Be friendly, never friend -quality of relationship between juvenile and educator

Contemporary reflection on understanding the art of being an educator, a social rehabilitation pedagogue, communication, the relationship between the educator and the juvenile, the barriers in everyday work with juveniles at social rehabilitation centres.

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Be friendly, never friend -quality of relationship between juvenile and educator

Marcin Jurczyk


The educator profession at the Youth Detention Centre undoubtedly requires specific abilities, skills, and concrete knowledge since, from the beginning of their work, an educator must interact with youth who often exemplify pathological behaviour models. The article refers to the paradigms of social rehabilitation pedagogy. Referring to the social rehabilitation process of minors, it is worth presenting the figure of a social rehabilitation educator, who undoubtedly plays a vital role in this process. The role of an educator, perceived as a helping person, is not the easiest one, especially when working with demoralized people who do not comply with social and legal norms. The staff must have a positive attitude towards social rehabilitation goals. The article's primary purpose is a contemporary reflection on understanding the art of being an educator, a social rehabilitation pedagogue, communication, the relationship between the educator and the juvenile, and the barriers in everyday work with juveniles at social rehabilitation centres. As an autotelic value, juveniles staying in social rehabilitation institutions deserve subjective and understanding relationships with an educator whose competencies, desire for personal development, and knowledge of their weaknesses will contribute to creating an interaction initiating the juvenile's moral transformation process. social rehabilitation personality upbringing

Keywords.- pedagogue (educator, custody care officer), social rehabilitation, personality, upbringing, educational relationship, friendship, juvenile.

Юрчик Марцін. Бути дружнім, ніколи не дружити - якість стосунків між неповнолітнім та вихователем.

Професія вихователя в СІЗО, безсумнівно, вимагає специфічних умінь, навичок, конкретних знань, оскільки з самого початку своєї роботи педагог повинен взаємодіяти з молоддю, яка часто є прикладом патологічної моделі поведінки. У статті розглядаються парадигми соціально-реабілітаційної педагогіки. Акцентуючи на процес соціальної реабілітації неповнолітніх, автор приводить постать педагога соціальної реабілітації, який, безсумнівно, відіграє в цьому процесі важливу роль. Доведено, що роль вихователя, що сприймається як людина, що допомагає, не найпростіша, особливо в роботі з деморалізованими особами, які не дотримуються соціальних і правових норм. Обґрунтовано тезу про те, що персонал повинен позитивно ставитися до цілей соціальної реабілітації. Основна мета статті - сучасні роздуми про розуміння мистецтва вихователя, соціально-реабілітаційного педагога, спілкування, стосунків вихователя та підлітка, бар'єрів у повсякденній роботі з неповнолітніми у соціально-реабілітаційних центрах. Як аутотелічна цінність, неповнолітні, котрі перебувають у соціально-реабілітаційних закладах, заслуговують на суб'єктивні стосунки з вихователем та розуміння, чиї компетенції, бажання особистісного розвитку та знання їхніх слабких сторін, сприятимуть створенню взаємодії, що ініціює процес моральної трансформації неповнолітнього.

Ключові слова: педагог (вихователь, опікун), соціальна реабілітація, особистість, виховання, виховні стосунки, дружба, неповнолітні.


Social Rehabilitation Centers provide care, education, and therapy for minors and adults. These institutions' structures and systems have been subordinated to social rehabilitation and its effectiveness. A facility is where the staff, together with the charges, try to work together to eliminate the causes and symptoms of social maladjustment, prepare the order for social readaptation, enable the best possible preparation for work in the profession, and live by generally accepted social norms. In the middle of this environment, as well as all these processes, is the person of the educator.

The educator profession, due to its impact on a specific individual and, thus, indirectly on the whole society, can be classified as a profession similar to the work of a teacher, as a work of social trust. The educator's job, the way it is performed, and the attitude towards areas are subject to continuous evaluation not only by the juvenile. Both the parents and the family carefully observe the tutor's work in the institution, which, unfortunately, is often associated with criticism and judgment. Moral norms or moral values of a social rehabilitation educator should consist of clearly defined factors of personal culture, combined with the ability to critically look at one's person, sensitivity, honesty, sense of responsibility, and a stable hierarchy of professed values. Referring to the very word "education," it can be said that it is about responsibility for the juvenile improvement in social behavior by learning how to put them into practice, both in isolation and later in a free environment. One should remember the psychosocial area of the juvenile, which is also entrusted to the tutor .


