Demographic model "donor-recipient" on the example of countries: Ukraine and Bangladesh

Study of demographic security issues, including population aging and low birth rates. Development of effective government programs and policies aimed at supporting the family and fertility. Bangladesh is the most overpopulated country on the planet.

Рубрика Социология и обществознание
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Дата добавления 11.02.2024
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Kyiv International University

Demographic model "donor-recipient" on the example of countries: ukraine and bangladesh

Olga Mohylevska

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Economics, Entrepreneurship,

Management Department,

Vitalii Opanasiuk

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,

Md. Joynal Abdin

Business Consultant, Digital Marketer and Author, Co-Founder & CEO at Bangladesh Trade Center


The demographic imbalance is a serious problem in Ukraine due to overall demographic stagnation since 1992, economic labor migration, and war [1]. A proposed solution is targeted demographic migration. For example, migrants can contribute by transferring knowledge and skills to develop various sectors, including healthcare, education, and others. Ukraine is facing out-migration and depopulation, especially in the industrial and agricultural sectors. Migrants can help fill these vacancies, contributing to economic development and providing the necessary labor force. Ukraine also faces demographic security challenges, including an aging population [6] and low fertility rates. To address these issues, it is necessary to develop effective government programs and policies aimed at supporting families and fertility. On the other hand Bangladesh is considered as one of the over populated countries on the planet. About 1,168.79 people are living per square kilometer area. It increases 1.03% from the previous year i.e. 2022 in 2023. Bangladesh is enjoying a youth population mean since long. According to an UNFPA study about 20% of their populations are 15-24 years of age. Moreover 48% of their populations are in working age from 25-60 years. Every year millions of Bangladeshi expatriate workers fly to Middle East, East Asian, European and North American countries to get job and they are contributing about USD 25 billion per year as remittance to Bangladesh economy. Objective. Is to solve the problem of the demographic crisis in Ukraine and to develop migration relationship. Methods. In this article we did literature review: we conducted a thorough review of existing literature on demographic models, migration, and population trends in Ukraine and Bangladesh. This would have involved searching for and analyzing relevant academic articles, reports, and statistical data. Also we use method called data analysis: we analyzed demographic data from Ukraine and Bangladesh, including population size, growth rate, age distribution, and migration patterns. We did case study: we used Ukraine and Bangladesh as case studies to illustrate the application of the "donor-recipient" demographic model. We did proposal development and peer review. Are many scholars who study demography and explore different strategies in this area. Results. The demographic imbalance is a serious problem in Ukraine due to overall demographic stagnation since 1992, economic labor migration, and war. The proposed solution is targeted demographic migration, where migrants can contribute by transferring knowledge and skills to develop various sectors, including healthcare, education, and others. We propose a comprehensive migration policy that defines the goals of migration, the desired types of migrants, and the steps that will be taken to support migrants. The article provides a detailed analysis of the demographic trends and challenges in these countries and proposes a solution that is based on the "donor-recipient" model, which has been successfully implemented in other countries. The proposed migration policy can contribute to economic development, reduction of discrimination and xenophobia, and the development of tourism infrastructure in Ukraine. Scientific novelty. It lies in the proposal of a targeted demographic migration program that is tailored to the specific needs and characteristics of Ukraine and Bangladesh. The article provides a detailed analysis of the demographic trends and challenges in these countries and proposes a solution that is based on the "donor-recipient" model, which has been successfully implemented in other countries. Practical significance. Economic development: the migration of skilled workers from Bangladesh to Ukraine can help fill labor shortages in key sectors such as healthcare and education, which can contribute to economic development in Ukraine. Reduction of discrimination and xenophobia: the coexistence of different nationalities can help reduce stereotypes and assumptions about other cultures, which can contribute to a more tolerant and inclusive society. Development of tourism infrastructure: migrants from Bangladesh can draw attention to Ukrainian tourist destinations among their compatriots and other tourists from South Asia, which can contribute to the development of tourism infrastructure in Ukraine. Transfer of knowledge and skills: migrants can contribute by transferring knowledge and skills to develop various sectors, including healthcare, education, and others. Strengthening of cultural ties: the exchange of cultural values between Ukraine and Bangladesh can enrich both societies and strengthen cultural ties between the two countries.

Keywords: migration, recovery, culture, demography, GDP, labor force, tourism, relations. demographic birth fertility


Могилевська О.Ю. доктор економічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри економіки, підприємництва, менеджменту, Київський міжнародний університет

Опанасюк В.В.

