City target programs as tools for ensuring social security of city residents
Social indicators of threats to human security. Analysis of the level of implementation of city target programs activities in the city of Kyiv, aimed at ensuring the social security of the population. The reasons for their ineffective implementation.
Рубрика | Социология и обществознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 16.06.2024 |
Размер файла | 19,8 K |
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City target programs as tools for ensuring social security of city residents
Shlapak Alla, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Ivashchenko Oksana, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Nykoniuk Kateryna, Lecturer, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
The article analyzes the content of the "human social security" category. Social indicators of threats to human security have been determined as high level of poverty; social inequality and high differentiation of population incomes; deterioration of physical health; instability in the country and its regions; dangerous environment; low access to education; spread of unemployment; insecurity of rights and freedoms. The importance of researching tools and means of ensuring the social security of city residents is crucial, due to the predominance of the urban population in Ukraine.
It was concluded that the social security of city residents is formed in a complex managed socio-economic system, and its level is influenced by the availability of resources in the city, its investment attractiveness, and the ability of the authorities to implement security-oriented management of the city.
The content and procedure of development of city target programs are characterized as tools for ensuring social security of city residents. Examples of actual Kyiv city target programs are given with the definition of operational goals and the amount of financial resources necessary for their implementation. The system of performance indicators of budgetary programs has been analyzed, which make it possible to assess the effectiveness of the use of budgetary funds and the level of ensuring social security of certain categories of the city's population.
The article represents an analysis of the level of implementation of city target programs activities in the city of Kyiv, aimed at ensuring the social security of the population for the period of 2020-2021. It was found that not all activities of the programs are implemented in the planned volumes. The insufficient volume of allocations for the implementation of activities was highlighted among the reasons for the ineffective implementation of the city target programs, as well as inadequate level of work on attracting funds from the state budget and other sources for the implementation of city target program activities, insufficient validity of city target program projects in terms of consistency of activity plans with available budgetary funds.
Key words: social security, social security of a person, social security of city residents, program-target method, city target program, performance indicators of the budget program, social assistance.
Міські цільові програми як інструменти забезпечення соціальної безпеки жителів міста
Шлапак Алла, доктор економічних наук, доцент; Іващенко Оксана, кандидат економічних наук, доцент; Никонюк Катерина, викладач, Київський столичний університет імені Бориса Грінченка
У статті проаналізовано зміст категорії «соціальна безпека людини». Визначено соціальні індикатори загроз безпеці людини, зокрема: високий рівень бідності; соціальну нерівність та високу диференціацію доходів населення; погіршення стану фізичного здоров'я; нестабільність у країні та її регіонах; небезпечне екологічне середовище; недоступність здобуття освіти; поширення безробіття; незахищеність прав і свобод. Наголошено на важливості дослідження інструментів та засобів забезпечення соціальної безпеки жителів міста, що обумовлено переважанням в Україні міського населення.
Зроблено висновок, що соціальна безпека жителів міст формується у складній керованій соціально-економічній системі, а на її рівень впливає наявність ресурсів у місті, його інвестиційна привабливість, здатність влади здійснювати безпекоорієнтоване управління містом.
Охарактеризовано зміст та порядок розроблення міських цільових програм як інструментів забезпечення соціальної безпеки жителів міста. Наведено приклади діючих міських цільових програм міста Києва з визначенням оперативних цілей та обсягів фінансових ресурсів, необхідних для їх реалізації. Проаналізовано систему показників виконання бюджетних програм, які дають можливість оцінити ефективність використання бюджетних коштів і, до певної міри, рівень забезпечення соціальної безпеки окремих категорій населення міста.
Проведено аналіз рівня виконання заходів міських цільових програм у місті Києві, спрямованих на забезпечення соціальної безпеки населення, за період 2020-2021 рр. Виявлено, що не всі заходи програм виконуються у запланованих обсягах. Серед причин неефективної реалізації міських цільових програм виділено недостатній обсяг асигнувань на реалізацію заходів; неналежний рівень проведення роботи із залучення коштів державного бюджету та інших джерел на виконання заходів МЦП; недостатню обґрунтованість проектів МЦП в частині узгодженості планів діяльності з наявними бюджетними коштами.
