The interdisciplinary connections of organization theory and organizational development

In difficult times for the economy, it is especially necessary to generalize the advanced organizational experience accumulated both by humanity and in a country as a basis for further successful social. At the same time, the practical implementation.

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The interdisciplinary connections of organization theory and organizational development

Marynovych V., "KROK" University


In difficult times for the economy, it is especially necessary to generalize the advanced organizational experience accumulated both by humanity and in a country as a basis for further successful social and economic development of society. At the same time, the practical implementation of the application of organization theory and organizational development as a concrete applied guide to action in real economic conditions as well as the practical implementation of the achievements of organization theory and organizational development as a toolkit in the construction, structuring, and presentation of such production disciplines as technology and organization of production and, of course, operational management is relevant today. interdisciplinary connections successful social

In the first decade of the XXI century organization theory stood out as an independent discipline and started quickly developing. Formulating the scientific foundations of the design of organizational and economic systems and processes, developing the basic concepts and logic of building a general organizational science in modern conditions, ensuring the maximum combination of organization theory and practice, implementing organizational laws, principles, and methods primarily in the real economic activity of domestic enterprises are the tasks of organization theory that have become relevant nowadays [1].

The modern organization theory and organizational development determines the structure and forms of the complex display of this field of knowledge in the form of a clear system of organizational laws, principles and methods, classifications, and other scientific categories. Organization theory and organizational development represents, on the one hand, scientifically based approaches, principles, and methods of organizational activity, and on the other hand, it offers a practical toolkit for this activity in the form of procedures, structures, organizational processes and systems at machine-building enterprises and other branches of the national economy [2]. Thus, the "universal" role of organization theory and organizational development in modern science and practical activities of people is emphasized.

However, in our opinion, there are still few publications in the educational and scientific literature about the intersection of such disciplines as organization theory and organizational development, economics, and management.


Organization theory and organizational development actively begins to occupy a leading place among the fundamental scientific disciplines, within the framework of the general system of knowledge and, first, the economic and management block. Organization theory and organizational development in this block is presented as a single and complex theoretical basis that forms and ensures a consistent relationship and harmonious development of the entire set of sciences. It should be emphasized that organization theory and organizational development as an independent science is still only at the stage of its formation. Being an interdisciplinary theoretical and applied science, organization theory and organizational development should constantly be nourished by new scientific research, analysis, and generalization of advanced practical experience in the conditions of dynamic market production of goods and services. Organizations cannot be the subject of study of only one science, namely, organization theory and organizational development; on the contrary, they should be considered as a subject of interdisciplinary study because organization theory and organizational development is based on three main areas of scientific knowledge: mathematical, natural, and social sciences. According to this approach, the starting point in this system is organization theory and organizational development [2].

Organization theory and organization development is a theory of organizational relations; therefore, the object of organization theory is a set of organization relations both vertically and horizontally: organization and disorganization, subordination and coordination, arrangement, and coordination, that is, the interaction of people about the organization of joint activities, production of material goods, reproduction of themselves as subjects of societal changes. Also, the object of study is regulated and self-organizing processes that occur in social organizational systems. Since selforganizing, regulated processes are parts of all complex organizational systems, the object of organization theory has a multi-level character as well: from society and its main subsystems to entrepreneurial, state, municipal and public organizations [3].

The subject of organization theory and organizational development is organizational relations, i.e., connections and interactions between various kinds of integral formations and their structural components, as well as processes and actions of organizing and disorganizing orientation. A variety of types of organizational relations is revealed clearly enough through regulatory mechanisms: (a) connection of elements and complexes among themselves; (b) formation of connecting intermediate link between heterogeneous links when forming a new integrity; (c) formation of a neutralizing, destructive link in the processes of disorganization of some integrity; (d) unification using common links; (e) selection and choosing, natural regulation measures; (f) reverse communication; (g) methods of centralized and skeletal formation of complexes [2]. It should be noted that the subject of organization theory and organizational development also includes the basic external methods, categories, concepts that reveal the essence of science, the nature of organizational activity. As can be seen from Table 1, founders of various schools and trends in theory and practice of management approached the selection of the object and the subject of the organization in different ways.

Table 1

Different approaches to the object and the subject of the organization


Object of Organization

Subject of Organization

F. Taylor

organization of work

work processes, work techniques and movements, as well as work methods

H. Ford

organization of production

technological flows, production processes

Classical school

the organization

structure and functions of management apparatus, regulation of content and work methods

Behavioral schools


motives of people's behavior in the organization

Source: [2-5]

In the process of research of the organization's problems scientists sought to develop principles and theories of the organization.

1. F. Taylor developed the principles of "scientific management" that replaced outdated authoritarian methods with scientific approaches to management.

2. A. Fayol formulated principles of organization which could be applied to all levels of management and attached special importance to the formal organization structure.

3. E. Mayo drew several significant conclusions that contradicted the concept of a "rational worker". In programs for improvement of management in many large organizations, the need for and importance of special training of managers for conducting interviews, establishing interpersonal relationships, understanding the group, development of other social skills of a manager is emphasized.