An educator, a pedagogue, is a person who should be a significant entity for the juvenile, his defender, teacher, advisor, and creator of new patterns of behaviour. The educator should try to become an increasingly mature person who cares about their personal development. Responsibility is the most crucial feature of the educator and, at the same time, the essential condition for creating a minor - educator relationship. However, it is the juvenile who decides whether he accepts the proposed wisdom of the educator and the values and advice. A minor in the context of social rehabilitation is a person experiencing harm by others (e.g., negligence) and by oneself (e.g., self-aggressive behaviour). Due to his age and being in puberty, he has no chance to defend himself against the harm he encounters from other people (educators) - cynical people who try to manipulate him and naive people who ignore all signs of arrogance, aggression, and laziness, believing in the rightness of such an attitude, which they explain with trust and love. As for responsibility Henryk Machel also referred to the tutor. Considering the critical aspects of educational work, he defined its effectiveness, which depends on exceptionally responsible educators. This author thinks it's about authority educators, who are distinguished as formal and informal authority. The former is built exclusively on a high position in the hierarchy. Conversely, informal sources are based on the slow "disenchantment" of conditioned associations with justice, supervision, and responsibility. Changes in the behaviour of minors who do not perceive the educator's authority may result from only interest in a given situation, calculated cunning in the face of need. The author, referring to his personal experience, declares that building informal authority guarantees good relations with even the most derailed inmates (Machel, 2004, p. 67).

Social rehabilitation is associated with the progress and development of pedagogical thought. Undoubtedly, effective social repair is influenced by many factors, such as passion, commitment, perseverance, and the competence of the educator. An essential point in effective social rehabilitation is not entering into friendly relations with the young person, which could diminish the competence and authority of co-workers (Becker-Pestka, 2014, p. 53). A significant issue in the process of social rehabilitation is authority due to its influence on people. The analysis of the answers of future educators about source made it possible to identify several factors explaining the perception of this phenomenon,

i. e.:

1) Integrating - through imitation and identification, it helps to strengthen, create, and integrate human personality.

2) Stabilizing - helps to meet psychological needs such as security, support, constancy, and stability, which helps to reduce tension and stabilize emotions.

3) Regulating and guiding - thanks to the fact that it is embedded in the world of norms and values, it is a point of reference that regulates and directs human activity (cognitive, emotional, and behavioural).

4) Gratifying - rewards by providing recognition, respect, and a higher position and status. (Karlyk- Cwik 2014, pp. 52-53).

The authority allows the educator to perform corrective tasks and achieve social rehabilitation goals. It is worth noting that thanks to authority, the effectiveness of such behaviours as advising, rewarding, punishing, and disciplining is much greater. This means that the educator is someone significant to the juvenile. The classical theory of authority distinguishes two forms of power, i.e., control of a lower order and authority of a higher order. The lower-level rule operates based on probable consequences, not ensuring a practical social rehabilitation effect. In turn, a higher-order source is created by noticing positive features in the educator, i.e., justice, kindness, balance, the ability to advise, patience, and truthfulness, which results in three beneficial effects: imitation, subordination, as well as respect and acceptance, which in turn causes the desired change juvenile (Karlyk-Cwik 2014, p. 46). For social rehabilitation to be effective, credibility, fairness, and behaviour by the principles of ethics are significant, as well as the juvenile trust, which will be gained through the kind and sincere behaviour of the educator. Confidence will be achieved only if the tutor manages to get closer to the juvenile, which shows how vital the tutor's communication skills are. The tutor must become an ally of the community; he/she must see that the tutor's behaviour is authentic and sincere, thanks to which the communication between them will allow to obtain feedback on the effectiveness of the actions taken by the tutor. The problem may be excessive familiarization with the young person, which may result in issues enforcing the desired behaviour from the community. This mistake most often happens to inexperienced educators, which may cause problems with the honest conduct of the juveniles. Unfortunately, the relationship of friends is complicated to change because a change in the educator's behavi our can lead to a conflict with the juveniles (Chomczynski, 2013, p. 110).

