Sociological research in the activity of brands

Certain brands focus on limited samples, involving only industry experts or typical representatives of the target audience in the survey or interview. Instead, brands process in detail the results of surveys of large samples of respondents of consumers.

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Sociological research in the activity of brands

(Skorokhod T., National Technical University of Ukraine Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute)


The activity of modern brands is impossible without the use of sociological research methods. In order to study the market, consumers, and competitors, brands resort to surveys, questionnaires, and interviews of relevant categories of people. Certain brands focus on limited samples, involving only industry experts or typical representatives of the target audience in the survey or interview. Instead, other brands process and study in detail the results of surveys of large samples of respondents of their consumers. Therefore, the topic of the use of various methods of sociological research by brands is relevant.

Presenting main material

The choice of sociological research method is determined by the goals or purpose that the brand seeks to solve with the help of the field of sociology. So, if brand representatives aim to identify the optimal target audience for advertising; to build a model of consumer behavior; to establish motives for making purchases, factors that influence decision-making on the purchase of goods; to determine the level of consumer awareness of the brand, associations related to the product, etc., it is advisable to use qualitative research methods. The peculiarity of such studies is that they make it possible to study the object in depth and do not require a large sample; their reliability depends on the skills of working with a reference group of interviewers and further processing of the results. Examples of sociological studies focused on qualitative aspects of measurement include the method of identifying problems (reverse brainstorming, identifying consumer problems, the level of importance of consumer problems), the method of identifying benefits (forming a chain of benefits based on consumer responses), the design method (establishing the types of consumer motivation on based on an experiment with picture-situations, distribution of roles in business games), observation of consumer behavior and their reaction to advertising at points of sale, focus groups (personal interviews), physiological measurements (reactions to stimuli).

The method of identifying problems helps to find out to what extent the products or services of a certain brand satisfy the needs of consumers and contribute to the solution of their problems, which are the basis for the purchase of the specified categories of goods. There is also an option when brand representatives try to find out whether a certain brand or its goods and services create any additional problems for the consumer (lack of delivery, limited assortment, too high price policy, etc.). Hierarchy, establishing the level of importance of such problems serves as an auxiliary method. The method of identifying problems involves working with consumers, a certain sample of typical representatives of the target audience. Based on the information received from these consumers, trends are projected for the entire population of consumers of this brand. Procedurally, the method of identifying problems is a reverse brainstorming, when consumers invited to cooperate are asked to recall and describe their experience of interaction with the brand, to indicate the specifics of purchasing its goods or services, to single out positive and negative moments associated with the purchase or use of the brand's products and services (see Table 1), interactions with marketing means of communication in this brand (participation in promotions or sweepstakes, receiving notifications or mailings, viewing advertisements, ease of searching for goods in retail outlets or ordering services using online services), evaluate how much these goods or services satisfy the needs.

Table 1.

Results of a consumer survey on determining the factors that form brand loyalty. Source: formed according to [4] data.

Characteristics of a positive response

Result, %

Characteristics of a negative response

Result, %

Interaction experience


Interaction experience


Positive recommendations from relatives and friends


Negative recommendations from relatives and friends


Adherence to the privacy policy for personal data of consumers


Non-compliance with the privacy policy for personal data of consumers


Stable brand reputation


No brand reputation


Positive feedback from customers


Negative feedback from customers


Advertising with the involvement of famous people


Advertising with the involvement of famous people


Charitable or social activities of the brand


Charitable or social activities of the brand


Regular appearance of the brand name in the media


Seldom appearance of the brand name in the media


The method of identifying benefits is also based on interaction with a group of respondents - typical representatives of consumers of a certain brand. First, consumers should recall and summarize all the benefits associated with the product or service of this brand (for example, ease of purchase, loyal pricing policy, regularity of promotions, active feedback, breadth of assortment, quality and service, etc.). In the next stage, the involved respondents should determine the two most important benefits of the product or service of this brand, and then detail them, supplementing them with two new benefits. In this way, a logical scheme of benefits or a chain of benefits is formed. Such information helps brand representatives to create effective advertising that will reveal and broadcast the specified benefits to consumers and thus attract new consumers of those goods or services. sociological research activity of brand

