Social adaptation of foreign students through the prism of the environmental approach

The need to develop and introduce a system of social adaptation for foreign students, which will be able to ensure effective interactive and informational interaction between subjects of educational activity. Features of the environmental approach.

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Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv

Social adaptation of foreign students through the prism of the environmental approach

Qin Bowen

PhD student of the Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy

Department Faculty of Psychology


Modern requirements dictate the need for active development and implementation of a system of social adaptation for foreign students, which will be able to provide effective interactive and informational interaction between all subjects of educational activity. In accordance with the requirements, a theoretical analysis of scientific papers on the social adaptation of foreign students through the prism of the environmental approach. The purpose of scientific research is to reveal the peculiarities of the environmental approach in the process of social adaptation of foreign students. With the help of scientific and theoretical analysis, it is stated that the educational process of integration of a foreign student into the new educational environment of the university is part of his social adaptation to the educational process in ZVO and directly affects his academic success and social development. The conducted scientific and theoretical research allowed us to clarify the definition of "social adaptation of a foreign student - a type of interaction of a foreign student with the socio-cultural environment, in which the acquisition of certain social status through the use of certain social roles based on mastery of social norms, rules, values, social experience of a particular environment. Is considered the adaptation of foreign students in the form of two interrelated situations through the prism of the environmental approach: accommodation and assimilation. The structure of the educational environment of the university is represented, which consists of components such as: physiological (personal), socio-cultural, spatial-subject, activity-technological, and self-organizational components. It is concluded that the social adaptation of foreign students to the educational environment of the university can be considered as a comprehensive system, the success of which is determined by multiple parameters and criteria to improve the quality of foreign students and achieve the best academic results.

Key words: adaptation, social adaptation, environment, environmental approach, educational environment of the university.

Цінь Бовен аспірант кафедри соціальної реабілітації та соціальної педагогіки факультету психології, Київський національний Університет імені Тараса Шевченка, м. Київ

Соціальна адаптація іноземних студентів через призму середовищного підходу


social adaptation foreign student

Сучасні вимоги диктують необхідність активного розроблення та запровадження системи соціальної адаптації для іноземних студентів, яка зможе забезпечити ефективну інтерактивно-інформаційну взаємодію між усіма суб'єктами освітньої діяльності. Відповідно до висунутої вимоги, було проведено теоретичний аналіз наукових праць стосовно соціальної адаптації іноземних студентів через призму середовищного підходу. Метою наукової розвідки - розкрити особливості середовищного підходу у процесі соціальної адаптації іноземних студентів. За допомогою науково-теоретичного аналізу, констатовано те, що освітній процес інтеграції іноземного студента в нове освітнє середовище університету є частиною його соціальної адаптації до освітнього процесу у ЗВО і прямо впливає як на його успішність у навчанні, так і на соціальну сформованість. Проведене науково-теоретичне дослідження, надало нам змогу уточнити визначення поняття «соціальна адаптація іноземного студента - це такий вид взаємодії іноземного студента з соціокультурним середовищем, у процесі якого здійснюється оволодіння певним соціальним статусом через використання певних соціальних ролей на основі опанування соціальними нормами, правилами, цінностями, соціальним досвідом конкретного середовища». Розглянуто адаптацію іноземних студентів у вигляді двох взаємопов'язаних ситуацій через призму середовищного підходу: акомодації і асиміляції. Репрезентовано структуру освітнього середовища університету, яка складається з компонентів, таких як: фізіологічний (особистісний), соціально-культурний, просторово-предметний, діяльнісно-технологічний, і самоорганізаційний компоненти. Зроблено висновок про те, що соціальна адаптація студентів-іноземців до освітнього середовища університету можна розглядати як комплексну систему, успішність якої визначається множинними параметрами і критеріями, що дозволяють поліпшити якість навчання іноземних студентів і досягти найкращих академічних результатів.

Ключові слова: адаптація, соціальна адаптація, середовище, середовищний підхід, освітнє середовище університету.

Statement of the problem

Social adaptation of foreign students in the educational environment of the university is a complex, multifaceted, dynamic process. This requires a synergistic approach to the study of the problem, a combination of sociology, philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, social pedagogy and more. The issue of development and implementation of mechanisms of social adaptation of foreign students in the educational environment of the university is important.

Analysis of scientific works

In the modern world, interstate educational contacts are intensively expanding, the number of young people who want to get an education outside their country is increasing. «The success of foreign students, their level of training depends largely on socio-cultural adaptation in the host country» (Diatlenko, 2009).

In particular, many authors distinguish between adaptation (adaptation, adjustment) as a process and as a result, but sometimes the latter uses derivative terms such as «adaptability» or «adaptability» (Bilous, 2012).

