Accommodation facilities for migrants: polish experience
The properties of the hotel business are objectively determined by the course of phenomena and processes that reflect, the relevance of the increase in the economic activity of the social component, which is focused on the social needs of the consumer.
Рубрика | Социология и обществознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.07.2024 |
Размер файла | 571,9 K |
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Accommodation facilities for migrants: polish experience
Kulyk Mariia,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business
State University of Trade and Economics Kyiv
Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department of Marketing Maria Curie-Sklodowska University
Lublin, Poland
BOIKO Margaryta,
Doctor of Sciences (Economics),
Professor, Head of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business
State University of Trade and Economics Kyiv,
The social properties of the hotel business are objectively determined by the course of phenomena and processes that reflect, on the one hand, the relevance of the increase in the economic activity of the social component, which is focused on the social needs of the consumer, and on the other hand, the strengthening of the importance of the social factor in the conditions of humanitarian crises. The trigger that led to the growth of the social function of the hotel business was the full-scale invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine, which caused a wave of migration of the Ukrainian population. In these conditions, the Polish hotel business implemented the function of social responsibility towards Ukrainian refugees, offering temporary shelter and organizing needs. The research aim of this paper is to analyze the role of hotels in the direction of Ukrainian refugees support during 2022.
General scientific and special methods of cognition were applied: abstract-logical and comparison; analysis and synthesis, analogies, questionnaires; theoretical generalization and formulation of conclusions. The obtained results of the research on the peculiarities of providing temporary accommodation and food services to refugees indicate that the satisfaction of their primary needs intensified the determination of the importance of the social functions of the hotel business in the conditions of humanitarian crises. It has been proven that it is expedient to include informational and social services (assistance in employment) in the structure of hotel services. It has been established that the needs and expectations of refugees will require the hotel business to develop a certain algorithm of actions to attract external funding, which is a factor in ensuring (growth) of revenue and the ability of hotels to increase the amount of support to refugees without reducing key indicators of economic activity. The relevance of the topic of gender is confirmed by the coverage of the issue ofproviding guarantees to the hotel business by the United Nations Refugee Agency in order to create proper conditions for refugees in the conditions of military conflicts. Support for migrants is, on the one hand, "search for sources of funding" and, on the other, "assistance in the integration process." The article describes the areas of support offered by hotels to refugees seeking temporary shelter in Poland. Taking into account the experience of the social activities of Polish hotels will allow to increase the level of social responsibility of national hotel chains, gives them the opportunity to be involved in the decision-making process that will restore the hotel business in Ukraine.
Keywords: hotel business, social support, social responsibility, funding, revenue, integration process. hotel business social support
КУЛИК Марія,
к. е. н., доцент, доцент кафедри готельно-ресторанного бізнесу Державного торговельно-економічного університету м. Киів,
д. е. н., професор, завідувач кафедри маркетингу Університет імені Марії Склодовської Кюрі, Lublin, Poland
БОЙКО Маргарита,
д. е. н., професор, завідувач кафедри готельно- ресторанного бізнесу Державного торговельно-економічного університету м. Киів,
Соціальні властивості готельного бізнесу об'єктивно обумовлюються перебігом явищ та процесів, які відображають, з одного боку, актуальність наростання в економічній діяльності соціальної складової, що орієнтована на соціальні потреби споживача, а з іншого - посилення значущості соціального чинника в умовах гуманітарних криз. Тригером, який зумовив зростання соціальної функції готельного бізнесу стало повномасштабне вторгнення російських військ в Україну, що спричинило хвилю міграції українського населення. У цих умовах польський готельний бізнес реалізував фунцію соціальної відповідальності щодо українських біженців, пропонуючи тимчасовий прихисток та організацію задоволення потреб. Метою статті є дослідження особливостей соціальної підтримки українських біженців готельним бізнесом Польщі в умовах війни.Застосовано загальнонаукові та спеціальні методи пізнання:абстрактно-логічний, порівняння; аналізу і синтезу, аналогії, анкетування; теоретичного узагальнення і формулювання висновків. Отримані результатидослідження щодо особливостей надання послуг тимчасового розміщення та харчування біженцям вказують, що задоволення їхніх першочергових потреб активізувало визначення вагомості соціальних функцій готельного бізнесу в умовах гуманітарних криз. Доведено, що у структуру готельних послуг доцільним є долученння таких видів, як інформаційні та соціальні (допомога у працевлаштуванні). Встановлено, що потреби та очікування біженців вимагатимуть від готельного бізнесу розроблення певного алгоритму дій щодо залучення зовнішнього фінансування, яке є чинником забезпечення (зростання) доходів та спроможності готелів збільшувати обсяги допомоги біженцям без зменшення ключових показників господарської діяльності. Актуальність тематики статті підтверджена висвітленням проблематики забезпечення гарантій готельному бізнесу з боку Агентства ООН у справах біженців з метою створення належних умов для біженців за військових конфліктів. Підтримка мігрантів - це, з одного боку, "пошук джерел фінансування", а з іншого - "допомога в інтеграційному процесі". Дослідження розкриває напрямки підтримки, які готелі пропонували українським біженцям у пошуках тимчасового притулку в Польщі. Врахування досвіду соціальної діяльності польських готелей дозволить підвищити рівень соціальної відповідальності національних готельних мереж.