Ключові слова: соціальна безпека, соціальна безпека людини, соціальна безпека жителів міста, програмно-цільовий метод, міська цільова програма, показники виконання бюджетної програми, соціальна допомога.
Statement of the problem
The priority task of the state is to ensure the social security of every person, the entire population of the country. In the Methodological recommendations for calculating the level of economic security of Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine dated 29.10.2013 No. 1277, the term "social security of the state" is defined as "the level of state development in which the state is able to ensure a decent and high-quality standard of living of the population regardless of age, gender, income level, to promote the development of human capital as the most important component of the country's economic potential [1].
It is obvious from this definition that the social security of the state is based on the protection of an individual person, it is achieved under the condition of ensuring a decent and high-quality standard of living of the population, development of human capital in the country. To ensure social security, the state develops and implements various strategies and plans, using various tools and means. In Ukraine, before the start of a full-scale war, more than 65% of the population lived in cities, which determines the importance and relevance of researching the means of ensuring social security of city residents.
Analysis of the latest research and publications
Several publications by domestic scientists are devoted to the study of interpretation, evaluation and provision of social security at various levels. The subject of research by N.M. Bunyak [2] is the essence of human social security and the ways of ensuring it. O.I. Klipkova [4] points out the characteristic features and conceptual foundations of the social security dilemma. I.I. Bilous [5] analyzes the main indicators of social security threats. O.G. Sydorchuk [3] justifies the formation factors and interaction mechanisms of a multi-level social security system: man, society, state. The scientific publication of Yu. A. Romanovska [6] is devoted to the study of the city as an object of social and economic security. The works of these scientists have formed a strong theoretical and practical basis for research of means and tools for ensuring the social security of the city's residents.
The purpose of this article is characteristics of city target programs as tools for ensuring social security of city residents.
Research results
Social security of a person, regardless of where he lives, is interpreted by scientists as:
- the state of person's protection "from internal and external threats that violate his vital interests, rights and freedoms, while normal life activities are maintained, material well-being is improved, and conditions for development and self-realization are created" [2];
- "a certain level of provision of person's basic needs, a state of protection of vital rights, freedoms and social interests from internal and external threats, which is ensured through the creation of a safe environment (appropriate conditions) both by the person himself and by the state, society" [3, p. 65];
- "absence of threats to social interests (life and health) and a person's individual awareness of his security" [4].
Among the social indicators of human security threats, scientists single out: high level of poverty; social inequality and high differentiation of population incomes; deterioration of physical health; instability in the country and its regions; dangerous environment; low access to education; spread of unemployment; insecurity of rights and freedoms [3, p. 78; 5].
Social security of city residents is formed in a complex managed socio-economic system. Yu. A. Romanovska interprets the category "city" as "a human settlement with a clearly defined territory, where the objects of the infrastructure system (production, transport, energy, social, educational, medical, cultural and recreation) are located, the functioning of which is aimed at satisfying various needs of the population, business entities, the region and the state in general" [6, p. 175].
It goes clearly from this definition, that the level of social security of city residents depends on the state, interaction and mutual influence of a significant number of elements of the city's socio-economic system. The subjects of ensuring the social security of the city population are the state, the city government, public associations and the citizens themselves. The level of social security of city residents is influenced by the availability of resources in the city (material, financial, labor), its investment attractiveness, the ability of the authorities to carry out security-oriented management of the city, to establish effective communications with the state bodies and business entities functioning in the city.
Among the tools and means of ensuring the social security of city residents, one of the most important is the city budget, the funds of which are directed to the implementation of social and economic development programs.
Starting from 2017, planning and management of budgetary funds of local budgets in the medium-term perspective was introduced in Ukraine, i.e. the application of the program-target method (PTM) of local budgets formation in the budgetary process. The content of the PTM consists in the development and implementation of budgetary programs focused on the result.