The social rehabilitation educator should be characterized by limited trust, caution towards the charges, and physical fitness. The educator's tasks are based not only on pedagogical competencies but also on specific provisions and regulations. The personal attitude and the educator's involvement in the social rehabilitation process are two essential factors that must be exercised carefully due to the possibility of creating danger and difficulties with them. It is necessary not to cross professional boundaries and professional professionalism and professional ethics. An important aspect is the educator's communication skills, showing interest, attention, care, and warmth, conducting the conversation correctly, displaying such features as acceptance, understanding, but not forgetting about assertiveness, consistency, and firmness. The basis for effective social rehabilitation is to know the needs of the juvenile, the lack of which can lead to conflicts. The tutor should not be intimidated by the juvenile and should resist all kinds of provocations. The effectiveness of social rehabilitation can increase the ability to actively listen and engage while accepting the differences of a person. The educator should be a sage showing young person the right paths, attitudes, and behaviours that are fully socially acceptable.

The job of social rehabilitation educators belongs to the category of professions in which the basis of professional action is a close and demanding relationship with another person and emotional exchange processes. Anna Karlyk-Cwik (believes that the figure of the educator is only the essential tool of educational and therapeutic work and also co-decides about its effectiveness (Karlyk-Cwik, 2014, p. 91). One of the most important questions social rehabilitation educators ask themselves is undoubtedly the effectiveness of social rehabilitation. However, it is very troublesome to answer this question (Bartkowicz, 2016, p. 45). Almost all experts on such a problem agree with the statement that the success of social rehabilitation may be determined by such factors as:

1. professional competencies,

2. professional experience, as well

3. personality predispositions of social rehabilitation educators.

These factors may determine the social rehabilitation process's quality or effectiveness in educational, correctional, and penitentiary institutions (Konopczynski, 2018, p. 7).

2.1. Relation

In social rehabilitation facilities, the first contact of juvenile with their tutor takes place, and then we can talk about a new educational or pedagogical relationship being formed. The literature on the subject defines a given phenomenon as: „an engaged relationship between a mature person and a juvenile, implemented for him to find himself and his way in life." The educational relationship can be defined as „the emotional relationship of a mature person to a person becoming a human being." Yet another author claims, „The basis of education is, therefore, a lively and deep relationship of a mature man to a man in the process of his becoming, undertaken for the benefit of the latter, so that he can understand his life and give it his form" (Sobczyszyn & Jezioranski, 2019, pp. 422-423).

The relationship between two people has formed already during the first meeting and conversation. Communication occurs not only through verbal messages but also through non-verbal communication, which creates a "communicative synchronization" between two people. This, in turn, is responsible for feeling listened to and receiving feedback. This is a characteristic of humans. Already infants in communication with others react to the interlocutor's words or facial expressions by making sounds, smiling, or gestures. The behaviour of two old friends differs from that of two strangers who make first contact. It depends on personality type. So, for example, introverts will be afraid of their behaviour, which could be poorly perceived, and extroverts will be fearful of the interlocutor's behaviour. Neurotics will be self-conscious and preoccupied with their concerns, while emotionally stable extroverts will be mainly focused only on the other person's behaviour. The emotions people read from verbal and non-verbal messages are understanding, misunderstanding, interest, boredom, anxiety, hostility, or amusement. According to David Fontana, the factors that build a relationship between two people are age, gender, and relative participation status. With such knowledge, it is easy to analyse the juvenile's behaviour and modify one's own to establish a better relationship, especially since undervalued people are usually not very good conversationalists. This is because their self - consciousness prevents them from perceiving the situation in which they find themselves objectively. It also makes it impossible to notice the mutual influence of people on each other in interpersonal contact.