Ключові слова: готельний бізнес, соціальна підтримка, соціальна відповідальність, фінансування, доходи, процес інтеграції..
Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, hundreds of thousands of civilians have been forced to flee their homes and seek safety due to the threat of constant bombing, destruction, and life-threatening war-related threats. A significant movement of military migrants left the borders of Ukraine. Many countries in Europe are actively trying to offer shelter and help for the urgent needs of those who have left their homes. The social properties of the hotel business are objectively determined by the course of phenomena and processes that reflect, on the one hand, the relevance of the increase in the economic activity of the social component, which is focused on the social needs of the consumer, and on the other hand, the strengthening of the importance of the social factor in the conditions of humanitarian crises. The trigger that led to the growth of the social function of the hotel business was the full-scale invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine, which caused a wave of Ukrainian population migration. In these conditions, the Polish hotel business implemented the function of social responsibility towards Ukrainian refugees, offering temporary shelter and organizing needs. The study of the experience of the social activities of the Polish hotel business is relevant in view of the nature of Russia's war against Ukraine, which determines the need for the implementation of social functions by domestic hotels in conditions of humanitarian crises.
The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) estimates that around 103 million people are forcibly displaced worldwide. The number of refugees from Ukraine registered for temporary protection or similar national protection schemes in Europe is 4 004 895 (UNHCR, n. d.). According to UNHCR 69% of refugees and other people in need of international protection lived in countries neighbouring their countries of origin. Poland is playing the most important role among the countries receiving war refugees from Ukraine, with around 3.5 million persons who arrived in Poland between 24 February and mid-May 2022 (Duszczyk and Kaczmarczyk, 2022). Now the official number of refugees from Ukraine in Poland is 993 755. The year of the war intensified the problems associated with forced migration, in particular the definition of competences in the labor market (Duszczyk et al, 2023). Hotels play a big role in housing refugees and people fleeing war. In addition, the Polish government provided Ukrainian refugees with access to the labor market and social benefits that were previously unavailable to most migrant workers. Many of them are ready to work in the field of hospitality (European Commission, 2022). According to the experience and needs of refugees, this study will demonstrate the vision of the directions of their support by Polish hotels. It is important to determine sources of funding and develop rules for the interaction of Polish hotels and Ukrainian refugees.
The aim of the article is to justify the social role of the Polish hotel business in supporting Ukraine during war. To achieve the set aim, the following tasks must be completed: research pecularities of migration processes and conditions for refugees in hotels; discover the pecularities of services offered for Ukrainian refugees in Polish hotels; research the structure of provision free or reduced-price accommodation and meals for Ukrainian refugees in Poland in 2022.
Regarding the realization of the set aim, a hypothesis was formulated that experience of the social activities of the Polish hotel business is relevant in view of the nature of Russia's war against Ukraine, which determines the need for the implementation of social functions by domestic hotels in conditions of a humanitarian crisis. In the conditions of military conflicts, one of the urgent problems, facing any business entity, is the determination of the prerequisites for the implementation of social functions to overcome the consequences of military actions on the civilian population, which is actively analyzed in discourses on the performance of social functions by business.
To test the hypothesis, the following general scientific and special research methods were applied: survey methodology (data collection from a diverse sample), abstract-logical analysis and comparison (migration processes and refugee needs identification); logical generalization (formulation conclusions from the conducted research).