The design method aims to find out the motivations of consumers. Therefore, brand representatives procedurally interact with consumers, who are asked to describe their purchasing experience (reasons, motives for purchases, frequency of purchasing brand products or using services, etc.), to justify their choice of these goods or services. In addition, the procedural second stage is a description by consumers of the purchasing behavior of their acquaintances - family members, friends. The transformation of the design method is the participation of consumers in business games. The moderator recruits a group of consumers, forms output data (simulation of the situation regarding the purchase of goods or services), and assigns roles regarding a certain type of behavior during the purchasing activity of the respondents. Observing the progress of the game contributes to the formation of recommendations for interaction with all types of customers and consumers of this brand, elimination of shortcomings related to the inconvenience or difficulty of buying the brand's products or services. Another transformation of the design method is an experiment with picture-situations. A group of consumers is offered to view pictures depicting shopping situations. Respondents should associate the depicted model of purchasing activity with a person close to their environment (neighbors, colleagues, friends, family members).

The method of observing of consumer behavior is focused on gathering information about consumer behavior in the shopping mall, the amount of time needed to make a purchase, reaction to advertising in sales premises, on packages, etc. A representative of the brand or an involved specialist from related fields record consumer behavior and identify typical forms of interaction with the brand when purchasing its goods and services or high-frequency manifestations of purchasing habits. Based on the collected information, recommendations are made to improve the convenience and accessibility of shopping.

The focus group method is implemented in the format of personal interviews with a small number of consumers. The invited respondents are asked to evaluate the packaging options for the product, the logo for the brand in general or trademarks for a specific product, the color scheme for the design of labels, musical accompaniment for advertising, the selection of photo illustrations for advertising posters, the readability of the font in advertising appeals, etc. Within the framework of this method, brand representatives can form and study the consumer's colloquial vocabulary in order to appeal to him in the future with concepts and terms available to him in advertising. The method of focus groups also allows observing the emotional and behavioral reactions of consumers to certain types of advertising presented to them for familiarization or viewing. «The focus group is designed more for a group discussion than for direct questions to obtain information. Using this method, a small group of people gathers in a pre-selected place and discusses the questions. A moderator manages the work of such a group. He / She directs the discussion, records the comments made by each participant. The group consists of 8-12 people. He / She discusses any problem for 1.5-2 hours. The number of focus groups depends on the goals of the advertiser, the possible costs of research, the topic discussed and the time available to the researcher. In most cases, 5-6 focus groups are created. The work of the group is recorded on video» [3, p. 137].

The in-depth interview method involves finding out the reasons for certain behavior of a specific consumer or his views on a certain problem related to purchasing activity, protection of consumer rights, positive or negative experience of interaction with products or services of this brand, etc. Procedurally, an indepth interview can be not only in the format of probing questions - answers, but also associative conversations (the consumer names objects with which he associates a brand, trademark, product or service, etc.), sentence completion (the consumer completes unfinished sentences, in which the brand or its goods or services are described), interviews through imagination (the consumer must choose a certain character / hero and simulate a situation in which this character / hero would act in a certain way and interact with the brand), thematic perception tests (the consumer comments on situational images on the presented topic or model of interaction with the brand, its goods and services), projection tests (consumer answers to questions from a third person).

«The main directions of using in-depth interviews are to discuss confidential topics with consumers; to study the aspects of consumer behavior that are strictly regulated by social norms; to analyze the exceptional consumer behavior; to itemize understanding of complex consumer behavior; obtaining the opinion / assessment of experts; to study the behavior of consumers who are difficult to group or access to whom is difficult» [9, p. 97].

The method of physiological measurements is based on tracking consumer reactions to certain stimuli. For this, special equipment is used, which makes it possible to measure a number of indicators, such as dilation of pupils when familiarizing with advertising materials, measurement of blood flow when watching commercials. Thus, magnetic resonance imaging is used to monitor how the blood flow in the consumer's brain reacts to visual, sound or taste stimuli. The eye tracker makes it possible to evaluate the attractiveness of any advertisement (sites, advertising posters or videos), as well as the location of goods on the store shelf. According to the results of the research, it is possible to determine how to change the colors, arrange the elements so that the recipient can remember the advertisement, which should be the duration of the commercial, so as not to lose consumer attention. «Facereading technology, an emotion evaluation system using automatic recognition of human facial microexpressions, determines the effectiveness of videos, Internet projects, evaluates the truth of judgments during tests, musical and other preferences of respondents» [5, p. 23].

