Coping behaviour of women in the situation when their partner cheated

The negative emotional consequences of adultery, which is important in the context ofstudying the psychological aspects of marriage, has become even more relevant in the context of the war, as the number of adulterers has increased significantly due.

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Coping behaviour of women in the situation when their partner cheated

Olena Karadzhy


Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

Yuliia Tsurkan-Saifulina

Doctor of Law, Professor

Chernivtsi Law Institute of the National University “Odesa Law Academy”


The topic of overcoming the negative emotional consequences of adultery, which is always important in the context ofstudying the psychological aspects of marriage, has become even more relevant in the context of the war in Ukraine, as the number of adulterers has increased significantly due to the fact that numerous couples have been forced to be separated for a long time. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and empirically study the peculiarities of women's coping strategies (coping behaviour) in a situation of infidelity. To achieve this goal, a set of methods was used, including analysis, synthesis, comparison, and generalization to clarify theoretical aspects. Online testing was also conducted and methods of qualitative and quantitative data processing were used. The study, conducted in two groups of participants, revealed significant differences between the group of women who had experienced betrayal and the group of women who had not experienced betrayal in close relationships. It was found that in the group of women who experienced betrayal, such coping behaviours as avoidance, selfcontrol, confrontational coping, and emotions stand out significantly. In the group of women who did not experience betrayal in their close relationships, positivity and planning to solve the problem were observed. It is proposed to use a correctional and therapeutic approach to influence a woman's behaviour in a situation of betrayal, the main stages of which are to expand knowledge about stress coping strategies (coping), increase motivation to improve coping behaviour, help in understanding the peculiarities of their own behaviour and repertoire of coping strategies, their constructiveness/destructiveness in the context of crisis situations in relationships. It is recommended to conduct trainings on learning new strategies of constructive behaviour and assistance in individual planning and design of behavioural strategies for different life situations, as well as post-training support. The results obtained in th e study can be used in psychological work with partners and couples who have experienced betrayal and will help strengthen the family institution

Keywords: marriage; relationship in a couple; factors of divorce; family crisis; adulterer marriage family crisis adulterer

Олена Сергіївна Караджи


Чорноморський національний університет імені Петра Могили

Юлія Василівна Цуркан-Сайфуліна

Доктор юридичних наук, професор

Чернівецький юридичний інститут Національного університету «Одеська юридична академія»

Копінг-поведінка жінок у ситуації, коли зрадив партнер

Анотація. Тема подолання негативних емоційних наслідків подружньої зради, завжди важлива в контексті дослідження психологічних аспектів шлюбу, набула ще більшої актуальності в умовах війни в Україні, адже кількість адюльтерів значно зросла через те, що велика кількість пар зазнала вимушеної тривалої розлуки. Мета дослідження - теоретично обґрунтувати та емпірично вивчити особливості стратегій подолання стресу (копінг- поведінки) у жінок у ситуації зради. Для досягнення цієї мети застосовано комплекс методів, зокрема аналіз, синтез, порівняння та узагальнення для з'ясування теоретичних аспектів. Також проведено онлайн-тестування та використано методи якісної та кількісної обробки отриманих даних. Дослідження, проведене у двох групах учасників, дало змогу встановити значущі розбіжності між групою жінок, які пережили ситуацію зради, та групою жінок, які не переживали зради в близьких стосунках. Виявлено, що в групі жінок, які пережили зраду, значимо виділяється така копінг-поведінка, як уникання, самоконтроль, конфронтаційний копінг, емоції. У групі жінок, які не переживали зради в своїх близьких стосунках, спостерігалася позитивність, планування вирішення проблеми. Запропоновано використовувати корекційно-терапевтичний підхід для впливу на поведінку жінки в ситуації зради, основі етапи якого полягають у розширенні знань про стратегії подолання стресу (копінг), підвищенні мотивації для вдосконалення копінг-поведінки, допомозі в усвідомленні особливостей власної поведінки та репертуару копінг-стратегій, їхньої конструктивності / деструктивності в контексті кризових ситуацій у стосунках. Рекомендовано проводити тренінги щодо засвоєння нових стратегій конструктивної поведінки та допомога в індивідуальному плануванні та проєктуванні стратегій поведінки для різноманітних життєвих ситуацій, а також післятренінговий супровід. Отримані в процесі дослідження результати можуть бути використані в психологічній роботі з партнерами та парами, які пережили зраду, і сприятимуть зміцненню інституту сім'ї