In the social rehabilitation profession, the educator uses n ot only the knowledge and acquired competencies but also impresses the juvenile with his personality and style of functioning to help him change his life (Opora, 2013, p. 9). The educator and juvenil e relationships are defined as „ an event occurring in a specific place and time according to a certain strategy" which can be determined from a strategic or dynamic point of view. The first one is often shown as a triangle whose vertices are: the educator, the juvenile, and the educational situation. The second one is unique and unrepeatable due to being in a specific place and time. The educator's reaction to the juvenile's inappropriate reactions allows for changes in their functioning. In this way, a socially rehabilitated person can learn to react appropriately to the behaviour of others and control emotions. Charges should be treated with respect while spending time with an employee employed in a social rehabilitation facility so that they can understand that this is the way to address other people. It is essential that the educator should be an authority for the juvenile and could follow their example (Opora, 2013, p. 34). The profession of an educator in social rehabilitation facilities is demanding, and it is not enough to be perfect at ones. It should be remembered that every person needs understanding. In the profession mentioned above, one should show the juveniles „pedagogical love, which obliges them to very personal unite with the juvenile's situation" (Sobczyszyn & Jezioranski, 2021, p. 223).

The educational relationship between the juvenile and the educator is of great importance in the educational process and the life of the juvenile outside the social rehabilitation facility. The basic form of establishing this relationship is communication. The first part of a positive conversation is to evoke and strengthen motivation to introduce changes in one's behaviour. As the next one, we can distinguish openness and trust on the mentee's part. A conversation between a minor and an employee should evoke positive emotions. An invaluable role here is played by a sense of humour and the ability to perceive and communicate to the juvenile his positive features, behaviours, abilities, and skills, i.e., generally speaking - resources. However, it should be remembered that working on changes in one's own identity (image or self-concept) requires a lot of courage, effort, and perseverance from a person and is associated with overcoming the crisis that occurs as a result of the disintegration (disintegration) of the old identity structure, and then reconsolidation (integration) of a new one, only at a higher level of development, which is why it is usually accompanied by various manifestations of resistance and negative emotions, which are a sign of the operation of defense mechanisms. The social rehabilitation educator should be prepared for the reluctance to cooperate on the part of the young person and still not give up on the help plan. Then should continue to support the juvenile in implementing changes and s et goals and not reject him because of the manifestations. The support shown to the convict when showing reluctance to cooperate may increase trust in the employee. It should be remembered that the support provided to the juvenile cannot consist in lowering the requirements set out in the assistance plan or performing tasks belonging to the juvenile (Opora, Breska, Jezierska & Piechowicz, 2017, pp. 182-183). Transferring information is often the most important in the relationship between the educator and th e juvenile. Authors dealing with the subject of the personality of the educator agree in one aspect that high professional competencies without being grounded in a specific personality do not ensure professional success, prestige, authority, or popularity among juveniles.

The specificity of the work proves that even the most frequently mentioned and desirable features of an educator, such as methodological preparation, innate talent, and exemplary attitude towards the juvenile are not enough without specific features and characteristic skills. (Kowalczyk, 2014). In the upbringing relationship, the educator - the juvenile is always the ward and should be at the centre of this relationship. As a "mentor," the tutor should stand on the side, ready to act and provide help and guidance. The joint work of the educator and the juvenile should encourage the juvenile to selfeducation, self-fulfilment, self-improvement, and self-realization. The literature on the subject defines self-realization as the most critical and complex aspect. The process of self-realization is never regular; it is a highly abrupt phenomenon that depends on many factors, including the stage of life of the juvenile, what intellectual resources he has, and what tensions he is currently experiencing.

Naturally, every person has free will and the desire to self-determine themselves, which is why the social rehabilitation educator should assist so that the juvenile feels that with the educator's help, he can get to the bottom of the matter and conclusions, and that he can independently set goals and achieve them. It has been known for a long time that a self-realizing and self-determining man has a positive vision about people, deciding about himself, he also experiences unpleasantness and problems that he must learn to deal with. A man aware of freedom and security begins to treat them as valuable. Selfrealization is opening up to new experiences and interpersonal contacts; it is the way to the „intellectual order". Even though the educator's task is to initiate, show the way, and help make decisions, for selfrealization to occur, the juvenile must experience freedom while being responsible for their actions. A social rehabilitation educator who fulfils his duties must know that many factors contribute to upbringing and social rehabilitation. If the educator's personality were broken down into several elements, three prominent aspects could be identified: psychological, i.e., one that takes into account the attitude towards oneself, towards oneself as an educator; Pedagogical, one that talks about the relationship with juvenile, and social, that is, one that takes into account the relationship with society or a given community (Pecyna & Filipowski, 2015.) In addition to the qualities that a tutor should have mentioned several times, other resources will undoubtedly help in the work of a person who is supposed to help people placed in an institution due to faulty socialization. Verbal skills, natural predispositions, and ease of making contact are also about being open to the juvenile, not having any prejudices, and accepting him as he is.

