The problem of smoking among students of the modern generation

Smoking is one of the harmful and common habits among students. Formation of age-appropriate behavioral attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle in boys and girls. Smoking as a certain form of deviant behavior. The most common causes of student smoking.

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National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

The problem of smoking among students of the modern generation

Novytskyi Y. PhD, Associate Professor at the department of health and sports technologies,

Dakal N. Candidate of Physical Training and Sport at the department of health and sports technologies,

Kachalov O. Senior Lecturer at the department of health and sports technologies

Kyiv, Ukraine


Smoking is one of the harmful and common habits among students. In addition to causing irreparable harm to the health of smokers and their environment, this habit prevents boys and girls from developing age -appropriate behavioral attitudes toward a healthy lifestyle and slows down personal and moral growth. Unfortunately, in the minds of young people, smoking is not considered a deviation. Public morality in our country is tolerant of smoking. At the same time, in number of countries smoking is recognized as a form of deviant behavior. Smokers are identified with drug addicts, neurotics, air polluters, and fire makers. Much remains to be done in society to strengthen the idea in the minds of people, and above all, students, that “a smoker is a per son who has certain defects in culture and behaviorIf t he prevalence of smoking remains at its current level, the mortality rate from smoking in the second quarter of the 21st century will be 10 million people annually. About half of these deaths will occur in the middle age category (40-60 years). Those people who must die today are still children or adults starting their lives. The loss of their life expectancy is about 20 years. According to research by psychologists, the most common reasons for student smoking are imitation of older friends, especially those whom one would like to be like (including parents); the desire to appear mature and independent; the desire to “be like everyone else” in a smoking company. The reason for smoking in some cases is the strict prohibition of parents, especially in cases where the parents themselves smoke. smoking habit behavioral deviant

Key words: students, smoking, negative, influence, consequences, methods, struggle.


Новицький Юрій, Дакал Наталія, Качалов Олександр. Проблема паління серед студентів сучасного покоління. Паління - одна із шкідливих і поширених звичок серед студентів. Ця звичка не тільки завдає непоправної шкоди здоров'ю курців та їх оточенню, але й заважає формуванню у хлопців і дівчат відповідних віку поведінкових установок на здоровий спосіб життя, уповільнює особистісне та моральне зростання. На жаль, у свідомості молоді куріння не вважається відхиленням. Суспільна мораль у нашій країні толерантна до куріння. Водночас у ряді країн куріння визнається формою девіантної поведінки. Курців ототожнюють з наркоманами, невротиками, забруднювачами повітря, підпалювачами. Ще багато треба зробити в суспільстві, щоб у свідомості людей, і насамперед студентів, було сформовано уявлення про те, що «курець - це людина, яка має певні вади в культурі та поведінці». Якщо поширеність куріння залишиться на нинішньому рівні, то смертність від куріння у другій чверті 21 століття становитиме 10 мільйонів чоловік щорічно. Приблизно половина цих смертей припаде на середню вікову категорію (40 -60 років). Ті люди, які мають померти сьогодні, ще діти чи дорослі, які починають своє життя. Втрата їх тривалості життя становить близько 20 років. Згідно з дослідженнями психологів, найпоширенішими причинами куріння студентів є наслідування старших друзів, особливо тих, на кого хочеться бути схожим (зокрема батьків); бажання виглядати дорослим і незалежним; бажання «бути як усі» в компанії, що курить. Причиною куріння в деяких випадках є сувора заборона батьків, особливо в тих випадках, коли палять самі батьки.

Ключові слова: студенти, паління, негатив, вплив, наслідки, методи, боротьба.

Formulation of the problem

Psychologist F. Rice believes that having started smoking, young people conti nue to do so for the following reasons: relieving psychological stress; acquisition of an unconscious habit: smokers develop a reflex that is difficult to get rid of; associations or connections with pleasant surroundings and pleasure. Smoking is associated with afternoon coffee, entertaining conversation, and the company of friends. It should be noted that some smokers consider smoking to be harmless and, in some respects, beneficial. At the same time, the harmful aspects of the action of the narcotic substance are presented as attractive and useful. For example, smoking in a certain situation may be recommended to suppress the feeling of hunger. Thus, if the reasons for the start of smoking in boys are the desire to imitate adults, the identification of sm oking with ideas about independence, strength, and masculinity, then in girls the start of smoking is often associated with coquetry, the desire for originality, and the desire to please boys [2].

