Main aspects of mobility in the social worker activities

The sociological segment of the study of the origin of mobility. The need for active development and implementation of a system of mobility in the training of social workers. The specifics of the social worker today. Structure of professional mobility.

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Дата добавления 16.06.2024
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National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Ayazbayeva Anna Serhiivna

PhD student of the Theory and

Technology of Social Work Department

Socio-Economic Education Faculty



Modern requirements dictate the need for active development and implementation of a system of mobility in the training of social workers, which will be able to ensure effective interactive and informational interaction between all actors in social activities. In accordance with the requirements, a theoretical analysis of scientific papers on the specifics of the social worker today. The purpose of scientific research is to study the work of a social worker and substantiate the peculiarities of mobility in the activities of this category. It is stated that sociologists focus on mobility between generations, and especially on the role of their education, compared to what was in the primary social environment, or such proposed characteristics as race, to explain career advancement and so on. The mobility of social workers is characterized by the volume, intensity and directions of the most important traffic flows, a certain social mechanism, driving forces, and direct consequences for society. It is emphasized that the study is influenced by the economic situation in the country: decline in production, declining productivity, devaluation of savings due to hyperinflation, lower real wages and pensions, falling employment, rising unemployment. Under such conditions, the population is demoralized. The difference between vertical and horizontal mobility in the activities of a social worker is represented. It is concluded that mobility will help to form highly qualified workers who have all the necessary professional skills and abilities.

Keywords: mobility, social worker, social worker activity, vertical mobility, horizontal mobility.


Аязбаєва Анна Сергіївна аспірантка кафедри теорії та технології соціальної роботи факультету соціально-економічної освіти, Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова, м. Київ


Сучасні вимоги диктують необхідність активного розроблення та запровадження системи мобільності у професійній підготовці соціальних працівників, яка зможе забезпечити ефективну інтерактивно-інформаційну взаємодію між усіма суб'єктами соціальної діяльності. Відповідно до висунутої вимоги, було проведено теоретичний аналіз наукових праць стосовно особливостей діяльності соціального працівника сьогодні. Метою наукової розвідки дослідження роботи соціального працівника і обґрунтування особливостей мобільності у діяльності означеної категорії. Констатовано, що соціологи концентрують увагу на мобільності між поколіннями, і особливо на ролі здобутої ними освіти, порівнюючи з тим, яке було у первинному соціальному середовищі, або таких запропонованих характеристик, як раса, з метою пояснення професійного просування тощо. Охарактеризовано мобільність соціальних працівників обсягом, інтенсивністю і напрямками найважливіших потоків руху, певним соціальним механізмом, рушійними силами, прямими наслідками для суспільства. Наголошено на тому, що на досліджуване впливає економічна ситуація в країні: спад виробництва, зниження продуктивності праці, знецінення заощаджень населення внаслідок гіперінфляції, зниження реальної заробітної плати і пенсій, падіння рівня зайнятості, зростання безробіття. За таких умов населення деморалізується. Репрезентовано відмінність між вертикальною і горизонтальною мобільністю у діяльності соціального працівника. Зроблено висновок про те, що мобільність допоможе сформувати висококваліфікованих працівників, які досконало володіють усіма необхідними професійними навичками та вміннями.

Ключові слова: мобільність, соціальний працівник, діяльність соціального працівника, вертикальна мобільність, горизонтальна мобільність.

Statement of the problem

The best laws on human rights and do not give the desired results without implementation on a personal level, without an individual approach to each person, which is the essence of social work.

Recently, the peculiarities of the social worker have become one of the most discussed in the world. At the turn of the millennium, the world community has faced significant problems in the field of social work, due to both the deteriorating global economic situation and demographic processes, which are accompanied by increasing number of disabled people.

In the former USSR and inherited in Ukraine, social work is officially enshrined in the Basic Law, but there is no holistic, unified system of its organization and management.

Social work, as defined by the European Association of Schools of Social Work, is an academic discipline and professional activity that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and empowerment and independence, involves individuals, groups, and societies families in difficult life circumstances and improving their quality of life and well-being, on the basis of the principles of social justice, respect for human rights, collective responsibility and respect, counteracts the factors of social exclusion and promotes respect for human rights.

