A feature of the formation of the atheistic nature of the philosophy of Marxism. Characterization of the transformation of spinosism ideas in an atheistic way. Presentation of Benedict Spinoza about God in the form of an undoubted, absolute truth.
The mosaic picture of the inner world of a personality, its spiritual values (intellectual, moral, aesthetic, religious ones). A special course, master course "Spiritual and Moral Upbringing of a Personality" for the students of pedagogical specialties.
The role of the Club of Rome in the development of philosophical and ethical approaches to the global change of the future. Paradigms of the global strategy of world balance (Meadows), new humanism (Pecchei), new enlightenment (Weizzeker, Wiikman).
- 1024. Spiritual practices of Zen Buddhism in the conditions of globalization challenges of modern times
Peculiarities of the spiritual practices of Zen Buddhism as a way of human self-knowledge. Popularity of the philosophy of Zen Buddhism in modern Western society. Contrasting individual inner spiritual experience with authorities and external revelation.
Analysis of modern trends in the development of the information society. Characteristics of stereotypes of behavior in the media space. Dehumanization of the world and devaluation of traditional values. Ensuring the spiritual security of the state.
Studying the symbolism of the anthem of Ukraine. Investigation of the structure of the text. An analysis of the ethnographic roots of the work, features of its architectonics. Application M. Verbitsky symphonic method of development of musical intonation.
Empirical studies that purport to measure spirituality. The psycho-social correlates of religion and spirituality among young people. The investigation of the interaction of religiosity and spirituality with measures of psycho-social adjustment.
- 1028. Splendors of Russia
Seven Wonders of Russia. Peterhof, Weathering pillars, lake Baikal, Valley of Geysers and Elbrus. Sculpture "The Motherland Calls!" - compositional center of the monument-ensemble "Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle" on Mamaev Kurgan in centre of Volgograd.
Dementia - the disease which characterized by the breakdown of intellectual, communicative functioning and it is accompanied by personality change. Language and memory impairment - one of the symptoms, which can help recognized the Alzheimer Disease.
- 1030. Sport
Sport is physical athleticism and dexterity. Sport's rules for ensuring fair competition and consistent adjudication of the winner. History оf sport. Amateur and professional sport. Spectator involvement, technology plays. A sport place is in life.
A study of the processes of building national identity in South Africa after apartheid. The role of the United States in achieving mutual understanding between peoples through the development of sports and the conduct of international sports competitions.
The role of sports and sports entities as active factors in shaping the agenda of international relations. The principles of replacing classical actors of the world arena with non-standard units: individual athletes and sports teams and organizations.
The importance of sport and sports entities as active factors of the international agenda formation is proven. The importance of analyzing fans' narratives and symbolic objects of the urban landscape is emphasized in order to understand the trends.
- 1034. Sport in Britain
Sports is a popular leisure activity. Place of sports in the life of Britain. Cricket, football, lawn tennis, golf and rugby is the most popular sports that began in Great Britain. Sport is a very important part of a child's education in Great Britain.
- 1035. Sport in life
Sport as an individual group activity pursued for exercise or pleasure, often involving the testing of physical capabilities and taking the form of a competitive game. Kinds of sport: athletics, swimming, basketball. The first ancient Olympic Games.
Characteristics of the importance of the presence of sports for increasing the productivity of employees. The main feature of the orientation of physical activities to support sports at the workplace is a healthy lifestyle and health prevention.
Analysis of the role of receiving education in both physical and mental arts. Determining the basics of playing sports, which shape the personality and teach to live better. Consider and characteristic participating in activities that teach good values.
The "force field" cultural principles of formation and holistic personality development in sports culture. Sports culture philosophy of the individual in philosophical both anthropological analysis context. Anthropological sports activities examination.
Linguistic analysis of sports discourse as the language of sports subjects who, depending on the role reality, verbalize their communicative intentions in different ways. The place of sports in social life, in the communicative and informational space.
Sports management as a priority for the activity of the state in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yogo subject, object that principle. Development of the concept of innovative sports management in Ukraine in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Analysis of marketing tools that are appropriate to use in modern conditions in order to market enterprises in the field of physical culture and sports services (on the example of Poland). Features of sports marketing. Forms of sports sponsorship.
The purpose of the article is to identify the characteristics of sports and animation services in cities and to establish the feasibility of training for sports and animation events in places of mass entertainment. The theoretical analysis is used.
- 1043. Spotlight
In the textbook incorporates the European standards for mastering conversational skills, raising to a new level of knowledge of grammar and vocabulary of a foreign language; development of communication skills, writing; understanding of another culture.
Tools of informational and psychological conflicts. Revealing the problems of identifying fake news. Disinformation of the population in order to influence the outlook and political situation. Methods of manipulation aimed at discrediting Ukraine.
Fake news and motives for their spread on the Internet. Fake news as one of the tools of warfare using information technology, a growing threat to the internal governance of the country or the destruction of its external and international relations.
Review of Basic Statistics With SPSS. Data Coding and Exploratory Analysis. Selecting and Interpreting Inferential Statistics. Several Measures of Reliability. Exploratory Factor Analysis and Principal Components Analysis. Multiple Linear Regression.
Characteristics of the specifics of squash as a racquet sport. Analysis of history of invention the game and its becoming an international sport. Description of the squash court and the rules of the game. Study of the popularity of squash in the world.
Justification of the legality of the squeeze-out procedure, taking into account the legal positions regarding the constitutionality of the regulatory provisions of the procedure for the mandatory sale of a block of shares. Determination of share price.
Історія запровадження процедури squeeze-out в Україні, статистика застосування з моменту запровадження на законодавчому рівні. Судова практика щодо оскарження законності та конституційності цієї процедури. Позиції судів іноземних держав по цьому питанню.
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