Analysis of literary sources

Until recently, smoking as a scientific problem existed only at the medical and biological level. Currently, the number of researchers who consider the influence of socio-psychological factors on a person's attitude towards tobacco has increased. Blake KD. [1], Villanti AC. [2], Procter-Scherdtel A. [3], Shcherbina V.A. [4].

The purpose of our study is to study the problem of smoking among students. The object of our research is KPI students aged 17-18 years. The main research method in this work is conversation as a form of survey. With this form of survey, the respondent answers most truthfully. If interviewing is chosen as a method of collecting sociological information, the subjects could hide reliable and true facts. Despite the worsening financial situation of young people, very low stipends and low salaries, rising prices for alcoholic beverages and life in general, according to our observations, the number of cigarettes consumed by young people has not decreased. It is also assumed that the attitude of young people towards cigarettes and smoking is quite positive. The younger generation, that is, today's students and youth in general, do not believe in the possibility of eradicating tobacco addiction, thus believing that a society without cigarettes is an illusion. The social environment and living conditions create the prerequisites for the formation among young people of the need for artificial means of influencing their subjective state.

There are a lot of shortcomings in modern culture, and one of them is that people have practically lost the ability to relax. Many of the students not only do not know how to rest, but do not even want to know it. Smoking helps you relax because, like music, it has a certain rhythm. Smoking provides a legitimate excuse to linger a little longer after eating, to pause work for a few minutes to simply sit at home without doing anything that requires effort. Here is a comment from one student on this topic: “After a long day of school, having a quiet cigarette is all I can think about.” The calmin g effect of moderate smoking explains why people who are constantly stressed smoke more. The student smokers we interviewed claim that it is much easier for them to concentra te when all external stimuli are turned off. Smoking literally provides a kind of “smokescreen” that helps you avoid distractions. This explains why many people cannot think or write without a cigarette. They claim that moderate smoking allows them to concentra te their attention. What is the nature of psychological pleasure from smoking? Most likely, it can be attributed to the universal desire for self-expression. None of us ever completely outgrow our childhood. We constantly want to feel the freedom and carefreeness that we had as children. For many of us, smoking becomes a substitute for the childhood habit of following spontaneous whims, a legitimate excuse for a break from work when we manage to snatch a few moments of pleasure. One of those who participated in the survey explained this situation this way: “Sometimes you just get ti red of constantly thinking hard. If you sit back and smoke a cigarette, you feel much fresher afterwards. I don't think I could afford this without a cigarette. Cigarettes are just an ex cuse [1] ”.

For decades now, smoking among teenagers has been considered a fashionable and privileged habit. This can only be fought ideologically. The leadership of many universities is trying to cope with this problem on their own with the help of b ans and threats. Students are not allowed out during breaks, a system of sanctions is being introduced for smoking on site, and parents are informed. These methods are effective only for a small proportion of adolescent smokers. Others consider it doubly valiant to go against the rules; smoking in public is considered a rebellious act, a reason for respect and approval from peers. Thus, direct prohibitions from elders only fuel the desire of adolescents to smoke. Therefore, it is necessary to find ways to influence the consciousness of adolescents using sociological methods and psychological techniques. Tobacco propaganda comes not only from family and friends, but also from the media. Therefore, society needs preventive work with young people to combat smokin g. The focus is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, involvement in sports, and the fight against bad habits.