3. Ch. Barnard combined the ideas of F. Taylor, A. Fayol, and M. Weber with the results of the Hawthorne experiment and put forward a definition of the formal (purposeful) organization and its constituent elements and purpose, highlighting the subjective and objective aspects of managerial power. The perception theory developed by him explains the relations of managers and employees in a new way.

4. D. McGregor concluded that managers build their own behavior towards subordinates in accordance with their personal ideas about employees and their abilities. He characterized the system of management from two opposite positions, each of which can be taken by managers in relation to their subordinates (Theory X and Theory Y).

5. A. Chandler, J. Thomson, P. Lawrence, J. Lorsch research the impact of the external environment on the organization. A. Chandler showed that the increase in the volume of products produced is oriented towards flow production and leads to the necessary transition from a functional organizational form to a structural scheme based on divisions. J. Thomson showed the difference between closed and open organizations, when a closed organization strives for certainty and is focused on internal factors that are related to its goals achievement while an open organization recognizes the interdependence of the organizational structure and its environment, tries to achieve stabilization in its relations with external environment requirements. As stated by J. Thomson, organizations, after all, are closely connected with their environment: they acquire resources in exchange for manufactured products; their technologies are based on the realities of the surrounding world.

6. R. Sayert, J. March, G. Simon contributed to the establishment of the view that managers do not work in conditions of perfect knowledge; hence uncertainty arises, which is the normal situation. Also, they put forward the concept of organization as a "garbage can" that can be considered as one of the models of irrational decision-making that a manager has to deal with [2; 6; 7].

Considering the above-mentioned research, we can state that organization theory is designed to use the achievements and data of several related scientific disciplines (psychology, sociology, and social psychology, anthropology) to solve these tasks. Moreover, all categories of organization theory and organization development can be divided into three relatively independent groups:

1) categories for most social sciences (society, state, property, market, social activity, human being, person, resources, social institutions, authorities)

2) categories reflecting organizational phenomena and processes occurring in social and socio-economic systems (organization, organizational system, organization structure, mission of the organization, goal of the organization, leadership, formal and informal organizations, organization laws, organizational culture)

3) categories revealing the technology of organizational activities and management (rules, procedures, cycles, communications, resolution of contradictions and conflicts, composition, typification, classification) [7].

The presented division of organization theory and organizational development into categories is conditional. In the process of research of the organization's problems and in the practice of organizational activity the categories are applied comprehensively, in interaction with one another.

Complex solutions to the problems of organizations require considering the fact that their elements include objects of a dual nature. On the one hand, they are factors determining the socioeconomic structure of organizations (individuals with their abilities, interests and training, social groups, divisions, distribution of powers and responsibilities, informal relations, information flows). On the other hand, these are the elements that determine the production and technical structure of the organization (tools, material resources, technological rules): an enterprise is a complex hierarchical system that unites many functional subsystems (production preparation, main production processes and their infrastructure, technical-economic and operational production planning) [8]. For all elements of the enterprise's production system to be united into a single whole, it is necessary to organize it, i.e., to design and ensure the functioning of the integrated system of the enterprise. It was proposed to attribute organization of production to the group of disciplines on production, although the desired classification of production sciences has not yet been developed or singled out in the general system of scientific knowledge. A special place in the functioning of any organization, especially a state one, is the financial and economic subsystem, which is a complex of economic relations in the middle of the organization, mediating the movement of financial resources aimed at the implementation of functions and tasks organizational system in conditions of instability and variability of the external environment. Many specialists in this field are inclined to attribute the organization of production to borderline technical and economic sciences or to purely economic sciences. Thus, before the development of the classification, it is conditionally assigned to a group of economic sciences [2; 9].

The decisive role in ensuring the viability of organizations and their achievement of goals belongs to the science of management. The question of distinguishing organization theory and management science in the ongoing research is ambiguously resolved. In some works, organization theory is considered as an integral part of the science of management. This is motivated by the fact that management is purposeful activity of transferring the object to the desired state cannot be considered separately from the nature and properties of the managed object. In several works on management theory, the main categories, regularities, principles, and typology of organizational systems are formulated, but no distinction is made to which branch of the general theory the postulate applies: to organization or management [10].

There are also many works highlighting the problems of the organization in a relatively independent field of knowledge. The initial position of their authors is that organization answers the question of what to manage, and management answers the question why and how to influence the object. Understanding the organization provides a foundation for learning management. Such a position allows deeply and comprehensively research the patterns and principles of building organizations of various types, identify the most appropriate conditions and ways to ensure the effectiveness of individual elements, interrelationships, and interdependencies, consider the peculiarities of each stage of the life cycle of organizations. With this approach, the objectively existing connection and mutual influence of organization and management within the framework of a single process of purposeful activity is preserved. Organization theory and organization development is one of the management sciences, the basis of which is management theory [11].