кандидат економічних наук, доцент, Київський міжнародний університет

Мд. Джойнал Абдін бізнес-консультант, цифровий маркетолог та автор, співзасновник та генеральний директор Бангладешського торгового центру


Демографічний дисбаланс є серйозною проблемою в Україні через загальну демографічну стагнацію з 1992 року, економічну трудову міграцію та війну. Пропоноване рішення - цілеспрямована демографічна міграція. Наприклад, мігранти можуть зробити свій внесок, передаючи знання та навички для розвитку різних секторів, включаючи охорону здоров'я, освіту та інші. Україна стикається з відтоком населення та депопуляцією, особливо в промисловому та сільськогосподарському секторах. Мігранти можуть допомогти заповнити ці вакансії, сприяючи економічному розвитку та забезпечуючи необхідну робочу силу. Україна також стикається з проблемами демографічної безпеки, включаючи старіння населення та низький рівень народжуваності. Для вирішення цих питань необхідно розробити ефективні державні програми та політику, спрямовані на підтримку сім'ї та народжуваності. З іншого боку, Бангладеш вважається однією з найбільш перенаселених країн на планеті. На один квадратний кілометр площі припадає близько 1 168,79 осіб. У 2023 році цей показник збільшиться на 1,03% порівняно з попереднім роком, тобто 2022 роком. Бангладеш вже давно користується середнім показником молодіжного населення. Згідно з дослідженням Фонду народонаселення ООН, близько 20% населення країни - це люди у віці 15-24 років. Більше того, 48% населення країни перебувають у працездатному віці від 25 до 60 років. Щороку мільйони бангладешських заробітчан виїжджають до країн Близького Сходу, Східної Азії, Європи та Північної Америки в пошуках роботи, і вони приносять близько 25 мільярдів доларів США на рік у вигляді грошових переказів в економіку Бангладеш. Було досліджено приклади міграційної політики та вивчено статистику у таких країнах, як США, Німеччина та наведено приклад чому Японія «програє» через те, що не веде активну міграційну політику. Розглянуто плюси та мінуси міграційної політики. Вивчено переваги міграції бангладешців до України. Розглянуто статистику ВВП, ВВП на душу населення, розмір території, населення, щільність населення, середню тривалість життя, середній вік населення, етнічний склад, Index Doing Business України та Бангладеша. Розглянуті та запропоновані вирішення потенційних проблем бангладешців, під час їхньої міграції до України, такі як: мова, релігія та культура, навчання. Вивчено чому бангладешцям є сенс мігрувати в Україну. Наведено приклади регіонів України де бангладешці можуть проживати. Розглянуто особливості суспільства країни Бангладеш. Український уряд повинен розробити комплексну міграційну політику, яка визначатиме цілі міграції, бажані типи мігрантів і кроки, які будуть зроблені для підтримки мігрантів. Уряд також повинен надавати підтримку мігрантам. Працюючи разом, український уряд і громадянське суспільство можуть створити більш сприятливе середовище для мігрантів і допомогти вирішити проблему демографічного дисбалансу в Україні.

Ключові слова: міграція, відновлення, культура, демографія, ВВП, робоча сила, туризм, відносини.

Problem statement

The demographic imbalance in Ukraine is a result of general demographic stagnation since 1992, economic labor migration and war.

Analysis of recent research and publications

There are many scholars who study demography and explore different strategies in this area. The closest to this study are the works of Libanova M. [2; 3]. The article addresses the following previously unidentified problems: purposeful migration means adapting the process to a particular society, which means that Ukraine should be ready to accept one culture, albeit a complex and ancient one, and not many Bangladeshis.

The purpose of the article

To solve the problem of the demographic crisis in Ukraine and to develop migration relationship.

Summary of the main research material

Germany and the United States are countries that are developing at the expense of migrants. As for the United States of America, in 2022, the United States planned to double the limit on the admission of migrants, which began on October 1. Although the exact number of migrants who arrived in the United States in 2022 is not specified, it can be noted that from 2000 to 2010, about 14 million migrants came to the United States. Also, according to the Federal Statistical Office of Germany, at the end of 2022, 84.3 million people lived in the country, which is a record high. Migration, in particular from Ukraine, contributed to population growth. In the first half of 2022, 740 thousand Ukrainians, mostly children and the elderly, came to Germany. In addition, the statistical office notes large differences in the level of education and employment in the labor market among foreigners living in Germany. The chances of migrants in the local labor market depend on various factors, such as the motives for migration, work and residence rules, age structure, and level of education. This data demonstrates the importance of migration for the development of countries such as the United States and Germany. Migrants can contribute by transferring knowledge and skills to the development of various sectors, including healthcare, education, and others.

In our opinion, Japan is one of the most homogeneous countries in the world with relatively low migration rates. It is noted that Japan is not a country that actively attracts migrants, and in 2015, the annual emigration rate from Japan was 0%o, making Japan one of the countries with the lowest emigration rates in the world. This leads to some challenges related to an aging population, shrinking labor force, and cultural differences. Japan is facing a significant population aging. According to the United Nations, the average age of the Japanese population is years, which is the highest among countries in the world. This leads to a shrinking labor force and increased pressure on the social security system. The absence of migrants complicates the situation, as they could fill gaps in the labor market and provide additional resources to support the aging population. Due to low migration rates, Japan has a relatively homogeneous culture, which can make it difficult for migrants to adapt and contribute to xenophobia. On the other hand, migrants can enrich the country's culture by bringing new ideas and views. That is why Japan "loses" by not having migrants, as it leads to an aging population, a shrinking workforce, and cultural differences. Migrants could help the country solve these problems, but Japan continues to keep its borders relatively closed to foreigners.

