Features of ensuring sustainable development of territorial communities in the Kharkiv region

The research article is devoted to a detailed analysis of the problem of ensuring the sustainable development of territorial communities in the Kharkiv region. The authors examine the current state of economic, ecological development of communities.

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Features of ensuring sustainable development of territorial communities in the Kharkiv region

Uhodnikova Olena

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Tourism and Hotel Management O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Administration O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

TROIAN Vladyslava

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Management and Public Administration O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

The research article is devoted to a detailed analysis and discussion of the problem of ensuring the sustainable development of territorial communities in the Kharkiv region. The authors examine the current state of economic, social, and ecological development of communities, identifying the main challenges facing local governments and communities.

Keywords: socio-economic potential, sustainable development, territorial communities, investments, post-war reconstruction, marketing communications.



О.І. Угоднікова, О.О. Рудаченко, В.І. Троян

Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О.М. Бекетова, Україна socio economic potential sustainable

Актуальність проблеми сталого розвитку територіальних громад в Харківській області визначається необхідністю вирішення комплексу економічних, соціальних та екологічних викликів, що виникають у контексті післявоєнної відбудови та геополітичних турбулентностей. Метою дослідження є системний аналіз та розкриття ключових аспектів, які визначають можливості та перешкоди сталого розвитку територіальних громад Харківської області. Об 'єктом дослідження є територіальні громади Харківської області, а предметом - соціально-економічний та екологічний розвиток цих територій. Проблема, що розглядається у статті, полягає в необхідності забезпечення сталого розвитку територіальних громад у Харківській області в умовах післявоєнної відбудови та геополітичних викликів. У дослідженні були вирішені завдання, пов'язані з аналізом статистичних даних бюджету та визначенням критичних точок у виконанні бюджету у зв'язку із повномасштабною військовою агресією. Також проведено детальний аналіз екологічного стану області, враховуючи військову агресію, що дозволило виявити проблеми та загрози для екологічного розвитку. Методологія дослідження базується на комплексному підході, включаючи аналіз соціально-економічного потенціалу, статистичний аналіз бюджету та SWOT-аналіз. Використання цих методів дозволило виявити ключові сфери розвитку, ідентифікувати сильні та слабкі сторони, а також здійснити оцінку можливостей та загроз. Основні висновки дослідження відображаються у рекомендаціях щодо практичного впровадження результатів. Зокрема, пропонується активізувати інвестиційні програми в секторах з найбільшим потенціалом, удосконалити систему екологічного контролю та розвивати ефективні механізми соціальної підтримки територіальних громад. Розроблені рекомендації спрямовані на дві основні цілі: перша - поліпшення якості життя громадян, що охоплює такі аспекти, як соціальний захист, доступ до освіти та охорони здоров'я; друга - забезпечення сталого розвитку регіону, що включає в себе збалансований економічний розвиток, збереження природних ресурсів та створення сприятливих умов для майбутніх поколінь.

Ключові слова: соціально-економічний потенціал, сталий розвиток, територіальні громади, інвестиції, післявоєнна відбудова, маркетингові комунікації.


In the context of modem transformations of society and the economy, the problem of ensuring the sustainable development of territorial communities is particularly relevant, which is especially acute in connection with the challenges of the Russian Federation's military aggression against Ukraine in the Kharkiv region. This region is a core centre of eastern Ukraine and is essential in forming the country's socioeconomic potential. However, it is necessary to recognise that some significant challenges and problems can restrain the sustainable development of territorial communities in this region.

In particular, at the current stage, in connection with the full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation, one can observe transformations in the security and economic spheres, changes in social challenges, and new challenges in ecology. Growing competition, the instability of the world market, and rapid technological dynamics present territorial communities with the task of adapting to use their potential effectively.

One of the main problems is the intractable threats associated with the geographical location of Kharkiv Oblast on the border with the Russian Federation, which causes the instability of the economic development of communities and insufficient diversification of the economy. It is also necessary to consider the consequences of post-war reconstruction, which may have adverse elements, such as the lack of effective management mechanisms and use of resources.