Ключові слова: шлюб; стосунки в парі; чинники розлучення; сімейна криза; адюльтер


The study of womens coping behaviour in the situation of partner infidelity is a relevant and important area for understanding the psychological well-being of women in society. The modern socio-cultural context introduces its own differences in understanding and solving problems of interpersonal relationships, taking into account changes in roles and expectations. Cheating on a partner is a serious emotional challenge for women, and studying their coping strategies provides a unique insight into the ways they adapt to this difficult life situation. Infidelity is a frequent but serious challenge in romantic relationships. It is estimated that infidelity occurs in 20-25% of marriages (Rokach & Chan, 2023). Despite being a fairly common occurrence, infidelity is one of the most damaging relationship disruptions, with the rejected partner (i.e. the partner who has been betrayed) experiencing increased symptoms of poor mental health, including post-traumatic stress symptoms, depression, and anxiety. The underlying cause of the emotional consequences of infidelity is complex, encompassing social, cultural and evolutionary reasons, such as perceiving infidelity as a violation of relationship ideals, feeling wasted time spent in an unhappy relationship, violation of societal norms and sanctions, family values, expectations, loss of trust, and others.

The study by Z. Antonova et al. (2019) shows that cheated partners may experience depression, anger, abandonment, feelings of rejection, lowered self-esteem, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress. The cheating partner may also experience negative emotions related to the situation, such as guilt, anger, embarrassment, and depression. Couples experiencing infidelity report more distress than couples experiencing other problems. Infidelity is associated with numerous harmful consequences for couples, including but not limited to. These include: Decreased trust, increased conflict, reduced sense of unity and shared identity, and relationship instability. Therefore, infidelity is a very significant crisis situation that traumatizes the individual, the couple, and the family as a whole, leading them to the traumatic experience of the possibility of destroying the built-up trust (Baucom et al., 2017). Historically, couples have had some “excuses” for male infidelity. At each stage of society's development, these reasons were different, but for a long period of time, society favoured a certain normativity towards men's infidelity and a complete rejection of women's infidelity. This tendency was rooted in stereotypical and unequal attitudes towards representatives of different sexes (Krugla, 2017). However, over time, as the gender paradigm has changed and the stigma of women cheating on men has decreased in public opinion, researchers have noted an increase in the number of such infidelities. However, according to statistics, infidelity by a man to a woman remains more common (Ryhel & Posatskyi, 2021). Problems in marital relationships affect not only their quality but also the entire family system. Children are particularly affected by the tension in communication between their mother and father. Children can be “included” in this conflict as an “observer”, “third party”, “someone who knows the secret”, etc. This whole repertoire of “adult” roles has a negative impact on the child's development. According to the attachment theory, a model of relationship with oneself and society is formed in the process of developing attachment to a constant loving object, most often the mother. Her emotional stability is the driving force in creating a safe and comfortable developmental space for the child. A mother who is in a difficult emotional state, experiencing intense and negative feelings, depression, anxiety, cannot always perform her functions well enough and be a constant object of attachment for her child (Shatynska, 2018). This developmental gap in the early stages of childhood can have a significant impact on the personality. Thus, it should be emphasized that the peculiarities of experiencing and coping with adultery in women are a relevant area of research. The purpose of the study is to examine the peculiarities of using coping strategies by women who have been cheated on by their partners. Objectives of the study: To analyse situations of betrayal in close relationships and their consequences; to determine the essence of coping behaviour, adaptive strategies of women's behaviour in a relationship crisis; to conduct an empirical study of women's coping behaviour in a situation of betrayal; to provide practical recommendations for overcoming negative emotional states of women in a situation of betrayal.