Methods of social work for the prevention of smoking among young people are ways of influencing the consciousness, will, feelings, and behavior of people to develop specified qualities in them. “The art of education ha s the peculiarity that it seems familiar and understandable to almost everyone, but to others it seems easy, and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it, theoretically or practically. Almost everyone admits that p arenting requires patience; some think that it requires innate abilities and skills, that is, skills; but very few have come the conclusion that in addition to pati ence, innate ability and skill, special knowledge is also necessary.” In order successfully carry out educational activities, a teacher needs to master the art of education and specific pedagogical methods. All methods of education can be divided into two categories: methods that evaluate and stimulate the activity of the individual. These include rewards and reprimands. Methods that encourage and shape certain activities and individual consciousness. This includes persuasion and motivation. When working on the probl em of smoking prevention, methods of persuasion and motivation are effective. To convince means to explain, using emotional and verbal influence, sometimes relying on suggestion, or resorting to exhortation, combining a request with explanation and suggestion. Methods such as stories on moral and ethical topics, explanations, clarifications, lectures, ethical conversations, instructions, discussions, reports, disputes are widely practiced in social work. The technology for success in persuasion depends on number of conditions that the teacher must comply with. Conviction involves explanation and evidence regarding issues of behavior in the social environment (in the family, at work, at home). The effectiveness of persuasion depends on the personal ity of the teacher, on his behavior and attitude towards the problem under discussion, on the sincerity of his desire to help the student. The success of persuasion depends on the ability to conduct a conversation professionally. It is very important to be able co rrectly and clearly formulate thoughts, master the technique of speech, arouse interest in students and make an appropriate impression on them and, of course, know the history and main problems of the issue that the teacher is trying to convey to students.

To persuade means to intensify the activity of the object of influence. To do this, a number of conditions must be met: show the individual the erroneous and positive sides of his behavior; put the student in conditions where he could show his best qualities, without having the opportunity or temptation to commit erroneous actions; notice and encourage positive aspects in a timely manner; do not advertise, do not flaunt care, kindness, attention to other people. The main thing with the incentive m ethod is to direct the student to activities in accordance with his interests and needs. Incentive is the most important method of education, which determines the framework of an individual's behavior in accordance with accepted norms. The motivation in interpersonal relationships between a teacher and a student or in relation to them is expressed in the form of recommendations, instructions, advice, including on improving the organization of life. Smoking prevention work is carried out mainly with entire groups of students. Role-playing games are widely used, which contain both a regulatory framework and game elements, and at the same time involve students in adult life. For example, the “Cigarette Trial” is very exciting, where students themselves expose th e harm of smoking and make the necessary decisions: either not to start smoking, or to quit if they have already started. (And here again the task of the teacher is: to help those students who have made a conscious choice to give up cigarettes, because quitting smoking is much more difficult than starting). When planning the work of the prevention council, attention is paid to propaganda work: the production of information leaflets, newsletters, wall newspapers, and thematic lines. It is possible to diagnose students to find out the cause of smoking. Campaigns “We are for a healthy lifestyle” are h eld. The emergence of social advertising, which can be presented: Anti-tobacco brochures or promotion of a healthy lifestyle through smoking cessation. Posters aimed at the immediate disadvantages of smoking and the advantages of not smoking. Posters aimed at protecting against tobacco smoke pollution are best presented not in a didactic style but using humor. Non-smoking advertising. Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to convey the idea that non-smoking is being advertised, so sometimes such advertising simply turns into beautiful pictures, where the idea of non-smoking can only be understood thanks to the instructions of the “advertiser'. A presentation, slide show, video, or mini film dedicated to the problem of smoking.


To summarize, it must be said that smoking is not a harmless activity that can be quit without effort. This is a harmful habit, a real drug addiction, and even more dangerous; unfortunately, many do not take it seriously and treat it li ghtly. This problem is one of the most pressing among students.