In a given profession, the ability to empathize with the state of another person may be of great importance; work can go a little easier if the educator at least tries to empathize with the inner state of the juvenile; it can also facilitate the selection of appropriate methods and ways of acting because the educator will be able to predict the reaction that may occur to the patient. Empathy is an irreplaceable skill in the work of an educator, especially when working with socially maladjusted people or those who are already serving sentences. An attempt to understand their feelings, to penetrate their internal state, is an indispensable element of the educator's work but also inevitable. One of the most important features that should be seen in a social rehabilitation educator is the stability of character. This is an issue that can be considered from many aspects. Constancy of character is necessary because of the judgments and opinions made; it is easier to evaluate something if the value system that a given person uses is well-established and unchanging.

Attention is also paid to the educational skills of people employed in social rehabilitation facilities. The educator should pay attention to the minor's natural predispositions. The educator should develop his approach to each juvenile. This way of working is necessary to recognize the young person needs, abilities, and strengths. The educator needs to educate and inform juvenile on relevant and valuable issues; an example may be that today, the media and various communicators play a vital role, which are very often filled to the brim with information, often false, artificially created for sensationalism. The educator should act as if in two ways. The first way concerns getting to know juvenile; work will never be practical if you don't know the people you work with. Educator should know the needs, desires, goals the juveniles would like to achieve, dreams, or problems. The second way concerns the constant enrichment, development, and updating of your work system and selection of tools. Along with gaining experience, each educator "learns" work, so they should use the acquired knowledge and expertise on the further path of their professional career and use it commensurately with the capabilities and predispositions of the juvenile. Essential when it comes to social rehabilitation can be a positive atmosphere in the group; it should be taken care of by both juveniles and th e educator - as an everyday sound, joint work. The feature that also determines the correctness of the relationship is creativity. A creative educator will find it easier to see creativity in his juvenile; it will also be easier for him to reach his inner resources and restore a sense of balance and confidence through the achievements that the juvenile will achieve thanks to creativity or in a creative way. Thanks to this feature, it will also be easier for him to adapt to changes in himself and his environment. A tutor in one group may come into contact with very diverse juveniles, for example, age, motivation to act and change, the number and type of crimes committed, behavioural disorders, mental disorders, various deficits, and environmental differences. Juvenile may also differ in intellectual potential and difficulties in assimilating new things. A creative educator, in his work methodology, will select tools in such a way as to adapt to each young person individually.

Often, the aspect that determines that the juvenile tries to pursue the set goals and fights with his weaknesses consistently is the atmosphere of the relationship between the educator and the juvenile and the support experienced by the ward in this relationship. Such dependence often open s a person to try to trust someone, to believe in themselves and their future (Bybas, 2011, p. 43). In the "face-to-face" relationship, it is postulated to create strong positive emotional bonds with the ward so that they feel a kind interest in their fate. Establishing close and personal contact with charges, charges, and convicts It requires the creation of warm, kind, and friendly relations in which the educator is a guardian and ally in overcoming any difficulties. Creating such close and friendly relations is usually difficult for educators (Deptula, 1996, p. 147). The relationship developed between the juvenile and the educator consists of several elements, including boundaries and consequences, time spent, and dialogue with the other person. Why are there boundaries in a relationship? Creating borders in the relationship gives the charges a sense of security, creates an atmosphere of trust and care, allows to define specific needs clearly, and is also a kind of agreement according to which everyone knows how to act. The boundaries, therefore, determine the framework of the educational relationship. If the tutor does not specify them at the beginning of the meetings, then the charges will independently shape their scope of freedom. Another element of the relationship is its consequences, i.e., the effects of the educator's and his juvenile' actions. They mean everything that results from the juvenile's activity or inaction without the educator's intervention. Juveniles learn to make appropriate choices based on their own experiences. They know to take responsibility for their actions. Consequences are not punishments; they are the result or effects of individuals' actions (Guzik, 2015, pp. 189-190). In social rehabilitation, the problem of self-education, self-realization, and self-control should be more often emphasized because these phrases emphasize the activity of juveniles, not the work of educators. Without the internal will of a demoralized person to work on himself, without motivation and the willpower to cooperate in shaping new pro-social attitudes (e.g., building relationships with others), the change referred to as social rehabilitation is not possible.