In the main part of the article, the expediency of studying the experience of Polish hotels that scaled the process of providing services to Ukrainian refugees in 2022 is actualized, the studying the peculiarities of the organization of the process of providing services to refugees is provided. The sources of covering costs, which creates a praxeological basis for the further development of the concept of social responsibility of the hotel business, are determined.
1. Pecularities of migration processes and conditions for refugees in hotels
History remembers various types of migration flows of the past and present centuries associated with crisis phenomena and processes. Namely, in Europe, immediate post-war resettlement migration, mass migration of "workers", a phase of economic restructuring and family reunification, asylum seekers and illegal migration were observed (King, 2019).
Other sources discuss "Circular migration" from Ukraine based on the "temporary migration". For example, Fihel et al (2012) provides that labour immigration and foreign employment in Poland have been increasing constantly over years.
А separate challenge for the labor market regarding the outflow/inflow of migrants was the pandemic ^vid 19, during which problems arose related to labor migration management and the latest legislation regulating the employment of migrants (Matusz and Aivaliotou, 2020).
In mid-March 2022, Poland introduced a special law that allowed refugees from Ukraine apply for a newly created legal status valid for 18 months after arrival (with possibility of extension). After receiving this status, refugees had the right to learn the Polish language, receive social assistance, and legal employment in Poland. Of the 2 million refugees who arrived by April, 1 million applied for special status. Other refugees have either migrated to other EU countries countries or chose not to apply for status because they were considering early return to Ukraine (Gromadzki and Lewandowski, 2023).
According to the Act on Assistance to Citizens of Ukraine in Connection with the Armed Conflict on the Territory of Ukraine it was established the right of co-financing of the costs of stay and meals in collective accommodation centres by Ukrainian citizens. Temporary shelter programs financed by international charitable organizations, private companies and directly by hotels were opened throughout Poland. Refugees from Ukraine got access to free housing in Poland.
Migration processes, a challenge for the Europe of the future, unite the interests of solidarity and the fight against economic recession and unemployment of all kinds. Tourism and hospitality is a determinant of economic development and participation, as well as a necessary condition for access to the labor market and social benefits, as well as the opportunity to work and participate fully, freely and autonomously in the life of the community. According to (Mazaraki, A. et al., 2018) the main problems and challenges that need to be addressed to develop a national tourism system are forming strategic development priorities for the tourism sector.
However, in Ukraine since February 24, national surveys have shown a constant number of people willing to work in hotels, about 10% of internally displaced persons (IDPs).
The economic capabilities of the hotel and the region played a decisive role in making decisions regarding the accommodation of refugees. Regionally, the ratio of the number of refugees to the population is influenced by the following factors, namely: unemployment rate, income per capita (proportionate personal income tax (PIT)), social networks, availability of hotel rooms (Gromadzki and Lewandowski, 2023).
Hotels are not just a place for temporary accommodation and food for refugees from Ukraine. The need to obtain information and find places for refugees to stay longer creates new situations and gives rise to new challenges for hotels in their operational activities. One of them is the need to find data on sources of funding and opportunities to support people who are forced to leave their homes and seek temporary protection, while using opportunities for communication and providing information in the Ukrainian language. This peculiar and different from other operational processes in the hotel direction of activity (or, speaking more broadly, social focus on support and assistance) becomes the modern reality of the development of entrepreneurship in a turbulent environment (Skokic et al., 2016).
This trend can also be seen in many i global hotel organization for employing migrant labor, including Hilton, Accor, Radisson (Zheleznyak, 2017), as well as some national Arche chain. However, there are no wider studies in the field of determining the sources of funding and directions of support for refugees in Poland, so the definition of the structure of support and assistance is considered worthy of careful analysis. Such a research need is especially important in the context of discussions about the need to integrate Ukrainian refugees into public life in Poland.
The aim of the research is to identify the mechanisms that lead to the establishment of a new social and collaborative strategy, looking at the decisions, information and actions required to carry out the contracting process, turning it into a real strategic plan, to identify the mechanisms that lead to the creation of a cooperation strategy that allows to implement the social function of business, provides formalisation of managerial decisions and actions necessary for the process of concluding social contracts, turning them into a real plan. The basis of research is general scientific methods of cognition: theoretical generalization, comparative analysis and synthesis for processing factual information, induction and deduction. The materials of the research and its results are illustrated by structural and logical diagrams.
