- 871. Sovereign Wealth Funds and Wealth Renationalization: Political Determinants of Investment Decisions
Investigates the significance of political motivation for wealth management within the SWFs. The study derives important factors influencing the investment decisions of wealth management. Аnalysis of significance of political factors of decision-making.
Consideration of the interaction of international law, domestic law in the field of human rights on the example of the legislation of Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Russia. Study of the interaction of international law and the law of the European Union.
Sovereignty - a complex of power relations that provides for a system of universal control and the legitimate use of violence. Sovereigntism - an instrument of combating the interference of international institutionalized actors in domestic politics.
Different Trajectories of Sovereign Policies and Conflicts with Key Rethinks of the Political Order in the EU. Assessment of the importance of sovereignty as a model of valuable substitution of elements for the post-sovereignty of the European Union.
The trajectories of sovereignist politics and their clash with the preconditions of the political order in the EU on the example of the development of Poland and Hungary. Assessing the importance of sovereignty as a model of value substitution.
- 876. Sovereignty in a Federal State: Theoretical and Legal Bases and Practice of Implementation in Russia
The article raises the issue of state sovereignty in a federal state and reveals its legal nature. The authors draw attention to the diversity of approaches to the concept and essence of sovereignty, reveal its correlation with related categories.
The composition of the service photo archive created by the Rosenberg Operations Headquarters under his management in Berlin during World War II. Photographs taken by the staff of the Operations Staff in the territory of the USSR from 1942 to 1944.
Identification of general and specific trends in the implementation of models of the Soviet and post-Soviet modernization of the forest industry in Russia. Analysis of the interaction between the state, the timber industry complex and the region.
Analysis of the Soviet comedy of 1961 "The Girls", created by director Y. Chulyukin on the script of B. Bednyj. The story of the film, the success of the audience. The leading actors, the storyline. International fame actors who starred in the film.
Explains why, as dissident movement burgeoned in the Soviet Union in the 1960s, there was almost no discussion about the October Revolution in samizdat, it was the anti-Stalinist motif that predominated instead. Analysis of the peculiarities of Leninism.
Feature competitive advantage of Lithuania in the global tourism market. Characteristic architectural industry in the country as a unique cultural product. The essence of studying the possibility of using a Soviet heritage for touring development.
The function of the Soviet Peace Prizes in the system of ideological resistance to the "cold war" period. Change your mind, cause those officials to spend the premium. Representation of the Soviet Union in the international arena as a peacekeeping power.
- 883. Soviet Russian: translation losses as a weapon of information warfare against Ukraine (2013-2020)
The Soviet Russian language as a mechanism for creating a false reality. Performative statements that created and supported the false reality around Russia's aggression against Ukraine with pseudo-content, with which the peacekeepers were forced to work.
Military and nuclear — had proven during the Second World War to have the potential to demonstrate the superiority of a country. Then, its internationalization in the post-war period led to its being considered a key element of cultural diplomacy.
Acquaintance with the peculiarities of internationalization in the post-war period. Consideration of the key elements of cultural diplomacy. General characteristics of the conference on the general theory of relativity, which took place in Tbilisi.
Characteristics of foreigners' impressions of traveling through the territory of Soviet Ukraine on the basis of newspaper articles, archival materials and published memoirs. Consideration of the consequences of the establishment of Bolshevik power.
- 887. Sovietization of western Ukraine (1939-1941) in the public opinion of the Ukrainians in the USA
Analysis of the international position of the USA at the beginning of the Second World War. The role of the Ukrainian diaspora in America in forming a negative image of the USSR in the 1930s. Discussions about Soviet policy in the former Polish lands.
The influence of sowing date on the plans productivity of spinach. The dependence of the sowing date on soil fertility. The influence of sowing period on the yield and quality of garden spinach grown in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine.
Понятие и сущность sp3-гибридизации. Модель атома с sp3-гибридными орбиталями. Примеры соединений, для которых характерна sp3-гибридизация. Характеристика электронного строения атома углерода. Химические связи и гибридизация орбиталей атома углерода.
Описание популярной в настоящее время аббревиатуры SPA (СПА), истории её возникновения и использования сейчас в индустрии красоты и спорта. Анализе возможных вариантов расшифровки данной аббревиатуры на латинском языке и их перевода на русский язык.
Building the potential of a location to improve its economic future and the quality of its people’s life - the aim of local development. Using of space technologies in all sectors of state and public life - a basic feature of the information society.
Analysis of key international legal instruments on outer space developed in the middle of the 20th century. Features of updating international and national legislation. Consideration of regulatory issues of space activities in the field of space law.
Analysis of ideas about space reflected in video games. The main categories of video games that can spread the ideas of the great narrative of space exploration are highlighted. The study used the concept of Jean-Francois Lyotard's metanarrative.
The article explores the spatial and temporal world-image dimensions in Irish epic (mythological, heroic and wonder tale) traditions. Binary and threefold world concepts and the problem of inheriting mythological space and time concepts are analyzed.
Conceptualization of the definition of space as a semantic unit of linguistic consciousness. Compositional features of the fractalization process. Correction of the actual affective dynamics of the observer, the principle of the semantic fractal.
Absence of provisions on human rights in international space law, international agreements and resolutions of the UN General Assembly. Analysis of the circumstances and conditions of application of human rights to the lex lata of international space law.
This article is a continuation of study of the results of the regulation of space activities over the period from 1958 to the present. One of the most important issues is the question of the jurisdictions of subjects of space activities and space law.
Study of the process of regulation of space activity in the period 1958-1963. Analysis of the UN Resolution and Declaration on space law, territorial jurisdiction and subject-object composition of participants in orbital and extraterrestrial flights.
Алгоритм применения метода SPACE-анализа для оценки инвестиционного потенциала предприятия. Факторы инвестиционной привлекательности. Определение состояния предприятия на рынке инвестиционных ресурсов. Коэффициент обновления и материалоотдача предприятия.
The results of the implementation of spaced repetition of L2. The study investigated the possible effects of repetition on the incidental acquisition and retention of 120 English target words by 51 Ukrainian-speaking ESL learners at Ukrainian university.