The theoretical basis of the article is based on a number of scientific studies on family and psychological issues, which make it possible to recreate an understanding of the phenomenon of betrayal, the peculiarities of its experience by women as a traumatic, difficult life situation in the light of the latest challenges of our time, which are inherent in the Ukrainian social space in times of war and family separation, and show ways to overcome this crisis both in interpersonal and personal space. In the course of the research, a specific search method was used, which allowed obtaining theoretical information on the chosen topic. After a thorough analysis of the literature on the phenomenon of coping strategies in the situation of betrayal, only those that give the best view of the coping strategies used by the individual in the situation of betrayal and represent different views on the nature of this phenomenon were selected. The logical-synthetic method was used to analyse, systematize and generalize the provisions on the phenomenon of infidelity in marital relationships. This method helped to develop a general idea of the problem of women's experience of infidelity as a difficult life situation, and to present and comprehend Ukrainian and foreign studies. Before proceeding to the direct collection of empirical research material, it is necessary to outline the main methods and stages of the study. The theoretical stage included collecting information about the problem under study and analysing the results of previous studies. The empirical stage involved a diagnostic examination, which consisted of selecting diagnostic tools, determining the sample parameters and conducting psychodiagnostic procedures with the subjects.

Mathematical and statistical methods of analysis were used to process the data, mathematical criteria were used to test statistical hypotheses, and the results were presented and grouped graphically and tabularly. It is important to note that Statistica 10.0 was used for this purpose. The interpretation stage included analysis and explanation of the identified psychological features, as well as the choice of a strategy for interpreting the results.

The following methods were chosen for the study: Questionnaires (the author's questionnaire “Attitudes towards infidelity”); “The Marital Coping Questionnaire” (Bowman, 1990); “Coping Behavioural Patterns” (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984), the “Coping Behaviour in Stressful Situations” test (Macrodimitris & Endler, 2001), and the “Jealousy Reactions” methodology (Pines & Maslach, 1978). The study was conducted between November 2022 and February 2023. The subjects were asked to answer a series of questions in the format of a video call on the Zoom platform. The study sample consisted of two groups. The first group consisted of 20 women aged 25 to 38 who had experience of close (romantic or marital) relationships. They had been cheated on (cheated on by their partner) no more than one year ago. 5 people from this subgroup kept the relationship, the rest broke up with their partner. The second group included 20 women, aged 24 to 40, who had not experienced infidelity in their close relationships. Particular attention was paid to the ethical issues of the research, including protecting the confidentiality and anonymity of the respondents, as well as obtaining their consent to participate in the study. All references to the individual data of the subjects were presented in a coded form, and the study took into account the general condition of the subjects and their attitude to testing to avoid extraneous variables. The study took into account and eliminated extraneous variables that could affect the results of the survey of the sample respondents (unsatisfactory psychophysical condition; state of increased excitement, etc.). All research procedures involving human subjects were conducted in compliance with the American Psychological Association's (2002) ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct and the European Commission's (2021) guidance note on ethics and data protection.


Any betrayal is associated with moral or material damage. The main factors that initiate infidelity in romantic or family relationships include: Experience of premarital relations, age of the person, and personal characteristics of the partners. Betrayal in dyadic relationships can both strengthen the union by revealing positive traits of partners that were not previously properly appreciated, and destroy the relationship along with their carriers (Kosheva et al., 2019; Tkach, 2020; Buzhynska & Hubanova, 2020). Coping behaviour is a process that is seen as an individual's efforts to address specific demands that are overwhelming or excessive to experience. Coping is an individual method of interaction with a situation that corresponds to one's own logic, significance in one's life, and psychological capabilities. Coping behaviour is expressed in the use of various coping strategies based on the resources of the individual and the environment. Betrayal in a close relationship is a significant stress factor, the impact of which requires immediate mobilization of human resources. In order to reduce the traumatic impact of information, it is possible to use mechanisms of psychological protection of the individual (Fedorenko, 2022). The perception of betrayal can manifest itself in different ways. Firstly, the processes of defensive reaction are activated. In addition, mechanisms are used that distort or completely supplant traumatic information in order to “build a barrier” and preserve the relative psychological comfort of the individual.