Table 1 Statistics of Ukraine and Bangladesh





603,628 km2

147,570 km2


41.9 million

165.7 million

Population density

69.4 persons/ km2

1,122.3 persons/ km2

Ethnic composition

Ukrainians (77.8%), russians (17.3%), other (4.9%)

Bengalis (98%), other (2%)

Average age

41.2 years

27.9 years

Average life expectancy

72.5 years

72.3 years


$155.3 billion

$347.3 billion

GDP per capita



PPP GDP per capita



Doing Business Index

64th place

168th place

Conclusions from the table:

Bangladeshi people are very innovative, quick learner and hardworking. As a result they are working in different Middle East countries and other parts of the world with great reputations and dignity. They have access to agriculture technologies, readymade garment production, agro processing, construction, animal husbandry, and most of them have experience to rehabilitate a war devastating economy. Bangladesh renovate its road, building, industry almost everything after its liberation war and independence. Therefore, Ukraine authority can invite permanent or temporary migration of Bangladeshi professionals, workers, businesses, farmers, and entrepreneurs to migrate and contribute in reconstruction of Ukraine.

It makes sense for Bangladesh to send families to Ukraine and assimilate in Ukraine.

Bangladeshi society has a high population density, a young population, low GDP per capita, and a low level of business development. These factors can help motivate Bangladeshis to migrate to Ukraine, where there are opportunities for employment and improved quality of life, and Ukraine can fill demographic gaps and provide additional labor. Targeted migration of Bangladeshis to Ukraine can help to adapt the process to a specific society, which will ensure a high focus and likelihood of success.

Benefits of migration from Bangladesh to Ukraine.

The economic benefits of migration from Bangladesh to Ukraine could be significant. Ukraine is facing a population outflow and depopulation [4], especially in the industrial and agricultural sectors. As a result of the war, Ukraine has high mortality rates for men of working age [5]. Migrants from Bangladesh can help fill these vacancies, contributing to economic development and providing the necessary labor force. The social and cultural benefits of migration from Bangladesh to Ukraine may include the exchange of cultural values, diversity, and enrichment of Ukrainian and Bangladeshi society. Reduction of discrimination and xenophobia: coexistence of different nationalities can help reduce stereotypes and assumptions about other cultures. Migration from Bangladesh can contribute to the development of tourism infrastructure in Ukraine, as migrants can draw attention to Ukrainian tourist destinations among their compatriots and other tourists from South Asia. Regular migration from Bangladesh can help reduce the shadow economy in Ukraine, as migrants will be able to work legally and pay taxes. Bangladesh has a tropical climate, so migrants from this country may feel uncomfortable with the Ukrainian climate, especially in winter. However, the southern regions of Ukraine, such as Odesa and Kherson regions, have a more temperate climate, which may be more comfortable for migrants from Bangladesh.

Problems and their solutions:


To facilitate the integration of migrants from Bangladesh, Ukraine could introduce Ukrainian language courses for migrants, which could be available before they arrive in the country or upon arrival. This will help migrants adapt to the new environment and facilitate their integration into Ukrainian society.

Religion and culture

To ensure the cultural and religious integration of migrants from Bangladesh, Ukraine can organize cultural events aimed at familiarizing them with the traditions and values of both countries. It is also important to create conditions for religious freedom and support for different religious communities.


Ukraine can expand educational opportunities for children of Bangladeshi migrants by ensuring that they have access to quality education and are integrated into the Ukrainian educational system. This could include special programs for migrant children that facilitate their adaptation and socialization.

Banking Channel

Bangladesh and Ukraine both government can facilitate easy flow of money through banking channel by establishing official connections between the banks in both the countries.

Visa Process

In absence of a full functional diplomatic mission both countries are suffering from complex visa processing via a third country. Therefore to make the total process easier and fruitful, Bangladesh and Ukraine can establish full functional diplomatic mission in both side. So that visa process will be easier and smooth for the general people.


The demographic imbalance in Ukraine is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Targeted demographic migration can help fill labor shortages and contribute to economic development. However, it is important to carefully consider potential problems that migrants may face, such as language barriers, cultural differences, and discrimination. By addressing these issues, Ukraine can create a more favorable environment for migrants and benefit from the economic and demographic growth they can bring.


1. Visit Ukraine Today. How the population of Ukraine decreased during the war: sociologists' estimates.

2. Libanova Ella (2007) Complex Demographic Forecast of Ukraine's Population till the Year of 2050. Demography and social economy, no. 1, pp. 200.

3. Libanova Ella (2007) Low life expectancy is the main manifestation of the total demographic crisis in Ukraine. Journal of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, no. 3, pp. 411-447.

4. Reclaiming the lost. What threatens Ukraine with population decline?

5. Socio-demographic situation in Ukraine: ways to overcome the consequences of war.

6. No place for the elderly here. What to do with age imbalances in the labor market.

7. ChatGPT: An InstructGPT model trained to follow instructions in the prompt and provide detailed responses.

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