- 1141. Content and principles of the industrial enterprises interests economic harmonization in a crisis
Research of scientific approaches to the definition of the concept of "harmonization of interests of enterprises". The principles of harmonization of interests of industrial enterprises. Justification of economic harmonization of domestic enterprises.
Substantiation of the need for the training of future social educators to form the vital competence of the younger generation in the development of competently directed. The essence of the concepts of "life competence", "competently directed education".
The changes in human understanding in modern anthropological research. Study of the natural basis of the human being. Trends in human changes and signs of spiritual crisis. The need to take into account the concepts of the heritage of Eastern philosophy.
Forms of information services for users of Internet resources with the provision of documented information prepared in accordance with the needs of these users. Content marketing model for effective management of website content in Ukrainian business.
The essence, content of the professional competence of a special education teacher as an integral characteristic. Principles and methods of its formation, structure and components. Types of professional competence, their comparative nature, significance.
Content components of teaching English-language professionally oriented written speech of future bachelors of information technologies. Formation of skills in writing technical documentation and specification of requirements for software development.
Feature of the legislator's role in the labor function. Establishment of the mode of working hours, specific time intervals for repairing, regular payments and transfers at the link with the type of work. Defining the qualifications of the profession.
- 1148. Content of theoretical training of students in non-auditing studies of physical education classes
The paper the issues of non-auditing studies physical education classes in high school is considers. The relevance of the study is due to the objective need to increase the effectiveness of physical education students during their studies in university.
Clinical description of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia. Determination of the total content of antibodies to type I collagen and their relationship with the clinical manifestations of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia in patients.
The ways of realizing the educational potential of a foreign language in the context of improving the quality of professional training of the future engineer. Didactic conditions for successful learning of the content of the academic discipline ESP’S.
Checking the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions in the management of the Main Center for Training Personnel of the State Border Service of Ukraine. Assessment of readiness for professional activity of officers and commanders of border service units.
Content-based learning as a means of developing language skills. Emphasis on the topic of the lesson. Improving and meeting general educational needs. Important learning skills: taking notes, summarizing and highlighting key information from texts.
Using the language to gain a real goal, which can make students more independent and confident. Analysis of the content-based instruction theory, make some points about it clearer and summarize the main ideas. The inclusion of group work of students.
Exchange rates as one of the main indicators of the global economy. The factors that determine the dynamics of exchange rates. Econometric analysis of the dynamics of the Russian ruble nominal exchange rate and factors affecting it at different periods.
Analyze advertising discourse functioning in the context of the Internet. Importance of context of communication for fulfilling the purposes of communication process. Effective advertisements create associative links in the consciousness of a recipient.
The differentiation of the modality types in terms of certain features in the English language. The alternative and traditional means to express epistemic modality - grammatical categorie. The determination of a contextual way of its implementation.
Reviewed contextual features of periphrasis and euphemisms. As figures of substitution, they play an important role in the formation of a text. The characteristic features of the concept described in the context are emphasized by using the periphrasis.
The presented article deals with the contextual features of periphrasis and euphemisms which play an important role in the formation of the text. The characteristic features of the concept are described in the context. The goal of the periphrasis.
Complex definition of the concept "term". Revealing, by the example of polysemantic terms, the cases of their use in various fields of science and technology. Denial of the independence of terms from the linguistic and extralinguistic types of context.
The paradox of skepticism. Contextualizing epistemic standards. Сlosure under known logical implication. The paradox of skepticism. counterexample to contextualism in ordinary epistemic contexts. Two different sorts of replies to skeptical arguments.
Stages of development of bilingualism in the republics of South Siberia. Formation of its social context under the influence of extralinguistic factors and linguistic hierarchy. Analysis of the influence of the pragmatic approach on linguistic behavior.
The structure of modern choreographic education in Ukraine, its continuity as a leading trend of development. Strategic directions of modernization of national choreographic education, ways to overcome crisis phenomena at different educational levels.
Modern educational trends and the direction of education on globalization and large-scale integration into the world space. The urgency of the question of language learning. Search for the most perfect and high-quality way to teach a foreign language.
Deals with research of American poetic discourse with the estimation of role performed of aspect in the process of discourse molding. Consideration of form of the English verb Continuous as point of intersection of categories of time and aspectuality.
- 1165. Continuous professional development of teachers: European context of Ukrainian transformations
Methods of modernization of continuous pedagogical education of Ukraine through the Prism of the European Educational Environment. Stages and problems of developing a model for improving the skills of teachers in the system of pedagogical education.
Правило contra proferentem та особливості його законодавчого закріплення у європейських країнах. Опис поняття "домінуюча сторона" у споживчих та комерційних договорах. Аналіз української судової практики та англійського прецедентного права в цій сфері.
Дослідження проблем застосування contra proferentem і його впровадження. Вивчення ґенези появи і закріплення принципу contra proferentem в законодавчих актах, визначення його місця в сучасному міжнародному праві та в іноземних цивільних кодексах.
Ніжність, м’якість, особлива душевність, милосердя і доброта ліричної героїні у творах Лесі Українки. Пошуки нової особистості – борця і героя, мислителя, мрійника. Виразні життєстверджувальні мотиви, мотиви уславлення мужності й сили людського духу.
Дослідження діяльності дипломатичних представників Словацької держави. Критика планів чехословацького емігрантського уряду на чолі із Бенешем щодо відновлення Чехословаччини. Обґрунтування пропозицій щодо федеративного об’єднання країн регіону.
Ensuring the effectiveness of the implementation of the results of creative activity in the production and social life of Ukraine. Identifying the features of the contract as a means of legal regulation of relations in the field of intellectual property.