A survey of the sample to identify attitudes towards infidelity revealed the following results. The overwhelming majority of the respondents (70% of the first group and 60% of the second group) believe that betrayal is betrayal by the person they trusted the most. The most serious motive for cheating is new love (65% of the first group and 55% of the second group). The second place is occupied by the total breakdown of the relationship (25% of the first group and 30% of the second group). A casual affair is also considered a significant motive. This refers to short-term sexual arousal or intense love mediated by sexual desire. Men are believed to be guilty of infidelity by 80% of the first group and 55% of the second group, women - by 5% of the first group and 10% of the second group. In the first group, 25% answered “yes” to the question “Should one forgive infidelity?” and 75% answered “no”. In the second group, 20% answered “yes”, 45% - “no”, and 35% - “undecided”. The difference in the results can be preliminarily explained by the fact that women in the first group, being in a difficult situation full of various negative affective tendencies (anger, resentment, etc.), see the man who betrayed them as a clear and unambiguous figure with guilt. Analysing a couple's relationship requires seeing both themselves and their partner, which is quite difficult in an emotionally charged situation. According to the results of the marital coping questionnaire, the first group is dominated by such coping as self-blame (mean score - 37.2), conflict style (mean score - 36.1), followed by avoidance (mean score - 31). The least used styles are selfishness (mean score: 27) and positivity (mean score: 22.4). This may indicate a tendency of the subjects to use negative coping strategies, preferring them to positive ones. It can also be seen that the respondents tend to avoid joint problem-solving. These results may be related to relationship disorders and lack of intimacy in the relationship. The second group is dominated by positivity (mean score - 41.2), conflict style (mean score - 32.4), and selfblame (mean score - 35). Avoidance (mean score: 28.2) and egoistic style (mean score: 23.8) are the least used. Table 1 presents the results of the marital coping questionnaire.

Table 1. Results of the marital coping questionnaire


Average score (1 group)

Average score (group 2)

Conflict style









Selfish style






Source: authors' development

Next, it is worth analysing the results of the questionnaire “Coping behaviours” (Table 2). In the first group, there is a predominance of self-control strategies (mean score - 12.2) and avoidance (mean score - 11.2). When analysing efforts to cope with the situation of betrayal, it can be noted that avoidance strategies are used more often. This may indicate the complexity of experiences in such situations and indicate that the subjects have a tendency to avoid traumatic experiences in order to maintain relative psychological comfort. The second group is dominated by problem-solving planning (mean score - 11.1) and self-control (mean score - 10.1) and positive reassessment (mean score - 10.1).

Table 2. Results of the “Coping behaviours” questionnaire


Average score (1 group)

Average score (group 2)

Confrontational coping






Finding social support



Acceptance of responsibility






Planning to solve the problem



Positive reassessment



Source: authors' development

According to the results of the test “Coping behaviour in stressful situations” (Table 3), it can be seen that in the first group, as in the previous methods, such coping behaviour as avoidance prevails (average score - 12.1). Coping focused on emotions is also at a high level (average score - 10.2). In the second group, problem-solving coping (average score - 9.1) and emotion-oriented coping (average score - 7.3) prevail.

Table 3. Results of the “Coping behaviour in stressful situations” test


Average score (1 group)

Average score (group 2)

Solving problems












Social distraction



Source: authors' development

Next, the results according to the “Reactions to jeal- ifestation. In the second group, 20% of respondents have a ousy” method (Table 4). In the first group, 50% of respond- high intensity of physiological reactions, 70% have a norents have a high intensity of physiological reactions, nor- mal manifestation, and 10% do not. 30% have a high intenmal manifestation - 30%, absence - 20%. 70% have a high sity of emotional reactions, 50% have a normal expression, intensity of emotional reactions, 30% have a normal man- and 20% have none.