2.2. Educator

Social rehabilitation staff performs the tasks of the institution, also takes care of the safety of the charges, and performs all functions in the field of organizing the social rehabilitation process resulting from specific legal provisions and the specificity of the institution in which it is employed (Becker- Pestka, 2014, pp. 44-45). In addition to scientific knowledge, an educator's qualifications are such character traits that will foster the development of trust and a proper relationship with the young person. The activity of pedagogues will be accepted when it serves the juvenile and, at the same time, helps him to become a human being. It is assumed that the educator should be a role model for the juvenile and that the pedagogue's personality cannot deviate from the educational ideal that has already been outlined (Zebrowski, 1996, p. 217). Social conditions, environment, culture, conscious educational influences, and self-education shape the educator's personality. The essence of the educator's personality is his creative nature of work and such personality traits that make him an organizer, guide, and inspirer in educating children, youth, and adults. The main advantages of a modern educator include, among others: thorough knowledge and the ability to effectively organize the educational and protective process. He should have the necessary power to see the world through the eyes of a child and restore him the possibility of proper and harmonious development, the joy of life, and people's trust. The educator should be able to introduce the child to active participation in culture, enable the choice of an appropriate profession, and prepare the individual for active participation in society. Only an intelligent educator can choose the actual values and direct the individual to them. Above all, an educator should be creative and constantly look for new and original solutions in his pedagogical work. His task is to shape people's characters and minds through direct contact with his juveniles (Zebrowski, 1996, pp. 219 - 220).

Educators who are sensitive to juvenile' dilemmas, questions and doubts, problems, as well as challenges and crises have a chance to see their symptoms in everyday situations and at the same time offer them support (Piorunek & Werner, 2014, p. 100). Their attitudes, personality, ideals, and values are manifested in the personal and direct contact between the educator and the juvenile. Every educator should be aware that everything he does and the whole process of upbringing that he implements leaves a permanent mark on young people's attitudes (Zebrowski, 1996, p. 220). From the point of view of educational work, the personality traits of the educator are essential, according to Anna Przedawska, the educator should:

1. have a pedagogical imagination,

2. have a friendly attitude toward people;

3. treat educational work as a service to others, even though it is a profession;

4. have specific interests and take care of their development;

5. be active and not indifferent to situations that are inconsistent with the value system he creates;

6. be authentic in actions and, at the same time, control impulses;

7. be able to realistically assess one's successes and failures at work and never be fully satisfied with oneself;

8. always work on development and constantly enrich educational workshop;

9. in work, always look for everything interesting, which could bring personal satisfaction" (Przedawska, 1985, p. 43).

The most desirable personality traits of social rehabilitation educators are:

1. mental (and also physical) fitness enabling the creative and consistent performance of tasks;

2. possession of psychological and pedagogical knowledge allowing the effectiveness of practical action;

3. a biophilic and humanistic attitude towards life and other people;

4. The ability to show kindness and the authenticity manifested in this respect, as well as the feature necessary in the humanistic trend of social rehabilitation education, which can be generally called "sympathy for people" (Jaworska, 2012, p. 92).

Educators aim to lead a situation where the juvenile can return to society after serving his sentence and function properly (Sobczyszyn & Jezioranski, 2019). Due to this state of affairs, social rehabilitation staff must demonstrate specific competencies in their work, not only "professional" but also personality. Self-control, perseverance, patience, and the ability to convince are essential, but also a specific intuition that allows find the necessary balance in being friendly and empathetic and, at the same time, allowing you to keep the required distance that protects against getting too close to the charges (Becker-Pestka, 2014, p. 43-55).

The goal of every social rehabilitation educator should be not so much to educate a maladjusted individual as to indicate the essence and need for self-education, self-realization, and self-control, as well as leading the individual to behave by social norms (Kowalczyk, 2014, p. 105). Henryk Machel (2008, p. 218) emphasizes that social rehabilitation staff should constantly improve their education. The social rehabilitation staff has a certain kind of mission to fulfil, which requires specific personality traits. They arise in constant and direct contact with the juveniles.

