International charity and cooperation projects regarding the organization of volunteer post- traumatic growth programs
The volunteer movement perspectives of the volunteer movement following in the conditions of an antiterrorist operation in the war. International projects of charity regarding the organization of programs for the post-traumatic growth of volunteers.
Рубрика | Социология и обществознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 08.06.2024 |
Размер файла | 17,1 K |
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International charity and cooperation projects regarding the organization of volunteer posttraumatic growth programs
Vizniuk Inessa Mykolaivna Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Psychology and Social Work, Dolynyny Serhii Serhiyovych Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), senior lecturer of the Department of Psychology and Social Work, Romashchuk Olga Ihorivna assistant professor of the Department of Foreign Language Teaching Methods, Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University; Volohata Kateryna Mykolaivna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher of natural sciences at the Department of Pedagogy and Professional Methods, Community Institution of Higher Education "Mikhail Hrushevsky Bar-Humanitarian and Pedagogical College"
The article reveals the international perspectives of the volunteer movement following the consequences of mental trauma in the conditions of an antiterrorist operation in the war with the Russian Federation. The subject of the volunteer movement on the world stage are international organizations, which are divided into international governmental and non-governmental organizations. The most important subject of international volunteer tourism remains individuals who provide voluntary assistance. These are volunteers, people who also, in turn, need help to coordinate the work of volunteer projects and groups.
Settlements require representation of the volunteer mission before citizens in state authorities and other volunteer organizations. Among the key problems that need to be solved are the implementation of the volunteer program and the organization of the creation process; coordination of volunteer groups in wartime; informing society about the creation of an active response group regarding military operations, as well as the results after the mission is over; mediation in volunteer activities to help victims and search for charitable funds to finance urgent projects; provision of space for volunteer camps; strengthening the role of volunteerism at the international and national levels, creating an effective system of voluntary assistance, etc.
Traumatic intrusions in volunteers include intrusive memories, nightmares, dissociative reactions (flashbacks), severe psychological distress, and physiological reactions when confronted with reminders (triggers) of the traumatic event. Experiencing traumatic events is a difficult test for the human psyche. Unfortunately, not all trauma victims have the internal resources and environmental support to stabilize and recover from their injury. Facing death and other threats provokes a whole series of symptoms that significantly affect life and reduce its quality.
Keywords: psychotrauma, volunteers, posttraumatic growth, psychocorrective program, social and psychological support, public organizations.
Міжнародні проекти благодійності та співробітництва щодо організації програм посттравматичного зростання волонтерів
Візнюк Інесса Миколаївна доктор психологічних наук, професор, професор кафедри психології та соціальної роботи, Долинний Сергій Сергійович доктор філософії (PhD), старший викладач кафедри психології та соціальної роботи, Ромащук Ольга Ігорівна асистент кафедри методики навчання іноземних мов, Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського; Волохата Катерина Миколаївна кандидат педагогічних наук, викладач природничих дисциплін кафедри педагогіки і фахових методик, Команальний заклад вищої освіти «Барський-гуманітарно-педагогічний коледж імені Михайла Грушевського»
У статті розкрито міжнародні перспективи волонтерського руху за наслідками психічної травми в умовах антитерористичної операції у війні з РФ. Суб'єктом волонтерського руху на світовій арені є міжнародні організації, які поділяються на міжнародні урядові та неурядові організації. Найголовнішим суб'єктом міжнародного волонтуризму залишаються фізичні особи, котрі саме й забезпечують добровільницьку допомогу. Це волонтери, особи, які також, у свою чергу, потребують допомоги аби координувати роботу волонтерських проєктів і груп.
Врегулювання потребують представництва волонтерської місії перед громадянами в органах державної влади та іншими волонтерськими організаціями. Серед ключових проблем, котрі потребують вирішення, є реалізації волонтерської програми та організація процесу створення; координація волонтерських груп у військовий час; інформування суспільства про створення активної групи реагування щодо військових дій, а також результатів по закінченню місії; посередництво у волонтерській діяльності щодо допомоги потерпілим і пошуку благодійних фондів фінансування нагальних проєктів; надання місцязабезпечення волонтерських таборів; посилення ролі волюнтаризму на міжнародному та національному рівнях, створення ефективної системи добровільної допомоги тощо.