General organizational science founded in 1913 laid the foundations of organization theory and organizational development. During the period from the emergence of the general organizational science to nowadays there has been a rapid increase in scientific directions close to organization theory in terms of content, such as cybernetics, general systems theory, structural analysis, catastrophe theory, synergy, management theory, as well as applied theories of social direction: theory of management, sociology of organizations, organizational behavior. They selected the main conceptual ideas of organizational science, subjecting them to further research and developing them. With all similarities of common problems solved by these related scientific areas, each of them has its own delineated circle of researched tasks and cannot replace organization theory and organizational development [2; 12].

Cybernetics, for example, studies the laws of operation of a special kind of system, which relate to perception, memorization, processing, and exchange of information. The theoretical core of cybernetics includes information theory, theory of algorithms, pattern recognition, and optimal management.

According to the same considerations, structural analysis, synergy, and management theory cannot replace organization theory and organizational development, because each of them studies part of the world around us. As for applied theories: management, sociology of organization, organizational behavior, and many others, they consider the general regularities of organizational processes in the specific conditions of their operation. Organizational theory and organizational development is closely related to natural sciences and social sciences. They are sources of ideas, images, and organizational experience. A lot of information for understanding the general organizational laws and principles is drawn from biology, chemistry, physics, as well as for spreading them to the processes of preservation and destruction of all types of systems. Mathematics not only provides tools for quantitative assessment of organizational ties and relations, but also is a clear example of the organizational forms of the whole [13].

Of particular importance is the connection between organizational theory and the system of social sciences. Thanks to the study of the regularities of organizational processes, it has a positive impact on the development of the theory of social management, the science of managing the national economy, and the theory of public administration. Organization theory and organizational development cannot replace any of them, although it contributes to the development of applied scientific research in these areas [7].


Organization theory and organizational development is considered through the prism of tasks faced by managers regarding management processes of organization design and work of organizations. It studies the principles, laws and regularities of the organization and management of organizations, in particular enterprises, institutions, authorities, companies, personnel, and other resources of social organizations and can be perceived as something purely related to a specific practical activity. Organization theory and organizational development is based on three main areas of scientific knowledge: mathematical, natural, and social sciences. This determines the connection between organization theory and other areas of scientific knowledge and different approaches to determining the place of organization theory and organizational development in the system of sciences [2].

Organizational theory forms a system of scientific knowledge in the field of analysis and synthesis of social organizations and social relations. Nevertheless, a certain difficulty for the development of organization theory and organizational development is the problem of quantitative measurement of organizational parameters [1].

Ways of the development of organization theory and organizational development that have been distinguished include:

1) creation of a general approach to basic scientific beliefs based on those available in management, economics, sociology and other sciences of scientific visions and further advancement in research

2) selection of the local area of research of a part of the organization and its development

3) formation of a three-stage development scheme that include: (a) creating a local area of research and bringing organization theory closer to the level of economics, psychology, and other related sciences development; (b) joining efforts of related sciences regarding system development of organization; (c) separating from related sciences and developing of its own subject research [2].


1. Jones G.R. Organizational Theory, Design, and Change: Text and Cases. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2010.

2. Монастирський Г.Л., Августин Р.Р., Богач Ю.А. Навчально-методичний комплекс з дисципліни "Теорія організації": Тернопільський національний економічний ун-т. Тернопіль: "Економічна думка" ТНЕУ, 2017. 98 с.

3. Кожушко Л.Ф., Кузнецова Т.О. Менеджмент організацій: теорія та практика: навч. посіб.; Нац. ун-т вод. госп-ва та природокористування. Рівне: НУВГП, 2016. 396 с.

4. Баценко Л.М., Галенін Р.В., Ксенофонтова М.М. Теорія організації: навч. посіб. Сум. нац. аграр. ун-т. Суми: Мрія, 2016. 362 с.

5. Daft R.L., Armstrong A. Organization Theory and Design. Toronto: Nelson, 2009.

6. Ващенко О.П. Теорія та практика побудови організаційних систем управління: навч. посіб.; Держ. ун-т телекому- нікацій. Київ: ДУТ, 2017. 112 с.

7. Pugh D.S. and Hickson D.J. Writers on Organizations. 6th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2007.

8. Sapru R.K. Administrative Theories and Management Thought. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, 2008.

9. Терещенко Т.В. Теорія організації: навч. посіб.; Хмельницький ун-т упр. та права. Хмельницький: Хмельниц. ун-т упр. та права, 2015. 335 с.

10. Scott W.R., Davis G.F. Organizations and Organizing: Rational, Natural, and Open System Perspectives. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.

11. Shafritz J., Ott J.S. Classical Organization Theory. (5 ed.). Orlando: Harcourt, 2001.

12. Tolbert P.S., Hall R.H. Organizations: Structures, Processes, and Outcomes. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009.

13. Марченко О.М., Томаневич Л.М. Теорія організації: навч. посіб.; Львів. держ. ун-т внутр. справ. Львів : ЛьвДУВС, 2015. 359 с.

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