If brand representatives want to get additional information about the classification of the target audience, awareness of the product; ranking of the brand based on the preferences of potential consumers; setting the frequency of contacts with advertising carriers; assessment of the impact of advertising, etc., it is recommended to use methods of quantitative research. In particular, one-time surveys and interviews at home, in shopping centers, at the workplace, telephone surveys, surveys by mail, group processing of questionnaires based on watching a commercial. By its essence, sociological researches, which are focused on quantitative aspects, are conducting surveys, surveying large arrays of respondents, answering a set of questions.

The survey method allows to reveal the points of view of consumers, their views, intentions using answers to previously asked questions. «Sociological surveys are a method of collecting information by asking questions to a certain group of people (respondents), selected according to a certain principle - so that this selected population is based on the main parameters represented the general population - that is, the community to

which the conclusions of the survey will be extended in the future (a certain settlement, electoral district, a certain social or professional group or the country as a whole)» [8, p. 7]. The result of surveys depends on how faithfully consumers reproduce their experience of interaction with the brand and its product or service, how accurate the answer to the question is given by the respondent. The consumer's reluctance to participate in it or to answer questions of a personal nature also affects the results of surveys.

Postal survey provides obtaining answers from consumers to questionnaires that were previously sent by mail. Currently, this type of survey is almost, if not completely, out of use. Postal surveys cannot compete with modern online surveys, and the representativeness of such surveys is low. Only the most active consumers usually answer the questionnaire.

A telephone survey is a method that allows you to find out the reaction of consumers to certain events with the participation of the brand or media information related to the brand or its personnel, goods and services. However, you can ask consumers a limited number of questions. The representativeness of such a survey depends on the number of respondents, that is, brand representatives should constantly call as many consumers as possible. At the same time, brand representatives should also create their own database of contacts of their target audience or use an available database of numbers and carry out a random selection of respondents.

«The specificity of a telephone survey is the absence of direct contact between the interviewer and the respondent. Telephone surveys provoke insincere responses much more often than other types of surveys. This insincerity manifests itself in the form of so-called «situational lying»: conforming, socially desirable, non-specific answers, as well as refusal to participate or premature termination of the conversation. Dishonesty during telephone surveys is a serious methodological problem, which has not yet been resolved» [2, p. 44].

A survey by place of residence requires additional settings such as obtaining consent for an interview from the consumers, convincing them of the importance of participating in the survey, announcing the brand on behalf of which the survey is being conducted, the purpose of the research, the principles of sociological selection, applying techniques to set up the respondent to participate in the conversation, to ease their tension as interlocutors, to stimulate the sincerity of answers.

Personal questionnaire surveys («face-to-face») are one of the methods that make it possible to obtain reliable and diverse information about a certain aspect of the brand's activity and the consumer's assessment of his experience of interacting with it. Interaction with each specific consumer is long-term, but the results of such a survey are informative and representative.

Mass surveys cover a significant number of respondents and make it impossible to interact with each individual consumer alone. The number of questions in a mass survey is from 80 to 300. At the same time, there are cases when the questions to the survey are submitted by different brands or organizations (so-called omnibuses), when the survey is organized to monitor the dynamics of consumer points of view, opinions, attitudes and is repeated with a certain time interval with the same wording of questions and a set of answers. In order to track sales dynamics during advertising campaigns, brands resort to rolling polls. The method of conducting rolling polls consists in the fact that a part of the respondents («wave») is replaced in the sample daily or every two or three days. It is also possible to conduct an express survey, which allows you to collect respondents' answers to a minimum number of questions as quickly as possible. Such surveys are conducted to find out the reaction of consumers to a certain event or crisis situation that affects the activities of a brand, or information in the media about this brand, its goods or services.