The purpose of scientific research is to reveal the peculiarities of the environmental approach in the process of social adaptation of foreign students.

Main part

In psychological and pedagogical research the problem of professionally-oriented adaptation is considered in the works of L. Darenskaya, G. Kaitukova, T. Katkova, T. Petrichenko, S. Runova, I. Sorokina, L. Shchepotko and others. Problems of adaptation are classified by most researchers as follows: socio-cultural adaptation; socio-psychological adaptation; pedagogical adaptation. The term «socio-cultural adaptation» is understood as an active process of interaction between another culture and living environment, the process of acquiring life skills and knowledge, mastering the basic norms and patterns of the new environment, the so-called phenomenon of «entering culture» (Dovgodko, 2008).

We emphasize the existence of a large number of interpretations of the definition of «adaptation»: from general definitions (covering a wide range of studied phenomena) to specific (narrow range of studied phenomena).

According to the two types of existing definitions of social adaptation, it is necessary to distinguish the scientific work (by G. Ball), in which the scientist identifies two main approaches to understanding the difference between adaptation and social adaptation. The first one is a broad (adaptation of the organism in the environment to maintain homeostasis), the next one - narrow (subjugation of the individual to the environment, which is practically independent of him, while the environment is treated as the immediate environment) (Bilous, 2012).

We state that the phenomenon of adaptation itself can have different meanings depending on which aspects of it are under the study (biological or social).

Through the prism of the environmental approach, it is necessary to form principles and directions of action by representatives of the environment. For example, if we take the educational environment of the university, special attention will be paid to selection and creation of with students and teachers who will be aimed at self-development, self-actualization and self-realization of the individual, which will contribute to the process of socio-psychological adaptation of student youth.

To obtain a more detailed result, it is necessary to explore the nature and content of social, pedagogical and psychological aspects of social adaptation of foreign students not only in psychological but also in philosophical, scientific, social and pedagogical literature, which indicates the need for interdisciplinary research.

The need for interdisciplinary research on the problem of social adaptation of foreign students in the educational environment of the university is explained by the fact that the actual process of adaptation covers a wide range of phenomena (see Figure 1): from the simplest to the most complex.

Fig. 1. Social adaptation in the broadest sense

Source: edited by the author

In the topic of our scientific research, it is worth considering in more detail the interactionist direction, which focuses on the study of the other side of adaptation. They include adaptation to well-organized techniques or ways of life that allow a person to adapt to a new situation and solve common problems. Therefore, the characteristics of adaptive behavior are making successful decisions, clearly defining their future, showing initiative.

Thus, the representatives of this trend believe that the signs of effective adaptability are: the ability to establish intimate emotional connections in the field of personal relationships, the presence of a sense of empathy; understanding the motives of human behavior, the ability to subtly and accurately reflect changes in relationships, efficiency in the field of extrapersonal socio-economic activity, where a person reaches the planned level. According to the representatives of this direction, the organism in the course of adaptation adapts to the requirements of the specifics of the situation.

We emphasize that for interactionists adaptability is manifested in the form of two different responses to environmental influences: in the acceptance and effective response to those social expectations that a person faces in accordance with their views; in flexibility, efficiency when meeting new and potentially dangerous situations; in the ability to give events the desired direction (Dovhodko, 2008).

The most progressive in Western psychology is the approach of J. Piaget to explain the mechanisms of adaptation of the individual's psyche to new environmental conditions or activities. Piaget considers adaptation in the form of two interrelated situations: accommodation (learning the rules of the environment, «likening» to it) and assimilation («likening» to oneself, transforming the environment) (see Fig. 2).

Source: edited by the author

In general, adaptation is a process of adaptation of the organism to the environment and achieving a harmonious balance with it (Piaget, 1969). This process is a mechanism of cognition: the direction of development is determined in the process of finding information, the correspondence between the organism and the environment. Equilibrium achieved through the operations of accommodation, which include the adaptation of one's own actions, thoughts, concepts about the external world, and assimilation, which consists in completing the external world in accordance with human ideas. The most complete balance achieved at the level of intelligence operations, which allow a person fully adapt to the environment.

Piaget's concept reflects, in our opinion, the most successful attempt to interpret mental activity as a manifestation of adaptive activity. Moreover, assimilation and accommodation can serve as operational concepts in explaining the mechanisms of mental development (Diatlenko, 2009).

Note that the study of the basic functions of adaptation processes reduced to ideas about the importance of adaptation in the biological sciences, in particular in connection with the study of stress. The physiological functions of adaptation related to the idea of increasing the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Note that the body's adaptive responses to adverse effects laid the foundation for the study of adaptation syndrome. The adaptation syndrome covers a set of adaptive reactions of the body that perform a protective function and occur in response to significant in strength and duration of adverse effects.

