Biography of the first Minister of Health of the Ukrainian SSR, diplomat, scientist, academician of the USSR Lev Ivanovich Medved. Its role in reforming the health system, contributing to the development of preventive medicine in the postwar years.
Analysis of Zaytsev's personal qualities, as well as the facts of his becoming a person, a talented surgeon, a professional in his business. The review of the directions of his medical, scientific and pedagogical activity, contribution made to medicine.
Дослідження одного із засобів створення електронних навчальних ресурсів для організації ресурсно-орієнтованого навчання — програмний додаток Dr. Explain. Розгляд можливостей та ефективних прийомів, які використовуються при створенні електронних ресурсів.
Developing of the draft program on empirical research of the gender-specific manipulation in the family law processing. The key components of the program, scientific concepts, working hypotheses, methods of information collection and data processing.
Рассмотрение религиозных, христианских мотивов, содержащихся в игре Dragon Age: Inquisition от студии Bioware. Переосмысление классических для фэнтези RPG элементы сюжета. Гармония между двумя пластами видеоигры в том, что касается репрезентации религии.
Materials and methods of research data dragonflies detachment of prey flying insects in the small man-made bodies of water are located in the southern part of Krakow in the period 2001-2004. Number and distribution of dragonflies in different areas.
The development of the ability of students to confront ambiguous, fuzzy situations and interpret what they know creatively. Analysis of two female characters from T. Williams's two main plays: "Streetcar Named Desire" and "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof".
Development of expression and symbolism. The use of drama as a means of educational therapy in relieving growth of persons with mental disabilities. Activation of intellectual functioning disabled persons at all levels of its activities through drama.
The use of drama as a means of pedagogical therapy for persons with mental disabilities in promoting their development. A description of the methodology of the development of social behavior. Activation of work of persons with intellectual disabilities.
Research of the origins and evolution of drama functions of a dance in the opera, influence of dance on the common concept of the work. Reference to early examples of the opera genre, to the works of composers from Italy, Germany and England referring.
Estimate of frequency prevalence of alleles of the DRD4 gene in nomadic and urban residents of the north of Western Siberia. Preparation of samples of buccal epithelium cells for polymerase chain reaction. The essence of finding differences in children.
Особенности накопления загрязняющих веществ в моллюсках дрейссене-обрастателей мобильного биоплато на примере о. Средний Кабан. Сравнение выведения тяжелых металлов разными гидробионтами. Роль моллюсков дрейссена в аккумуляции загрязняющих веществ.
Определение понятия dress-up на основе существующих исследований, приведение список характеристик жанра. Проведение комплексного анализа анкеты, показывающей предпочтения игроков в играх жанра dress-up, а также при создании аватаров игровых персонажей.
Анализ клинических проявлений синдрома гиперчувствительности к лекарственному препарату. Определение причин появления Dress-синдрома, теорий его развития. Оценка активности олигоаденилатсинтетазы лимфоцитов, показывающей активность синтеза интерферона.
A posterior densities for objects that are of interest for designing and evaluating monetary policy. The measures of inflation persistence, the natural rate of unemployment, a core rate of inflation, and "activism coefficients" for monetary policy rules.
- 886. Drilling fluids
The drilling-fluid system—commonly known as the "mud system" as the single component of the well-construction process. Functions Of Mud. Drilling Mud Additives. Blowout is the most spectacular, expensive and highly feared hazard of drilling. Gel strength.
Review of the history of economic teachings, their methodological principles in the formation of ecological and economic theories and environmental economics and the global ecological and economic system. The main value of certain economic theories.
Methods and parameters calculation resistance rail and passenger trains. Calculations and comparisons for aerodynamic, rolling and total resistance for a variety of freight trains under different loading conditions, operating speed and configuration.
Innovative solutions and their application in journalism for gathering facts, observing events, obtaining unique video material. The role of drones in the media industry. Describes the use of drones in the media to facilitate the work of reporters.
Описание причин изменения содержания белка и скорости его синтеза в крыловых и магинальных дисках. Определение вероятности появления аномальных крыльев с "вырезками" у дрозофил, гетерозиготных по гену и процента отклонения от фенотипа дикого типа.
A study of the social practice of the late imperial and early Soviet public health period to assess the evolution of medical approaches to the treatment of addiction to opiates, cocaine and cannabis. The drug use was defined as a social problem.
Characteristics and peculiarities of criminal law policy on drugs and alcohol in Hungary, the United States of America. The issue of the legalization of soft drugs and the total prohibition of their circulation in the context of the fight against crime.
The key role of acid in the pathogenesis of gastroesophageal reflux disease. The possibility of suppressing GERD using proton pump inhibitors. Strengthening of defense mechanisms and/or protection of the esophagus mucosa in the treatment of patients.
Characteristics and features of caffeine. Lethal acute oral dose of caffeine for humans. Consideration of the drug caffeine as a means of oncological and radiological pharmacology. Protective action against cytogenotoxicity caused by vinblastine.
Переключение передач и управление сцеплениями сплошным модулем Мехатроник. Рассмотрение неисправностей и проблем, характерных для DSG. Признаки неисправности и ремонт роботизированных коробок передач. Особенности управления автомобиля с коробкой DSG.
- 896. Dual education as an effective tool for enhancing the professional competence of future lawyers
European experience in implementing practice-oriented educational and professional training programs for future lawyers. Theoretical and practical modules of student training. Dual education as a promising form of higher education in Ukraine in a crisis.
Analysis of legislative acts of Ukraine, the legal nature of land lease agreements is considered. These documents are determined to have characteristics of both civil law and administrative instruments. Relations regulated by the land lease agreements.
Description of the views of scientists in the field of investment capital. Analysis of economic concepts and dualistic nature as a resource and asset in the space-time continuum. The definition of the essence and components of investment resource.
The essence of due process as a task of criminal proceedings. The genesis of the concept of "due process" in the legal system of England and the United States as a guarantee of prevention of arbitrariness of power. Author's definition of the concept.
Provisions of the law on the fulfillment of obligations to provide women with a means of livelihood after divorce in the regulations of Indonesian religious justice. Women's trust in courts, which must protect their rights and resolve legal issues.