The survey method is chosen by brand representatives or involved specialists of sociological organizations, taking into account certain criteria. In particular, it is important to consider the cost of the planned survey, which covers the costs of the interviewers who supervise the survey process, according to the number of hours allocated to conducting the survey and summarizing its results. «All types of personal interviews are the most expensive. Telephone and traditional interviews are more expensive than mail surveys, but this is provided that the respondents are located throughout the country. If the survey is to be conducted only in one place, then the cheapest way to collect information will be through the telephone survey» [1, p. 30]. The criterion for choosing a survey method is the time allocated to brand representatives or involved specialists of sociological organizations to collect information. «Telephone interviews are the fastest. With a small questionnaire, the telephone interviewer can interview up to 10 respondents per hour. Using the same questionnaire, the interviewer personally interviews only two or three respondents per hour. He will spend a significant part of his time searching for and getting to the respondent's home. It is also impossible to reduce the time of conducting a postal survey, since it requires a series of postal or telephone reminders in order to obtain the required number of completed questionnaires» [1, p. 31].

Another criterion that should be taken into account when choosing a survey method is the self-descriptiveness of the results. The most reliable information, a comprehensive understanding of the problem and the consumer's comment can be obtained as a result of a personal interview. Further, according to the indicator of self-descriptiveness, a postal survey can be singled out, representatives of the brand or sociological organizations will receive the least information in the case of telephone interviews. During face-to-face interviews, the interviewer is in direct contact with the respondent and can explain complex questions, get indepth answers to open-ended questions, demonstrate a variety of visual material, manage the interview process, etc. With the help of other survey methods, it is difficult to achieve all this. According to the level of representativeness of the received information, all survey methods can be placed as follows: in the first place will be personal interviews and questionnaires, which are conducted at the respondent's home; on the second - postal surveys; on the third - telephone; on the fourth - personal interviews and questionnaires; in the last place - a survey using e- mail» [1, p. 32].

Survey methods such as online panels and online communities are also popular today. The relevance of these methods is determined by the ineffectiveness of traditional telephone surveys, the decrease in respondents' involvement in traditional survey formats, and the change in the form of communication between brands and consumers using visual information. «New forms of communication with the respondent, with interesting visual design of the questionnaire (video, images, animation) stimulate the respondent's interest in participating in the survey and give him a sense of psychological freedom» [6, p. 121]. In addition, the reason for the emergence of online sociological research is the saving of time (with today's accelerated pace of life, it is necessary to respond as quickly as possible to the needs of consumers, or to obtain operational information for making management decisions), the saving of financial and human resources (the factor of accessibility to the respondent).

An online panel provides interaction on a regular basis with a group of registered Internet users who participate in marketing research. The selection of participants for the online panel is carried out by brands using banner and contextual advertising (attracting panel participants either with the help of an advertising network or through individual sites), SEO (search promotion of the site based on a selected group of key queries (keywords), advertising in social networks, Snowballing (referral system, when a panel member has the opportunity to invite his friend to participate, receiving a reward for this), Direct mail (organization of address mailing based on available databases).

«Another advantage of online survey methods is the availability of a complex of technologies that make it impossible for respondents to fill out questionnaires poorly. In particular, Stopwatch and skim time (a technology that is built into the survey by default and allows you to weed out «quick» respondents, that is, those who answer without thinking), Robotrap (a technology for catching robots that automatically fill in answers to questions, hidden from the respondent is placed on the page, but robot-accessible question), StraightLine (a tool for tracking «Straight Lines» in tabular questions, i.e. when the respondent puts the same answer next to all characteristics / answer options)» [6, p. 123].

The representativeness of research conducted using online survey methods is affected by such criteria as «panel size» (the number of active participants over the past year), Response Rate (the response rate of respondents), Completion Rate (the level of questionnaire completion, this indicator shows the number of respondents who completed the questionnaire by of the end), «Load» of panelists (the ratio of the number of panel participants to the volume of research conducted), Panel attrition index (percentage of respondents who left the panel).