Травмівні інтрузії волонтерів включають нав'язливі спогади, страшні сни, дисоціативні реакції (флешбеки), сильний психологічний дистрес та фізіологічні реакції при зіткненні з нагадуваннями (тригерами) про травматичну подію. Переживання травматичних подій є нелегким випробуванням для людської психіки. На жаль, не у всіх, хто зазнав травми, вистачає внутрішніх ресурсів та підтримки оточення, аби стабілізуватися та відновитися після травми. Зіткнення зі смертю та іншими загрозами провокує цілу низку симптомів, які істотно впливають на життя та знижують його якість.
Ключові слова: психотравма, волонтери, посттравматичне зростання, психокорекційна програма, соціально-психологічний супровід, громадські організації.
Formulation of the problem
Manifestations of negative mental reactions, as a result of mental trauma in the languages of the anti-terrorist operation, which is currently ongoing in the east of the country, associated with the threat to the territorial integrity of Ukraine, are caused by post-traumatic stress disorders and violation of psychosomatic health of a person, the development of chronic psychopathologies, social maladjustment of the personality , the formation of antisocial behavior and require the immediate introduction of effective preventive, prognostic and rehabilitation measures. Currently, volunteering and volunteer tourism is a non-specific form of employment in the information environment, which involves cooperation with volunteer organizations of international unions, associations, centers, etc. The strategy of the modern information segment of the military operations taking place in the east of Ukraine is aimed at shaking Ukraine's reputation in the international arena.
Analysis of recent research and publications
Today's volunteer movement in Ukraine is enthusiastically discussed in many countries of the world, recognizing it as unique. The heyday of volunteering came during the Revolution of Dignity and the beginning of the war in Donbas. It was an extremely difficult period, but it was this movement that united Ukrainian society, created effective public organizations, social groups of people who are ready to take responsibility for solving the most painful and urgent problems of the state [1-4].
The purpose of the article is to substantiate international projects of charity and cooperation regarding the organization of programs for the post-traumatic growth of volunteers.
Presenting main material
The subject of the volunteer movement on the world stage are international organizations, which are divided into international governmental and non-governmental organizations. The most important subject of international volunteer tourism remains individuals who provide voluntary assistance. These are volunteers, people who also, in turn, need help to coordinate the work of volunteer projects and groups. It is their legal status, rights and duties that create the basis for the system of active participation of volunteers in solving the problems of today, in particular, the military conflict. Representatives of different age and ethnic groups, religions, nationalities, statesmen, and even the unemployed participate in the volunteer movement, in the context of which racial, political, economic, and cultural hostility is smoothed out, the principles of altruism are promoted, and voluntary forces are mobilized among individual representatives. society, the creation of an international society and a clear example of the implementation of existing constitutional rights and freedoms, the evolution of universal human values, and an increase in the level of post-traumatic growth [1, 3].
Settlements require representation of the volunteer mission before citizens in state authorities and other volunteer organizations. Among the key problems that need to be solved are the implementation of the volunteer program and the organization of the creation process; coordination of volunteer groups in wartime; informing society about the creation of an active response group regarding military operations, as well as the results after the mission is over; mediation in volunteer activities to help victims and search for charitable funds to finance urgent projects; provision of space for volunteer camps; strengthening the role of volunteerism at the international and national levels, creating an effective system of voluntary assistance, etc. [2, 3].
The experimental base of the research during 2023-2024 was Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi State Pedagogical University and Vinnytsia National Medical University. E. Pirogov The general sample of people was made up of students, according to their potential capabilities, the peculiarities of post-traumatic growth as a factor of sustainable human life support in wartime conditions were revealed. All of them are engaged in volunteer activities. The total number of the sample consisted of 112 people (among them 54 medical students and 58 psychology students) in the age category of students of educational institutions from 17 to 22 years old in the specialties 222 "Medicine" and 053 "Psychology", who have a tendency to have a pessimistic view of life in the post-stress period in the context of volunteering.
According to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is coded as F43.1. and develops as a result of severe mental trauma. Before the start of the study, all participants were informed about the conditions of participation in the experiment and gave their consent to participate. The ethical rights of all participants were respected. The study was conducted in the natural conditions of the educational process of higher education institutions, with the provision of general conditions for participation in the experiment: the same time and duration of training, the same measuring materials, which allow diagnosing the level of post-traumatic growth according to the criteria for assessing the vitality of volunteers.
PTSD is one of the most well-known, perhaps, among the disorders, which is diagnosed in about 30% of children and adults who have been affected by traumatic events. The main diagnostic criteria listed in the most authoritative manual on the diagnosis and statistics of mental disorders "DSM-V" include [1, 2, 3]:
4- direct contact (exposure) with death or threat to life;
4- intrusive symptoms;
4- persistent avoidance of traumatic memories and reminders of the event;
4- negative changes in thoughts and moods;
4- noticeable changes in reactivity;
4- duration of violations more than one month;
4- severe distress and disruption of important spheres of life;
4- lack of connection of symptoms with the influence of psychoactive substances or other medical reasons.
