Impact of the war in the between Russia and Ukraine 2014–2024 period on the mental and emotional state of students

The military conflict in Ukraine is a test for our country and its population. The material and physical consequences of war, its impact on the mental health of the nation. Prerequisites for the deterioration of the mental state of the population.

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Дата добавления 04.09.2024
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National technical university of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute»

Impact of the war in the between Russia and Ukraine 2014-2024 period on the mental and emotional state of students

Yefremenko Viktoriia,

senior lecturer at the department of health and sports technologies

Syrovatko Zoia,

senior lecturer at the department of health and sports technologies



The military conflict in Ukraine became a serious test for our country and its population, marking the beginning in 2014 after the annexation of Crimea by Russia and the events in the east of Ukraine. Donetsk and Luhansk became centers of armed conflicts with illegal armed formations.

In 2022, the situation only worsened, when the aggressor country launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, deepening the humanitarian crisis and increasing the scale of the disaster.

The duration of this military conflict is already almost 10 years, during this period it led to significant human losses, covering both the civilian population and military personnel. Many people were forced to l eave their homes and become internally displaced persons of their own country.

War not only has material losses and physical consequences, but also seriously affects the mental health of a nation. After two years of martial law, the deterioration of the me ntal state of the entire population is noticeable. War events cause stress reactions and trauma that persist long after hostilities have ceased.

Everything said earlier indicates that it is necessary not only to restore destroyed houses and infrastructure, but what is especially important is to develop a methodology and create a system of psychological and psychiatric support for people who suffered from the military conflict. The need for rehabilitation programs and counseling becomes an important step in ensuring further recovery and strengthening of the nation's mental health [3].

Key words: war, influence, mental state, students, consequences.


war mental population

Єфременко В.М., Сироватко З.В. Вплив війни між Росією та Україною 2014-2024 років на психічний та емоційний стан студентів.

Військовий конфлікт в Україні став серйозним випробуванням для нашої країни та її населення, позначивши початок в 2014 році після анексії Криму Росією та подій на сході України. Донецьк та Луганськ стали осередками збройних конфліктів з протиправними збройними формуваннями.

У 2022 році ситуація лише загострилася, коли країна-агресор почала повномасштабне вторгнення в Україну, поглиблюючи гуманітарну кризу та збільшуючи розміри лиха.

Тривалість цього військового конфлікту налічує вже майже 10 років, за цей період він призвів до значних людських втрат, охоплюючи як цивільне населення, так і військовослужбовців. Багато людей були вимушені залишити свої домівки та стати внутрішньо переміщеними особами власної країни.

Війна не тільки має матеріальні та фізичні наслідки, але й серйозно впливає на ментальне здоров'я нації. Після двох років військового стану помітно погіршення психічного стану у всьому населенні. Військові події викликають стресові реакції та травми, які тривають протягом довгого часу після припинення бойових дій.

Ключові слова: війна, вплив, психічний стан, студенти, наслідки.

Main part

Formulation of the problem.

Military conflicts create numerous difficulties and challenges for students seeking to receive an education. Let's consider some of the main problems that arise in the conditions of a military conflict.

Disruption of the learning process is a frequent problem for effective learning. Constant air alarms lead to the termination or interruption of education, which disrupts the rhythm and direction of educational programs.

Students, who lived in time of military actions, face post-traumatic stress disorder, which is expressed in psychological anxiety. This is an important aspect because the psychological state directly affects the ability to focus on learning and successfully adapt to the learning environment. Loss of motivation, apathetic mood and depression strongly affect learning efficiency.

Loss of motivation, apathetic mood and depression strongly affect the effectiveness of learning. In the conditions of military conflict, when students become most vulnerable to stress, the provision of psychological support and the development of various types of psychosocial assistance become extremely important.

Evacuation and migration processes are becoming a new reality for many students from conflict-affected regions. This leads to the loss of connections with classmates, society and even with the family members. Such factor are complicates the process of learning and adaptation to new conditions.

In this difficult time, it is important for Ukraine to have comprehensive support for student youth. We need to introduce methods and approaches aimed that aimed to help students to cope with the difficulties of the war period, adapt to new realities and ensure the normal development of the educational process. Considering circumstances mentioned above, those methods are also important in order to maintain the health of students.

Analysis of literary sources. Scholar Andrew B. [1] conducted research on the nature of acute chronic stress, including an analysis of three different classification methods of the stressful period duration: the duration of the physical stressor, the duration of perceived threat or demand, and the persistence of the response. Freh J. [2] dealing with special episodes that are characterized by a short-term influence of stress factors but lead to long-term symptoms of a fear and reaction to stress. Petsyk Y [3] studied traumatic events that occurred over a short period of time, but ofte n lead to chronic fears and the formation of a stable response pattern.