In the field of social development, it is imperative to solve the issue of social inequality to ensure access to quality education and health care for all segments of the population. In addition, paying attention to the cultural and historical features of communities will allow more effective implementation of sustainable development strategies.

In light of environmental trends, there is a need to improve environmental monitoring and implement environmentally friendly technologies to preserve natural resources and reduce the negative environmental impact. It is essential to factor in the level of ecological pollution of territories, primarily agricultural lands and recreation areas that have been affected by active ground combat and are now heavily mined.

With the above aspects in mind, we can formulate hypotheses that will determine the direction of further research. The hypothesis aims at identifying effective strategies for diversifying the community economy, improving the social protection system, and developing educational and medical services. Additionally, exploring the possibilities of attracting investments for implementing sustainable development projects is necessary.

Based on statistical data from recent years, trends in economic development, the dynamics of changes in the social sphere, and the level of implementation of environmental technologies in the Kharkiv region can be identified. The analysis of such data will be the basis for substantiating specific recommendations and strategies to ensure the sustainable development of territorial communities.

Literature Review

It is appropriate to consider the publications and scientific works of the authors devoted to the analysed issue. In particular, the article by Mezentsev K. V., Provotar N. I., and Palchuk M. V. examines the issue of public spaces through the prism of participation in urban planning [1]. The research of Izha M. M., Pakhomova T. I., and Holynska O. V. focuses on the problems of developing communities and territories in the conditions of war and post-war reconstruction from the standpoint of resilience and sustainability [2]. Bobrovska O. Yu., Krushelnytska T. A., and Latynin M. A.

proposed research in the form of a monograph, which is devoted to the methodological principles of formation and growth of the territorial development potential [3]. Rohozian Yu. and Noskova S. consider interregional cooperationa prerequisitefor the economic

development of united territorial communities in Ukraine [4]. Panchyshyn T. and Vdovyn M. analyse the components of sustainable development of territorial communities and regions in the context of socio-political challenges [5]. Kupchuk I., Yemchyk T., Gontaruk Ya., Tarasova O., Shevchuk H., and Okhota Yu. see the biofuel production as a direction to ensure the energy independence of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law, using the example of energy efficiency of territorial communities [6]. Lepish N. Ya. and Pavlovych- Seneta Ya. P. analyse the administrative and legal support and peculiarities of the functioning of territorial communities under martial law [7]. Article [8] examines the peculiarities of the territorial community development in these conditions. Article [9] considers financial support for restoring the competitiveness of territorial communities in Ukraine and other studies.

Aim and Objectives

The study aims to research and analyse the features of ensuring the sustainable development of territorial communities in the Kharkiv region to identify the key factors affecting its economic, social, and ecological development. We aim to provide concrete recommendations and strategies to improve the sustainability of communities and promote their integrated development.

Objectives of the study are:

- analysing the socio-economic potential of territorial communities;

- assessing environmental impact;

- studying the processes of ensuring post-war reconstruction;

- developing specific recommendations for local self-government bodies and businesses.

Research methods are:

- analysis of statistical data and documents, which involves the collection and analysis of socioeconomic indicators;

- using social modelling to assess the impact of different strategies on social development;

- carrying out a SWOT analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats to the development of communities;

- assessment of various economic development scenarios and their impact on the sustainability of communities.

The described research methods aim to obtain comprehensive information for analysing problems and developing specific measures to ensure the sustainable development of territorial communities in the Kharkiv region.

Discussion of Results

We will analyse the general challenges and directions of development for territorial communities.

The first group includes:

- instability in world politics can affect international relations and trade, which requires flexibility and adaptation [1];

- economic crises and social difficulties can limit access to resources and investments for development [2];

- climate change can cause natural disasters, such as floods and droughts, which endangers the stability of territorial communities [3].

Global directions of development of territorial communities are:

- development of innovations and stimulation of entrepreneurship to ensure the economic stability of territorial communities [4];

- ensuring access to quality education, health care, and social services for all residents of communities [5];

- development and implementation of environmentally friendly technologies, as well as creation of action plans for adaptation to climate change [6];

- strengthening local leadership and supporting citizen participation in decision-making to ensure democratic development [7];

- improvement and development of infrastructure to ensure convenience for residents and attractiveness for investors [8];

- development of international partnerships and cooperation for the exchange of experience and resources [8];

- implementation of technologies and digital solutions to increase the efficiency of management and development of communities [9].