2.3. What to avoid

It is essential not to enter into non-professional relations with minors; it is unacceptable to become familiar with them and lower the authority of other employees. This work also has no place for revenge, getting back at the prisoners, or committing malice. In addition, it is necessary to behave appropriately with inmates' families. When dealing with them, it is very important to maintain objectivity and kindness; neither too optimistic nor too pessimistic assessments, and forecasts should be shown. Educator cannot give hope based on uncertainty in the juvenile's behaviour- these promises are not up to us as an employee to keep. It is obvious that accepting gifts from inmates' loved ones is unethical. It can be treated as favouring the juvenile and also as a bribe, the acceptance of which is a declaration of different, special treatment and possible benefits. Staff malfunction is one of the reasons preventing the course of proper social rehabilitation. Suppose we want our work to make sense and resocialize. In that case, we cannot afford to make such fundamental mistakes in contact, which is the essential tool of a social rehabilitation educator.

This type of work requires a kind of adaptability, creating delicate appearances emanating sympathy. Maintaining this relationship only in "playing," a work tool, a means to achieve goals may be challenging. Self-discipline is necessary to prevent too close a relationship with the juvenile. This involves several risky situations that an imprudent educator may encounter. Such is the unconscious disclosure of information about himself. These can be perceived as his weak points, which can be used by a young person who wants to achieve various benefits. Juvenile may show psychopathic features associated with a tendency to desire to manipulate the situation. Combined with the "superficial charm" (Bokuniewicz, 2015, p. 178), which psychopaths are characterized by, they can lull the vigilance of an inattentive educator. This can lead to a situation where the juvenile pushes the boundaries in the relationship with the educator by taking small steps. Over time, he gains the educator's trust, receives more freedom, and becomes convinced that he can afford more. Such actions may result in dangerous situations. The charge can use information about the educator, his habits, or preferences to plan related activities, such as escaping from the institution or inciting other charges to rebel. A minor may also try to create a hostile atmosphere among staff. If, at the same time, he tries to get close to several employees, he can use information about them against each other - spreading rumors, reporting on events, and passing on the opinions of other educators.


Only someone who connects with the juvenile through a thread of sympathy can be an educator and will not want to disappoint him if he becomes a close and significant person for the juvenile. Thus, he will not consciously break the rules and allow situations that may cause an escalation of aggressive behaviour. Be friendly, never friend, these are not opposing terms, but there is a significant contradiction with a decent juvenile-educator relationship. "Being friendly" means being cordial, caring, and wanting a good and healthy relationship. On the other hand, "being a friend," understood as absolute honesty, directness, and complete lack of embarrassment, is not a good step towards gaining authentic authority. It should be strongly emphasized that the process of social rehabilitation is not training. It is a process of changes in the cognitive sphere of a juvenile, the effectiveness of which depends on creating positive relationships and setting boundaries.

In summary, it can be said that the most essential thing in the work of a social rehabilitation educator is balance. A balance between work and personal life, compassion, and demands, and a balance between the interest in the individual and the desire to help every young person. Without compensation, any person performing this type of work is exposed to several hazards. It may seem that the most challenging thing in creating an educator is to look at a juvenile who commit s criminal acts as someone who deserves the same help as someone honest. Still, the real threat comes from too close a relationship with the charges. It would be best to get to know them well if educator were close to them, but remember that despite all our compassion and willingness to help, they are directly or indirectly responsible for their situation.

It should be remembered that in the minds of young people, a distorted image of themselves is created. They see their future in harmful colours, full of fear and uncertainty. Consequently, various deviations emerge, taking very different forms, such as sociopathy or psychopathy. A court judgment sends a person to a correctional or penitentiary institution or other social rehabilitation facility. A juvenile in an institution suddenly loses the power to decide about himself and his fate. It is true that he is guaranteed all the rights and respect that persons deprived of their liberty are entitled to, which generally ensures humane treatment. However, many people perceive the situation in the facility as humiliating. At this time, more or less, the moment of meeting the new ward with the educator and the exact definition of his role and importance in the ward's life. It is rather obvious that the role of a soc ial rehabilitation educator in the life of a ward who finds himself in a penitentiary institution is huge, indispensable and often decisive about his fate .


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