Table 4. Results of the “Reactions to Jealousy” technique



1 group Normal manifestation

High intensity


2 group Normal manifestation

High intensity

Physiological reactions







Emotional reactions







Source: authors' development

Sum of ranks

Sum of ranks

Mann-Whitney test value


(1 group)

(group 2)

(critical value 114)

Conflict style












Selfish style




Confrontational coping








Finding social support




Acceptance of responsibility








Planning to solve the problem




Positive reassessment




Solving problems












Social distraction




Physiological reactions




Emotional reactions




Note: * significant differences are

presented at the 0.05 level of statistical significance

Source: authors' development

The analysis of the results by the U-Mann-Whitney criterion revealed some significant differences between the group of women who had experienced betrayal and the group of women who had not experienced betrayal in their close relationships. In the group of women who have experienced betrayal, such coping behaviours as avoidance, self-control, confrontational coping, emotions, and physiological reactions stand out significantly. These strategies in combination create the basis for a rather complex emotional colouring of life. This is manifested in the constant focus on the situation of betrayal, which exhausts the mental apparatus and can provoke depressive and anxious behavioural patterns. Betrayal as a situation of grief, longing for a lost relationship, requires the experience of painful emotions, their awareness, talk through, and mentaliza- tion. And the identified coping strategies block the grieving process. Avoidance and self-control are ways of denying and ignoring the problem. Confrontational coping and emotional response, although they provide instant relief through the release of negative, aggressive emotions, also work to stop a truly balanced decision to change one's internal situation. After all, when a person manifests negative emotions in actions, they provide relief for a while, but do not allow them to reach the turning point of pain (suffering). The same tendency is demonstrated by the emergence of physiological reactions, which allows “digesting” emotional experience through bodily reactions. But this path leads to the emergence of diseases, often chronic ones. The identified tendencies indicate a certain regression, which is appropriate to the situation of trauma, and infantilism as its manifestation (ignoring the problem). It is worth noting that in the therapeutic sense, such coping strategies in the early stages of experiencing a difficult situation save the psyche from negative consequences. Some time should pass after the stage of acute experience of a traumatic event before working on the problem.

In the group of women who have not experienced infidelity in their close relationships, such coping behaviours as positivity and planning to solve the problem stand out significantly. These strategies include both emotional and cognitive components, and they are considered quite effective. They are aimed at working through situations, thinking, and rethinking irrational beliefs. This difference in coping strategies can be justified by the fact that women in the first group are in a difficult stressful situation, experiencing the consequences of a traumatic event that has significantly changed their lives. And now they need to adapt to a new relationship or a new thing in the relationship (the fact of betrayal) and cope with all the challenges in the ways they know. The next step is to recognize the need to rethink the situation, to acknowledge the difficulties they have faced, and to understand the irreversibility of the changes that are coming. Based on the theoretical analysis of the literature and generalization of the results of empirical research, the author proposed stages of correctional and therapeutic influence on optimizing women's coping behaviour in situations of betrayal. The technology included the following stages of implementation of corrective measures:

1. Expanding knowledge about coping behaviour and signs of its effectiveness. Study of constructive coping strategies, their characteristics, and impact on effectiveness. Consideration of cognitive and semantic barriers to the use of effective strategies, which provides an understanding of the relationship between subjective attitudes and behaviour in situations of betrayal. To achieve this goal, mini-lectures and discussions are used;

2. Increasing motivation for self-change and clarifying expectations. The emphasis is on clarifying expectations from the training, the level of expectations and ideas about self-concept. Identification and correction of resistance to self-change is carried out through group discussions, personal tasks and project tests;

3. Assistance in understanding the peculiarities of behaviour and coping strategies. Use of psychodiagnostic tools, such as project tests and questionnaires, to understand the repertoire of coping strategies and their construc- tiveness/destructiveness in the situational context of a relationship crisis. The analysis of coping behaviour in games is also used to achieve this goal;

4. Teaching new strategies for constructive behaviour. Use of various methods of active feedback on behaviour in situations that model crisis situations. Emphasis on activation of responsibility and flexibility of coping behaviour to achieve a higher level of subjectivity when dealing with situations of relationship crisis;

5. Assistance in individual planning of behavioural strategies. Expanding the space of goals and subgoals, learning the principles and criteria of effective goal setting, as well as discussing coping strategies to achieve success in different life situations;

6. Post-training support. Monitoring and support in the use of constructive coping strategies in real life situations. This is achieved through individual and group counselling in the 2-3 month post-training period.


