The article focuses on revealing the essence the concept of "popularity" from the point of view of linguistics based on the study of speech and non-speech behavior of influencers - talk show hosts. Differences between influencers in UK and US societies.
Analysis of the importance of acquiring sociolinguistic competence in learning a foreign language. Advantages of communicative methods, acquisition of communicative competence through the development of language skills with minimal use of textbooks.
The analysis of the results of a sociolinguistic study of skills of national Mongolian writing was carried out according to age classification using the sociolinguistic method. Exploring role of language policy development for the future of bilingualism.
The purpose of the research is to assess linguistic aspect of the modern courtroom discourse, to characterize the role of legal English in non-English-speaking countries and the problems that accompany its introduction as a language of legal proceedings.
Full description for English Sociophonetics, Phonetic and phonological changes, Sociolinguistics and language change. Particular interest in the implications of speech variation on theories of language change. The relationships between phonetic form.
The features of distributed leadership within one group over time. Its changes in time and space in terms of its manifestations and effectiveness. The role of the leader as a flagship and relies on his interaction with other members of the groups.
- 697. Sociological analysis of the factors influencing citizens' attitudes to local governments in Ukraine
Determining the correlation between satisfaction with communal services and attitudes towards local government. Consideration of factors that could sufficiently serve as indicators of the attitude of citizens to the authorities and self-government.
Study the essence of hybrid warfare within the sociological aspect. Characterized and noted that organisational weapons are based on special technologies of organisational management reflexion, which are aimed at representatives of social groups.
Study of the essence of hybrid warfare in a sociological aspect. Technologies of organizational management reflection aimed at representatives of social groups and institutions involved in long-term and short-term regulation of population behavior.
"Soft power" as the basis of social technology, a system of means and methods of influencing social processes, people's livelihoods. The mechanism of the influence of organizational weapons on the value-semantic models of the perception of social reality.
Revealing the essence of organizational weapons, which is based on special technologies of organizational management reflection. Consideration of the mechanism of influence of organizational weapons on value-meaning models of perception of social reality.
The social significance of the study of social-pathological phenomena. Alcoholism as a form of deviant behavior and the most common and influential factor of destroying the physical and psychological health and negative changes in human behavior.
An innovative product of education as the erudition of a person that meets the growing demands of a market society. Characteristics of the basic instruments, which used in the motivation of scientific and pedagogical staff to qualitative teaching.
Audiovisual art - one of the most important trends in creative and informational work of culture and art workers and satisfaction of spiritual and informational needs of the audience. Sociological aspects of socio-cultural system of media producing.
Land reform in Serbia its outcome in the form of farm structures and land fragmentation. Agriculture and the changes of the social structure. The emergence of agricultural enterprises as a result of the privatization process, differentiated peasantry.
The acquaintance with the peculiarities of the emergence of sociology, a review of the methods. General characteristics of the structure of sociological knowledge. O. Kont as the founder of sociology as an independent science, the analysis of activity.
Types of information security threats: humanitarian and technical. the problem of use of employing amendments of information environment as specific weapon for gaining political, economical, war objectives. Psychological individual protection system.
- 708. Sociology of sports and the space of sports practices: social genesis and sociological theories
Determination of the need to identify the relationship of physical culture with society with all elements of the social structure. Analysis of the prerequisites for the formation of the sociology of sports as an independent scientific discipline.
The impact of digitalization on the production of metamorphoses and side effects on society and man. The contours of the conception of "the digital turn in sociology" and identifying its essence in comparison with other, previous turns in sociology.
Substantiation of the need for a socio-pragmatic approach to the training of future teachers of English. Forms of achieving the communicative competence of specialists for the ability to appropriately and politely apply the language in a social situation.
Acquaintance with the features of the use of social and communication technologies in the organization of an advertising campaign and the formation of information and media culture. Analysis of the promotional activities of the Institute of Journalism.
Peculiarities of the application of social and communication technologies in the organization of an advertising campaign and the formation of information and media culture on the example of the Private University. Traditional and innovative approaches.
Socratic dialogue as a genre of Ancient philosophical literature, represented by the so-called Socratics. Original affinity of the kairos with art of weaving, which is considered as paradigm of the art of interweaving of logoi and dramatic composition.
Анализ прорывной технологии public relations под названием soft power. Влияние традиционных технологий коммерческих коммуникаций, таких как реклама и PR, стимулирование продаж и direct mail на общество. Стандарт коммерческой коммуникации soft power.
The priorities of the national security of Ukraine are the protection of the interests of the individual, society and the state. Creating an attractive image of the country in the world community, attracting partners, developing diplomatic ties.
Analysis of the role of "soft power" tools in the national security system. The priorities of the national security of Ukraine are the protection of the interests of the individual, society and the state. The process of formation of "new" public diplomacy
Розгляд поняття, видів та шляхів формування Soft Skills: комунікації, лідерства, співпраці, рольових спеціальних навичок, управління часом та використання програм і платформ. Аналіз інструментів формування Soft Skills під час навчання природничих наук.
Новые требования к рабочей силе, профессиональным компетенциям и надпрофессиональным навыкам. Выявление представлений о понятии "soft skills" в студенческой и преподавательской среде, включение его в программы подготовки российских бакалавров и магистров.
Висвітлення специфіки й формування переліку soft skills, важливих для ІТ-фахівця. Дослідження ключових проблем при формуванні відповідних soft skills та способи їх подолання для розробників програмного забезпечення. Поведінкові компетентності фахівця.
Етапи розвитку навичок. Зв’язок мови й образного мислення з моторикою рук. Формування та розвивання Soft skills (когнітивних, соціально-поведінкових). Групи м’яких навичок. Управління увагою та концентрація. Просторове мислення й уява, емоційний інтелект.