According to the Procedure for the development, approval and implementation of city target programs in the city of Kyiv, the city target program is "a set of interrelated tasks and measures, agreed on terms and resource provision, aimed at solving the most urgent problems of the city's development, distinct sectors of the economy or social spheres of the city, the implementation of which is carried out at the expense of the state budget, the city budget and other sources of financing provided for by the legislation of Ukraine" [7].
Budgetary programs are approved exclusively within the limits of the available budgetary resources of the city to achieve a specific result using these resources. Each program has its goal or the result that is planned to be achieved within its implementation, the program passport is developed (brief general description), the responsible executor is established, who is the main manager of the budgetary funds provided for the implementation of the program activities.
Tasks determined for each city target program are a set of specific measures that must ensure the achievement of the program's goals. The volumes and sources of funding are established for each of the defined activities within the tasks, as well as the program performance indicators.
Here under are given the examples of several current city target programs in Kyiv, the implementation of which allows to ensure an acceptable level of social security of the city's residents (Table 1).
Table 1. The main city target programs (CTP) aimed at ensuring the social security of Kyiv residents: [8]
Name of the city target program |
Operational goals defined by the City Development Strategy |
Volumes of financial resources, millions, UAH |
Including 2024 |
Share in city budgetary expenditures for 2024, % |
CTP «Care. Towards Kyivans» for 2022-2024 |
Increasing the social security of residents |
11345,4 |
3872,6 |
4,49 |
CTP «Public health» for 2022-2024 |
Provision of high-quality and affordable medicine |
834,1 |
214,6 |
0,25 |
CTP «Kyiv education» for 2024-2025 |
Development of human capital |
10402,6 |
4897,8 |
5,68 |
CTP «Children. Family. The Capital» for 2022-2024 |
Increasing the social security of residents |
524,9 |
180,1 |
0,21 |
City target program "Care. Towards Kyivans" is aimed to improve the efficiency of the social assistance system in the city of Kyiv by strengthening the targeting of its provision and by including additional measures for social support of citizens to ensure their dignified existence [8]. Art. 34 of the Law of Ukraine "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine" defines the authority of city councils to provide additional to the legally established guarantees regarding social protection of the population (at the expense of their own funds and charitable receipts) [9].
The implementation of the program comprises 11,345.4 million UAH, including 3,872.6 million UAH in 2024, which is 4.49% of the total amount of city budgetary expenditures. It is advisable to highlight the following activities of the program:
- ensuring the provision of one-time targeted social material assistance to certain categories of the population of the city of Kyiv on the occasion of public holidays and important dates;
- provision of funds for the purchase of medicines and medical products for inpatient treatment to Kyivans who participated in the anti-terrorist operation, family members of the victims, and Kyiv residents who were injured participants of the Revolution of Dignity;
- ensuring the provision of one-time targeted material assistance to low-income groups of the population of the city of Kyiv, as well as residents who are in difficult life circumstances;
- congratulating of Kyiv residents celebrating their 100th anniversary including material aid;
- provision of monthly targeted social material assistance to orphans and certain categories of persons with disabilities;
- provision of targeted material assistance to students with disabilities, orphans deprived of parental care, from the families of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred and from low-income families for partial payment of tuition at higher educational institutions of their choice.
The goal of the city target program "Public Health" is to participate in the implementation of the state policy for the development of the public health system in the city of Kyiv to preserve and strengthen the health of the city's residents, prevent diseases and encourage a healthy lifestyle. The planned amount of resources for the implementation of this program is 834.1 million UAH, including 214.6 million UAH in 2024 [8]. Achieving the specified goal of the program involves the implementation of measures regarding:
- prevention aimed at combating the epidemic of HIV infection, tuberculosis and other socially dangerous diseases;
- early detection of infectious and non-infectious diseases by conducting diagnostics among the adult and children's population;
- morbidity reduction of epidemic risk groups by means of immunization;
- expansion of newborns screening for hereditary diseases;
- carrying out information campaigns on the promotion of a healthy and safe lifestyle and health culture.