Online communities are also a popular field of research today. These can be project communities (50-100 members for a short period of time, up to 2 months), communities of specific fields of knowledge (viewer niches, subgroups on specific topics), permanent communities (over 200 members who support, for example, a certain channel or program, the term of participation is unlimited). The purpose with which brands use online communities is the desire to expand the target audience and attract new consumers due to viewing advertisements, launching a new program in which a product or service will be mentioned, testing a new strategy for promoting the brand's products using a certain

TV channel. So, the members of the online community can evaluate the concepts of existing programs, keep a media diary and describe their interests, test the concept of a program or promo, leave feedback and note what they liked / did not like, with the help of a small survey and discussions on the forum, indicate strengths and weaknesses concepts and generate ideas to improve the product, test the general concept of the channel, evaluate changes in the air content.

«The technologies of online survey methods are Highligter (a tool for highlighting image elements in different colors according to how much the respondent liked this element), Clickspot (a tool for tracking places on the image that attract attention. The respondent, while moving around the image, clicks on those that are attractive to him places, and the system records this information), Universal video (a tool for viewing video fragments that can function in a window or in full-screen mode. It can contain different video designs: imitation of a TV screen, a mobile phone, etc. Provides the ability to display several clips one after the other. To the respondent a slider is provided to rate the frame), Drag and drop (an image sorting visualization tool. On the left are cells with names or characteristics and on the right are images to be placed in the cells. It is very good for concept testing)» [6, p. 125].

A certain category of brands also resort to the use of methodologically complicated sociological studies that combine the tools of psychological and linguistic sciences. Examples of such methods are paired and triangular interviews, dividing consumers into landing, nominal, Delphi groups), psychological testing of consumers, methods of experimental psycho semantics (associative experiment, subject scaling, semantic differential), linguistic stylistic analysis.

Paired and triangular interviews aim to reveal different attitudes towards brands and their goods or services by several respondents at the same time. At the same time, the selection of such two or three consumers is important. Pair interviews are conducted on the basis of two acquaintances or representatives of married couples, or a father / mother with a child, etc. The subject of such a conversation is preferences for goods and services, features of choice, purchasing activity, brand evaluation in general. Triangular interviews take place on the basis of three respondents who testify to different patterns of purchasing activity and commitment to the brand, its products and services. For example, a consumer who actively buys a certain product, a consumer who plans to buy this product, and a consumer who fundamentally chooses competitive offers of this product category; or three loyal representatives of different brands; or a new consumer of the brand, an active consumer now and a consumer of this brand in the past, who for certain reasons chose competitive offers. On the basis of paired or triangular interviews, it is possible to collect diverse information that will help in maintaining communication with regular customers, attracting the attention of new consumers, and solving problems that caused the loss of a certain category of consumers.

The division of consumers into landing, nominal, conflict, and Delphi groups involves interaction with consumers under certain conditions. Thus, landing groups of consumers give answers to the questions during the survey in the conditions of a real situation that approximates the specifics of the questions and life situation (office, store, gym, restaurant, etc.). Nominal groups are aimed at avoiding conflicts between survey participants or the influence of one consumer's responses on others. In this way, consumers answer questions one by one without interacting with other respondents. Conflict groups combine consumers of different brands or trademarks. The purpose of such groups is to establish the advantages and disadvantages of the goods and services of all presented brands or trademarks and to give the participants an opportunity to convince each other of their commitment to a certain brand, its goods or services. Delphi groups have among their participants experts on a certain issue or a certain field. The task of the experts involved in the discussion is to predict trends regarding the existence and development of the brand, the feasibility of launching new products or services, updating advertising campaigns, etc.

Methods of experimental psychosemantics aim to determine the degree of similarity for consumers of various goods, product groups, and brands. For this, respondents are offered to build an associative series regarding certain goods or services, or the brand in general (associative experiment), subjectively scale, evaluate a number of objects (goods, product groups, individual brands) on graduated scales (a set of trademarks / attributes, significant for buyers), determine the specifics of one's emotional relationship to goods, services, brands (semantic differential).

For a more complete and detailed understanding of your consumers and how they react to the advertising of a certain brand in market conditions, it is worth applying a number of psychological methods, in particular modality diagnostics (the perception of the world by the consumer, determining the correlation between the type of modality and the sensory organs involved in the perception of advertising), a color test (choice of colors by the consumer at the current moment and interpretation of his mood, readiness for action), classification of consumer behavior during the purchase of goods and services into 7 categories - individualist, innovator, fashionable, traditionalist, conservative, situational, indifferent.