Reactions to trauma, and especially their perception by the person himself and his environment, can have a serious impact on the state of health, well-being, even self-esteem in the future. The first reactions can be: apathy, stupor, numbness, or vice versa - emotional excitement, motor excitement, trembling, muscle tension, crying, screaming, nausea, weakness. However, some people may not show any reactions immediately after the event, during the event they may be collected and actively involved, for example, in helping others, but some time after the event show the above-described reactions. This "certain time" can last an hour, two, a day, a week. At the same time, no matter how a person behaves, it is important to understand that he perceives himself, reflects on his behavior and its perception by the environment. Because of this, her condition after the injury can be further complicated by "imposed values" - thoughts about her behavior, which are often formulated as "I am weak", "I could not stand it", "everyone saw my inadequate reaction", "what others will think of me". Sometimes such "given values" relate to the event itself, for example, thoughts that the event could have been averted, predicted that it might not have happened, etc. [1, 3, 4].
Exposure to trauma involves one of the following situations: personal experience of a threat, being in the role of a witness, knowledge of excessive suffering or death of loved ones and relatives, as well as repeated exposure to unbearable details of a traumatic event (when a person sees destruction, human remains, smells a corpse, etc. ). Intrusions include intrusive memories, nightmares, dissociative reactions (flashbacks), severe psychological distress, and physiological responses to reminders (triggers) of the traumatic event. Avoidance consists in making significant efforts to eliminate unpleasant memories, thoughts and feelings, as well as to avoid meeting people and situations, from conversations and performing any activity that in one way or another reminds of the trauma [2, 3].
Changes in thoughts and moods are associated with the displacement of memories, distortion of beliefs about the event itself, its causes and consequences, persistent negative emotional states, a noticeable decrease in interest in life and activities, a feeling of one's own foreignness and alienation, as well as the inability to experience positive feelings, for example joy or happiness. Changes in reactivity include irritability and outbursts of anger, risky and self-injurious behavior, hypervigilance, exaggerated startle response, problems with concentration, and sleep disturbances [1, 2].
Intrusive memories, negative thoughts and moods, night terrors, anxiety, and other post-traumatic symptoms may be accompanied by other problems and disorders, including: depression, particularly associated with complicated grief; anxiety disorders, in particular panic states and phobias; psychosomatic reactions, for example, chronic pain for which there is no medical reason; abuse of alcohol, drugs; maladaptive, antisocial behavior, including refusal to work, vagrancy, begging.
Psychological first aid involves a structured, modular approach to helping everyone who has faced the immediate consequences of a disaster, terrorism, or other emergency. Its purpose is to reduce distress as quickly as possible and contribute to the support of a person, the formation of strategies for his further functioning and coping. Based on scientific research, first psychological aid is primarily suitable for use in field conditions, for use with people of different ages and conditions, for adaptation to different cultural conditions [1, 3].
In the course of the research, a number of psychocorrective measures were carried out, which helped to increase the level of post-traumatic growth among volunteers in wartime conditions. The program was developed according to the indicators of the effectiveness of treatment and psychocorrection by the National PTSD Center and the National Children's Traumatic Stress Network of the USA. The program contains five basic skills, the development of which is supported [1-3]: problem solving skills; strengthening of positive activities; reaction management; strengthening of useful thinking; restoration of social ties.
The work of a specialist is built around each of the skills. The psychocorrective program is based on the following psychotherapeutic principles and techniques: utilization (use of critical events in the context of gaining positive experience), trial therapy, use of humor, focusing on resources, acceptance of the client's unique individuality, use of specific speech patterns, telling psychotherapeutic stories, Milton modeling, setting up and leading etc. In general, events of increased complexity are considered by us as problems that lead to something useful, such that can be used for positive changes (reframing methodology). Table 1 presents the results of psychocorrection of these changes according to the level of increase in post-traumatic growth of volunteers.
Table 1 The level of formation of post-traumatic growth of volunteers
Group of studied volunteers (n=112)
To the experiment |
After the experiment |
26 persons (23,21%) |
86 persons (76,50%) |
47 persons (41,96%) |
65 persons (58,03%) |
39 persons (34,82%) |
7 persons (6,25%) |
It can be seen from Table 1 that in volunteering there is an experience of qualitative changes in overcoming critical events that arise in the situation of overcoming extremely difficult challenges. Experiencing traumatic events is a difficult test for the human psyche. Unfortunately, not all trauma victims have the internal resources and environmental support to stabilize and recover from their injury. Facing death and other threats provokes a whole series of symptoms that significantly affect life and reduce its quality.