Distress is a condition in which a person is unable to fully adapt to stressful situations and their consequences and exhibits maladaptive behavior. This may be evident in the presence of inappropriate social interaction phenomena: aggression, passivity, or isolationism. Educational foundation «GoGlobal» [4] sorted out possible mechanisms of avoiding the occurrence of such situations, and in addition, studied the consequences of traumatic stress.

The war in Ukraine affects the mental health of millions of our citizens, including children and youth, every day. Research by scientists shows that prolonged exposure to such traumatic events can have far-reaching consequences, including post - traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression and a variety of mental health disorders in today's youth [5].

War is an organized and violent conflict between two or more states or groups of people that involves the use of armed force and seeks to achieve political, economic or territorial goals.

War is characterized by the presence of armed clashes, the use of force and violence, as well as the desire of one side to subjugate the other to its will. It can be carried out either on the territory of one of the parties to the conflict or on the territory of a third country.

Wars can have various causes, such as territorial disputes, religious or ethnic differences, economic interests, political differences and others. They can be either international or civil, depending on whether the conflict involves states or groups within the same country.

Wars have serious social consequences, such as loss of life, destruction of infrastructure, forced displacement of populations, disruption of the economy, etc. They also influence society and culture, shaping new values and norms of behavior.

The moral and emotional trials associated with war become a particularly difficult test for children and students. At this age, when the personality is formed, the impact of the military conflict will leave irreparable traces. Loss of home, separation from family, and threat to education create unique challenges for development and adaptation.

The duration of the military conflict for almost a decade call into question fundamental aspects such as education and personal development. Students exposed to war events face not only academic challenges, but also emotional challenges that affect their mental health.

In such difficult conditions, it is important to actively support students, creating conditions for their psychological recovery and helping them overcome difficulties. Mental health is becoming a key aspect of the overall rehabilitation of a nation afte r military conflicts.

Students, as representatives of the younger generation, are of particular importance for the future of society. In the process of learning, they develop not only professional skills, but also creative thinking and the ability to analyze. These skills are essential for constructive contribution to social and economic processes, especially in the context of military conflict.

Interaction between students of different specialties becomes better not only for the educational process, but also for the formation of a comprehensive approach to solving social problems. Students, as future leaders, have the potential to make a significant contribution to the process of rebuilding society and building peace.

Thus, providing support and creating conditions for students' development is important not only for shaping their professional careers, but also for supporting their role in creating a stable and harmonious society [2].

The purpose of the study: War, like any long-term stress, leaves a deep mark on the human psyche. The purpose of this work is to consider and study the stages of the mental reaction to war, to reveal how stress affects the personality and its stability.

Understanding these stages will help in overcoming the negative consequences of the impact of the military conflict on the mental health of young people in general and for each specific student.

Stage 1: Anxiety or shock reaction.

The anxiety stage, which lasts for the first 24 hours after the onset of stress, is a period of disorientation and confusion where the person feels inhibited or agitated. It is important to respond in a timely manner and seek psychological support.

Stage 2: Resistance or adrenaline euphoria.

At the stage of resistance, which can last from 1 to 7 days, all body systems are activated, suppressing the impression of difficulties. This is the time when a person feels at the peak of emotional strength.

Stage 3: Exhaustion or distress.

The exhaustion stage, which lasts from 3 weeks to 6 months, is accompanied by anxiety, fatigue, and confusion. Decreased concentration and exacerbation of chronic diseases can lead to complex consequences.

Stage 4: Plateau.

The plateau stage is characterized by the body's adaptation to stressful conditions, possible restoration of emotional balance and readiness for further challenges. This stage determines the possibility of emotional recovery and readiness for a new stage [2].

It is important to consider that each individual person may have experience with these stages differently. Support and psychological assistance during this period are important factors for maintaining mental health and overcoming the effects of stress in war conditions.

Military conflicts leave an indelible mark on the mental health of those who face their consequences. Next, we will consider a wide range of tools and strategies aimed at ove rcoming the psychological challenges of war and supporting young people on their road to recovery.

The provision of medical care is a critical aspect in combating the impact of military conflict on mental health. The use of effective treatment methods, such as psychotherapy, is becoming an integral part help for war survivors. Group and individual sessions open the possibility of understanding and overcoming traumatic experiences.

The development of rehabilitation programs is identified as a key aspect of restoring the mental health of youth affected by military conflicts. These programs should cover not only medical care, but also psychosocial support, promoting integratio n into society after difficult experiences.

Coping with the psychological effects of war on students is an important task, and a number of strategies and approaches can be effective.

Individual and group therapy, breathing techniques and meditation, sports, and fitness - all these methods are aimed at supporting students in a difficult period of their lives.