Diagnostics of modality helps brand representatives to establish which channels of perception prevail among consumers and, in accordance with such information, adjust marketing communication with them. So, for visual consumers, it is worth providing an opportunity to look at the shelves with goods for a long time, because they make a purchase decision based on the prospect of receiving aesthetic pleasure from the product and the purchase. Also, such consumers tend to look at advertising brochures and catalogs even when they have no intention of buying something. The process of viewing also brings them a certain pleasure, but at the same time, their visual memory is activated, which in the future can prompt them to buy the products seen in the catalog. Audials are influenced to buy certain products by the recognition of melodies from commercials or slogans, mentions of radio announcements for promotions and discounts. «When buying a product, they first of all pay attention not to the appearance of the product, but to its name. Audials read the text of the labels, for them the most important element is the element of trust in the product, the reaction to what is said and written, because they conditionally try it on themselves. When hesitating to make a decision, they can turn to consultants to talk, support the conversation, and get advice. This calms them down» [7, p. 199]. When choosing products, kinesthetics pay attention to components or ingredients, study information about where products are made and what they are made of. Such consumers try the product by touch; open certain products to feel the smell. «Discreet people, when buying a product or intending to buy it, focus on their own mind, their logic. It is this group that loves to make rational purchases, study and analyze products and services according to their indicators and ideals. These are conservatives who will never buy too much, because they count every penny. It is difficult to convince them of something or to incline them to some decision - they have their own arguments. The expected qualities of the product for them are practicality and rationality» [7, p.199].

The color test aims to establish the dependence of the emotional state of consumers on the colors used for the design of goods, or which are shown in commercials or posters. Various studies prove that the color red makes the recipients determined, draws maximum attention to the product, fixes their gaze on it, orange - makes them optimistic, is the color of creativity and health, etc. As part of the color test, consumers look at materials offered by brand representatives and record their emotional states, answer questions about the appropriateness of the chosen color range for advertising or logo design, packaging, showcases, product shelves, etc.

The psychological portrait test helps consumers to understand their psychology when buying goods or services. For advertisers and brand representatives, the results of such research will supplement information about the target audience, its motivation and behavior during purchases. As a rule, consumers are dominated by innovators who, when purchasing a product, seek to enter the competition, stand out, assert themselves, show their own purchasing power, and focus on market novelties, expensive, exclusive products. There is a smaller group of consumers who pay attention to fashion, and therefore seek to stand out from the crowd, to draw attention to them. To do this, they will buy those goods that will help maintain a constant image of the original personality. There is also such a group of consumers as individualists. They strive to impress others with their behavior and appearance, so they buy those products that will help them in this.

Among the groups of consumers, the so-called traditionalists make purchases most consciously. When choosing goods and services, they are not guided by emotions, mood and prefer the products of domestic manufacturers. And the most difficult for advertising influence is the group of conservatives. You need to convince them for a long time, motivate them to buy, give arguments in favor of your product or service. It is possible to single out a group of consumers whose purchasing activity depends on a situational factor. Those are buying a product after viewing an ad, a friend's recommendation, a promotion notification. It is also worth considering the category of indifferent consumers who do not respond to advertising, make their purchases depending on their mood and needs.

Linguistic analysis involves the involvement of consumers in the evaluation of advertisements and advertising appeals. A

group of recipients is offered to view one or more examples of advertising, after which they must evaluate and determine the stylistic characteristics of advertising, the peculiarities of the perception of this type of advertising, answer questions about whether such advertising is able to attract the attention of the reader / viewer, influence his emotions, or is able argue for the need to purchase a product or service, to the extent that the advertising text is concise, accurate, dynamic, capacious, apt, convincing, expressive. A separate block of questions is devoted to respondents' assessment of language techniques used in advertising, «hit words (now, here, finally, today, free; words that encourage action (buy, look, call, ask, sent, etc.); emotional words (phrases with an attractive description of facts (wonderful, impressive, unforgettable, elite, fabulous, unsurpassed, etc.); emotional and practical words and phrases (economical, inexpensive, profitable, worth the money, etc.); alliteration arising from the repetition of sounds that are pleasant to the ear (more is always cheaper); abuse of punctuation marks (especially the exclamation mark); repetition of one word at the beginning of each paragraph, repeated mention of the name of a brand or product, use of echo phrase, etc.» [10, p. 56].