The article examines coping behaviour in the situation of betrayal, which threatens psychological comfort and is perceived as difficult. Its mastery requires considerable personal resources. Despite the high interest in this topic, women's coping strategies and behaviours in situations of infidelity have not been studied sufficiently. The importance of the study was to understand how the perception of infidelity by an uninvolved partner affected their mental health; how to reduce these negative consequences by reducing the impact of ineffective coping strategies. The research of M. Lonergan et al. (2021) confirms that the strong emotional background in which women who have experienced infidelity are experiencing includes specific emotional manifestations of trauma: Feelings of intense anger, insecurity, rage, shame, guilt, jealousy, and sadness. As their participants demonstrated clinically significant indicators of psychological distress, which was associated with intrusive images, memories, and reflections on their previous unfaithful relationships. The findings are consistent with the conclusion reached in this article that women who have experienced infidelity have a traumatic experience that is difficult and long-lasting.

Divorce or partner infidelity can be an extremely painful and stressful experience for women. In such situations, it is important to find effective coping strategies aimed at overcoming emotional pain and restoring psychological well-being. In the study by I. Kornienko (2017), one of the options for coping, namely distraction, which can take different forms, was examined. The author divides it into six aspects. The first aspect of distraction is taking up new hobbies. Focusing on new interests or hobbies can serve as an effective means of distracting from painful thoughts and contribute to psychological recovery. It can be sports, art, music or any other activity that brings joy and pleasure. The second aspect is the development of education and career. Focusing on professional development allows distracting from personal problems and finding satisfaction in achievements in other areas of life. Immersion in education or career development can help you forget about personal difficulties. The third aspect is social activity. Meeting with friends and family can be an important element of distraction. Communicating with others, participating in various events and having fun can help to improve mood and distract from personal problems. The fourth aspect is therapy. Seeing a psychotherapist provides an opportunity to express feelings, gain an understanding of the situation and develop coping strategies. Professional support can be an effective tool in dealing with emotional pain. The fifth aspect is self-development. Focusing on self-development by reading books, participating in trainings or listening to motivational lectures can help you discover your inner reserves and find a new attitude to life. The sixth aspect is travelling. Going out or travelling can be an effective way of distraction. In general, the author argues that in practice, women most often resort to distraction to forget about infidelity. Despite the fact that the opinions of I. Kornienko's opinions are quite thorough, it is worth disagreeing that in practice women are more likely to resort to this model of coping. In particular, the survey revealed that problem-solving and emotional outlet are more popular types of coping.

M.R. Shrout and D.J. Weigel (2020) argue that the emotional trauma caused by a partner's infidelity is often perceived as an extremely difficult situation. The attachment that has been built between partners is severely tested by an act of infidelity. Reactions to this trauma may mimic behaviours and attitudes observed in the disorganized attachment style, according to Bowlby's (1969) theory. Visible dysregulation in the emotional, psychological and cognitive domains among those who have been betrayed can cause significant stress. It is worth agreeing with these opinions of M.R. Shrout and D.J. Weigel (2020) since, as already shown in the results of this study, emotional trauma in women after a partner's betrayal causes a strong negative reaction, which then turns into coping behaviour. In their study, B. Warach and L. Josephs (2021) emphasize that women who have been cheated on show less willingness to forgive compared to those who have not been tested by infidelity. Moreover, they show a higher level of suspicion of future relationships. According to the authors' research, the disruptive impact of an act of infidelity has serious consequences for a person's ability to openly accept further romantic relationships. They argue that infidelity in a loving and secure partnership can have a long-term impact on a person, creating barriers to openness and trust in future romantic pursuits. These ideas are reasonable and consistent with the findings of the survey conducted for this study. The study by N. Atapour et al. (2021) indicates that women who have been betrayed in a romantic relationship overwhelmingly have a certain tendency towards selfish behaviour. After such an unpleasant experience, they may manifest such traits as self-absorption and focus on their own needs and desires. One of the typical reactions is the desire to ensure their own safety and protection. Women who have experienced betrayal may be more cautious and vigilant in relationships, aimed at protecting themselves. This can be expressed in increased suspicion, avoiding openness and important conversations about emotional state or relationships. N. Atapour et al. (2021) also emphasized that in such situations, it is possible to develop so-called self-protection or self-protective egoism. Women who have experienced pain due to betrayal may be more likely to put their needs first, opposing the possibility of repeating the pain and the risk of being betrayed again. It is important to keep in mind that these are only trends, and in real life, each woman reacts to such situations uniquely. Self-defence and selfishness may be temporary coping strategies that arise in response to trauma. These theses are quite thorough, but it is worth disagreeing with them, since, as already noted in the statistical results of the study, selfish behaviour is not dominant.