In the conditions of open borders, the responsible mission of a social worker becomes especially important - awareness of one's own role in the transformation of modern society and the need to respond mobile to changes in it. Social mobility is able to form a foreign language teacher who will restructure the direction and content of professional activity; to work independently on own development, increase of educational and cultural levels; to develop the ability to independently acquire the competencies necessary for professional activity; to adapt and integrate in a multinational and multicultural environment [6].

Transformational processes in Ukrainian society have led to increased social mobility - both voluntary and forced. In our opinion, the increase of voluntary social mobility is conditioned by the development of various forms of ownership, entrepreneurial activity, as well as the current legislation, which facilitates the change of place of work and residence of people. Gradually formed and developed forms of mobility, traditional for a market economy: territorial, sectoral, vocational, internal and inter-firm [8].

It should be noted that an important place in the study of the peculiarities of social workers is the issue of social mobility, i.e. the transition of a person from one class to another, from one interclass group to another, social movements between generations.

Analysis of scientific works

Thus, social movements are massive and as society develops, they become more intense. The sociological and political sciences usually study the nature of social movements, their direction, and the intensity of movement between strata, generations, cities and regions. We consider it expedient to consider the peculiarities of mobility for the activities of a social worker.

The purpose of scientific research is to study the work of a social worker and substantiate the peculiarities of mobility in the activities of this category.

Main part

mobility social worker professional

The realization of this goal necessitated determining the degree of scientific study of our chosen problem. Our analysis of scientific publications on this issue shows that some studies on the development of social displacement belong to American authors. For example, S. Lipset and R. Bendix, P. Blau and O. Dunken, D. Fraserman and R. Hauser worked on this topic. Undoubtedly, mobility studies are conducted in different countries, but how to conduct research, which concepts to use, which statistics to involve in the processing of empirical information - this is implemented at the request of American sociologists [9].

The sociological segment of the study of the origin of mobility is represented in the scientific works. The scientific works of these scientists began to present for consideration the essence of the concept of «mobility» using the basic laws of physics. The meaning of research was based on the gradual accumulation of quantitative changes and their transition to qualitative at a certain stage of existence. These changes begin the development of personality. The step-by-step accumulation of quantitative changes provokes the transition to qualitative changes in the form of a jump. Analyzing the structure of professional mobility, we can say that this transition from quantitative to qualitative changes will be considered as an adaptation to something new.

It should be noted that the study of social mobility has a long history and begins in the middle of the XIX century from the scientific works of K. Marx and J. Mill. Significant contribution to the study of social mobility in the early XX century. Scholars such as V. Pareto, who proposed the theory of «circulation of elites», and P. Sorokin, who considered social mobility as any transition of an individual or social object from one social position to another [9].

We note that sociologists mostly focus on mobility between generations, and especially on the role of their education, compared to what was in the primary social environment, or proposed characteristics such as race, to explain career advancement and so on.

Socio-professional mobility, on the one hand, makes certain demands on the professional qualifications of individuals, and on the other - maximizes the development of personality by increasing the correspondence between the structure of its individual needs and socio-economic value of the place it occupies.

Mobility of social workers is characterized by the volume, intensity and direction of the most important flows of movement, a certain social mechanism, driving forces, direct consequences for society [2].

The social worker can move within several parameters, in particular (see Fig. 1):

- horizontal parameter of mobility - a certain transition of a specialist from one social group to another, located at the same level, for example, from one citizenship to another, from one family to another, from one organization to another, etc.;

- vertical parameter of mobility - the relationship that causes this movement of man from one sphere to another.

Fig. 1 Implementation of mobility in the social worker's activities Source: developed by the author

In practice, it is impossible to detect horizontal and vertical mobility in «pure» form. The above examples of mobility in the activities of a social worker can simultaneously indicate vertical mobility, and conversely, examples of vertical mobility can be considered as examples of horizontal mobility. A change of profession is almost always reflected in the level of income, prestige, and human position. As a rule, a social worker moves simultaneously in several directions during his professional activity - horizontal, vertical [3].

We emphasize that both the sphere of activity and the mobility of the social worker are affected by the economic situation in the country: decline in production, declining productivity, devaluation of savings due to hyperinflation, lower real wages and pensions, falling employment, rising unemployment. Under such conditions, the population is demoralized. Therefore, the activities of social workers today remain extremely promising and necessary, especially mobile.

We consider it necessary to single out the main tasks of the social worker, for which the formed mobility is necessary. The list of the specified tasks is given in fig. 2.

