Organization of the initial process of disciplines related to the creation of microprocessor systems for an hour of remote training. The development of laboratory and practical work with the Tinkercad service on the basis of Internet technologies.
Analysis of existing methods and means of remote work with breadboard Arduino. The advantages of the Tinkercad Internet service in comparison with other tools of remote work. The service capability for microprocessor systems design has been considered.
Consideration of using the Tinkercad internet service to organize the educational process in disciplines related to the creation of microprocessor systems during Distance Learning. Examples of developed work using the Tinkercad internet service.
Анализ "Земного и небесного странствия Симоне Мартини" (1994) - произведения крупнейшего итальянского поэта XX в. Марио Луци. Устремленность творческого взора к небесному, вглядываемость в мир sub specie aeternitatis - то, что роднит поэта и художника.
The investigation of the effect of humor on teaching English language as a second language in order to define the relationship between humor and successful second language acquisition. Does humor help the English language learners study more effectively?
Research of manifestations of utopianism in the field of reform projects. The effectiveness of the study of utopian issues. The main prerequisites for the coming to power of the Jacobin political movement, the definition of their socio-political image.
History of life and creation of Thomas More. Basic ideas of his prominent work are "Utopia". Criticism of early feudal and capitalist society and idea of the perfect social and political systems. Opinion of contemporaries and criticism of "Utopia".
Consideration of the main stages of development of utopia as a philosophical idea, expressed in literary works. Research and characterization of specific features of a retrospective, prospective utopia and utopia that exists in an indefinite time.
Анализ опыта проектирования пользовательского взаимодействия с официальными сайтами компаний как части стратегии развития бренда, влияние разработок на бизнес-процессы компании. Проведение редизайна сайта с целью улучшения пользовательского интерфейса.
Special economic zones as a useful tool in the framework of the strategy of general economic growth, increasing the competitiveness of industry and attracting foreign direct investment. Analysis of patterns of development and economic consequences.
Способность капельной системы обеспечить равномерность распределения воды между всеми растениями по площади поливаемого участка, подачи удобрений и других веществ с водой. Методика повышения эффективности использования капельной системы орошения.