Based on the interviews, we can come the conclusion that, in general, the respondents have a twofold attitude towards smoking: on the one hand, students define it as a poison that poisons the body and weakness for abnormal people, and on the other hand, the respondents consider smoking necessary to avoid problems and relaxation method. At the same time, more than half of the respondents understand that smoking is, first, a disease and people dependent on it need help. The level of awareness of citizens about the impact of smoking on physical, mental, and psychological health, on the development of the future generation is quite high since most respondents agree with the harmful effects of cigarettes on health and future offspring. F rom the responses of the respondents, the following conclusions can be drawn about the influence of social, psychological, and heredi tary factors on the cause of craving for tobacco. An analysis of the causes of smoking showed the presence of social influence. The guys start smoking, repeating after someone who is an authority for them. Young people want to appear more mature and see a cigarette as the only way out. The difficulties that have arisen force young people to resort to cigarettes in search of re laxation. Genetic predisposition. Both women and men are susceptible to smoking. Almost everyone is aware of the dangers of smoking, and respondents also believe that smoking will have a bad effect on future children. The problem of smoking currently repre sents a branched complex of social pathologies that affect the normal functioning of society. The problem is as old as the world, but more relevant than ever. Along with medical and social workers, the state civil society and various public institutions are involved in solving this problem. One of the ways to overcome this problem is effective prevention and promotion of a healthy lifestyle; clear examples of the social and medical consequences of smoking also effectively influence the consciousness of young people. Today, the role of the state in solving the problems of tobacco smoking is increasing, especially youth smoking, which is now gaining momentum as one of the main threats to the entire nation. The problem of female smoking, which undoubtedly affec ts the demographic situation in the country, continues to remain unresolved. The problem of smoking is extremely urgent for our coun try. As you know, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it, therefore, in addition to treating the disease, which is currently not effective, it is necessary to eradicate the causes of this problem. A relatively simple way out of this situation could be a radical increase in prices for tobacco products, which would reduce their availability, or the removal of cigarettes from shelves and display cases altogether. Today, the problem of smoking is unresolved both in the world and in Ukraine. Now in Ukraine there are more than 3 million teenagers who smoke, which takes this problem from being a private, local problem to a state problem. The problem of smoking among young people has long turned into a large-scale medical and social threat to the Ukrainian nation. Thus, to summarize, we can say that the goal of this work was achieved: the problem of student smoking was studied. In addition, all the tasks were solved: scientific literature was analyzed regarding the social problems of modern youth and the definition of you th as a special social group. The characteristics and causes of smoking among young people were examined. The opinion of young people regarding smoking was also studied. As the study showed, the attitude of young people towards smoking is either neutra l or negative, which makes one hope for the best.

The relevance of the research topic is due the fact that tobacco smoking is taking on increasingly threatening forms, significantly deforming the moral, physical, and mental health of the younger generation, which causes enormous damage to the ethnic group a whole. What makes the problem particularly acute is the fact that it is in adolescence that smoking becomes one of the first forms of deviant behavior, which is subsequently combined with alcohol, and in some cases, drugs. Formed in adolescence, this risk factor continues to operate into adulthood, contributing to the overall deterioration of health. Thousands of people become victims of this slow and silent, but completely merciless killer. Tobacco causes 6% of all deaths in the world. Every 10 seconds, another person in the world dies as a result tobacco use. With mass distribution, smoking becomes a socially dangerous phenomenon. After all, smokers poison the atmosphere, increase the concentration of carcinogenic substances in the air, and lead to an increase in fires in everyday life, at work and in the forest. Non-smokers are literally forced to breathe in the “exhaust gases” of smokers.

To reduce smoking, many different measures can be used, including strictly limiting smoking areas, fines, laws for complaints from non-smokers, and government medical institutions specializing in the treatment of this type of problem. Speaking of helping non-smokers, we can offer free treatment and sanatorium holidays to those suffering from allergies to tobacco and from contamination of the body with cigarette smoke products. Health authorities in the territories need to assess the objective situation and seek funding from local budgets. But all this requires a revision of both the economic and social policies of the state i n which we live.


1. Blake KD. Smoke-free and tobacco-free colleges and universities, Tobacco Control, 2019-29 - 30p.

2. Villanti AC. Preventing smoking progression in young adults: The concept of Prev escalation. Prevention Science, 2019-377-384p.

3. Procter-Scherdtel A. Social norms and smoking bans on campus. Health Education Research, 2018-101-112p.

4. Shcherbina V.A. Application of innovative technologies of physical education for the formation of a healthy image and lifestyle of technical university students. M.: Publishing house, 2007. 319 p.

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