Thus, post-traumatic growth of volunteers in wartime conditions is the growth of self-awareness, recognition and understanding of one's own life-creating power, courage, self-understanding, readiness for empathy and feelings of both pain and sadness, as well as joy and happiness. Post-traumatic positive experience indicates the quality of interpersonal relationships, increased sensitivity and closeness to the personal environment. After all, the post-traumatic growth of volunteers is based on a wise philosophy of life, an awareness of the values "We can do it. We are together".
Thus, working with post-traumatic growth, quite effective, at the moment, from the point of view of using the practice of mutual aid for victims and displaced persons from the encirclement zone and hostilities in the east of Ukraine, there is socio-psychological support or facilitation. It is they who provide for the creation of conditions and opportunities for the situation of uncertainty, expectation and hope for increasing post-traumatic growth in the wards and makes it impossible to force them to do so. Conceptually, this support of post-traumatic growth can be considered as providing the experience of positive changes that arise as a result of experiencing trauma by volunteers in the information environment in the field of wartime. The structural and central link of such facilitation should be focusing attention on the more stable aspects of the volunteer's personality, on her resilience, readiness for change, on the ability to mentally harden and adapt, to manage the consequences of injuries and their early transformation into a positive experience of changes in the perception of one's environment, the inner world and other events.
So we simply need to take into account the other side of experiencing trauma - growth. At the same time, not only individual growth after trauma should be discussed and explored, but also social, national post-traumatic growth! We are convinced that this can be talked about in the same way as about transgenerational, national injuries.
Directly, the results according to the indicators of this study are significant in the creation of international cooperation regarding the organization of programs and projects of charity in the system of transformation of the protection of the safety of human life according to the standards of international law and partnership in the implementation of the cultural exchange program, which is carried out in matters of strengthening peace and cultural development between countries in in the context of public space improvement.
1. Viznyuk, I., Rokosovyk, N., Vytrykhovska, O., Paslawska, A., Bielikova, O., Radziievska, I. (2022). Information Support of the Educational Process in the Development of Leadership Potential of Modern University in the Conditions of Distance Learning [Information Support of the Educational Process in the Development of Leadership Potential of Modern University in the Conditions of Distance Learning]. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 22 (4). 209-216.
2. Dolynnyi, S. (2021). Individual - Psychological factors of conflict of adolescent benavior within cyberspace [Individual - Psychological factors of conflict of adolescent benavior within cyberspace]. Modern Science. Moderni veda. Praha. Ceska republika, Nemoros. 3. 66-73.
3. Vizniuk, I., Teslenko, V., Martyniuk, I., Savinova, N., Biliuk, O., Kyslychenk, V., Stelmakh, N. (2022). Posttraumatic growth in the context of forming a positive experience of volunteers in the information environment [Posttraumatic growth in the context of forming a positive experience of volunteers in the information environment]. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 22, 6, 562-670.
4. Puhach S.S., Vizniuk I.M., Dolynnyi S.S., Breslavska H.B. (2023). Volonterska diialnist u rozvytku profesiinoi kompetentnosti pratsivnykiv [Volunteer activity in the development of professional competence of employees]. Aktualni pytannia u suchasnii nautsi, 7(13). 673-685.
volunteer movement post-traumatic growth
1. Viznyuk I., Rokosovyk N., Vytrykhovska O., Paslawska A., Bielikova O., Radziievska I. Information Support of the Educational Process in the Development of Leadership Potential of Modern University in the Conditions of Distance Learning. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2022. № 22 (4). С. 209-216.
2. Dolynnyi Serhii. Individual - Psychological factors of conflict of adolescent benavior within cyberspace. Modern Science. Modemi veda. Praha. Ceska republika, Nemoros. 2021. № 3. С. 66-73.
3. Vizniuk1 I., Teslenko V., Martyniuk I., Savinova N., Biliuk O., Kyslychenk V., Stelmakh N. Posttraumatic growth in the context of forming a positive experience of volunteers in the information environment. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.22 № 6, June 2022.562-670.
4. Пугач С.С., Візнюк І.М., Долинний С.С., Бреславська Г.Б. Волонтерська діяльність у розвитку професійної компетентності працівників. Актуальні питання у сучасній науці, № 7(13). 2023. 673-685.
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