The system of Dirac equations describing the dynamics of quarks in hadrons metric. Assumed that the quarks interact via an external Yang-Mills field. Magnetic moments of the proton, neutron and lambda baryon. Model of the baryons in a stationary metric.
The article updates the aeropalynological monitoring in Ukraine. The research was conducted in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk (western Ukraine) from the beginning of February to the middle of October 2019, using a Durham gravimetric pollen collector.
- 933. Dynamics of residual concentrations of organochlorine pesticides in the soils of Zaporizhzhya region
Areas contaminated with persistent chlorine-containing pesticides DDT and alpha and gamma isomers of HZZR, are long-term retained and transformed in soil. Their decrease due to migration to deeper soil layers and the disintegration of the preparation.
The concept of community: networking approach. The emergence of the Internet as a new challenge to communities. Sociological professional communities in Russia. Description of the main types of social interactions: commenting and reacting; results.
A study of the features of the genre variety of dystopia science fiction based on the material of Hanley's drama. A dystopian space of characters who have lost the ability to feel human emotions and who understand their failures when it is too late.
Характеристика мікроорганізму Candida lipolytica – продуцента лимонної кислоти на н-парафінах; визначення показників її росту при культивуванні. Склад поживного середовища для вирощування мікроорганізму. Складання енергетичного балансу окиснення глюкози.