2. Pecularities of services for Ukrainian refugees in Polish hotels
It will question the impact of defining the roles and responsibilities of the different players involved - particularly by using inclusion and weighing proactivity, innovation and collaboration, and establishing effective mechanisms that can be observed and interact with economic or locational difficulties. The survey was conducted on 100 hotels using the CAWI method (computer assisted web interview). The survey was conducted between April and May 2023, and focuses on the period from 24 February to the end of2022, as it is covered by the available data from the hotel reports we use. Approximately 300 hotels were invited to participate in the survey, of which 100 replied to the questionnaire. The questions were most often answered by people employed as managers in the hotel. Hotels from every voivodship took part in the survey sample. Three-star hotels participated most frequently in the survey, and the average number of rooms in the surveyed hotel was 41. It should be noted that the hotels participating in the survey were unwilling to provide information about them, and a lot of missing data was identified in the hotel metrics.
Hotels from every voivodship took part in the survey sample. The numbers of hotels from the different voivodeships of Poland are presented in Figure 1. As a result of the analysis of a priori information regarding the answers by chosen cohort to the questionnaire items, 6 incomplete answers were identified, accordingly reducing the number of questionnaires (N = 94).
The average occupancy rate of the hotels surveyed was 61% in 2022. Of the total guests, refugees from Ukraine accounted for an average of nearly 23% of the number of people staying in the hotel in 2022. As the research shows, the increase in the number of visitors from the Ukraine in 2022 also affected prestigious, historic hotels (Sala, 2022). Poland's hospitality industry reported an increase in guest numbers to a level comparable to prepandemic 2019, but at the same time experienced a decrease in foreign guest interest due to the ongoing war in Ukraine (Rynek hoteli i condohoteli w Polsce, 2023).
Figure 1. Number of hotels surveyed in each Polish voivodship Source: compiled by the authors based on on survey results.
The majority of hotels surveyed declared that the outbreak of the war did not have a negative impact on hotel occupancy, probably from an increase in hotel occupancy due to the end of the pandemic. Thousands of Ukrainian refugees were housed in hotels in Poland. The structure of hotel guests in Polish hotels is illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Percentage of Ukrainian refugees in the total number of hotel guests in Poland in 2022 Source: compiled by the authors based on on survey results.
Among the hotels participating in the survey, only 13% declared that they did not provide support to refugees from Ukraine. The vast majority of hotels - 87% - declared various types of support.
The number of refugees in hotels was generally higher in Western than in Eastern Poland. In the largest cities, such as Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw and Gdansk, the number of hotels that supported Ukrainian refugees is greater, which is due to the capabilities of large chain hotels. The average length of stay of Ukrainian refugees in hotels for free or at reduced rates is about 5 days in hotels along the coast of the Baltic Sea and the southern and western borders of Poland, due to further migration to other countries.
The survey examines the spatial distribution of hotels supporting Ukrainian refugees, the sources of funding that determine their decision to provide free or reduced accommodation and meals, employment in the hotel, and finally, the consequences of changing orientations and strategies of Polish hotels.
In times of a turbulent environment, when there are risks of losses for hotels, it is necessary to look for sources of funding for social projects that are based on the possibilities of creating a positive image and reputation, to choose new communication channels aimed at a radically new segment of visitors, cross-cultural and charitable activities, at the same time while maintaining high standards of hotel services.
The hotel business is directly related to investments, but with the beginning of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, the majority investment projects from both investors and banks had to be frozen. Corporate social responsibility has become a priority (Farmaki, 2019). Among the stakeholders involved in the financing of refugee accommodation are international charitable foundations and organizations, which, in turn, determine the orientation of hotels towards the realization of a social function, while the influence of stakeholders, largely formed by the interdependent, multifaceted nature of the provision of services, determines the implementation of new strategies for supporting refugees. However, from the point of view of investments, foreign investors who wanted to enter the hotel market of Poland have suspended their activities and are watching the further development of events.
An example of a hotel's strategy change to a socially oriented one is a self-organized housing project for homeless refugees in the center of Athens, known as the City Plaza Refugee Accommodation Center. The City Plaza Hotel, as a practical alternative to a classic hotel, is an example of autonomous solidarity on a local scale. According to Agustin et al. (2019) hotel accommodation cannot be seen as a single solution to the "refugee crisis", but as a micro example of how solidarity work can provide alternatives and a "utopia" of how the crisis can be managed.