The specified development directions aim to strengthen territorial communities, to make them more stable and adapted to modern challenges.

An analytical approach to studying the socioeconomic processes of the development of territorial communities of the Kharkiv region can help identify trends, key challenges, and opportunities for the development of territorial communities. For the analysis, it is advisable to use reports of local selfgovernment bodies, which provide specific data for the analysed period, as sources of statistical information.

We will analyse socio-economic processes by conducting a comparative analysis of the results of implementing the local budget in the Kharkiv region by year (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Performance indicators of the local budget of the Kharkiv region in 2021-2023 [10]

Based on the analysis results, we can determine that the performance indicators of the revenue budget in

2022 are critical, which shows the connection with the beginning of the full-scale military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. In 2023, these indicators increase significantly, which is a consequence of the de-occupation of territorial communities of the Kharkiv region. However, the indicators do not reach the level of the pre-war period of 2021.

We will analyse the budget balance. The unit of measurement is a thousand hryvnias (Table 1).

Based on the analysis findings, we can draw the following conclusions. The indicators of budget income in 2022 turned out to be critical due to the beginning of full-scale military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. In 2023, the indicators increased significantly, but despite the growth during this year, the income indicators did not reach the level of the pre-war budget. The budget deficit is a significant amount, which can affect the region's financial stability. The need to develop balanced budget strategies and attract investments to offset the deficit and the importance of adopting effective measures to support economic recovery and financial stabilisation are urgent issues.

Table 1

Budget balance, 2023

Performance Indicators for January - November

General Fund

Special Fund

















Deficit (-) / Surplus (+)




*Source: developed by the authors based on the analysis of the source [10]

The general conclusion is that, despite some improvement in 2023, the economic and financial condition of the Kharkiv region remains vulnerable due to the consequences of military aggression. Overcoming these challenges will require comprehensive measures and strategies for recovery and sustainable development.

We will analyse the challenges and problems of the ecological state in the Kharkiv region under the influence of the military aggression of the Russian Federation [8-9]:

- military aggression can cause significant soil and water pollution, negatively impacting natural ecosystems;

- military aggression can cause the loss of species diversity through misuse and destruction of

natural habitats;

- military actions can lead to pollution and destruction of water resources, threatening the quality of drinking water and aquatic ecosystems;

- destroyed buildings, roads, and other infrastructure facilities can cause leakage of harmful substances and soil pollution;

- the possible use of chemicals during military operations leads to chemical pollution and threatens the people and nature;

- destroyed farmland and the loss of agricultural infrastructure can affect the region's food security;

- lack of infrastructure for the restoration of ecologically damaged areas and the introduction of sustainable technologies;

- military operations create unstable conditions, making ecological recovery and forecasting ecological consequences difficult.

The described challenges and problems create complex challenges for the ecological recovery of the Kharkiv region under the influence of the military aggression of the Russian Federation.

We will present the results of the SWOT analysis of the Kharkiv region.

The advantages of this region are [10-12]:

1. High level of industrial development, including mechanical engineering, electronics, and food industry.

2. A large number of higher educational institutions and scientific institutions contribute to the development of innovations and personnel potential.

3. The cultural and historical monument variety attracts tourists and creates a unique regional image.

4. A large area of agricultural land and favourable conditions for the development of agriculture.

Therefore, the Kharkiv region has significant economic, cultural, and social growth potential based on its industrial capabilities, educational resources, and agricultural sector.

Let us analyse the shortcomings of the Kharkiv region [13-14]:

1. Geographical location on the border with the aggressor country.

2. Significant dependence on particular industrial sectors can make the region vulnerable to fluctuations in these sectors.

3. Insufficient economic diversity can inhibit development and sustainability in changing conditions.

4. Limited scope of scientific and innovative activities, which can hinder technological progress and reduce competitiveness.

5. Growing environmental problems, such as air and water pollution, can affect public health and the natural environment.