Therefore, the activity of brands in modern market conditions and competition for consumer attention is impossible without the use of sociological research methods. Representatives of brands independently or in cooperation with sociologists on the basis of data and results of surveys and questionnaires can consider, analyze, summarize a considerable range of qualitative and quantitative parameters. In particular, the motives and needs of its consumers, their purchasing behavior, and problems they face when buying certain goods or services, color preferences, memorability of advertising and advertising appeals, etc. Sociological research methods involve the use of surveys and questionnaires, consumer interviews, focus groups, psychological testing, etc., while interaction with respondents can take place both in offline formats and online, with a different sample of respondents. The choice of one or another research method for brand activity is determined by the goal, the goals of collecting data from consumers; the budget allocated for this process; limited or unlimited time for research; striving to cover the maximum or minimum possible number of respondents; level of interaction (deep, individual and superficial, mass).


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    курсовая работа [55,5 K], добавлен 24.03.2012

  • Подходы к формированию корпоративной культуры. Характеристика деятельности ТОО "RG Brands Kazakhstan". Анализ влияния стиля руководства на корпоративную культуру. Предложения по разработке корпоративных мероприятий для формирования лояльности сотрудников.

    дипломная работа [650,9 K], добавлен 26.10.2015

  • The concept and scope of the practical application of the distillation process at the present stage: industry, medicine, food production. The main stages of distillation. The results of global warming and the assessment of its negative consequences.

    презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 16.09.2014

  • Problem of oscillations arising in an elastic base caused by rotor vibrations of an asynchronous driver near the critical angular velocity. The equations of slow motions. Oscillations in the absence of energy dissipation. Damped stationary oscillations.

    статья [417,2 K], добавлен 25.03.2011

  • Theory, instrumentation, tips, results. Local surface modification. As it can be seen from this paper, STM can be extremely useful in electrochemical studies. It is capable of providing atomic resolution images of samples in water.

    реферат [6,8 K], добавлен 24.10.2002

  • Features of the use of various forms of a verb in English language. The characteristics of construction of questions. Features of nouns using in English language. Translating texts about Problems of preservation of the environment and Brands in Russian.

    контрольная работа [20,1 K], добавлен 11.12.2009

  • Concept and history of diving. The methods and techniques and tools. Safety rules for deep diving. The most beautiful places in the world, used by divers. Requirements for equipment, well-known brands in the field, the main methods of risk assessment.

    презентация [350,6 K], добавлен 18.03.2015

  • The collection and analysis of information with a view of improving the business marketing activities. Qualitative & Quantitative Research. Interviews, Desk Research, Test Trial. Search Engines. Group interviews and focus groups, Secondary research.

    реферат [12,5 K], добавлен 17.02.2013

  • The functions of image and role for the travel agency. Good name is the key for success. The corporate style. The main carriers of elements of corporate stile. The methods of research organization's image. Selection of target audience for making image.

    реферат [17,4 K], добавлен 28.03.2012

  • Description of raving brands of elite alcohol. Merchandising description of consumer qualities of whisky, dzhina, horse and wine of type of mal'vazii. Composition and distinguishing features of elite types of vodka and liqueurs of foreign producers.

    презентация [5,3 M], добавлен 24.12.2013

  • Philip Morris International - the leading international tobacco company: history, brands, productivity. The organizational structure of the company. Development of innovative products. Contents of charitable programs. Quality control, testing on animals.

    статья [24,6 K], добавлен 22.02.2015

  • Theoretical basis recruitment and selection methods: internal or external recruitment, job resume, job interview. Recruitment process design and development. Evaluation of methods of recruitment and selection on example of "Procter and Gamble".

    курсовая работа [73,2 K], добавлен 03.05.2012

  • Research methods are strategies or techniques to conduct a systematic research. To collect primary data four main methods are used: survey, observation, document analysis and experiment. Several problems can arise when using questionnaire. Interviewing.

    реферат [16,7 K], добавлен 18.01.2009

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