J.D. Gossner et al. (2022) argue that preventing infidelity in relationships is an essential aspect of ensuring a strong and healthy partnership. Participation in training and education can be an effective tool to develop skills and strategies that promote fidelity and strengthen relationships. First, communication skills training can provide participants with tools to improve communication as a couple. Understanding your partner's needs, emotions, and expectations helps to avoid misunderstandings that could lead to possible infidelity. Increased mutual understanding can also be achieved through participation in relationship psychology training. These activities can provide partners with the tools to effectively resolve conflicts and build mutual support, thereby reducing the likelihood of situations that could lead to infidelity. In addition, emotional intelligence training can help develop self-control skills, contributing to a balanced and healthy emotional atmosphere in the relationship. This can be particularly useful in avoiding destructive behavioural responses that may arise from stress or disorder in one's personal life. Generally, raising the consciousness of the relationship through educational activities can also help to strengthen the partnership. Sharing values, setting common goals, and understanding the importance of commitment can lead to a stronger bond and a lower likelihood of infidelity in the relationship. Therefore, active participation in training and education can go a long way towards strengthening relationships and making them more resilient to external challenges, including the possibility of infidelity. It is worth agreeing with these opinions and emphasizing that increasing psychological education can help many couples to protect themselves from infidelity. Thus, conceptualizing infidelity as its own unique traumatic experience can help to accurately capture the impact of these situations, while shedding light on the complex emotional, cognitive and behavioural reactions that betrayed partners face.


The overwhelming majority of respondents believe that infidelity is a betrayal by the person they trusted the most. The most serious motive for cheating is new love. The second place is the total breakdown of the relationship. The results of the marital coping questionnaire showed that in the first group, such coping as self-accusation and conflict style prevail, followed by avoidance. The second group is dominated by positivity, conflict style, and self-blame. Avoidance and egoistic style are used the least. The results of the questionnaire “Coping Behaviours” showed that self-control and avoidance prevail in the first group. The second group is dominated by problem-solving planning and self-control and positive reassessment. According to the test “Coping Behaviour in Stressful Situations”, it was determined that in the first group, avoidance coping behaviour prevails again. Emotion-oriented coping is also highly prevalent. The second group is dominated by problem-solving coping. According to the results of the Reactions to Jealousy technique, in the first group, 50% of the subjects have a high intensity of physiological reactions, 30% have normal manifestations, and 20% have no reactions. High intensity of emotional reactions was observed in 70% of the subjects, and normal manifestation in 30%. In the second group, 20% of the respondents have high intensity of physiological reactions, 70% have normal manifestations, and 10% have no manifestations. High intensity of emotional reactions was observed in 30%, normal manifestation - 50%, absence - 20%. According to the statistical analysis of the results using the Mann-Whitney test, significant differences were found between the group of women who had experienced betrayal and the group of women who had not experienced betrayal in their close relationships. In the group of women who have experienced betrayal, such coping behaviours as avoidance, self-control, confrontational coping, and emotions stand out. In the group of women who have not experienced betrayal in their close relationships, such coping behaviours as positivity and planning to solve the problem stand out significantly.

Based on the results of the study, a plan of correctional and therapeutic work to overcome betrayal as a difficult life situation is presented. Thus, the purpose of the study was achieved; it expanded the scientific knowledge about the consequences of adultery. There are limitations that need to be discussed. It is advisable to conduct an additional clarifying study that limits the participation of women who have been cheated on in the last three months to isolate the reactions of the acute grief phase. The women in the study were young, and thus the results are limited to this age group. Future work should clarify the specifics of the experience of betrayal among those in relationships of different durations. Additional contexts, such as family or religious considerations, might be useful to include. Studying the different aspects of infidelity provides an opportunity to find the best ways to overcome this difficult situation and to find meaning, emotional strength, and reflection on the continuation or end of the relationship.


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