6. Low levels of infrastructure development in some communities may limit access to essential services and markets.

7. Management problems, bureaucracy, and corruption can complicate business processes and inhibit economic development.

8. Declining birth rates and mass migration can lead to a demographic crisis and loss of human capital.

9. Lack of an effective strategy for attracting investments and supporting entrepreneurship.

The described shortcomings point to the need for comprehensive strategies to solve problems and improve the stability and competitiveness of the Kharkiv region.

Next, we will analyse the possibilities of the Kharkiv region:

1. Supporting innovation and research to create high-tech industries and attract investments.

2. Developing tourism through strengthening the attractiveness of cultural and historical monuments and organising events within the framework of post-war reconstruction.

3. Implementing environmentally friendly technologies and programmes for natural reserve restoration.

4. Improvingagriculturalproductionand

development of the agrarian sector.

5. Developing transport, communication, and

energyinfrastructure to improveaccessibilityand


6. Creating afavourableenvironmentfor

developing the IT industry and digital technologies.

7. Expandinginternationalpartnershipsfor

experience exchange and attraction of foreign investments.

8. Implementing energy-efficient technologies and development of alternative energy sources.

9. Supporting small and medium-sized enterprises by creating a favourable business environment.

The described opportunities create a positive potential for the development of the Kharkiv region, which is possible to use with effective management and strategic planning.

Finally, we will identify the threats to the development of the Kharkiv region:

1. Security threats.

2. A downturn in the global economy or economic difficulties in Ukraine may affect the region's financial stability.

3. Instability at the political level, including governance uncertainty, which may affect the business environment.

4. Changes in legislation or tax policies may create an additional financial burden for businesses and the public.

5. Increasing environmental problems such as air and water pollution can negatively affect health and ecosystems.

6. Outdated technologies and non-compliance with new trends can reduce the competitiveness of the region's industries.

7. A decrease in the birth rate and high emigration can lead to a demographic crisis.

8. An increase in the level of crime can threaten the security and attractiveness of the region.

The described threats indicate the need for careful strategic planning and action to reduce their impact and increase the stability of the Kharkiv region.

Based on the analysis, we developed recommendations to ensure the sustainable development of the Kharkiv region:

1. Diversifying the economy: developing new economic sectors and creating conditions for diversifying the region's economy. Support of innovative sectors and enterprises will contribute to

sustainable economic growth.

2. Effective use of resources: implementing programmes and strategies for optimising the use of natural resources, reducing waste, and increasing energy efficiency.

3. Creating a favourable environment for developing small and medium-sized enterprises, including financial support, advice, and market access.

4. Developing and implementing infrastructure projects to improve transport, communication, and social infrastructure.

5. Ensuring access to quality education and professional training and creating a system of support and development of talented personnel.

6. Forming an innovative ecosystem through the support of research institutes, start-ups, and the introduction of advanced technologies.

7. Promoting agricultural development through improving agrotechnologies, supporting farms, and providing fair market access.

8. Implementing comprehensive measures for environmental education, emission reduction, restoration of ecosystems, and development of environmentally friendly technologies.

9. Improving social support mechanisms, developing social infrastructure, and working to prevent and resolve social conflicts.

10. Expanding international partnerships for the exchange of experience, the attraction of foreign investments, and participation in international programmes of sustainable development.

The developed recommendations can become the basis for strategies and actions aimed at supporting the sustainable development of the Kharkiv region and improving its residents' quality of life, subject to security guarantees within the framework of post-war reconstruction.

The discussion of the research results confirms important conclusions and examines their significance for the development of territorial communities of the Kharkiv region. Considering the socio-economic potential of territorial communities of this region, its key components are determined. The discussion includes an analysis of strengths and weaknesses. The authors paid particular attention to optimisation possibilities and effective use of resources to achieve sustainable development. The discussion focuses on implementing innovations in the region's economy and its readiness for technological progress. It explores what steps one can take to stimulate innovation and support technology initiatives.


In this article, we have considered the problem of ensuring the sustainable development of territorial communities in the Kharkiv region, accounting for various aspects of its socio-economic, ecological, and cultural potential. The study covered the results of the analysis of socio-economic potential, the challenges of post-war reconstruction, the effectiveness of investments, and other crucial aspects.