In Poland, large international and national hotel chains have launched assistance services for refugees from Ukraine under martial law. Information and assistance was provided both to individual refugees and to companies looking for a place for the families of employees, to crisis teams created by voivodeship administrations, to foundations and societies that help the needy.
Hotel teams of major international brands directed their efforts to support Ukrainian refugees. In particular, Hilton, Hayatt, Radisson provided shelter for a period of 5 days and accepted migrants from Ukraine. The structure of the guests was dominated primarily by female migrants with children, who either temporarily lived in accommodation facilities, and then returned home, found permanent housing in a new city for themselves, or moved further afield.
In addition to the standard range of services, hotels support Ukrainian refugees in their adaptation in Poland. In cooperation with other organisations and volunteers, the hotels provide free adaptation programmes such as Polish language courses, qualified vocational training, animation for children and necessary psychological assistance. Information support consists of support and control of formalities related to legalisation of stay, benefits, access to education and other issues.
Despite the fact that the main purpose of hotels is to generate income (Helmold, 2020), today, finding sources to finance social projects is becoming an increasing problem, mostly caused by the large number of refugees who need free accommodation and food (Schmelter, 2019). Most research on this issue highlights several different approaches to finding sources of funding. Among them are financing from large international charitable organizations, reimbursement of expenses under government programs, and assistance from private entrepreneurs. The most widespread type of sources for financing social projects related to refugees are those that accumulate funds from charitable funds in partnership with large international organizations (Mayblin and James, 2019).
An exemplary model as a welcoming nation to refugees was developed in the United States of America, which was later destroyed by the Trump administration (Mathema and Carratala, 2020). This follows a simple principle: "Trump administration dramatically reduced the apparatus of resettlement of refugees both inside the country and abroad" (La Corte, 2019).
In Turkey, it was found that the driving force behind the formation of refugee policy is an instrumental interest in maintaining political power, rather than humanitarian concerns (Mccarthy, 2021).
Analysing the provision of free or reduced-price accommodation and meals for Ukrainian refugees in Poland we illustrate the structure of hotels that provided support to refugees in 2022. It was prepared based on the analysis of primary and secondary data - publicly available information contained on, supplemented by the results of a survey of hotel managers in Poland conducted by the authors of the article from 30 April to 30 May 2023. The results of the study showed that 28% of hotels in Poland have provided free accommodation to Ukrainian refugees since the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. In March 2022, global hoteliers joined in to help internally displaced persons from Ukraine who needed a short-term stop and rest. Hilton, Le Meredien, Hyatt, Kempinski, Radisson and other hotel chains provided free rooms in their hotels for Ukrainians forced to flee the country.
Management and employees of Polish hotels were sent a questionnaire asking them to participate in the study. Data collection was carried out in 2023; the electronic questionnaire was distributed via e-mail or completed by conducting a personal or telephone survey. Respondents were guaranteed full confidentiality. Studies show that hotels in Poland are actively involved in the process of supporting Ukrainian refugees, which mainly consists in providing free or reduced-price accommodation and food services, informational assistance and employment. First, questions were included to select hotels that housed and fed Ukrainian refugees free of charge. Then hotels that provided services at reduced prices. Thirdly, the volumes and sources of funding provided to hotels to cover expenses incurred in connection with the provision of support were determined. The survey mostly contained closed questions to get a larger number of responses. Hotel responses were used as the dependent variables of interest for this study.
3. Provision of free or reduced-price accommodation and meals for Ukrainian refugees in Poland
The analysis of the structure of services provided by hotels that supported Ukrainian refugees was mainly descriptive, with reference to the volume of this support, sources of funding or compensation. This was due to the potential risk that an overly quantitative approach would not capture the social strategy and areas of support offered by hotels, which cannot be measured by quantitative indicators. Another limitation is that the demand for hotel services is constantly changing in terms of functional and targeted purpose, which corresponds to the location and duration of service provision. Therefore, it is difficult to record statistics on the stay of Ukrainian refugees in hotels, the number of which often changes. Thus, all the numbers look completely different in a few months. Therefore, the above figures were taken for the period from 24 February to 31 December 2022. Figure 3 shows the percentage of hotels offering free accommodation to refugees from Ukraine. In Poland 38% Ukrainian refugees in 2022 free accommodation in hotels, and 79% hotels, received compensation of costs providing accommodation and meals.
