Розвиток координаційних здібностей тхеквондистів на етапі попередньої базової підготовки

Індивідуальні особливості прояву і розвитку координаційних здібностей тхеквондистів 12 – 14 років на етапі попередньої базової підготовки. Розробка методики розвитку координаційних здібностей з урахуванням індивідуальних можливостей тхеквондиста.

Рубрика Спорт и туризм
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 11.08.2015
Размер файла 133,8 K

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Ключевые слова: координационная подготовка, модели подготовленности, методика подготовки, тактическая подготовленность, тхеквондо.


Pashkov I.M. Development of coordinated abilities of taekwondo sportsmen at the stage of advancing basic training. - Manuscript.

Dissertation on the conferring degree of Candidate of sciences on physical education and sport on speciality 24.00.01 - Olympic and professional sport. - Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, 2011.

Dissertation is devoted to researching the problem of development of coordinate abilities of young taekwondo sportsmen at the stage of advancing basic training.

For the first time it was researched the state coordinated abilities of young taekwondo sportsmen at the stage of advancing basic training and the dependence of coordinated abilities on the level of sportsmen qualification. On the ground of received indices of changes coordinating abilities for the first time had been worked out the models of coordinated preparedness of young taekwondo sportsmen at the stage of advancing basic training and expanded information about peculiarities of coordinated characteristics of young taekwondo sportsmen.

At the same time structural components of technical competition activity, amount and variety of technical actions, methods and its effectiveness had been defined.

The worked out methodic of the developed of coordinating abilities at the stage of advancing basic training proving by substantial level of development of coordinated abilities and affections of usage technique-tactic actions during competition duels in the experimental group after experiment had been proved.

Correlation analysis defined the dependence on sportsmen coordinated abilities on the level of sensory activity and physical qualities.

There had been worked out regression models of indices of dependence of special and common coordinated preparedness at the stage of advancing training which allowed to define displaying of coordinating abilities have the influence on the frequency of execution technical method on the time of moving reaction and exactness of dosing efforts.

Keywords: coordinated training, models of preparedness, method of training, taekwondo.

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