We emphasize that one of the important aspects of the overall adaptation process is mental adaptation, which highlights the optimal interactions of the individual and the environment, ensures the adequacy of its behavior to the requirements of the social environment. (see Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Adaptive features of the individual in the environment

Source: developed by the author

Adaptive characteristics of the individual in the environment are closely related to the areas of their implementation: mental characteristics - the interaction of the individual with the environment (in which the individual must take into account the environment and actively influence it to meet their basic needs and meaningful chains), social features of people's acquisition of a certain social status, mastery of certain social functions and roles; biological - adaptation of the organism to stable and changing environmental conditions (temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, safe or dangerous materials, accessories).

Social adaptation of foreign students to the Ukrainian educational environment of the university as a complex and long-term process covers all spheres of life. The most difficult period of the phenomenon, we study falls on the first year of study. Among the difficulties faced by foreign students are objective (due to the new content of learning, communication, and interaction) and subjective (related to the characteristics of the adapter: insecurity, anxiety, etc.). Some authors point to pedagogical difficulties (insufficient development of theory and practice of the educational process, unpreparedness and even reluctance of some teachers to take into account the age and individual characteristics of students) (Dyatlenko, 2009).

We emphasize that both the individual foreign student and the environment are in constant interaction with each other. In addition, this is the process of accommodation and assimilation connection in the phenomenon we are studying. Social adaptation has a universal active influence on all systems of nature and society. The material and moral culture of society is the mechanism by which social adaptation carried out.

Adaptation of foreign students in the socio-cultural environment of the university is a set of complex, multifaceted processes that take place at different levels of social organization and social interactions. The nature of the relations arising from these processes is defined as contradictory.

We believe that one of the most important conditions for successful social adaptation of foreign students to the educational environment of the university considered the organization of interpersonal interaction and mutual understanding between teachers and students, students - representatives of different cultures within the group, faculty, and academy. The next condition, inextricably linked with the previous one, is the inclusion of a foreign student in practical intercultural communicative activities. The process of adaptation to the new axis of the educational environment of the university takes place both within the educational process and during extracurricular activities, which helps to accelerate this process.

We consider it necessary to emphasize that the concept of "environment" is currently in active use in modern scientific or professional literature, but any scientists do not propose a general definition of this definition. The environment is a real reality in the conditions of which the formation and development of man takes place.

The educational environment of the university is a narrower and more interesting concept for our study, although, as with the previous concept, there is no generally accepted definition.

From the standpoint of analyzing the interaction of the student's personality with the university environment, scientists determine the multicomponent structure of the university environment:

Subjective, socio-cultural, spatial-subjective, technological components;

Subject-personal, semantic, information-content, activity, developmental- educational;

Personal, axiological-semantic, information-semantic, organizational-activity, spatial-subject (Bratko, 2005).

From the information obtained above and our perspective, we will try to represent the structure of the educational environment of the university, which will have the following components: physiological (personal), socio-cultural, spatial- subject, activity-technological, and self-organizational components.

The physiological (personal) component of the educational environment during the social adaptation of a foreign student represents all the subjects of the educational process, their relationships and relationships, and so on.

The socio-cultural component of the educational environment for the social adaptation of a foreign student appears as the biggest problem. We mean imperfect knowledge of the Ukrainian language, inability to build relationships with peers and teachers due to ignorance of the cultural realities of Ukrainian universities. There is a noticeable difference between educational systems (Hu, 2013, pp. 38-40), forms of learning organization and teaching methods (Belous, 2012), inconsistency of real training in high school to the content of vocational training programs, the difference between the requirements for training courses, differences in the assessment of student achievement; significant differences in the organization of training according to the individual plan; habit of passive role in learning (Hu, 2013, p. 39-40); low level of professional orientation, motivation (Hu, 2013, p. 39-40); insufficient level of formation and development of skills and abilities of independent work (Belous, 2012).

The activity-technological component of the educational environment ensures the social adaptation of foreign students by a holistic didactic organization of the educational process. The best result provided only in the case of successful combination and operation of all elements of this component, such as innovative forms of its organization, methods, techniques and teaching aids, etc.

No less important than others is the spatial-subject component for the development of social adaptation of foreign students. Its structure includes material and technical base, auditorium fund, Computer Park, library resources, design and equipment of premises, availability of light, heating, etc.

The self-organizing component of the educational environment in the process of social adaptation of foreign students will consider in the work as a process of selfmastery of methods and techniques of self-observation, self-control, self-accounting and self-analysis of educational results.