The city target program "Children. Family. The Capital" is developed and implemented to ensure the optimal functioning of the integral system for the protection of the children's rights who find themselves in difficult life circumstances, children left without parental care, orphans and children deprived of parental care [8]. The operational goals of the program are to increase the social security of children. The main measures under this program are as follows:
- organization of social work with children whose parents are raising children and have mental health problems;
- organization of individual and group work aimed at preserving of child's biological family;
- provision of social and psychological assistance to families who have adopted orphans
and children deprived of parental care;
- provision of annual additional financial assistance to family-type orphanages for solving material and household problems;
- ensuring the development and production of social advertising products aimed at the development and support of the family, preparing young people for married life, conscious parenthood;
- provision of comprehensive social services to families/individuals in accordance with their needs to overcome difficult life circumstances, etc.
In the context of ensuring the social security of city residents, the advantages of the program-target method are that, thanks to predetermined indicators of budgetary programs implementation, the government together with the community can control not only the targeted use of budgetary funds, but also the actual results of providing budgetary services to citizens. Program implementation is assessed using the system of indicators developed for each budgetary program. The system of indicators includes cost/input resources indicators, product/output indicators, productivity (efficiency) indicators, performance (quality) indicators.
The cost indicator reflects the amount of input resources (money, labor, information) necessary for the implementation of the corresponding task of the budgetary program. The product indicator determines the volume of services provided and works performed. The efficiency indicator characterizes the cost of resources per unit of the product indicator, and the quality indicator determines the results of the work performed and the quality of service provision.
The use of the program performance indicators system makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of the use of budgetary funds, compare actual results with expected ones, and estimate the cost of program implementation. In addition, in our opinion, performance indicators make it possible to assess the level of provision of social security for certain categories of the city's population.
For example, let's analyze one of the city target programs of the city of Kyiv "Care. Towards the Kyivans" for 2022-2024, considering the indicators planned in it for some activities (Table 2).
Table 2 Performance indicators of the city target program "Care. Towards the Kyivans” for 2022-2024: [10]
Program activities |
Indicators |
Value of indicators by year |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
Provision of one-time targeted social material assistance to certain categories of the population on the occasion of public holidays and significant dates |
Costs indicator, thousands UAH |
250348,8 |
263617,2 |
277589,0 |
Product indicator: number of recipients, thousands of people |
503,0 |
496,5 |
492,8 |
Efficiency indicator: average amount of assistance per year, UAH |
497,7 |
531,0 |
563,3 |
Quality indicator: the level of material assistance provision, % |
100,0 |
100,0 |
100,0 |
Provision of one-time targeted material assistance to low- income groups of the population and Kyiv residents who find themselves in difficult life circumstances |
Costs indicator, thousands UAH |
111242,9 |
114420,1 |
117721,3 |
Product indicator: number of recipients, thousands of people |
28,7 |
29,4 |
30,2 |
Efficiency indicator: average amount of assistance per year, UAH |
3876,1 |
3891,8 |
3898,1 |
Quality indicator: dynamics of the number of recipients, % |
100,0 |
102,4 |
102,7 |
Provision of monthly targeted social material assistance to orphans and certain categories of persons with disabilities |
Costs indicator, thousands UAH |
323825,6 |
333425,6 |
343025,6 |
Product indicator: number of recipients, thousands of people |
24,4 |
25,2 |
26,0 |
Efficiency indicator: average amount of monthly allowance, UAH |
1106,0 |
1102,6 |
1099,4 |
Quality indicator: dynamics of the number of recipients, % |
100,0 |
103,3 |
103,2 |
As seen from the above, the indicators of costs for certain activities of the program are the amounts of financial resources spent on their implementation; product indicators in this program characterize the number of recipients of targeted assistance; performance indicators - the average amount of assistance. The quality indicators include the level of service provision (in % of the planned) or the dynamics of the number of aid recipients over the years of program implementation. In our opinion, while developing a system of criteria for assessing the level of social security of city residents, it is worth using efficiency indicators, which show the performance city target programs.
