, indifference, apathy and point out that behind them the key values, orientations and behavioral strategies of young people remain unclear, which, without a doubt, require serious scientific understanding.

Many scientists confirm the effectiveness of social programs that are aimed at the qualitative development of the immediate human environment (including government investments in the healthcare system and health care measures), significantly reducing morbidity and mortality rates. This extends the active working period of a person's life and increases the duration of functioning of human capital.

In this regard, an important point is the relationship between the quality of life and the demographic development of human potential, the universal indicator of which is the human development index, or the arithmetic average of the value of the gross domestic product per capita, the level of education of the population and the average life expectancy.

There are both positive and negative factors that affect the processes of health-saving behavior, which manifest themselves as a result of the lack of a full- fledged culture of human behavior and poor resistance of the body to the effects of negative environmental conditions. The main way to counter the negative effects of many factors is a healthy lifestyle and maintaining environmental conditions that reduce the likelihood of human illness and prolong his creative longevity. The results of many studies indicate that the norms of a healthy lifestyle are not the main meaningful values in life. The main difficulty is creating a person's motivation for a healthy lifestyle and developing health-saving behavior as an individual.

The process of forming health-saving behavior determines the formation of a value orientation, which is aimed at preserving health, the latter is then transformed into human activity and preserved in consciousness. Deviant manifestations act as a destabilizer of health-saving behavior. Deviant behavior is the result of the loss of spiritual social connections and health-preserving values.

Many researchers prove that the most effective method of preventing deviant behavior is related to filling leisure time with social health-saving values and implementing programs to develop a healthy behavioral style among the population. Any society is characterized by the presence of deviations; they are present in every social system.

Analysis of behavioral social practices in the country shows that deviant manifestations destroy the processes of formation of health-saving behavior. Harmful (socially destructive) habits have a negative impact on the style of behavioral practices. Among those that destroy human health are such bad habits as smoking, using drugs and alcohol, overeating, disruption of sleep and rest patterns, and in recent years, “computer mania,” with subsequent mental disorders.

Possible adverse consequences of using mobile phones can lead to a significant deterioration in health already at the age of 25-35 years and to irreversible degradation processes by the age of 45-55 years.

The most common bad habits include drug addiction, smoking and alcohol abuse. Thus, about 40% of the urban population aged 18 to 60 regularly smoke tobacco; men smoke more often.

Bad habits are especially widespread among young people. According to the author's research, 25.7% of all respondents smoke among students [1]. Men smoke mainly in order to relax and satisfy their body's need for the next dose of nicotine (28.6% of all men surveyed), while women predominantly smoke to occupy their free time and relax (30.6% and 26. 5% respectively). 10.2% of all girls surveyed have the habit of smoking.

Our research shows an increase in the number of first-year students who are addicted to smoking electronic cigarettes and hookahs (18.2% of boys, 12.7% of girls), although in subsequent years of study there is a decrease in deviant behavior. This is facilitated by filling leisure time with socially valuable and exciting activities and the formation of health-saving behavior.

We clarified the factors and the degree of their influence on the process of individual behavior and the state of human health. Indicators of lifestyle, genetics, human biology, external environment, healthcare, and medical care were taken into account. The consumption of alcoholic beverages among students reached 49%. Among the surveyed students, boys and girls drink alcohol, 49.5% and 50.5%, respectively. Female alcoholism is more dangerous, since it is practically difficult to cure; moreover, alcohol consumption negatively affects the reproductive health of girls. At the same time, it cannot be said that students become addicted to harmful habits due to neglect, since most of those who drink alcohol and smoke still live in their own families. There is not enough willpower to quit bad habits, but 39% of students who smoke and 21.4% of students who drink alcohol have the desire to do so. There is an increase in the abuse of bioenergetics. This is confirmed by the data of the above-mentioned author's empirical study [6].

Thus, alcohol and nicotine addiction among student youth cannot but worry society. At the same time, it should be noted that in recent years the population has begun to change its attitude towards its health. It is also important that the emphasis is shifting from hopes for a “pill” to the priorities of a healthy lifestyle, to selfpreservation behavior. These studies showed that up to half of respondents place full responsibility for their health on themselves. Although often this responsibility is declarative in nature. In the hierarchy of successful values of the population, health ranks only third after family and good financial situation. These studies confirm the population's lack of knowledge about self-preservation behavior and the principles and essence of a healthy lifestyle. In our opinion, this is largely a consequence of the lack of programmatic conceptual guidelines for maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the media. In addition to anti-advertising of socially dangerous products and practices, it is extremely important to systematically conduct targeted active promotion of a healthy lifestyle using all media, including television, billboard advertising, the Internet, and social networks [6].

The main way to cultivate self-preservation behavior is to formulate a person's needs to understand the value of a healthy lifestyle, as well as an understanding of its significance for full-fledged professional activity and prolongation of creative longevity. If the population evaluates its health quite low, social institutions of society should ensure the development of socially oriented health-saving behavior strategies of the younger generation, increase the responsibility of young people in relation to maintaining and strengthening their own health [3].

So, the formation of self-preservation behavior is a social process that is carried out, on the one hand, through the immediate environment of a person, the totality of material and economic conditions of an individual's life (housing, income level, environmental conditions, conditions and factors of labor interaction of an individual). On the other hand, this is the social environment of a person - socially secure places of action, social relationships that objectively ensure the transformation of the style of social behavior in general and self-preservation behavior in particular.


The process of developing self-preservation behavior includes assessment and self-assessment of the health of individuals. Projects to support the health of an individual, aimed at extending the active creative period of life, must be systemic in nature. This involves not only the formation of appropriate social programs, the creation of appropriate environmental conditions and infrastructure (including information), but also the introduction of health-saving technologies in the activities of economic organizations, increasing the importance of environmental culture, physical culture and sports in the educational, industrial daily life of the population with taking into account the complexity, integrated qualified influence of various subjects of socialization (sociologists, teachers, medical workers, psychologists, parents, heads of enterprises, institutions, government and administrative structures and the population itself as a whole).

Therefore, management structures of all branches of government and levels of hierarchy, when forecasting and planning the development of socio-economic systems, need to include measures to solve the problem of self-preservation. In budgets of different levels, we consider it necessary to allocate separate items for a set of measures for the self-preservation of the population.


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5. Flammer A., Bandura A Developmental analysis of control beliefs. Selfefficacy in Changing Societies. N.Y: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Р. 69-113.

6. Gould D., Krane V. The arousal-athletic performance relationship: Current status and future directions. Advances in sport psychology. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 1992. P. 119-141.

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