The analysis showed that the Kharkiv region has significant socio-economic potential, especially in agriculture and industry. However, there is a need to improve the mechanisms of its use to achieve sustainable development.

An integral part of the study was assessing the impact of investments and the post-war reconstruction process on the region's economy. According to the results, we determined that these processes interact and affect the sustainability of development.

The authors have studied the specifics of territorial communities of the Kharkiv region, taking into account their unique features and potential for innovative development. We established that the development of communities requires an integrated approach.

The study's results indicate that the Kharkiv region has reserves for achieving sustainable development, but this requires coordinating efforts and implementing complex strategies. Cooperation with local authorities, the public, and international partners is a significant success factor.

The study identified several directions for further scientific research, in particular:

- analysis of the impact of geopolitical factors on economic and social processes;

- studying the possibilities of effective use of modern technologies in the region's development;

- assessment of the influence of socio-cultural factors on the sustainability of the development of territorial communities.

Therefore, the study opens new horizons for understanding the problems and prospects of sustainable development of the Kharkiv region and can serve as a basis for further scientific research and practical measures to improve the region's growth.


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7. Лепіш Н. Я. Територіальні громади в умовах воєнного стану в Україні: адміністративно-правове забезпечення та особливості функціонування / Н. Я. Лепіш, Я. П. Павлович- Сенета // Аналітично-порівняльне правознавство. - 2022. - № 4. - С. 209-214. - DOI: 10.24144/2788-6018.2022.04.38.

8. Фурман І. В. Особливості розвитку територіальних громад в умовах військового стану / І. В. Фурман, Д. В. Камінний // Цифрова економіка та економічна безпека. - 2023. - Вип. 9 (09). - С. 119-126. - DOI: 10.32782/dees.9-19.

9. Подзізей О. О. Фінансове забезпечення відновлення конкурентоспроможності територіальних громад в Україні / О. О. Подзізей, Т. І. Коробчук // Економіка та суспільство. - 2023. - № 48. - DOI: 10.32782/25240072/2023-48-11.

10. Державний веб-портал бюджету для громадян [Електрон. ресурс] / Open Budget : сайт. - Київ, 20182024. - Оновлюється постійно. - Режим доступу: https://openbudget. gov. ua/, вільний (дата звернення: 25.01.2024).

11. Bosone M. The Role of Commons in Smart Sustainable Development: A Hybrid Approach for the Recovery of Settlement Systems / M. Bosone, A. Onesti // Smart Cities and Digital Transformation: Empowering Communities, Limitless Innovation, Sustainable Development and the Next Generation / ed. by M. D. Lytras, A. A. Housawi, B. S. Alsaywid. - Leeds (UK) : Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023. - Ch. 10. - P. 187-

218. - DOI: 10.1108/978-1-80455-994-920231010.

12. Baiocco S. Entrepreneurship for sustainable development: co-evolutionary evidence from the tourism sector / S. Baiocco,

L. Leoni, P. M. A. Paniccia // Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. - 2023. - Vol. 30, No. 7. - P. 15211546. - DOI: 10.1108/JSBED-01-2023-0003.

13. Gao Y. The Nexus Between Cultural and Creative Sectors and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Network Perspective / Y. Gao, E. Turkina, A. Van Assche //

International Business and Sustainable Development Goals / ed. by R. van Tulder, E. Giuliani, I. Alvarez. - Leeds (UK) :

Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023. - Vol. 17. - Ch. 9. - P. 151-176. - (Progress in International Business Research). - DOI: 10.1108/S1745-886220230000017009.

14. Ryan S. E. Public Libraries as Key Knowledge Infrastructure Needed to Empower Communities, Promote Economic Development, and Foster Social Justice / S. E. Ryan,

S.A. Evans, S. Hawamdeh // How Public Libraries Build Sustainable Communities in the 21st Century / ed. by K. C. Williams-Cockfield, B. Mehra. - Leeds (UK) : Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023. - Vol. 53. - Ch. 15. - P. 203218. - (Advances in Librarianship). - DOI: 10.1108/S0065- 283020230000053019.

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