Monitoring is a mandatory element of the program-target method of forming local budgets, which comprises a continuous process of collecting data on the performance indicators of budgetary programs aimed at identifying the reasons for their inefficient implementation and improving their operational management. Analysis of reports on the implementation of city target programs in the city of Kyiv in 2020-2021 shows that not all activities of the programs are implemented in the planned volumes (Table 3).
As seen from above, all the planned activities were completed in 2021 only under the CTP "Care. Towards Kyivans" and CTP “Tuberculosis control”. In 2020 none of the budgetary programs above was fully implemented.
CTP "Kyiv without barriers" shows the lowest level of activities implementation (45.2% in 2020 and 41.9% in 2021).
Table 3. The level of implementation of city target programs activities in the city of Kyiv aimed at ensuring the social security of the population, in 2020-2021, %: [11]
The name of the city target program |
The level of implementation of program activities by year, % |
2020 |
2021 |
CTP «Children. Family. The capital» |
64,7 |
76,5 |
CTP «The health of Kyivans» |
75,9 |
90,6 |
CTP «Care. Towards the Kyivans» |
87,9 |
100,0 |
KCTP «Kyiv education» |
89,1 |
82,1 |
CTP «Social partnership» |
85,7 |
85,7 |
CTP «Tuberculosis control» |
90,3 |
100,0 |
KCTP «Kyiv without barriers» |
45,2 |
41,9 |
This program is aimed at creating a barrier-free environment for people with special needs in all elements of the city economy. Measures under this program include: provision of unhindered access to transport and transport infrastructure facilities; equipment of buildings and objects of road and transport infrastructure with ramps; increasing the number of vehicles adapted for the transportation of persons with disabilities; allocation and technical arrangement of special places for parking vehicles of people with physical disabilities; compliance with barrier-free requirements as the main ones in the implementation of the improvement of the territories of parks, squares, and beaches.
Analysts cite the following reasons for ineffective implementation of city target programs: the insufficient amount of allocations for the implementation of certain activities; inadequate work on attracting funds from the state budget and other sources for the implementation of CTP measures; insufficient validity of CTP projects in terms of consistency of activity plans with available budgetary funds.
Conclusions and prospects for further research
Based on the results of the research, it was found that the social security of city residents is formed in a complex controlled socio-economic system. The level of its provision is affected by the availability of the city's resources, as well as the ability of the authorities to carry out security-oriented management of the city. City target programs should be considered an effective tool for ensuring the social security of city residents. The developed system of performance indicators of the budgetary program allows to monitor the targeted use of budgetary funds, as well as to assess the level of social security of certain categories of the population.
social human security city
1. The official website of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. On the approval of Methodological recommendations for calculating the level of economic security of Ukraine: Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine dated 10/29/2013 № 1277.
2. Buniak N. (2022). Human social security: the essence and ways of ensuring it. Ekonomika ta suspilstvo. Vol. 37.
3. Sydorchuk O. (2018). Social security: state regulation and organizational and economic support. Lviv, Ukraine.
4. Klipkova O. (2023). Dilemma of social security. Ekonomika ta suspilstvo. 47.
5. Bilous I. (2019). The concept of social security and its role in the state's national security system. Efektyvna ekonomika.
6. Romanovska Yu. (2019). The city as an object of social and economic security. Problemy ekonomiky. Vol. 3. № 41. P. 171-177.
7. About the Procedure for the development, approval and implementation of city target programs in the city of Kyiv: Decision of the Kyiv City Council dated October 29, 2009 № 520/2589. The official website of Kyiv City Council.
8. City target programs. The official website of Kyiv City Council.
9. The official website of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. On local self-government in Ukraine: Law of Ukraine dated 05/21/1997 № 280/97-VR.
10. The official website of Kyiv City Council. On the approval of the city target program "Care. Towards the people of Kyiv" for 2022-2024: Decision of the Kyiv City Council dated October 7, 2021 № 2726/2767.
11. The official website of Kyiv City Council. Analysis of reports on the implementation of city target programs in the city of Kyiv in 2019-2021.
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