The conditions of military conflict make family support a key factor in ensuring resilience and well-being. Active interaction and support from family members plays an important role in maintaining mental and emotional health. Communication between relatives, joint leisure activities and listening to emotions are important for stability.

Sport, art, music and literature open opportunities for expressing emotions and restoring inner harmony. Listening to music, reading, and creative expression are powerful tools for relaxation and stress relief [3].

It is important to consider that each person is unique, and the effective methods for each are different. By bringing different strategies and tools together, we can create a harmonious environment for overcoming the psychological effects of war and restoring mental health.

Playing sport on a continuous basis is the best ally to fight the fear and anxiety. One of the best ways to stop stress it is through sport. But why sport? It has been proven that playing sport regularly helps to reduce a person's stress and anxiety levels. Ideally, sessions lasting at least 30 minutes should be done 3 or 4 times a week. It can vary depending on the person's objec tive. Doing sport is synonymous with health and wellbeing. We say that sport lowers stress levels because while we exercise, we release hormones that improve our well-being. Endorphins, for example, are called happiness hormones because they make us feel good. They also reduce the amount of cortisol, a hormone that we produce when we are under stress. That's why we feel better and less stressed after a training session. On the other hand, when doing sports, we should be focused on the exercise s we are doing at that moment, on executing them in the right way and on enduring the minutes that each exercise lasts. Thanks to this, we will disconnect from the stress we have been accumulated. Training without thinking about our problems, what we must do next or what we have done before. Training among other students and under control of trainer, who watch every exercise is highly recommended to get rid of stress.

Taking part in sports in a group has a greater impact on mental health than individual sports. Participation in sports can have long-term effects on your mental health. Researchers studied 9,688 children who had bad negative childhood experiences, such as physical abuse, or emotional neglect. They found that those children who took part in team sports had better mental wellbeing when they were adults [4].

All the above strategies and tools are steps towards mental health recovery and support for war survivors. Each person's ability to find their own unique way of coping and recovery offers hope for a quality life after the challenges of war.

«To ensure high-quality psychological support in educational institutions within the framework of the All-Ukrainian mental health program «How are you?», implemented at the initiative of Olena Zelenska, the Ministry of Education and Culture presented a priority project in the field of mental health «Psychosocial support and psychological assistance at all levels of education». One of the components of the project is the reform of the psychological service in the education system of Ukraine. Children and adolescents spend more than 40% of their active time in educational institutions that have the greatest potential in the prevention and detection of psychological disorders. It is important to create specialized assistance programs, increase the number of psychologists and specialists who will work with professional burnout of teachers and provide support to children and adults. It is also important today to create safe learning conditions because the life and health of Ukrainians is a priority [4].

Conclusions: so, we analyzed the problems that students face during military conflicts. The impact of the military conflict on the mental health of the youth of Ukraine is significant.

Effective medical care, rehabilitation programs, and community support are important compon ents of strategies to address the mental health effects of war. This conflict leaves a deep mark on Ukrainian society and requires a comprehensive approach to solving its various challenges and consequences.

Additionally, psychological support strategies for students were considered, including individual and group therapy, breathing techniques, meditation, exercise, and the importance of family support in the context of military conflict. Develop ing creativity through art, music and literature has also been identified as a powerful tool for emotional expression and recovery.

National schools and universities should attract students to play sports as a part of studying process and offer additional training for sport teams outside of regular study hours.

The provision of psychological support and the development of various strategies will play a critical role in alleviating the effects of military conflicts on students and citizens in general.

On the road to mental health recovery, each of us must find a unique way to overcome challenges and ensure a positive transformation of difficult experiences.


1. Andrew B. (1990). «Acute Stressor and Chronic Response; The Case of Traumatic Stress». Volume 20, Issue 20, Journal of Applied Social Psychology 20-29 p.

2. Freh J. (2015). «Psychological Effects of War and Violence on Children» Psychol Abnorm Child. 10-12 p.

3. Petsyk Y (2023) «IMPACT OF WAR ON YOUTH IN UKRAINE» A report based on the data, results, and recommendations of the nationwide study «The Impact of War on Youth». Development Program (UNDP) in Ukraine and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine- 5 p.

4. Educational foundation «GoGlobal» with the support of Finn Church Aid (FCA). (2023). «How war affects the psycho-emotional state of educators». A link to an electronic resource - psihoemocijnij - stan-osvityan-prezentaciya-doslidzhennya

5. Latenko, S.B. Khimich I.Y. Medical and biological aspects of mental health preservation of modern youth in conditions of military aggression / Latenko S.B., Khimich I. Yu. // «Scientific Journal of the National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanov. Series 15: Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports)». (2023) Issue 3K (162). P. - 3

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