Each of the components of the educational environment of the university mentioned by us becomes the foundation in the process of social adaptation of foreign students in the educational environment of the university.

We emphasize that a complex of psychophysiological, bulk-cognitive, sociocultural and household factors determines the peculiarities of social adaptation of foreign students. The structure of relations of all components of the educational process plays an important role in adaptation. The process of adaptation of foreign students to the educational environment of the university must be organized, focused and comprehensive.


A special factor to which foreign students need to adapt socially is the educational process in higher education institutions, as education is the main purpose of foreign students' arrival in Ukraine. Social adaptation of foreign students to the educational environment of the university is a multifactorial process of their entry, development and formation in the educational environment of higher education institutions within the complex combination and interaction of information-functional and socio-cultural fields.

Today, the social adaptation of foreign students is to acquire a certain status in society, mastering certain social roles. We emphasize that the effectiveness of the process we study depends on the activity of the subject, the level of the basic system of knowledge, skills, previous experience of interaction, individual and psychological characteristics, communicative skills, socio-cultural environment.

It stated that the educational process of integration of a foreign student into the new educational environment of the university is part of his social adaptation to the educational process in the university and directly affects both his academic success and social development.

The conducted scientific and theoretical research allowed us to clarify the definition of «social adaptation of a foreign student - a type of interaction of a foreign student with the socio-cultural environment, in which the acquisition of certain social status through the use of certain social roles based on mastery of social norms, rules, values, social experience of a particular environment».

Social adaptation of foreign students to the educational environment of the university can be considered as a comprehensive system, the success of which is determined by multiple parameters and criteria that improve the quality of education of foreign students and achieve the best academic results. The success of the process of social adaptation provides adequate interaction of foreign students with the sociocultural and educational environment of higher education, psycho-emotional stability, formation of new personality and social status, learning new social roles, acquiring new values, understanding the importance of future professions.

Thus, the success of the process of social adaptation of foreign students depends on their further interaction with the intellectual and socio-cultural environment, in particular, the educational environment of the university. Accelerating the process of social adaptation contributes to the stable psycho- emotional and physical condition of foreign students; improving the acquisition of new knowledge; formation of readiness to study at universities of Ukraine and understanding of the significance of the future profession; formation of new personal qualities, assimilation of new social roles and their future social status. In other words, part of the educational policy in the field of training for foreign countries should be a scientifically organized process of their social adaptation to the educational process in the Ukrainian socio-cultural environment, which will improve the quality of both propaedeutic and vocational education.

Thus, the social adaptation of foreign students to Ukrainian realities is a complex process that can be managed and accelerated. This process covers many aspects. The most difficult of them are adaptation to new climatic conditions, a new socio-cultural environment, a new educational system, a new language of communication, the international nature of groups.


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  • American marriage pattern, its types, statistics and trends among different social groups and ages. The reasons of marriage and divorce and analyzing the statistics of divorce and it’s impact on people. The position of children in American family.

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  • Overpopulation, pollution, Global Warming, Stupidity, Obesity, Habitat Destruction, Species Extinction, Religion. The influence of unemployment in America on the economy. The interaction of society with other societies, the emergence of global problems.

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  • The concept of public: from ancient times to era of Web 2.0. Global public communication. "Charlie Hebdo" case. Transition of public from on-line to off-line. Case study: from blog to political party. "M5S Public": features and mechanisms of transition.

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  • Methodological characteristics of the adaptation process nowadays. Analysis of the industrial-economic activity, the system of management and the condition of adaptation process. Elaboration of the improving project of adaptation in the Publishing House.

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  • Social interaction and social relation are identified as different concepts. There are three components so that social interaction is realized. Levels of social interactions. Theories of social interaction. There are three levels of social interactions.

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  • The main idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). History of CSR. Types of CSR. Profitability of CSR. Friedman’s Approach. Carroll’s Approach to CSR. Measuring of CRS. Determining factors for CSR. Increase of investment appeal of the companies.

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  • The subjective aspects of social life. Social process – those activities, actions, operations that involve the interaction between people. Societal interaction – indirect interaction bearing on the level of community and society. Modern conflict theory.

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  • The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language. Requirements to extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language. Using the Internet in extracurricular work on English.

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  • Context approach in teaching English language in Senior grades. Definition, characteristics and components of metod. Strategies and principles of context approach. The practical implementation of Context approach in teaching writing in senior grades.

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  • An analysis of the origins of the modern environmental movement. Description of the causes of environmental problems. List of defects of the market economy in relation to the environment according to Robin Hahnel. Features of the radical environmentalism.

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