According to the first task (increasing the ability of clients to selfdevelopment) the mobile social worker can direct his client to self-development of personal potential, will be able to learn to model their own behavior, use and transform the experience.

Of course, in addition to the mobile social worker, it is necessary for the client's own desire to be ready to change plans, to formulate new tasks depending on life circumstances, professional achievements, relationships, statuses.

The effectiveness of the mobile social worker in performing the first task depends on the established mechanism of self-forecasting, which helps to predict the results of their own activities, behavior and their place in the new spiritual, moral and social coordinates. Self-forecasting determines the possibilities of personal development, identifies the requirements to be guided, and depends on internal beliefs and the external environment in which the social worker works [4].

If the average social worker is mainly focused on the first task, the mobile social worker will try to increase the efficiency of existing systems to increase the amount of services and resources needed for both their work and use by customers.

Fig. 2 Tasks of a modern mobile social worker

Source: developed by the author

We emphasize that the search for their own place in the social structure is perceived as an awareness of their future, still known in psychology as the "general line of life". We mean that this process means a combination of all motives for mobility. It should also be borne in mind that the "general line" must be in constant motion, respectively, this movement will be influenced by various circumstances, both external and internal personal processes.

Therefore, the improvement of the existing system will be a complex process that will require strong knowledge in the field of management theory, economics, law, psychology, sociology, pedagogy, medicine and more. Undoubtedly, its effectiveness will depend on the quality of work of the social worker, and hence on the level of his mobility.

Thus, the mobility of a social worker is related to the desire of an individual or community to change their social status in such a way as to find the best use of their abilities and more fully meet their own needs. This may be related to finding a new job or place of residence, education or training. Forced mobility of a social worker is against his will. It can be related to the loss of a job, housing (for example, due to the closure of a business), etc.

It is necessary to highlight the main qualities that a social worker must master to realize their own mobility, such as: adaptability and creativity. For the social worker, adaptability helps to function effectively in the uncertain conditions of the modern environment and, accordingly, to adapt quickly to them. This quality for the social worker will be seen as his ability to internal and external changes, which are aimed at maintaining a balanced relationship with the social environment. Adaptability is a factor that determines the innovative potential of the individual and the peculiarities of its manifestation, and therefore, the presence of this quality in the social worker is an important factor in the formation of mobility.

We emphasize that a mobile social worker with a high level of adaptability is constantly confident in his own strengths and his own future, do not feel afraid of change. They are characterized by ingenuity, intelligence, speed of reaction, entrepreneurship, optimism. They are capable of open innovation, open to new experiences.


The modern world is changing rapidly with the development of nanotechnology, as new professions emerge for successful self-realization, the social worker must be flexible, creative, able to make choices and self-improvement.

The activities of a social worker are to provide counseling to individuals, families, groups, communities and organizations in the event of social and personal difficulties. They help clients develop the necessary skills and provide access to relevant resources and support services needed to respond to problems related to unemployment, poverty, disability, addiction, deviant behavior, including criminal, family problems, etc.

Providing such assistance is possible only with the formation of certain personal qualities, such as self-knowledge, self-criticism, and openness to change. The quality is identified in the work as a basis for the mobility of a social worker.

A scientific and theoretical analysis of the activities of a social worker allowed us to state that mobility is modern. Necessity. It is aimed at identifying and improving the directions, trends, intensity of social movements, i.e. objective indicators of this process and subjective factors.

It should be noted that the existing research on mobility, in particular its phenomena in the activities of a social worker, usually focuses on its narrow, local trends, sectoral and regional characteristics. Such studies require and allow for a relatively stable configuration of positions and statuses over time. The peculiarity of the situation in Ukraine is that not only individuals move between positions, but also the positions themselves move in relation to each other, creating new stable configurations

The success of the mobility of a social worker depends primarily on the characteristics of the social structure of society. The deeper the division of labor, the greater the opportunities for the mobility of social workers. Society has the opportunity to choose and change professions. In order to get a job or education, they often change their place of residence. Thus, with the expansion of the scope of social functions in society, with the complication of functional relationships, favorable opportunities for horizontal mobility are created.

We state that the mobility of a social worker depends on the peculiarities of the stratification of society. The longer the distance between the social strata in the hierarchy of society, the more difficult will be the process of mobility for the social worker, even with all the diligence of man. Conversely, the shorter the distance between the layers, the greater the upward mobility will depend on the efforts and abilities of the social worker.


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