Figure 3. Percentage of hotels offering free accommodation to refugees from Ukraine
Source: compiled by the authors based on on survey results.
The research described in this section is based on the responses provided by the hotels, namely: number of hotels offering free accommodation and meals to refugees from Ukraine, number of hotels offering reduced price accommodation and meals to refugees from Ukraine, the amount of support that was compensated/subsidised by another entity to the hotel. It is worth noting that 38% of the hotels that took part in the survey provided such support free of charge, while the costs of providing accommodation and meals were mostly compensated by 79%. Hotels in Poland for Ukrainian refugees mainly provided accommodation and food support, but some of them were limited to informational support only. Regarding the localization of hotels and areas of support, two main trends were observed. The first group of hotels, namely five- and four-star hotels, located in large cities offered programs for short-term stay of refugees and the provision of services related to it with all the necessary areas of support. The number of hotels of this group and the average length of Ukrainian refugees stay indicates that accommodation in large hotels is of a short-term nature. It is used as a temporary shelter for a while until the refugees find housing for a longer period or go on to another region or country. Large hotels, within the framework of the social responsibility policy, had the opportunity to provide a comprehensive service to refugees, including family members of hotel employees, without seeking sources of external funding. Gradually, towards the end of 2022, programs of free accommodation of refugees began to be replaced by accommodation at reduced prices. The flow of refugees gradually decreased until the end of 2022, the system of their support by hotels was improved, new sources of financing were found, but hotels, realizing the importance of integrating refugees into Polish society, found the possibility of their employment. The second group of hotels are two- and three-star hotels and hostels located in small towns that provided services for longer accommodation of Ukrainian refugees for up to 120 days with simultaneous compensation from local and state budgets.
The ratio of the average number of Ukrainian refugees and the duration of their free accommodation and meals in hotels in Poland in 2022 is shown in Figure 4. The demand for free accommodation and meals since the beginning of the full-scale invasion significantly exceeded the capacity of hotels. However, it is worth noting that most hotels received external financing, which allowed to provide services in a larger volume and for a longer period. The average number of Ukrainian refugees used free accommodation in 2022 was 37 people per hotel.
Figure 4. Average number of Ukrainian refugees in the hotels offering free accommodation and their length of stay in 2022
Source: compiled by the authors based on on survey results.
The average length of stay of Ukrainian refugees in hotels of 79 days is directly related to the 40+ compensation program, which provides support for hotel owners and reimbursement of expenses for a period of 120 days. Depending on the sources of funding, hotels made decisions either to accommodate refugees or to find employment opportunities with partial compensation for staying in the hotel. More than 50% of the hotels that participated in the study employed Ukrainian refugees.
The increase in hotel occupancy in 2022 occurred in particular due to the accommodation of refugees from Ukraine in hotels. According to the study, out of the total number of guests, refugees from Ukraine accounted for almost 23% of the number of people who stayed at the hotel in 2022. As the study shows, the growth in the number of visitors from Ukraine in 2022 also affected prestigious historical hotels. Most of the hotels surveyed said that the start of the war did not have a negative impact on hotel occupancy, probably due to an increase in hotel occupancy due to the end of the pandemic. It was found that the length of stay of war migrants in hotels in Poland was generally higher in Western Poland than in Eastern Poland. The number of hotels that provided support to Ukrainian refugees is higher in the largest cities, such as Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw and Gdansk, due to the capacity of large networks. The average length of stay of Ukrainian refugees in hotels for free or at discounted rates is about 5 days in hotels on the Baltic Sea coast and the southern and western borders of Poland due to subsequent migration to other countries. Chain hotels of major international brands played a significant role in sheltering Ukrainians fleeing the war in 2022. The programs developed by them were aimed at temporary support of Ukrainian refugees in Poland. In particular, Hilton, Hayatt, Radisson provided shelter for five days and accepted migrants from Ukraine.
The study of cases of Polish hotels regarding their performance of social functions proved that social responsibility is a multifaceted process, which is considered as a source of resources for social investments. In difficult conditions, the hotel business acquires completely new qualities and functions, thanks to which the public perception of the hotel business is transformed through the prism of social partnership. Taking into account the experience of the social activities of Polish hotels will allow to increase the level of social responsibility of national hotel chains, gives them the opportunity to be involved in the decision-making process that will restore the hotel business in Ukraine.
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